HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181251 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20180919ROY COOPER
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Envlronmentc/ Quo!!ty
Sep�ember 19, ?01 S
Granville Coimt�
NCDWR Projec[ No.301813�1
SR 16'_3
Statr Project Na 17BP.�.CPE
Mr. Joe} I lopkins, P.E.. Division En�,ineer
NCDOT. Division �
?613 North Duke Street
Durham. NC ?770d
Uear Mr. Hupkin;:
You hace our apprue�al, in arcurdance wi�h the conditiuns listed below. for the following impacts for the purpose o(
a culver[ replacement on SR 16'_: in Granville Counry:
Stream Im acts in the Tar-Pamlico River Basin
Permanent Fill in Perennial Riprap in Perennial Temporary Dewatering to Total Slream
Stream llinear ftl Stream flinear ftl Perennial Stream (linear fU Imoac[ Ilinea�
To[al Stream Impact for Prnjec[: 83 linear fee[.
Site Zonc I Impact
(s R)
Totals 3657
Tar-Pamlico R�aria
Zone I Buffer Mifi�ation Required
Zone 2 Impact
Zune 2 Buffer Mitiga[ion
* n;a = Tbtal lirr Sitc is less than I; acre and I�0 linear feet of impac�, no miti�ation required
To[al Buf(er Impact for Project: 5686 square fee[.
D_E Q�,�
North Carolina DeGartme��rt ol Er�wronm�nta� Qi,ei�.i, Drvision of Wa[er Reseurces
i12 North Salisbury Street 1617 Mail Sen�r,e Center Ral=_igh. North Carolina 27659-161�
919.707 91100
l'he �roject shall be consn'ucted in accurdance ��ith your applica�ion recci��ed September 13. ?018. After recie��ing
your application. ��e ha�e decidcd that Ihese impaets are co�ered b�� General Water Qualiq� Certitication Number
d 13'_ l�his cenitication con�esponds to the Nationwide Pennit i issued by� die Corps of En�ineers'. This approval is
also v�lid for the Tar-Pamlico Ripari�n f3utl�cr Rulcs ( I�A NCAC 3B.0?i9). In addition, yuu should acquire any
other federal. state or bcal permit, before cuu procecd with your projrct includim� (but not limited to) Sediment and
Frusion Contrul. Non-Diseharge and Water Supph- Watcrshed re�ulation;. This approval will expire �ith the
accompanyin�_ 1G-1 �ermit.
This approval is valid solely (or the purpose and desi�n described in ��our application �unless moditied below).
Should your project change, you must notih� the NCDWR and submit a new application. Ifihe property is sold. the
new owner mus[ be �iven a eopy of this Certitication and approval letter, and is thereb�� responsible for complying
�vith all the conditions. If total wetland fills tor this project lno�c or in the fuhire) exceed one acre, or of total
impacts to �treams (no�� or in the Puture) esceed I50 linear feet. compensatory mitigution ma� be r<quired as
described in ISA NCAC �li .0�06 (h) �6) and (7). Additional buffer impacts may� require eompensarory miiigation
as described io I?A NCAC 3R.0359. For this approval to remain valid, yau must adhere to the conditions listed in
the General Ceitiflcation and am� additional ennditions listed below.
Conditions oP Certificatiun:
L Unless o[herwise approved in �his certi�ication, placemen� ofcul�erts and od�er structures in open waters and
strcams. shall be placed belo�c the elevatiun of the streambed bc one foor for all culverts with a diameter ;raater
than �18 inches, and 20 pereent of the culcert diameter tor culverts havin_ a diamerer less than d8 inches. to ailow
lo�c flo�+� passa,c ot wa�er and aquatie life. Design and placement ofculvens and other �tnictures includina
[emponry ero,ion control measurcs shall not be conducted in a manner that may result in dis-rquilibrium of
wetlands or streambeds or banl:s. adjacent ro or upstream and do�vn stream of die above sn�uctures. lhe applicant is
required to providc evidence that the equilibrium is being maintained if reques-ted in writin, by dtz NCDN-R. If this
condition is unable to be met due to bedrock or other limitin�, icatures eneounrered during construction, ple�se
eon[act the NCDW R for guidance on how to proceed and to derermine whether or not � pennit modi�ieation will be
required. �ISA VCAC O�Ii.O?06(b)['1]
3. If midtiple pipes or barrels are required. [hey shall be desi;ned to mimie naturnl stream cross section as closely as
possible includine pipes or baircls at (lood plain eleoation and.or sills w�here appropriat�. Widening the stream
channel should be avoided Stream ehannel widening at the inlet or outlet end of structures typicallc decreases
wa�er velocii} causin, sediment deposition that requires increased maintenanee and disrupts aquatic life passage.
[I�A NCAC 0'_H.0�06(b)('_)�
3. Riprap shali not be placed in ihe active �halwe � ehannel or placed in the streambed in a manner that preeludes
aquatic life passa_e. Ricen�ineering boulders or structures should be properl} designed, sized and installed. ( ISA
NCAC 03H.0506(b)(�)�
a. For all streams bein� impacted due tu site de�c�terin� activi[ies, the site shall be �raded to its preconstruction
contours and reve,etated with �ppropriate native species. �I �A NCAC 0?H.Oi06(b)(3))
5. The stream channel shall be excavated no deeper than the natural bed material of [he s[ream, to the maximum
extent praeticable. Efforts must be made to minimize impacts ro the stream banks, as well as to vegetation
responsible for maintainin�� the stream bank stability. Any applicable riparian buffer impact for acce�s to stream
channel shall be temporarv and be reve �etated with native riparian species. [15A NCAC O�H.O>06(b)(3)]
6. All stormwater runoff shall be direcred as shee[flow [hrouuh stream butfers at non-erosive velocities, unless
otherwise approved by this certitication. [I�A NCAC 3E3.0��9J
7. All riparian buffers impacted by the placement of temporary hll or clearin� activi[ies shall be restored to [he
preconstruetion contours and revegetated. Maintained huflcrs shall be pennanentl� reaegetated with non-woody
�D E
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919 7079000
.pecies b�� thr end ol the �ro�� im_ ,eason followin� cumpletiun ul construction. Fur the purpose of this condition,
maimuined buffer:u�ea+ �re deflned -as arcas ��i�hin the u�ansportation corridur diat will be su6jact tu regular NCDOT
maintcnance;�cti�iti�, includin � mowin,. l�he are� with non-inaimained 6ufters shall be prrmanemly reve,etated
with na�ive wuudy species belore the ne��� groevin, srason Iollu� im, completiun uf consiruction. � I SA NCAC
8. Pursuant to I iA NCAC 3B.0_'�91G1. sediment and erusion contrul Ja� ices shal I not ba placed in /_unz I of an}
�iar-Pamlico Bulfrr ��ithout prior approval h< �he NCDW R. At this timz. the NCDN`R has approved no sedimen�
nnd erusion cuntrul devias in Zune L outsidc of the approved pruject impacts. anp��h�re on this prqject. Moreuver.
sediment and erosion control d�vices .hall be nlluwed in Lune ? of �he bulfers provided �hat Zone I is not
compromised and that discharge is released as difliise flo�+.
9. IFconcrete is used durin�� cunsiructiun, a dry� work area shall be maiatained �u pr�cent direct contact betw�een
curin, concrcie and stream tiater. Water that inadvertentl} comacts uncured concrere shall not be discharged tn
surl�ace waters due tu the poiential (ur elevated pH and possible aquaiic life and hsh kills. � I�,4 NCAC 0?B.0_'00�
IQ Durin�, �he construction of the project, no sta_ing of equipmam of any kind is permined in waters ul the U.S_ or
protrct�d ripariun buflers. j 15.A NCAC 0_'I I.Oip(,�h)l'-1�
I I. The dimensiun, pattern and �rofile of the stream abue�c and bclo�v the crossine shall not be moditied. Disturbed
Floodplains and ;treams shall be res�ored to natural �eomorphic condilions. j I�.A NCAC 03H.0�0616)1'_1�
13. I-hc use of rip-rap aboc�c the Normal Iligh Water Ntark shall bz minimized. An� rip-rap pinced for stream
smbilization >hall be placed in svaam channels in such a manner dmi i� does not impede aquatic life pas,aee. [I �A
NCAC 0?Ii.0�061b1('_1�
I+. �he Permittee shall eiuure that the tinal desi;n drawing, adhere ro Ihe permit and to rhe permit drati�ings
submitted for npprovaL [I iA NCAC 0_'ll .0�071c) and I�.4 NCAC 03H .Ui061h)I�) and (c)�,2)�
la. .411 �curl. in ur adjacem to siream waters shall be conducted in a dry work m�ea. Appro�zd BMP me�jsures t}um
the mos� current version of NCDOI� Con,truction �nd Maintenance Actioitizs manual ,uch as sandba,s. rock benns.
coff�erdains and uther dioersiun svuctures shall be used to pre�ent esca�aiion in flo�+�in� water� [ISA NCAC
02H.U�06161(3l and I.c)(31�
I�. Heavq eyuipmznt ,hall be uperated from the banks rather than in the �tmam channel in order tu minimix
sedimentation and reduce the introduc�ion ol o�her pollu[ants imo tlie stream. � I?A NCAC 0?H.Oi06(61f3)�
16. All mechanized eyuipm�nt operated near surface �+aters inust be re�_ularly inspected and maintained to prevent
contaminaiion ul stream �saters Gum fuels, lubricams. h}dr�ulic fluids, or odier toxic materials. [ I>A NGAC
17. No rock, sand or u�her materials shall be Jrcdged ��om the sveain channzl except where authorized by this
certificatinn. � I�A NCAC 0_'H.0�06(b)(i)j
18. Dischar�,in, Mdroxed miztures and washin_ out hydroseeders and uthrr equipmeni in or a�jacent lu surface waters
is prohibited. [ I SA NCAC 021 i.0�06(b)( +)]
19_ Tht permittee and its authorized agents shall conduct its activities in a manner consistent w'ith Sta[e watar quality
standards (includin, an}� requirements rewl�im� from compliance with �=03(d1 of the Clean Water AcU and am uther
appropriate requirements of State and Federal la��. If the NCDW R determiiies that such s�andards or laws are not being
met ( including the failure to sustain a desi:na[ed or achieved usr) or tha� State or Yederal law is bein� violated, or that
further conditions are necessary to assure cumpliance. the NCDW R ma} reevalua[e and modif� this ceni�icatiun. � I iA
NCAC 6?B.0'_00�
�, D E Q�,�
i�orth Caroiina Department of E��a�runn��:nt��, �-���,'. Dioision ot Wacer Hesuurcea
�12 Nor?h Sahstiwy SVeet 1617 Mail Serc�ca Cai�ter Raleigh. North Caroluia 27699�161'
�0. .4 copy ul �his Wutrr Qualit� CeniYication shall be maintained on thr consrruction ,ite at all times. In addition. ihe
Water Quali[c Certitication and all �ubsequent moditicatinns. ifan}�. shall be maintained �cith thc Division F.n�ineer anJ
the on-,ite pruject mnnager. [ I SA Nl AC D_'H .Ui07(c1 �nd I i�1 NCAC 0'_li .O�OG Ibll_'1 und Ic)1? 1�
?I. The outside buffer. �aeUand or wuttr boundary located within thc cunstruction con�idor approved h} this
nuthorization, includin_ all non-cummercial borrow and �vaste sites as;ucia�td �cith the pruject. shall he clearl� marl.ed
h� hi�hl� � isible tencim� prior to anr land disturbine �etivities. hnpacts to artas �aithin the lencing arz prohibi�ed unless
otherwi�e authurized b� this ctrtihc�tion. �I�A NCAC 0_'H.Ui01 and .0�0'_�
'_'_. l�he issuancz uf this certiticatiun dues nut exempt thz Permitlee i}um cumplyim, with am anJ all statutes, ntles.
regulatioiu, or ordinances that ma�� be imposed b}� oiher ��ovemment agencies (i.r. local, state, and lederal) havin,
jurisdiction. includims hut na limiied to applicable buffer rules. s[unm�ater mana_ement rulzs, soil erosion and
srdimentation convol requirement>. ete.
'_�. The Pernii« ae shall report am viulatioiu oF this certificatiun to the Division of W'ater Rasources wi�hin ?-t h��w�s of
discoven. [IiA NCAC 02B.Oi06�b)(_')�
'_�1. Upun comple[ion of the prujact (includim, am� impacts at assuciated burroH or �eastr sites), the NCDO f Divisinn
Enginaer �hall complete and retum the encluszd "Certitication ul ('ompl�tion Furm" �o nu[itj� thz NCDN'R �+hen all
�wrk included in the 301 Certillcation h.0 been completed. � I iA NCAC Q?H.050?I f)�
'S. Natioe riparian ve_etatiun li.z.. trzes nnJ shrubs native tu �air gz�i �raphic regiunl must be reestablished in the
riparian areas �vidiin the constructiun limi[s of Ihe project b� the end of the �trowin �,ea,on ibllowin_ coinpletion of
cunstruction. [I �A NCAC 0'_'B.0?i9110)j d � I�A NC4C 0?6.0�0G(b)1'_)�
'6. There shall be nu e.�caratiun livm, or wasre dispusal into, lurisdinional �vedands or waters associated Hith this
permit withuw apprupria�e moditieation. Should u-aste or horru�� ti�es. or acc�sti roaJs to tiaste ar borrow sites, bz
located in weUands or stre2m5, compen�arory initi__aiinn �cill be required since that is a direct iinpact froin rond
cunsiruction aaioities. [I �A NCAC 0?H.Oi06(b)(3) and �c)(3)
?Z Erosiun and �zdimznt connvl pr�ctices must Ur in Full compliance �� ith all spzcitica[ions governing the pruperdesign.
installation and operation and maintznance ot ;uch Best Manag�ment Practices in order to protect surface wa�ers
standards [I>A NCAC 0_'H.0�061h)1 �1 and (cll?1:
a. The erosion and ,�diment control measures for the project must b� designed, installed, operated. and
maintained in accordance with the most recent version uf die ��urdi ('urr,li���r Se�(iment und F.rosiun
Cunu�n! P(�rnnine uit<l D�o�ign .ihuruul.
b. The design. installation, operation, and mainten�once of the sediment and erosion control measures must
bc such thac they eyuaL or e�c�ed, the reyuircm�nts specilled in the must recent ceniun oFthe �'urih
C�u��drm� Srdunenr �nr�! F_rasiun Coniru! ]lu�ru��L The deviczs shall be maint�ained un all construction
sites, borro�� sites. and wastz pilz Ispoill pru.lecis, includin, cuntractar-o��ned or leased borro�� pits
associared with the project.
c. Por bunnw pit sites. [he rrosion and sedimen[ contrul measures must be desi�ned, installed, opera�ed.
and maintainzd in accordance w�ith the most recent versinn uf ihe ;tior�h Cur�ulinu .S+uy�rre 1✓ii7rwg
d. The reclamation meawrcs �nd implementation must comply with the reclamatiun in accordance wilh the
reyuiremen[s ol the Sedimentatiun Pullutiun Cumrol Act.
;�.. � Q�r
North Carolina �epartme�n or Env,ronmene_�� Q�.,����c, Dmisior or Water Resources
�1= Nortn Sai�sbu� SVaat 161' Y1a�! Ser,icz Ca�tter Raie�gh, Nortr Caronna 27699� 161'
919. �0 % 9U00
38. Sedimcnt and erusiun control measures �hall nut be placed in wedands or uirfxe wa�ers, or witliin � teet ofthe top
of bank. wi�hout prior approval fruin DW R. � I�� NCAC 0?II.OiU6(bl(31 and (c1131�
39. W'hen applicablc. all cunsiructiun activitie, shall be perfurmed and maintained in tiill compliance �cith G.S.
Chapter I I;A Anicic -1 (Sedimcnt and Pollution Control Act ol 197;). Reeardless ol applicability oF the Sediment
and Pollutiun Cuntrol Act all projects shall incorpurate uppropriate Best �lana_ement Pr�ctices ['or Yhe cuntrol of
sedimcnt and erosion su that no �iulations of state warer qualit} ;tandards. st�iutes. or rules occur. [ I�A NCAC 02H
0�06;6)(3) and (c)(3) and I>A NCAC 0'_B.0200�
30. Design, installation, upera�iun. �nd maintenance uf �II sediment and erosion con[rol measures shall be eyual tu or
ecceed the requircmrnts specified in the most reczn[ versiun uf [he :�'urdi Carulinu Sedinrem �incl E��o.��iun Cunu�ul
1(a�vuu/, or for linear transportatiun projects, the V('DOTSe�/inre�u wrd Er��rion Cuntrul ,llun«ul.
All �evices sh.dl bz main�ained on all cunstruc[iun si�e,. borroti� si�es, and Naste pile(spoil) sites, includin�_ contractur-
owned or leased burru�� pits associated �cith ihe project. Sutlicient materials required for stabilization and/or repairof
arosion control measw�esand stonnwater routineand treatment shall be on site at all times.
For burrow� pit sitts, thz erosion and sediment control measures shall be designed, insialled, opzrated, and main[ained
in accordance �+�ith die musl recenl version of the ��'<u�ih C�rrulire�i Suiyiicr dlinin,� ,V�u�uuL Reclamation measures and
implementatiun sh�ll cumph� witl� the reclamation in accurd�nce �+�ith die reyuirements ol the Sadimentatiun Pullution
Control Act and the Minim� Act of 197L �15A NCAC 0?H.0�0616)�3) and �c)�3): GC 413�]
It you wish to contzst an� statement in thz attached Certific�[ion }ou must file a petition lor an administrative
hearing. You ma� ubtain the petition fonn From the uflice of Administratioe hearin,s. Yuu must file ihe petition
with the oltice of Administrative I laarin� s wi�hin si.ety (GQ) da�s of receipi ol this notice. n peti�ion is considered
filad �vhen it is recei�ed in the oftice uf .4dministrative Hearines durin, nurmal uliice hours. The 011�lce ul
Admini,trltive Hearin,s accepu tilin,s Munday through I�rida� bznezen the huw�s of B:OOain and �:OOpm, e�cept
lur ofticial state holida}�s. -The uri��inal and one 1 I) cop� uf ihe peti[ion miut be tiled �+�i�h thz OFtice ol
.4dministrative 1-lzarines.
The prtition ma� be fa�eJ-provided the uriginal and one cop� of'the ducument is receivrd by the Ofticz of
.Adininistrative Hearin_s' within five l?1 busines't da}�s f�ollotiing the Faxed transmission.
The mailine address for the Oftice of Administratiee I-learines is:
OFtice oFAdministrative Hearines
671-t h1ail Service Center
Ralei_h, NC'_7699-671�1
Telephone:1919)�31-_00Q �acsimile: (919)-l: I-3100
A copc of the petition must also be served on DF.Q as Folluws:
Mr. Bill F. Lane. General Counxl
Department of Cnvironmental Quali���
1601 Mail Service Center
�.... � � Q��'
Nor!h Car�hna DepBrtn-�ent r,f E•�mronmen!al QUa4iv Divi90n of W3t8r R?50urC9S
:� 12 Nurth Salishur,� SVa2t 1617 Mad S�rvex Canter � Raieigh. Nor;I+Carohna 2 7 6 9 9-161=
919. i 07.900U
This letter completes the review of thz Division of Water Resources under Section -101 of [he Cl�an Water AcL If you
have an�� questions, plcase con(act Rob Ridin,s a[ 919-707-87g6.
�S U Y �
/ �//%?��y2' .
l.l� Linda Culpepper, Intenm Directur
V� Division of Wa[er Resources
Electronic copy only distribution:
lames Las[inger. US Army Corps of Enaineers, Raleigh Field Office
Heather Montague. Dicision 5 Cmironmental Specialisi
File Cop}
.�:y_:_._� Q��
Nnrtli Carohna Departmen[ of Ene�ror�men!ai Qaai�n� Drv�swn of Waler Resources
512 North Sahsbury Stree: 1617 Man Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-161i
fnrerrvn 1Nrerrnr
«Y �; .
I:.� �
Envlronmertta! Qun(!ty
NCDWR Nruject No.:
Projrct M1Ame: _ _ _
Uatc of Issuancc of J01 Water Quality Ccrtification: _
Certificate uf Completion
Upon completion ofall worl. approved within the �01 N'attr Qualih Ceni�ication or applicable Buffer Rules, and
an� subseyuent mudificatiuns. the applicant is required to retum this' czrtiticate to the J01 Transportation Permittin,
Uni�, Nurth Carolina Divisiun oFW'a�er Resources, 1617 Mail Service Cenrer. Raleieh, NC,'_7699-1617. This �i>nn
ma� be re[urned to NCDWR h�� the applicant. thr applicant's authuriied a_�nt, or �he projzet engineec It is nut
necessarv to send certificates from all of the�e.
.applicmt!'s Certificrdiou
I, , hzreb� sta�e tha[. iu thr best of m�� abililies, due care and dili�ence
was used in the obsare.itiun uf the cunstruction such that the cunstruction was observed �o be built within subs[antial
coinpliance and intznt of the -101 Water Qualit� Certilicatiun and Ilufler Rule,. �he approved plans and
specitications. and other suppunim_ mataials.
Sienawre: Date:
.-0ge��l's CerN/icaNan
I, . hereb� sta[e that. to the btst of m� abilitizs, due care and dilisencr
was used in the observation of Ihe construction such that the cons[niction ���as observed to be built within s�ibstantial
compliance and intent of the �01 W'arer Qualit� Crniticaliun and Buffer Rules, th� approved plans and
specitications, and other supporting nm[erials.
Eirgiiiecr's Certifica/ioir
Partial Final
I. . as a duly registered Professional En,ineer in the State of Nurth
Carolina, having been authorized to observe (pzriodically, weekly. full time) die construction of the project tor the
Permittee hereby state that, tu [he best of my abilirie-s, due care and dili�ence was used in the observation of rhe
cunstruction iuch �hat the construction wa, observed to be built within substantial compli�nce and intent of the 401
N�'ater Qualitc Certi�ication and 13uffer Rules, thc approved plans and specitications, and o[her supportin, materials.
Re�istrztion No.
North Carohna Deparorn�nt o�Envuonman[ai Q�,:nn; D�vison of Watei Rasourcas
512 Nurth Salisbury� Stree[ 1617 Mail Service Cen[er Raieigh. North Carol�na 2 7 699-151 %