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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00016_Application_20180917 OP ref Date: September 07, 2018 gli waft C- r) -6') r-q r Letter of Transmittal NORTH CAROLINA Laacl. 01;b0Pett To: From: NC Department of Environmental Quality - DWR Michael Leonas Water Quality Permitting Section - PERCS Unit Albemarle Public Utilities Department 1617 Mail Service Center PO Box 190 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Albemarle, NC 28002-190 ATN: PERCS Unit Supervisor 704.984.9605 mleonas@albemarlenc.¢ov Attached please find a copy of the completed application package and supporting documentation for the City of Albemarle Collection System Permit (WQCS0016). Supporting information includes the following: o This Letter of Transmittal as Cover Letter o Application Form CSA 04-16 o Pump Station List supporting Section IV.3 o High Priority Lines List sup[porting Section IV.4 o Annual Budget for Collection System supporting Section V.6 o Capital Improvement Plan supporting Section V.6 o Response Action Plan supporting Section VI.2 o Contingency Plan Supporting Section VI.4 o Comprehensive Collections System Map (Enclosed as USB Thumb Drive labeled as such) Please advise if there is any additional information needed or if there are any questions concerning the enclosed information. Thank You Mike Leonas State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02T.0400—SYSTEM-WIDE WASTERWATER COLLECTION SYSTEMS `Division of Water Resources INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM CSA 04-16&SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Documents shall be prepared in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0100, 15A NCAC 02T .0400, and all relevant Division Policies. Failure to submit all required items will necessitate additional processing and review time. For more information, visit the System-wide Collection System Permitting website: General—When submitting an application to the Pretreatment,Emergency Response,&Collection Systems(PERCS)Unit, please use the following instructions as a checklist in order to ensure all required items are submitted. Adherence to these instructions and checking the provided boxes will help produce a quicker review time and reduce the amount of requested additional information. - ------ --- The Applicant shall submiioneoriginal and one copy of the application and supporting documentation. - A. Cover Letter 0 Submit a cover letter listing all items and attachments included in the permit application package D. No Application Fee Required • No application fee is necessary. The permittee will be billed an annual fee upon issuance of the permit • The appropriate annual fee for systemwide wastewater collection system permits may be found at: Annual Non-Discharge Fees C. System-Wide Wastewater Collection System (FORM: CSA 04-16)Application: ❑ Submit the completed and appropriately executed System-wide Wastewater Collection System (FORM: CSA 04- 16) application. Any unauthorized content changes to this form shall result in the application package being returned. If necessary for clarity or due to space restrictions, attachments to the application may be made, as long as the attachments are numbered to correspond to the section and item to which they refer. ❑ If the Applicant Type in Section I.3 is a Privately-Owned Public Utility, provide the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity(CPCN)from the North Carolina Utilities Commission demonstrating the Applicant is authorized to hold the utility franchise for the area to be served by the wastewater collection system,or ❑ Provide a letter from the North Carolina Utilities Commission's Water and Sewer Division Public Staff stating an application for a franchise has been received and that the service area is contiguous to an existing franchised area or that franchise approval is expected. ❑ If the Applicant Type in Section I.3 is a corporation or company, provide documentation if it is registered for business with the North Carolina Secretary of State. D. General Information: 9 The Authorized signing official listed in Section I.4 should match with that of the Applicant certification page in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b). Per 15A NCAC 02T .0106(c), an alternate person may be designated as the signing official if a delegation letter is provided from a person who meets the criteria in 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b). > NOTE - Public Works Director's are not authorized to sign this permit application according to the rule unless they are delegated. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICATION CSA 04-16&SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Page 1 of 5 E. Summary of Attachments Required: ® Instruction A: Cover Letter ® Instruction C: Application ❑ Instruction C: Ownership Documentation(i.e. CPCN) (If necessary) ❑ Instruction D: Delegation Letter(If necessary for signing official) ® Section IV.3 Pump Station List ® Section IV.4 High Priority Lines List ® Section V.4 Annual Budget for Collection System (Updated and Approved) "® - Section V.6— " Capital-Improvement-Plan(Updated and Approved) ® Section VI.2 Response Action Plan ✓ Section VI.4 Contingency Plan O Section VL6 Comprehensive Collection System Map LI Section VII Note Any Potential Compliance Issues(None known at this time) THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE INCLDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS,SHOULD BE SENT TO: NCDEQ-DWR Water Quality Permitting Section PERCS UNIT By U.S.Postal Service: By Courier/Special Delivery: Attu:PERCS Unit Supervisor 512 N.SALISBURY ST.Suite 925 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH,NORTH CAROLINA 27604 RALEIGH,NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919)807-6300 INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICATION CSA 04-16&SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Page 2 of 5 I. APPLICANT INFORMATION: 1. Applicant's name(Municipality,Public Utility, etc): City of Albemarle 2. Facility Information: Name: City of Albemarle Collection System Permit No.:WQCSOO 16 3. Applicant type: X Municipal ❑ State ❑Privately-Owned Public Utility ❑County ❑ Other: 4. Signature authority's name:Michael J.Ferris per 15A NCAC 02T.0106(_b) Title: City Manager 5. Applicant's mailing address:PO Box 190 City:Albemarle State:NC Zip:28002- 6. Applicant's contact information: Phone number: (704)984-9405 Fax number:(704)984-9406 Email - III. CONTACT/CONSULTANT INFORMATION: ----__—_-- ------- —__------------___--- 1. Contact Name:Michael Leonas 2. Title/Affiliation:Director—Public Utilities 3. Contact's mailing address:PO Box 190—144 N. Second Street 4. City:Albemarle State:NC Zip:28002- 5. Contact's information: Phone number:(704)984-9608 Fax number:(704)984-9606 Email address:mleonas a III. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. New Permit or Permit Renewal? LI New X Renewal 2. County System is located in: Stanly County 3. Owner&Name of Wastewater Treatment Facility(ies)receiving wastewater from this collection system: Owner(s)&Name(s): City of Albemarle Long Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility 4. WWTF Permit Number(s): NC0024244 5. What is the wastewater type? 50%Domestic or 50%Industrial(See 15A NCAC 02T.0103(20)) L> Is there a Pretreatment Program in effect?X Yes or❑No 6. Wastewater flow: 6.06 MOD(Current average flow of wastewater generated by collection system) 7. Combined permitted flow of all treatment plants: 12 MGD 8. Explain how the wastewater flow was determined: ❑ 15A NCAC 02T.0114 or X Representative Data 9. Population served by the collection system: 17000 IV. COLLECTION SYSTEM INFORMATION: 1. Line Lengths for Collection System: Sewer Line Description Length ' Gravity Sewer 188(miles) Force Main 4.5(miles) Vacuum Sewer 0(miles) Pressure Sewer 0(miles) APPLICATION CSA 04-16 Page 3 of 5 2. Pump Stations for Collection System: Pump Station Type Number Simplex Pump Stations(Serving Single Building) 1 Simplex Pump Stations(Serving Multiple Buildings) 0 Duplex Pump Stations 7 3. Submit a list of all major(i.e.not simplex pump station serving a single family home)pump stations. Include the following information: > Pump Station Name > Physical Location > Alarm Type(,visual,telemetry, SCADA) > Pump Reliability(Can convey peak hourly wastewater flow with largest single pump out of service) • Reliability Source(permanent/portable generator,portable pumps) > Capacity of Station(Pump Station Capacity in GPM) 4. Submit a list of all high priority lines according per 15A NCAC 02T.0402(2)known to exist in the collection system. Head the list with"Attachment A for Condition V(4)"and include the system name. • Use the same line identification regularly used by the applicant > Indicate type of high priority line(i.e.aerial),material and general location V. COLLECTION SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION: 1. Provide a brief description of the organizational structure that is responsible for management, operation and maintenance of the collection system. Responsibility for the operation,maintenance,and response activities of the collection system is within the Water and Sewer Systems Division of the Public Utilities Department(PUD).The W&S Systems Division is comprised of twenty(20) employees spread across three(3)crews and is led by the Water and Sewer Systems Superintendent who manages the daily operations of both the wastewater collection and water distribution systems and serves as the ORC for the system.For maintenance and repair functions associated with the pump stations and associated telemetry,the Division is supported by the Maintenance group of the Plants Division within the FUD.Additional support for maintenance activities is provided by service contracts as well. 2. Indicate the current designated collection system operators for the collection system per 15A NCAC 080.0201 Main ORC Name: Bryan Hinson Certification Number: 994223 Back-Up ORC Name: Christopher Palmer Certification Number: 996205 See the"WQCS Contacts and ORC Report"for a current listing of the ORC(s)the Division has on file for WQCS permit 3. Approximate annual budget for collection system only: $2,573,695 4. Submit a copy of your current a s nual budget. 5. Approximate capital improvement budge for the collection system only: $ 19,279,000 6. Submit a copy of your current capital improvement plan. 7. Is this collection system currently a satellite system❑Yes or X No 8. Do any satellite systems discharge to this collection system X Yes or❑No(If yes complete table below) Satellite System Contact Information(Name,Address,Phone Number) Town of New London Bill Peak PO Box 114 West Gold St.28127/704-463-5423 Stanly County Donna Davis 1000 N. 1st St Albemarle NC 28001/704-986-3686 Complete for Satellite Systems that have a flow or capacity greater than 200,000 GPD(Average daily flow) APPLICATION CSA 04-16 Page 4 of 5 9. List any agreements or ordinances currently in place to address flows from satellite systems: The City has and maintains formal agreements with the previously listed satellite systems discharges. VI. COLLECTION SYSTEM COMPLIANCE: 1. Is a Response Action Plan currently in place®Yes or❑No 2. If Yes,submit a copy of the Response Action Plan or see table 6 below. 3. Is a pump station contingency plan currently in place? 12 Yes or❑No 4. If Yes,submit a copy of the pump station contingency plan or see table 6 below. 5. Is a comprehensive collection system map currently in place? ®Yes or❑No 6. Submit a submit a copy of the collection system map(CD or hardcopy)or indicate a schedule for completion 7. Thoroughly read and review the System-Wide Collection System Permit Conditions. Typically compliance schedules are only offered to NEW permit applicants and NOT permit renewals. Any compliance dates must be included within the permit prior to issuance or the permit holder will be found in violation upon inspection. Current If no,Indicate a Typical Permit Condition Compliance Compliance Compliance? Date Schedule I(4)—Grease ordinance with legal authority to inspect/enforce ®Yes ❑No 12—18 mo. I(5)— Grease inspection and enforcement program ®Yes ❑No 12—18 mo. I(6)—Three to five year current Capital Improvement Plan. 1 Yes ❑No 12—18 mo. I(8)—Pump station contingency plan ®Yes ❑No 3 mo. I(9)—Pump station identification signs. ®Yes ❑No 3 mo. I(11)—Functional and conspicuous audible and visual alarms. ®Yes ❑No 3—6 mo. 11(5)—Spare pumps for any station where one pump cannot handle peak flows alone(in a duplex station,the 2nd pump is 11 Yes ❑No 6—9 mo. the spare if pump reliability is met). 11(7)—Accessible right-of-ways and easements. ®Yes ❑No 6—12 mo. II(9)—Response action plan with Items 9(a—h). ®Yes ❑No 3 mo. 11I(3)—Comprehensive collection system map // Yes ❑No 10%per year For conditions not listed,compliance dates are not typically offered. List any permit conditions that maybe difficult for the applicant to meet(attach clarification if needed):None known at this time VII. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION per 15A NCAC 02T.0106(b): I, Michael J.Ferris attest that this application for City of Albemarle (Signature Authority's Name&Title from Item I.4) (Facility name from Item I.1) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included,this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Note: In accordance with NC General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to$25,000 per violation. Signature: C/ � C ( Date: </r30// APPLICATION CSA 04-16 Page 5 of 5 City of Albemarle Collection System Permit Renewal Package WQCS0016 Section [V.3—Pump Station List )cylern (.S a L4 CP3127HT3- 481 FLYG- Technical specification "i: tot IIA 1114 • 3 1 : Y �\ M 2doml Y 10.! 41124bme1me DO - Be 32 w 44 21. Able.Plctuse night not correspond to the current configuration General Shrouded swig?.or mu61-channel Impeller pumps with large throughteta and sing volute pump casing for liquids containing solids and fibres 82-1 111 Cast Iron design with double sealing technology.Some models available as stainless steel versions 43 a Impeller 0 80 too tao Tao 700 3,10 am ado �a-0,,21 Impeller material Grey cast lean DlschargeFlangeDtemeler 315/18Inch Suction Flange Diameter 3 15716 Inch Wm*port Cove/SO Impelerdlameter 248mm Number of blades 1 7hroughlet diameter 3 Inch Installation: P permanent,Wet Motor Motor Y C3127 162 21-12-4AL-W 10hp Standard -�•� Stator variant 12 N:7111 et Frequency 80 Hs Rated v ollage 230 V live.. -I Number of poles 4 [1`'s'I- �'4 .• It Phase 3- 1 rt R sled power 10 hp _r t_ Rated currant 25 A 4 Starting current 134 A Rated speed 1720-1_1- near q Power factor 111 Load 0.65 314 Load 0.68 1i2 Load 0.80 s....., Motor efficiency 111 Load 84.3% 3/4 Load 88.5% r C r 1/2 Load 87.0% rr tT �1' Configuration tri i �•1 T1 �r — a.T T 4 r al I .. "ire • w:i•44�444:.1. Pmfaci Project ID Created by Created on Last update 41271201$ xylem CP 3927 HT 3— 481 FLYGT Performance curve Pump Motor Dimharge Range Demeter 3 15/16 inch Motor* C3127 182 21 12-4AL-W 10hp Power factor Suction Range Diameter 100 mm 1/1 Load 0.88 impeller diameter 9'/: Stator variant 12 3/4 Load 0 86 Number ot blades I Frequency 60 Hz 1/2 Load 0 80 Throughlet diameter 3 inch Rated voltage 230 V Number of poles 4 Motor efficiency Pharos 3- 1/1 Load 84 3% Rated power 10 hp 3/4 Load 86 5% Rated current 25 A 1/2 Load 87.0% Starting anent 134 A Rated speed 1720 ipm .___s____- e ifti (ked 105 1 951 90, 70 65 m 70-;ell 248a 60 481 248rrm 55' 50 45 40 35 30 25 20-1 15-1 10 5 PUrrp Efficiency _ w - —481 248mn f%} Overall Efficiency - - -- - ---481248nm 40-i481 248rrrn 20- I ' 0 ( ), Rawer input PI - m -481 248n(P1) 1Shatt power P2 _ _. - - --481 248mn(Pt) 8.' 481 248rr n(P2) 4-� 0-i [ft) vahees --,.� 16 121., ..--181 248rrm 8 481 248rrrn 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 [US Watr.pire COrm PIWIct Project to , crated by crw.d en last upd.te 4/2712018 )cyle CP3127HT3- 481 . C IrZ.Yd':T Duty Analysis " Ls d- ti [ . Hood ft' 104 100- 96- 927 88, 84 80- 76- 72, 68- 64: 7070248 1 60: 56-1 52- 48 44 40 36 32 28 24 20 16 12 Bir 4 0 k ._ _ _ _ _.. . - - . - 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 [US g.p.mj Wye.,p,e Cure ISO Contras D p0144/ Project ID Created by Created on Last update 412712018 XYle m CP 3127 HT 3^• 481 FI.XGT VFD Curve [ft) Head 1. 105 100 ------- 95: 90-- -----‘'..'"---....„....„............... .................. as '----_45- 90- 85 80 .. 70 • 6560 70.4% 248rtr11 481 248mn 55 50 45 40 35-i 301 , zs 20- 15 10 5 0 [yo) Parrp elftciency -481 248rnn 60 Overall 6fciency --de1?�g� 50 - �` 4488122488rrm 40 30 20 10 �, mPI.Fbw er input P1 —481 248mn(P1) 12 Shaft power P21 MP(131) 10 -- 481 248rrni(F2) 4 . 2- [►t[:142614vdues 16± 12+ .--481 248n 8{ s m— — p481 248mn 4' 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 [US. p m) Cove rsn Ae}et Prcci iD Created by Created on Last update 4127/2018 4127/2D18 Charles R. Underwood, Inc. 2000 Boone Trail Rd. Pump Sales & Service Ph:919-775-2463 Sanford,NC 27330Fax:919-708-7232 Job# Date: 1-1(7-(.0/f It. Job Location: Pt1lamort2 At H- '` e-e-k 4 6 Pump Information: 4f; yiV1bictU 4-112c-ie co31v13 - Z v1 377se, 1Ap I = - Wet Well Diameter: CR ' Wet Well Depth: 3<e Distance from Valve Vault Lid to Wet Well Lid: &e /'. ., or Write"Same Level" Distance from Valve Vault Lid to Centerline of gauge: k -- Fill Test 1 Fill Test 3 Pump#1 Start: inches Start: _ inches Amps: 1-S.t 2- g.4 Stop: - inches Stop: inches 3- eg1i Volts: 1-2: Z.c-!1 1-G: Time: Time: 1-3: 7 c.1) 2-G: 2-3: 2q' 3-G: Pump#1 Test 1 A.4,,,,e- {" Q Pump#1 Test 2 Pump#2 Start: '2-I s -do" inches Start: 2_$' -O`' inches Amps: 1- are. 7,0 2- Stop: '21i- t 4' inches Stop: 28' `S�, inches 3- 19 Time: l s-n;e• $t,(Ai Time: ivi,,n l ( Volts: 1-2: 2)--1( 1-G: 1-3: 2-4Z 2-G: Pressure: !J0 G&u9 SPSI Pressure: PSI 2-3: Z 3-G: v veh Fill Test 2 Fill Test 4 Incoming Line Start: inches Start: inches Volts: 1-2:2141 1-G: {2-i 1-3: 7_442 2-G: -Loci Stop: inches Stop: inches 2-3: 2)42 3-G: 1.7,p Time: Time: Pump#2 Test 1 ®IATY Pump#2 Test 2 Notes: Start: ?- --U inches Start: --451 S inches Stop: 7-55' - 3'‘ inches Stop: 2$' -/5" inches Time: 4 ek 53 Cwt Time: hfu A 5-2) U Pressure: PSI Pressure: PSI **TRY TO KEEP THE TIMES TO 1 MINUTE IF POSSILE** Section GRINDER Page 104 Aioe Ie th- ce i Dated JANUARY 2001 .1? Supersedes JULY 2000 :�►' I 111 :: m0h1ce ,HPGf/flPGfti _ _, ...i....0 ve � � RPM: 1 750 Discharge: 2" ■ ■..asio" Mil 40135 illiMODEL MAX IMP _ p ,S HPGFMPGFH 750 10.50" '� tini HPGF/HPGFH 500 10.13" i WIN HPGF/HPGFH 300 8 00" 120 III T i . 35' __ _ _ _ , IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lai/2.pl4 105 ' HPGF/HPGFH 7501 ' ' , 30 10.1 a, vhf --"11111111111111111 , 90 11111111111 ' ' .Aill HPGF/HPGfH 5001 m "' / r,,25- 9-i/2"DJA, -, . ' . s 15 "DIA. r ■ X24- IIS . Nib. 64 —4"1111111111111111.11116- — M801 ` 15- iii - _�--1 ..". +,� ~• AM VAIIMI= i Ia.?DIA _ 1 ..1411111‘11111111111111111111111111111117. 14 r7"DIA._ .. .- NV 30imiA� `_��1�_ i�- a... aim as 5- II ----ir-m-grAMammommI 15■.■ HPGFIHPGFH 300/ ENE . , III ; � r . 0 i __ _ rt' _ _ U.S.GPM I 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 M 3/HR 10 20 30 40 The curves reflect maximum performance characteristics without exceeding full load (Nameplate) horsepower. All pumps have a service factor of 1.2.Operation is recommended In the bounded area with operational point within the curve limit.Performance curves are based on actual tests with clear water at 70` F and 1280 feet site elevation. Conditions of Service: I La lirr HYDROMATIC . GPM: TDH: City of Albemarle Collection System Permit Renewal Package WQCS0016 Section 1V.4—High Priority Lines List CIN OF ALBEMARLE HIGH PRIORITY LINE(HPL)MASTER LIST HPL Type Location Description(i.e.road ° HPL ID# HPL Name/Identifier T v =a or stream crossingor Remarks Tr ' C c .. ❑ a= intersection)or Beginning& . cP 11 n c e o m' * Ending Latitude/Longitude Q o S J V m S N J,7,W J O 9 1 WMtp at pole pile x wwtp,Long creek.Strea:- ••:k restraints at pipe joint.DIP with heavy crossing ' crossina built in 2015 2 Hwy 2427 on south sidex Long creek,Stream crass Under stream bed/DIP of bndae 3 W.main st on south x Long creek,Stream cross•n,; DIP side of bodge 4 W.main st at old dnve- x Long creek,Stream crossing Access road across from memory In./DIP in 5 Memory In behind royal x x Long creek.Stream crossing DIP/always check for debris chemical S End of maple st to x Long creek.Stream crossing Always check erosion on maple st side of creek./DI kirasley dr outfall ore 7 Kingsley dr west side of x Long creek.Stream crossing DIP bndoe 8 Kingsley dr behind old x x Long creek.Stream crossing DIP ce0a building 9 Between#8 and 010 3 x Long creek,Stream crossing DIP HPL's 10 Hwy 73 at rock hole x Long creek.Stream crossing Line subject to back up/material DIP 11 Kingsley dr to White oak x Crossing drainage ditch material DIP • • • 12 Morgan rn south site x lane long creek,Stream Always check repair clamp/CIP 1 oI bndaed ocrossina 13 Behind old-allisons - - x Little long creek,Stream DIP aim at at money MH crossing t 1-waders to old mill x x Poplin creek,Stream crossing Line is out of service/CIP • e;to Brickx x Poplin creek.follows stream bed check erosion on brick source side,Also check laterals crossing stream from Mils/Terra colta R.: 16 Old Aquadale at south x Poplin creek,Stream crossing DIP/always check for debris side of bndae 17 2nd st behind A d A x x Poplin creek,Stream crossing Check for aver growth/DIP auto 18 2nd st beside A&A x x Poplin creek,Stream crossing Check for over growth/DIP auto , 19 Rock creek park x Rock creek,Stream crossing Near creek tunnel/CIP 20 Dead end of Ellenwood X k Poplin creek,Stream crossing DIP dr 21 Old charlotte rd under x Little long creek.Stream Hung from bndge iCiP bndae crossing 22 W.main st north side of .k Little long creek.Stream Right side of Alb.Retread/DIP brldde crossing 23 Don Montgomery park y x Little long creek,Stream Between bndges/DIP Line is no longer in seance crossina of 2015 24 Salisbury av behind xLittle Tong creek.Stream Under stream bed/DIP hams teeter crossing 25 North side of E mason x x Little long creek,Stream old line is visable in creek new line under creek dead end crossing bed/DIP Incased in concrete 26 Dead end of E mason x x x Little long creek,Stream Check restraints/DIP crossing 27 Under 1st sreet bridge x x Crossing drainage ditch DIP 28 Cross under west side of x x Little long creek.In stream bank Check cross for leaks and erosion/DIP 1st street bndae 29 2nd st under 1 st street x Little long creek,Stream Line on south side coming from encased bridge crossina concrete/DIP 30 2nd st.Melchor branch x k Melchor branch,Stream crossing Check under MI-I's for erosion&Check pipe through •at tunnel tunneVOIP • 31 South side of 2nd st x x Little long creek,Stream DIP crossing 32 Under 2nd st throughx x Little long creek.runs with Hung from bridge/DIP creek pinestream J3 North side of 2nd st x x Little long creek,Stream Check for erosion under supports/DIP CrrsSina 74 Hamilton ay behind x x Little long creek,Stream Line subject to back up/DIP • i lentz auto sales _ crossina 35 Behind houses at end ofx Little long creek.Stream DIP Cray st crossing 36 Behind Monarch Aprt.In x x Crossing drainage ditch that". DIP ditch to melchor branch 37 1200 colonial dr ,r x In drainage ditch bank Check East side of ditch for erosion/DIP 38 Hwy 52 north Gus Shady Little long carr• ---ter str ea- Where the 8'from hwy 52 comes into the 18'that oronerty Led runs to carter rd/DIP • Page 1 of 1 HIGH PRIORITY LINE(HPL)MASTER LIST Date Last Updated:4/20/2018 City of Albemarle Collection System Permit Renewal Package WQCS0016 Section V.4—Annual Budget for Collection System (FY19) .: S. munis. a s ...,....-e- a.. r erp solution 08/21/2018 13:24 (CITY OF ALBEMARLE P 1 mleonas COUNCIL BUDGET REQUESTS bgdeptrq BUDGET PROJECTION 2019 2018-2019 BUDGET PROJECTION ORG OBJECT PROJ ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION CURRENT PROJECTED PERCENT ADJ BUDGET ACTUAL COUNCIL CHANGE 617150 512100 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 793,100.00 748,250.00 817,000.00 3.01 61 -9-7150-0000-00-512100- 617150 512101 CIP SALARIES AND WAGES .00 .00 .00 .00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-512101- 617150 512102 CAP OUTLAY-SALARIES & WAGES .00 .00 .00 .00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-512102- 617150 512200 OVERTIME WAGES 35,000.00 50,000.00 42,000.00 20.00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-512200- 617150 512600 TEMP/PART TIME WAGES .00 .00 .00 .00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-512600- 617150 512700 LONGEVITY WAGES 30,000.00 28,750.00 30,200.00 .67 61 -9-7150-0000-00-51270.0- 617150 518100 FICA 65,650.00 65,650.00 68,025.00 3.62 61 -9-7150-0000-00-518100- 617150 518200 RETIREMENT 64,350.00 64,350.00 65,250.00 1.40 61 -9-7150-0000-00-518200- 617150 518300 HEALTH INSURANCE 215,885.00 215,885.00 203,140.00 -5.90 61 -9-7150-0000-00-518300- 617150 518301 EMPLOYEE LIFE INSURANCE 1,350.00 1,450.00 1,500.00 11.11 61 -9-7150-0000-00-518301- 617150 518500 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 200.00 120.00 200.00 .00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-518500- 617150 518600 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 23,900.00 30,000.00 27,650.00 15.69 61 -9-7150-0000-00-518600- 617150 518900 YMCA MATCH 300.00 400.00 600.00 100.00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-518900- 617150 519300 MEDICAL 1,000.00 1,000.00 .00 -100.00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-519300- 617150 519500 ENGINEERING 47,500.00 47,500.00 34,500.00 -27.37 61 -9-7150-0000-00-519500- 617150 519900 ALL OTHER PROF SERVICE/CONSULT 4,800.00 300.00 4,800.00 .00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-519900- , •••• • • mums' ".D� �` ••„ B,yler erp solution 08/21/2018 13:24 CITY OF ALBEMARLE P 2 mleonas (COUNCIL BUDGET REQUESTS bgdeptrq BUDGET PROJECTION 2019 2018-2019 BUDGET PROJECTION ORG OBJECT PROJ ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION CURRENT PROJECTED PERCENT ADJ BUDGET ACTUAL COUNCIL CHANGE 617150 521200 UNIFORMS 10,500.00 10,500.00 12,000.00 14.29 61 -9-7150-0000-00-521200- 617150 522000 FOOD & PROVISIONS 500.00 580.00 600.00 20.00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-522000- 617150 524601 DISTRIB LINES SUPP/MATERIALS .00 .00 .00 .00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-524601- 617150 525100 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 42,500.00 42,500.00 32,500.00 -23.53 61 -9-7150-0000-00-525100- 617150 525900 PARTS & OTHER VEHICLE SUPPLIES 8,000.00 8,000.00 6,000.00 -25.00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-525900- 617150 526000 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 .00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-526000- 617150 526500 OTHER SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 283,530.00 287,530.00 207,560.00 -26.79 61 -9-7150-0000-00-526500- 617150 526501 CIP-OTHER SUPPLIES & MATERIALS .00 .00 .00 .00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-526501- 617150 526502 CAPITAL OUTLAY-SUPPLIES & MAT .00 .00 .00 .00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-526502- 617150 529500 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP <$5000 26,200.00 13,000.00 27,000.00 3.05 61 -9-7150-0000-00-529500- 617150 531100 TRAVEL 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 .00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-531100- 617150 531200 TRAINING 3,500.00 5,000.00 4,950.00 41.43 61 -9-7150-0000-00-531200- 617150 531300 TUITION ASSIST REIMBURSEMENT 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 .00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-531300- 617150 532100 TELEPHONE 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 .00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-532100- 617150 532900 OTHER COMMUNICATION 720.00 .00 .00 -100.00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-532900- 617150 533100 ELECTRICITY 15,000.00 15,000.00 19,200.00 28.00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-533100- •••• munis. _.tlraigO er irp sulubOq 08/21/2018 13:24 CITY OF ALBEMARLE IP 3 mleonas COUNCIL BUDGET REQUESTS bgdeptrq BUDGET PROJECTION 2019 2018-2019 BUDGET PROJECTION ORG OBJECT PROJ ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION CURRENT PROJECTED PERCENT ADJ BUDGET ACTUAL COUNCIL CHANGE 617150 533300 NATURAL GAS .00 .00 .00 .00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-533300- 617150 533900 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FEE 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 .00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-533900- 617150 535100 BUILDING REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 .00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-535100- 617150 535200 EQUIPMENT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 58,800.00 42,000.00 42,000.00 -28.57 61 -9-7150-0000-00-535200- 617150 535300 VEHICLES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 .00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-535300- 617150 539300 CONTRACT LABOR/SERVICES 5,000.00 5,000.00 .00 -100.00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-539300- 617150 543000 RENT OF EQUIPMENT 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 .00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-543000- 617150 543001 CAP OUTLAY-RENT OF EQUIPMNT .00 .00 .00 .00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-543001- 617150 543002 CIP-RENT OF EQUIPMENT .00 .00 .00 .00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-543002- 617150 544000 SERVICE/MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS 41,630.00 33,000.00 42,670.00 2.50 61 -9-7150-0000-00-544000- 617150 549900 MISCELLANEOUS 640.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 134.38 61 -9-7150-0000-00-549900- 617150 554000 MOTOR VEHICLES 157,000.00 145,000.00 .00 -100.00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-554000- 617150 555000 OTHER EQUIPMENT 61,770.00 57,770.00 17,000.00 -72.48 61 -9-7150-0000-00-555000- 617150 557000 LAND .00 .00 .00 .00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-557000- 617150 558000 BLDG, STRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 18,500.00 18,500.00 58,300.00 215.14 61 -9-7150-0000-00-558000- 617150 558100 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS .00 27,900.00 .00 .00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-558100- Ws• r4 m •••• F is monis -* '"' e.: 1Cyler erp solution 08/21/2018 13:24 (CITY OF ALBEMARLE P 4 mleonas COUNCIL BUDGET REQUESTS bgdeptrq BUDGET PROJECTION 2019 2018-2019 BUDGET PROJECTION ORG OBJECT PROJ ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION CURRENT PROJECTED PERCENT ADJ BUDGET ACTUAL COUNCIL CHANGE 617150 559600 DISTRIBUTION LINES .00 .00 .00 .00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-559600- 617150 559601 US 52 UTILITY REPLACEMENT .00 .00 .00 .00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-559601- 1 617150 559900 OTHER .00 .00 .00 .00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-559900- 617150 559901 CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS .00 .00 .00 .00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-559901- 617150 571500 LEASE PURCHASE PRINCIPAL 569,150.00 569,150.00 550,050.00 -3.36 61 -9-7150-0000-00-571500- 617150 572500 LEASE PURCHASE INTEREST 245,120.00 245,120.00 228,900.00 -6.62 61 -9-7150-0000-00-572500- 617150 598000 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 85,000.00 .00 .00 -100.00 61 -9-7150-0000-00-598000- BUDGET CEILING: 2,944,695.00 TOTALS: 2,944,695.00 2,805,805.00 2,573,695.00 -12.60 ** END OF REPORT - Generated by Mike Leonas ** City of Albemarle Collection System Permit Renewal Package WQCS0016 Section V.6—Capital Improvement Plan(FY19-FY23) E E CITY OF ALBEMARLE E ALBEMARLE CAPITAL PROJECT CHART NORTH CAROLINA FY 2019-2023 ALBEMARLE NORTH CAROLINA Ate. /4.Caxf,OPpa-tav W to fla.Lad OPpA-ta.4., DEPARTMENT: Public Utilities FUND: Water and Sewer REQUEST FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FUTURE AMR meters 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 GIS Mapping 100,000 100,000 I&I materials 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 I&I project#3 2,166,000 Raw water main 8,700,000 I&I project#2 3,000,000 Replacing#426 30,000 Replacing#424 41,000 Replacing#406 200,000 Replacing#434 100,000 Replacing#456 130,000 Meter test bench 17,000 24/27 Utility Rel 4,000,000 Allegro/Harmony 120,000 REQUESTED BY: DATE: Department Head City of Albemarle Collection System Permit Renewal Package WQCS0016 Section VL2/VL4—Response Action Plan/Contingency Plan CITY OF ALBEMARLE , NORTH CAROLINA COMMUNICATION, ASSESSMENT And SPILL RESPONSE PROCEDURE/CONTINGENCY PLAN ARL --- --- - ----- ------ --------- - NORTH CAROLINA eeei. ;. tad. Ololoatt.64/09, PREPARED BY: COLLECTIONS ORC , BACK UP ORC CITY OF ALBEMARLE JAN 3rd, 2013 REVISED: JAN 2017 KEY PERSONNEL CONTACT NUMBERS CONTACT/TITLE TELEPHONE Bryan Hinson work 704-961-6149 Collection ORC cell 704-985-2167 Christopher Palmer wort; 704-961-6158 Back- Up ORC cell 704-438-2086 ETC APD if needed for traffic control office 704-984-9501 t PURPOSE: This plan is to be implemented in the event of a Sanitary Sewer Overflow,(SSO) or spill within the Collection System. The plan was developed to insure the key personnel response to every spill event within sixty(60)minutes of a reported event. INITIAL RESPONSE: Spills reported to or detected by collection system personnel require immediate attention. The Collection System ORC or his appointed Back-up Operator will make the preliminary assessment of the spill within 30 minutes after receiving report. That assessment includes visiting the spill site.The ORC or Back-up will determine the appropriate response and request assistance e from key personnel a s necessary.ary The attached call back list will be maintained current and be ranked according to essential response including,i.e. equipment operators,system personnel. Key personnel will,upon assessing the site,continue to document the event and determine the severity,magnitude, and potential environmental impact. Every effort should be made to minimize the spill event consistent with the containment and source control section of this plan. The safety of the response dent should in no way be compromised. Key personnel should implement recovery actions to eliminate the cause of obstruction and/or system failure as outlined in this plan. POST SPILL RESPONSE, (REPORTING): After containment is achieved,the Division of Water Quality, (DWQ)must be contacted as soon as possible but,in no case later than 24 hours after initial detection if; 1) The spill has reached surface waters,"Waters of the State"or 2) The spill exceeds one thousand gallons, (1,000 gals.) Every small spill must be logged on site including time,date, approximate volume,name of respondent. Spills that are fully contained and removed quickly and are less than one thousand gallons are not required to be reported to DWQ.However,a full spill report form will be filled out and kept on file. RESPONSE SUPPLIES SUPPLY LOCATION VENDOR PHONE# Lime Tool Room Straw Equipment Shed Herlocker Farms 704-791-1984 SPILL OCCURRING ON: MAJOR INTERCEPTOR RIGHT OF WAY 1. Put up warning tape"DO NOT ENTER"around SSO site to restrict access. 2. In open areas lime, remove debris and lime site • rotor-till if needed. Re-seed and mulch with straw. 3. In areas were there is under growth and small trees,flush area with potable water until no waste remains. Wait twelve to twenty four hours then lime the area.Be certain that lime does not flush to receiving stream. NOTE: DO NOT LIME IF RAIN IS FORECASTED. IN CITIZEN'S YARD 1. Till entire area if possible. Apply lime and follow • with seed and straw. 2. If waste/debris not visible apply lime and 2 inches of top soil and mix thoroughly.Apply lime lightly,seed and mulch. ON ASPHALT OR CONCRETE 1. Set up containment at or near the storm drainage system. Do not let the spill enter the storm drain system. 2. Put up Black or Red "DO NOT ENTER"tape around the SSO area. 3. Spread lime on spillage and sand or other material to a depth of one inch.Let this material absorb for one hour,then sweep up.Dispose of debris appropriately.If spill is still evident repeat application. 4. After removing the contaminated material,wash down area with high pressure water and bleach. 5. Pump clean up materials and wash water into sanitary sewer. IN A CREEK OR STREAM 1. Take conductivity readings of the creek upstream and _ downstream to determine were temporary dam should be placed. • i 2. The dam should be constructed near a manhole which is accessible to the jet rodder and vacuum truck. 3. Dam should be placed below the spill as indicated by low conductivity reading. 4. Construct a dam sized to contain the flow of water plus any flush water added during clean up. 5. Station to pumps at clean up site,one to use one for back- up. 6. Have a back hoe at the site for dam repairs as needed. 7. Wash down all rip rap in stream bed until no residue is evident. 8. Put up warning tap "DANGER DO NOT ENTER". At spill site and 400 feet down stream. 9. Pull stream samples for fecal coliform.Upstream and Downstream. 10.Repeat sampling until normal,background counts 500 cts/100 ml. 11.If settled sludge evident sweep bottom until clean. 12.If creek or stream is recreational water notify the affected community and local officials as soon as the problem is discovered. KEY SYSTEMS PERSONNEL WATER AND SEWER TELEPHONE # Back-hoe operators Brandon Rick 704-322-9479 Derrick Thomas 704-438-2781 Joel Thompson 704-581-1211 Justin Cook 704-785-4423 Jet truck operators Dave Lilly 704-956-7093 Tim Poole 980-581-6206 Keo Co:netj.k 7011 WE- 204vi NOTE: For power outage or failure at lift stations contact COA electric on call WWTP Brandon Plyi+ r 704-438-5973 Plants Div Superintendent Shaun Whitley 980-258-4845 I . PUMP STATION (PS) MASTER LISTING -t:.::•7.7-:,P,.g,.1:7i,--:r" •••:::•:•••,f•••§•••••••4••$•,-1•*.:*W.ige-",O••••i••li••k-•':*r••••• ,••:,•,•••••..::•L•••000•. 4• 6'• 1(:•y••••••g-:r-e:.:s t- '•,:.•••4e t4•••9•cpLongitude..'. 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PS# , Alarm Systeins REMARKS PS Name/Identifier LocationlAddress Latitude Longitude Audible Visible Telemetry I SCADA _ Hwy 24/27 West 28962 Hwy 24/27 yes yes yes I no Level Controls(floats, 2 Date of Last Pump ., pump#1 ,Pump#2 Pump#3 Pump#4 Wacker pull behind Total Capacity (GPM) bubblers, Down Test GPM - GPM GPM GPM transducers) gen set at warehouse - _ 02/06/2014 540 132 123.2 FloatS ••' -• •-• --• - :-. •• '•-•• •••-•••••• • '• -, .- " -'•'•:'' .•-•-••'•-•'.''." • ::•-•.•••• •.: :-•:'•'•':•:--- "• - ' •::• •Manx'Sytteiris::• -:.':: .• ' :•-• "':.-:-•:.-•:•:: RE-MARK$:.:•• :•:•:•:::•. . : .:••..'1! #:•••••••-::.•....:..P.S.Ntirn...../ld'ent iiiir:•:.• i:::.:1,;ci.9... 4tip.. nIAticlre.:3'...:'::...:.:.•:.Pirip,15i0;.-: '..tongityd.e..: :,• . •' . . • • : • ' • • •• • •- ••'••- Audible'•':*-VI '61.: ' •Teleinbtry• •••SCADA••••.. ..••••••..-•.•...•:•.•:.,•-•:. ......:....-•.•.• .• . • ::•:::•::.::•::•:•:.:••• • •• •••••: •-.•• -.••••...-1.-.- -, • • -• - . ...-.--. ..... .. -.. ..... ...!...- :. . •••-...:::. i.:---- Vidkr:Plan-,--Ps".......::::.-,.--.60 Mbut.itairl Mice.••• • ••• '•••:-..•:• ' :•': :•••••••• ••••••••:: .es:.':'.:*•••.- : ye!:::•••••:::•••• yes 1.: .• • • -• - ... ... __ , ••••••••••••••••''''.**;:: •••••....,•••••:••.•••••••• '• • •• ' •••• ••.' .'-•.•.:.:•':•...:-.•:•• :..::••••••:••....::::•...: : ••••• •'•••..••••• •••••:•'••• •••:•::.•:•; •:•.:•.:•••••:•••••::........••:••• :••:•:.: poolippqtr.04.. f.icka*,"..6a..t..,...646r-aio-i.::...06: ife:-...::.:.-..... ••:•......4:.:i•••••• -D.4i6.•iiii..taii:ihiiijk: .::.•:••••••••• •:••••••• •: ••••• •:•':.•-•...t.`061.0..#1:.: .:-.P•urt.10"#2::..: P.uttiii.:P ...13.yi.Tip ff...4.t .::....::: .1:ficiiibiir.i....:.-.• .:...:... . ....Y... . .. ...... :....... . ........ ......:. ::....:::•i-i.i.::::.:...:• :.•::.*:.:.:::::iiiiiivii-T.est...•:•.-....• .... ...•.. .... ........... .. ....:..:. ...•:-..•GP.M:•::.. ....GPM....: :••••.G..M ...:..-.;.:••••::::-:'. ...:::::::-.•:•.•:..::•:•::::.:.-:-:••• ..:••••••::.. :•::.•••::::.::.:.:•................•...................•:..... . . . . •...........:..:...••: : ...:..:......• GPM.. . .......•:.:....': transducers) .. •• : •.::.::...• •••:•:'•.:.•••• :.':••••:::.• •..*.• :'....•to .:::•:-..:.."-:.:-...-:::-.- : ::::..02/06/20141:::' : :•:::/:-.:-:'460.-..3.-:-.:•/:::::.:::.•••••••••':122:::%,-i.::::-.1 22:. :. :::-. . ••• •• .• .... • ..• . . ..• ..•.• :-:-..-:.:::-.: -:.:::-:•--: Floht ••:.•:: ..*: :::':':'''.::.:•••.•:..•.•..•••• • ••• •• • •:•••......• ••....•• ••••••••••.•... PS# st yens REMARKS Alarm Si PS Name/Identifier Location/Address Latitude Longitude' — Audible Visible TeleMetry I SCADA Hwy 73 PS 1201 Concord rd yes yes yes I no Level Controls(floats, Cat generator on site 4 Date of Last Pump Pump#1 , Pump#2 Pump#3 Pump#4 Total Capacity(GPM) ,bubblers, Down Test GPM GPM GPM GPM transducers) 10/2017 453.2 79.2 88 Floats' _ • • ..N•i-::i:.'.....:.:.:..:*::::::••:::.•::::•:i•..:4.-.:...:.:..::-..-::.-.:'...:•'••;G*•:.•::.:::i•:::•::gi,•2:•::-:•:.. 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