HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181227 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20180917ROY COOPER c��,��. MICHAEL S. REGAN Senerary LINDA CULPEPPER rnn.tm a.enor NORTHCAROUNA EnHronmentd Qua(!ry September 17. 2018 Guilfurd Cotmty NCDWR Project No. 20181337 Bridge?�10 Replacement WBS � 176P.�.R.1 I i APPROVAL of-101 WaTER QUALITY CERTIFICATION and JORDAti LAKE W'ATERSHE;D f3UFFER AIiTHOR1ZATION with ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Jem� Parker. Division Lnvironmental Supervisor North Carolina Depanment of Transportation P.O. Box 1-1996 Greensburo. NC 27J I i Dear Mr. Parker: You ha�e our approval, in accordance with the conditions listed below, for the following impacts [o replace Brid,e 3d0 with a new sinele span brid�e locared on Causey Lake Road (SR 3?85) within Ihe Jordan Lake Wa[ershed over Little Alamance Creek in Guilford Counn: Site Fill (ac) I <0.01 Totals <0.01 Site I Totals We[land Im ac[s in the Ca e Fe�r River Basin E�cavation Mechanized Clearing Hand Clearing Total Wetland (ac) (ac) (ac) Im act(ac) - 0.0'_ 0.03 OA6 - 0.02 0.03 0.06 Total Wetland Impact for Project: <0.06 acres. Stream Im ac[s in the Ca e Fear River Basin Permanent Fill in Pemnnial Slream Due to Total Strcam Impact Bank Slabilization Qinear R) (linear ftl 25 Total Stream Impact for Project 25 linear fee[. ::,..::, � Q�� North Carolina �epartmen[ of Env�ronmen[ai Quai�b Drvision of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street � 1617 Matl Service Center Raleigh, North Carohna 27699161i 919 7079000 Z$ ���� Zone I n�imis Site I Impacts W�tlands � 'i (sqfq �' in Zone I �, i ISq�U — ---.. __.___`.-----� I � � lj7 � �_ Totals '; 3,�37 � 0 I, ', Zune I Zune 1 ' Buffer Buffcrv �i Nlitigafion RcyuireU (syft) I lusinQ3:l ..�.c.,� � mini�s Zone _ 'i w�etlands ,' Zone 2 Impacts i, ��� Zone 2' Buffcr (sqF�) '� (sqfq (sqftl 3.537 �i -- � � I.S67 I 0 I 1.867 3,53� � -- I I 1.867 I 0 I I.S67 Total Buffer Impact for Project: �,�Oa square fee[. Zunc 2 �� Buffer ���, Mitigation �I Rcyuircd '�, (using , L�:I ratio � The pr�ject ,hal l be con,tructed in accordance �cith your application dated and received September �, _'018. After reeie�+ina ��our application, �ve ha��e decided diat diese impacts are covered b�� General Water Quality Certitication Number 4132. This certihcation corresponds to'Vatiomcide Permit 3 i;sued by the Corps of Eneineers. l his appro�al is also valid for Jord�n Lake Riparian Buffer Rules ( I>.A NCAC 36 .0367). In addition. y�ou should acquire any other tederal. state or local permits before you proceed �vith ��our project including (but not limited to) Sediment and [ rosion Control. Non-Dischar,e and Water Supplc Watershed reeulations. This appro��al will e�pire with the accompanying-l0-1 pennit� This approcal i; �alid solely for the purpose and design de;cribed in your application �unles, moditied belo�ti). Should your project chan;e. you must notify the NCDV� R and submit a ne« application. If the property is sold, the ne�� o�ancr must be gi�cn a copy of thi, CertiYication and appro�-al le�ter and is thereb� responsible for comply ing �� ith all the cunditions. If total Netland till, for this pruject (now or in [he future) e�ceed one acre, or ot total impacts to strcams (no�� or in the future) eeceed 300 lincar fceC compensatory miti;ation ma�� be requimd a� described in I�,A NCAC 2H .0�06 (h) (6) and (7). For this approcal to remain valid, �ou must adhere to the condition; listed in the certification and anti� additional condition; listed belo�w. Conditions of Certification: Project Speci�c Conditions l. AII �torm��ater runoff shall be directed as sheetFlow throush stream buffers at non-erosive vclocities, unless otherwise approved b�� this certification. [1 �A NCAC ?6.0367� 3. All riparian buffers impacted b�� the placement of temporary fill or clearin� acticities shall be re�tored to the preconstruction contours and recegetated. Maintained buffers shall be pennanently revegetated witl� non-wood�� species by the end of the growing season following completion of construction. For this condition, maintained buffer areas are detineci as areas �vithin tl�e transportation corridor that will be subject to regular �1CDOT mainrenance activities includin, mo�ring. The area Nidi non-maintained .___,.._.D Q� �.,� i ;,, .,nnu J� i a � �:>��r .>r ; - . � . . -,�� °. �t Wat?r Reaourr,es 512 Nortn Salisbury� Str=et 161`- Matl Ser� �.�.�- � , r, �,i�. Nor!h Carolina 2769&1617 919.i0� 90Q0 bulters shall he p�rmanently revegetated with ❑ati��e ��uody species beFore the ne�t growing season followin_completion ofconstruction. [I�A NCAC'_B.0°67� 3. Pursuant tu ISA NCAC'_B .U'_67, sediment and erosion eontrol devices shall not be placed in Zune I of an}� Jordan lake f3uffer without prior approcal hy the NCDVb'R. Currently. Ihe NCDWR has not approved sediment and erosion control decices in Zone I, outside of the approved pr�ject impacts or any�+herc on this projecL Morcover, sediment and emsion control decices sh�ll be allowed in Zone _' of [hc buffers if 7one I is not coinpromiscd and [hat discharge is released as diffuse tlo�a. Gencr�l Conditions I. As' a condilion of this d01 Water Quality Certitica[ion, if bridge demolition occurs now or in the future, the brid,e demolition must be accomplished in strict compliance with the must recent version of NCDOI"s l3est Manaeement Practices for Construction and Maintenance Aclivities. � IiA NCAC OZH .0>07(d)(2) and I�A NC�1C 0?H .0�061h)(�)� '_. Riprap shall not be placed in [he active thahceg channel or placed in the streainbed in a manner th�t precludes- ayuatic lite passage. Biuengineerin� boulders or structures should bc properl� designed, �iied and installed. [l�A NCAC O�H.0�06(b)('_)] 3. �ihe stream channel shall be e�cavated no deeper dian the natural bed material of the stream, to the ma�imum e�tent practicable Efforts must bc m�de to minimize impacts to the stream banks, as well as to vegetation responsible tix maintaining the �tream bank stabilitc. An� applicable riparian bufl'er impact for access to stream channel shall bc temporary and bc rece,e[ated �+ilh native riparian species. [ I SA NCAC 0'_H.0506( b)('_)� -4. If cuncrete i; used during cunstructiun, a dr� «ork area ;hall be maintained tu prevent direct contact behceen curing conerete and stream ��atec Water that inadcertcntly contacts uncured conerete shall not be discharged to surface walers due to the potential for elevated pH and possible aquatic Iife 1nd fish kills. [I �A NCAC 02B.0300� >_ Durin� Ihe conitruction of the project, no staging of equipment of any kind is perniitted in waters of the U.S. or protected riparian bufters. [I SA NCAC O�H.0�06(b)('_)J 6. The dinteniion, pattem and profile of Ihe stream above and below [he crossing shall nnt be modified. Dishirhed tloodplains and streams shall be restored to naTural ,eomorphic cnnditions. [ I tiA NCAC 0_'H.Oi06(h)1'_)� 7. The use ot riprap �bove the Normal Hieh-Water Mark shall be minimized. Anc riprap pl�ced for sveam stabilization shall be placed in stream channels in such a manner tha[ i[ does not impede ayuatic life passage. � I�A NCAC 03H.0�06(b)('_)] 8. The Permittee �hall ensure that the final desi�;n dra�+in�,s adhere to the permit and to the permit drawings submitted for approvaL [I�A NCAC 0?H .Oi07 (c) and I�A NCAC 0'_H .0506 (b)(�) and (c)(2)� .:::.. � Q�,� North Carolma Depa2men[of Environmentdi Q,ahq Drvision of Water Resources �12 North Salisbury Street 16ll Mad Service Center Raleigh. North Carolina 2 7 699-161% 919.707.9000 9. All ��ork in ur adj.tcent tu sueam waters shnll he conducted in a dry ��or6 area. .�pproved BMP mcasures frum thc most current eersion of NCDOT Con;truuion and ti1aintenance Acti�ities manual ,uch as ;�ndba��s, ruck herm�, c��N'crd.�ms ��nd other dirersiun ,tructures �h�ll he iued to precent e�ca�ation in tlo�+in; �catrc (15A NCAC U1H.Oi0616)1 �) and (c)1 +)� 10. Fleav} eyuipment ,hall be operated t�om the ban6s rather than in the s[ream ehannel to minimize sedimrn[ation and reduce the intruductiun of uther pallutants intu the stream. � I i;\ NCAC' O�IL0�061b)1 �)] I I. All mechaniied eyuipment upera�ed ncar surlacc ��aters must be re��ularh in,�ected and maimained tu pre�ent cont�mination of stream Nater tiom fiiels, luhricant,, In�draulic fluids, or othcr t��.cic inaterials. [I iA NCnC O�H.0�061b1(�)J I'. No rock, sand or othrr materials ,hall Lic c1m��,ed from the sVcam channel e�cept ��here au[horizrd by thiscertificatiun. [I�A NCAC 0'_I1.0�06�6)(3)� 13. Dischar,in�, h�droseed mi�turts and ��ashin, uui h�druszeders and other equipment in or ad_jacent to ;urface �i�ter, i� prohibited. [ I�A NCAC 03H.pi061b)(+)] I�l. �I'he Permittee an� its authorized a��ents shall conduct its acti��ities in a manner cun,istent with State ��nter qualit� stendarda (including am rcquirements resultint frum compliance �� ith $303(d) of thc Clcan N�atzr Act) and am other apprupriate requirement, of State and Federal I<���. If the NCDN�R determines that such standards ur la��s are nut beim_ met ( includin�, the Yailure tu sustain � d�signated or �chie� ed use) or thsn Smte or federal law is being � iolated. or thnt further conditions are necessan [o as,urz cimipliance. the NCDN'R ma� reecaluate and modih this cenitica�iun. ( I�A NCAC 0' E3.U�00 � I�. All Fill slopes lucated in jurisdictiunal �+etlands shall l�e pl�ced at slopes no Ila[ter than �:I _ unless other�i�e authorir_ed b� thi,certification. [I�A NCAC 0'_H.Oi06�b)('_')� 16. A co�� of this Water Qualit� Certiliration shall be nuiinteinrd on the construction site al���a�s. In addition. the W�ater Quality Certitication and all subscyuent modifications. ifam, shall be maintnined �nith th� Di�isiun Gn�ineer and �lic un-,iic project inana�er. � ISA NCAC 0?H .0�071�1 nnd I�A NCAC 02H .0�0(, (b)('-) and (c)('-11 17. The outside buFfer. wedand or water boundarc located �cithin the construction corridur appro��ed by this authurization, includim� all nun-commercial borro�� and «aste sites associated �+ith the pn�ject, >hall he clearl� mar6cd b� hi�,hh vi,ihlc fencin� prior [o am land di;turbing ac�icities. Impacts to areas �sithin the lenciml are prohibitcd unless otherH ise authorized by this certitica[ion. �I �A NG4C 021i.0�01 and.0�03� 18. �Che issuance ol�this certitication does not e�einpt the Perntittee I�rom compl�ing ��ith all statutes. rules, regulation,, or ordinunces that ma�� be imposed hy other �cwernment a�,encies (i.e. local, state, and federal) haein�;, jurisdictiun. includin� but no� limited �u applicable buffer ndes, storm��ater mana�,ement rule,. suil erusion and sedimentatiun control requircment;, e[c. Nofth CarJlina Depar!inanUf Envir�nnie��I��';��;,i��i� D�vision of Wevr Res6��rCeS 5L Nonn Sai�sUurvSv?e* 161T Mai Servica Cencer � Raieigh. North Car,�hna 27699�161 919 '07 3000 19. The Permittee shall repurt any �iulations of this certitication tu the Dicision of Water Resuurces �� ithin ?-1 houn of discoven .[ I>A NCAC 0? B.0>06( b)('_ ) � 30. Upon cumpletiun of the project (includin, any impacts at associated borru�� ur �+aste sites), tl�e NCDOI� Divi�ion Engincer (or whomever is Ihe authori�ed a�,ent if a non-NCDOT pr<�ject) shall complete and rewrn [he enclosed "Certitication of Completiun Fonn° to notiFy� ihe NCDW'R when all ��ork included in [he d01 Certific���iun has been completed. � I�A NCAC 02H.0>03(Yl� '_I. Native riparian oegetation (i.e., trces and shrubs native to �our �eographic re�;ion) must be reestablished in tlie riparian areas within the consvuction limits of the praject b� the end of the ;rowin� seasun tullu��ing completion ofconstrurtiun. �ISA NCAC 03B.0506(b)�2)j �2. There shall be no e�cavation from, or ��astc disposal into, jurisdictional wedands or waters associated ��ith this permit ��ithout apprupriare moditication. Should waste or borro�� sites. or access ruads to waste or bormw sites, be in wetlands or streams. compcnsntory� mitigatiun will be required since that is a direct impac[ from road construction acti��itic�. � I �A NCAC 0'_H.Oti06(b)(3) and (c)(3)J 23. 6rosion and sediment control practices must be in fldl compliance ��id� all specitications �,overning the proper desi�,n, installnti�m and uperalion and main[enance of'such Best Mana�!ement Practices to protect surface ��aters standards �I�A NCAC O�H.l1�0G�b)(3) and (c)(3)J: a. The erosion and sediment cuntrol measure� tbr the prujeci mus[ be designed, installed. operated, anJ maintained in accordance �cith the most recent version of the ��nrih C<n�olrno Sedfnre�tl catd Eru.siun ('n�llru/ Plcrn�rin�• mnl De��iLn :1luntrul. b. The desi;n, installation. operation, and maintenancc of the sediment and ero;ion contrul measures must be such [hat the� eyuaL or e�ceed, the requirements specitied in the nwst recent �ersion of the .Norlh ('urulinu .SeJimc nl und Ern.slo�i C'nnn•n! :Nunttul. I he de� ices shall he maintained on all construction sites. horro�� sites, and �+�aste pile (spoil) pr�jects, includin; contractur-owned or leased borro�e pits associated ��ith the project. c. Por borro��� pit sites, the eru�ion and sediment control measures must be desi;ned, installed, operated, and maintained in accordancc �cith the most recem �ersion of the ;Vorih C'urnlrnu .StrrJiice :tli��in,� ;tlunuul. d. The reclamation measures and implementation mwt comply ��ith the redamation in accordance �� ith the reyuirements of the Sedimentaliun Pollution Control Act. Zd. Scdimen[ and erosiun conVol mea,ures shall not be placed in wetlands or waters unless othcrwi�e appru�rd by� this Certitreatiun. [I �A NCAC O�H.0706(b)(3) and (c)13)J ?�. All sediment and erosion conu'ol decices shall be removed, and the natural gradc restored within two (2) months of the date that the Division ut Energ�. Mining and Land Resources (DEMLR) or locally delegated pro�ram has released the specific area within the project [I �A NCAC 0'_H.0506�b)(3) and (c)(31� If you wish to contest an�� statement in the attached Certilication ��ou must tile a petition fur an adminis�rative hcarim_. You may ohtain the petition li�rm from the oftice of Administrative hearin,s. You mi�st file the petition ��ith die uffice of Adminis[ratice Hearin�,s within si�ty �60) da�s of receip[ of Ihis notice. A petition is considemd filed �ahen it is reeeived in the officc of Adminintratice Hearings durin, �:..... � Q�,� North Caroi�na Departmen[of Environmen[ai �udiity Drvison of Wate� Resources 512 North Sabs�ury Street 1617 Mad Servicz Cen[er Raleigh. North Carolina 2 7 699-16 1 �" 919 707.9000 m�nnal oFticc houn. The (�ftice of Administrati�c flearin�,s accepts filinu� Monda� through Prida� hettiecn the hours of 8:OOam and �:OOpm, e�cept for oflicial state holida�,. The original and une ( I 1 cup) of the petition must be liled «idi th� Oftice ol'Administrati�e licarin��>. I�he p�tition ma�� be fa�ed-provided [he origin�l and one cop� of the document is recei� ed b} the Oftice uf Admini.trati�e Hearing� �� ithin five (>) business dacs ti>Ilutiina the fa�ed transmission. The mailins address for ihe OFtice nf Administrative Hearin�s is: pftice of Administra[i�e Hearim_s 671-1 !�7ail Ser� ice Center Raleieh. NC _'7699-671-t Telephone: (919)-431-3000. Facsimile: (9I9)-431-3100 A cop� of the petition must als�� be :erved on DEQ as folluks: Mr. Bill F. Lane. General Cuunsel Departmznt of Environinen[al Qualit� 1601 Mail Sen ice Center This letter completes the revie�� of [he Divis-ion of N ater Resources under Section �01 0l the Clean Water 4ct. If you ha�e am que,tions, please contact April Nortan at 919-707-91 I I or Aoril.Norton'�dncdenr.so�. � Sincerely. i I" ����� � ���i L dx Culpepper. Interim Director Di� ision of Water Resources Electronic cop) onl� distribu[ion: Da�e Baile�, US Army Curps uf Fn�_ineen, Raleigh Field Office .4pril Norton. NCDR R. Cen[ral OfFlce File Cupy �.._.. D_ Q�� North Carolina Oepartman: oi E�,v��ronine:�.[ai Q�,a"n Dmision of Watar R�sources 9 L2 North Salisnurv 5!rzet 1617 Matl Serv�ce Cen[er Ralaigh. North Carolu�s 27699-161 % 91970 Z90U0 NORiH CAROLINA ROY COOPER EnrlronmentclQuollry c�-� MICHAEL S. RECAN sK.�ra.y LINDA CULPEPPER mre.bn a.error \CDWR Project No.: Countr: :�pplicant: — ---- Pruject Name: Uate of Issuance of 101 Water Qualih Certifirntion: Certificate of Completion Vpon cumplctiun ol'all ��urk approoed ��ilhin Ihz d01 N�ater Qualih Certilication ur upplictiMlt Bull2r Rules. unJ am wbstyuent muJiliruiuns. iha npplicam is rcyuircd �u rcwm this eertilicatc to thc dUl Tranrportation Pcrmittine Unit. Nonh Carolina Divisiun of Wa�u Rcsourccs. 1617 Mail ticn�icc Ccntcr. Ral�igh. �C. 37699-1617. This form mac bc rcmrn�d tu NCUN'R h�� thc upplicant. iha applicani�, auihorinJ aeent. or ihe prnjec� �nginecr. It i, noi necezsan io send cenilicate> �ium all ul thase. .�pplicmr�'s Certificnlinn I. . hertM� siatt thut. tu �he hest u1 m� abilities. Jue care and Jilieenca ��a, useJ in the uhsenation uf thz consvuction ,ueh that thc consvuction a�. ohxned to he buili ��idiin subuami:d compliance:md intem o( the 101 Vr'atcr Qu�lit� Cenifica�iun and BulYar Rulc.. thc.ipproced plum and spcciGcatiuns. and other supponing materials. Sienawrc D�te: Ap,eu!'s Cerlificn(ion L . herob� s�ate thai. tu ihc bcst of m� ahili�i�s. Juz care anJ Jilieence �+as used in the ubserv.itiun of tht comvuetiun such th�t the ennsvuction ��:u oh.zrczd tu be buili �� iihin ,ubs�amial eompliance and intem of thc A01 Watcr Qualiq� Ccnitication and f3uB�er Rule,, thc apprnvcd plans and spccitications. and othzr suppunine materials. tiignuturc Dat�: Engiweer's Cerfifica(inn Parti�l Pinul I. . a< a dulc rcgistared Prulessinnal h:n@inccr in thc Slatc ul Nonh Carolina havin@ bern xuthori>ed to obsent Iperiodicalh. weekl}, liill timel �he conswction oFthe pn�ject tiir the Pcrmittce hereb� sia�t th;�t, to thz bzst oYm� �bilities, due care anJ diligenct ��as useJ in tha ohsen�atiun nl �he coiuvuc�ion such ih.0 the cunstruction ��as ohserveJ to he built w�ithin substxntial compliance and intcm of the �lUl N'ater Qualitc Cmilication and 13uflcr Rults. �ht approccd plans vnd spccitication,. and other>upponine mattriul.. tiignawro Date Rceistm�iun No. D_E Q" ;::�.�.��.��-� North Carolina Deoartment of Emironmental Qualitc Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919]079000