HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181267 Ver 1_Avery #56 Letter_20180913/siarE �/ iw`���\MO\. f�,"'��� � -�2�•��: ef � � �r :: ���L[ �/,.. �:.; -- " __ STATE OF N(�RTH CA�OLINA DEPAR�ME;NT QF Z�ANSPQRTA,`�IQN Rov CooP�� Gov�xivoR September 13, 2018 Mr. Steve Kichefski U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Aslaeville �tegulatory Fielcl �ffiee 151 Patton Avenue, R�om 208 Ashevil�e, NC 28$Q1-5006 J�s H. '�'xa��or�, � SECILE"i'ARY Subject: Nationtivide Permit #3 Rep�aee Bric[ge #56 on SR 1321 with New Bridge Avery Counry, North Carolina Project Number: 17SP.1�.R.118 (DWR Fermit Fee: '��40} Dear Mr. Kic�efski: T�e Narth CaroIina Department of Transpartation is scheduled to replace Brz`d�e �#56 with a new bric�ge a� the sarrze locatzon. The existing single span timber �racEge is � 7' long x 19' wide and is structurally deficient. The proposed bridge is a 25' long by 25' wide wit� a cared slai� deck. Stage construction will be utilized. Streazxi Impacts: Statian Existi�g Propased T'em�orary Riprap '�"otal Im�acts ' Number Structure Size Structure Dewatering Im�acts at t�is Station Size (feet� (feet) (feet) 17' long x 19' 25' long x 2�' �,2 (beyond B�id e#S6 r�vide bridge wide bridge RR 1'units} 45' �7 ��" CMP PiFe R��[+�o e�t 1 g�9 �MP (same len�th) 11 $ �9 Perm. FilURiprap Ym�pacts = Total Pr4ject �mpacts = SG 53 feet �eQ� � The riprap tatal here i�cludes ali bank stabilization and bank harder�ing associa�ed with the new str�zcture and riprap that is beyond the �aa#prin� of the existing struct�ure and wing walls. Maili�g Adtires:r: NE' DGPARTMENT OF'TRANSP�RTt1TIpiJ DNI51(7N 11 801 STATESVIL.LE R0.4L7 TVORTH WILK6SBORO_ NC 28b59 7'elepho��e: (336) 6b7-91 1 ] Frr�. (336) b67-45�9 Custonier 5eivice: 1-577-3fi8-49�& LY'ebsite: www.ncdol.gor Mr. 8teve Kichefskz Avery Bridge #Sb September 13, 2018 The replaceznent of �e existing bridge with the proposed new bridge will zequire tert�parary dewatering during abuttnent removal and riprap installation. An irnpervio�s dike will be constructed adjacent to the propased impaci area to isolate the work area. Any dirty water Iocated inside the construction area will be pumped into a silt bag if necessary. Once thE new bank stabilization is in place, the impervious dikes will k�e removed and preconshuction streambed elevations wi11 be restored. Constructian of ihis project wi�l r�quire impacts to waters of the United States in the Watauga River Basin. The existing bridge crosses Curtis Creek (C�ass: C, Trout) and is located in a trout watershed. This praject does not drain to designated critical habitat. This project was reviewed for the presence of threatened ar�d endangered species in the field at�d I have also includec� a query of the NCNHP database. Based on the project area map�ed with my rec�uest, the database search indicates that there are na recards for threatened or endangered species, important nahzral cornmunities, ziatural areas, ar conservation/mar�aged areas within the praposed project boundary. There will be approximately 0.02 acres of tree cutting at the project location due to cut and fill work. The NLEB is Zisted as a protected species in this county and the project does fa1l within one of the HUCs identified in the SLOPES spelled out in the Nationwide Permit Regional Conditions. We do not anticipate any impact ta any other %derally listed species. Cu�tural resource compliance work has been completed. No archaeological resources or histonEc properties wi�l be affected hy this project (see attached). The pxoject impacts are not si�ruficant in nature and shauld not remove or degrade existing water quality uses. Stormwater will be routed through grass or rock iined ditches, depending on the ditch line slope. Pipe sizes used will be fihe minimurn necessary to create a safe raadway. By utilizing t1�e erosion control measures outlined in the attachtr�ents to this application, downstream watcr quality standards will be protected. AlZ appropriat� BMPs wi�i be used during construction. By copy of this electronic letter, it is rec�uested that Mrs. Marla Chambers with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission coznment direct�y to you concerning the 404 Nationw�ide Permit application with a copy sent to me. By copy of this eZecfironic letter, it is request�d that the Division of Water Resonrces, 4411Wetlands Unit, issue the appropriate permit f�r construction of tlus project. It is requested that axiy comments related to the 401 certification be electronically farwarded direc�ly to me with a copy sent ta tkze US Army Co�ps of Engineers. We would like to begin construction as soon as possibie. If further information is required, please iet me know. Your eaxly review and consideration will be appreciated. Mr. St�ve Kichefski Avery Bridge #56 September 13, 2018 Sincerely, � Heath Staughter Division Environmental Officer Enclosures cc: Maarla Chambers, NCWRC Axny Chapman, Dirrision af Water Resvurces Dave Wanucha, Divisian of Water Re�ources Joe Laws, Divisfon Bridge Pragram Manager Todd Hiatt, Roadside Enviz�onmental Field Operations Er�gineer