HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000240_2017 Annual Report_20170901City of Charlotte NPDES MS4 Permit Program Stormwater Management Program Plan FY2017 Annual Report Permit Number NCS000240 September 2017 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report i Table of Contents Section 1 Introduction ................................................................................................1 Section 2 Background Information ..........................................................................3 Section 3 Public Education and Outreach Program ...............................................8 Section 4 Public Involvement and Participation Program ...................................21 Section 5 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program ..........................31 Section 6 Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control Program.....................61 Section 7 Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program .......................67 Section 8 Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Program.............................73 Section 9 Industrial Facilities Evaluation and Monitoring Program ..................90 Section 10 Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Program ........................100 Section 11 Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program ..................................116 Acronyms Used In This Document: BMP: Best Management Practice CAR: Corrective Action Request CATS: Charlotte Area Transit System CDOT: Charlotte Department of Transportation CFD: Charlotte Fire Department CMANN: Continuous Monitoring Alert Notification Network CMCSI: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Certified Site Inspector CMPD: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department CMSWS: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services DEMLR: Division of Energy, Mining, and Land Resources DO: Dissolved Oxygen DWF: Dry Weather Flow DWQ: Division of Water Quality EPM-SWS: Engineering and Property Management Dept.-Storm Water Services Division ETJ: Extra Territorial Jurisdiction FY: Fiscal Year GIS: Geographic Information System HDD: Horizontal Directional Drilling City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report ii IDDE: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination IDEP: Illicit Discharge Elimination Program MEP: Maximum Extent Practicable MS4: Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System MST: Microbial Source Tracking NCDEQ: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality NCGA: North Carolina General Assembly NOV: Notice of Violation NPDES: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System O&M: Operation & Maintenance PCSO: Post-Construction Stormwater Ordinance QA/QC: Quality Assurance/Quality Control Program RSWP : Regional Stormwater Partnership SAP: Standard Administrative Procedure SARA: Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act SCM: Stormwater Control Measure SOP: Standard Operating Procedure SSO: Sanitary Sewer Overflow SWAC: Stormwater Advisory Committee SWMP: Stormwater Management Program Plan SPPP: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan TMDL: Total Maximum Daily Load TP: Total Phosphorus TSS: Total Suspended Solids UNCC: University of North Carolina at Charlotte USEPA: United States Environmental Protection Agency WLA: Waste Load Allocation WQ: Water Quality WQS: Water Quality Standards WTP: Water Treatment Plant WWTP: Wastewater Treatment Plant City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 1 Section 1: Introduction On November 1, 1993, the City of Charlotte “City” began operating under National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit Number NCS000240. This permit has subsequently been renewed for a five-year permit term on three occasions and is currently in its 4th permit cycle effective March 1, 2013 through February 28, 2018. This document provides the Annual Report for the Stormwater Management Program Plan (SWMP) for FY2017 under the current permit term as required by Part III, paragraph 2 of the NPDES MS4 permit. The overall objective of this Annual Report is to document activities conducted in support of the SWMP during FY2017 (July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017) and discuss future proposed program activities and/or SWMP changes as necessary. The City Engineering and Property Management Department-Storm Water Services Division (EPM-SWS) is the primary agency responsible for managing the City’s NPDES MS4 permit, the MS4 system and the SWMP. The implementation of the requirements within the permit program and SWMP are coordinated with other applicable City departments as necessary. In addition, coordination is conducted with the NPDES Phase II MS4 permit programs for the jurisdictions in Mecklenburg County adjacent to the City where appropriate and feasible. This coordination is conducted to help ensure uniformity between the Phase I and Phase II local NPDES MS4 stormwater permit programs and jurisdictions. Mecklenburg County stormwater staff along with EPM-SWS staff collectively form Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services (CMSWS). City and County water quality staff within CMSWS work together to accomplish many of the activities discussed in this report. Included in this SWMP Annual Report are:  Best management practices (BMPs) that are being used to fulfill the program requirements;  Frequency and status of each BMP;  Measurable program goals and planned future activities;  Implementation schedule;  Responsible positions; and  An assessment of program activities conducted during the reporting year. Staff of EPM-SWS, under the direction of the City’s Water Quality Program Manager, is responsible for the fulfillment of most of the activities discussed in this SWMP. Exceptions to this include the City’s Engineering and Property Management Department-Land Development Division, which is the primary agency responsible for the Development and Redevelopment Plan Review and Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control programs within the SWMP. In addition, the City’s Department of Transportation-Street Maintenance Division and Solid Waste Services Department have responsibility for routine maintenance of certain portions of the MS4, in coordination with EPM-SWS. Funding for the BMPs specified in the SWMP is provided by City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 2 local stormwater utility fees, except where noted. The City’s SWMP includes the following core Phase I permit programs: 1. Public Education and Outreach Program – This program provides the general public and businesses with information on general water quality, pollution prevention, and reporting problems, as well as specialized information on various activities that have the potential to cause pollution and harm water quality. This information is delivered through a wide range of methods including print, web, radio, social media, television, presentations, and public events. 2. Public Involvement and Participation Program – This program provides the general public and businesses the opportunity to participate in various programs within the City’s SWMP. Charlotte-Mecklenburg government maintains a Storm Water Advisory Committee (SWAC), which is an appointed citizen panel to review and comment on the City’s and County’s stormwater programs. In addition, public volunteer opportunities are available with City/County programs such as Storm Drain Marking, Adopt-a-Stream, and the annual Big Spring Clean event. 3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program – This program is designed to protect water quality by detecting and eliminating pollution sources such as improper sewage or wastewater connections; illegal discharges of chemicals, paint, or oil; and accidental discharges from sanitary sewer lines and vehicle accidents. As part of this program, the City enforces the “City of Charlotte - Stormwater Pollution Control Ordinance,” which prohibits the discharge of pollutants to the storm drainage system and receiving streams. The City relies on reports from the public, various monitoring programs, and a wide range of other activities to assist in identifying and eliminating these sources of pollution. 4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control Program – This program maintains the City’s delegated erosion and sediment control program to control sediments and other pollutants from construction sites. As part of this program, the City enforces the “City of Charlotte - Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance,” which requires suitable erosion control on project sites. The City conducts routine inspections of construction sites and issues violation notices and fines when necessary to ensure compliance with the ordinance. 5. Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program – This program is designed to control the discharge of pollutants in stormwater runoff from new development and redevelopment projects. As part of this program, the City enforces the “City of Charlotte – Post- Construction Stormwater Ordinance,” which requires structural stormwater controls for applicable new development and redevelopment projects as defined in the ordinance. The program involves review and approval of project plans as well as site inspections and maintenance activities to ensure that treatment practices are properly operated and maintained. 6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Program – This program focuses on ensuring that City facilities and field operations are managed in a way that minimizes stormwater pollutant City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 3 discharges. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans and Spill Response Plans are maintained for applicable facilities that conduct activities with the potential for stormwater pollutant discharges. The City conducts inspections and training sessions at these facilities to ensure that requirements are being met. Field operations are evaluated for impacts on stormwater quality and best management practices are developed and implemented in order to minimize those impacts. 7. Industrial Facilities Evaluation and Monitoring Program – This program focuses on industrial facilities that discharge stormwater to the City’s MS4 and receiving streams. Inspections are conducted at these facilities on a rotational basis to review site operations and materials handling practices. In addition, if the facility has a stormwater permit, it is reviewed to ensure that permit conditions are adhered to. 8. Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Program – This program maintains a water quality monitoring plan designed to monitor major streams to determine water quality conditions and assist in evaluating the effectiveness of various stormwater management programs. The program is also used to assist in locating illicit discharges and connections where possible. 9. Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program – This program maintains a TMDL watershed plan designed to address applicable TMDL pollutants of concern b y implementing best management practices (BMPs) within the six minimum NPDES stormwater permit measures. These BMPs are designed to reduce the TMDL pollutant of concern within the Permittee’s assigned MS4 NPDES regulated waste load allocation to the maximum extent practicable (MEP), and to the extent authorized by law. Section 2: Background Information 2.1 Population Served The SWMP covers the jurisdictional area, including the incorporated area and extra territorial jurisdiction (ETJ), for the City, as applicable and defined by the NPDES MS4 permit. Table 2-1 provides the population for the City based on the 2000 and 2010 US census. This census data was obtained from the following website of the US Census Bureau: https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045216/3712000,00 Table 2-1: Population and Growth Rate for the City of Charlotte. 2016 Population (est.) 2010 Population 2000 Population Average Annual Percent Change (2000-2010) 842,051 731,424 540,828 3.5% 2.2 Growth Rate City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 4 Table 2-1 shows the population growth rate represented as an “Average Annual Percent Change” for the City. This growth rate was calculated by dividing the overall percent change between the 2000 and 2010 Census by the 10-year interval. 2.3 Jurisdictional and MS4 Service Areas The jurisdictional and MS4 service area for the City is provided in Table 2-2. The location of this area within Mecklenburg County and corresponding watershed areas are provided in Figure 2-1. The source of this information is the City Planning Department, which updates jurisdictional and geographical boundaries as annexations occur. Table 2-2: Jurisdictional and MS4 Service Area for the City of Charlotte. Incorporated Area (Sq. Miles) ETJ (Sq. Miles) Total Jurisdiction (Sq. Miles) 307 69 376 2.4 MS4 Conveyance System The existing MS4 serving the City is composed of curbs, gutters, catch basins, culverts, pipes, ditches, and outfalls that collect and convey stormwater for discharge to receiving streams. Currently, there are an estimated 6,238 outfalls, 3,546 miles of storm drain pipe and 163,751 catch basins and drop inlets within the City’s MS4. Pipe systems are typically 15 inches or larger in diameter and are designed for the ten-year storm event. Outlet energy is commonly dissipated through the use of end-walls or flared end sections with riprap aprons. Although the natural alignment of many receiving streams has been altered over the past century, many of the stream banks remain mostly vegetated as a result of the City’s stormwater management philosophies. Stream banks that were armored with riprap as a result of previous stabilization efforts are currently allowed to re-vegetate naturally, and new projects incorporate “soft” methods involving tree plantings and other vegetation. Maintenance and improvements to the MS4 system are funded by stormwater utility fees collected within the City. Maintenance activities include cleaning inlets of debris and sediment, maintaining channels to reduce erosion and maximize pollution reduction capabilities, and the removal of blockages. Improvements to the MS4 system include solving infrastructure problems, channel stabilization, safety improvements, stream habitat enhancement, water quality enhancement, and resolving flooding problems associated with stormwater generated from public streets. 2.5 Land Use Composition Estimates The number of square miles and percentage of the MS4 service area under residential, commercial, industrial and open space land use categories are provided in Table 2-3. These percentages include the incorporated area and ETJ for the City. Figure 2-2 provides a map of these land use areas. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 5 Table 2-3: Percentage of Land Uses in the City of Charlotte (including ETJ). Land use Category Number of Square Miles % of Land Use within City of Charlotte and ETJ Residential 132 35 Commercial 56 15 Industrial 13 4 Open Space 98 26 Institutional 20 5 Transportation/Other 54 14 Lake Water/Open Space 3 1 2.6 Estimate Methodology Land use estimates are derived from Mecklenburg County land parcel geographic information system (GIS) data (2015). City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 6 FIGURE 2-1 Charlotte Jurisdictional Area and Watersheds City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 7 FIGURE 2-2 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 8 Section 3: Public Education and Outreach Program During the annual report period, the Public Education and Outreach Program distributed educational materials to the community and conducted outreach activities focused on the impacts of stormwater discharges on water bodies per the SWMP. The following sub-sections explain:  The BMPs implemented to meet program requirements;  Target audience and pollution sources;  Outreach strategy;  Measures of success;  Future goals and planned activities; and  Program assessment. 3.1 BMP Summary Table Table 3-1 provides information concerning the BMPs implemented to fulfill the Public Education and Outreach Program requirements. Table 3-1: BMP Summary Table for the Public Education and Outreach Program. BMP BMP Description Schedule (years) Responsible Position 1 2 3 4 5 Describe target pollutants and target pollutant sources Describe the target pollutants and target pollutant sources the permittee’s public education program is designed to address and why they are an issue. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Describe target audiences Describe the target audiences likely to have significant stormwater impacts and why they were selected. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Informational Web Site The permittee shall promote and maintain an internet web site designed to convey the program’s message. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Distribute public education materials to identified user groups. Distribute general stormwater educational material to appropriate target groups as likely to have a significant stormwater impact. Instead of developing its own materials, the permittee may rely on state- supplied Public Education and Outreach materials, as available, when implementing its own program. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Promote and maintain Hotline/Help line Promote and maintain a stormwater hotline/helpline. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Implement a Public Education and Outreach Program. The permittee’s outreach program, including those elements implemented locally or through a cooperative agreement, shall include a combination of approaches designed to reach the target audiences. For each media, event or activity, including those elements implemented locally or through a cooperative agreement the permittee shall estimate and record the extent of exposure. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 9 3.2 Target Pollutants and Sources Table 3-2 provides the specific pollution sources targeted for the public education program as well as a description as to why the sources were important for protecting water quality in the City. Table 3-2: Targeted Pollution Sources for the Public Education and Outreach Program. Target Pollutant Pollution Source Issue Bacteria Improper Waste Disposal Sanitary Sewer Overflows Pet Waste Improper handling and disposal of wastes can result in the discharge of a variety of pollutants to the storm drainage system, causing increases in harmful bacteria. Discharges of food wastes such as fats, oils, and greases to the sanitary sewer system can result in line blockages that cause sanitary sewer overflows. Improper disposal of pet waste can also cause discharges of bacteria to the storm drainage system. Sediment Construction Erosion Stream Bank Erosion Improper erosion control practices at construction sites can result in sediment discharges to the storm drainage system. In addition, uncontrolled volumes of stormwater runoff can cause scouring of stream banks resulting in increased sediment volumes in streams. 3.3 Target Audience The target audiences for the public education program included those entities that could have significant positive and/or negative impacts on water quality conditions. The audiences that were selected are listed below along with an explanation as to why they were targeted for educational outreach. Homeowners (ages 25 - 55): This subgroup of the general public has been selected because, as compared to younger or older generations, they have the greatest potential for affecting stormwater quality. They represent about 55% of the City’s residents, are likely to care for a home and property, and have the greatest potential for engaging in target activities such as yard care, disposal practices, pet ownership, car maintenance, and pollution reporting. Multi-Family Residential Apartment Complexes: This target audience has been selected because the City’s sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) are commonly caused by improper grease disposal at multi-family residential communities. Construction Industry: This target audience has been selected because it has the greatest potential for affecting erosion and sedimentation control at construction sites, which can be a significant contributor of sediment to the City’s waterways. 3.4 Stormwater Public Education and Outreach Program The City’s Stormwater Public Education and Outreach Program provides water quality and pollution prevention messages to educate residents and businesses about the ways they can help City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 10 protect water quality and get involved to help reduce stormwater pollution. The program provides these messages through the following activities:  Mass Media;  Social Media;  Public Hotline Promotion;  School Presentations;  Public Presentations and Events;  Website; and  Public Education Materials. 3.4.1 Mass Media Significant resources were spent on providing water quality messages through mass media channels because they are the most effective way to reach adult audiences. The media campaign focused on three main themes:  Report Pollution;  Volunteer; and  Flood Safety. Media channels utilized to promote events and messages consisted of television, radio, website, and print advertisements. A total of 706 television ads and 94 radio ads ran and CMSWS also worked with a local TV station to produce “Water Wise” segments that were shown on the local news station. The segments covered topics such as “Stormwater Pollution,” “Reporting Pollution,” and “Volunteering.” Print media included use of:  Vehicle wraps;  A parking garage banner;  Magazine ads;  Newspaper ads; and  Utility bill inserts. 3.4.2 Social Media CMSWS continued efforts to build a social media presence this past year as more and more people are receiving information through this media source. Four social media channels were used:  YouTube Account https://www.youtube.com/user/StormWaterServices  Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/waterwatchers  Twitter Account https://www.twitter.com/WaterWatcherCLT City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 11  Instagram Account https://www.instagram.com/stormwatercm CMSWS posted various videos and news stories on the You Tube channel. CMSWS also provided more content, pictures and videos related to stormwater pollution, surface water quality, pollution prevention and flood messages on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and boosted some posts to reach tens of thousands of users. There are 5,978 Facebook followers, 406 Instagram followers, 792 Twitter followers and 30 subscribers to our YouTube page. Figure 3-1 shows a typical Facebook post. CMSWS provided the public with a mobile application called “Water Watchers” to report pollution. There were 141 downloads of the application during FY2017, making for a total of 1,646 downloads since the application was launched in FY2013. This past year, there were 64 reports of pollution using the application. The application allows users to provide pictures of their concern and this has proven very helpful to staff for providing follow-up services. A variety of tools and events were used to promote the 311 hotline and the Water Waters mobile application including:  Giving away promotional products such as magnets and water bottles with 311 and Water Watcher information;  Providing information about reporting pollution on a website;  Working with local TV stations to produce news segments focused on reporting pollution;  Buying media time and airing a TV ad focused on reporting pollution;  Designing and mailing the October utility bill insert, focused on volunteering and reporting pollution, to approximately 255,000 residents; and  Hanging a six-story banner on a parking garage across from a popular exit ramp off I-277 (Figure 3-2). Figure 3-2: Typical Parking Garage Banner Figure 3-1: Typical Facebook Post. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 12 3.4.3 Public Hotline The City, in cooperation with Mecklenburg County, continued to operate a joint customer service hotline that helps direct citizens to appropriate resources for their questions and concerns including reporting of pollution. Citizens were able to dial 311 any time of the day (24/7/365) to report a variety of stormwater issues such as pollution, flooding, and blockages to the drainage system. During this past fiscal year, a total of 7,509 calls were received by 311 and referred to CMSWS. Out of this total number, 507 resulted in service requests related to water quality issues within the City. Of the calls received, the highest number came from citizens. Calls from citizens as a group made up 46% of all calls, which was 26% higher than from any other audience. This is important information for targeting education campaigns related to pollution reporting. Table 3-3 provides information about the number and type of callers that reported these issues. Table 3-3: FY2017 Service Request Source Summary Caller Type Number of Service Requests* Citizen 233 Charlotte Fire Department 40 Charlotte Water 41 Charlotte Storm Water Services 51 Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Dept. 1 City Departments (other, not specified) 103 State – Division of Water Resources 9 Environmental Protection Agency 5 Business 7 Towns 0 Other 17 TOTAL 507 * Source summary data includes all types of service requests within the City jurisdiction An additional unique outreach tool for publicizing pollution reporting was the design and implementation of three vehicle wraps (Figure 3-3). These vehicle wraps have been placed on three CMSWS vehicles and each addressed a different subject – storm drains lead to streams, smelly and discolored streams, and mud pollution. In addition to informing and educating, these wraps encourage residents to recognize and report pollution by calling 311. The vehicle wraps were completed towards the Figure 3-3: Vehicle Wrap on a CMSWS vehicle City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 13 end of FY2016 and have been driven since then by CMSWS staff while conducting illicit discharge investigations and service request responses. It is estimated that the vehicle wraps will last about five years. 3.4.4 School Presentations During FY2017, CMSWS staff provided 80 school presentations to 2,097 students, grades K-12, at 32 different schools. There were eight different programs available to the schools which included:  Blue Planet;  Common Water;  Freddie the Fish;  Enviroscape Model and Video;  CMANN Demo and Power Point;  Festival Table Demonstrations; and  Career Day. Two stormwater pollution videos (made by a former local meteorologist) and the Enviroscape model were also available on loan to schools upon their request. Figure 3- 4 shows a Water Day presentation using the Enviroscape model. 3.4.5 Public Presentations A variety of water quality presentations were available from CMSWS to the general public, interest groups, businesses and industrial facilities upon request. Each presentation, while similar in nature, was also changed depending on the topic of interest and the audience receiving the presentation. For example, this past year presentations were given about yard waste, grease, pollution prevention, general water quality information, and landscaping tips. Table 3-4 shows the public presentations that were provided by CMSWS during FY2017. Table 3-4: FY2017 Public Presentations Date Event Name Number of Attendees 08/18/16 North Carolina Association of Environmental Professionals 50 09/12/16 APWA (NC) Annual Stormwater Management Division Conference Presentation 125 09/13/16 APWA (NC) Annual Stormwater Management Division Conference Presentation 170 09/23/16 University of North Carolina at Charlotte 26 10/12/16 MORA Community Meeting 25 11/30/16 Mecklenburg Co. 811 Utility Coordinating Committee 50 11/30/17 North Carolina Lake Management Society 50 01/10/17 811 – Mecklenburg Co. Utility Coordinating Committee 25 Figure 3-4: Enviroscape Model Presentation City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 14 Date Event Name Number of Attendees 01/11/17 Ansco & Associates 100 01/21/17 Mecklenburg County BSA Council 60 01/26/17 Habitat Stewards 23 02/09/17 Greater Charlotte Apartment Association 150 03/03/17 Girl Scout Journeys 75 03/15/17 Webelos Cub Scouts 52 04/27/17 Clanton Park Neighborhood Meeting 15 04/29/17 Unitarian Universalist Church of Charlotte 22 05/03/17 Southgate Commons HOA 60 05/09/17 Community Alliance for Wildlife 8 05/16/17 League of Women Voters 25 TOTAL 1111 Public Events CMSWS staff participated in a variety of community events that were used to promote education campaigns, give away promotional products, provide face-to-face education opportunities, and provide formal presentations on water quality topics when appropriate. Table 3-5 shows the public event participation during FY2017. Table 3-5: FY2017 Public Event Participation Date Conducted Event Name Number of Attendees Interacted With 08/20/16 Hummingbird Festival 200 09/21/16 Landscapers Breakfast 120 10/01/16 Neighborhood Exchange and Leadership Awards 120 10/07/16 City Environmental Vendor Fair 100 10/23/16 Open Streets 704 500 11/09/16 Aquatic Pesticides and Stormwater Management Workshop 113 11/10/16 Post Construction Stormwater Ordinance Training 118 11/10/16 Leadership Charlotte Gov't and Politics Day 45 11/17/16 Annual Air Quality Forum 100 11/19/16 Passport to STEM 150 01/19/17 STEM Fair 200 02/19/17 Raise Awareness: Fee Increases 20 02/25/17 Soil & Water Tree Event 50 03/04/17 Auto Bell Creek Challenge 28 03/16/17 Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reduction Workshop for Multi-family Communities 32 03/16/17 Civic Leadership Academy: Govt. 101 40 03/24/17 Hope for Youth Rally 100 03/24/17 Weatherfest 300 04/19/17 UNCC Earth Day 300 04/20/17 Ballantyne Earth Day 150 04/22/17 Roots Festival 100 04/23/17 UNCC Earth Day Festival 150 04/25/17 Charlotte Fire/Flood Workshop 6 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 15 Date Conducted Event Name Number of Attendees Interacted With 05/05/17 Charlotte Knights 150 05/06/17 Kids Connect with Nature Day 153 05/07/17 Open Streets 704 400 05/20/17 Fresh Expo 150 06/26/17 Charlotte Knights 130 TOTAL 4,025 3.4.6 Informational Website A significant amount of resources were used to continue promoting and maintaining the CMSWS website http://charlottenc.gov/StormWater (Figure 3-5). During September 2016, the City launched a new, redesigned website. The new website provides an updated and enhanced site that continues to be one of the best ways to provide the general public with water quality information. A vast amount of water quality information is provided on this website including, but not limited to, pollution prevention fact sheets, activities and lessons for kids, volunteer activities, sediment and erosion, regulations, data, maps, watershed information, and stormwater projects. The number of website page views during FY2017 was 183,759; of these, the number of unique page views (i.e. the number of times a page was accessed at least once during a browsing session) was 117,744. Figure 3-5: CMSWS Main Webpage City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 16 3.4.7 Public Education Materials This outreach mechanism was used to target specific pollution sources associated with the general public and industrial/commercial facilities including lawn care practices, handling of used oil and other automotive wastes, housekeeping techniques, etc. Public outreach materials were also used to increase public reporting of pollution problems. Figure 3-6 shows an example of a brochure that was distributed during responses to citizen requests for service, presentations and at event displays. The following provides a list of topics for the written outreach materials/handouts available to staff for distribution during citizen requests for service:  A Guide to Used Oil Recycling  Scoop the Poop (proper handling of animal waste)  Only Rain Goes Down The Storm Drain – The Citizen’s Guide to Pollution Prevention  Volunteer Opportunities  A Brief Look at Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services – Your Storm Water Fees at Work  Grease Free (proper disposal of grease from Charlotte Water Department)  Household Hazardous Waste – What do you do with left over chemicals  Mobile Detailer Best Management Practices  Landscapers Best Management Practices  Painters Best Management Practices  Contractors Best Management Practices  Carpet Cleaners Best Management Practices  Vehicle Service Best Management Practices  Food Service Best Management Practices  Multi-family Best Management Practices  Stone Cutting & Fabrication Industry Best Management Practices  Concrete Industry Best Management Practices  Commercial Property Management Best Management Practices  Asphalt Sealing Best Management Practices  Swimming Pool & Spa Industry Best Management Practices  Dry Detention BMP Maintenance  Rain Garden BMP Maintenance  Sand Filter BMP Maintenance Figure 3-6: Example of a brochure distributed as part of Citizen Requests for Service and at public events City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 17  SW Wetland BMP Maintenance  Wet Pond BMP Maintenance  Environmental Notices – Disposal into the storm drain is against the law (available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean) Promotional Items Promotional items were designed and distributed to complement outreach activities such as group presentations, workshops and public events. All promotional items have the CMSWS website and include other messages as space allows. Table 3-6 shows the promotional items distributed during FY2017. Table 3-6: FY2017 Promotional Items Promotional Item Message Magnets Water Watchers App, Reporting Pollution Pens Six rotating WQ messages Stainless Steel Water Bottles Be the Solution to Water Pollution. Volunteer. Key Chains You’re the Key to Clean Water Wildflower seed bookmarks Minimize fertilizer application Dog Waste bags Scoop the Poop Tattoos and Stickers “Stormy” mascot Sunscreen and lip balm Website address Utility Bill Inserts Each month throughout the annual report period, the City distributed a water/sewer utility bill to between 255,276 – 282,322 residents. During FY2017, CMSWS included utility bill inserts in seven of the 12 monthly water/sewer utility bills. The inserts focus on various topics which included volunteering, water quality, flooding, CMSWS services and fee changes. The total number of utility bill inserts that were mailed during FY2017 was 1,785,000. Figure 3-7 shows a typical utility bill insert that was mailed. Figure 3-7: June 2017 Utility Bill Insert City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 18 3.5 Measurable Goals/Planned Activities for Future Program Years Table 3-7 describes the various Public Education and Outreach BMPs and the Measurable Goals and Planned Activities for Future Program Years for each BMP by permit term year. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 19 Table 3-7: BMP Measurable Goals for the Public Education and Outreach Program. BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals (by permit term year) 1 2 3 4 5 Describe target pollutants and target pollutant sources Describe the target pollutants and target pollutant sources the permittee’s public education program is designed to address and why they are an issue. Identify target pollution sources utilizing monitoring and service request data Review and update target pollution sources as necessary. (On-going, years 2 – 5) Describe target audiences Describe the target audiences likely to have significant stormwater impacts and why they were selected. Identify target audiences to adopt desired water quality improvement behaviors Review and update target audiences as necessary. (On-going, years 2 – 5) Informational Web Site The permittee shall promote and maintain an internet web site designed to convey the program’s message. Continue to maintain an informational website to provide program information to the public . (On-going, years 1 – 5) Distribute public education materials to identified user groups. Distribute general stormwater educational material to appropriate target groups as likely to have a significant stormwater impact. Instead of developing its own materials, the permittee may rely on state- supplied Public Education and Outreach materials, as available, when implementing its own program. Distribute educational materials at public events, workshops and presentations. (On-going, years 1 – 5) Promote and maintain Hotline/Help line Promote and maintain a stormwater hotline/helpline. Maintain a hotline that receives information from the public 24 hours a day. (On-going, years 1 – 5) Implement a Public Education and Outreach Program. The permittee’s outreach program, including those elements implemented locally or through a cooperative agreement, shall include a combination of approaches designed to reach the target audiences. For each media, event or activity, including those elements implemented locally or through a cooperative agreement the permittee shall estimate and record the extent of exposure. Continue to implement a plan to conduct education & outreach activities, including a media campaign, that address target pollutants and audiences. (On-going, years 1 – 5) City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 20 3.6 Program Assessment The overall Public Education and Outreach Program was successfully implemented during the annual report period. Table 3-8 shows a summary of the various items and corresponding data results for activities conducted under the program. Table 3-8: Program Summary PUBLIC EDUCATION PROGRAM FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 Utility bill inserts 3,300,000 2,913,000 2,916,000 1,707,629 1,785,000 Public events 9 15 14 18 28 Attendees at public events 1,335 2,884 2,683 13,514 4,025 Public presentations 2 7 11 15 19 Citizens educated at public presentations 473 254 737 559 1,111 School presentations 54 56 61 56 80 Students educated at school presentations 1,402 1,421 1,510 1,330 2,097 Website page views 99,958 149,786 274,129 288,432 183,759 TV and radio advertising spots 492 1,977 3,761 1,146 800 Public requests to hotline 2,576 3,262 2,429 3,127 7,509 Overall: A combination of evaluation tools indicates that the City’s residents were successfully being exposed to water quality education messages. It is always difficult to measure the true impact of an education program, but continued program offerings, continued participation in them, and positive results from a public opinion survey indicate that messages were successfully provided through a diverse set of communication channels. To be successful, CMSWS must build on its strengths and invest in new learning opportunities that attract and motivate current, new and expanding audiences to actively engage in activities that reduce the impacts of stormwater discharges to our surface waters. Staff has developed plans and done research on potential methods that can be used to reach more diverse audiences and expand the outreach program. The following provides more detail regarding some of the numbers reported above and the results of the stormwater public opinion survey. Utility Bill Inserts: For FY2017, the increase in numbers from FY2016 reflects an increase in the number of customers receiving paper bills. Public Events & Public Presentations: The number of events and presentations during FY2017 increased. School Presentations: The number of presentations and students who participated increased from FY2016. Website Page views: The number of website page views decreased by 36% during FY2017. In September 2016 CMSWS transitioned to a new website. During this transition, there was a gap in website analytic data collection which could have led to the decrease in page views. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 21 Social Media: The number of followers and subscribers to CMSWS social media channels increased during FY2017. Stormwater Public Opinion Survey: According to the most recent CMSWS public opinion survey, an awareness level of 53% is being maintained, meaning 53% of residents surveyed indicated that they had heard or seen information about stormwater pollution and flooding within the past year. This is a slight decrease from the previous survey awareness level of 57%. To further improve awareness of campaign messages, CMSWS plans to target Hispanic and African American audiences with the media campaigns during FY2018. These populations represent 13% and 32% of Charlotte-Mecklenburg overall population and were not specifically targeted during FY2017. Plans also potentially include the release new water quality and volunteer commercials to refresh the media campaigns. Section 4: Public Involvement and Participation Program During the annual report period, the Public Involvement and Participation Program provided opportunities for the public to participate in program development and implementation per the SWMP. The following sub-sections explain:  The BMPs implemented to meet program requirements;  Target audience;  Volunteer opportunities;  Public involvement mechanisms;  Measures of success;  Future goals and planned activities; and  Program assessment. 4.1 BMP Summary Table Table 4-1 provides information concerning the BMPs implemented to fulfill the Public Involvement and Participation Program requirements. Table 4-1: BMP Summary Table for the Public Involvement and Participation Program. BMP BMP Description Schedule (years) Responsible Position 1 2 3 4 5 Volunteer community involvement program The permittee shall include and promote volunteer opportunities designed to promote ongoing citizen participation. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Establish a Mechanism for Public involvement The permittee shall provide and promote a mechanism for public involvement that provides for input on stormwater issues and the stormwater program. X X X X X Stormwater Division Manager City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 22 BMP BMP Description Schedule (years) Responsible Position 1 2 3 4 5 Establish Hotline/Help line The permittee shall promote and maintain a hotline/helpline for the purpose of public involvement and participation. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Public Review and Comment The permittee shall make copies of their most recent Stormwater Plans available for public review and comment. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Public Notice Pursuant to 122.34 the permittee must, at a minimum, comply with State, Tribal and local public notice requirements when implementing a public involvement/ participation program. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager 4.2 Volunteer Involvement Program 4.2.1 Target Audience Public involvement is essential for ensuring the success of volunteer programs and the City recognizes that without public involvement and support, little progress can be made toward protecting and improving water quality in its streams. Currently, the primary target audience for volunteer participation includes homeowners between the ages of 25 and 55 due to their likelihood to take an interest in their community and become involved in volunteer activities. The following sub-sections discuss the volunteer programs used in the City’s overall Public Involvement and Participation Program. 4.2.2 Storm Drain Marking Program CMSWS continued to provide volunteers the opportunity to help educate their community about stormwater pollution through the Storm Drain Marking program. This program enabled volunteers to adhere vinyl printed markers (Figure 4-1) to storm drains along several streets they had selected in their neighborhoods. CMSWS provided the decals, adhesive, safety vests and information forms for completion by the groups. Following the completion of storm drain marking activities, the groups submitted a report that included the street names and number of drains that were marked, information concerning the condition of storm drains, and whether any pollutants were detected. CMSWS staff recorded the storm drains that had been marked and ensured any issues reported received follow-up investigation. This past year, a total of 2,646 storm drains were marked by 297 volunteers for a combined total of 624 volunteer hours for this program. Storm Drain Marking activities are tracked in order to help determine programmatic gaps and where resources should be focused. Figure 4-3 shows Storm Drain Marking activities conducted during FY2017. The Storm Drain Marking program is a well-organized and a relatively easy-to-manage activity for successfully including citizens of all ages in stormwater education. By using a more focused approach and targeting families and volunteer groups, the program saw an increase in participation. Figure 4-1: Storm Drain Marker City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 23 4.2.3 Adopt-A-Stream Program The objective of this program is for volunteers to “adopt” segments of streams and agree to walk them, picking up trash and reporting any pollution problems found along the way. The program not only serves as a public involvement initiative, but it also allows for interaction and observations of the City’s streams by its citizens, which can lead to the identification and elimination of pollution sources. The Adopt-A-Stream Program is designed in a way that empowers volunteers and provides them with the necessary resources and educational information to assist in improving water quality conditions in Charlotte-Mecklenburg streams. Individuals, families, organized groups, schools, businesses, and industry “adopt” their favorite stream sections and were responsible for walking these sections a minimum of two times per year. The current Adopt-A-Stream Program format promotes a sense of community ownership and responsibility for local water resources. During FY2017, a total of 95 groups of volunteers completed 155 stream cleanups under the Adopt-A-Stream Program in the City. A total of 1,928 volunteers dedicated 4,516 hours to picking up trash and reporting pollution in Charlotte-Mecklenburg’s streams. In addition, volunteers removed approximately 13.8 tons of trash and debris. Adopt-A-Stream activities are tracked in order to help determine programmatic gaps and where resources should be focused. Figure 4-4 shows Adopt-A-Stream activities conducted during FY2017 and Table 4-3 provides a summary of important results relating to the program. 4.2.4 The Big Spring Clean From the mid 1990’s until 2015, the City and County hosted an annual one-day clean-up event called Big Sweep. It was part of clean-up events coordinated across North Carolina by the nonprofit organization “NC Big Sweep,” which dissolved in 2015. In 2016, the event was renamed locally as “The Big Spring Clean” and CMSWS partnered with Keep Mecklenburg Beautiful to begin hosting the event on the second Saturday in May each year. During FY2017, a total of 199 volunteers dedicated 796 hours participating in The Big Spring Clean event and removed 2.7 tons of trash from local waterways at 7 locations throughout the City. Figure 4-2 shows the promotional information used for the event. 4.2.5 Volunteer Monitoring Program The Volunteer Monitoring Program allows volunteers to monitor local streams in order to evaluate the stream’s health, and flag problem areas for further investigation by CMSWS staff. Volunteers learn about the chemical composition of the water and can also compare data with other volunteer monitoring groups. Although CMSWS has historically supported volunteer monitoring programs in the schools, this is the first year that a significant effort has been put forth to develop and promote an actual citizen volunteer monitoring program. During FY2017, a total of 222 volunteers dedicated 654 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 24 hours to participating in the Volunteer Monitoring program. Table 4-3 provides a summary of important results relating to the program. Figure 4-2: Big Spring Clean advertisement 4.3 Public Involvement Mechanism The City, along with Mecklenburg County, established a citizen Stormwater Advisory Committee (SWAC) in 1994 with the development of their joint stormwater utility (Charlotte- Mecklenburg Storm Water Services). SWAC members are nominated and subsequently appointed by the Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners, Charlotte City Council, Charlotte Mayor and Town Boards. SWAC includes residents from the City and serves as the City’s stormwater management citizen advisory panel for the purpose of involving the public in the development of the SWMP and the implementation of program requirements. The SWAC reviews:  Capital and operational programs;  Regulatory appeals;  Stormwater program policies;  Long-range plans; and  Budgets. These reviews assisted SWAC in making recommendations and offering comments to the City Council and the Board of County Commissioners on program matters and annual budgets. The committee also adjudicated appeals for erosion control violations, service charges, credits and adjustments, as needed throughout the program year. 4.4 Public Hotline The City, in cooperation with Mecklenburg County, continued to operate a joint customer service hotline that helps direct citizens to appropriate resources for their questions and concerns. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 25 Citizens were able to dial 311 any time of the day (24/7/365) to report pollution, flooding, and blockages to the drainage system as well as request other City/County services. CMSWS staff worked with the customer service group to make sure calls were directed to appropriate personnel and handled in a timely manner. The hotline/help line is discussed further in sub- section 3.6 above. 4.5 Public Review and Comment Opportunities The City provided opportunities for public review and comment in the implementation of its permit and SWMP Plan through website information and interactions with the stormwater advisory committee (SWAC). 4.6 Public Notice A public notice was issued in the Charlotte Observer newspaper on June 28 and 29, 2017 to solicit public review and comment on the City’s NPDES MS4 permit renewal application and associated SWMP report, which was submitted to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) during August 2017. 4.7 Measurable Goals/Planned Activities for Future Program Years Table 4-2 describes the various Public Involvement and Participation Program BMPs and the Measurable Goals and Planned Activities for Future Program Years for each BMP by permit term year. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 26 Table 4-2: BMP Measurable Goals for the Public Involvement and Participation Program. BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals (by permit term year) 1 2 3 4 5 Volunteer community involvement program The permittee shall include and promote volunteer opportunities designed to promote ongoing citizen participation. Continue to maintain a public involvement and participation program that outlines campaigns and tools to encourage public involvement. (On-going, years 1 – 5) Establish a Mechanism for Public involvement The permittee shall provide and promote a mechanism for public involvement that provides for input on stormwater issues and the stormwater program. Maintain the Stormwater Advisory Committee. (On-going, years 1 – 5) Establish Hotline/Help line The permittee shall promote and maintain a hotline/helpline for the purpose of public involvement and participation. Maintain a hotline that receives information from the public 24 hours a day. (On-going, years 1 – 5) Public Review and Comment The permittee shall make copies of their most recent Stormwater Plans available for public review and comment. Maintain an informational website which includes the SWMP available for review and comment. (On-going, years 1 – 5) Public Notice Pursuant to 122.34 the permittee must, at a minimum, comply with State, Tribal and local public notice requirements when implementing a public involvement/ participation program. Comply with State and local public notice requirements when making major changes to the stormwater program and/or applying for permit renewals. (On-going, as needed) City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 27 4.8 Program Assessment The Public Involvement and Participation Program was successfully implemented during the annual report period. In addition, although not currently listed as a required BMP in the City’s NPDES MS4 permit or SWMP, the City coordinates with Mecklenburg County to sponsor an annual Big Spring Clean event. Data on this additional program is included in the table below for reference. Table 4-3 shows a summary of the various items and corresponding results for activities conducted under the program. Table 4-3: Program Summary PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PROGRAM FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 Storm Drain Marking volunteers 231 89 125 119 297 Storm Drain Marking volunteer hours 668 216 198 286 624 Storm drains marked 1,663 956 983 927 2646 SWAC meetings conducted 8 9 10 10 12 Persons attending SWAC meetings 76 88 82 96 109 Adopt-A-Stream groups 81 84 64 67 95 Stream clean-ups conducted 128 141 98 106 155 Adopt-A-Stream volunteers 1,540 1,983 1,211 1,280 1928 Adopt-A-Stream volunteer hours 3,556 5,324 2,514 2,736 4516 Adopt-A-Stream trash removed (Tons) 9 16 9.6 14.9 13.8 Big Spring Clean volunteers N/A N/A N/A 265 199 Big Spring Clean volunteer hours N/A N/A N/A 928 796 Big Spring Clean trash removed (Tons) N/A N/A N/A 9.4 2.7 Volunteer Monitoring volunteers N/A 122 97 619 222 Volunteer Monitoring volunteer hours N/A 7076 194 773 654 The City’s Public Involvement and Participation Program provides a combination of activities that allows residents to be involved in the City’s stormwater management program and the opportunity to comment on components of the City’s plan to meet NPDES MS4 permit requirements. The following provides an overview of the program’s effectiveness:  Storm Drain Marking Program – The number of volunteers increased significantly thus also increasing the number of storm drains marked during FY2017. Figure 4-3 shows Storm Drain Marking activities conducted during FY2017;  Adopt-A-Stream Program – The number of groups participating increased from FY2016 to FY2017. One-time stream clean-ups are becoming more popular with groups verses conducting two clean-ups per year, which has traditionally been required. Figure 4-4 shows Adopt-A-Stream activities conducted during FY2017; City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 28  Big Spring Clean – The number of volunteers for the Big Spring Clean decreased slightly during FY2017. There was rain on the day of the event which impacted volunteer turnout. During FY2018, a Second Saturday Stream cleanup program will be implemented to supplement participation in this program;  Volunteer Monitoring Program – The number of volunteer monitoring volunteers and volunteers decreased during FY2017. Volunteer monitoring has typically been focused in the schools and this was the first year that citizens were directly targeted for this program;  SWAC meetings – Meeting frequency and participation continues to be maintained. These meetings continue to be a highly effective method for involving the public in policy decisions related to the overall stormwater program; and  Public Hotline/ Helpline – The 311 hotline and the Water Watchers Application continued to be successful tools for allowing the public to report water pollution problems. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 29 FIGURE 4-3 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 30 FIGURE 4-4 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 31 Section 5: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Program During the annual report period, staff implemented the Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) program to identify and eliminate sources of pollution to the MS4 per the SWMP. The following sub-sections explain:  The BMPs implemented to meet program requirements;  Measures of success;  Future goals and planned activities; and  Program assessment. 5.1 BMP Summary Table Table 5-1 provides information concerning the BMPs implemented to fulfill the IDDE Program requirements. Table 5-1: BMP Summary Table for the Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program. BMP BMP Description Schedule (years) Responsible Position 1 2 3 4 5 Maintain appropriate legal authorities Maintain adequate ordinances or other legal authorities to prohibit illicit connections and discharges and enforce the approved IDDE Program. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Maintain a Storm Sewer System Base Map The permittee shall maintain a current map showing major outfalls and receiving streams. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Inspection / detection program to detect dry weather flows at MS4 outfalls Maintain written procedures and/or Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for detecting and tracing the sources of illicit discharges and for removing the sources or reporting the sources to the State to be properly permitted. Written procedures and/or SOPs shall specify a timeframe for monitoring and how many outfalls and the areas that are to be targeted for inspections. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Employee Training Conduct training for appropriate municipal staff on detecting and reporting illicit connections and discharges. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Maintain a public reporting mechanism Maintain and publicize reporting mechanism for the public to report illicit connections and discharges. Establish citizen request response procedures. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Documentation The permittee shall document the date of investigations, any enforcement action(s) or remediation that occurred. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager 5.2 Ordinance Administration and Enforcement The City adopted its Stormwater Pollution Control Ordinance on January 30, 1995 for the initial NPDES MS4 permit term. The ordinance was subsequently updated and amended on March 22, 2004 and most recently on June 9, 2008. This ordinance continued to be implemented as part of City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 32 the NPDES MS4 permit program and SWMP. All procedures and guidelines for proper administration and enforcement of the ordinance were reviewed and updated, as necessary. These procedures and guidelines along with all other information relevant to the IDDE program were included in the IDDE Manual. Currently, the ordinance has four sections that authorize the issuance of a Notice of Violation (NOV). Those sections are:  Section 18-80(a) Illicit Discharges and Disposals;  Section 18-80(b) Illicit Connections;  Section 18-80(c) Accidental Discharges; and  Section 18-80(d) Obstruction. Cumulatively from FY1995 through FY2017, a total of 1,089 NOVs have been issued under this Ordinance. Historically, the majority of these NOVs have been issued under Section 18-80(a) for either the improper disposal of wash water or wastewater, or the illicit discharge of sewage. During FY2017, a total of 121 NOVs were issued, which resulted in seven penalty enforcement cases. The number of NOVs issued by ordinance section was:  Section 18-80(a) Illicit Discharges and Disposals (120);  Section 18-80(b) Illicit Connections (0);  Section 18-80(c) Accidental Discharges (1); and  Section 18-80(d) Obstruction (0). The NOVs are further categorized based on the type material discharged. During FY2017 the number of NOVs issued per material category was:  Concrete (4);  Cooking grease (23);  Motor oil (16);  Paint (3);  Petroleum fuels (2);  Sediment (9);  Sewage (41);  Wash water (11);  Wastewater (6);  Trash (1); and  Other (5). Figure 5-1 shows the material type and location of the NOVs issued during FY2017 and Figure 5-2 shows a corresponding graphical representation of this information. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 33 FIGURE 5-1 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 34 0 5 10 15 20 25 Materials for NOVs FY 16 -17 Figure 5-2: NOVs issued by material type 5.3 Stormwater System Inventory and Storm System Base Map The City collects stormwater system inventor y using a Stream Walk Program and an Inventory Program. The Stream Walk Program focuses on CMSWS staff walking stream channels to inspect outfalls, identify and collect data on new outfalls, and to identify dry weather flows. Stream Walks are scheduled in every sub-basin within the City at least one time every five years. High priority sub-basins with a history of poor water quality and a higher number of illicit discharges are scheduled to be walked every other year. A five-year stream-walk plan was developed during FY2013 for outfall data collection (Figure 5-3). All Stream Walk Program data is provided to the Inventory Program annually. The Inventory Program verifies the outfall data collected by the Stream Walk Program and collects additional data about other parts of the stormwater system such as catch basins, inlets, pipes, etc. The Inventory Program also collects stormwater infrastructure data from the analysis of new development and municipal project areas received from the EPM-SWS Design and Engineering Teams, and Engineering and Property Management’s Engineering Services and Land Development divisions. All inventory data receives QA/QC and is converted into a Stormwater System Base Map called “Virtual Charlotte” http://virtualcharlotte/. During FY2017, the following activities were conducted as part of Stream Walk Program:  26 sub-basins covering 198 stream miles were walked and assessed;  262 new outfalls were added to the inventory; and  319 previously inventoried outfalls received inventory QA/QC. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 35 Figure 5-4 shows the sub-basins and outfalls inventoried by the Stream Walk Program. During FY2017, the following activities were conducted as part of the Inventory Program:  17 square miles were inventoried; and  132 municipal and new private development projects were analyzed for additional inventory. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 36 FIGURE 5-3 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 37 FIGURE 5-4 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 38 5.4 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program 5.4.1 Outfall Inspection and Dry Weather Flow Detection Each year, outfalls are inspected for physical condition, the presence of dry weather flows (DWFs), and illicit discharges. These inspections are primarily conducted during Stream-Walks and Hot Spot Investigations. Standard Operating Procedures for these activities are documented in the NPDES MS4 IDDE Manual and reviewed and updated annually. Outfall inspections also occur during service request and field investigations, municipal facility inspections, and industrial facility inspections. Stream-Walks: As discussed in Section 5.3, Stream Walks involve CMSWS staff walking the stream channel to inspect outfalls, sample DWFs, and document a variety of other water quality related problems. Various reasons make it impossible to sample all DWFs including very low flows (seepage), frozen water and others. DWFs are sampled for physical parameters (temperature, conductivity, pH, etc.), fecal coliform and total phosphorus. Fecal coliform samples are also collected from areas where tributaries enter the channel being walked and staff document stream blockages, areas of severe stream bank erosion, wetlands and new stream reference reaches as they observe them. During FY2017, the following Stream Walk activities occurred:  581 outfalls were inspected;  97 DWFs were detected at outfalls and 29 of these were sampled;  370 fecal coliform and seven total phosphorous samples were collected;  Five fecal coliform sample results that exceeded the program action limit were investigated; and  Seven illicit discharges were detected and eliminated. CMSWS staff also documented:  36 stream blockages;  12 areas of severe stream bank erosion;  18 riparian wetlands; and  Seven potential stream reference reaches. Hot Spot Investigations: Hot Spot Investigations, or IDEP, involves CMSWS staff conducting outfall inspections in targeted basins with a higher potential for illicit discharge activities based on criteria such as monitoring data, prior identified illicit discharges, age of sanitary sewer infrastructure, commercial land use density, and others. This program is discussed in more detail in Section 5.4.3. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 39 During FY2017, Steele Creek was the target basin and the IDEP program inspected 12 minor outfalls (<36” in diameter) with no DWFs detected. In addition, during FY2017 CMSWS staff also inspected 88 outfalls as part of service requests and field investigations, municipal facilities inspections, and industrial facility inspections. 5.4.2 Water Quality Monitoring Water quality in-stream monitoring is used to identify problems and to track long and short-term water quality trends. The two main monitoring programs used to support IDDE efforts are the Fixed Interval and CMANN (Continuous Monitoring and Alert Notification Network) stream monitoring programs. The Fixed Interval program conducts in-stream monitoring for various chemical and physical parameters on a monthly basis and is discussed further in Section 10. The CMANN program is an automated monitoring network that takes in-stream readings every 15 to 60 minutes at monitoring sites for dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, conductivity, and turbidity. This parameter data is transferred to a data base in real-time using cellular telemetry. Figure 5-5 shows the monitoring locations for this program. “Watch” and “Action” levels for the monitoring parameters are used as part of the program to determine when follow-up investigations are needed to address potential problems. The Watch and Action levels are based on state water quality standards and historical local data for the chemical and physical parameters. Exceedance of these levels will trigger a field investigation. During FY2017, twenty-one (21) follow-up investigations were conducted which resulted in the discovery of several water quality issues (water main breaks, elevated turbidity levels, etc.) and one illicit discharge (SSO). City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 40 FIGURE 5-5 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 41 5.4.3 Illicit Discharge Elimination Program (IDEP) IDEP, or Hot Spot Investigations as previously described, is a sub-set program of the overall IDDE program. It is implemented as a means to quickly assess field conditions and identify illicit discharges in priority stream basins. As part of IDEP, a priority basin(s) or “hot spot(s)” is/are selected each year based on the analysis of a variety of monitoring and service request data. Within the priority basin(s), CMSWS staff inspects minor outfalls and multi-family private sanitary sewer collection systems, and collects fecal coliform samples in areas that drain less than 50 acres. Staff uses visual observation, sensory cues, and quick field tests to determine if abnormal conditions exist. This quick assessment method allows staff to conduct assessments more frequently and throughout the year. It has also proved to be effective for identifying illicit discharges. Figure 5-6 shows the IDEP activities conducted during FY2017. Also as part of the IDEP program, “business corridor runs” or windshield surveys are conducted along streets throughout the City that have a high concentration of commercial businesses. Such areas are considered hot spots for illicit discharges and poor housekeeping. Standard operating procedures have been developed to describe all IDEP program activities and protocols and they are reviewed annually. Figure 5-7 shows the business corridors evaluated during FY2017 and Figure 5-8 shows cooking grease overflowing from a restaurant grease bin discovered as a result of an IDEP business corridor run. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 42 FIGURE 5-6 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 43 FIGURE 5-7 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 44 Figure 5-8: An illicit discharge found and corrected under the IDEP program During FY2017, the following IDEP activities were conducted:  Steele Creek was identified as the priority basin;  12 minor outfalls were inspected;  22 multi-family residential complexes were inspected;  13 stream sites were sampled for fecal coliform;  1936 businesses and 328 catch basins were inspected and 21 poor housekeeping issues were identified as part of business corridor runs. All of them were related to restaurant and grocery store grease bins;  Seven Environmental Notices were issued for poor housekeeping issues that were minor in nature; and  14 Notices of Violation were issued for poor housekeeping issues that were clearly discharging to the storm drainage system. Locations for IDEP activities within the Steele Creek basin are shown in Figure 5-9. An additional effort that has been implemented as part of IDEP since FY2014 is Microbial Source Tracking (MST). Fecal Coliform samples are collected in the priority basin(s) based on high fecal coliform data that has been collected and/or from locations in other basins where monitoring data and/or Stream Walk samples have shown fecal coliform levels above Action City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 45 levels but sources could not be identified. Samples are analyzed to identify beaver, avian, canine, human, and ruminant sources. During FY2017, two MST samples were collected in the Steele Creek basin. Analysis showed that the highest levels were from ruminant sources with one sample having particularly high levels. It is theorized that these samples were from bovine sources based on numerous field observations of bovine feces and tracks in the stream. Small amounts of human and canine, and trace amounts of avian were also detected in these samples. In addition, during FY2017, five additional MST samples were collected; one each in the Little Sugar Creek watershed, the Irwin Creek watershed, the McAlpine Creek watershed, the Gar Creek watershed (Stream Walk follow up site), and the Lake Wylie watershed (Stream Walk follow up site). MST samples from these locations did not produce results that helped identify any particular source. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 46 FIGURE 5-9 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 47 5.5 Employee IDDE Training and Education Employee IDDE Training and Education involves training municipal employees about the detection of illicit connections and discharges, and the various methods for reporting suspected pollution problems. Training is provided through in-person presentations, classroom style training sessions, online training modules, or a variety of other methods such as posters, fliers, light box displays, emails, websites, and displays and information at employee gatherings. Staff meeting presentations are as simple as providing a 10 – 15 minute presentation at a regularly scheduled staff meeting that provides information about common illicit discharges in the community, how to detect them when they enter surface water, the importance of reporting them, and the various ways they can report them. In-person presentations are specially scheduled classroom style sessions that include a power point presentation and video covering:  Common illicit discharges in the community;  How to detect them when they enter surface water;  The importance of reporting them and the various ways they can report them as well as more in-depth pollution prevention information related to their facility and field work;  Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans;  Spill prevention and response; and  Pollution prevention and the role of the employees to protect the environment and set an example for the community. The power point is followed by a 30-minute video called Pollution Prevention BMPs (Excal Visual) that covers pollution prevention techniques related to:  Vehicle and equipment washing;  Vehicle and equipment maintenance;  Good housekeeping and spill prevention;  Spill reporting and response;  Street maintenance;  Outdoor storage; and  Landscaping and lawn care. Online training modules provide a power point presentation similar to the in-person classroom style session and featured BMP videos from Preventing Stormwater Pollution (North Texas Council of Governments) which cover job specific pollution prevention for the following activities:  Fleet maintenance;  Land disturbance;  Parks and recreation; City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 48  Solid waste;  Streets and drainage; and  General municipal jobs. Other methods to reach employees with information about illicit discharges and the methods to report them included:  Staffing information tables and providing promotional products at employee events such as Earth Day and the City Environmental Vendor Fair;  Providing digital display messages on monitors located at various locations in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center; and  Providing information in the weekly employee e-newsletter and on City websites. During FY2017, the following Employee IDDE Training and Education activities occurred:  82 employees were trained with staff meeting presentations;  651 employees were trained with classroom presentations;  274 employees were trained with online training modules; and  150 employees were contacted during Earth Day and Environmental Vendor Fair events. 5.5.1 Commercial Sector Education and Outreach Certain businesses can be frequent sources of illicit discharges and connections. To improve compliance and reduce the number and severity of illicit discharges coming from the commercial sector, the City proactively provides education to certain commercial business sectors each year. During FY2017, CMSWS provided 17 two-page best practices publications and guidance documents for commercial sectors available on-line. This includes a new two page best practice publication targeting the Horizontal Directional Drilling industry that was developed during FY2017. CMSWS also distributed these publications as part of service requests, mailings, training sessions and public events. The following provides a complete list of the commercial sector publications that have been developed:  Landscape Maintenance  Concrete  Pressure Washers  Horizontal Directional Drilling  Vehicle Detailers  Municipal Contractors  Mobile Detailers  Painting  Food Service Industry  Swimming Pools and Spas  Managers of Apartments and Condos  Rooftop Work  Asphalt Sealing  Stone Cutting  Carpet Cleaning  Vehicle and Equipment Repair  Commercial Property Management City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 49 During FY2017, CMSWS provided additional outreach to the landscaping and the horizontal directional drilling sectors as follows: Landscape sector: During FY2017, outreach was provided to the Landscape sector through three events:  Presentation and display at the City’s Landscape Contractor’s Breakfast;  Display at the Carolina Green Industry Network Landscaping Tradeshow; and  Sponsorship of the first Aquatic Pesticides and Stormwater BMP Workshop. The City’s Landscape Contractor’s Breakfast is an annual event organized by the City’s Landscape Management division that targets landscape related service companies that already have a contract with the City or have an interest in acquiring a contract. During FY2017, CMSWS provided a presentation that covered common illicit discharges to the landscape industry, city contract requirements related to landscaping and illicit discharges, and a brief overview of the growing business sector of stormwater BMP maintenance and advertisement of the Aquatic Pesticides and Stormwater BMP Workshop. Staff also set up a landscape and water quality display with promotional products and brochures at this event. The event was attended by approximately 70 people. The Carolina Green Industry Network Landscaping Trade Show is an annual event held in Union County attended by an average of 500 landscaping professionals from the region each year. During FY2017, CMSWS partnered with the Regional Stormwater Partnership (RSWP) to provide a landscape and water quality display and interactive prize wheel with landscaping questions and promotional products. It is estimated that approximately 115 landscapers visited the display and interacted with staff. The Aquatic Pesticides and Stormwater BMP Workshop was a newly developed during FY2017 in partnership with Central Piedmont Community College, Carolina Green Industry Network, the RSWP, NCSU, and NCSU Cooperative Extension. The workshop was a half-day event and targeted landscapers in the Charlotte region with information about local water quality, common illicit discharges associated with landscaping, proper use and safety associated with aquatic pesticides, beneficial and invasive aquatic plants identification, and stormwater BMP inspection and maintenance. The workshop was held on November 9, 2016 and attended by 113 people who represented municipal and private landscape professionals, private country clubs/ golf courses, pond and lake management companies, engineering firms, non-profit organizations, and interested residents. Horizontal Directional Drilling sector: During FY2017, CMSWS staff continued implementing an outreach plan specific to Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD). In addition to distributing and making the BMP publication specific to the HDD sector available online, staff also performed the following:  Attended Mecklenburg County Utility Coordinating Committee meetings and presented information about the City’s Pollution Control Ordinance and common violations associated with the HDD sector; City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 50  Provided social media graphics and information for the Mecklenburg County Utility Coordinating Committee to post on their social media;  Researched local disposal facilities for HDD contractors;  Discussed HDD illicit discharges with city right-of-way inspectors;  E-mailed HDD contractors information about the City’s Pollution Control Ordinance, common violations associated with the HDD sector, and the BMP publication;  Posted HDD information on the CMSWS’s website and social media; and  Conducted a presentation about best practices for complying with the Pollution Control Ordinance with approximately 100 HDD contractor staff in attendance. 5.5.2 Sanitary Sewer Overflows and Septic Systems CMSWS works with two separate departments to reduce sources of bacteria from SSOs and septic systems: Charlotte Water (formerly Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities) and the Mecklenburg County Groundwater and Wastewater Services. Sanitary Sewer Overflows: Charlotte Water is the department responsible for operating the water supply and sanitary sewer systems in the City. During FY2017, there were 189 SSOs from the municipal sanitary sewer system. This is a decrease of 35 SSOs from FY2016. The number of spills per 100 miles of pipe system continued to show a steady decline from FY2007 to FY2017 despite the fact that the City has continued to grow and develop. The City works to decrease SSOs in four main ways:  Infrastructure maintenance and inspections;  Commercial/restaurant/industrial inspections;  Multi-family residential outreach; and  The Grease Free education campaign. Infrastructure maintenance and inspection: Charlotte Water implements a number of infrastructure maintenance and inspection programs designed to reduce inflow and infiltration and sanitary sewer losses. During FY2017, the following was accomplished:  15.75 miles of sanitary sewer pipe were rehabilitated, repaired or replaced;  287 manholes were rehabilitated, repaired or replaced;  321 miles of sanitary sewer pipe were treated with root control chemicals;  1265.6 miles of sanitary sewer pipe were cleaned;  299 service connections were replaced;  82 lift stations received preventative maintenance and twice weekly inspections; and  154.5 miles of rights-of-way were cleared. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 51 Commercial/restaurant/industrial inspections: During FY2017, Charlotte Water performed the following activities:  4,193 inspections of grease handling/ food service establishments;  24grease traps installed by businesses as a result of Notices of Deficiency;  1,980 customers were mailed or handed educational information about proper disposal of pipe-blocking items (Flow Free education);  1,046 adults and children received presentations from staff;  200 compliance inspections at facilities with wastewater pre-treatment permits (Significant Industrial Users); and  233 permit limit violations at Significant Industrial User facilities which resulted in enforcement actions. Multi-Family Residential Program: Since 2009, CMSWS has been working with Charlotte Water to prevent SSOs by providing mailings, workshops and inspections for the multi-family residential sector. During FY2017, this program accomplished the following:  Multi-family residential complexes were prioritized based on monitoring data such as surface water quality and the locations of SSOs and related service requests;  50 complexes received informational letters explaining the ten state regulatory requirements for private sanitary sewer collection systems and the resources available from CMSWS and Charlotte Water to comply;  32 personnel from multi-family residential complexes attended a training seminar on March 16, 2017 where presentations focused on responsibilities for managing a private sanitary system and the best practices for compliance with state regulations;  Templates for Operation and Maintenance Plans, sanitary sewer system maps and other compliance documents were provided and made available on the City’s website; and  30 compliance inspections were conducted by CMSWS staff at facilities that were sent the informational letter the previous fiscal year. This is an increase of 10 inspections from FY2016. In addition, there were two inspections conducted as a follow-up to an initial inspection. During these inspections, staff assisted facility personnel to develop Operation and Maintenance plans. Figure 5-10 shows the locations of the 50 multi-family complexes targeted for education during FY2017 and the 30 sites inspected for compliance. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 52 FIGURE 5-10 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 53 Septic Systems: CMSWS works with Mecklenburg County Groundwater and Wastewater Services each year to monitor discharges from septic systems. The County conducts the permitting, inspections, education and enforcement activities related to septic systems and CMSWS reviews this information to look for potential impacts on surface waters. During FY2017, a total of 28 failing septic systems were discovered in the City, six were repaired and 22 were connected to the municipal sanitary sewer system. These failures were not localized to any particular watershed area. No follow-up field investigations or monitoring were necessary by CMSWS. Figure 5-11 shows locations of septic system failure activities during FY2017 as well as the cumulative locations of septic failures since November 2006. 5.6 Public Reporting Hotline The City, in cooperation with Mecklenburg County, continued to operate a joint customer service hotline that helps direct citizens to appropriate resources for their questions and concerns. Citizens were able to dial 311 any time of the day (24/7/365) to report pollution, flooding, and blockages to the drainage system as well as request other City/County services. CMSWS staff worked with the customer service group to make sure calls were directed to appropriate personnel and handled in a timely manner. The hotline/help line is discussed further in sub- section 3.6 above. 5.6.1 Public Education and Outreach The City continued to maintain a public education and outreach program to inform businesses, industries and the general public about illicit discharges and improper waste disposal and how they impact the environment. This education and outreach program included instructions regarding the proper method for reporting illicit discharges. The primary education and outreach mechanisms used were:  Media campaign (included mass media and social media);  Website;  Utility bill inserts;  Handouts/brochures;  Public events; and  In-person education and training sessions. Handouts and brochures were reviewed and revised as necessary and were distributed during the performance of facility inspections, when responding to citizen requests for service, and at event displays. These public education and outreach items for the IDDE Program were included as a component of the Public Education and Outreach Program described in more detail in Section 3. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 54 FIGURE 5-11 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 55 5.7 Documentation and Citizen Service Requests Responding to citizen service requests continued to be one of the most important methods for detecting and eliminating illicit discharges and connections in the City. During FY2017, a total of 507 citizen service requests related to surface water pollution were investigated. These included 41 emergency response situations that typically involve oil, fuel, or other hazardous material releases, as discussed further in sub-section 8.5. All service requests were investigated and follow-up was provided to ensure efforts were taken to remediate the discharge and restore impacted areas. Enforcement activities were implemented as appropriate and are described in more detail in sub-section 5.2. The City utilizes the Cityworks® database platform to maintain electronic and hard copy files documenting all IDDE activities including citizen requests. These were tracked from the original call for service, through investigations and enforcement actions, and until final remedial work. The database stores information such as reporting party contact information, date, time, investigator information, pollutant category, investigation reports, monitoring data, photos and attachments, enforcement information, and geo-location. Figure 5-12 shows an example of a summary report of a service request activity that can be generated, and Figure 5-13 shows the FY2017 spatial distribution of service requests and emergency responses within the City. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 56 FIGURE 5-12 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 57 FIGURE 5-13 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 58 5.8 Measurable Goals/Planned Activities for Future Program Years Table 5-2 describes the various Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination program BMPs and the Measurable Goals and Planned Activities for Future Program Years for each BMP by permit term year. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 59 Table 5-2: BMP Measurable Goals for the Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program. BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals (by permit term year) 1 2 3 4 5 Maintain appropriate legal authorities Maintain adequate ordinances or other legal authorities to prohibit illicit connections and discharges and enforce the approved IDDE Program. Continue administration and enforcement of the Pollution Control Ordinance and IDDE Program. (On-going, years 1 – 5) Maintain a Storm Sewer System Base Map The permittee shall maintain a current map showing major outfalls and receiving streams. Continue to maintain storm sewer map in GIS and update as necessary to show additional outfalls. (On-going, years 1 – 5) Inspection / detection program to detect dry weather flows at MS4 outfalls Maintain written procedures and/or Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for detecting and tracing the sources of illicit discharges and for removing the sources or reporting the sources to the State to be properly permitted. Written procedures and/or SOPs shall specify a timeframe for monitoring and how many outfalls and the areas that are to be targeted for inspections. Maintain and update SOPs for detecting and eliminating illicit discharges and performing outfall inspections. Roughly 20% of identified outfalls will be inspected each year, with extra emphasis on hotspot areas. (On-going, years 1 – 5) Employee Training Conduct training for appropriate municipal staff on detecting and reporting illicit connections and discharges. Maintain an employee training program and conduct employee training. (On-going, years 1 – 5) Maintain a public reporting mechanism Maintain and publicize reporting mechanism for the public to report illicit connections and discharges. Establish citizen request response procedures. Maintain the public reporting hotline and publicize through the media outreach campaign. (On-going, years 1 – 5) Documentation The permittee shall document the date of investigations, any enforcement action(s) or remediation that occurred. Continue to maintain IDDE program records and databases to accurately document the activities in the program. (On-going, years 1 – 5) City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 60 5.9 Program Assessment The overall Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program was successfully implemented during the annual report period. Table 5-3 shows a summary of the various items and corresponding data results for activities conducted under the program. Table 5-3: Program Summary IDDE PROGRAM FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 Stream miles assessed 227 230 209 229 198 Watershed sub-basins assessed 19 18 18 21 26 Outfalls inspected/inventoried/updated 763 1,364 1,265 820 669 Dry weather flows detected 102 240 103 88 97 Dry weather flows sampled 59 138 28 15 29 Citizen service requests responded to 362 355 432 476 507 Emergency spills responded to 49 31 47 43 41 Illicit discharges detected/corrected 448 578 723 829 470 NOVs issued 83 96 86 109 121 Penalty enforcements issued 1 3 6 7 7 Municipal employee IDDE training sessions 45 36 39 34 44 Municipal employees trained on IDDE 1,195 2,206 2,587 965 1,157 SSOs detected/referred 257 247 177 224 189 Septic system failures detected/corrected 22 38 38 26 28 The following is clarification of certain numbers provided in Table 5-3:  Outfalls inspected/inventoried/updated includes outfalls from stream-walks, IDEP program, and municipal and industrial inspections;  Dry weather flows detected includes those from outfalls included in the bulleted item above;  Illicit discharges detected includes those found during service requests (includes ERs and private sewage discharges), SSOs from the public system, IDEP, septic failures, stream- walks, water quality monitoring, and municipal and industrial inspections;  Employee IDDE training sessions includes classroom sessions (including those conducted under the work plan and by wastewater treatment and airport facilities), number of facilities assigned the online training module, and employee training/outreach events;  Number of employee staff trained on IDDE includes all those trained during the sessions described in the bulleted item above; and  Number of SSOs includes those from both public and private systems. CMSWS staff conducted a review and analysis of IDDE activities. The purpose was to evaluate the effectiveness of current activities, identify new methods for identifying illicit discharges, and City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 61 move forward with program implementation based on the evaluation. As a result of this effort and discussions in previous years, the following are highlights of that evaluation:  GIS analysis of illicit discharges continues to show that most of them occur in highly urbanized areas of the city. As such, the Hot Spot Investigation program (IDEP) will continue to be implemented as support for the Stream-Walk Program in priority basins;  Education targeting the landscaping sector will continue to build upon efforts in previous years including a second Aquatic Pesticides and Stormwater BMPs workshop to assess if there is continued demand from this audience for this education annually. Commercial section education during FY2017 would target concrete, paint and pool contractors;  Targeting multi-family residential complexes with education and inspections will continue as these complexes are one of the largest sources of SSOs. More inspections at multi-family complexes targeted in previous years will be conducted during FY2017. This is due to the finding during previous inspections that quite a few complexes have not implemented Operation and Maintenance Plans as required by state law;  The public and internal employee staff continues to be the number one source of illicit discharge reporting. The hotline, public education campaigns, internal education and service request response will continue to be a staple for IDDE efforts;  The Cityworks® database and use of smart phones for field data entry continues to improve data entry, storage and query capabilities; and  The City’s vast and varied surface and stormwater monitoring program continues to be an essential component for finding illicit discharges. Section 6: Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control Program During the annual report period, the Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control program conducted site evaluations and enforced the local ordinance per the SWMP. The following sub- sections explain:  The BMPs implemented to meet program requirements;  Measures of success;  Future goals and planned activities; and  Program assessment. 6.1 BMP Summary Table Table 6-1 provides information concerning the BMPs implemented to fulfill the requirements of the Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control Program. Funding for the BMPs in this section is covered by local land development fees. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 62 Table 6-1: BMP Summary Table for the Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control Program. BMP BMP Description Schedule (years) Responsible Position 1 2 3 4 5 Erosion and Sediment Control Program The permittee has a delegated Sediment and Erosion Control Program. As such, to the extent authorized by law, the permittee is responsible for compliance with the Sediment Pollution Control Act of 1973 and Chapter 4 of Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code. The delegated Sediment and Erosion Control Program effectively meets the maximum extent practicable (MEP) standard for Construction Site Runoff Controls by permitting and controlling development activities disturbing one or more acres of land surface and those activities less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development as authorized under the Sediment Pollution Control Act of 1973 and Chapter 4 of Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code. X X X X X Land Development Division Manager Develop requirements for construction site operators The NCG010000 permit establishes requirements for construction site operators to control waste such as discarded building materials, concrete truck washout, chemicals, litter, and sanitary waste at the construction site that may cause adverse impacts to water quality, as part of the Permittee’s delegated program. X X X X X Land Development Division Manager Public information and reporting The permittee shall provide and promote a means for the public to notify the appropriate authorities of observed erosion and sedimentation problems. The permittee may implement a plan promoting the existence of the NCDEQ, Division of Land Resources “Stop Mud” hotline to meet the requirements of this paragraph. X X X X X Land Development Division Manager Plan reviews Implement construction site plan reviews as part of the Permittee’s delegated program. For new development and redevelopment projects to be built within the permittee’s planning jurisdiction by entities with eminent domain authority, the permittee shall, to the maximum extent practicable, coordinate the approval of the construction site runoff control with the Di vision of Land Resources of NCDEQ. X X X X X Land Development Division Manager 6.2 Erosion and Sediment Control Program The City has operated a soil erosion and sediment control program locally since 1983, which is currently a delegated Sediment and Erosion Control Program under authority granted by the North Carolina Sedimentation Commission. As such, to the extent authorized by law, the City is responsible for compliance with the Sediment Pollution Control Act of 1973 and Chapter 4 of Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code. During FY2017 the program served to City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 63 provide added protection to surface water resources in the City by ensuring that builders and developers followed minimum standards for erosion and sediment control per State and Local guidelines. The “City of Charlotte-Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance,” amended and adopted by council in 2008, serves as the backbone of the program. Ordinance highlights include the following requirements:  An approved soil erosion and sediment control plan for all qualifying land disturbances of one acre or greater;  An on-site preconstruction conference prior to the installation of any measures or commencement of land disturbing activities;  Issuance of a grading permit prior to the commencement of land disturbing activities;  Weekly inspections at a minimum by the permit holder of erosion control measures depending on sensitivity of receiving waters;  Inspections by the permit holder of measures after any rainfall event totaling one-half inch or greater;  Documentation and maintenance of inspection records performed by the permit holder;  Maintenance and optimal performance of all measures for the life of the project performed by the permit holder;  Requirements for controls to minimize erosion and prevent offsite sedimentation; and  Enhanced local erosion control requirements which were deemed essential for protecting sensitive environmental features and were developed based on years of field experience and observations. The ordinance also provides City staff with the following:  Authority to issue NOVs for practices and/or impacts contravening ordinance requirements; and  Authority to issue civil penalties for violations of the Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Control Ordinance. 6.2.1 Inspection Procedures All construction sites that required a preconstruction meeting and approved plan were logged, filed and placed in the queue for regular inspections. Staff goals were to visit and inspect every logged site utilizing a scheduled inspection process. Sites that generated citizen complaints, had a history of non-compliance, or were in close proximity to a critical area (e.g., sites adjacent to water features or within a water-supply watershed) were considered a priority for additional inspections and follow-up. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 64 6.3 Construction Site Requirements The program requires that all land disturbing activities comply with ordinance requirements for controlling erosion and sediment on site. As an additional requirement, and in compliance with NPDES Phase II regulations, all construction sites one acre or greater must have an approved soil erosion and sediment control plan designed specifically for the site as required by NPDES General Permit NCG010000 for Construction Related Activities. After plan approval, responsible parties were required to follow the approved plan for all phases of construction, as well as maintain measures in a state that ensured optimal performance throughout the duration of construction activities and until final site stabilization was achieved. Regular self-inspections were a requirement for optimal performance and all sites were required to employ a competent person to conduct inspections and maintain logbooks and documentation for ready-review by local or state representatives. 6.4 Public Information and Reporting The City’s Erosion Control Program maintained a website to assist with the dissemination of information to the development community and the general public. The City also maintained an information/help line and citizens were able to dial 311 any time of the day (24/7/365) to report problems. The help line served as a clearinghouse for general information and ensured that erosion control related issues were directed to appropriate staff for resolution. Information sharing and inter-department training between City and County agencies also ensured that problems, questions, or requests for information from the general public were processed and resolved quickly. The City’s erosion control webpage can be viewed at: http://charlottenc.gov/ld/Pages/default.aspx 6.4.1 Education and Training Materials The City maintained an education and training program for developers, contractors and other interested parties within the region. Although program policies and procedures dictated that self- inspectors maintain a level of competence necessary to ensure compliance, the City took a proactive role in providing local training and handout materials for affected parties. In a cooperative effort with Mecklenburg County, the City maintained the Charlotte- Mecklenburg Certified Site Inspector (CMCSI) training program, which to date has provided training to over 5,500 individuals since its inception in 2003. CMCSI is a full day training course that provides attendees with an understanding of the importance of water resources to our community, the local and state requirements for controlling construction site runoff, principles of erosion control, common site problems, recommendations for conducting effective inspections, and a certification exam. The CMCSI program was offered three times during FY2017, providing training to 383 people (see Table 6-2). In addition to the CMCSI education program, all developers, builders and responsible parties received handouts and materials at preconstruction meetings and at other times as necessary to City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 65 explain ordinance requirements, minimum standards and other relevant information for the financially responsible party and/or site operators. Table 6-2: CMCSI Training Program Dates and Attendance – FY2017 Date Registered Attended August 25, 2016 146 115 January 12, 2017 144 133 May 11, 2017 163 135 Totals 453 383 6.5 Plan Reviews All land disturbing activity one acre or greater was required to obtain plan approval of the soil erosion and sediment control plan prior to scheduling a preconstruction conference. Erosion control plans submitted by the applicants were reviewed and approved by erosion control staff. All local erosion control staff obtained and/or maintained their status as a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) which provided accreditation for plan review. Plans were reviewed for suitability of selected measures and to ensure that design parameters and calculations were appropriately employed and minimum standards were achieved. 6.6 Measurable Goals/Planned Activities for Future Program Years Table 6-3 describes the various Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control BMPs and the Measurable Goals and Planned Activities for Future Program Years for each BMP by permit term year. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 66 Table 6-3: BMP Measurable Goals for the Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control Program. BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals (by permit term year) 1 2 3 4 5 Erosion and Sediment Control Program The permittee has a delegated Sediment and Erosion Control Program. As such, to the extent authorized by law, the permittee is responsible for compliance with the Sediment Pollution Control Act of 1973 and Chapter 4 of Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code. The delegated Sediment and Erosion Control Program effectively meets the maximum extent practicable (MEP) standard for Construction Site Runoff Controls by permitting and controlling development activities disturbing one or more acres of land surface and those activities less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development as authorized under the Sediment Pollution Control Act of 1973 and Chapter 4 of Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code. Continue to implement the delegated Sediment and Erosion Control program and enforce the City ordinance. (On-going, years 1 – 5) Develop requirements for construction site operators The NCG010000 permit establishes requirements for construction site operators to control waste such as discarded building materials, concrete truck washout, chemicals, litter, and sanitary waste at the construction site that may cause adverse impacts to water quality, as part of the Permittee’s delegated program. Continue requirements for BMPs and waste control through issuance of General Construction Permit NCG010000. (On-going, years 1 – 5) Public information and reporting The permittee shall provide and promote a means for the public to notify the appropriate authorities of observed erosion and sedimentation problems. The permittee may implement a plan promoting the existence of the NCDENR, now NCDEQ, Division of Land Resources “Stop Mud” hotline to meet the requirements of this paragraph. Continue to maintain reporting hotline and website. (On-going, years 1 – 5) Plan reviews Implement construction site plan reviews as part of the Permittee’s delegated program. For new development and redevelopment projects to be built within the permittee’s planning jurisdiction by entities with eminent domain authority, the permittee shall, to the maximum extent practicable, coordinate the approval of the construction site runoff control with the Division of Land Resources of DENR. Continue plan reviews to ensure program requirements are met. Coordinate with NCDEQ – DEMLR as necessary. (On-going, years 1 – 5) City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 67 6.7 Program Assessment The overall Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control Program was successfully implemented during the annual report period. Table 6-4 shows a summary of the various items and corresponding data results for activities conducted under the program. Table 6-4: Program Summary CONSTRUCTION SITE RUNOFF PROGRAM FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 Education workshops conducted 3 3 3 3 3 Citizens educated 307 356 367 425 383 Project/site plans reviewed 823 1,048 1,043 711 881 Erosion control citizen requests responded to 131 275 ~300 ~375 ~400 Site inspections conducted 3,142 2,852 2,323 2,948 3,853 NOVs issued 38 50 47 109 131 Penalty enforcements issued 24 40 32 41 45 Section 7: Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program During the annual report period, the City conducted implementation of its Post-Construction Stormwater Management program in accordance with the Post-Construction Stormwater Ordinance (PCSO) and program administrative manual. The following sub-sections explain:  The BMPs implemented to meet program requirements;  Measures of success;  Future goals and planned activities; and  Program assessment. 7.1 BMP Summary Table Table 7-1 provides information concerning the BMPs implemented to fulfill the requirements of the Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program. Funding for the BMPs in this section is covered by local stormwater utility fees and land development fees. Table 7-1: BMP Summary Table for the Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program. BMP BMP Description Schedule (years) Responsible Position 1 2 3 4 5 Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program Maintain an ordinance (or similar regulatory mechanism) and program to address stormwater runoff from new development and redevelopment. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Strategies which include BMPs appropriate for the MS4 Maintain strategies that include a combination of structural and/or non-structural BMPs implemented in concurrence with ordinance above. Provide a mechanism to require long-term operation and X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 68 maintenance of structural BMPs. Require annual inspection reports of permitted structural BMPs performed by a qualified professional. A qualified professional means an individual trained and/or certified in the design, operation, inspection and maintenance aspects of the BMPs being inspected, for example, someone trained and certified by NC State for BMP Inspection & Maintenance. Deed Restrictions and Protective Covenants The permittee shall provide mechanisms such as recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants so that development activities maintain the project consistent with approved plans. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Operation and Maintenance Plan The developer shall provide the permittee with an operation and maintenance plan for the stormwater system, indicating the operation and maintenance actions that shall be taken, specific quantitative criteria used for determining when those actions shall be taken, and who is responsible for those actions. The plan must clearly indicate the steps that shall be taken and who shall be responsible for restoring a stormwater system to design specifications if a failure occurs and must include an acknowledgment by the responsible party. Development must be maintained consistent with the requirements in the approved plans and any modifications to those plans must be approved by the Permittee. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Educational materials and training for developers Provide educational materials and training for developers. New materials may be developed by the permittee, or the permittee may use materials adopted from other programs and adapted to the permittee’s new development and redevelopment program. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager 7.2 Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program The City began development of its Post-Construction Stormwater Ordinance & Management (PCSO) program in 2004 with participation in a Charlotte-Mecklenburg Stormwater Stakeholders Group. The group consisted of representatives from the development and environmental communities as well as local government staff. The stakeholders were charged with making recommendations to the City and County for the development of their respective post-construction stormwater ordinances. During 2006-2007, the City worked to develop the ordinance, which was approved by City Council on November 26, 2007, effective July 1, 2008. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 69 In October 2011, the City Council approved revisions to the ordinance that resulted in the following:  A mitigation fee for redevelopment where no increase in impervious coverage occurs;  Required minimum buffers for all projects; and  Minor text changes that did not affect the governance of the ordinance. In October 2014, City Council approved an additional time extension of October 2011 revisions until December 31, 2017. On July 1, 2016, part of the ordinance was revised to include a modified version of this redevelopment mitigation option and removed the sunset date in the ordinance. The ordinance and post-construction program are designed to meet the stormwater management and water quality protection requirements of NCGA Session Law 2006-246, as promulgated in North Carolina Administrative Code at 15A 02H Sections .0126, .0150 - .0154 (NPDES) and at 15A 02H Section .1000 (Stormwater Management) to address post-construction stormwater runoff from new development and redevelopment projects as required by the NPDES MS4 permit program and as specified and defined in the City’s Post-Construction Stormwater Ordinance. The ordinance covers the entire jurisdictional area of the City. An administrative manual has been developed to ensure successful implementation of the program. 7.3 Post-Construction BMP Strategies BMP strategies for the City’s Post-Construction Stormwater Management program consisted mainly of structural stormwater control measures (SCMs) such as sand filters, wet ponds, wetlands, and bioretention areas. SCMs and design procedures are detailed in a local manual developed by the City and County. SCMs are required on projects that have 24% or greater built upon area as defined by the program. This threshold is reduced to 10-12% built upon area for developments disturbing more than an acre and/or adding more than 20,000 sf of built upon area in sensitive watersheds as defined by the ordinance. In addition, SCMs must be designed to:  Remove 85% of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) for the runoff volume generated from the first 1-inch of rainfall;  Control the runoff volume from the 1-year – 24 hour storm event; and  Control the peak flow from the 10 and 25-year storm events for residential and commercial development. The program also required proper operation, maintenance, and inspection of SCMs as discussed in later sub-sections. Green infrastructure practices such as rain gardens, pervious pavements, vegetated conveyances, and rain water harvesting were allowed, depending on development needs. Undisturbed natural areas and natural resource protection as well as tree preservation requirements are part of the program. Additional requirements included:  70% Total Phosphorus removal in certain watersheds; City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 70  Various buffer requirements and widths from 30 – 200 feet based on stream jurisdictional determination; and  Design standards depending on watershed location and sensitivity. All of these requirements combine to make a much more sound and protective ordinance and program. 7.4 Deed Restrictions and Protective Covenants As part of the PCSO program, the City required deed restrictions and protective covenants to ensure that development projects remain consistent with approved plans. Streams and buffer boundaries were required to be specified on all surveys and record plats. An operation and maintenance agreement for SCMs was required to be referenced on record plats and recorded in deeds. In addition, a maintenance easement was required to be recorded to provide access to structural SCMs. 7.4.1 Setbacks for Built-Upon Areas The PCSO program required a minimum of 30-foot buffers on all perennial and intermittent streams draining less than 50 acres, and incrementally increased required buffer widths up to 100-feet for streams draining 640 acres or more. A special provision in the program required 200-foot buffers on all perennial streams and 100-foot buffers on all intermittent streams in the Six Mile Creek watershed due to the potential presence of the federally endangered species, Carolina Heelsplitter (Lasmigona decorata). These buffers were recorded on record plats as noted in sub-section 7.4. 7.5 Operation and Maintenance Plan The PCSO program required an operation and maintenance agreement executed by the responsible party (owner) of each stormwater control measure (SCM). As part of the program, the owner was required to:  Conduct annual inspections of SCMs;  Maintain proper records documenting operation and maintenance activities; and  Submit inspection reports to the City. In the case of single family residential projects, at the request of the homeowner’s association the City may assume the responsibility for operating, maintaining, and inspecting required SCMs after an initial two-year period for SCMs that are constructed and functioning properly. 7.6 Education and Training Program The City implemented an education and training program designed to provide developers and designers with the information necessary to comply with the City’s Post-Construction Stormwater Ordinance. Training included information on: City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 71  Overall ordinance requirements;  Review processes;  Land development and SCM design requirements;  Deed restrictions and protective covenants;  Buffer requirements; and  Operation, maintenance, and inspection requirements for SCMs. Education and training was accomplished by providing the following:  Website information;  Individual meetings with developers and designers;  Presentations at public meetings;  Periodic seminars and training sessions; and  Training City design staff. A half-day Post-Construction Stormwater Ordinance education workshop was held on November 10, 2016 with 118 people in attendance. Attendees included representatives from local government; engineering, land development and design firms; and survey companies. The presentation topics included:  Background about City and County PCSOs;  City Redevelopment Mitigation Option;  Built Upon Area, As-Built Survey & Polaris Case Study;  Stormwater SCM Inspections;  Huntersville’s LID Ordinance; and  Question & Answer Session. Another half-day workshop entitled “Aquatic Pesticides and Stormwater SCM Workshop” was held on November 9, 2016 with 113 people in attendance. The workshop targeted landscapers in the Charlotte region and included sessions on stormwater SCM inspection and maintenance and beneficial and invasive aquatic plant identification. The workshop ended with an outdoor tour of two wet ponds where inspection and maintenance items were pointed out and questions were answered. Attendees represented municipal and private landscape professionals, private country clubs/ golf courses, pond and lake management companies, engineering firms, and non-profit organizations. This workshop is also discussed in Section 5.5.1. 7.7 Measurable Goals/Planned Activities for Future Program Years Table 7-2 describes the various Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program BMPs and the Measurable Goals and Planned Activities for Future Program Years for each BMP by permit term year. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 72 Table 7-2: BMP Measurable Goals for the Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program. BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals (by permit term year) 1 2 3 4 5 Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program Maintain an ordinance (or similar regulatory mechanism) and program to address stormwater runoff from new development and redevelopment. Maintain the City’s Post- Construction Ordinance (PCSO) and implement and enforce the ordinance. (On-going, years 1 – 5) Strategies which include BMPs appropriate for the MS4 Maintain strategies that include a combination of structural and/or non-structural BMPs implemented in concurrence with (a) above. Provide a mechanism to require long-term operation and maintenance of structural BMPs. Require annual inspection reports of permitted structural BMPs performed by a qualified professional. A qualified professional means an individual trained and/or c ertified in the design, operation, inspection and maintenance aspects of the BMPs being inspected, for example, someone trained and certified by NC State for BMP Inspection & Maintenance. Continue PCSO program and ensuring proper BMP operation, maintenance, and annual inspections. (On-going, years 1 – 5) Deed Restrictions and Protective Covenants The permittee shall provide mechanisms such as recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants so that development activities maintain the project consistent with approved plans. Continue to implement Deed Restrictions and Protective Covenants through administration of the PCSO Program. (On- going, years 1 – 5) Operation and Maintenance Plan The developer shall provide the permittee with an operation and maintenance plan for the stormwater system, indicating the operation and maintenance actions that shall be taken, specific quantitative criteria used for determining when those actions shall be taken, and who is responsible for those actions. The plan must clearly indicate the steps that shall be taken and who shall be responsible for restoring a stormwater system to design specifications if a failure occurs and must include an acknowledgment by the responsible party. Development must be maintained consistent with the requirements in the approved plans and any modifications to those plans must be approved by the Permittee. Continue to implement BMP operation, maintenance, and inspection plan and procedures. (On-going, years 1 – 5) Educational materials and training for developers Provide educational materials and training for developers. New materials may be developed by the permittee, or the permittee may use materials adopted from other programs and adapted to the permittee’s new development and redevelopment program. Continue to provide and update education/ training tools for developers. (On-going, years 1 – 5) City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 73 7.8 Program Assessment The overall Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program was successfully implemented during the annual report period. Table 7-3 shows a summary of the various items and corresponding data results for activities conducted under the program. Table 7-3: Program Summary POST-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 Site plans reviewed 57 96 103 121 145 SCMs added 38 97 109 151 171 SCM inspections conducted 27 93 6061. 7261. 10061. NOVs issued 10 6 2582. 4152. 4042. Education workshops conducted 1 4 5 2 1 Citizens educated 18 105 183 194 231 1. Includes Post-Construction and Peak Detention SCMs inspected. 2. “NOVs issued” includes Corrective Action Requests (CARs) and letters to remind the property owner that a yearly inspection report is due. As illustrated in Table 7-3, there has been a significant increase in SCM inspections during FY2017 over previous years. This has been an ongoing goal of the Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program. As SCMs increase in the City it is the goal of the program to continue with these efforts such that additional staff has been added to conduct inspections. In addition, the number of NOVs and CARs issued during FY2017 was consistent with FY2016; however, relative to the number of inspections that were conducted during FY2017, this was a significant decrease. This equates to an approximate 17% reduction in issues relative to inspections. This relative decrease emphasizes the overall effectiveness of the program as the responsible parties are becoming more informed and educated of the SCM maintenance requirements. Section 8: Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Program During the annual report period, inspection, training, and program development activities were conducted for municipal facilities and operations as part of the Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Program per the SWMP. The following sub-sections explain:  The BMPs implemented to meet program requirements;  Measures of success;  Future goals and planned activities; and  Program assessment. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 74 8.1 BMP Summary Table Table 8-1 provides information concerning the BMPs implemented to fulfill the requirements of the Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping Program. Table 8-1: BMP Summary Table for the Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Program. BMP BMP Description Schedule (years) Responsible Position 1 2 3 4 5 Operation and maintenance program for municipal facilities and operations. Maintain and implement an operation and maintenance program for municipal facilities owned and operated by the permittee that have been determined by the permittee to have significant potential for generating polluted stormwater runoff that has the ultimate goal of preventing or reducing pollutant runoff. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Site Pollution Prevention Plans for municipal facilities and operations. Maintain and implement Site Pollution Prevention Plans for municipal facilities owned and operated by the permittee that have been determined by the permittee to have significant potential for generating polluted stormwater runoff that has the ultimate goal of preventing or reducing pollutant runoff. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Inspection and evaluation of municipal facilities and operations. Maintain an inventory of municipal facilities and operations owned and operated by the permittee that have been determined by the permittee to have significant potential for generating polluted stormwater runoff, including the MS4 system and associated structural SCMs, conduct inspections at facilities and operations owned and operated by the permittee for potential sources of polluted runoff, the stormwater controls, and conveyance systems, and evaluate the sources, document deficiencies, plan corrective actions, implement appropriate controls, and document the accomplishment of corrective actions. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Spill Response Procedures municipal facilities and operations. Maintain spill response procedures for municipal facilities and operations owned and operated by the permittee that have been determined by the permittee to have significant potential for generating polluted stormwater runoff. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Prevent or Minimize Contamination of Stormwater Runoff from all areas used for Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning Describe measures that prevent or minimize contamination of the stormwater runoff from all areas used for vehicle and equipment cleaning, including fire stations that serve more than three fire trucks and ambulances. Perform all cleaning operations indoors, cover the cleaning operations, ensure wash water drains to the sanitary sewer system, collect stormwater runoff from the cleaning area and providing treatment or recycling, or other equivalent measures. If sanitary sewer is not available to the facility and cleaning operations take place outdoors, the cleaning operations shall X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 75 take place on grassed or graveled areas to prevent point source discharges of the wash water into the storm drains or surface waters. Where cleaning operations cannot be performed as described above and when operations are performed in the vicinity of a storm drainage collection system, the drain is to be covered with a portable drain cover during cleaning activities. Any excess standing water shall be removed and properly handled prior to removing the drain cover. Facilities that serve three or fewer fire trucks and ambulances and that cannot comply with these requirements shall incorporate structural measures during facility renovation. Streets, roads, and public parking lots maintenance The permittee shall evaluate BMPs to reduce polluted stormwater runoff from municipally- owned streets, roads, and public parking lots within the corporate limits. Within 12 months of permit issuance, the permittee must update its Stormwater Plan to include the BMPs selected. X Water Quality Program Manager Streets, roads, and public parking lots maintenance Within 24 months of permit issuance, the permittee must implement BMPs selected to reduce polluted stormwater runoff from municipally-owned streets, roads, and public parking lots identified by the permittee in the Stormwater Plan. X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Operation and Maintenance (O&M) for municipally- owned or maintained structural SCMs and the storm sewer system (including catch basins, the conveyance system, and structural stormwater controls). Within 12 months of permit issuance, the permittee shall develop and implement an operation and maintenance program for structural SCMs and the storm sewer system (including catch basins, the conveyance system, and structural stormwater controls). X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Staff training Maintain and implement a training plan that indicates when, how often, who is required to be trained and what they are to be trained on. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager 8.2 Operation and Maintenance Program The City continued to provide an extensive network of municipal operations designed to serve its citizens and keep vital infrastructure functioning properly. A number of these operations impact the storm drainage system directly, such as storm drainage system maintenance and street sweeping, and indirectly, such as landscape management and municipal building maintenance. The cumulative impact of all these operations can potentially be significant, so it is important to maintain operation and maintenance programs to minimize impacts to the storm drainage system. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 76 EPM-Storm Water Services continued to work with various operations to implement best management practices to minimize negative impacts to the storm drainage system. This has been accomplished through a process of observing field operations, updating best management practices and SOPs, and training employees. Stormwater protection best practices have been developed for a total of ten field operations as follows:  Central Business District Maintenance Operations;  Landscape Management;  Facility Maintenance;  Road, Sidewalk and Facility Construction;  Street Sweeping;  Street Maintenance;  Water/Wastewater Utility Maintenance & Repair;  Traffic Engineering Operations;  Transit Amenities Maintenance; and  Hazardous Materials Operations. During FY2017, CMSWS staff focused on developing and implementing pollution prevention practices at EPM-SWS construction projects. Activities included:  Working with EPM-SWS construction staff to understand the best procedures and methods for improving contractors and subcontractor performance related to preventing illicit discharges and implementing pollution prevention practices;  Developing a new Surface Water Quality Protection section for EPM-SWS construction contracts that includes requirements for contractors to: - properly contain, collect and dispose of concrete and concrete waste water; - have spill response materials onsite and properly respond to leaks/spills at all times; - implement pollution prevention to ensure streets are clean before washing; and - develop a Refueling Operations Plan, if a fuel tank will be onsite, that includes the location of fuel tanks 50’ from any storm drain or water body and procedures for fuel handling, spill/leak containment, proper disposal of contaminated materials, emergency response, and protection of storm drains during refueling.  Developing new language on the general notes section of plan sheets that includes the following: - 401/404 jurisdictional area(s) have been permitted under Charlotte Storm Water Services regional general permit #163/GC #4100, or applicable permit document. The contractor shall follow all applicable permit requirements; and - By City ordinance, the discharge of stormwater pollutants to the stormwater system or water bodies is prohibited.  Issuing an NOV to a trucking subcontractor for excessive oil leaks from their truck and improper leak response. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 77 In addition, the following FY2017 activities occurred to improve field practices in other City departments:  New language in the Charlotte Department of Transportation’s Street Maintenance Standards that requires prevention of waste discharges associated with street cutting; and  Evaluation of spill response procedures across the City and gaining consensus from department leadership to develop new spill response education and procedures. Operation and maintenance of the municipal stormwater system is discussed separately in sub- section 8.8. Operation and maintenance of municipal facilities was managed through implementation of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SPPPs) and a municipal facility inspection program. Those programs are discussed below in sub-sections 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 and 8.9. 8.3 Facility Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans SPPPs are developed for all facilities listed in Table 8-2 with the exception of fire stations. The SPPPs are reviewed and updated annually with all documentation kept in the SPPPs, including site maps. The SPPPs are used as an implementation guide for maintaining good housekeeping and reducing stormwater pollution. All appropriate topics are covered in the SPPPs including:  Best management practices;  Facility inspections;  Facility monitoring;  Employee training;  Spill prevention/response;  Vehicle/equipment cleaning and fueling; and  Preventative maintenance. Table 8-2: Municipal Sites Included in the Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Program. Facility Physical Address Charlotte-Douglas International Airport 5501 Josh Birmingham Pkwy., Charlotte, NC 28208 CATS Bus Maintenance Operations Facility 3145 S. Tryon St., Charlotte, NC 28217 CATS Transit Maintenance Operations Center 901 N. Davidson St., Charlotte, NC 28202 CATS Transit Center 310 E. Trade St., Charlotte, NC 28202 CATS Light Rail Maintenance Facility 3305 Pelton St., Charlotte, NC CDOT - Traffic Engineering Operations Center 3701 Craig Ave., Charlotte, NC 28211 CDOT – Street Maintenance Division - Northwest District 4411 Northpointe Industrial Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28216 CDOT – Street Maintenance Division - Northeast District 6001 General Commerce Dr., Charlotte, NC 28213 CDOT – Street Maintenance Division - Southwest District 4600 Sweden Rd., Charlotte, NC 28273 Charlotte Water Department - Irwin Creek WWTP 4000 Westmont Dr., Charlotte, NC 28217 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 78 Facility Physical Address Charlotte Water Department - Mallard Creek WWTP 12400 Hwy 29 N, Charlotte, NC 28262 Charlotte Water Department - McAlpine Creek WWTP & Zone 3 Water/Wastewater Operations 12701 Lancaster Hwy, Pineville, NC 28134 Charlotte Water Department - McDowell Creek WWTP 4901 Neck Rd., Huntersville, NC 28078 Charlotte Water Department - Sugar Creek WWTP 5301 Closeburn Rd., Charlotte, NC 28210 Charlotte Water Department - Franklin WTP 5200 Brookshire Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28216 Charlotte Water Department - Lee S Dukes WTP 7980 Babe Stillwell Rd., Huntersville, NC 28078 Charlotte Water Department - Vest WTP 820 Beatties Ford Rd., Charlotte, NC 28216 Charlotte Water Department – Zone 1 Water/Wastewater Field Operations 11609 Hord Dr., Huntersville, NC 28078 Charlotte Water Department – Zone 2 Water/Wastewater Field Operations 5730 General Commerce Dr., Charlotte, NC 28213 Charlotte Water Department – Zone 4 Water/Wastewater Field Operations 4100 W. Tyvola Rd., Charlotte, NC 28208 Charlotte Water Department – Catawba Pump Station 12548 Pump Station Rd., Charlotte, NC 28216 Financial & Management Services - Heavy Equipment Shop 4600 Sweden Rd., Charlotte, NC 28273 Financial & Management Services - Heavy Truck Shop / Central Yard Truck Wash 829 Louise Ave., Charlotte, NC 28204 Financial & Management Services - Light Vehicle Shop 1031 Atando Ave., Charlotte, NC 28216 Financial & Management Services - Small Engine Repair Shop 701 Tuckaseegee Rd., Charlotte, NC 28208 CFD - Fire Logistics 1200 Otts St., Charlotte, NC 28205 CMPD - Animal Control Shelter 8315 Byrum Dr., Charlotte, NC 28217 Police and Fire Training Academy 1770 Shopton Rd., Charlotte, NC 28217 Solid Waste Services - Street Sweeper Facility & Sanitation Packer Lot 829 Louise Ave., Charlotte, NC 28204 Landscape Management Operations 701 Tuckaseegee Rd., Charlotte, NC 28208 8.4 Facility Inventory and Site Inspections All parcels of land owned or operated by the City continued to be examined to determine whether they were included in the Municipal Facilities Inventory within the Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Program. A Standard Administrative Procedure (SAP) is followed when evaluating parcels for this inventory. Once included in the inventory, applicable facilities received:  Preparation and implementation of a SPPP;  Regular inspections; and  Annual employee training. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 79 All facilities included in the inventory are inspected annually with the exception of fire stations which are inspected once every five years. The following are elements of all facility inspections:  Thorough assessment of facility operations and maintenance activities;  Evaluation of waste disposal and storage methods;  Evaluation of the stormwater drainage system, including catch basin inlets, structural best management practices and outfalls;  Review of spill response and clean up procedures with recommended revisions as appropriate;  Evaluation of housekeeping practices with recommended revisions as necessary to eliminate potential pollution sources;  Evaluation of outdoor storage facilities and recommendations for elimination of potential pollution sources;  Identification and elimination of dry weather discharges;  Review of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans where applicable including effluent monitoring (if required by permit); and  Completion of a written report documenting findings and recommendations. Follow-up inspections, communication and meetings with appropriate personnel are conducted as necessary to eliminate potential pollution sources. The supervisor and other management personnel of each facility are contacted and provided with a copy of the written report. Reports include information about areas and equipment that have a potential for pollution, recommendations for continuing good practices or making minor improvements, any deficiencies for more significant improvements, and/or any illicit discharge which indicates an active discharge was observed. All inspections are conducted following the procedures outlined in the Municipal Inspections and Monitoring SAP which is reviewed and updated annually. During FY2017 the following activities were conducted as part of the Municipal Facility Inspections:  51 inspections (including 21 fire stations);  Three illicit discharges and 12 deficiencies were detected; and  149 recommendations were made Figure 8-1 shows the locations of the facilities inspected during FY2017. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 80 FIGURE 8-1 8.4.1 NPDES Stormwater Permitted Municipal Facilities Review Eleven (11) City facilities, which are listed in Table 8-3, have been issued NPDES Stormwater permits (*Note: The airport’s permit is a combined stormwater/wastewater individual permit). City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 81 Table 8-3: Municipal Operations That Have Been Issued NPDES Stormwater Permits Municipal Operation Permit Number Certificate of Permit Coverage Number Address CATS Transit Maintenance Operations Center NCG080000 NCG080029 901 N. Davidson Street CATS Bus Maintenance Operations Facility NCG080000 NCG080710 3145 S. Tryon Street Heavy Truck Shop, Truck Wash & Street Sweeper Yard NCG080000 NCG080822 829 Louise Avenue Heavy Equipment Shop NCG080000 NCG080840 4600 Sweden Road Light Vehicle Maintenance Shop NCG080000 NCG080879 1031 Atando Avenue Charlotte-Douglas International Airport* NC0083887 Not applicable 5501 Josh Birmingham Parkway Irwin Creek WWTP NCG110000 NCG110008 4000 Westmont Drive Mallard Creek WWTP NCG110000 NCG110114 12400 Highway 29 North McAlpine Creek WWTP NCG110000 NCG110010 12701 Lancaster Hwy McDowell Creek WWTP NCG110000 NCG110011 4901 Neck Road Sugar Creek WWTP NCG110000 NCG110012 5301 Closeburn Road Annual inspections were conducted at each facility listed in Table 8-3. The same inspection items listed above in sub-section 8.4 were reviewed at these permitted facilities. Emphasis was placed on elimination of illicit discharges, good housekeeping improvements, and compliance with permit and SPPP requirements, including inspections, monitoring and training. The SPPPs were reviewed and updated annually as required. Environmental personnel at the airport and five wastewater treatment plants were responsible for updating the SPPPs at their facilities, while staff of EPM-SWS reviewed and updated SPPPs for the other facilities listed in Table 8.3. 8.5 Municipal Spill Response Procedures Numerous activities conducted by City employees, both in the field and at facilities, have the potential to generate spills that may enter the MS4 and contaminate surface waters. Because of that potential, Spill Prevention and Response Procedures have been developed for all facilities (and associated field operations) listed in Table 8-2. These procedures are incorporated into the facility SPPPs. The procedures and proper implementation of them was evaluated as part of the annual inspections. Items that have been evaluated and incorporated into the procedures included the following:  Product storage tanks/containers, exposure, and secondary containment;  Flow path and potential for entry into the MS4;  Spill history, response to those spills, and documentation;  Activities that may generate spills;  Operating procedures to prevent spills;  Spill response procedures;  Spill response equipment and other countermeasures; and  Employee training. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 82 In addition, as part of the overall IDDE program, CMSWS staff maintained a 24-hour emergency response team that responds to environmental emergencies, including spills. Members of the team act in an advisory role to the CFD Hazmat Unit. Once Hazmat secures a scene and contains the spill, the team worked with the responsible party to ensure that spills were cleaned up properly and had minimal impacts to the environment. The team’s actions are guided by a set of written emergency response protocols. During FY2017, the team responded to 41 hazardous materials releases. Figure 8-2 shows the locations of those releases. 8.6 Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning Operations The City recognizes the negative impacts that vehicle and equipment wash water runoff can have on stormwater and, ultimately, surface waters. Municipal employees washed the majority of vehicles and equipment at commercial or municipal vehicle wash facilities that drain to the sanitary sewer system. Vehicle and equipment washing at municipal facilities continued to be assessed during annual inspections at all facilities listed in Table 8-2. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 83 FIGURE 8-2 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 84 8.7 Streets, Roads, and Public Parking Lots Maintenance Streets and parking lots can be a significant source of stormwater pollution. In previous years, the City has implemented various BMPs to address these pollutants within the MS4 such as cleaning catch basins. The City has evaluated additional types of BMPs that are considered to best address polluted stormwater runoff from these sources. As a result of the evaluation, the City implemented the following non-structural BMPs:  Street Sweeping Program;  Adopt-A-Street Program;  Leaf and Yard Waste Collection Program;  Trash Receptacles along Downtown Streets;  Trash Receptacles and Litter Control activities at Park and Ride Parking Lots; and  Public Education to address polluted stormwater runoff from municipally-owned streets and public parking lots. During FY2017, EPM-SWS staff finished a study that began in FY2016 to determine the effectiveness of lot sweeping by street/lot sweeping equipment. Four municipal lots with varied uses were selected for the study and a private contractor was selected to conduct the work. Two heavy-use lots were swept twice per month and two lighter-use lots were swept once per month. Samples were weighed and analyzed by UNC Charlotte faculty and staff. The final report was received in late FY2017 and results will be analyzed to determine the cost effectiveness of using vehicle sweepers to clean municipal lots in the future. 8.8 Municipal SCMs and MS4 System Operation and Maintenance In previous years, the City inventoried municipal structural SCMs and developed a list of over 120 SCMs to be inspected at various frequencies based on the type of SCM. The list continues to be updated as new SCMs are constructed. Routine maintenance activities included:  Mowing;  Woody growth removal;  Cattail removal; and  Inlet and outlet clearing. These inspection and maintenance activities have been conducted to ensure proper function of structural SCMs. During FY2017, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) were updated for the program, and a meeting was held with all involved staff to review the SOP. The City’s Landscape Management Division and Building Services Division have primary responsibility for conducting inspections and ensuring proper maintenance. Employees at certain facilities where SCMs are located also assist with routine maintenance, such as grass mowing. Standard inspection forms have been developed and were utilized to conduct and document inspections. Completed inspection forms were provided to two SCM Inspection and City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 85 Maintenance Coordinators, who then entered the information into the Cityworks database. They also worked with staff responsible for inspections to ensure they were completed as required. The City conducted extensive cleaning and maintenance of the MS4 system during FY2017. Work included, but was not limited to:  Catch basin cleaning (manually and with vacuum trucks);  Storm drain top cleaning;  Curb and gutter cleaning;  Culvert/channel cleaning;  Drainage structure installation and repair;  Ditch reshaping; and  Erosion control. During FY2017, a total of:  589 catch basins were manually cleaned;  99,394 catch basin tops were manually cleaned;  2,689 catch basins were vacuumed out;  3,393 catch basin tops were vacuumed;  45,995 linear feet of stormwater pipes were vacuumed out; and  2,461 citizen service requests were addressed. All of this work was conducted according to written SAPs for each activity with associated work information recorded and entered into a database. 8.9 Employee/Staff Training at Municipal Facilities Training was conducted for employees at all of the facilities listed in Table 8-2. The goal of training was to inform employees of the actions necessary to reduce the discharge of pollutants from their facilities/operations and protect water quality. Some of the topics included in the training were:  Description of common pollutants, their sources and water quality impacts;  Description of the actions that each facility should take to reduce discharges of pollutants, with an emphasis on good housekeeping;  Description of effective spill prevention measures that should be employed at each facility;  Discussion of typical pollution sources at municipal operations and specific actions that should be taken to eliminate these sources and protect water quality;  Review of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan where applicable;  Explanation of the potential negative consequences of failing to control pollutants at facilities; and City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 86  Overview of IDDE Program and how to report observed water quality problems. High priority facilities were provided in-person classroom presentations while low priority facilities were assigned on-line training. More details about the classroom and online training for municipal facilities is described in Section 5.5 as it is combined with education for employees related to the identification and reporting of illicit discharges. For FY2017, training was conducted as follows:  13 on-site training sessions were provided by CMSWS staff at 13 of the municipal facilities listed on Table 8-2;  Eight facilities elected to train their own staff (CATS Tryon, CATS Davidson, 5 wastewater facilities, airport);  274 employees from nine facilities were assigned an online training module. Of those who were assigned the module, 274 employees completed it, which is 89%. EPM-SWS staff works with facility management each year to ensure the completion percentage is above 75%. 8.10 Measurable Goals/Planned Activities for Future Program Years Table 8-4 describes the various Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Program BMPs and the Measurable Goals and Planned Activities for Future Program Years for each BMP by permit term year. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 87 Table 8-4: BMP Measurable Goals for the Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Program. BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals (by permit term year) 1 2 3 4 5 Operation and maintenance program for municipal facilities and operations. Maintain and implement an operation and maintenance program for municipal facilities owned and operated by the permittee that have been determined by the permittee to have significant potential for generating polluted stormwater runoff that has the ultimate goal of preventing or reducing pollutant runoff. Review and update Operation and Maintenance programs as necessary. Continue operation and maintenance activities per established procedures. (On-going, years 1 – 5) Site Pollution Prevention Plans for municipal facilities and operations. Maintain and implement Site Pollution Prevention Plans for municipal facilities owned and operated by the permittee that have been determined by the permittee to have significant potential fo r generating polluted stormwater runoff that has the ultimate goal of preventing or reducing pollutant runoff. Review and update facility SPPPs as necessary. Continue implementation of SPPPs. (On-going, years 1 – 5) Inspection and evaluation of municipal facilities and operations. Maintain an inventory of municipal facilities and operations owned and operated by the permittee that have been determined by the permittee to have significant potential for generating polluted stormwater runoff, including the MS4 system and associated structural SCMs, conduct inspections at facilities and operations owned and operated by the permittee for potential sources of polluted runoff, the stormwater controls, and conveyance systems, and evaluate the sources, document deficiencies, plan corrective actions, implement appropriate controls, and document the accomplishment of corrective actions. Review and update inventory of facilities for inspection. Conduct inspections of applicable facilities and make corrective actions where necessary. (On-going, years 1 – 5) Spill Response Procedures municipal facilities and operations. Maintain spill response procedures for municipal facilities and operations owned and operated by the permittee that have been determined by the permittee to have significant potential for generating polluted stormwater runoff. Review facility spill response procedures and update as necessary. Continue implementation of procedures. (On- going, years 1 – 5) Prevent or Minimize Contamination of Stormwater Runoff from all areas used for Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning Describe measures that prevent or minimize contamination of the stormwater runoff from all areas used for vehicle and equipment cleaning, including fire stations that serve more than three fir e trucks and ambulances. Perform all cleaning operations indoors, cover the cleaning operations, ensure wash water drains to the sanitary sewer system, collect stormwater runoff from the cleaning area and providing treatment or recycling, or other equivalent measures. If sanitary sewer is not available to the facility and cleaning operations take place outdoors, the cleaning operations shall take place on grassed or graveled areas to prevent point source discharges of the wash water into the storm drains or surface waters. Review procedures for vehicle and equipment cleaning operations and update as necessary. Ensure that corrective actions are implemented where operations are found to not be in compliance with the permit. (On-going, years 1 – 5) City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 88 Where cleaning operations cannot be performed as described above and when operations are performed in the vicinity of a storm drainage collection system, the drain is to be covered with a portable drain cover during cleaning activities. Any excess standing water shall be removed and properly handled prior to removing the drain cover. Facilities that serve three or fewer fire trucks and ambulances and that cannot comply with these requirements shall incorporate structural measures during facility renovation. Streets, roads, and public parking lots maintenance The permittee shall evaluate BMPs to reduce polluted stormwater runoff from municipally-owned streets, roads, and public parking lots within the corporate limits. Within 12 months of permit issuance, the permittee must update its Stormwater Plan to include the BMPs selected. Evaluate various types of BMPs that would best address polluted stormwater runoff from municipally- owned streets and parking lots and select BMPs based on the evaluation by Feb 28, 2014. None (years 2 – 5) Streets, roads, and public parking lots maintenance Within 24 months of permit issuance, the permi ttee must implement BMPs selected to reduce polluted stormwater runoff from municipally- owned streets, roads, and public parking lots identified by the permittee in the Stormwater Plan. None Implement BMPs selected from year one evaluation by Feb 28, 2015. Continue to implement selected BMPs. (On-going, years 3 – 5) Operation and Maintenance (O&M) for municipally-owned or maintained structural SCMs and the storm sewer system (including catch basins, the conveyance system, and structural stormwater controls). Within 12 months of permit issuance, the permittee shall develop and implement an operation and maintenance program for structural SCMs and the storm sewer system (including catch basins, the conveyance system, and structural stormwater controls). Continue to implement structural SCM operation, maintenance, and inspection program. Continue operation and maintenance program for the MS4 system. (On-going, years 1 – 5) Staff training Maintain and implement a training plan that indicates when, how often, who is required to be trained and what they are to be trained on. For facilities included in the municipal facility inspection program, conduct staff training on SPPPs and Spill Response Procedures according to the Training Plan. (On-going, years 1 – 5) City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 89 8.11 Program Assessment The overall Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Program was successfully implemented during the annual report period. Table 8-5 shows a summary of the various items and corresponding data results for activities conducted under the program. Table 8-5: Program Summary MUNICIPAL GOOD HOUSEKEEPING PROGRAM FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 City owned parcels inventoried 90 75 130 56 43 City facilities inspected1. 31 31 31 50 51 Municipal program evaluations 10 9 9 2 28 Problems detected/corrected at City facilities 45 55 56 43 15 Municipal facility employee training sessions 32 34 32 32 39 Municipal facility employees trained 925 891 1118 760 1808 1. Not all parcels are included in the municipal inspection program. See Sec 8.4 The following is clarification of numbers provided in Table 8-5:  Number of city owned parcels inventoried includes properties purchased in the previous calendar year (in this case, 2016);  Number of city facilities inspected includes those at which CMSWS staff conducted inspections (during FY2017 it included roughly half of the fire stations, which are inspected once every 5 years);  Municipal program evaluations include reviews (field observations, meetings, etc.) of municipal field operations for development and/or implementation of stormwater pollution prevention best practices;  Includes problems found during city facility inspections (doesn’t include very small issues);  Number of training sessions held includes classroom sessions (including those conducted under the work plan and by wastewater treatment and airport facilities) and number of facilities assigned the online training module; and  Employees trained category includes all employees who completed training in the sessions described in the bulleted item above. The City has a very comprehensive Good Housekeeping and Pollution Prevention program. Program depth and scope has expanded each year. With the frequenc y of inspections and training, City staff has grown in awareness and knowledge of stormwater pollution prevention issues. However, with the large growth in the City, there is still plenty of need for process improvement. Specific focus areas will include:  Continuing to develop and improve upon stormwater pollution prevention best practices among city field operations;  Municipal street and lot sweeping, with a specific focus on water quality improvement; City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 90  Comprehensive improvement in the spills program including training, written procedures, cleaning, reporting, recording, and other elements;  Contractor training and expectations;  Continuous improvement in inspection and maintenance of city-owned structural SCMs; and  Increased communication and work with other departments and committees to integrate more stormwater pollution prevention, green infrastructure, and other stormwater measures into city projects and infrastructure. Section 9: Industrial Facilities Evaluation and Monitoring Program During the annual report period, inspection and monitoring activities were conducted under the Industrial Facilities Inspection and Monitoring Program per the SWMP. The following sub- sections explain:  The BMPs implemented to meet program requirements;  Measures of success;  Future goals and planned activities; and  Program assessment. 9.1 BMP Summary Table Table 9-1 provides information concerning the BMPs implemented to fulfill the requirements of the Industrial Facilities Program. Table 9-1: BMP Summary Table for the Industrial Facilities Program. BMP BMP Description Schedule (years) Responsible Position 1 2 3 4 5 Maintain an Inventory of Industrial Facilities Maintain an inventory of permitted hazardous waste treatment, disposal, and recovery facilities, industrial facilities that are subject to Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA), industrial facilities identified with an industrial activity permitted to discharge stormwater to the permittee’s MS4, or as identified as an illicit discharge under the IDDE Program. For the purposes of this permit, industrial activities shall mean all permitted industrial activities as defined in 40 CFR 122.26. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Inspection Program Identify priorities and inspection procedures. At a minimum, priority facilities include those identified above in subsection II.H.2.a. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 91 BMP BMP Description Schedule (years) Responsible Position 1 2 3 4 5 Evaluate Industrial Facilities discharging stormwater to the City’s MS4 The Permittee is required to evaluate control measures implemented at permitted hazardous waste treatment, disposal, and recovery facilities, industrial facilities that are subject to Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA), industrial facilities identified with an industrial activity permitted to discharge stormwater to the permittee’s MS4, or as identified as an illicit discharge under the IDDE Program. For permitted facilities, the municipality shall establish procedures for reporting deficiencies and non-compliance to the permitting agency. Where compliance with an existing industrial stormwater permit does not result in adequate control of pollutants to the MS4, municipality will recommend and document the need for permit modifications or additions to the permit issuing authority. For the purposes of this permit, industrial activities shall mean all permitted industrial activities as defined in 40 CFR 122.26. For the purpose of this permit, the Permittee is authorized to inspect the permitted hazardous waste treatment, disposal, and recovery facilities as an authorized representative of the Director. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager 9.2 Industrial Facility Inventory An inventory of facilities is maintained showing those facilities that discharge to the City’s MS4 and have the potential to discharge significant pollutant loads. The inventory is used to select each year’s facilities for inspection and monitoring. Facilities included in the inventory fit into one or more of the following categories:  Hazardous waste TSD facility;  SARA Title III facility (TRI reporter);  NPDES Stormwater permitted facility;  Stormwater No Exposure Certificate facility;  Industrial Wastewater Pre-Treatment permitted facility; and  Facilities identified as having an illicit discharge under the IDDE Program. The goal is to inspect all NPDES permitted facilities in the inventory every five (5) years, with more frequent inspections conducted at facilities with previous compliance issues or facilities that are deemed to have a higher potential to pollute. Non-permitted industrial facilities are City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 92 selected for inspection based on the recommendation of CMSWS staff, citizen complaints, or from viewing aerial photography that indicated potential pollution issues on site. During FY2017, significant work was performed to review the strategy for inspecting industrial facilities and in FY2018, it is anticipated that this new strategy will used and finalized for selecting facilities for inspection. The new strategy focuses on establishing different priority tiers for NPDES-permitted facilities based on several criteria that indicate a facility’s potential to impact surface waters. The purpose of the priority tiers is to use program resources to conduct more frequent inspections and follow-up activities at facilities that have a history of non- compliance with the City’s Stormwater Pollution Control Ordinance or facilities that generally have a greater potential to impact surface waters. To support this new prioritization strategy, CMSWS staff developed a document detailing the goal of the strategy and the criteria for each priority tier, created a flow chart that guides the ongoing prioritization of a facility, and updated the NPDES database to assign an initial priority rank for each facility. Vehicle maintenance facilities are also inspected as part of the Industrial Facility Inspection program because they are a known source of poor housekeeping and illicit discharges. Facilities are selected for inspection based on of a combination of targeting priority watershed basins, aerial photography suggesting potential to pollute, and staff recommendations. For FY2017, the watersheds prioritized for inspection were Taggert Creek, Upper Little Sugar Creek, and Upper Irwin Creek. 9.3 Industrial Facilities Inspection and Monitoring Program The purpose of the Industrial Facilities Inspection program is to evaluate activities at industrial facilities that may impact stormwater discharges, and then work with problem facilities to reduce identified stormwater pollution. To effectively accomplish the goals of the program, an Industrial Facilities Inspection and Monitoring Procedures Manual is utilized. The manual objectives are as follows:  Provide instructions and guidance about the selection of facilities for inspections, prepare for and conduct industrial inspections and monitoring, collect vital information, write reports and conduct follow-up activities;  Provide consistency for program implementation as a means of quality assurance and control; and  Provide forms, templates and examples to aid in implementation of the program. The manual also details the inspection process. Listed below are general tasks conducted as part of an industrial inspection:  Thorough assessment of facility operations and maintenance activities;  Evaluation of waste disposal and storage methods;  Evaluation of the stormwater drainage system, including catch basin inlets, structural best management practices and outfalls; City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 93  Review of spill response and clean up procedures;  Evaluation of housekeeping practices with recommended revisions as necessary to eliminate potential pollution sources;  Evaluation of outdoor storage facilities and recommendations for elimination of potential pollution sources;  Identification and elimination of dry weather discharges;  Review of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan implementation where applicable, including effluent monitoring (if required by permit);  Sampling/monitoring of site stormwater runoff and/or dry weather flows;  Evaluation of monitoring data results; and  Completion of a written report documenting findings and recommendations. A standard inspection form is used for conducting all inspections. A separate inspection form is used for Vehicle Maintenance Facility inspections. For inspections at NPDES permitted facilities, any deficiencies related to NPDES stormwater permit requirements are identified and included in the report, with a copy sent to the NCDEQ. The understanding between the City and NCDEQ is that the State is responsible for following-up on permit-related deficiencies and violations since they are the issuing regulatory authority for the permits. Facilities that are found without coverage under an appropriate general stormwater permit category are also brought to the attention of NCDEQ. During FY2017 the Industrial Facilities Inspection and Monitoring Program inspected 41 industrial facilities (31 permitted and 10 non-permitted) and 16 vehicle maintenance shops. Tables 9-2 and 9-3 provide a list of the facilities inspected while Figures 9-1 and 9-2 show the location of these facilities. Table 9-2: FY2017 List of Industrial Facility Inspections Facility NPDES Permit # Address Vulcan Construction Materials - Pineville NCG020049 10500 Old Nations Ford Road Martin Marietta - Charlotte NCG020051 4551 Beatties Ford Road Textile Rubber & Chemical Company Inc. NCG050013 2321 N Davidson Street Genpak, LLC NCG050147 1001 Westinghouse Blvd. International Paper - Charlotte Container Plant NCG050169 5419 Hovis Road Snyder's - Lance Incorporated NCG060148 8600 S Blvd. Howell's Motor Freight Incorporated NCG080283 10028 Metromont Ind. Blvd. Schneider National Carriers - DWJ1 NCG080583 2420 Starita Road Academy Bus Sunway Charters (formerly Evergreen Trails) NCG080770 1251 W Craighead Road YRC, Inc. dba. YRC Freight (653) NCG080777 11010 Reames Road NS Thoroughbred Bulk Terminal NCG080906 2820 Nevada Blvd. Southeastern Freightlines NCG080912 1200 Amble Drive Valspar Industries USA Incorporated NCG090033 10300 Claude Freeman Drive Ferebee Asphalt Corporation NCG160200 830 E Westinghouse Blvd. Wise Recycling, LLC-Charlotte Plant NCG200454 4923 Brookshire Blvd. Auto Parts U Pull and Scrap Metal NCG200509 9820 Statesville Road City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 94 Facility NPDES Permit # Address United Scrap Metal, Inc. NCG200513 9925 Brookford Street Safety Kleen Systems, Inc. (Goodrich Dr.) NCG080923 12040 Goodrich Drive Sonoco Products Co-Charlotte NCG130011 3901 Barringer Drive Safety Kleen Corp-Mecklenburg NCG130025 2320 Yadkin Avenue Charlotte Recycle Plant (Int'l Paper) NCG130033 201 E 28th Street Concrete Supply - North Plant NCG140041 3823 Raleigh Street Concrete Supply - Croft Plant NCG140053 6528 Lakeview Road Thomas Concrete Of Carolina Inc. NCG140308 3701 N Graham Street BCI Materials, Inc. NCG160210 1131 Atando Avenue Custom Pallet & Crating NCG210417 5104 N Graham Street National Welders DBA Airgas National Welders NCS000045 5313 Old Dowd Road DART Acquisitions NCS000312 4132 Pompano Road Salvage Auto Supply LLC NCG100207 3301 Robinson Circle Metromont Corporation NCG070028 4101 Greensboro Street Ward Trucking, LLC NCG080109 3005 Queen City Drive Non permitted: Total Distributors n/a 4201 Chesapeake Drive Univar 2001 Continental Blvd. Carowinds 14523 Carowinds Blvd. Starnes Pallet Service 4000 Jeff Adams Drive C&M Recycling 2930 Jeff Adams Drive Central Transport 601 Johnson Road Hunter Auto 5310 David Cox Road Southern Cast Foundry 847 North Church Street Carolina Environmental Response Team 5648 Daphne Drive Doggett Concrete 1425 Cressida Drive Table 9-3: FY2017 List of Vehicle Maintenance Facility Inspections Facility Address Me-K-Nica Auto Repair 4500 Old Pineville Road Sam's Body Shop 2215 Freedom Drive Quality Repair Work 245 Yeoman Road F&R Auto Repair (formerly Chavez Auto) 124 East Peterson Drive Sunshine Auto Service 223 East Cama Street Charlotte's Auto Repair 132 East Cama Street Fico Car Sale and Services 4214 South Tryon Street Izabal Auto Repair 3419 South Tryon EZ Auto Service and Collision Center 4425 South Blvd. Hondaworks Inc. 200 Scaleybark Road David's Auto and Performance 117 West 28th Street Cruz Auto and Towing 100 Dalton Avenue R&S Auto and Tire 2338 Lucena Street Tundea Automotive Services 4009 Hargrove Avenue CJR Auto Repair Center 5409 Wilkinson Blvd. A&P Automotive 2711 Midland Avenue City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 95 FIGURE 9-1 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 96 FIGURE 9-2 9.3.1 Industrial Facilities Monitoring Program The purpose of the Industrial Facilities Monitoring Program is to monitor stormwater runoff from industrial NPDES stormwater permitted and/or non-NPDES permitted facilities and identify pollution sources related to industrial activities. Facilities are selected based on input City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 97 from the CMSWS inspectors who inspected these facilities under the Industrial Inspections Program during the previous fiscal year. During FY2011, a SAP was developed for reviewing, interpreting and following up on monitoring data from the Industrial Facilities Monitoring Program. The main purpose of the SAP is to make analysis of the monitoring data as objective as possible. As part of the SAP, summary statistics and tables were created from all past monitoring data at local industrial sites. Comparing individual monitoring results to the summarized data set allows staff to compare results at a particular facility with the entire data set. When an analysis of the monitoring data is conducted and results found to be above State surface water quality standards or the CMSWS statistical analysis values of past monitoring data for industrial facilities, a letter summarizing the analytical sampling results is sent to each monitored facility. Copies of this letter are also provided to NCDEQ for NPDES permitted facilities. For facilities with elevated pollutant levels, follow-up inspections were conducted and recommendations were made to improve outdoor operations, housekeeping, material storage practices, and other measures that should result in reduced pollutant runoff. All procedures for the Industrial Facilities Monitoring Program are outlined in the Industrial Inspection Procedure Manual and reviewed annually. 9.4 Evaluation Measures As discussed in sub-section 9.3, the appropriate evaluation measures that were implemented to reduce polluted discharges to the City’s MS4 were industrial inspections and monitoring. Inspection letters noted that the inspection was being conducted to satisfy both State and City NPDES MS4 permit requirements. As pollution sources were identified through the inspection and monitoring program, the City worked with the NCDEQ and facility personnel to eliminate the pollution sources. When violations of illicit discharge prohibitions and other applicable regulations were identified, enforcement measures were implemented. 9.5 Measurable Goals/Planned Activities for Future Program Years Table 9-4 describes the various Industrial Facilities Program BMPs and the Measurable Goals and Planned Activities for Future Program Years for each BMP by permit term year. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 98 Table 9-4: BMP Measurable Goals for the Industrial Facilities Program. BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals (by permit term year) 1 2 3 4 5 Maintain an Inventory of Industrial Facilities Maintain an inventory of permitted hazardous waste treatment, disposal, and recovery facilities, industrial facilities that are subject to Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA), industrial facilities identified with an industrial activity permitted to discharge stormwater to the permittee’s MS4, or as identified as an illicit discharge under the IDDE Program. For the purposes of this permit, industrial activities shall mean all permitted industrial activities as defined in 40 CFR 122.26. Maintain and update the industrial facility inventory as needed. (On-going, years 1 – 5) Inspection Program Identify priorities and inspection procedures. At a minimum, priority facilities include those identified above in subsection II.H.2.a. Update current Industrial Inspection and Monitoring Procedures and develop an inspection prioritization strategy. (On-going, years 1 – 5) Evaluate Industrial Facilities discharging stormwater to the City’s MS4 The Permittee is required to evaluate control measures implemented at permitted hazardous waste treatment, disposal, and recovery facilities, industrial facilities that are subject to Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA), industrial facilities identified with an industrial activity permitted to discharge stormwater to the permittee’s MS4, or as identified as an illicit discharge under the IDDE Program. For permitted facilities, the municipality shall establish procedures for reporting deficiencies and non-compliance to the permitting agency. Where compliance with an existing industrial stormwater permit does not result in adequate control of pollutants to the MS4, municipality will recommend and document the need for permit modifications or additions to the permit issuing authority. For the purposes of this permit, industrial activities shall mean all permitted industrial activities as defined in 40 CFR 122.26. For the purpose of this permit, the Permittee is authorized to inspect the permitted hazardous waste treatment, disposal, and recovery facilities as an authorized representative of the Director. Conduct inspection activities based on established procedures and prioritization strategy at 50 facilities for years 1 and 2; and 40 facilities in years 3 -5. Conduct stormwater runoff monitoring at 10 facilities for years 1 and 2; and 8 facilities in years 3 -5. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 99 9.6 Program Assessment The overall Industrial Facilities and Monitoring Program was successfully implemented during the annual report period. Table 9-5 shows a summary of the various items and corresponding data results for activities conducted under the program. Table 9-5: Program Summary INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES PROGRAM FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 Master industrial inspection site inventory 358 384 468 342 374 Industrial facilities inspected 51 51 50 40 41 Vehicle maintenance facilities inspected 15 20 21 15 16 Industrial facilities monitored 10 10 10 8 8 Industrial facility Notice of Deficiencies issued 13 7 7 5 9 Illicit discharges or connections detected/corrected 3 0 0 3 5 The following is clarification of certain numbers provided in Table 9-5:  Includes industrial facilities with an NPDES Stormwater permit, Stormwater No Exposure Certificate, Charlotte Water pre-treatment permit and/or is a TRI submitter or TSD facility; and  Number of industrial facility (not including vehicle maintenance facilities) deficiencies with Notices issued includes industrial facilities whose reports were issued as an NOV or Unsatisfactory with regard to their compliance with the City’s Stormwater Pollution Control Ordinance. Facilities with strictly NPDES permit compliance issues (e.g., lack of required monitoring or training) were not counted in this number. Of the 41 industrial inspections conducted, five illicit discharges were discovered, five of the permitted sites were unsatisfactory and one of the non-permitted sites was unsatisfactory. Five of the non-permitted facilities were observed to likely be subject to an NPDES stormwater permit because of their SIC Code, exposure of outdoor materials, and the presence of at least one outfall onsite. CMSWS staff notified NCDEQ about those facilities. Of the 16 vehicle maintenance facilities inspected, 29 deficiencies were identified. All facilities where deficiencies were noted received follow-up correspondence and inspections from CMSWS staff to assist with compliance. As a result of communicating the results of these inspections with NCDEQ, one facilit y obtained a new stormwater permit and no facilities received a Notice of Violation for operating without a permit. Stormwater monitoring was conducted at eight facilities (seven permitted and one non- permitted). No illicit discharges or illicit connections were observed during monitoring activities, but 62% of the facilities monitored exceeded the state standard for turbidity and zinc. Letters summarizing the analytical sampling results were sent to each monitored facility and copies were provided to NCDEQ for NPDES permitted facilities. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 100 Section 10: Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Program During the annual report period, monitoring activities were conducted per the Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring program plan and the SWMP. The following sub-sections explain:  The BMPs implemented to meet program requirements;  Measures of success;  Future goals and planned activities; and  Program assessment. 10.1 BMP Summary Table Table 10-1 provides information concerning the BMPs implemented to fulfill the requirements of the Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Program. Table10-1: BMP Summary Table for the Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Program. BMP BMP Description Schedule (years) Responsible Position 1 2 3 4 5 Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Plan Maintain a Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Plan. The Plan shall include a schedule for implementing the proposed assessment and monitoring activities. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Water Quality Monitoring Maintain and implement the Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Plan submitted to DWQ. X X X X X Water Quality Program Manager 10.2 Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Plan The City has been conducting water quality monitoring of streams and stormwater discharges since the inception of its NPDES MS4 Permit Program in 1992. Initially, the monitoring program focused mainly on identifying illicit discharges and especially SSOs, and therefore included sampling for fecal coliform bacteria. Data was used to identify and eliminate these illicit discharges to the MS4 and surface waters and proved to be highly successful. While current water quality monitoring efforts continue to be used for this purpose, the program has been expanded over the years to include a wider array of water quality parameters (Table 10-2) with the additional goal of identifying short-term and long-term water quality trends and gauging overall program effectiveness. Table 10-2: Water Quality Monitoring Parameters. Parameter Sample Type Frequency (Minimum) Fecal Coliform Grab Quarterly E-Coli Grab Quarterly Total Phosphorus Grab Quarterly Nitrite + Nitrate Grab Quarterly City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 101 Parameter Sample Type Frequency (Minimum) Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Grab Quarterly Ammonia Nitrogen Grab Quarterly Total Suspended Solids Grab Quarterly Turbidity Grab Quarterly Copper Grab Quarterly Zinc Grab Quarterly Chromium Grab Quarterly Lead Grab Quarterly Dissolved Oxygen In Situ Quarterly Temperature In Situ Quarterly Conductivity In Situ Quarterly pH In Situ Quarterly The City implements the Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Plan developed during the previous permit term. The plan specifies the basic water quality monitoring program and activities to be performed on a quarterly basis at 15 stream sites within the major watersheds in the City (Figure 10-1; Table 10-3). Monitoring is conducted for chemical and physical parameters listed in Table 10-2 on a fixed interval monitoring basis. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 102 FIGURE 10-1 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 103 Table 10-3: Description of City of Charlotte Water Quality Monitoring Sites. Site # Stream Location MY11B Mallard Creek Pavilion Blvd Bridge, S. of US Hwy 29 MY12B Back Creek Stream location, off of Wentwater Street, near Caldwell Rd. MY13 Reedy Creek Reedy Creek Rd. Bridge, S. of Plaza Rd. Ext. MY7B McKee Creek Reedy Creek Rd. Bridge, S. of Harrisburg Rd. MC14A Long Creek Pine Island Dr. at End of Street at Golf Course MC17 Paw Creek Hwy 74 Culvert, Between Sam Wilson & Little Rock Rd. MC22A Irwin Creek Westmont Dr. Bridge, at Irwin Creek WWTP MC27 Sugar Creek Hwy. 51 Bridge, E. of Downs Rd. MC38 McAlpine Creek Sardis Rd. Bridge, Between Sardis Ln. & Sardis Rd. N. MC40A Four Mile Creek Elm Ln. Bridge, S. of Hwy. 51 MC42 McMullen Creek Sharon View Rd. Bridge, Between Sharon Rd. & Colony Rd. MC45 McAlpine Creek McAlpine Creek WWTP MC47A Steele Creek Carowinds Blvd. Culvert, W. of Carowinds Amusement Park MC49A Little Sugar Creek Hwy. 51 Bridge, W. of Carolina Place Mall MC51 Six Mile Creek Marvin Rd. Bridge, S. of Ardrey Kell Rd. 10.3 Water Quality Monitoring Implementation The City conducts a basic quarterly fixed interval monitoring program at the 15 monitoring sites listed in Table 10-3. Following completion of monitoring activities at the end of each permit reporting year (June 30th), monitoring data is visually assessed to determine whether water quality trends are apparent. This can help to gauge the combined effectiveness of NPDES program efforts. In addition to the basic monitoring required in the plan, the City also conducts an enhanced monitoring program which includes additional parameters, sites and frequencies to support other initiatives and management activities. 10.4 Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Plan Revisions The City has reviewed the basic monitoring program plan and data generated during FY2017 and proposes no major changes to that plan at this time. 10.5 Measurable Goals/Planned Activities for Future Program Years Table 10-4 describes the Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Program BMPs and the Measurable Goals and Planned Activities for Future Program Years for each BMP by permit term year. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 104 Table 10-4: BMP Measurable Goals for the Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Program. BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals (by permit term year) 1 2 3 4 5 Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Plan Maintain a Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Plan. The Plan shall include a schedule for implementing the proposed assessment and monitoring activities. Maintain the WQ Assessment & Monitoring Plan and update as necessary. (On-going, years 1 – 5) Water Quality Monitoring Maintain and implement the Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Plan submitted to DWQ. Maintain and implement the monitoring plan and conduct WQ assessment and monitoring activities per the plan. (On-going, years 1 – 5) City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 105 10.6 Program Assessment The overall Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Program was successfully implemented during the annual report period. Table 10-5 shows a summary of the various items and corresponding data results for activities conducted under the program. Table 10-5: Program Summary WATER QUALITY MONITORING PROGRAM FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 Stream sites monitored1. 15 15 15 15 15 Stream samples collected1. 60 60 60 60 60 Laboratory sample analyses conducted1. 720 720 720 720 720 Stream physical measurements (DO, Temp, pH, Cond) 1. 240 240 240 240 240 IDDE problems detected/corrected through monitoring 0 1 0 2 0 1. Data reported is the minimum quarterly amount per the basic monitoring plan. 10.6.1 Water Quality Monitoring Program Evaluation During FY2017, an evaluation of the water quality monitoring program was conducted to determine whether any changes were needed to improve the cost-effectiveness of the program. This evaluation resulted in the changes discussed in the following paragraphs. During FY2009, Enterococcus was added to the enhanced monitoring program to develop a baseline for this parameter in case a future Enterococcus freshwater standard would be developed for North Carolina. This parameter has been monitored for nine years under the City’s program and since there is no indication that a freshwater standard will be developed in the foreseeable future, it was decided to discontinue this monitoring effort. In addition, the State’s implementation of a new dissolved metals standard during FY2015 in place of the previous total metals standard led the City’s program to collect and evaluate dissolved and total metals comparative data to determine which parameters might exceed the new dissolved standard and therefore should continue to be monitored. A review of 18 months of monthly fixed interval data showed that total arsenic, total beryllium, total selenium, total cadmium and total silver could be removed from the City’s enhanced monitoring program since these parameters were consistently below laboratory detection limits and State standards for dissolved metals. These changes do not impact the parameter list or sampling frequencies for the basic monitoring program identified in Table 10-2. 10.6.2 Water Quality Trend Analysis The City utilizes water quality data generated from various monitoring programs, including NPDES MS4, to generate a Stream Use Support Index. This spatial index visually represents water quality conditions by sub-basin and can be compared year by year to determine general trends. The index map for calendar year 2016 is shown below in Figure 10-2. The map shows City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 106 general WQ conditions to be in the partially supporting to impaired category for the sub-basins within the City. Figure 10-3 shows time series graphs for each non-metal parameter in the monitoring plan for the eight-year period from Jan 2009 to Jun 2017 (metals shown separately in Figure 10-4). Each graph displays median analyte values across all sites for each particular fixed interval sampling event (i.e., quarterly at minimum, though typically monthly). These graphs do appear to show small reductions in peak concentrations for some analytes over time (e.g. TSS, Total Phosphorus, and Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen); while in other cases no trend is apparent. Additional analyses, considering each analyte and watershed individually combined with normalization for flow conditions at the time of sampling, will likely be needed to further discern water quality trends. These analyses are ongoing, and may be reported in future annual reports. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 107 FIGURE 10-2 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 108 FIGURE 10-3 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 109 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 110 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 111 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 112 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 113 Figure 10-4 shows data for the metals included in the monitoring plan for the period of July 2010 through June 2017. These data have been plotted as the difference between individual sample results and the acute dissolved standard at the sample’s hardness value to better illustrate exceedances and non-exceedances on a temporal basis. As a result, the vertical axes represent how far above or below the standard a given sample was, as opposed to showing absolute sample City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 114 concentrations. Samples collected prior to implementation of the dissolved metals standards are also shown relative to the current dissolved metals standards, as this gives a better picture of historical toxicity. The City has analyzed fixed interval samples for dissolved copper, dissolved lead, and dissolved zinc since July 2015, given that historically total metals samples of those elements have exceeded the new dissolved metals standards at least once. For chromium, which has never exceeded the total metal standard or the more protective dissolved standard, the City continues to analyze on a total basis. It can be seen from Figure 10-4 that copper is the only metal for which the dissolved standard has been exceeded at any sites since coming into effect in 2015. FIGURE 10-4 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 115 City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 116 Section 11: Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program The City continued to fulfill the NPDES MS4 permit requirements regarding the TMDL Program by implementing the following BMPs within the six minimum NPDES MS4 permit measures. The BMPs are designed to reduce the TMDL pollutant of concern within the TMDL assigned MS4 NPDES regulated waste load allocation to the maximum extent practicable (MEP) within the impaired water bodies in the City’s jurisdiction that are subject to approved TMDLs. The following sub-sections explain:  The BMPs implemented to meet program requirements;  Measures of success;  Future goals and planned activities; and  Program assessment. 11.1 BMP Summary Table Table 11-1 provides information concerning the BMPs implemented to fulfill the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program requirements. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 117 Table 11-1: BMP Summary Table for Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program. BMP BMP Description Schedule (years) Responsible Position 1 2 3 4 5 Identify, describe and map watershed, outfalls, and streams Within 24 months the permittee shall prepare a plan that:  Identifies the watershed(s) subject to an approved TMDL with an approved Waste Load Allocation (WLAs) assigned to the permittee,  Includes a description of the watershed(s),  Includes a map of watershed(s) showing streams & outfalls  Identifies the locations of currently known major outfalls within its corporate limits with the potential of contributing to the cause(s) of the impairment to the impaired segments, to their tributaries, and to segments and tributaries within the watershed contributing to the impaired segments and  Includes a schedule to discover and locate other major outfalls within its corporate li mits that may be contributing to the cause of the impairment to the impaired stream segments, to their tributaries, and to segments and tributaries within the watershed contributing to the impaired segments. X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Existing measures Within 24 months the Permittee’s plan:  Shall describe existing measures being implemented by the Permittee designed to achieve the MS4’s NPDES WLA and to reduce the TMDL pollutant of concern to the MEP within the watershed to which the TMDL applies; and  Provide an explanation as to how those measures are designed to reduce the TMDL pollutant of concern.  The Permittee shall continue to implement the existing measures until notified by DWQ. X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Assessment of available monitoring data Within 24 months the permittee’s plan shall include an assessment of available monitoring data. Where long-term data is available, this assessment should include an analysis of the data to show trends. X X X X Water Quality Program Manager Monitoring Plan Within 36 months the permittee shall develop and submit to the Division a Monitoring Plan for the permittee’s assigned NPDES regulated WLA as specified in the TMDL. The permittee shall maintain and implement the Monitoring Plan as additional outfalls are identified and as accumulating data may suggest. Following any review and comment by the Division the permittee shall incorporate any necessary changes to monitoring pla n and initiate the plan within six months. Modifications to the monitoring plan shall be approved by the Division. Upon request, the requirement to develop a X X X Water Quality Program Manager City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 118 Monitoring Plan may be waived by the Division if the existing and proposed measures are determined to be adequate to achieve the MS4’s NPDES WLA to MEP within the watershed to which the TMDL applies. Additional Measures Within 36 months the permittee’s plan shall:  Describe additional measures to be implemented by the permittee designed to achieve the permittee’s MS4’s NPDES WLA and to reduce the TMDL pollutant of concern to the MEP within the watershed to which the TMDL applies; and  Provide an explanation as to how those measures are designed to achieve the permittee’s MS4’s NPDES regulated WLA to the MEP within the watershed to which the TMDL applies. X X X Water Quality Program Manager Implementation Plan Within 48 months the permittee’s plan shall:  Describe the measures to be implemented within the remainder of the permit term designed to achieve the MS4’s NPDES WLA and to reduce the TMDL pollutant of concern to the MEP and  Identify a schedule, subject to DWQ approval, for completing the activities. X X Water Quality Program Manager Incremental Success The permittee’s plan must outline ways to track and report successes designed to achieve the MS4’s NPDES regulated WLA and to reduce the TMDL pollutant of concern to MEP within the watershed to which the TMDL applies. X X Water Quality Program Manager Reporting The permittee shall conduct and submit to the Division an annual assessment of the program designed to achieve the MS4’s NPDES WLA and to reduce the TMDL pollutant of concern to the MEP within the watershed to which the TMDL applies. Any monitoring data and information generated from the previous year are to be submitted with each annual report. X X X X Water Quality Program Manager 11.2 TMDL Watershed Plan The City developed a TMDL watershed plan during February 2015 for the applicable identified watersheds that are subject to an approved TMDL within the City’s jurisdiction as defined in Part II, Sec J.1 and J.2 within the City’s current NPDES MS4 permit. The plan utilizes BMPs as outlined in the permit within the six minimum NPDES MS4 permit measures that are designed to reduce the TMDL pollutant of concern within the TMDL assigned MS4 NPDES regulated waste load allocation to the MEP. In addition, per Part II, Sec J.3 within the City’s current NPDES MS4 permit, the plan addresses the pollutant of concern for approved TMDLs that do not assign a waste load allocation for the pollutant of concern to the municipal stormwater system by evaluating strategies and tailoring BMPs within the scope of the six minimum permit measures City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 119 to address the pollutant of concern to the MEP in the watershed(s) to which the TMDL applies. The plan is available on the City’s website: http://charlottenc.gov/StormWater/SurfaceWaterQuality/Documents/CLT%20NPDES%20MS4 %20TMDL%20Watershed%20Plan%20Updates%20-%20Feb%202017%20-%20FINAL.pdf 11.2.1 TMDL Watershed Identification Section 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act requires States to identify and establish a priority ranking for water bodies that do not meet applicable water quality standards (303(d) list), establish TMDLs for the pollutants causing impairment of these water bodies, and submit the list of impaired waters and TMDLs to the USEPA. The TMDL process establishes the allowable loadings of pollutants or other quantifiable parameters for a water body based on the relationship between pollution sources and in-stream water quality conditions. The TMDL process is used by States to establish water quality based controls to reduce pollutants from point and non-point sources and restore and maintain the quality of the water resources in compliance with applicable standards. In addition to the 303(d) list, the federal Clean Water Act requires States to submit a report describing how well water bodies support designated uses (e.g., swimming, aquatic life support, water supply), as well as likely causes and potential sources of impairment (305(b) list). As part of the TMDL watershed plan development during FY2015, the City reviewed the NCDEQ website to determine which TMDLs were in place within the City’s jurisdiction. Currently, there are seven approved TMDLs applicable to multiple streams in the City, some of which also include portions of Mecklenburg County. Table 11-2 and Figure 11-1 provide information on, and a map of, these TMDLs and affected watersheds, respectively. Additional information concerning these TMDLs is provided in the City’s TMDL Watershed Plan referenced in section 11.2. Table 11-2: City of Charlotte Streams with Approved TMDLs Receiving Stream Name WQ Classification TMDL Approved TMDL Pollutant of Concern Irwin Creek C February 1996 Dissolved Oxygen Little Sugar Creek C February 1996 Dissolved Oxygen McAlpine Creek C February 1996 Dissolved Oxygen Lake Wylie WS-IV, B, CA February 1996 Chlorophyll-a Irwin Creek C March 2002 Fecal Coliform Little Sugar Creek C March 2002 Fecal Coliform McAlpine Creek C March 2002 Fecal Coliform Sugar Creek C March 2002 Fecal Coliform McKee Creek C August 2003 Fecal Coliform Irwin Creek C February 2005 Turbidity Little Sugar Creek C February 2005 Turbidity Long Creek C February 2005 Turbidity McAlpine Creek C February 2005 Turbidity Sugar Creek C February 2005 Turbidity Steele Creek C May 2007 Fecal Coliform Statewide All October 2012 Mercury Source: 2017 NCDEQ – Division of Water Resources website: http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 120 FIGURE 11-1 Charlotte Approved TMDL Streams City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 121 11.2.2 Outfall Identification for TMDL Watersheds As part of the development of the TMDL watershed plan, during FY2015 the City developed an existing outfall inventory for the applicable TMDL watersheds. This inventory is maintained using a GIS coverage to show existing outfalls within the TMDL watersheds that have the potential of contributing to the cause(s) of the impairment to the impaired segments, to their tributaries, and to segments and tributaries within the watershed contributing to the impaired segments. Additional information on the outfall inventory is provided in the City’s TMDL Watershed Plan referenced in section 11.2. 11.3 Identification of Existing Measures As part of the development of the TMDL watershed plan, during FY2015 the City identified existing programs and measures which are currently in use within the City’s NPDES MS4 permit and water quality monitoring programs that are designed to address the assigned MS4 NPDES regulated waste load allocation (WLA) and to reduce the TMDL pollutant of concern to the MEP within the watershed to which the TMDL applies. Additional information on the existing measures is provided in the City’s TMDL Watershed Plan referenced in section 11.2. 11.4 Assessment of Available Monitoring Data Fixed interval surface water quality data collected from 2006 through 2017 have been analyzed for all applicable TMDL watersheds and pollutants of concern in the City and County. These data help to illustrate surface water quality trends in relation to the NC surface water quality standards. The City’s current NPDES MS4 permit, effective March 1, 2013, states that the “MS4 Permittee is not responsible for attaining water quality standards (WQS) and the Division expects that attaining WQS will only be achieved through reduction of the TMDL pollutant of concern from the MS4, along with reductions from all other point and nonpoint source contributors.” It is infeasible to monitor every MS4 stormwater outfall to determine how progress is being made toward achieving MS4 NPDES WLAs; therefore, the City will utilize fixed interval surface water data to investigate water quality trends. The data presented below, while illustrating how in-stream water quality has changed over time, unfortunately are not able to distinguish MS4 contributions from other point and nonpoint sources that are not under the control of the MS4. Consequently, increases in surface water contaminants observed in the data do not necessarily indicate that MS4 contributions are also increasing. 11.4.1 Fecal Coliform Data from the six watersheds listed as being subject to fecal coliform TMDLs in Table 11-2 are discussed in this sub-section. Of the six watersheds listed in Table 11-2, a MS4 NPDES WLA was only developed for McKee and Steele Creeks. According to Part II, Section J.3 of the City’s NPDES MS4 permit, for approved TMDLs where a MS4 NPDES WLA for the pollutant of concern is not assigned to the municipal stormwater system, the Permittee is still required to “evaluate strategies and tailor BMPs within the scope of the six minimum permit measures to City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 122 address the pollutant of concern in the watershed(s) to which the TMDL applies.” Watersheds with and without MS4 WLAs are discussed in the subsections below. McKee Creek Fixed interval stream data for fecal coliform was collected at the CMSWS monitoring site MY7B on McKee Creek. A summary of the data collected from January 2007 through July 2017 is provided in Figure 11-2. A total of 143 samples have been collected over this period under the fixed interval monitoring program. Of these, 76 samples (or 53.1%) exceeded the 400 cfu/100mL State standard. Exceedances tended to be more frequent under wet weather influenced sampling conditions (meaning some precipitation within the County in the 72-hour preceding the sampling event), however exceedances did occur under both ambient and wet weather influenced conditions. Figure 11-2: McKee Creek –MY7B - Overall Monitoring Data Steele Creek Watershed Fixed interval stream data for fecal coliform were collected at the CMSWS monitoring site MC47A on Steele Creek. A summary of the data collected from January 2007 through July 2017 is provided in Figure 11-3. A total of 143 samples have been collected over this period under the fixed interval monitoring program. Of these, 76 samples (or 53.1%) exceeded the 400 cfu/100mL State standard. Exceedances tended to be more frequent under wet weather City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 123 influenced sampling conditions (meaning some precipitation within the County in the 72-hour preceding the sampling event), however exceedances did occur under both ambient and wet weather influenced conditions. Figure 11-3: Steele Creek –MC47A - Overall Monitoring Data Sugar/Irwin Creek Watershed There are two fixed interval monitoring locations in the Sugar Creek watershed, MC27 in southern Mecklenburg County, and MC22A on Irwin Creek just before its confluence with Sugar Creek. An assessment of available watershed and water quality data was conducted utilizing fixed interval stream data for fecal coliform collected at these two monitoring locations. A summary of the data collected from January 2007 through July 2017 is provided in Figures 11-4 and 11-5. A total of 143 samples have been collected at MC27 over this period under the fixed interval monitoring program. Of these, 64 samples (or 44.8%) exceeded the 400 cfu/100mL State standard. Exceedances tended to be more frequent under wet weather influenced sampling conditions (meaning some precipitation within the County in the 72-hour preceding the sampling event), however exceedances did occur under both ambient and wet weather influenced conditions. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 124 Figure 11-4: Sugar Creek –MC27 - Overall Monitoring Data During the same period, a total of 146 samples were collected at MC22A under the fixed interval monitoring program. Of these, 73 samples (or 51.0%) exceeded the 400 cfu/100mL State standard. Exceedances tended to be more frequent under wet weather influenced sampling conditions (meaning some precipitation within the County in the 72-hour preceding the sampling event), however, since 2008 there has been a decrease in the frequency of exceedances during ambient conditions compared to 2006-2007 (Figure 11-5). City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 125 Figure 11-5: Irwin Creek –MC22A - Overall Monitoring Data Little Sugar Creek Watershed There are two monitoring locations on Little Sugar Creek, MC49A in southern Mecklenburg County just outside the City, and MC29A-1 just downstream of downtown area of the City. An initial assessment of available watershed and water quality data was conducted utilizing fixed interval stream data for fecal coliform collected at these two monitoring locations. A summary of the data collected from January 2007 through July 2017 is provided in Figures 11-6 and 11-7. A total of 146 samples have been collected at MC49A1 over this period under the fixed interval monitoring program. Of these, 80 samples (or 55.9%) exceeded the 400 cfu/100mL State standard. Exceedances tended to be more frequent under wet weather influenced sampling conditions (meaning some precipitation within the County in the 72-hour preceding the sampling event), however exceedances did occur under both ambient and wet weather influenced conditions. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 126 Figure 11-6: Little Sugar Creek –MC49A - Overall Monitoring Data A total of 146 samples have been collected at MC49A1 over this period under the fixed interval monitoring program. Of these, 120 samples (or 82.2%) exceeded the 400 cfu/100mL State standard. Exceedances tended to be more frequent under wet weather influenced sampling conditions (meaning some precipitation within the County in the 72-hour preceding the sampling event), however exceedances did occur under both ambient and wet weather influenced conditions. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 127 Figure 11-7: Little Sugar Creek –MC29A-1 - Overall Monitoring Data McAlpine Creek Watershed There are two monitoring locations on McAlpine Creek, MC45B just downstream of the NC/SC border, and MC38 downstream of the confluence with Campbell Creek and Irvins Creek. An initial assessment of available watershed and water quality data was conducted utilizing fixed interval stream data for fecal coliform collected at these two monitoring locations. A summary of the data collected from January 2007 through July 2017 is provided in Figures 11-8 and 11-9. A total of 141 samples have been collected at MC45B over this period under the fixed interval monitoring program. Of these, 43 samples (or 30.5%) exceeded the 400 cfu/100mL State standard. Exceedances tended to be more frequent under wet weather influenced sampling conditions (meaning some precipitation within the County in the 72-hour preceding the sampling event), however exceedances did occur under both ambient and wet weather influenced conditions. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 128 Figure 11-8: McAlpine Creek –MC45B - Overall Monitoring Data A total of 144 samples have been collected at MC38 over this period under the fixed interval monitoring program (Figure 11-9). Of these, 76 samples (or 52.8%) exceeded the 400 cfu/100mL State standard. Exceedances tended to be more frequent under wet weather influenced sampling conditions (meaning some precipitation within the County in the 72-hour preceding the sampling event), however exceedances did occur under both ambient and wet weather influenced conditions. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 129 Figure 11-9: McAlpine Creek –MC38 - Overall Monitoring Data Fecal Coliform Summary The State standard for fecal coliform is exceeded by more than 10% for all watersheds with a fecal coliform TMDL identified above, based on fixed interval data collected between 2006 and 2017. These exceedances are more common in wet weather influenced conditions but samples collected during ambient conditions also exceed the standard by more than 10%, with the exception of McAlpine Creek at monitoring point MC45B, where only 5% of samples collected in ambient conditions exceed the standard. 11.4.2 Turbidity As discussed in sub-section 2.2, the turbidity TMDL developed in 2005 included five Charlotte- Mecklenburg watersheds but only developed a WLA for turbidity for Long Creek since the water quality data assessment performed for the TMDL demonstrated that the remaining four watersheds had less than a 10% exceedance rate of the 50 NTU State standard. Therefore, this sub-section includes an assessment of turbidity data only for Long Creek. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 130 Long Creek Watershed An initial assessment of available watershed and water quality data was conducted utilizing stream data for turbidity collected at the CMSWS monitoring site MC14A on Long Creek. A summary of the data collected from July 2006 through July 2017 is provided in Figure 11-10. One hundred and thirty (130) samples were collected during this period, with 24 samples exceeding the 50 NTU State standard. These exceedances all occurred under wet weather influenced conditions. Figure 11-10: Long Creek –MC14A - Overall Monitoring Data 11.4.3 Dissolved Oxygen As stated in sub-section 2.3, the 1996 dissolved oxygen (DO) TMDL for Irwin Creek, McAlpine Creek, and Little Sugar Creek did not include a MS4 NPDES WLA. Nevertheless, since the City’s NPDES MS4 permit states in Part II, Section J.3, for approved TMDLs where a MS4 NPDES WLA for the pollutant of concern is not assigned to the MS4, the Permittee is still required to “evaluate strategies and tailor BMPs within the scope of the six minimum permit measures to address the pollutant of concern in the watershed(s) to which the TMDL applies.” For this reason, the dissolved oxygen data is provided below in Figures 11-11 through 11-15. Unlike the other parameters, for dissolved oxygen the State standard is violated when concentrations go below the standard rather than exceeding the standard. Based on the fixed City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 131 interval sampling conducted between July 2006 and July 2017, there have been no violations of the instantaneous State standard of 4 mg/L in any of the DO TMDL watersheds. The 2012 NC Integrated Report categorizes each of these watersheds as 1t for DO, meaning that they have a TMDL but are not impaired and are supporting their designated uses. Figure 11-11: Irwin Creek–MC22A - Overall Monitoring Data City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 132 Figure 11-12: McAlpine Creek –MC45B - Overall Monitoring Data Figure 11-13: McAlpine Creek –MC38 - Overall Monitoring Data City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 133 Figure 11-14: Little Sugar Creek –MC49A - Overall Monitoring Data Figure 11-15: Little Sugar Creek –MC29A-1 – Overall Monitoring Data City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 134 11.4.4 Chlorophyll a As stated in sub-section 2.4, Mecklenburg County is responsible for providing annual assessment reports for the Lake Wylie chlorophyll a TMDL under their Phase II NPDES permit. 11.4.5 Mercury NCDEQ did not consider it necessary to include an MS4 NPDES WLA for mercury in their statewide TMDL. For this reason, mercury data is not analyzed under the City’s TMDL Watershed Plan. 11.5 Monitoring Plan for Assigned MS4 NPDES Regulated Waste Load Allocation As part of the TMDL watershed plan, during FY2016 the City developed a monitoring plan for each pollutant of concern with an assigned MS4 NPDES regulated WLA within each watershed with an approved TMDL within the City’s jurisdiction. The purpose of the monitoring plan is to guide activities for data collection and assessment of pollutants of concern as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of achieving the regulated waste load allocation (WLA) identified within the TMDL. In developing the monitoring plan, sample locations were selected to assess water quality conditions within each TMDL watershed. Additional information concerning the monitoring plan is provided in the City’s TMDL Watershed Plan referenced in section 11.2. 11.6 Identification of Additional Measures As part of the TMDL watershed plan, during FY2016 the City identified additional measures for implementation within the City’s MS4 permit program that are designed to achieve the assigned MS4 NPDES regulated WLA and to reduce the TMDL pollutant of concern to the MEP within the watershed to which the TMDL applies. The plan also discusses how the additional measures are designed to reduce the TMDL pollutant of concern. Additional information concerning these measures is provided in the City’s TMDL Watershed Plan referenced in section 11.2. 11.7 Implementation of Additional Measures During FY2017 the TMDL watershed plan was updated to discuss the implementation of the additional programs and measures identified in sub-section 11.6. Additional information concerning these measures is provided in the City’s TMDL Watershed Plan referenced in section 11.2 above. 11.8 Tracking Incremental Success During FY2017, various BMP data parameters were identified to track incremental success within the TMDL watershed plan. These parameters and corresponding data are shown in sub- section 11.10 below. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 135 11.9 Measurable Goals Table 11-3 describes the various Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program BMPs and the Measurable Goals for each BMP by permit term year. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 136 Table 11-3: BMP Measurable Goals for Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program. BMP BMP Description Measurable Goals (by permit term year) 1 2 3 4 5 Identify, describe and map watershed, outfalls, and streams Within 24 months the permittee shall prepare a plan that:  Identifies the watershed(s) subject to an approved TMDL with an approved Waste Load Allocation (WLAs) assigned to the permittee,  Includes a description of the watershed(s),  Includes a map of watershed(s) showing streams & outfalls  Identifies the locations of currently known major outfalls within its corporate limits with the potential of contributing to the cause(s) of the impairment to the impaired segments, to their tributaries, and to segments and tributaries within the watershed contributing to the impaired segments and  Includes a schedule to discover and locate other major outfalls within its corporate limits that may be contributing to the cause of the impairment to the impaired stream segments, to their tributaries, and to segments and tributaries within the watershed contributing to the impaired segments. None Develop TMDL Watershed Plan per requirements of the MS4 permit by Feb 28, 2015. Update TMDL Watershed Plan as necessary. (On-going, years 3 – 5) Existing measures Within 24 months the Permittee’s plan:  Shall describe existing measures being implemented by the Permittee designed to achieve the MS4’s NPDES WLA and to reduce the TMDL pollutant of concern to the MEP within the watershed to which the TMDL applies; and  Provide an explanation as to how those measures are designed to reduce the TMDL pollutant of concern.  The Permittee shall continue to implement the existing measures until notified by DWQ. None Identify existing measures within TMDL plan by Feb 28, 2015. Continue to implement existing measures per TMDL plan. (On- going, years 3 – 5) Assessment of available monitoring data Within 24 months the permittee’s plan shall include an assessment of available monitoring data. Where long-term data is available, this assessment should include an analysis of the data to show trends. None Conduct a review and assessment of available monitoring data by Feb 28, 2015. Continue to review and assess monitoring data as it becomes available. (On-going, years 3 – 5) City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 137 Monitoring Plan Within 36 months the permittee shall develop and submit to the Division a Monitoring Plan for the permittee’s assigned NPDES regulated WLA as specified in the TMDL. The permittee shall maintain and implement the Monitoring Plan as additional outfalls are identified and as accumulating data may suggest. Following any review and comment by the Division the permittee shall incorporate any necessary changes to monitoring plan and initiate the plan within six months. Modifications to the monitoring plan shall be approved by the Division. Upon request, the requirement to develop a Monitoring Plan may be waived by the Division if the existing and proposed measures are determined to be adequate to achieve the MS4’s NPDES WLA to MEP within the watershed to which the TMDL applies. None None Develop monitoring plan for each TMDL watershed for the TMDL pollutants of concern by Feb 28, 2016. Complete monitoring activities specified in the plan by June 30, 2017. Assess monitoring data collected under the monitoring plan to determine effectiveness of Water Quality Programs by December 31, 2017. Update monitoring plan as necessary based on data review and assessment activities. Complete monitoring activities specified in the plan by June 30, 2018. Assess monitoring data collected under the monitoring plan to determine effectiveness of Water Quality Programs by December 31, 2018. Update monitoring plan as necessary based on data review and assessment activities. Additional Measures Within 36 months the permittee’s plan shall:  Describe additional measures to be implemented by the permittee designed to achieve the permittee’s MS4’s NPDES WLA and to reduce the TMDL pollutant of concern to the MEP within the watershed to which the TMDL applies; and  Provide an explanation as to how those measures are designed to achieve the permittee’s MS4’s NPDES regulated WLA to the MEP within the watershed to which the TMDL applies. None None Determine additional measures that may be needed to achieve assigned MS4 NPDES regulated WLA and address TMDL pollutant of concern by Feb 28, 2016. Continue to evaluate and update additional measures per TMDL plan, as needed. (On- going, years 4 – 5) Implementation Plan Within 48 months the permittee’s plan shall:  Describe the measures to be implemented within the remainder of the permit term designed to achieve the MS4’s NPDES WLA and to reduce the TMDL pollutant of concern to the MEP and  Identify a schedule, subject to DWQ approval, for completing the activities. None None None Develop an implementation plan for identified additional measures that may be needed to achieve assigned MS4 NPDES regulated WLA and address TMDL Continue to implement additional measures per the plan. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 138 pollutant of concern by Feb 28, 2017. Incremental Success The permittee’s plan must outline ways to track and report successes designed to achieve the MS4’s NPDES regulated WLA and to reduce the TMDL pollutant of concern to MEP within the watershed to which the TMDL applies. None None None Develop a methodology to track and report data and successes for identified additional measures that may be needed to achieve assigned MS4 NPDES regulated WLA and address TMDL pollutant of concern by June 30, 2017. Continue to track and report successes per the plan. Reporting The permittee shall conduct and submit to the Division an annual assessment of the program designed to achieve the MS4’s NPDES WLA and to reduce the TMDL pollutant of concern to the MEP within the watershed to which the TMDL applies. Any monitoring data and information generated from the previous year are to be submitted with each annual report. None Prepare an annual assessment of activities and data analysis for the TMDL watershed plan. Provide this information in the NPDES MS4 permit annual report. (On-going, years 2 – 5) City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 139 11.10 Program Assessment and Reporting The overall TMDL Program and Watershed Plan were successfully implemented during the annual report period. Table 11-4 shows a summary of the various BMPs implemented and corresponding data results per TMDL watershed for the report period. BMPs that apply to the City or a program as a whole, such as television advertisements, cannot be differentiated by watershed and are therefore reported as “Citywide.” Additional information concerning these BMPs is provided in the City’s TMDL Watershed Plan referenced in section 11.2. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 140 Table 11-4: TMDL Program Summary for FY2017 TMDL WATERSHED BMP Citywide Irwin Lake Wylie Little Sugar Long McAlpine McKee Steele Sugar Public Education and Outreach Utility bill inserts 194,080 82,313 401,699 109,784 424,231 14,597 61,613 79,570 Environmental notices and brochures distributed 181 Media advertisements (TV and radio) 800 Pet waste messages 916 Pet waste receptacles 100 Website inquiries 183,759 Social media posts 977 Social media responses 496 Public requests to hotline 7,509 CMCSI education workshops conducted 3 Citizens educated at CMCSI workshops 383 Public events 28 Attendees at public events 4,025 Public presentations 19 Citizens educated at public presentations 1,111 School presentations 1 01. 3 01. 1 01. 4 1 Students educated 40 01. 425 01. 18 01. 127 83 Fats Oils & Grease (FOG) brochures distributed 1,980 FOG presentations 15 Citizens educated on FOG program 1,046 Public Education and Outreach Storm drains marked 467 01. 739 14 519 01. 25 40 Adopt-A-Stream trash removed (lbs.) 1830 01. 13410 300 2297 01. 1010 1000 Adopt-A-Stream miles cleaned 8.87 01. 27.59 2 14.35 01. 3.46 2.94 Big Spring Clean trash removed (lbs.) 1084 1040 1130 01. 01. 01. 01. 01. Big Spring Clean stream miles cleaned 4 3 2 01. 01. 01. 01. 01. Volunteer Monitoring samples 01. 01. 1 01. 9 01. 01. 01. Trees planted 15,322 Adopt-A-Street bags of trash collected 1,891 1. Activity not conducted in this watershed during fiscal year 2017. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 141 TMDL WATERSHED BMP Citywide Irwin Lake Wylie Little Sugar Long McAlpine McKee Steele Sugar Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Stream walk miles inspected 01. 01. 24 80 1 01. 01. 1 Stream walk outfalls inspected 01. 01. 89 207 3 01. 01. 2 Dry weather flows detected 01. 01. 7 31 01. 01. 01. 2 Dry weather flows sampled 01. 01. 2 7 01. 01. 01. 01. Stream walk IDDE problems detected/corrected 01. 1 01. 3 01. 01. 1 01. Multi-family sewer system inspections 01. 01. 3 01. 2 01. 2 2 Multi-family sewer system O&M plans prepared 3 01. 1 1 2 01. 1 01. Multi-family sewer system personnel trained 32 Stormwater pollution ordinance NOVs issued 27 3 22 8 38 01. 4 7 Stormwater pollution ordinance penalty enforcements issued 1 01. 2 01. 4 01. 01. 01. Septic system failures detected/corrected 1 4 3 4 10 01. 01. 2 Municipal employees trained on IDDE 1,157 Sanitary sewer ordinance NOVs issued 5 Sanitary sewer system pretreatment inspections 200 Sanitary sewer system FOG inspections 4,193 Sanitary sewer system miles cleaned 1,266 Sanitary sewer system ROW miles cleared 155 Sanitary sewer system miles re-lined 16 Sanitary sewer system manholes inspected 8,120 Sanitary sewer system lift stations maintained 82 Sanitary sewer system overflows corrected 189 IDEP business corridor inspections 44 IDEP outfall inspections 01. 01. 01. 01. 1 01. 7 01. IDEP problems detected/corrected 01. 01. 4 01. 4 01. 1 01. IDEP fecal sampled collected 1 1 1 01. 1 01. 13 01. Citizen service requests responded to 33 4 83 38 68 2 16 29 1. Activity not conducted in this watershed during fiscal year 2017. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 142 TMDL WATERSHED BMP Citywide Irwin Lake Wylie Little Sugar Long McAlpine McKee Steele Sugar Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control Erosion control ordinance NOVs issued 6 2 2 01. 8 1 1 2 Erosion control ordinance penalty enforcements issued 2 4 1 01. 1 01. 01. 3 Project/site plans reviewed 128 33 12 58 39 8 79 69 Sites inspected 288 258 76 166 236 30 131 182 Post-Construction Stormwater Management Post-Construction ordinance NOVs and CARs issued 404 Post-Construction education workshops conducted 1 Citizens educated at Post-Construction workshops 231 Project/site plans reviewed 145 Buffer protected/added (acres) 72 Buffer mitigation plans approved 1 01. 01. 01. 2 01. 01. 4 SCMs added 8 6 12 12 10 1 1 9 SCMs inspected 70 26 61 70 125 2 70 137 Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping City facilities inspected 10 1 8 2 8 1 1 8 Stormwater pollution prevention plans implemented 10 01. 8 01. 2 01. 01. 5 Spill prevention response plans implemented 10 01. 8 01. 2 01. 01. 5 Catch basin tops cleaned (manual or vacuum) 102,786 Catch basins cleaned (manual or vacuum) 2,616 Street sweeping (miles swept) 19,280 Street sweeping debris/ROW trash removed (tons)2. 3,076 Yard waste collected (tons) 56,207 City street ROW dead animal removal (tons) 15 1. Activity not conducted in this watershed during fiscal year 2017. 2. Tonnage includes debris/trash picked up from street sweepers and street ROW debris/trash collected by hand. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 143 TMDL WATERSHED BMP Citywide Irwin Lake Wylie Little Sugar Long McAlpine McKee Steele Sugar Industrial Facilities Industrial facilities inspected 9 01. 1 5 01. 01. 4 3 Vehicle maintenance facilities inspected 9 01. 01. 01. 01. 01. 01. 01. Industrial facilities monitored 1 01. 01. 1 01. 01. 01. 1 Illicit discharges or connections detected/corrected 4 01. 01. 1 01. 01. 1 01. Water Quality Monitoring Fixed interval TSS samples collected 13 22 52 13 65 13 13 26 Fixed interval Turbidity samples collected 13 22 52 13 65 13 13 26 Fixed interval Dissolved Oxygen samples collected 11 21 45 12 57 12 12 24 Fixed interval Fecal Coliform samples collected 14 23 55 14 69 14 14 28 CMANN Turbidity samples collected2. 7,891 6,929 33,537 5,916 24,359 6,340 8,673 8,997 CMANN Dissolved Oxygen samples collected2. 7,844 5,782 49,998 7,061 42,034 7,850 11,056 14,774 Action/watch level follow-up investigations conducted3. 01. 1 5 1 3 01. 3 3 1. Activity not conducted in this watershed during fiscal year 2017. 2. CMANN is an automated monitoring network that collects data readings typically once per hour (select sites collect readings every 15 min.). Data reported is QA/QC accepted data only. 3. Includes Fixed Interval and CMANN program investigations. City of Charlotte – MS4 Stormwater Management Program – FY2017 Annual Report 144 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK