HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG020931_Revised App_20180815NCG020000 N.O.I. 24) Help us understand what will happen to the dewatering water at this mine site: ❑ N/A — this mine is not dewatering at all and will not dewater in the future. a) Will this mine be dewatering and discharging to waters of the state? (Answer only if dewatering) ❑ No X Yes If yes, where to? X Surface Waters and/or Wetlands (on-site or off-site) ❑ Other (on-site or off-site) Describe: b) Will this mine be dewatering but not discharging to waters of the state? (Answer only if dewatering) X No ❑ Yes If yes, explain how you are dewatering, and where that water will be directed: 25) Are there wetlands or surface waters within 400' of the mine pit perimeter? ❑ No X Yes If yes, what distance are they from the mine pit perimeter? 80 feet. 26) Will mining operations require dewatering near wetlands or other waterbodies, and will dewatering potentially impact any wetlands or other waterbodies? ❑ No, dewatering will not occur near (within 400') of wetlands or other waterbodies (e.g., streams, lake, etc.) X Yes, dewatering will be near wetlands or other waterbodies Wetlands must be CLEARLY DELINEATED on the site plan. Mine dewatering activities that have the potential to drain wetlands or otherwise impact surface water or groundwater MUST develop and implement a Pumping Operation and Monitoring (POM) Plan that has been approved by the Department. For sites that may drain wetlands — approval of a POM Plan maybe required prior to coverage under this permit. The POM Plan should be submitted to the appropriate Regional Office and in all cases must be approved prior to operation. The plan shall include, but is not limited to: (1) Groundwater monitoring strategies to demonstrate the effect of pumping and to establish any pumping regime necessary to reduce impacts, and (2) Detailed plans to maintain surrounding hydrology and respective monitoring to demonstrate compliance. See checklist at the end of the application. Contact the Regional Office for questions specific to your mine. 27) Have you been required to obtain 404/401 Certification permits? X No ❑ Yes If yes, please briefly describe below (include information such a required mitigation, BMPs, setbacks, and/or O&M plans for on or off-site wetlands or other pertinent information). Attach other sheets as necessary: Page 7 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/10/2015 NCG020000 N.O.I. 28) Have you been required to obtain a wetland delineation certified by the US Army Corps of Engineers? X No ❑ Yes If yes, please attach to application submission. Stormwater BMPs and Vehicle Maintenance: 29) Does this facility employ best management practices for stormwater control? ❑ No X Yes If yes, please briefly describe: Sediment basins with skimmers/outlet pipes will be employed as erosion control/stormwater BMPs 30) Does this facility have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? X No ❑ Yes If yes, when was it implemented? 31) Are vehicle maintenance activities (VMA) occurring or planned at this mine site? X No ❑Yes, If yes, will VMA area runoff discharge into the wastewater treatment system(s)? ❑ No, VMA runoff will discharge separately through a stormwater outfall ❑ Yes, VMA runoff will drain back to the mine pit or other wastewater system Wastewater Treatment Facilities: 32) Will mine dewatering occur? (Yes, we are asking about dewatering again.) ❑ No X Yes If yes, will the mine discharge this water? Y 33) Will this facility wash mined materials? X No ❑ Yes If yes, will the mine discharge this water? 34) Will discharges of process wastewater treatment systems occur (including possible recycle system overflows)? ❑ No X Yes If yes, describe what kind of systems: The two (2) on-site sediment basin BMPS 35) Will this facility employ chemical additives to flocculate suspended solids? X No ❑ Yes If yes, provide the name, manufacturer, and the quantity of average daily usage of the chemical additive (if known): Note: Please see our website for a list of evaluated polyacrylamide (PAMS) products for use in North Carolina: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/Ir/construction-stormwater 36) Will any of the wastewater treatment facilities at this mine overflow only during rainfall events that exceed the 10 -yr, 24 -hr rainfall event? ❑ Yes If yes, which treatment systems are those? X No, all wastewater treatment facilities will discharge more frequently (i.e., during smaller rain events) Page 8 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/10/2015 NCG020000 N.O.I. 37) Are wastewater treatment facilities (including recycle systems) planned in the 100 -year flood plain? X No ❑ Yes 38) A Wastewater treatment alternatives review is required by 15A NCAC 2H.0105 (c)(2) for any new or expanding water pollution control facility discharges in North Carolina. You may attach additional sheets. List the types of wastewater this mine site will discharge: X Mine Dewatering X Process Wastewater (such as washing or recycle system overflows, other mining activity wastewater) a) What wastewaters were considered for this alternatives review? X Dewatering X Process WW b) Connection to a Municipal or Regional Sewer Collection System: i) Are there existing sewer lines within a one -mile radius? ..................................... ❑ Yes X No (1) If Yes, will the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) accept the wastewater? .... ❑ Yes ❑ No (a) If No, please attach a letter documenting that the WWTP will not accept the wastewater. (b) If Yes, is it feasible to connect to the WWTP? Why or why not?* c) Closed-loop Recycle System (meets design requirements of 15A NCAC 2T.1000): i) Are you already proposing a closed-loop recycle system (CLRS)? ......................... ❑ Yes X No (1) If Yes, for what type of wastewater at this mine site? X Dewatering X Process WW (2) If No, is this option technologically feasible (possible)? Why or why not?* CLRS is not feasible because the waste water is stormwater. Stormwater is cumulative and can not be recirculated. (3) If No, is it otherwise feasible to build a CLRS at this site? Why or why not?* CLRS is not feasible because the waste water is stormwater. Stormwater is cumulative and can not be recirculated. (4) What is the feasibility of building a CLRS compared to direct surface water discharge? CLRS is not feasible because the waste water is stormwater. Stormwater is cumulative and can not be recirculated. d) Surface or Subsurface Disposal System (e.g., spray irrigation): i) Is a surface or subsurface disposal technologically feasible (possible)? ..................... ❑ Yes X No Why or Why not? * Not feasible due to the required area for the surface and subsurface disposal. ii) Is a surface or subsurface disposal system otherwise feasible to implement?*............ ❑ Yes X No Why or Why not?* For a domestic waste disposal system with low volumes of liquid, but not for a large volume of stormwater. Page 9 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/10/2015 NCG020000 N.O.I. iii) What is the feasibility of employing a subsurface or surface discharge as compared to a direct discharge to surface waters?* Stormwater will pass through a sediment basin. No direct discharae will occur. e) Direct Discharge to Surface Waters: Is discharge to surface waters the most environmentally sound alternative of all reasonably cost-effective options for the wastewaters being considered?* X Yes ❑ No f) If this review included all wastewater discharge types, would excluding some types (e.g. mine dewatering) make any of the above non -discharge options feasible for some of the wastewaters? ❑ Yes X No * Feasibility should take into account initial and recurring costs. You may be asked to provide further information to support your answers to these questions after the initial review. Other: 39) Hazardous Waste: a) Is this facility a Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facility? X No ❑ Yes b) Is this facility a Small Quantity Generator (less than 1000 kg. of hazardous waste generated per month) of hazardous waste? X No ❑ Yes c) Is this facility a Large Quantity Generator (1000 kg. or more of hazardous waste generated per month) of hazardous waste? X No ❑ Yes d) If you answered yes to questions b. or c., please provide the following information: Type(s) of waste: How is material stored: Where is material stored: How many disposal shipments per year: Name of transport / disposal vendor: Vendor address: 40) Is your facility providing appropriate secondary containment for bulk storage of liquid materials? (See permit text for secondary containment requirements.) X No ❑ Yes 41) Does your site have an active landfill within the mining permit boundary? X No ❑ Yes If yes, specify type: ❑ LCID (Land Clearing and Inert Debris) ❑ Other: Page 10 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/10/2015