HomeMy WebLinkAboutScoping_B-5986_B-5987_BR-0050r��r�rH t.�a:���ir��. F��'d� �C{��7F'�R ��ew�r�anr���rt�cr� �rrr�r��'y C;r3ur^r riru' P��iI�WI�EL �. ���,��J 5'i•� r i.tzr ^r' L�1��P� �ULPEF��R Xr� rs rirra �ar-ecr�r September 5, 2018 MEMORANDUM TO: Michael G. Wray, PE, Transportation Engineer, Stantec FROM: Rob Ridings, NC Division of Water Resources, Transportation Pernutting Branch SUBJECT: Scoping Review of NCDOT's Proposed Bridge Replacement Pro,jects in Wake Count,y: B- 5986, B-5987, and BR-0050 In reply to your con-espondence received August 27, 2018 in which you reguested comments for the above referei�ced projects, the NC Division of Water Resources offers the following comments: Proiect-Suecific Comments B-5986, Bridge No. 34 on NC 231, Wake County. (Nearest Stream: UT Little River): 1. UT Little River is class C; NSW waters of the State. NCDWR is veiy concerned witl� sediment and erosion impacts that could result from this project. NCDWR reconuneilds that l�ighly protective sediment and erosion control BMPs be impleinented to reduce the risk of nutrient runoff to Little River and its tributaries. Post- constiuction storinwater BMPs sliould, to the MEP, be selected and designed to reduce nutrients. 2. This project is witliii� the Neuse River Basin. Riparian buffer impacts sllall be avoided and miniinized to the greatest extent possible pursuant to 15A NCAC 2B.0233. B-5987, Bridges No. 1l5 & 117 on US 401 over UT Swift Creek, Wake County: 1. UT Swift Creelc is class WS-lll; NSW waters of the State. NCDWR is very concerned with sediment and erosion impacts dlat could result from fllis project. NCDWR reconullends that highly protective sediment and erosion control BMPs be iinplemented to reduce ti�e risk of nut�•ient runoff to SwifY Creek and its tributaries. Post- construction stormwater BMPs should, to the MEP, be selected and designed to reduce nutrients. 2. This project is within the Nelise River B�sin. Riparian buffer impacts shall be avoided and minimized to the b-eatest extent possible pursliant to 15A NCAC 2B.0233. _t� E ��,� �:�:�.,�..; ��� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street I 1617 Mail Service Center � Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919.707.9000 BR-0050, Bridges No. 172 & 175 on US 401, Wake County (Nearest Streams: Pigeon House Branch & Cemetery Branch): 1. Pigeon House Branch is class C; NSW; 303(d) Impaired waters ofthe State. The NCDWR is very concerned with sedi��nei�t and erosion impacts that could result from this project. Tl�e NCDWR recommends that tl�e most protective sediment and erosion control BMPs be implemented to reduce the risl< of nunient runoff to Pigeon House Brancl� and its tributaries. Post-conshucrion stormwater BMPs should, to the MEP, be selected and designed to reduce target POCs in the 303(d) list for tl�e receiving waters. 2. Cemetery Branch is class C; NSW watzrs of tl�e State. NCDWR is very concerned with sediment and erosion impacts that could result fi-om this project. NCDWR recommends that highly protective sediment and erosion control BMPs be implemented to reduce the risk of nutrient runoff to Cemetery Branch and its tributaries. Post- construction stonnwater BMPs should, to the MEP, be selected and designed to reduce nutrients. 3. This project is withiil tl�e Neuse River Basin. Riparian buffer impacts shall be avoided and ininiinized to the greatest exte��t possible pursuant to 15A NCAC 2B.0233. General Comments Re6arding Brid�e Replacement Proiects 1. The NCDWR is very concerned with sedime»t and erosion impacts tl�at could result ti•om this project. NC DOT shall address these concerns by describiilg the potential impacts that may occur to the aqliatic environmei�ts and any mitigating factors that would reduce the impacts. 2. If foundation test borings are necessary; it shall be noted in the document. Geotecl�nical work is approved under Genera1401 Certitication Number 3883/Nationwide Permit No. 6 for Survey Activities. 3. If a bridge is Ueing replaced with a hydraulic conveyance other than another brid�e, the NCDWR believes tht use of a Nationwide Pennit may Ue required. Please contact the US Army Coip of Engineers to determine the reqliired permit(s). 4. lf the old bridge is removed, no discharge of brid�e material into surface waters is allowed unless otherwise authorized by the US ACOE. Strict adherence to the Corps of Engineers guidelines for bridge demolition will be a condition of the 401 Water Quality Certification. 5. W1lenever possible, the NCDWR prefers spanning stntchu•es. Sp�nning sh-uchzres tzsu�lly do not require work within the sh-eam or gnibbing of the stream banl<s and do not require stream channel realignment. The horizontal and vertical clearances provided by bridges allow for human and wildlife �assage beneath the struchire, do not blocic fish passage and do not block navig�tion by canoeists and boaters. 6. Bridge deck drains shall not discharge directly into the stream. Stormwater shall be directed across the bridge and pre-trcated through site-appropriate means (grassed swales, pre-formed scour holes, vegetated buffers, etc.) before entering the stream. Please refer to the most cLu7ent version of NCDWR Storrr�water Best Mar�crgernent Practices. 7. If concrete is used during consnuction, a dry worlc area shall be maintained to prevent direct contact between curing concrete a��d stream water. Water that inadvertently coiltacts m�cured concrete shall not be discharged to sm-face waters due to the potential for elevated pH ai�d possible aquatic life and tish kills. Concrete shall be ha�ldled in accordance with the NPDES Consri2�ction Geileral Permit NCGO10000. 8. Bridge supports (bents) shall not be placed in tl�e stream when possible. t� ���� ���, �, �..:�.-i, �-�,�.- North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street I 1617 Mail Service Center � Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919.707.9000 If temporary access roads or detours are constnieted, Che site shall be graded to ifs preconstruct�ion c�ontours and elevarions. Disturbed areas shall be sEeded or mulched to stabilize t11e soil and appropriate native woody species sl�all be planted. When using tei��poraiy sh•uctures the area shall be cleared but not grubbed. Cleariilg the area with chain saws, mowers, busl�-11ogs, or otl�er mecllanized enuipment and leavi��g the stumps and root mat intact allows the area to re-vegetate uaturally and iniuimizes soil disturbance. 10. Sediment and erosion control measures sufficient to protect water resources must be implemented and �naintaii�ed in accordance with tbe most recent version of Nortl� Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual and the most recent version of NCS000250. 11. All wor]< in or adjacent to stream waters shall be conducted iu a dry work area unless otl�erwise approved by tl�e NCDWR. Approved BMP measures fi-om the most curreilt version of NCDOT Constrliction a��d Maintenauce Activities manual such as sandbags, rock berms, cofferdams and other diversion stiuctures sllall be used to prevent excavarioil in flowing water. 12. Heavy equipment shall be operated fi-oin tl�e banlc rather tl�an in stream channels in order to minimize sedimentation and re,duce the lilcelillood of int�-oducing other }�olhitants into streains. T11is Fquipment sl�all be inspected daily and ulaintained to prevent coi�tamination of s�irface waters fi-om leaking fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, or other toxic materials. 13. In most cases, the NCDWR prefers the replacement of the existi»g structure at the same location with road closure. If road closure is not feasiUle, a temporary detour shall be designed and located to avoid wetland iillpacts, ininimize the need for clearing and to avoid destabilizing stream banks. If tt�e structm-e will be on a »ew alignnlent, the old structure sl�all be removed and the approact� fills removed from tile 100-year floodplain. Approach fills shall Ue removed and restored to the natural ground elevation. The area shall be stabilized with grass a��d planted with native tree species. Tall fescue shall not be used in iiparian arEas. 14. Placement of cnlverts and other sh-uctures in waters, sneams, and wetlands shall be below the elEvation of the streambed by one foot for all culverts with a diameter greater than 48 inches, and 20 percent of the culvert diai�7eter for culverts h�ving a dia�neter less tl�ai148 inches, to allow low flow passage of water and aquatic life. Design and placement of culverts and other structures including temporary erosion control measures shall not be conducted in a maruler that may result in dis-equilibri�ull of wetlands or streamUeds or Uanlcs, adjacent to or upstream and downsri•eam of the above structures. The applicant is required to provide evidence that the equilibrium is beina maintained if requested in writing by the NCDWR. lf this condition is Lmable to be met due to bedrock or ofller limiting features encotu�tered during constructioil, please contact the NCDWR for guid�nce on how to proceed and to determine whether or not a permit modification will be reqttired. 15. If multiple pipes ar ban•els �re requii-ed, they shall be designed to miinic natura] sh-eam cross sectioi� as closely as possible including pipes or ban-els at flood plain elevation and/or sills where appropriate. Widening the stream channel sllall be avoided. Stt-eam channel widening at the inlet or ol�tlet end of structures typically decreases water velocity causing sediment cieposition that requires increased maintenance and disrupts aquatic life passage. 16. Riprap shall not be placed in the active thalweg channel or placed in the sYreambed in a manner that precludes aquatic life passage. Bioengineering bouldars or struct�u•es shall be properly designed, sized and installed. 17. Any a��ticipated banlc stabilization associated with culvert installations or extensions shoulc� be addressed in the Categorical Exclusion (CE) document. It is ui�derstood that tiilal designs are i�ot determined at the time the CE is developed. However, the CE shoulci tliscuss the pote�lrial for bank stabilization necessary dLie to culvert installation. t� ���� ���, �, �..:�.-i, �-�,�.- North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street I 1617 Mail Service Center � Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919.707.9000 18. Any anticipated dewatering or access structures necessary for construction of bridges should be addressed in the CE. It is ur�derstood Yl�at �final designs are not deteriniued at the Y�i�ne the CE is developed. However, tl�e CE should discuss the potential for dewatering and access measures necessary due to bridge consn-uction. That�lc you for requesting our input at this time. ThE DOT is reininded that issuance of a 401 Water Quality Certificatio�� requires tl�at appropriate measures be instituted to ensure tl�at water quality staudards ara met and designated uses are not degraded or lost. If you l�ave any questious or require additional information, pleasz contact Rob Ridings at roU.ridings�ncdenr.gov.. _t� E ��,� �:�.�_,�..; ��� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street I 1617 Mail Service Center � Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919.707.9000