HomeMy WebLinkAbout20010382 Ver 1_Monitoring Plan_20090415 (225)Stream Restoration As-built Report "The Villiages at Reedy Fork" Stream Mitigation Site UT to Reedy Fork Greensboro, NC (NC-DWQ #010382) January 2005 HARP, Inc. P.O. Box 955, Newell, NC tiAn3 ^z :,:R-W UC,0-',i_ii Table of Contents Page Section 1. Site Background Information 2 A. Site Location 2 B. Summary of Stream Restoration 2 a. Restoration Goals and Objectives 2 b. Restoration Schedule 2 c. Monitoring Program 4 Section 2. Preconstruction macroinvertibrate data 5/App. 2 Section 3. As-built Information 5 A. Planform Map with Cross Section & Photostation Locations App. 3A. B. Photostation Photos App. 3B. C. Cross Sections App. 3C. D. Cross Section Tables App. 3D. E. Longitudinal Profile App. 3E. F. Logitudinal Profile Tables App. 3F. G. Copy of Conservation Easement App. 3G. H. Table of As Built Fluvial Morphologic Parameters p. 6 Section 4. Annual Monitoring Reports (to be completed as per requirements outlined in Section l.B.c.) a. Photostation Photos b. Cross Sections c. Cross Section Tables d. Longitudinal Profile e. Logitudinal Profile Tables f. Plant Monitoring Data Tables g. Macroinvertibrate data h. Other observations i. Summary & recommendations p. 1 Section 1. Site Background Information A. Site Location This project is for mitigation of stream impacts being incurred on a mixed-use development site referred to as the "Villages at Reedy Fork", northeast of Greensboro, N.C. just east of the Eckerson Road exit on US Hwy 29. At this site approximately 1430 feet of a channelized tributary (Rosgen G-type) to Reedy Fork Creek (within the Haw River Basin, USGS unit 403030002) will be restored with new planform, dimension, profile, and conservation buffers. Reedy Fork Creek, USGS HUC# 03030002, drains approximately the northern 1/2 of Guilford County within the North Carolina Piedmont Province. In this area Reedy Fork and its tributaries have a west to east drainage, before entering the Haw River and trending southeast towards the N.C. coast. This area of the Haw River drainage has been ranked by the EPA as high quality waters but with high vunerability. The greater majority of reporting water quality sampling sites in the basin show that the creeks within basin are performing for their designated uses. The restoration will recover approximately 1800 linear feet of an E/C Rosgen-type stream. Figure 1. shows the location of the impacted reach and its contributing watershed. B. Summary of Stream Mitigation/Restoration Activities a. Restoration Goals. The restoration plan submitted in 2001 clearly documented that the impaired reach had previously been channelized. and with the exception of a narrow fringe of trees and shrubs along the banks, lacked a hardwood bottomland riparian habitat within the majority of its adjacent 100 year floodplain. The goals of this restoration are to recapture natural channel, aquatic habitat and riparian characteristics along a 1430 long reach (1820 ft restored) of the un-named tributary to Reedy Fork that is identified in Figure 1. The restoration is to restore pattern, dimension and profile to natural North Carolina regime and reference reach conditions. Many areas of the channelized reach were noted as unstable and eroding when surveyed in the fall of 2000 and spring of 2001. The restoration aims to stabilize channel banks, and restore aquatic and riparian habitat. It includes a permanent easement for a 50 ft conservation buffer to both sides of the stream (measured from the bankfull edge). b. Restoration Schedule: The initial restoration plan was submitted in the summer of 2001, and amended to meet comments in the fall of 2001. Weather and DOT disturbances related to bridge work and road widenings forced the postphonement of project implementation for a 2-3 year period. The restoration plan was finally implemented from late October of 2004 to late January of 2005. Documentation of as- built conditions started in November of 2004 and was completed in January of 2005. p. 2 Figure 1. Location of stream restoration/mitigation site, NE of Greensboro, UT to Reedy Fork, Haw River Basin. Take Summit Road Exit off of Hwy. 29N to Eckerson Road, First culvert crossing is upstream termination of the 1820' restoration reach. p. 3 Pmkd$omT9!'0102001 Hatimul4eopephsfloY?BtwomropawW HARP Vitlages at Reedy Fork USGS 7.5 min. Topographic Map Stream mitigation Study w/proposed Mitigation Site along Un•aamed ?a?caary Tributary to Reedy Fork 2004 c. Monitoring Protocol: The monitoring of the site is composed of 3 components. These are physical stream morphology, aquatic macroinvertibrate populations, and plant communities (banks and over-bank conservation buffer areas). The monitoring occurs at various stages in the planning. implementation, and post implementation phases of the xork. First, prior to any field mitigation, engineering plans were reviewed for consistency with the mitigation objectives set forth in the restoration plan. Secondly, during the mitigation work, a schedule was established for field verification to assure that the work is proceeding as planned, and in a manner which provides minimal disturbance, and maximum conservation of existing stream bed habitat. Third, a performanced-based monitoring program starts after the project is completed, and continues for 5 years. Performance-based monitoring of the physical morphology of the stream is composed of two aspects. The first is a visual qualitative program designed to detect and anticipate potential areas of stream bank or bed failure. These are walk throughs to check bed, bank, and buffer areas for physical and biological integrity, and allow problems to be detected and fixed in a timely manner. The second component is a quantitative program of stream morphology assessments that document that the restoration is achieving it's stated goals. Stream pattern, dimension, and longitudinal profile data are to be collected and compared over time to demonstrate the success of the stream mitigation work. The quantitative assessments shall occur during the 1", 3rd, and 5°i year of the 5 year period following completion of the work. Reports shall be submitted at the end of each of the years of quantitative monitoring. The physical monitoring shall also include documentation of bed grain size data, using the appropriate methodologies for mean bed particle sizes (e.g. Pebble counts for beds that are gravel/cobble based, and sieve analysis for sand and finer reaches). Macroinvertibrate sampling will follow the direction of the INTERIM, INTERNAL TECHNICAL GUIDE SUMMARY BENTHIC MACROINVERTEB RATE MONITORING PROTOCOLS FOR COMPENSATORY STREAM RESTORATION PROJECTS dated 10 May. 2000. • The monitoring plan will include data collected from a station above and within the restoration reach. Data will be collected within the relocated or restored channel during all subsequent surveys Data collected prior to construction was included in the initial Stream Restoration Report. Benthic macroinvertebrate surveys will be conducted for three years after restoration excluding the year immediately following restoration. Benthic macroinvertebrate samples will be collected during the summer months (June- September). • Sample collection will follow protocols established by the Biological Assessment Unit of the Division of Water Quality as found in the Standard Operating Procedures for the Unit. The Qual-4 collection method will be used to collect samples from this stream. • NC certified biological laboratories pursuant to administrative code 15 NCAC 2H.1100 shall conduct the identification of all Benthic macroinvertebrate samples. p. 4 • Data analysis and choice of metrics will be consistent with protocols developed by the Biological Assessment Unit of the Division of Water Quality. These protocols are described in the Standard Operating Procedures manual for the Unit. • Reports summarizing survey results will be submitted to the Division of Water Quality /Wetlands Unit within 60 days following survey completion. • An assessment of channel materials using pebble count information will be conducted at each of the biological monitoring locations and included in the report. The exclusion of the first year after completion of the restoration activities from macroinvertibrate monitoring, dictates that the physical and macroinvertibrate monitoring for the first two years of the project be implemented separately. The first physical monitoring shall be completed prior to the one year anniversary of the project (end of January of 2006), but the first of the three annual cycles of of macro inverti brate monitoring shall not commence until] the summer of 2006. The macroinvertibrate monitoring is not stipulated to be for 3 successive years, thus the 2"d and 3rd macroinvertibrate monitoring events can occur during the 3rd and 5°i year. The quantitiative monitoring of the plant communities shall be done during the same annual cycle as the physical monitoring (151 3rd and 5`" years). For bank areas three bank monitoring plots of 50 foot lengths shall be used to determine overall survivorship. For the over-bank conservation easement, three monitoring plots running for 100' section along the restoration shall be used to determine survivorship of the on a species by species basis. V Iiere appropriate `volunteer' data shall be included to accurately represent the evolution and establishment of the bottomland floodplain plant community. Section 3. Preconstruction Macroinvertibrate Data Section 3. As-built Information The as built information consists of the following listed components which have been appended and labeled by report section number and subsection letter (e.g. Sec. 3, Part A. The Planform Map.... is Appendix 3.A.): A. The Planform Map showing Locations of Cross Sections & Photostations Appendix 3.A. B. Photos from Photostations Appendix 3.13. B. Plot of Cross Sections Appendix 3.C. D. Cross Section Tables Appendix 3.D. E. Plot of Longitudinal Profile Appendix 3.E. F. Logitudinal Profile "fables p. 5 Appendix 3.F. G. Copy of final conservation easement Appendix 3.G. H. Table of As Built Fluvial Geomorphic Parameters Table 1. Stream Morphologic Parameters Parameter Reference Reach Corrected Reference Reach I Impaired Reach As-Built Restored Reach Sinuosity (a) 1.313 1.1 1.3 Pool/Riffle Ratio 1.51 1.3 Average Pool Spacing (ft) 23 ft 27 ft 28 ft Meander Wavelength (ft, b) 89 ft 160 ft 60 125 -165 ft Avg. Meander Belt Width 43.87 ft 70 <50 70 ft Bankfull Height (ft) 1.6 ft 2.24 ft 2.5 ft 2.24 ft Bankfull width (ft, c) 12 ft 16.75 ft 14 ft 19 ft Bankfull Area (sq ft) 15.9 sq ft 31 sq ft 31 sq ft 31 sq ft Average Bankfull Depth (ft, d) 1.325 ft 1.85 ft 2.2 ft 1.85 ft Flood Prone Width (ft,e) 40.6 ft 56 ft 19.9 ft >= 56 ft Entrenchment Ratio (f) 3.38 1.42 3.38 Width/Depth Ratio 9.05 6.36 9.05 Predominant Stream Type (g) C/E 4/5 E/G 4/5 C/E 4/5 POOLS D50084 (h) 2,2 mm/11.6 mm .85mm/1.5mm ?t,Otnm/ ;5triXt RIFFLES D50/D84 (h) 6.8 MM/ 13.1 mm 6.5mm/17mm 6 8iptY 1.3 IITI POINT BAR D50/D84(h) .76 mm/4 mm NA 't'76. mml4 fYUn RIFFLE ARMOUR D50/D84(cm) 2,72cm/6cm 7cm/12cm 10cm/1 5cm valley Grade 0.01 0.0099 0.0099 Stream Grade 0.0077 0.009 0.0076 Riffle Grade 0.016 NA 0.016 Pool Grade <0.003 NA <.003 (a) sinuosity is the ration of the channel length over the valley length (b) meander wavelength is the average separation of the channel inflection points (c) bankfull width is measured at the height of'bankfull' or channel forming stage level (d) average channel depth below the bankfull stage (e) width of the channel at a height of 2x bankfull stage height (f) ratio of the tloodprone width to channel width (g) stream class using Rosgen, D.L. A Classification of Natural Rivers, Catena, Vol. 22, 169-199, Elsevier Sci., B.V. Amsterdam (h) 50% finer by weight grain size (mm) (1) parameters adjusted for differences in the impaired watershed size using NC Piedmont regime data and observed impaired reach bank-full area. these grain sizes distributions will be under adjustment for the first year following construction p. 6 Section 4. Annual Monitoring Reports (to be completed as per requirements outlined in Section 1.B.c.) A. Annual Monitoring - 2005 a. Photostation Photos b. Cross Sections c. Cross Section Tables d. Longitudinal Profile e. Logitudinal Profile Tables f. Plant Monitoring Data Tables g. Summary of Storm Flow (e.g. bankful events) h. Other observations (e.g. eonservation buffer compliance) i. Summary & recommendations p. 7 Appendix 2 Preconstruction Macroinvertebrate Data Reedy Fork Macroinvertebrate Pre-construction Survey June 2001 As part of the pre-construction monitoring and baseline data compilation for the Reedy Fork Stream Restoration and Mitigation Project, Macroinvertebrate samples were collected from a reference reach as well as an impaired reach. The reference reach is the same stream that will be used to provide reference geomorphology parameters for the stream restoration design. The impaired reach is the same reach that has been identified for restoration during the project. The streams were sampled on June 26, 2001 by Chris Matthews (HDR) and Jim Matthews (HARP). The DWQ protocols for processing benthic macroinvertebrate samples are discussed in the STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES manual (NCEHNR 1997) and in the INTERIM, INTERNAL TECHNICAL GUIDE BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATE MONITORING PROTOCOLS FOR COMPENSATORY STREAM RESTORATION PROJECTS prepared by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality 401/Wetlands Unit (NCEHNR 2001). Since these tributaries to Reedy Fork are 2nd order streams, an approved collection method for smaller streams, known as the Qual-4, was used. Qual-4 collection methods are recommended for small streams, which have catchments of one square mile, or less (1st and 2nd order streams). All taxa are collected and identified, rather than just Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) taxa, during this type of survey. The primary output for this sampling method is a taxa list with an indication of relative abundance (Rare, Common, Abundant) for each taxon. The calculation of metrics from a Qual-4 method is similar to those conducted for a standard qualitative collection method. These metrics include total and EPT taxa richness, EPT abundance and biotic index values. Currently, DWQ does not have classification criteria for small streams, therefore applicants are not required to calculate bioclas sifi cation ratings of these stream systems (NCENHR, 2001). Benthic macroinvertebrate samples are collected and preserved in the field. It is not necessary to know the total number of organisms from a specific habitat type when qualitative or semi-qualitative samples are collected. Specimens are "picked" from the sample and preserved in 95% ethanol. The Qual-4 collection method takes approximately one hour per site. Field processing samples in this fashion minimizes laboratory processing. The following table and graphs show the taxa collected, as well as, metrics for total and EPT taxa richness, EPT abundance and biotic index values. Order Family/Species Feeder type Tolerance value Reference Impaired E hemero tera Caenis spp. 3 7.41 Abundant .Steno?tema spp. 3 Common Common Potomanthus distinctus 3 1.53 Common Odonata Dromogomphus spp. 5 5.92 Common Rare Aeshna spp. 5 6.00 Rare Tricho tera Hydropsyche betteni 2 7.78 Abundant Abundant Neophylax oligiu.s 4 2.23 Abundant Coleo tera Celina spp. 5 8.04 Rare Ectopria nervosa 4 4.16 Rare Elnudae 4 Abundant Common Di tera Tipulidae 1 7.33 Rare Conunon Cluronomidae 3 9.63 Rare Abundant Other PeleC oda Corbicula flu?ninea 2 6.12 Rare Common Gastro oda Pultnonate snails Common Conunon Hirudinea Leech 5 5.00 Rare Deca oda Crayfish 6 Abundant Abundant Feeder types: 0=herbivore, 1=shredder, 2=filter feeder, 3=collector, 4=scraper, 5=predator, 6=omnivore, 7=deposit feeder Metrics Metric Reference Reach Impaired Reach Total Richness 13 - Fair 12 - Fair EPT Taxa Richness 4 - Poor 3 - Poor EPT Abundance 46% 37% Biotic Index Value 5.97 = Good/Fair 7.37 = Fair Appendix 3.A. The Planform Map showing Locations of Cross Sections & Photostations p. I ? r r - y 1 r _ r \ ? r - - - \/-?\----- a---------- y _ •s. g O \ ` U ?\ O N a? \ ; O y o L L b p? 6 \ ? a O O \ L -p a c 6f ? \ CL \ \ \ 7aj 1 C v?•X a. O E ?3 78 m >10 2 y E ? R Zia a ) I;g ryry•• yy W 3 ? O O M 4 LLa C'3 W " I O °`t O N N O N UO •- ? N C w CC a c Y 2 Z lC L ? A ft A O a a a C ? Vl y ^ J ? ?' ?W EFStJ ? a/ ma ? `. n \ 2S SP 6 (^ y _ 'rte,''`! . / , 5 0 F • List of Photos Photo 1. Photo station # 1. Lower Tie-in, looking downstream, Azimuth = 18 degrees Photo 2. Photo station # 1. Looking upstream, Azimuth = 283 degrees ................................................ ............... 1 Photo 3. Photo station # 2. Looking downstream, Azimuth = 31 degrees ............................................. ............... 2 Photo 4. Photo station # 2. Looking upstream, Azimuth = 287 degrees ................................................ ............... 2 Photo 5. Photo station # 3. Looking downstream, Azimuth = 80 degrees ............................................. ............... 3 Photo 6. Photo station # 3. Looking upstream, Azimuth = 223 degrees ................................................ ............... 3 Photo 7. Photo station # 4. Looking downstream, Azimuth = 34 degrees ............................................. ............... 4 Photo 8. Photo station # 4. Looking upstream, Azimuth = 320 degrees ................................................ ............... 4 Photo 9. Photo station # 5. Looking downstream, Azimuth = 77 degrees ............................................. ............... 5 Photo 10 . Photo station # 5 . Upper Tie-in, looking upstream, Azimuth = 309 degrees ........................ ............... 5 Photo 11 . Photo station # 6 . Over-all view, looking downstream, from Reedy Fork Parkway, ............ ............... 6 q, g y Photo 2. Photo station # 1. Looking upstream, Azimuth = 283 degrees. Photo 1. Photo station #1. Lower Tie-in, looking downstream, Azimuth = 18 degrees. a Photo 4. Photo station # 2. Looking upstream, Azimuth = 287 degrees. Photo 3. Photo station # 2. Looking downstream, Azimuth = 31 degrees. " a 2- y # s IX u n ? p 4 * j k ,. :.a= f y .? q S v x rate ,€= f fl 4 a ,72 ..•--Ec + Photo 6. Photo station # 3. Looking upstream, Azimuth = 223 degrees. I "u Photo 9. Photo station # 4. Looking downstream, Azimuth = 34 degrees. 4 Photo 8. Photo station # 4. Looking upstream, Azimuth = 3^20 degrees. r- °Z -'.- rte-' . I -w aey., C WW"MW am, Azimuth = 77 degrees. r ?, €p 44- . • x,3 M . s WE- r . .' , Photo 10. Photo station # 5. Upper Tie-in, looking upstream, Azimuth = 309 degrees. s 5 Photo 11. Photo station # 6. Over-all view, looking downstream, from Reedy Fork Parkway, Junction 29 road sign. 6 Appendix 3.C. Plot of Cross Sections p. 3 C) 0 0 co pp? Vl+d ?m coo o? C CO) 0 0 N 0 co OD I- r- (g) U0118A813 0 0 00 C) co v6' (.5 U) 0 0 N N U cn 0 m 0 N o ? r 0 l0 C l0 0 U N 7 N cc cc -j N o I d CD v O t/> to N O L V O L a--+ O O a-.+ O C s O 0 0 •5 a Q 0 E (n CD- C) C> Co Q ? i L° E cv 0 N O CD 0 LO 0 to O O !n O U') O 0) CD 0 (D co (D 0 tOD 0 CD CD (4) UOREA813 (9) UORBA813 Ile NI it z S Q -r } L Z S cr, a V. 0 3: <It I LO ? o °o Y r C) r y N t 3 C l0 t N V fu i i ? to ) > 'a 03 J N ao co O V V p i -b-a C Cn 0 o L co co ±.+ Q iFd U C> C) E cn v, Q C O O N to C:l C R j E cu Q) Cn O N O N 1 I t i t 0) CD h O co co ti 1- tD CD CD co O 0) to O I- O O CAD O 0 O y { Q 4 n (11) UO!IBA813 (4) UOgBA813 Q }W ,J m yr (Q Q N ?: C: Appendix 3.D. Cross Section Tables p. 4 REEDY FORK As-Built Longitudinal Profile and Cross Sections Cross Section Data - UT to Reedy Fork Restoration Site John T. Soule, Steve Harville 17-18 May 2004 STA BS(+) HI FS(-) Bed/Ground WATER Water Notes/Comments (ft) Elevation DEPTH Elevation It ft ft ft ft ft TBM # 16 8.21 1 684.57 7.69!, 676.31 John T. Soule, Steve Harville Cross-Section # 1 (INFLECTION) 5-Nov-04 STA (ft) BS(+) ft HI It FS(-) ft Bed/Ground Elevation ft WATER DEPTH ft Water Elevation ft Notes/Comments 0+00 5.27', 679.30 10 5.601 678.97 20 5.57 679.00 30 5.62 678.95 40 5.47 679.10 46 5.43 679.14 To of Bank 49 6.52 678.05 52 7.49 677.08 54 8.27 676.30 0.00 676.30 Edge 57 8.35 67612 0.20 676.42 60 8.46 676.11 0.33 676.44 63 8.50 676.07 0.38 676.45 67 8.53 676.04 0.42 676.46 69.5 8.18 676.39 0.00 676.39 Edge 72 7.45 677.12 75 5.96 678.61 78 4.43 680.14 81 2.72 681.85 Top of Bank, END TP # 17 4.27 683.57 5.27 679.30 TP # 18 4.53 682.76 5.34 678.23 X-SEC # 1 at Longitudinal Sta.15+57 684.57 Longitudinal at x-sec sta. 61 0+00 to 0+81 Azimuth = 136 degrees REEDY FORK As-Built Longitudinal Profile and Cross Sections John T. Soule, Steve Harville Cross-Section # 2 ( MEANDER ), Curve # 8 5-Nov-04 0+00 3.98 678.78 Ground 10 5.05 677.71 20 5.31 677.45 30 5.27 677.49 40 5.29 677.47 49 5.28 677.48 To of Bank 52 6.18 676.58 55 7.16 675.60 58 8.03 674.73 59 8.26 674.50 0.00 674.50 E e of water 62 6.75 674.01 0.47 674.48 65 8.79 673.97 0.52 674.49 68 8.73 674.03 0.45 674.48 70.5 8.50 674.26 0.23 674.49 72 8.27 674.49 0.00 674.49 Edge of water 74 7.36 675.40 77 6.09 676.67 80 5.11 677.65 END TP # 19 4.23 681.90 5.09 677.67 TP # 12 676.50 5.40 676.50 OUT -0.02 Wood Stake X-SEC # 2 at Longitudinal Sta. 11+05 Longitudinal at x-sec sta. 64.3 0+00 to 0+80 Azimuth = 123 degrees John T. Soule, Steve Harville Cross-Section # 3 ( INFLECTION ) 5-Nov-04 STA (ft) BS() ft HI It FS(-) It Bed/Ground Elevation It WATER DEPTH It Water Elevation ft Notes/Comments TP # 12 5.56 682.08 676.52 Wood Stake 0+00 5.31 676.77 Ground 10 5.68 676.40 20 5.90 676.18 30 5.82 676.26 40 5.79 676.29 49 6.09 675.99 To of Bank 52 7.18 674.90 55 8.17 673.91 58 9.41 672.67 0.00 672.67 Edge of water 61 9.56 672.52 0.17 672.69 64 9.85 672.23 0.47 672.70 67 931 672.37 0.33 672.70 70.5 9.40 672.68 0.00 672.68 Edge of water 73 8.10 673.98 76 6.98 675.10 80 5.56 676.52 Top of Bank, END TP # 12 676.52 5.56 676.52 OUT 0.00 X-SEC # 3 at Longitudinal Sta. 3+73 Longitudinal at x-sec sta. 63.7 0+00 to 0+80 Azimuth = 123 degrees REEDY FORK As-Guilt Reedy Fork As-built John T. Soule Cross-Section # 4 ( INFLECTION ) 13-Jan-05 STA (ft) BS(+) ft HI ft FS(-) ft Bed/Ground Elevation ft WATER DEPTH It Water Elevation ft Notes/Comments TP # 12 3 82 680.34 676 52 To of Wood Stake 0 2.61 677.73 To of # 4 Rebar, Ground level 10 2.97 677.37 20 3.24 677.10 30 3.44 676.90 40 3.20 677.14 50 3.24 677.10 60 3.35 676.99 70 120 677.14 74 3.44 676.90 To of Bank 76 4.23 676.11 78 5.08 675.26 80 5.98 674.36 81.1 6.53 673.81 0.00 673.81 Edge 83 6.70 673.64 0.20 673.84 85 6.80 673.54 0.27 673.81 87 6.84 673.50 0.30 673.80 89 6.81 673.53 0.28 673.81 91 6.62 673.72 0.07 673.79 93 6.74 673.60 0.20 673.80 93.5 6.56 673.78 0.00 673.78 Edge 95 5.65 674.69 97 4.67 675.67 99 3.80 676.54 101 2.92 677.42 103 2.40 677.94 Top of Bank, END Inflection between Curves 10 & 11 0+00 to 1+03 Azimuth = 106 degrees REEDY FORK As-Built Reedy Fork As-built John T. Soule Cross-Section # 5 (MEANDER) 13-Jan-05 STA (ft) BS(+) ft HI ft FS() ft Bed/Ground Elevation ft WATER DEPTH ft Water Elevation ft Notes/Comments TP # 12 2.92 6 i ? 44 6 7 f, r, To of Wood Stake 0 4.22 675.22 To of # 4 Rebar, Ground level 10 4.35 675.09 20 4.22 675.22 30 4.37 675.07 38.3 4;52 674.92 To of Bank 40 4'88 674.56 42 5 73 673.71 44 6.35 673.09 46 7.12 672.32 46.8 7.18 672.26 Back of coir fiber to 47.4 6.88 672.56 To centerline of coir fiber to 48 8.00 671.44 0.70 672.14 Face of coir fiber log, Edge 50 7.94 671.50 0.62 672.12 52 7.94 671.50 0.63 672.13 54 7.98 671.46 0.69 672.15 56 8.02 671.42 0.73 672.15 58 7.55 671.89 0.28 672.17 58.9 7.30 672.14 0.00 672.14 Edge 61 632 673.12 63 5.77 673.67 65 5.09 674.35 67 4 46 674.98 69 3 88 675.56 71 3 31 676.13 73 2.69 676.75 Top of Bank, END Meander at mid-point of Curve 17 0+00 to 0+73 Azimuth = 143 degrees Appendix 3.E. Plot of Longitudinal Profile p. 5 N U N O A C L_ Q m a m r N-. O ? uj O 75 0 a a 0 N V ? o ? d E N ? a m L ;C a° E T C o m i Q Z i 0 WQ? i- C Q to 0 6 q :1 g zeaa U O ? O O Q. ? y O ' 44 a s m ? O O M W O? O r m m m m m a o M m N o m o m a m l) X13 r .1 a 0 r f v y 7 i ? C r k 0 F 1`L N Appendix 3.F. Logitudinal Profile Tables p. 6 Reedy Fork As-built Longitudinal Profile Data John T. Soule, Steve Harville 6-Nov-08 STA (ft) BS(+) ft f ll ft FS(-) ft Bed/Ground Elevation ft WATER DEPTH ft Water Elevation ft Notes/Comments BM # 1 0.29 683.69 683.40 RR spike in tease of 24" WV,, oak TP # 1 4.72 680.41 8.00 675.69 675.69 -18 10.43 669.98 0.81 670.79 BOR 0 9.47 670.94 0.41 671.35 20 9.03 671.38 0.40 671.78 44 8.78 671.63 0.47 672.10 TOR 64 9.19 671.22 0.90 672.12 _ 84 8.98 671.43 0.71 672.14 104 9.07 671.34 0.81 672.15 110 9.02 671.39 0.76 672.15 BOR 130 8.66 671.75 0.45 672.20 150 8.82 671.59 0.66 672.25 TOR 170 8.84 671.57 0.69 672.26 191 8.89 671.52 0.75 672.27 BOR 211 8.58 671.83 0.48 672.31 233 8.40 672.01 0.37 672.38 TOR 253 9.10 671.31 1.08 672.39 269 8.91 671.50 0.90 672.40 BOR 289 8.33 672.08 0.39 672.47 TP # 11 5.44 681.29 4.56 675.85 305 9.22 672.07 0.53 672.60 TOR 325 9.40 671.89 073 672.62 _ 346 9.30 671.99 0.63 672.62 BOR 366 9.16 672.13 0.53 672.66 385 9.09 672.20 0.62 672.82 TOR 405 9.02 672.27 0.57 672.84 411 9.03 672.26 0.58 672.84 BOR 431 8.91 672.38 0.51 672.89 451 8.84 672.45 0.52 672.97 460 8.75 672.54 0.47 673.01 TOR 480 9.14 672.15 0.87 673.02 497 9.03 672.26 0.76 673.02 BOR 517 8.60 672.69 0.36 673.05 541 8.36 672.93 0.43 673.36 TOR 561 9.00 672.29 1.07 673.36 581 9.02 672.27 1.09 673.36 _ 600 8.77 672.52 0.84 673.36 BOR TP # 12 4.55 681,07 4.77 676.52 TP # 13 8.17 5 684.14 5.10 675.97 BM # 1 0.77 683.37 I ( OUT -0.03 John T. Soule, Steve Harville 17-18 May 2004 STA (ft) BS(+) ft HI ft FS(-) ft Bed/Ground Elevation ft WATER DEPTH ft Water Elevation ft Notes/Comments TBM # 12 5.33 681.85 676.52 Wood Stake 620 9.06 672.79 0.60 673.39 640 8.84 673.01 0.47 673.48 660 8.82 673.03 0.56 673.59 675 8.73 673.12 0.58 673.70 TOR 695 8.92 672.93 0.80 673.73 705 8.95 672.90 0.84 673.74 725 9.06 672.79 0.93 673.72 745 8.86 672.99 0.74 673.73 757 8.80 673.05 0.67 673.72 BOR 777 8.47 673.38 0.47 673.85 802 8.21 673.64 0.39 674.03 TOR 822 8.42 673.43 0.62 674.05 847 8.44 673.41 0.66 674.07 BOR 867 8.48 673.37 0.76 674.13 890 7.98 673.87 0.43 674.30 TOR TBM # 14 7.87 682.77 6.95 674.90 910 9.39 673.38 0.94 674.32 930 9.18 673.59 0.69 674.28 953 9.12 673.65 0.67 674.32 BOR 973 8.86 673.91 0.46 674.37 994 8.70 674.07 0.44 674.51 TOR 1014 8.78 673.99 0.51 674.50 BOR 1034 8.74 674.03 0.60 674.63 1049 8.58 674.19 0.55 674.74 TOR 1069 8.58 674.19 0.60 674.79 1077 8.83 673.94 0.83 674.77 BOR 1097 8.38 674.39 0.47 674.86 1117 8.03 674.74 0.31 675.05 1123 7.88 674.89 0.30 675.19 TOR 1143 8.46 674.31 0.95 675.26 1163 8.27 674.50 0.76 675.26 1183 8.39 674.38 0.87 675.25 1200 8.21 674.56 0.70 675.26 TBM # 15 8.09 684.06 6.80 675.97 1220 9.40 674.66 0.59 675.25 1230 9.29 674.77 0.52 675.29 BOR 1250 9.32 674.74 0.59 675.33 1270 9.18 674.88 0.51 675.39 1288 9.20 674.86 0.63 675.49 TOR 1308 9.42 674.64 0.85 675.49 1328 9.09 674.97 0.54 675.51 1348 9.10 674.96 0.54 675.50 1374 9.27 674.79 0.71 675.50 BOR 1394 9.021 1 675.04 0.55 675.59 1417 8.781 1 675.28 0.44 675.72 TOR 1443 8.86 675.20 0.54 675.74 BOR 1463 8.70 675.36 0.51 675.87 1484 8.60 675.46 0.55 676.01 TOR 1504 9.01 675.05 0.95 676.00 1518 8.95 675.11 0.90 676.01 BOR 1538 8.26 675.80 0.38 676.18 1561 8.20 675.86 0.60 676.46 TOR TBM # 16 8.2 684.57 7.69 676.37 1581 8.96 675.61 0.90 676.51 1601 9.09 675.48 1.03 676.51 1621 8.58 675.99 0.51 676.50 1641 8.68 675.89 0.65 676.54 BOR 1661 8.53 676.04 0.50 676.54 1681 8.41 676.16 0.42 676.58 1697 8.53 676.04 0.60 676.64 TOR 1717 8.79 675.78 0.88 676.66 1737 8.62 675.95 0.70 676.65 1757 10.00 674.57 2.08 676.65 1764 9.43 675.14 1.51 676.65 END Appendix 3.G. Copy of Conservation Easement cq A w W A O Co O F- O W U CU • iL CL H 1:0 W Z U7 Z >- A • Cif L J W cc W m . V) 6 n U W C1 W r U-) r` °• W W A r LI-) fn In M CC W L-) * + ` ? h? t_7 W LL O W U N J O O z L) N Q lT Z W A C9 h A O W v: Cn O \ .. U A LJ " LL. •• Cn A = a r- o co to .27404 Mail to Preparer W C4 S 0 A a m ¢ ?-+ co it m STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA GUILFORD COUNTY CONSERVATION EASEMENT THIS CONSERVATION EASEMENT DEED, made this/y f4day of d 2002, by and between REEDY FORK EAST LLC, Grantor, and the CITY OF GREENSBORQ/Granteef, whose mailing address is Post Office Box 3136, Greensboro. NC 27402. The designations Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular. plural, masculine, feminine, or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of N.C. Gen. Stat. 3 143-214.8 - - the State of North Carolina has established the Wetlands Restoration Program (as defined in N.C. Gen Stat. 143-214.8) within the Department of Environment and Natural Resources for the purposes of acquiring, maintaining, restoring, enhancing, and creating wetland and riparian resources that contribute to the protection and improvement of water quality, flood prevention, fisheries, aquatic habitat, wildlife habitat, multi-use trails, recreational opportunities: and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of N.C. Gen. Stat. 3 143-214.8, two of the components of the Wetlands Restoration Program are (1) restoration and perpetual maintenance of wetlands, riparian areas, and surface waters and (2) land ownership and management; and WHEREAS, Grantor owns in fee simple certain real property situated, lying, and being in Guilford County, North Carolina (the Protected Property), and being more particularly described on Exhibit A hereto, and WHEREAS, Grantor is willing to grant a Conservation Easement on the Protected Property, thereby restricting and limiting the use of the Protected Property to the terms and conditions and for the purposes hereinafter set forth, and Grantee is willing to accept such easement; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, terms, conditions, and restrictions hereinafter set forth, Grantor unconditionally and irrevocably hereby grants and conveys unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, forever and in perpetuity, a Conservation Easement of the nature and character and to the extent hereinafter set forth, over a portion of the Protected Property, referred to hereafter as the Easement Area, for the benefit of the people of North Carolina, and being all of the tract of land as described on Exhibit A hereto. The purposes of this Conservation Easement are to maintain, restore, enhance, and create wetland and/or riparian. resources in the Easement Area that contributes to the protection and improvement of water quality, flood prevention, fisheries, aquatic habitat, wildlife habitat, recreational opportunities and multi-use trails; to maintain permanently the Easement Area in its natural condition, consistent with these purposes; and to prevent any use of the Easement Area that will significantly impair or interfere with these purposes. To achieve these purposes, the following conditions and restrictions are set forth: 1. DURATION OF EASEMENT This Conservation Easement shall be perpetual. It is an easement in gross. runs with the land, and is enforceable by Grantee against Grantor, their personal representatives, heirs, successors, and assigns, lessees, agents, and licensees. II. RESERVED USES AND RESTRICTED ACTIVITIES The Easement Area shall be restricted from any development or usage that would impair or interfere with the purposes of this Conservation Easement. Unless expressly reserved as a compatible use herein, any activity in, or use of, the Easement Area by the Grantor is prohibited as inconsistent with the purposes of this Conservation Easement. Any tights not expressly reserved hereunder by the Grantor have been acquired by the Grantee. The following specific uses are prohibited, restricted, or reserved as indicated: A. Recreational Uses. Grantor expressly reserves the right: to undeveloped recreational uses. including fishing, and access to the Easement Area for the purposes thereof. Usage of motorized vehicles in the Easement Area is prohibited except for maintenance purposes. B. Educational Uses. The Grantor and Grantee shall have the right to undeveloped educational uses and the right of access to the Easement Area for such purposes including organized educational activities such as site visits, studies, and observations. C. Vegetative Cutting. Except for maintenance necessary for public safety, cutting, removal, mowing, harming, or destruction of any vegetation in the Easement Area is prohibited. D. Industrial Use. Industrial activities in the Easement Area are prohibited. E. Residential Use. Residential use of the Easement Area is prohibited. F. Commercial Use. Commercial activities in the Easement Area are prohibited. G. Agricultural Use. Agricultural use of the Easement Area including use for cropland, waste lagoons, or pastureland is prohibited. H. New Construction. There shall be no building, facility, mobile home, or other structure constructed or placed in the Easement Area. 1. Signs. No signs shall be permitted in the Easement Area except interpretive signs describing restoration activities and the conservation values of the Easement Area, signs identifying the owner of the Protected Property and the holder of the Conservation Easement, and signs giving directions or proscribing rules and regulations for the use of the Easement Area. J. Dumping. Dumping of soil, trash, ashes, garbage, waste, abandoned vehicles, appliance or machinery, or other material in the Easement Area is prohibited. K. Grading, Mineral Use, Excavation, Dredging. There shall be no grading, filling, excavation. dredging, mining, or drilling; no removal of topsoil. sand, gravel, rock, peat, minerals, or other materials. L. Water Quality and Drainage Patterns. There shall be no diking, draining, dredging, channeling, filling, leveling, pumping, impounding or related activities, or altering or tampering with water control structures or devices, or disruption or alteration of the restored, enhanced, or created drainage patterns. In addition, diverting or causing or permitting the diversion of surface or underground water into, within or out of the easement area by any means, removal of wetlands, polluting or discharging into waters, springs, seeps, or wetlands, or use of pesticide or biocides is prohibited. M. Subdivision. Subdivision, partitioning, or dividing the Easement Area is prohibited. N. Development Rights. No development rights which have been encumbered or extinguished by this Conservation Easement shall be transferred pursuant to a transferable development rights scheme or cluster development arrangement or otherwise. The Grantee, and authorized representatives of the Grantee, shall have the right to enter the Easement Area and shall have the right of reasonable ingress and egress to the Easement Area over the Protected Property, at all reasonable times to undertake any activities to restore, manage, maintain, enhance, and monitor the wetland and riparian resources of the Easement Area. These activities include planting of trees, shrubs and herbaceous vegetation, installation of monitoring wells, utilization of heavy equipment to grade, fill, and prepare the soil, modification of the hydrology of the site, and installation of natural and manmade materials as needed to direct in-stream, above ground, and subterraneous water flow. In addition, the Grantee, and authorized representatives of the Grantee, shall have the right to enter the Easement Area and shall have the right of reasonable ingress and egress to the Easement Area over the Protected. Property, at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting said property to determine if the Grantor is complying with the terms, conditions, restrictions, and purposes of this Conservation Easement. The easement rights granted herein do not include public access rights. The Grantor may request permission to vary from the above restrictions for good cause shown, provided that any such request is consistent with the purposes of this Conservation Easement. The Grantor shall not vary from the above restrictions without first obtaining written approval from the Wetlands Restoration Program, whose mailing address is 1619 Mail Services Center, Raleigh. NC 27699.1619. III. ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES A. In the event that the Grantee determines that the Grantor has violated or is threatening to violate any of these terms, conditions, or restrictions, the Grantee may institute a suit to enjoin such violation and if necessary, to require the restoration of the Easement Area to its prior condition at the expense of the Grantor. B. No failure on the part of Grantee to enforce any covenant or provision hereof shall discharge or invalidate such covenant or any other covenant, condition, or provision hereof or affect the right of Grantee to enforce the same in the event of a subsequent breach or default. IV. MISCELLANEOUS A. This Conservation Easement shall be construed to promote the purposes of NC. Gen Stat. 143-214.8 et - the Wetlands Restoration Program. B. This instrument sets forth the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the Conservation Easement and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, understandings or agreements relating to the Conservation Easement. If any provision is found to be invalid, the remainder of the provisions of the Conservation Easement, and the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is found to be invalid, shall not be affected thereby. C. Any notices shall be sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested to the parties at their addresses shown above or to other address(es) as either party establishes in writing upon notification to the other. D. Grantor shall notify Grantee in writing of the name and address and any party to whom the Protected Property or any part thereof is to he transferred at or prior to the time said transfer is made. Grantor further agrees to make any subsequent lease, deed, or other legal instrument by which any interest in the Protected Property is conveyed subject to the Conservation Easement herein created. V. QUIET ENJOYMENT Grantor reserves all rights accruing from ownership of the Protected Property, including the right to engage in or permit or invite others to engage in only those uses of the Easement Area that are expressly reserved herein, not prohibited or restricted herein, and are not inconsistent with the purposes of this Conservation Easement. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Grantor expressly reserves to the Grantor, and the Grantor's invitees and licensees, the right of access to the Easement Area, and the right of quiet enjoyment of the Easement Area. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said rights and easements perpetually unto Grantee for the aforesaid purposes. AND Grantor covenants that Grantor is seized of said premises in fee and has the right to convey the permanent easement herein granted; that the same are free from encumbrances and that Grantor will warrant and defend title to the same against the claims of all persons whomsoever. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set its hand and seal, the day and year first above written, SEAL ATTEST: ASSISTANT CRETARY t REEDY FORK EAST LLC BY: STARMOUNT COMPANY DEVELOPMENT MANAG BY: Al VICE PRESIDENT (SEAL) NORTH CAROLINA, GUILFORD COUNTY a Notary Public in and for said County and State, certify that - , personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he is Assistant Secretary of Starmount Co pan y, a corporation, and that, by authority duly given and as the act of the Corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Vice President, sealed with its corporate seal, and attested by himself as it Assistant Secretary. My commission expires:, j Witness.my hand and official seal, this the I? ?4'day ofV 2002 Notary Public EXHIBIT A A CONSERVATION EASEMENT BEING 59.5 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EASTERN 100 FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR ECKERSON ROAD S.R. NO. 2790 WHERE SAID 100' RIGHT-OF-WAY INTERSECTS WITH AN EXISTING CREEK, (SAID POINT BEING S 11 DEG 38 MIN 02 SEC W DISTANCE BEING 281.20 FEET FROM AN EXISTING IRON PIPE ON SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR ECKERSON ROAD) THENCE WITH THE CENTERLINE OF A PROPOSED CREEK ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF S84 DEG 43 MIN 05 SEC E CHORD DISTANCE BEING 51.16 FEET WITH A RADIUS OF 53.50 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF N 75 DEG 08 MIN 24 SEC E CHORD DISTANCE BEING 85.91 FEET WITH A RADIUS OF 53.50 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF N 81 DEG 25 MIN 17 SEC E CHORD DISTANCE BEING 88.21 FEET WITH A RADIUS OF 53.50 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF N 78 DEG 00 MIN 23 SEC E CHORD DISTANCE BEING 85.03 FEET WITH A RADIUS OF 53.50 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF S80 DEG 29 MIN 08 SEC E CHORD DISTANCE BEING 99.39 FEET HAVING A RADIUS OF 53.50 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF N 80 DEG 02 MIN 01 SEC E CHORD DISTANCE BEING 106.82 FEET WITH A RADIUS OF 53.50 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE ALONG THE CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF N 30 DEG 42 MIN 32 SEC E CHORD DISTANCE BEING 64.28 FEET WITH A RADIUS OF 53.50 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF N 30 DEG 35 MIN 20 SEC E CHORD DISTANCE BEING 64.46 FEET WITH A RADIUS OF 53.50 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF N 46 DEG 44 MIN 13 SEC E CHORD DISTANCE BEING 85.50 FEET WITH A RADIUS OF 53.50 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF N 49 DEG 53 MIN 14 SEC E CHORD DISTANCE BEING 81.44 FEET WITH A RADIUS OF 53.50 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A CHORD, BEARING OF N 56 DEG 15 MIN 41 SEC E CHORD DISTANCE BEING 88.64 FEET WITH A RADIUS OF 53.50 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S 67 DEG 48 MIN 03 SEC E DISTANCE BEING 65.43 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF N 62 DEG 02 MIN 58 SEC E CHORD DISTANCE BEING 83.72 FEET WITH A RADIUS OF 53.50 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF N 48 DEG 54 MIN 50 SEC E CHORD DISTANCE BEING 74.36 FEET WITH A RADIUS OF 53.50 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE ALONG THE CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF N 50 DEG 55 MIN 08 SEC E CHORD DISTANCE BEING 68.58 FEET WITH A RADIUS OF 53.50 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF N 54 DEG 28 MIN 56 SEC E CHORD DISTANCE BEING 73.47 FEET WITH A RADIUS OF 53.50 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF N 53 DEG 16 MIN 16 SEC E CHORD DISTANCE BEING 73.93 FEET WITH A RADIUS OF 53.50 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF N 53 DEG 48 MIN 52 SEC E CHORD DISTANCE BEING 73.90 FEET WITH A RADIUS OF 53.50 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF N 43 DEG 33 MIN 58 SEC E CHORD DISTANCE BEING 86.30 FEET WITH A RADIUS OF 53.50 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF N 13 DEG 46 MIN 44 SEC E CHORD DISTANCE BEING 37.22 FEET WITH A RADIUS OF 53.50 FEET TO THE END OF EASEMENT, EASEMENT AREA CONTAINING 4.86 AC MORE OR LESS