HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181041 Ver 1_Mitigation Information_20180824Strickland, Bev From: Brad Luckey <bluckey@pilotenviro.com> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2018 6:40 PM To: David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil Cc: Homewood, Sue; Eric Dischinger; Bob Dischinger Subject: [External] RE: Request for Additional Information: Cambridge Park s/d, Mebane, Alamance County; SAW -2017-02329 Attachments: EEP Credit Reservation Letter_7.17.18.pdf, Local Bank -No Credits l.pdf David, Please find the attached applicant response to requested information, including Item 2 from previous request. Based on this information, it is our opinion that the conditions of the NWP 29 have been met for the proposed project and request processing of the NWP 29 Verification for the proposed project. However, if you have additional request for additional information then please let us know. Thank you for your assistance with this project. USACE Comment 1: For item #4, please briefly describe where the proposed force main and waterline are coming from, outside of the confines of the Cambridge Park development. It appears that both of these facilities are proposed rather than existing, so we have to account for any potential impacts to aquatic resources. Will these facilities be installed within road shoulder along their entire length? Will impacts be avoided by some other measure? Applicant Response: The proposed sewer line and water lines outside of the proposed Cambridge Park site are being designed by others. However, it is the applicant's understanding that the proposed water line will connect from existing infrastructure near the intersection of Old Hillsborough Road and Jones Road and enter the site from Jones Road. The proposed water line will be located within the Jones Road ROW/road shoulder with the exception of connecting to existing infrastructure just north of Old Hillsborough Road. The applicant is not aware of impacts to WoUS associated with the proposed water line outside of the Cambridge Park project area. The proposed sewer line connects to existing infrastructure north of Melville Commerce Parkway. The proposed sewer line will be a proposed gravity line north of NC Highway 119 to its connection to existing infrastructure north of Melville Commerce Parkway. The sewer line will be a force main located within the road ROW/shoulder of Turner Drive south of NC Highway 119 to the Cambridge Park property and proposed pump station. The applicant is not aware of impacts to WoUS associated with the proposed sewer line outside of the Cambridge Park project area. USACE Comment #2: Thank you for your detailed information regarding project phasing, including design level of each phase. Although it appears as though Phase 1A has independent utility and could potentially be permitted ahead of future phases, due to the high potential for future phases of the Cambridge Park development to include cumulative stream impacts greater than the typical compensatory mitigation threshold (NWP Regional Condition 3.2), the Corps has determined that the stream impacts currently proposed for Phase 1A will also require compensatory mitigation(per NWP General Condition 23(d) and Regional Condition 3.2). Please update Section D.2 of the PCN accordingly, including any relevant compensatory mitigation acceptance letters Applicant Response: The applicant proposes mitigation at a 2:1 ratio for the unavoidable 92 linear feet of net loss of stream from culvert fill proposed in Phase IA. Please find the attached credit reservation letter from DMS that confirms availability of necessary credits and email correspondence from private mitigation bank that confirms credits are not available within the site HUCfrom aprivate bank. Mitigation isnot proposed for unavoidable permanent stream impacts from rip -rap energy dissipation or temporary impacts to streams associated with de -watering and utility line Sincerely, Brad�2y S.Luckey, PWS 336.708.4997 (c) 336.310.4527 (o) P0Box 128 Kernersville, NC 27285 From: Bailey, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (US) [maiIto:David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil] Sent: Wednesday, August ZZ,ZU1O7:Z4AM To: Brad Luckey xb|uckey@pi|otenviro.com> Cc: Homewood, Sue (sue.homevxood@ncdenr.gov)xsue.homevxood@ncdenr.gou';Eric 0schinger xeric@|dequityzom>;Bob 0schingerxrsd@evans'engzom> Subject: RE: Request for Additional Information: Cambridge Park s/d, Mebane, Alamance County; SAW -2017-02329 Thanks Brad. I have reviewed the information you sent in response to our requestfor additional information dated 8/9/2018. As you note, resolution of item #2 is still pending. Otherwise, your responses have satisfied our requests for item #s I and 3-7 with the following clarification: For item #4, please briefly describe where the proposed force main and waterline are coming from, outside of the confines of the Cambridge Park development. It appears that both of these facilities are proposed rather than existing, so we have to account for any potential impacts to aquatic resources. Will these facilities be installed within road shoulder along their entire length? Will impacts be avoided by some other measure? _ David E.Bailey, PWS Regulatory Project Manager USArmy Corps otEngineers CE -SAW -KG -K 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Fax: (919) 562-0421 We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located at: Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and complete the survey. From: Brad Luckey Sent: Monday, August 13,ZU1O4:SUPM To: Bailey, David ECIV U3ARMYCE3AVV(U3) Cc: Homewood, Sue �Eric0schinger <eri.c ldeg.uity earn>; Bob Dischinger <rs_dC _evans-eng.rca > Subject: [Non-DoD Source] RE: Request for Additional Information: Cambridge Park s/d, Mebane, Alamance County; SAW-2017-02329 David, On behalf of the applicant, please find the below response to USACE Request for Additional Information Item #s 1 & 3- 7. As previously discussed, the applicant is evaluating options prior to responding to the USACE Request for Additional Information of Item #2. Please let me know if you have any questions or require additional information. Thank you for your assistance. USACE Comment #1: Please submit a scanned/electronic copy of your PCN package Applicant Response: Attached. Please note the PCN has been updated to clarify requested information in USACE Comment #'s 3 &4. USACE Comment #2: Thank you for your detailed information regarding project phasing, including design level of each phase. Although it appears as though Phase 1A has independent utility and could potentially be permitted ahead of future phases, due to the high potential for future phases of the Cambridge Park development to include cumulative stream impacts greater than the typical compensatory mitigation threshold (NWP Regional Condition 3.2), the Corps has determined that the stream impacts currently proposed for Phase 1A will also require compensatory mitigation(per NWP General Condition 23(d) and Regional Condition 3.2). Please update Section D.2 of the PCN accordingly, including any relevant compensatory mitigation acceptance letters Applicant Response: The applicant will provide a response under separate cover. USACE Comment #3: The PCN reports the Impact 1 permanent stream impacts due to the culvert as 92 Lf., whereas the plansheet states 93 Lf. of permanent stream impacts due to the culvert. Please ensure consistency between the two and correct as necessary Applicant Response: Proposed stream impacts are 92LF. The attached PCN has been updated to resolve this discrepancy. USACE Comment #4: Please provide a plansheet that clearly shows the overall location of the proposed Force Main and Sanitary Sewer lines. The provided Overall plansheet is either not to sufficient scale, or has too many competing layers for these features to be legible. For example, it is difficult to discern where the Force Main is coming from/going to, and where the sanitary sewer connects with Phase 1A. It would also be helpful to provide a zoomed -in plansheet for the entirety of Phase 1A. Applicant Response: Please see attached PCN that includes updated impact exhibits that include a zoomed in plan sheet for Phase IA and has removed layers to easily identify sanitary sewer connections. USACE Comment #5: Is the entirety of the sewer line as proposed necessary to accommodate development of Phase 1A, or could a shorter segment of the sewer line be constructed to service this phase only? That is, we cannot evaluate the road/lot infrastructure for Phase 1A only while evaluating the sewer infrastructure for the entire built -out Cambridge Park development. Applicant Response: The entirety of the proposed sewer line is necessary to accommodate development of Phase IA. Additionally, the City of Mebane is requiring the sanitary sewer line to be installed past Phase IA to Jones Road that will provide current and future service to other properties to the northeast of the site. USACE Comment #6: Is any rip rap proposed to be placed in streams at Impacts 3-5? If so, please revise the PCN to state that these are permanent impact (though not a loss of waters), and provide a profile view of each of these crossings showing that the rip rap would be keyed into the stream bed Applicant Response: Keyed in rip -rap is not proposed. The overall subdivision has been designed to allow for separate maintenance access points on either side of proposed sewer line stream crossings. Therefore, a permanent easement using rip -rap in streams for access is not necessary or proposed. USACE Comment #7: Is any rip rap proposed to be placed in streams at Impacts 3-5? If so, please revise the PCN to state that these are permanent impact (though not a loss of waters), and provide a profile view of each of these crossings showing that the rip rap would be keyed into the stream bed Applicant Response: During the zoning and special use permitting process for Cambridge Park, the City of Mebane determined that Abington Drive would be required to be designed and constructed as a 'collector' roadway from Jones Drive to Turner Road. As such, this road would need to be a curb and gutter road, 41' back-to-back within a 60' right-of- way, with sidewalks along both sides. In addition, 'collector' roads, as opposed to 'local' residential roads, have significantly more stringent design requirements in regard to horizontal alignments. This is due to the nature of the 'collector' road itself functioning as the main route for emergency services vehicular access into and out of the subdivision as well as the requirement of handling the larger volumes of traffic in general. Realignment of Abington Drive along Hardwick Drive would not meet these design requirements; therefore, the second stream crossing for Abington Drive becomes necessary to fulfill the 'collector' requirements set forth by the City. Sincerely, Bradey S. Luckey, PWS 336.708.4997 (c) 336.310.4527 (o) PO Box 128 Kernersville, NC 27285 www.11r2illotourviiu o.com blucke lr2illotourviiu o.com From: Bailey, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (US)[Mr!ilto:Qavi_d.:_E_._Bal_Iey2_( usa e.arrrry:rrril] Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2018 2:54 PM To: Brad Luckey <bluckey(e pilotenviro.co >; Eric Dischinger <er .c l_dequity �cq > Cc: Homewood, Sue (sue home crod(c ncdenr gcrv) <s_ue._homewcacad�c�ncdenr �cav> Subject: Request for Additional Information: Cambridge Park s/d, Mebane, Alamance County; SAW -2017-02329 Messrs. Dischinger and Luckey, Thank you for your PCN and attached information, dated 7/19/2018 (received 7/23/2018), for the above referenced project. I have reviewed the information and need clarification before proceeding with verifying the use of Nationwide Permits 12 (I Icrekedhtt ://saw reg:usage:army:_m.l_I/NV\lI 2 7/2t1 INV\11 2: df) and 29 (I Icrekedhtt r://saw reg:usa e:arrny mil/NWP 0 7✓..20.17_N_` .P29 Fadi). Please submit the requested information below (via e-mail is fine) within 30 days of receipt of this Notification, otherwise we may deny verification of the use of the Nationwide Permit or consider your application withdrawn and close the file: 1) Please submit a scanned/electronic copy of your PCN package; 2) Thank you for your detailed information regarding project phasing, including design level of each phase. Although it appears as though Phase 1A has independent utility and could potentially be permitted ahead of future phases, due to the high potential for future phases of the Cambridge Park development to include cumulative stream impacts greater than the typical compensatory mitigation threshold (NWP Regional Condition 3.2), the Corps has determined that the stream impacts currently proposed for Phase 1A will also 4 require compensatory mitigation(per NWP General Condition 23(d) and Regional Condition 3.2). Please update Section D.2 of the PCN accordingly, including any relevant compensatory mitigation acceptance letters; 3) The PCN reports the Impact 1 permanent stream impacts due to the culvert as 92 Lf., whereas the plansheet states 93 Lf. of permanent stream impacts due to the culvert. Please ensure consistency between the two and correct as necessary; 4) Please provide a plansheet that clearly shows the overall location of the proposed Force Main and Sanitary Sewer lines. The provided Overall plansheet is either not to sufficient scale, or has too many competing layers for these features to be legible. For example, it is difficult to discern where the Force Main is coming from/going to, and where the sanitary sewer connects with Phase 1A. It would also be helpful to provide a zoomed -in plansheet for the entirety of Phase 1A; 5) Is the entirety of the sewer line as proposed necessary to accommodate development of Phase 1A, or could a shorter segment of the sewer line be constructed to service this phase only? That is, we cannot evaluate the road/lot infrastructure for Phase 1A only while evaluating the sewer infrastructure for the entire built -out Cambridge Park development; 6) Is any rip rap proposed to be placed in streams at Impacts 3-5? If so, please revise the PCN to state that these are permanent impact (though not a loss of waters), and provide a profile view of each of these crossings showing that the rip rap would be keyed into the stream bed; 7) It appears that the stubout for Abington Drive points directly at Stream SG, which would require authorization upon pursuit of a future phase. Please note that presence of an upland stubout road does not guarantee authorization of a future proposed stream crossing. For example, it appears as though Hardwick Drive would provide access to future phases without requiring impacts to aquatic resources. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Dave Bailey David E. Bailey, PWS Regulatory Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers CE -SAW -RG -R 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Phone: (919) 554-4884, Ext. 30. Fax: (919) 562-0421 Email: Q7avi.d_:_E.:_B.ail_ey2_.(�,..u_sa_ce arrny...rnil We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located at: Blocked_htt. _://...cors a u usa e:ar .Y.:_mil/c_ ....... /...( .p.�_136:4:0 Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and complete the survey. Mitigation Services ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY July 17, 2018 Eric Dischinger Desco Mebane Partners, LLC 3625 N. Elm Street, Suite 107-A Greensboro, NC 27455 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretmv Expiration of Acceptance: 1/17/2019 Project: Cambridge Park County: Alamance The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the NCDEQ Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) is willing to accept payment for compensatory mitigation for impacts associated with the above referenced project as indicated in the table below. Please note that this decision does not assure that participation in the DMS in - lieu fee mitigation program will be approved by the permit issuing agencies as mitigation for project impacts. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact permitting agencies to determine if payment to the DMS will be approved. You must also comply with all other state, federal or local government permits, regulations or authorizations associated with the proposed activity including G.S. § 143-214.11. This acceptance is valid for six months from the date of this letter and is not transferable. If we have not received a copy of the issued 404 Permit/401 Certification within this time frame, this acceptance will expire. It is the applicant's responsibility to send copies of the permits to DMS. Once DMS receives a copy of the permit(s) an invoice will be issued based on the required mitigation in that permit and payment must be made prior to conducting the authorized work. The amount of the in -lieu fee to be paid by an applicant is calculated based upon the Fee Schedule and policies listed on the DMS website. Based on the information supplied by you in your request to use the DMS, the impacts for which you are requesting compensatory mitigation credit are summarized in the following table. The amount of mitigation required and assigned to DMS for this impact is determined by permitting agencies and may exceed the impact amounts shown below. River Basin Impact Location (8 -digit HUC Impact Type Impact Quantity Cape Fear 03030002 Warm Stream 186 Upon receipt of payment, DMS will take responsibility for providing the compensatory mitigation. The mitigation will be performed in accordance with the In -Lieu Fee Program instrument dated July 28, 2010 and 15A NCAC 02B .0295 as applicable. Thank you for your interest in the DMS in -lieu fee mitigation program. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Kelly Williams at (919) 707-8915. cc: Bradley Luckey, agent SVej,fill Rment Supervisor State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 1 217 W. Jones Street, Suite 3000 919 707 8976 T Brad Luckey From: Tiffani Bylow <tbylow@restorationsystems.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 1:59 PM To: Brad Luckey Cc: Tiffani Bylow Subject: RE: Cambridge Park -Stream Credit Request, HUC 0303002 Hey Brad - We do not have any stream credits available in the CF02 and will not have any for the next year+. Thanks!! Tiffani Tiffani Bylow I Restoration Systems, LLC 1101 Haynes St. I Suite 2111 Raleigh, NC 27604 p: 919.334.91231 c: 919.754.72781 f: 919.755.9492 www.restorationsystems.com From: Brad Luckey <bluckey@pilotenviro.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 11:00 AM To: Tiffani Bylow <tbylow@restoration systems.com> Subject: Cambridge Park -Stream Credit Request, HUC 0303002 Do you have —186LF of stream credits? Sincerely, Bradley S. Luckey, PWS 336.708.4997 (c) 336.310.4527 (o) PO Box 128 Kernersville, NC 27285 www.pilotenviro.com bluckev@pilotenviro.com