HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190397_R-2566BA_Bridge Replacement Discussion_Minutes_20180820_20180820Subject: Location: Minutes from Watauga River Bridge Replacement Discussion held on August 8, 2018 for R-2566BA in Watauga County. NCDOT Century Center Complex — Hydraulics Unit Conference Room Team Members: Steve Kichefski — USACE Marella Buncick — USFWS Claire Ellwanger — USFWS — FHWA Christopher Militscher — USEPA Marla Chambers — NCWRC Dave Wanucha — NCDWR Robert Patterson, NCDWR (present) (present) (present) (absent) (absent) (present) (phone) (present) Date of Minutes: August 20, 2018 The project involves the replacement of Watauga #5, the NC 105 bridge over the Watauga River. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss anticipated temporary and permanent impacts associated with the bridge replacement and roadway approach work. The meeting began at 8:00 am. General Notes / Comments • Nathan Adima (NCDOT PMU) opened the meeting and handled introductions. Additional Participants: Nathan Adima, NCDOT PMU Bill Zerman, NCDOT PMU Beverly Robinson, NCDOT PMU Brenda Moore, NCDOT Roadway Craig Lee, NCDOT Hydraulics Bill Elam, NCDOT Hydraulics (absent) Jason Dilday, NCDOT EAU Carla Dagnino, NCDOT EAU Marissa Cox, NCDOT EAU-BSG Jared Gray, NCDOT EAU-BSG (absent) John Jamison, NCDOT EPU Brian Lipscomb, NCDOT Stormwater Mark Staley, NCDOT REU (phone) David Harris, NCDOT REU (absent) Amber Lee, NCDOT SMU Keith Pascal, NCDOT SMU Greg Sealy, NCDOT Utilities (absent) Cameron Cochran, NCDOT Constr. Unit Trent Beaver, Div 11 Construction (phone) Heath Slaughter, Div 11 DEO (absent) Bob May, Wetherill Engineering Zach Richard, TGS Engineers David Petty, TGS Engineers (Minutes) Craig Lee (NCDOT Hydraulics) mentioned this project, R-2566BA (BA section), is contained within a larger future R-2566B (B section) project. The BA section was spilt out due to the bridge needing replacement before the full B section can be ready for Letting due to a bridge inspection giving a low sufficiency rating. There was discussion as to whether another meeting would be needed for the BA section and if so, to be referred to as 4C or other. A follow up meeting at the bridge site was requested to discuss constructability issues and related impacts (at which time it can be discussed as to whether an additional meeting is necessary). Subsequent to this meeting, email correspondence from NCDOT PMU indicated a meeting will be held onsite August 22, 2018 at 9:30 am, prior to the field inspection currently scheduled for that afternoon. David Petty (TGS Engineers, Hydraulics Engineer) discussed redline drainage planset sheet by sheet. TGS noted the proposed right of way shown on the redline drainage plans (the plans posted on the PDEA Merger site in preparation for this meeting) has been superseded. The intent now is for proposed right of way for the BA section to be Page 1 of 4 sufficient to cover the future B section. In areas where proposed drainage causes jurisdictional impacts, effort has and will be made to design drainage to work for both the current BA section and future B section. Sheet 4 TGS mentioned 3 pipe outlets (Str# 402, 405, 409) which substantially carry offsite drainage and discharge on east side of NC 105 and are then dissipated with Class I riprap. These are within the transition from existing to full 4-lane divided typical and are within the area that will be further widened in the future B section. Per inquiry, it was noted that the pipe systems have been designed substantially to work for the B section also. While the inlet structures (2G1's & CB's) may have to be moved out and pipe extended upstream, the proposed pipe and outlets should work for the B section and remain in place. TGS noted impacts to UT to Watauga River (SGS) have been minimized with a Berm Ditch Outlet (BDO) being proposed (Str# 406) at the top of the 0.75:1 rock cut slope. Per comment, following field inspection, coordination with the B section designers will take place to confirm BDO is located sufficiently upstream to work for the wider B section (and will be adjusted slightly upstream if necessary). • Per inquiry, it was noted that there are no longer any proposed retaining walls on the -L- line as these were eliminated with the previous alignment shift. Per inquiry regarding UT (SGS) only shown upstream of the existing pipe, Jason Dilday (NCDOT EAU) indicated it discharges from the pipe down the bank with no discernable channel. Sheet 5 TGS noted 3 additional pipe outlets (Str# 505,511,516) which are very similar to the 3 on sheet 4 as they substantially carry offsite drainage and are dissipated with either Class B or Class I riprap. NCWRC expressed concerns about disturbance to salamanders and hopes to meet onsite to evaluate best places to outlet drainage to avoid disturbances. It was noted that the Hellbender Salamander may be proposed by USFWS for listing in September 2018. If it is proposed, it could then be listed as threatened or endangered next fall. NCDOT EAU-BSG is coordinating with Lori Williams (NCWRC) to acquire Hellbender point data from the last Hellbender survey in this area (2011). EAU-BSG is doing a passive Hellbender survey around Labor Day (September 3rd). Current estimation is over a dozen Hellbenders in this area. • Bridge: o TGS noted that the proposed 3 span bridge with a total length of 270' has been laid out to minimize both temporary and permanent impacts to the Watauga River. Page 2 of 4 o Proposed end bent excavation has been minimized. It is proposed at the maximum practical elevations to allow for bridge inspection and to avoid riprap slope extending down in the river at the upstream end of end bent 1. o Runoff on the existing bridge discharges directly to the Watauga River, however; runoff from the proposed bridge is collected and routed to a BMP in the east quadrant. A Base Grassed Swale is currently shown. Brian Lipscomb (NCDOT Stormwater) noted, due to anticipated subsurface conditions and likely difficulty in establishing grass cover, this may be changed to a Biofiltration Conveyance consisting of step pools with rock at surFace and filter media underneath. o TGS provided a hardcopy of a preliminary sketch of Class II rip rap temporary workpads proposed at elevation 2729' on each side of the river which are necessary for removal of the existing cast-in-place concrete piers and spread footings. Cameron Cochran (NCDOT Construction Unit) discussed construction issues and the need to extend temporary workpads upstream to the upstream face of the proposed bridge. He expressed concerns about equipment access under the existing bridge with respect to the current layout of proposed interior bents and said he will evaluate further. Cameron indicated the likelihood of temporary workpads remaining in place for a substantial portion of the construction duration to build the upstream portion of the bridge, then to demolish the existing bridge and complete construction of the bridge. Cameron anticipates the workpads will need to be in on both sides of the river at the same time to set the center spans, which may block more than 50% of the stream. Per request, following this meeting, TGS sent preliminary sketch of temporary workpad area to Cameron for his markups and further consideration prior to the onsite meeting anticipated in late August. o It was noted that giant boulders in area may also pose construction issues. o It was noted the upstream wingwall of end bent 1 is shown to catch the localized shoulder fill and prevent the need for a riprap lined slope normal to the wing spilling down in the river. Sheet 6 • TGS noted the proposed system (Str # 601,602,603,604) to replace the existing 60" CMP and 36" CMP has been designed to accommodate both the BA section and future B section as well as to minimize impacts to the UT's to Laurel Fork (SGT &SGU) and Laurel Fork. o Class I riprap is proposed in base of channel at the proposed 72" RCP outfall (Str# 604) to diffuse flow and provide a stable transition to Laurel Fork. Concerns were expressed about the outlet channel and making sure it will be stable and have the lowest possible velocities. TGS to evaluate outfall channel stability. o TGS noted there are no proposed drops throughout the system or at the outlet — an improvement over existing conditions as the 60" CMP outlet is perched 2'. After discussion and in consideration of minimizing outlet velocities and stability given the topographic constraints, Steve Kichefski (USACE) noted that aquatic Page 3 of 4 passage could be waived in favor of more stability since existing pipe outlet is perched 2' and not currently providing wildlife passage. TGS to evaluate revising system to possibly include a drop at the 10' diameter manhole to reduce outlet pipe slope. o TGS noted both inlets are currently proposed to be buried — an improvement over existing conditions as the existing 60" CMP is not buried. NCDOT Hydraulics noted that, if the inlets were to be buried, the steep stream would likely wash out any sediment and therefore, recommend the inlets not be buried. TGS to revise plans adding a note that reads "No burial at inlet" and a waiver is to be included in the permit drawing submittal. o TGS noted the plan is to add a stream plug detail at the outlet of the existing 60" CMP. o TGS noted 10' of temporary impacts for a pump-around outside the trout moratorium are anticipated upstream of each inlet. o Per inquiry, it was noted that drainage system construction techniques would be discussed at the field inspection with the Division currently scheduled for August 22, 2018. Preliminary assumption is an open cut as bore and jack is very likely not feasible due to proximity to Laurel Fork and topographic constraints. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 am. Page 4 of 4