HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040275 Ver 3_Information Letter_20090605Department of Environment and Natural Resources Project Review Form Project Number: 09-0346 County: Rowan and Davidson Due Date: FYI ONLY Date Received: 06/05/2009 Project Description: Finding of No Significant Impact - Update - Improvements to 1-85 from north of SR 2120 (Exit 81) and US 29-52-70/1-85 Business (Exit 87). TIP No. 1-2304A - FOR YOUR INFORMATION - NO COMMENTS REQUESTED Project is for your information and file only is roject is eutg reviewe as m icate e ow: Regional Office Regional Office Area In-House Review _ Asheville ? Air - Soil & Water - Marine Fisheries _ Fayetteville ? Water - Coastal Management - Water Resources ? Mooresville ? Aquifer Protection Wildlife - Environmental Health _ Raleigh ? Land Quality Engineer ? Wildlife - DOT - Solid Waste Mgmt Forest Resources Radiation Protection Washington - Land Resources Other Wilmington - ? Parks & Recreation ? Winston-Salem - - Water Quality Water Quality - DOT ; Air Quality Manager Sign-Off/Region: In-House Reviewer/Agency: Response (check all applicable) No objection to project as proposed. - No Comment insufficient information to complete review - Other (specify or attach comments) If you have any questions, please contact: Melba McGee, Environmental Coordinator at melba.mcgee@nemail.net . MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT AMONG THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION, NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, AND NORTH CAROLINA STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION. OFFICER FOR WIDEN AND IMPROVEMENTS TO A 6.8-MILE SECTION OF INTERSTATE 85 (I-85) FROM NORTH OF SR 2120 (EXIT 81) TO US 29-52-70/1-85 BUSINESS (EXIT 87) DAVIDSON AND ROWAN COUNTIES, NC TIP PROJECT I-2304A FEDERAL AID PROJECT NHF-85-3(164)80 WHEREAS, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has determined that the widening and improvements to a 6.8-mile section of Interstate 85 (I-85) from north of SR 2120 (Exit 81) in Rowan County to US 29-52-70/1-85 Business (Exit 87) in Davidson County (the Undertaking) will have an adverse effect upon the Yadkin River Crossings Historic District, a property determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and includes Fort York, Rowan County Bridges 46 and 392, North Carolina Railroad Bridges 1 and 2, Beard's Bridge site, Big Island, and the Trading Path Road Trace as contributing elements; and WHEREAS, the Undertaking will require the removal of Rowan County Bridge No. 392 and may result in the removal of Rowan County Bridge No. 46; and WHEREAS, the FHWA has consulted with the North Carolina State Historic Preservatioi, 04",,cr (SI1PO) pursuant to 36 CFR Part 800, regulations implemratiag Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. 4700; and WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) has participated in the consultation and been invited by FHWA and the North Carolina SHPO to be a signatory to this Memorandum of Agreement (MOA); and . WHEREAS, the Counties of Davidson and Rowan and the Trading Ford Historic District Preservation Association have participated in the consultation and have been invited to concur with the MCA; and WHEREAS, the FHWA has notified the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (Council) of the adverse effect and the Council has declined to comment or participate in the consultation; NOW, THEREFORE, FHWA, NCDOT, and the North Carolina SHPO agree that the Undertaking shall be implemented in accordance with the following stipulations in order to take into account the effects of the Undertaking on the historic district. . STIPULATIONS The FHWA and.NCDOT shall ensure that the following measures are carried out: 1. Photodocumentation of Bridges Prior to the initiation of work, NCDOT shall record Rowan County Bridge Nos. 46 and 392 and their surroundings in accordance with the attached Recordation Plan (Appendix A). NCDOT shall deposit copies of the documentation with the SHPO, Historic Architecture Group of NCDOT, North Carolina Transportation Museum in Spencer, Davidson County Historical Museum, and Historic Salisbury Foundation, Inc. within three (3) years of the execution of this MOA. II. Wil-Cox Bridge (Rowan County Bridge No. 46) NCDOT, in accordance with its Bridge Reuse and Relocation Program, shall attempt to find a new owner for the Wil-Cox Bridge. A new owner must be willing to accept all future financial and legal responsibility for the bridge, including title, liability, and maintenance. NCDOT will assist the new owner(s) in the identification of and application for financial resources to maintain the bridge if requested in writing by the new owner. NCDOT and FHWA will comply with Section 144(0) of Title 23 of the U.S.Code, entitled "Historic Bridge Program," which provides for the reasonable costs associated with actions to preserve, or reduce the impact of a project on the integrity of historic bridges. However, if no willing owner is identified by completion of the Right Of Way Consultation, NCDOT may elect to remove the bridge as a part of the Undertaking. In the event the Wil-Cox Bridge is removed, NCDOT shall provide a sidewalk and pedestrian-safe railing on the replacement bridge so that pedestrians may safely cross the Yadkin River. III. Design of Replacement Bridge(s) on US 29/70 NCDOT shall develop plans/designs for the replacement bridge(s) in the Yadkin River Crossings Historic District that, barring unforeseen circumstances, should last more than fifty (50) years. Prior to completion of the final Design-Build Request for Proposals for the Undertaking, NCDOT shall afford the SHPO and concurring parties an opportunity to review and comment on the specifications for the parapet and bridge rail. If no comments are received from the SHPO or concurring parties within thirty (30) days of confirmed receipt, NCDOT can assume that the SHPO and concurring parties do not object to the proposed specifications. Should any of the parties notified have questions about or comments on such specifications or desire a meeting to discuss the design, FHWA and NCDOT shall arrange ajoint consultation to address such questions and comments. 4 IV. Borrow Pit and Waste Areas Waste and borrow areas proposed by the contractor will be reviewed by the SHPO in accordance with the NCDOT Special Provision. Special consideration shall be given to any proposed waste or borrow areas within 1 /2 mile of the river. V. Staging Areas NCDOT shall not permit staging areas for construction within the boundary of the Yadkin River Crossings Historic District. For the purposes of this agreement, staging areas are defined as (1) the storage of equipment or materials that are not needed for the construction/demolition of the bridges over the Yadkin and (2) the placement of temporary offices or trailers. NCDOT may permit overnight parking of equipment and storage of materials, associated with current construction needs, within the construction right-of-way limits along any part of the project corridor. VI. Heritage Kiosk NCDOT will provide the public with information about the historical and cultural significance of the Yadkin River Crossings Historic District. NCDOT will design and produce a custom kiosk at a location specified by the SHPO (with input from the Counties of Davidson and Rowan and the Trading Ford Historic District Preservation Association) within one (1) year of the completion of construction of the Undertaking. 1. More specifically, NCDOT will research and design the interpretive panels; design the structure, provide funding for fabrication of the kiosk, and install the kiosk at the site along with a small area for visitors to park their vehic.:,s. 2. Prior to fabrication of the interpretive panels and kiosk structure NCDOT shall afford the SHPO and concurring parties an opportunity to review and comment on the panels and structure. If no comments are received from the SHPO or concurring parties within thirty (30) days of confirmed receipt, NCDOT can assume that the SHPO and concurring parties do, not object to the proposed specifications. Should any of the parties notified have questions about or comments on such specifications or desire a meeting to discuss the design, FHWA and NCDOT shall arrange a joint consultation to address such questions and comments. 3. NCDOT will maintain the parking area and execute a municipal agreement with Davidson County to transfer maintenance responsibility of the kiosk to the county after NCDOT installs the kiosk. NCDOT will also provide S 10,000 (ten thousand dollars) to the county for future kiosk maintenance costs. VII. Unanticipated Discovery in accordance with 36 CFR 800.11(a), if NCDOT identifies additional cultural resource(s) during construction and determine them to be eligible for the NRHP, all work will be halted within the limits of the NRHP-eligible resource(s) and the FHWA and SHPO contacted. If after consultation with the Signatory and Concurring Party(ies) additional mitigation is determined necessary, the NCDOT, in consultation with the Signatory and Concurring Party(ies), will develop and implement appropriate protection/mitigation measures for the resource(s). Inadvertent or accidental discovery of human remains will be handled in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes 65 and 70. VIII. Dispute Resolution Should any of the Signatory or Concurring Party(ies) object within (30) days to any plans or documentation provided for review or object to the implementation of any of the stipulations pursuant to this MOA, the FH WA shall consult with the objecting party(ies) to resolve the objection. If the FHWA or objecting party(ies) determines that the objection cannot be resolved, the FHWA will forward all documentation relevant to the dispute to the Council. Within thirty (30) days after receipt of all pertinent documentation, the Council will either: 1. Provide the FHWA with recommendations which the FHWA will take into account in reaching a final decision regarding the dispute, or 2. Notify the FHWA that it will comment pursuant to 36 CFR Section 800.7(c) and proceed to comment. Any Council comment provided in response to such a request will be taken into account by the FHWA, in accordance with 36 CFR Section 800.7 (c) (4) with reference to the subject of the dispute. Any recommendation or comment provided by the Council will be understood to pertain only to the subject of the dispute; FHWA and NCDOT's responsibility to carry out all of the actions under this agreement that are not the subject of the dispute will remain unchanged. IX. Amendments If any Signatory to this MOA believes that its terms cannot be carried out or that an amendment to the terms must be made, that party(ies) shall immediately consult with the other party(ies) to develop amendments in accordance with 36 CFR 800.6(c)(7). If an amendment cannot be agree upon, the dispute resolution process set forth in Stipulation VIII will be followed. X. Termination Any Signatory to this MOA may terminate the agreement by providing notice to the other parties, provided that the signatories and concurring parties will consult during the period prior to termination to seek agreement on amendments or other actions that would avoid termination. Termination of this MOA will require compliance with 36 CFR 800. This MOA may be terminated by the execution of a subsequent MOA that explicitly terminates or supersedes its terms. Xl. Duration Unless terminated pursuant to Stipulation X above, this MOA will be in effect until FHWA, in consultation with the other Signatory and Concurring Party(ies), determines that all of its terms have satisfactorily been fulfilled or if NCDOT is unable or decides not to construct the Undertaking. Execution of this Memorandum of Agreement by FHWA, NCDOT and the North Carolina SHPO, its subsequent filing with the Council, and implementation of its terms evidence that FHWA has afforded the Council an opportunity to comment on the Undertaking that FHWA has taken into account the effects of the Undertaking on the historic properties. AGREE: Federal Highway Administration n C? f ' 4 John F. Sullivan, III, P.E. Division Administrator State Historic Pres^r> 3tf-in Officer: 5/i4107 Date ' _'S 13D?' Jeffery J i Date North Carolina Historic Preservation Officer North Carolina Department of Transportation: (Ott Greg Thorpe, Project Devel R Environmental Analysis Branch Manager S l3 0? Date MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT AMONG THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION, NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, AND NORTH CAROLINA STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER FOR WIDEN AND UPGRADE A 6.8-MILE SECTION OF INTERSTATE 85 (1-85) FROM NORTH OF SR 2120 (EXIT 81) TO US 29-52-7011-85 BUSINESS (EXIT 87) DAVIDSON AND ROWAN COUNTIES, NC TIP PROJECT I-2304A FEDERAL AID PROJECT NHF-85-3(164)80 Execution of this Memorandum of Agreement by FHWA, NCDOT and the North Carolina SHPO, its subsequent filing with the Council, and implementation of its terms evidence that FHWA has afforded the Council an opportunity to comment on the Undertaking that FHWA has taken into account the effects of the Undertaking on the historic properties- CONCUR: Ro rt C. Hyatt Davidson County Manager .5- /L/-6? Date i MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT AMONG T=FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION, NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, AND NORTH CAROLINA STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER FOR WIDEN AND UPGRADE A 6.8-MILE SECTION OF INTERSTATE 85 (I-85) FROM NORTH OF SR 2120 (EXIT 81) TO US 29-52-70/1-85 BUSINESS (EXIT 87) DAVIDSON AND ROWAN COUNTIES, NC TIT PROJECT I-2304A FEDERAL AID PROJECT NHF-85-3(164)80 Execution of this Memorandum of Agreement by FHWA, NCDOT and the North Carolina SHPO, its subsequent filing with the Council, and implementation of its terms evidence that FHWA has afforded the Council an opportunity to comment on the Undertaking that FHWA has taken into account the effects of the Undertaking on the historic properties. CONCUR: Date Rowan County MF _1VM10 W.i:M OF AG REE1'IEN" I' A %1C3NT TITF F'E:PMtr_. MGIIT.I:iI U].UNISTEUTION. NORTHCAROLFN,A UI Y,SK'1'd1@'N"I't1F"I RAN'SPORTATION, AND NUR I'll C'A ZOLLNA STATE HISTORIC VRF sF:RVvJ ION 0l'r1CER FOR NV1DF.:N AND liPC:RAI)E. A 4.8-NimE sFc-rION OF INTERSTATE 85 (T-85) FROM NORTH OR SR 2120 (H11'f SI) -1'0 US 29.52•'71.11-85 BUSINESS (F:YIT 87) DAVIDSON AND RONVAN COUNT'IF:S_ NC. TIP PROJECT I-2304A VE ERAI AID PROJECT NIiF-85-3{1(,4)8(1 ExecUtiCn of this .lfernur-andum of n?TCC ll:r( h}' FH W A, K(-*D(_YI' >nd Lht: `:'oft: l'a*Cdi,ta SHPO. its sulrsr?ucnt fens; -4:111 the C<tunr-dl, and implemrnta;ioc- of its tc=5. evidence thal FHWA m5 afnordcd the Councit au apputtardty W ..::tt::c]cnt Ln- the UrsderMkLng that E ItiYA has ta?:et i .,o .3ccoun! the. c teas cot 111t; Ulideru!';iue+rr: 'hc iuslel'le propenies. CONCUR: Ann W,-jwn:cc Trail ar, Forl Hi.slr•re Distrir:; P7e.r :t;'iCn :45eocin'iotl May 15, 2009 I):dc - Signature statement: 1 have signed this concurrence form solely to preserve my rights as a Concurring Party under the temr of the MOA. I do not agree that this MOA adequately protects or mitigates the effect of the project on historic properties tinder Section 106 of the N HPA or Section 4(t) of the DOT act. APPENDIX A Historic Structures and Landscape Recordation Plan Widen and upgrade a 6.8-mile section of Interstate 85 (1-85) from north. of SR,2120 (Exit 81) to US 29-52-70/1-85 Business (Exit 87) Davidson and Rowan Counties, NC TIP Project 1-2304A Federal Aid Project NHF-85-3(164)80 PHOTOGRAPHIC REQUIREMENTS ? Overall views of Rowan County Bridge Nos. 46 and 392 and their immediate surroundings. ? Images showing the details of the superstructure and substructure of Rowan County Bridge Nos. 46 and 392 PHOTOGRAPHIC FORMAT ? All images will be captured, labeled, and stored according to the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office's, "Policy and Guidelines for Digital Photography for Historic Property Surveys, National Register Nominations and NRAC PowerPoint Presentations, Revised November 2008." COPIES AND CURATION ? One (1) set of all photographic documentation will be deposited with the North Carolina Division of Archives and History/State Historic Preservation Office to be made a permanent part of the statewide survey and iconographic collection. ? One (1) set of all photographic documentation will be deposited in the files of the Historic Architecture Group ofNCDOT, North Carolina Transportation Museum in Spencer, Davidson County Historical Museum, and Historic Salisbury Foundation, Inc.. 4. North Carolina Department of Transportation PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTATION FORM T.I.P. Project No. I-2304A I. II. III. GENERAL INFORMATION a. Consultation Phase: Right-of-Way and Construction b. Project Description: I-85, from north of SR 2120 (Exit 81) in Rowan County to US 29-52-70/I-85 Business (Exit 87) in Davidson County c. State Project: WBS No. 34156; (Formerly TPl No. 8.1631403) Federal Project: NHF-85-3(164)80 d. Document Type: Finding of No Significant Impact - December 15, 2003 CONCLUSIONS The above environmental document has been reevaluated as required by 23 CFR 771. It was determined that the current proposed action is essentially the same as the original proposed action. Proposed changes, if any, are noted below in Section III. It has been determined that anticipated social, economic, and environmental impacts were accurately described in the above referenced document(s) unless noted otherwise herein. Therefore, the original Administration Action remains valid. CHANGES IN PROPOSED ACTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to improve I-85 from north of SR 2120 (Exit 81 - Long Ferry Road) in Rowan County to US 29-52- 70/1-85 Business (Exit 87) in Davidson County. The project location is shown on the attached area and vicinity maps; Figures 1 and 2, respectively. This project is necessary to relieve congestion and to improve traffic flow along I-85, within the project limits. Adequate access and connectivity for area residents will also be enhanced by the project. Additionally, improvements to this section of I-85 are needed to effectively accommodate increased traffic demand on a regional level and to establish congruency within the regional system. The NCDOT proposes to widen the subject section of I-85 to an eight-lane facility with a 46-foot wide median. Interchanges and service roads inside the project limits will be revised to accommodate the proposed mainline improvements. Inadequate structures will also be replaced within the 6.8-mile long project limits. The project scope is shown on the attached public hearing map in Figures 3-1, 3-2 and 3-3. After the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was approved on December 15, 2003, the project lost funding in the Transportation Improvement Program. Previously, right-of-way acquisition was - 1 - scheduled to begin in 2003 and construction was scheduled to begin in 2006. The project is now progressing to right-of-way acquisition and construction in 2009. Proiect Design The following minor design changes have occurred since the FONSI was signed: A proposed service road (-SR2-) and the accompanying storm drainage system adjacent to the Yadkin River Crossings Historic District have been revised to avoid impacting the historic property containing the trading path road trace. The location of -SR2-, that will now terminate prior to intersecting SR 2124 (Hackett Road), is shown in Figure 4. The components of the Yadkin River Crossings Historic District are shown in the attached map; Figure 5. Due to the redesign of this service road, access to parcels 33 and 34 will no longer be possible. NCDOT plans to provide alternative access under the new structure or purchase the access to these parcels or may purchase parcels 33 and 34 shown in Figure 3-1, should the landowners not wish to retain their land without access to Hackett Road. (These parcels are also as parcels 3 and 4 in Figure 4.) This action will be resolved in the project contract. The proposed dual structures for new I-85 bridge span both the Yadkin River, with its associated flood plain, and the existing railroad right-of-way of the North Carolina Railroad Company (NCRR), which is operated subject to a trackage rights agreement by Norfolk Southern Railroad. This railroad serves both freight and conventional intercity passenger trains, and is a component of the federally-designated Southeast High Speed Rail Corridor. A portion of two rail tracks will be rebuilt on the NCRR right of way, under the proposed I-85 dual structures crossing the Yadkin River, adjacent wetlands and railroad right-of-way. NCDOT will rebuild these existing rail line segments, in addition to accommodating modem vertical and horizontal clearances for the designated high speed rail lines to be built under the proposed I-85 bridges. The high speed rail lines will be constructed in the future, along this section of the NCRR right-of-way. As part of this overall project, NCDOT will also will realign a difficult to navigate curve in the railroad tracks at this location and will tie the realigned rail segments into the exiting rail lines, north and south of the proposed I-85 bridges that will span the railroad right-of-way. This realignment will allow a 44% increase in track speeds (from the current 45 mph to 65 mph). These multi-modal actions will improve energy efficiency and overall performance through this portion of the corridor. See Figures 6 and 6A for this location. Bridge No. 46, the Wil-Cox Bridge, was constructed in 1922. Rehabilitation is not an option for this historic structure, due to its deteriorated condition. Bridge No. 46 and Bridge No. 392 are two-lane, one-way structures that will be replaced by a single bridge constructed at the current location of Bridge No. 392. Due to future traffic projections, the proposed replacement bridge will convey two-way traffic with a single -2- lane of US 29/US 70 in each direction. Ownership, liability and maintenance responsibilities for Bridge No. 46 have been declined by Rowan County Commissioners. Good-faith discussions continue with Davidson County Commissioners in regard to the county assuming ownership and subsequent preservation of this structure. The location of these bridges is shown on Figure 6 and in Figure 7. Design Noise Report One traffic noise barrier is proposed for construction in I-2304A and is located on the west side of I-85, immediately south of the I-85 Business/I-85 interchange. This area is shown in Figure 8. The project is to be let as a design/build project. To facilitate the design/build process, NCDOT will revise the existing Design Noise Reports by using the current TNM®version 2.5 software and incorporating the analytical results for both project sections into one report. The proposed noise barrier is anticipated to remain. Completion of the revised NCDOT Design Noise Report is expected prior to project letting and will be resolved in the project contract. Air Ouality Analysis The revised Air Quality Analysis was prepared on March 3, 2009, to provide updated information meeting current FHWA reporting requirements, particularly regarding Particulate Matter (PM 2.5) and Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSATs). A qualitative PM 2.5 hot-spot analysis is not required for this project, since it is not an air quality concern. The Clean Air Act and 40 CFR 93.116 requirements were met without a hot-spot analysis, since this project has been found not to be of air quality concern under 40 CFR 93.123(b)(1). All inter-agency groups, as well as USEPA: Region 4, agreed that these requirements were met without performing a hot-spot analysis. This project meets the statutory transportation conformity requirements without a hotspot analysis. Notice of the revised Air Quality Analysis was posted on the Piedmont Triad Council of Governments website for 45 days, beginning on February 24, 2009, and ending on April 10, 2009. No comments were received. With regard to attainment status, the current conformity determination is consistent with the final conformity rule found in 40 CFR Parts 51 and 93. There are no significant changes in the project design concept or scope, as used in the conformity analyses. The project is located in both Rowan and Davidson Counties, which comply with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. This project will not add substantial new capacity or create a facility that is likely to meaningfully increase emissions. Therefore, it is not anticipated to create any adverse effects on the air quality of these attainment areas. -3- IV. LIST OF ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITMENTS NCDOT will implement all practical measures and procedures to minimize and avoid environmental impacts. See the attached list of project commitments. V. COORDINATION PDEA personnel have discussed current project proposals with others as follows: Director of Preconstruction: Deborah Barbour. P.E. December 2008 - January 2009 State Highway Design Engineer: Art McMillian. P.E. Project Engineer: Project Engineer: Project Engineer: Program Management Unit Cathy Houser, P.E. Roper Thomas. P.E. Teresa Bruton. P.E. Roper Rochelle. P.E. Program Management Unit: Program Management Unit: Program Management Unit: TIP - Central Region: Division 9 Engineer: Division 9 ROW Agent: Area 3 Locating Engineer: Div. 9 Consm. Engineer: State Bridge Mgmt. Engr.: SHPO-Historical Resources: FHWA Div Admin.: FHWA Operations: Virginia Mabry Nicole Hackler. P.E. Keith Eason. P.E. Mike Stanley, P.E. Pat Ivey. P.E. Rodney Hatton Patrick Tuttle Keith Raulston. P.E. Daniel D. Holderman. P.E. Renee Gledhill-Earley John Sullivan. P.E. Clarence Coleman. P.E. December 2008 - January 2009 December 2008 - February 2009 December 2008 - February 2009 December 2008 - February 2009 December 2008 - April 2009 January 2009 - March 2009 January 2009 - March 2009 December 2008 - April 2009 December 2008 - April 2009 December 2008 - April 2009 December 2008 - April 2009 December 2008 - April 2009 December 2008 - &ril 2009 February 2009 - March 2009 December 2008 - April 2009 December 2008 April 2009 December 2008 - April 2009 -4- FHWA Engineer: Felix Davila. P.E. December 2008 - April 2009 FHWA Engineer: Robert Ayres, P.E. December 2008 - March 2009 FHWA Engineer: Edward Dancausse. P.E. December 2008 - April 2009 Yadkin District Historian: Ann Brownlee December 2008 - April 2009 Yadkin District Historian: Nan cy Simpson, PhD. December 2008 - April 2009 Structure Design Unit: Lonnie Brooks, P.E. April 2009 Rail Division Director: Pat Simmons April 2009 Yadkin, Inc. / Alcoa: Marshall Olson March 2009 Yadkin, Inc. / Alcoa: Jody Casson March 2009 - April 2009 In addition to the list above, the public and state and federal regulatory agencies have had the opportunity to review and comment on the proposed project, throughout the project development process, as described below: Start of Study Letter Project Scoping Meeting Citizens' Informational Workshop Concurrence Point 1 Meeting (Purpose and Need) Concurrence Point 2 Meeting (Alternatives to be Studied) Design Public Hearing Concurrence Point 3 Meeting (LEDPA) VI. NCDOT CONCURRENCE Pr ject Plann' Engine Manager of Planning annvironrrtental Branch VII. FHWA CONCURRENCE - , (!o? Federal Highway Administration Division Administrator August 7, 1998 January 28, 1998 September 09, 1998 August 22, 2000 August 22, 2000 July 26, 2001 December 13, 2001 S I 20c1 Date s? Date S „5 cq Date -5- PROJECT COMMITMENTS I-85 North of SR 2120 (Exit 81) in Rowan County to US 29-52-70/1-85 Business (Exit 87) in Davidson County Rowan-Davidson Counties Federal Aid Project No. NHF-85-3(164)80 WBS No. 34156, State Project No. 8.1631403 T.I.P. Project No. 1-2304A Commitments Developed Through Project Development and Design Proiect Development and Environmental Analysis Branch / Transportation Program Management Unit Because the subject project lies within a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) licensed hydro plant project boundary (the Yadkin Project), approval for land transfer must be obtained by NCDOT in the form of a FERC license revision. Coordination with the proper FERC officials shall take place and the process to obtain a FERC permit will be followed. A portion of the subject project lies within the Yadkin Hydroelectric Project boundary, (Project No. 2197), as licensed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). For this reason, NCDOT must receive prior written permission from Alcoa Power Generating, Incorporated (APGI), before beginning construction. This permission would most likely be in the form of a Construction Permit and/or easement, in accordance with the Yadkin Project Shoreline Management Plan (SMP). More specifically, the Industrial Use Approval Procedures are outlined in Appendix F to the SMP. Because the project is considered a 'new bridge or road,' the SMP requires 1) agency consultation, 2) 45-day prior notice to FERC and 3) APGI written permission (SMP Appendix F, Table 2). The Transportation Program Management Unit will coordinate with the proper APGI officials to obtain a FERC permit revision for this project. Geotechnical Unit It is anticipated that the proposed widening of I-85 and interchange reconstruction along I-85 will encroach on one property identified as an underground storage tank (UST) site. The project has been designed to minimize impacts to this UST site to prevent the possibility of long-term costly remediation. This impacted site will be further evaluated before the project's construction. Proiect Development and Environmental Analysis Branch Due to its historical significance, Bridge # 46, which carries US 29-70 over the Yadkin River in the southbound direction, will remain in place but will be closed to vehicular traffic. The bridge will remain in place to serve pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Ownership, liability, and maintenance responsibilities are currently being discussed by the Rowan and Davidson County Commissioners, the Transportation Museum, and the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). It is anticipated that these issues will be resolved before the project construction. The issues related to ownership, liability and maintenance responsibilities have not been resolved by the above-mentioned parties. These issues continue to be discussed by the local officials. Rehabilitation of Bridge No. 46 (Wil-Cox Bridge) is not an option due to the present state of deterioration. After submission of the Notice of Adverse Effect to the Council in February 2009, FHWA entered into negotiations with NCDOT, NC HPO and other consulting parties to develop a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to mitigate the effects of the project on the Yadkin River Crossings Historic District. Davidson and Rowan Counties attended the initial meeting and informed all parties that they may not be able to honor their original intention to take ownership of the historic Wil-Cox Bridge. Rowan County commissioners voted against participating in preservation of the bridge, while the Davidson County commissioners have decided to work in good faith with FHWA and NCDOT towards taking ownership of the Wil-Cox Bridge, once the entire 1-85 Yadkin River Bridge Project is completed. The ultimate fate of the bridge is unknown at this time, but the attached MOA has been drafted to accommodate for the effects of either outcome. Right of Way Branch It is anticipated that thirteen Geodetic Survey markers will be impacted by this project. The North Carolina Geodetic Survey will be contacted prior to construction regarding the relocation of survey markers along the project. Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch'/ Structure Design Unit Removal of Bridge # 137, which spans the Yadkin River, potentially results in 1,254 cubic yards of temporary fill. NCDOT will implement Best Management Practices for Bridge Demolition and Removal. ' Upon further analysis of the amount of temporary fill resulting from bridge demolition, it was determined that only the amount of fill from the substructure would result in temporaryfill. The likely potential amount of fill resulting from bridge demolition will be approximately 430 cubic yards. NCDOT will implement Best Management Practices for Bridge Demolition and Removal. Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch The project may have an impact on a low income community in the Williams Trailer Park area located along 1-85, south of SR 2124 (Hackett Road). During the project development process, no concerns have been raised by the public or local government officials concerning environmental justice issues. NCDOT will aggressively seek participation of this low-income community in the public involvement process. NCDOT held two meetings with the citizens of the Williams Trailer Park. The first meeting was held in the Spencer Town Hall on 6/19/2001, and the second meeting was held in the North Carolina Transportation Museum on 6/24/2002. During these meetings, the design was presented to the trailer park residents and their input and concerns, related to the project, were obtained. In addition to these meetings, a more detailed analysis was performed to determine the impacts to this area and the determination has been made that this project does not create impacts related to Environmental Justice for the Williams Trailer Park. An on-site community studies review and analysis was conducted by the NCDOT Community Studies staff on March 6, 2009. No major area development or land use changes were observed inside the project limits since the Design Public Hearing was held. i Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch / Design Services Unit Based on preliminary studies, five areas were identified as possible noise barrier locations. These noise barriers were determined to be unreasonable, due to the cost of the noise reduction benefits versus the cost of the abatement measures. However, the project will be re-evaluated for noise abatement measures once more detailed designs are complete. The project was re-evaluated for noise abatement measures. Noise mitigation in the form of a wall was analyzed for several areas along the project. For the I-2304AA section, one location, known as Barrier Location 2, it was determined that a barrier in this location is considered reasonable and feasible by NCDOT guidelines. Hence, a noise wall is recommended in this area. Further coordination with the affected residents and/or businesses will take place concerning this proposed noise wall. One traffic noise barrier is proposed for construction on I-2304AA and is located on the west side of I-85, immediately south of the I-85 Business/I-85 interchange. The projects are proposed to be concurrently let as Design/Build. To facilitate the Design/Build process, NCDOT will revise the existing Design Noise Reports by using the current TNMmversion 2.5 software and incorporating the analytical results for both project sections into one report. The proposed noise barrier is anticipated to remain. Completion of the revised NCDOT Design Noise Report is expected in mid-May 2009. Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch / Design Services Unit / Construction Unit A roadside memorial exists within the project limits; however it is not anticipated to be impacted by this project. This memorial, dedicated in 1929 by the North Carolina Historic Commission which currently owns the property, was investigated for its historical significance. It was determined that the Trading Ford Monument is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Based on this site visit and other information compiled by NCDOT, no additional archaeological work was deemed necessary for this site. The Historic Preservation Office has requested that the bronze plaque be returned to them if the monument has to be removed during construction. Additionally, NCDOT will coordinate with local officials and SHPO to determine if there is a more suitable location for the marker. According to the current plans, the roadside memorial (Trading Ford Monument) will not be affected by the construction of this project. . Design Services Unit / Structure Design Unit In accordance with the FERC requirements, a Construction Permit will be issued to NCDOT once all requested information is reviewed and approved by the FERC. The construction permit will contain a condition, among many others, with regard to existing bridges that NCDOT will be required to remove all concrete down to the existing muck line so that it will not be a hazard or act as a "catch" for floating debris. Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch The biological conclusion for the Bald Eagle was revised to "Not Likely to Adversely Affect". This conclusion was approved by the USFWS. Because eagles may potentially nest in this area, NCDOT will survey for bald eagles prior to construction of the project. As of January 31, 2008, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service lists two federally protected species for Davidson County. Those species are the bog turtle and Schweinitz's sunflower. The USFWS lists one federally protected species for Rowan County, which is Schweinitz's sunflower. No new species have been added by the USFWS since the completion of the E.A. however, the bald eagle has been delisted since then. The bald eagle was officially delisted on August 8, 2007 (CFR 50 Pan 17) and is still afforded protection under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. The biological conclusion of `No Effect' remains valid for the above mentioned species. The NCDOT Natural Environment Unit will update the project Threatened or Endangered Species Report during the fall 2009 survey window. BRIDGE No. 46 (WIL-COX BRIDGE) BRIDGE No. 392 and Railroad Bridge FIGURE 7 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PROJECT DEVELOPMENTAND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH 1-85 from North of SR 2120 to US 29-52-70/1-85 DAVIDSON AND ROWAN COUNTIES TIP PROJECT I-2304A County: Davidson/Rowan Div: g TIP#1-2304A Figure WBS: 34156 Date: 2J10/09 F7 e r ,J Begin Project a MILES 0 0.25 0.5 0.-75- 1 0 0.5 1 1.5 KILOMETERS -- l End Project 85 / 52 I 70 ;?l 85 ? / i / I ?.-, rb?' S Dint 1-11 -n t I "' NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS oc PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH 1-85 from North of SR 2120 (Exit 81) in Rowan County to US 29-52-701-85 (Exit 87) in Davidson County, Rowan-Davidson Counties Federal Aid Project NHF-85-3(164)80 State Project 8.1631403, TIP Project 1-2304A VICINITY MAP FIGURE 2 NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION- FINAL NATIONWIDE SECTION 4(f) EVALUATION AND APPROVAL FOR FEDERALLY-AIDED HIGHWAY PROJECTS THAT NECESSITATE THE USE OF HISTORIC BRIDGES F. A. Project NHF- 85-3(164)80 W.B.S. No. 34156; (Formerly Project No. 8.1631403) TIP No. I-2304A Description: in place, with a new structure conveying one lane of US 29-US 70 in each direction. I-85, from north of SR 2120 (Exit 81 - Long Ferry Road) in Rowan County to US 29-52-70/1-85 Business (Exit 87) in Davidson County. Bridge No. 392, constructed in 1951, will be replaced, Yes No 1. Is the bridge to be replaced or ? rehabilitated with Federal funds? X 2. Does the project require the use of a historic bridge structure which is ? on or eligible for listing on the X National Register of Historic Places? 3. Is the bridge a National Historic Landmark? El X 4. Has agreement been reached among the FHWA, the State Historic Preservation ? Officer (SHPO), and the Advisory Council X on Historic Preservation (ACHP) through procedures pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)? ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED AND FOUND NOT TO BE FEASIBLE AND PRUDENT The following alternatives were evaluated and found not to be feasible and prudent: Do nothing Does the "do nothing" alternative:_ (a) correct the problem situation that caused the bridge to be considered deficient? (b) pose serious and unacceptable safety hazards? 2. Build a new structure at a different location without affecting the historic Yes No El X X El Yes No X r integrity of the structure. (a) The following reasons were reviewed: (circle, as appropriate) (i)a he present bridge has already een located at the only feasible and prudent site and/or (ii) Adverse social, environmental, or economic impacts were noted and/o (iii) ost and engineering difficulties reach extraordinary magnitude and/o (iv The existing bridge cannot be preserved due to the extent of rehabilitation, because no responsible party will maintain and preserve the historic bridge, or the permitting authority requires removal or demolition. Yes No Rehabilitate the historic bridge without affecting the historic integrity of the X structure. (a) The following reasons were reviewed: (circle, as appropriate) (i) The bridge is so structurally deficient that it cannot be rehabilitated to meet the acceptable load requirements and meet National Register criteria and/or (ii) he bridge is seriously deficient geometrically and cannot be widened to meet the required capacity and meet National Register criteria MINIMIZATION OF HARM Yes No I. The project includes all possible planning X to minimize harm. 2. Measures to minimize harm include the following: (circle, as appropriate) 1i a. For bridges that are to be rehabilitated, the historic integrity of the bridge is preserved to the greatest extent possible, consistent with unavoidable transportation needs, safety, and load requirements. b. For bridges that are to be rehabilitated to the point that the istoric integrity is affected or that are to be removed or demolished, the FHWA ensures that, in accordance with the Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) standards, or other suitable means developed through consultation, fully adequate records are made of the bridge. c. For bridges that are to be replaced, the existing bridge is made available for an alternative use, provided a responsible party agrees to maintain and preserve the bridge. d. For bridges that are adversely affected, agreement among the HPO, ACHP, and FHWA is reached through the Section 106 process of the NHPA on measures to minimize harm and those measures are incorporated into the project. 3. Specific measures to minimize harm are discussed below: A photo record of the existing bridge will be performed and submitted for official record NCDOT will provide. the public with information about the historical and cultural significance of the Yadkin River Crossings Historic District. NCDOT will design and produce a custom kiosk at a location specified by the SHPO (with input from the Counties of Davidson and Rowan and the Trading Ford Historic District Preservation Association) within one (1) year of the completion of construction of the Undertaking. This informational kiosk will be designed and constructed, along with a small area for visitors to park their vehicles, as stipulated in the attached Section 106 Memorandum of Agreement. The FHWA and the NCDOT shall ensure that the measures in the attached Section 106 Memorandum of Agreement are carried out. COORDINATION The proposed project has been coordinated with the following (attach correspondence): a. State Historic Preservation Officer 01-14-2009 b. Advisory Council on Historic Preservation 02-17-2009 c. Local/State/Federal Agencies 01-14-2009 d. US Coast Guard _ N/A (for bridges requiring bridge permits) SUMMARY AND APPROVAL The project meets all criteria included in the programmatic 4(f) evaluation approved on December 23, 1986. i? All required alternatives have been evaluated and the findings made are clearly applicable to this project. Bridge No. 392 accommodates northbound US 29-70-150 traffic over the Yadkin River between Rowan and Davidson Counties. (See Figures 1, 2 and 3.) This bridge was built in 1951 and is a contributing member of the Yadkin River Crossings Historic District. (See Bridge 46, Bridge 392 and Railroad Bridge Photograph and refer to the Yadkin River Crossings Historic District Map.) Currently, Bridge 392 has a sufficiency rating of 51.1 and 10 years of remaining life. The concrete and steel superstructure of Bridge No. 392 is fracture critical, in that the failure of one bridge element will result in the failure of the entire bridge. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is in the process of eliminating fracture critical bridges on the national highway system. The FHWA will not participate in funding the rehabilitation of existing fracture critical bridges, except in certain rare situations. Additionally, this bridge is in such deteriorated condition, that rehabilitation is not cost effective. Bridge No. 392 cannot be widened to meet the required capacity, due to its fracture critical nature. Due to the required environmental protection measures, the existence of lead paint on the existing structural steel complicates any rehabilitation of this bridge. For these reasons, the rehabilitation of Bridge No. 392 is not recommended. This structure will be replaced in place as shown on the public hearing map. (See Figure 3.) There are no feasible and prudent alternatives to the use of the historic bridge. The project includes all possible planning to minimize harm, and there are assurances that the measures to minimize harm will be incorporated in the project. All appropriate coordination has been successfully completed. Approved: ate /?C Gregory J. Thorpe, PhD. Manager, Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch .5115)01 1 Date iv John F. Sullivo 0.;? Division Administrator, FHWA 4 I Fei(srul.lid t"i NI]K83-3(164)811 TIP 1-23040. Cnnnn': Dmidson!Rowan Gr CONCURRENCE FORM Fi7R ASSESSNtI \T OF Li f FCTS J'rr?ivCt ISnccrip:rn?: 1-» v: idcrijig tixmi will, of SR 2120 (FA St) In I. S.29->'-70%1.0 13n.;int s, (I?.eii S^) ('in(jII1=`,_I If N, mpie cmati yes, )i the S'/ North Candilta llepanmenl ATrmspnrcnnnn I-ederal ? li _h:va) :\rimims;ratio:i (PI IIVA) j? N orn: (;:Ir,Ann Sime Vista e lAscn own f; B Ru HUQ) Othcr itecieWtLI the 5lt}ljcu projc:t anti ati_rrced Ll I We are no cMYS on the National Re:;i>`t:•r-li-A p nTcrl;ipropoincs Irswed within;hc projew •s:uva of potential cHh, :axl listed on the rRierse. I hcTc. arc no eiieus on the Nnnonal RCLIS1Cf-c11??1'JIC OfOpeft ?`pl??pUriIC5 located wuldn the project': arva otfpotential effect and limed on the revcnc. [here, is an eflix: on To Namu l ReWster-listcd propertypropcnies Ipcnlod wilhin the pry w ': amp t) 1.o!whal dIct. 'I-lie propcm:prop&,ies anii the v.Pec((s) -arc listed on tilc ftvc:St- Ev There is nn citcc; on Ih:: Nptional Register-cligibl,? propcrt.y.proper cs located Whin the pIY11'um > amp Ul porennal ellect. IhC pmpc t niopc7,ics and illeei(a) arc IISiCd on T reyer c. . $i tc:d: FFTWA. Ior the or oTur Aderat Agency Repteseniativc. I I P(:) State I{istoric I'mscrvation Officer I/ q J ? 1 ?r, L Mae 11UL: !-1?}-CX Dal, (4, f ca U.S.Department North Carolina Division of Transportation Federal Highway February 17, 2009 Administration Mr. Reid Nelson, Director Office of Federal Agency Programs (OFAP) Advisory Council on Historic Preservation The Old Post Office Building 1100 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. No. 809 Washington, D.C. 20004 Dear Mr. Klima: 310 New Bern Avenue, Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27601 In Reply Refer To: HDA-NC The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is proposing the widening and upgrade a 6.8 mile section of Interstate 85 (1-85) from North of SR 2120 (Exit 81) in Rowan County to US 29- 52-70/1-85 Business (Exit 87) in Davison County, North Carolina. This Project is know as Federal Aid Project Number NHF-85-3(164)80 and NCDOT TIP # 1-2304. This project is subject to compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA), as amended, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) regulations for compliance (36 CFR 800). The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is the federal agency official for this project. The construction of this project will have an adverse effect on the Yadkin River Crossing, Historic District. This is because construction of a new bridge for US29-52-70/1-85 Business will require demolition of Bridge No. 392 (constructed in 1951) which is a contributing element to the district. This letter serves as notification of an Adverse Effect Determination pursuant to 36 CFR 800.6(a)(1). This notification does not offer a formal invitation to the Council for your participation in the consultation process because none of the circumstances specified in 36 CFR 800.6(a)(1)(I)(A-C) exist for this project. Attached is the adverse effect documentation required in 36 CFR 800.11(e). Should you have any questions, please contact Felix Davila at 919.747.7021 or felix.davila@.fliwa.dot.eov . Sincerely yours, /s/ Felix Davila For John F. Sullivan, III, P.E. Division Administrator Enclosures cc: Mary Pope Furr, NCDOT File: NHF-85-3(164)80 Reading File:9bI7pe01.fd Fdav i Ia:dkr:02/17/09 MOVING THE AMERICAN ECONOMY Adverse Effect Dccumemarion Widen and upgrade 1-85 //1-2304A Mary Pope Fun // February 2009 1. Brief Description of the Undertaking The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), proposes to widen and upgrade a 6.8-mile section of Interstate 85 (I-85) from north of SR 2120 (Exit 81) in Rowan County to US 29-52-70/1-85 Business (Exit 87) in Davidson County. The project involves widening the existing interstate to accommodate eight to ten lanes; reconstruction of interchanges, and construction of service roads as well as two new bridges over the Yadkin River to replace the existing bridges on I-85 and northbound US 29-52-70/I-85 Business. The project is needed to relieve congestion and improve traffic flow along I-85. In addition, safety concerns in this section of I-85 will increase with the removal and reconstruction of interchanges, service roads, merge lanes, and bridges. Adverse Effect Documentation Widen and upgrade I-85 // 1-2304A Mary Pope Furr // February 2009 information complied by NCDOT, no additional archaeological work was deemed necessary. In the same visit, Ms. Brownlee made NCDOT aware of the Trading Ford Monument, a 1929 roadside memorial erected and currently owned by the North Carolina Historic Commission. NCDOT Architectural Historians immediately consulted with the HPO and jointly determined that the Trading Ford Monument was not eligible for the NRHP in May 2002. On December 13, 2002, another field consultation, which included representatives from HPO and NCDOT, was conducted. The parties inspected locations previously reported by Ms. Brownlee to be of significance, including earthen berms and the Trading Ford Monument. During this field visit, it was agreed by all parties that the large scale, aboveground features may not represent Civil War or Revolutionary War-era activities. Rather they may be better interpreted as modem earthmoving activities associated with land/timbering management or railroad improvements however this conclusion should be contingent upon further archaeological testing and historical research. Furthermore, it was confirmed that the Trading Ford Monument was not eligible for the NRHP. On January 9, 2003, Ms. Brownlee submitted Study List applications to the HPO for four resources located within or near the APE; (1) Trading Path and Trading Fords, including the Cape Fear Road, (2) Yadkin Ford and Ferry, (3) Green's Crossing at the Trading Ford, and (4) Battle at Camp Yadkin. On May 9, 2003, she submitted an addendum to the Study List applications to the HPO in response to their request for more information. On June 12, 2003, at the request of Ms. Brownlee, four areas associated with the Trading Ford were presented at a meeting of the North Carolina National Register Advisory Committee (NRAC), resulting in their placement on the State Study List. Based upon continued concerns as expressed by Ms. Brownlee, the HPO and the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) recommended that NCDOT conduct an archaeological field evaluation of the earthen berm that she believed was associated with Fort York. The field excavation was supported by a complete and thoroughly documented synthesis of the Civil War engagement at Fort York in order to verify the presence or absence of Civil War earthworks in a definitive manner. In consultation with HPO and OSA, an extensive historical background was prepared, and a combined surface and subsurface archaeological investigation was conducted to identify and evaluate any archaeological sites at the subject location, in compliance with the Advisory Council for Historic Preservation Guidelines (36CFR 800). Based on these studies, the NCDOT concluded that no new archaeological sites were identified within the project's archaeological APE. Since no new sites or properties were identified as a result of the addendum investigation, no further archaeological work was recommended for the project, as currently designed. In September 2003, the addendum was submitted to the HPO and OSA for their review and comments. In correspondence dated October 27, 2003, the HPO and OSA concurred on the addendum's conclusions and requested that the final report contain a graphic illustrating the location of the test excavations. The final version of the addendum containing the new graphic as well as other minor revisions was forwarded to the HPO and OSA on December 5, 2003. In February of 2004, OSA accepted the results of the addendum and concurred that the Adverse Effeet Docutnenmtion Widen and upgrade 1-85 //1-2304A Mary Pope Fun// February 2009 were not eligible for the NRHP under Criteria A, B, or C, but they felt they had insufficient information to evaluate them under Criterion D. The Keeper reiterated the request for additional archaeological evaluation well outside the APE for the project. The Keeper did not comment on the eligibility of the Yadkin River Crossings Historic District. However, both FHWA and the ACHP feel that the NCDOT has made a reasonable and good faith effort to identify to identify eligible resources within the project's APE. Therefore, no further studies have been undertaken and the effects of the Undertaking on the Yadkin River Crossings Historic District have been assessed. 3. Description of the Affected Historic Properties The eligibility report and subsequent letters relating to the Yadkin River Crossings Historic District is included as an attachment to this document. In summary, the district is significant in the areas of transportation and military history and contains the following resources: • Big Island (appears on maps beginning in 1770) • Remains of Beard's Bridge/Piedmont Toll Bridge (c.1820) • Fort York/Camp Yadkin (Civil War encampment) • Wil-Cox Bridge/Bridge No. 46 (1924) • Bridge No. 392 (1951) • North Carolina Railroad Bridges 1 & 2 (1907 & 1919) • Trading Path Road Trace (historically documented to late seventeenth century) In addition, Ms. Brownlee's comments on the 2005 report are included as an attachment. Adverse Effect Documentation Widen and upgrade I-85 // I-2304A Mary Pope Furr // Febtuary 2009 Adverse Effect Documentation Widen and upgrade I-85 // 1-2304A Mary Pope Furr // February 2009 for the area residents and businesses. The No-Build Alternative does not improve the level of traffic service and traffic flow, resulting in breakdown of traffic conditions along this major interstate facility. Furthermore, the lack of action would not address the numerous safety concerns in this section of I-85. The proposed project will address the structural deficiencies of the bridges, pipes and culverts within the project limits while maintaining traffic along I-85 and US 29/70. Rehabilitation of Bridge No. 392 Bridge No. 392 accommodates northbound US 29/70 traffic over the Yadkin River between Rowan and Davidson Counties. Currently, it has a sufficiency rating of 51.1 and an estimated ten years of remaining life. The superstructure of Bridge No. 392 is fracture critical, which means that the breakdown of one element will result in the failure of the entire bridge. FHWA is in the process of eliminating fracture critical bridges on the system and will not participate in funding rehabilitation of a fracture critical bridge, except in rare situations.. Bridge No. 392 cannot be widened to meet the required capacity due to its fracture critical state and it is in such deteriorated condition (severe rust on the girders, exposed rebar in the diaphragms, and exposed aggregate on the columns) that rehabilitation is not cost effective. Also, the existence of lead paint on the existing structural steel complicates any rehabilitation of this bridge, due to the required environmental protection measures. For these reasons, the rehabilitation of Bridge No. 392 is not recommended. Rehabilitation of Bridge No. 46 "Wil-Cox Bridge" Bridge No. 46 conveys US 29/70 over the Yadkin River via two lanes in the southbound direction. Bridge No. 46 is an open-spandrel arch structure with ten years of remaining life and a sufficiency rating of 30.8. In light of its deteriorated condition (which includes spalling concrete in the spandrels, piers, and abutments) and substandard width for a two- lane facility, rehabilitation of this bridge is not an option. Furthermore, due to its fully- integrated concrete design, Bridge No. 46 cannot be widened to meet the required capacity. Therefore, NCDOT decided to work with local officials to see if they would be interested in acquiring the structure of the bridge and using it as a pedestrian/bicycle/limited- vehicular facility. NCDOT Architectural Historians have had numerous conversations with local groups, including the county commissioners for Rowan and Davidson Counties, the Transportation Museum, Historic Salisbury, and the former mayor of the Town of Spencer, about preserving the bridge. In June 2004, efforts to preserve the bridge were successful and culminated in Rowan and Davidson Counties forming a partnership to take over ownership of the bridge and preserve the arch structure after construction of the new bridges across the Yadkin River. This bridge will serve as a focal point of a heritage overlook area that NCDOT plans to create in the abandoned approach road. NCDOT plans to reinitiate negotiations with the counties for the preservation of the bridge as part of the resolution of adverse effects. 10 Adverse Effect Documentation Widen and upgrade I-85 // I-2304A Mary Pope Fun // February 2009 6. Summary of the Views of the State Historic Preservation Office and Any Interested Parties The concurrence form for Assessment of Effects and correspondence from the HPO are included in the Appendix. Also included are a sampling of articles from local newspapers and several letters from local historian Ann Brownlee. The following is a list of consulting parties for the project. • HPO • NCDOT • Ann Brownlee, local historian • Nancy Simpson, local historian • ALCOA, adjacent property owner • Davidson County Commissioners • Rowan County Commissioners ATTACHMENTS ? Letters and meeting minutes concerning eligibility determination ? 2005 Eligibility assessment for Yadkin River Crossings Historic District ? Ann Brownlee's comments on the historic district ? 2009 Assessment of Effects Sections of the public hearing map 12 ALNaO3 NOsalANQ Md SSYMSns S8-dl oLZ"Z sia OZ AJdViI03 NKHOW AY ozlz XS 90 IUMON N02& S8-I 90 NOd.E3! MUN03HU os(tgDE-s8-jwv Zaz!O?ld•v(lI;mcz-d) £oprEm .d3Hf®ud a O 1 ', 1 R flr D R • n* i' v: X D / z O ? j D 2 ? O D v z D C7 m O O m O u CA X A H A a? D ZC ZX ZX ;P C A X X X r? X[ N '!J' ? / O CN O a r- r r ?` v? ON ON OO ? O N N r O N- I _ __ i??`v' ?m?z?m<a oonm?zc,zo?A°pzz zm° z- ? .1 ? `' d/ A> D A C Z N ? ao y ^ o m vmAi A N N < y-Ni ? N r N ? C c) "' y Z i "?` P c p n p n y °D °s o 0 0 :Dj p O c a " m c m p< F i s i ~ O - - r4r4 `?" ?? ?. m D r N 3 N m m mm C > D << < O r-- y?... p n po co z c m 'Z W a) N a n o I '? tJ \ r z Z C C ff A m T i O _ d ?(n v ?? G7 rn?AFrN?POe„e??RWa" A`c- co !PIT F ! ?!J fA ^ v MATCHLINE 1 T :9 a b ? _ t, •, i ? -17 ? r. --. m? 4' p ? F c m _ -' Q z m MATCHLINE 1 8 O z p i n A r Ao N N N7 G uN .? 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