HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180874 Ver 1_Certified Receipt_20180817■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also comptete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Mr. ScoH Cole. PE, Div�sion Engineer NCDOT. Division 10 716 West Mam Street Aibematle. NC 28001 A. SignaNre X ❑ Agent ❑ Atltlressee B. Receivetl by (Pnntetl Namef C. Date of Delivery D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑ �es It VES, enter delivery adtlress helow: ❑ No 3. Service Type ❑ Certified Mail ❑ Registared ❑ Insured Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Ratum Receipt for Merchantlise ❑ c.o.o. 4. AestriCted Oeliverf! (Exfra Fee) ❑ v� 2. ArticleNum�er 7006 2150 000s 736� 9724 (iransler lmm service Iabe1J . oc o�..., QRi i oe�,.�,�.., onnn n,...,,,�.�,. o,..,�.., o.,,.,...,. .,,��„� ��....... UNITEO STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail I Postage & Fees Paid ! USPS Pertnit No. G-10 � • Se�der: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • Division of Water Resources Wetlands Branch Kristi Lynn Carpenter 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 Poste9a I $ Certi�iad Fee � Poslmerk Retum Recelpl Fee Hera (Entlorsemen� Requiretl) Res�dcle0 Delivery Fee (En7orsement Requlretl) ti Total Postage 8 Fees � Sen�To Mr Scotl Cole, PE. �ivision Engmeer - NCDOT, OivisVon 10 � """"""' __....... � sneei, APi. No.; 716 West Mam Street � o.poeorr�o. qlbemade. NC 28001 ......... ....... _. qty. Slelo. ZIPrd �eAified Mail Provides: • Amallingrecelpt ■ AunlqueitleniNlerioryourmellpiece ■ A recortl of delivery kept by the Postal Servlce tor two years mportenf Remindere: ■ CeMdietl Mall mey ONLV be combined with Flrst-Class Mail� or Priority Mail, ■ CertNied Meil Is not availeble for any cless oi Intemationel meil. ■ NO INSURANGE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certitied Mail. Fa veluables, please conslder Insured or Reglstered Mall. � For an atltlitional �ee, a Retum Recelpt meY be requested to provide proof o delivery. To obtain Retum Receipt service, O'e� complete antl ettach e ReNn Receipt (PS Porm 3871) to the article antl etltl applicable postage to cover thi fae. Endorse mailplece'Ramm Recelpt Raquested'. To receive a lee waiver foi a duplicate reNm receipt, a USPS� postmark on your Certifietl Mail receipt i: reqmretl. � For an flddlHonal lee, tlelivery may be restrictetl to tha atltlressea o adtlressea's authodzed agent. Advi58 the Clerk or mark the mailpiece with th� endar5ement "RBstricleODelivery'. ■ II a posimark on t0e Cehifiatl Mail receipl is dasiretl, please prasent the arti cle at the post oHice tor postmarking. It e posimerk on the Cerlilietl Ma receipt is not needed. tletach antl affix label with postage and mail. MPOHTANT: Save thls recelpt and present It whan makinp an Inquirp. 'S Fortn 3800. August 200f (Feverse) PSN ]53P02-000-90 r�