HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180839 Ver 1_DCM Correspondence_20180808Carpenter,Kristi From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Brittingham, Cathy Wednesday, August 08, 2018 1:33 PM Carpenter,Kristi Ward, Garcy FW: CAMA Major Permit Application, NCDOT, R-5014, Dare County R-5014 Request for Review Agency Comments, electronic, Garcy Ward.docx; R-5014 field report.pdf Follow up Flagged Cathy Brittingham, Transportation Project Coordinator N.C. Division of Coastal Management (919) 707-9149 phone cathy.brittin lg�iam(a�ncdenr.gov Mailing Address: c/o DWR Wetlands Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Physical Address: 512 North Salisbury Street Archdale Building 12�n Floor, Room 1204G Raleigh, NC 27604 Please visit https:l/deq.nc.qovlabout/divisions/coastal-manaqementl for more information about the N.C. Division of Coastal Management. E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From: Brittingham, Cathy Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2018 1:20 PM To: Garcy Ward <Garcy.Ward@ncdenr.gov> Subject: CAMA Major Permit Application, NCDOT, R-5014, Dare County Please see attached. Cathy Brittingham, Transportation Project Coordinator N.C. Division of Coastal Management (919) 707-9149 phone cathy.brittin lg�iam(a�ncdenr.gov Mailing Address: c/o DWR Wetlands Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Physical Address: 512 North Salisbury Street Archdale Building 12�n Floor, Room 1204G Raleigh, NC 27604 Please visit https:((+�ec�.nc.qav(a�aut/u�ivisians(caastal-cu�ana, ea� raoent/ for more information about the N.C. Division of Coastal Management, E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties DNISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT APPLICANT'S NAME: North Carolina Department of Transportation 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: The project is located on SR 1217 (Colington Rd.} beginning at road terminus and extending for approximately 4.2 miles to US 158 in Kill Devil Hills, Dare County, TIP No. R-SQ14. Latitude: 36°Ol' 15.8" N Longitude: 75°42'39.6" W Latitude: 36°00'48.0" N Longitude: 75°39'42.6" W 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA and D&F 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Date of Site Visit — June 29, 2018 Was Applicant Present — No 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received Complete: June 22, 2018 Office — Elizabeth City 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan — Kill Devil Hills; Dare County Land Classification from LUP: Commercial/ResidentiaUConservation (B) AEC(s) Involved: CW, PTA, PTS, EW, ES (C) Water Dependent: Yes (D) Intended Use: Public (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing — N/A Planned - N/A (F) Type of Stxuctures: Existing — Road for public use Planned — Bicycle pathway / Road for public use (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Source — N/A 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] EXCAVATED FILLED OTHER (A) Open Water 435 sq. ft. (rip rap) 188 sq. ft. (fill impact to SAV area) 3,050 sq. ft. (fill) (B) Coastal Wetlands 443 sq. ft. 6,970 sq. ft. (C) USACE Wetlands 45,300 sq. ft. Temp. Hand Clearing: I4, 375 sq. ft. (D) High Ground 840,000 sq. ft. (D) Total Area Disturbed: 910,761 sq. ft. (E) Primary Nursery Area: No (However it is a Special Secondary Nursery Area) (F) Water Classification: SC Open: No FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION R-5014, Kill Devil Hills, Dare County PAGE #2 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: Construct bike lanes on each side of the road and address other safety issues, including areas that flood during storm events and high wind driven tides by resurfacing, widening and raising the corridor and realigning portions of the roadway. Due to the proposed project, overhead utility lines (power and communications) and a water main will be relocated. The total length of the project is approximately 4.3 miles. 9. NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION: Project Setting SR 1217 (Colington Rd.) provides the only roadway access onto Colington Island and can be categorized as primarily residential, but does include several commercial/retail/restaurant properties. The roadway is classified as a rural local route in the North Carolina Statewide Functional Classification System. Colington Rd. crosses the town limits of Kill Devil Hills at approximately SR 1452 (Baum Bay Dr.) and the municipal limit coincides with the boundary of the Wright Brothers National Memorial (WBNM) property, owned by the National Park Service. The roadway passes through the WBNM property from Baum Bay Dr. to Mustain Ave. The Kill Devil Hills Town Hall complex is located near the eastern project limits. The existing maintained road shoulder contains vaxious grasses. Beyond the maintained shoulder, vegetation consists of typical eastern North Carolina coastal plain mixed pine/scrub forest, including Red Maple, Loblolly Pine, Sweet Gum, Wax-Myrtle and various sedges. Coastal Wetlands in the project area include Black needlerush (Juncus �oemerianus) and Saw Grass (Cladium jamaicens). Colington Rd. is a two-lane roadway with 9' travel lanes and 2' grassed shoulders from the end of the road to Bermuda Bay Blvd. The road is a three-lane roadway with approximately 12' travel lanes and 2' grassed shoulders from Bermuda Bay Blvd. to US 158. All of the intersections in the project area are un-signalized, with the exception of Veterans Dr. and Colington Rd. Two bridges are located on Colington Rd. in the project area. These are Bridge No. 5(32' wide x 165' long over Colington Cut) and Bridge No. 6(32' wide x 491' long over Colington Creek). There are two NCDOT wetland mitigation sites along Colington Rd. within the project area, Colingion Cut and Colington Creek. These two existing mitigation sites are associated with the replacement of the two bridges, which was authorized in 1992 by CAMA Permit No. 70-92 and CAMA Permit No. 71-92. The existing right of way is predominately 60', but widens to as much as 140' adjacent to the existing bridges. Existing right of way varies from 55' to 100' from the Kill Devil Hills municipal boundary to US 158. No bicycle or pedestrian path/pathway exists along Colington Rd. from the western terminus to Baum Bay Drive. A 10' wide paved multi-use path parallels the north side of Colington Road from Baum Bay Drive to Bermuda Bay Boulevard. From Bermuda Bay Boulevard to Veterans Drive, paved multi-use paths parallel both sides of the roadway. The multi-use path on the north side of Colington Road ends at Veterans Drive. A signalized crosswalk that is located at Colington Road and Veterans Drive aligns with the multi-use paths on both sides of the roadway. The multi-use path on the south side of Colington Road continues FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION R-5014, Kill Devil Hills, Dare County PAGE #3 from Veterans Drive eastward past the project limits, crossing US 158 and NC Highway 12. Overhead power lines axe located throughout the project area, except between Baum Bay Dr. and Bermuda Bay Blvd. within WBNM property. A high voltage power transmission line follows the border between Kill Devil Hills and WBNM property and crosses Colington Rd. on the east side of the Baum Bay Dr. intersection. Additional underground power utilities lines cross the roadway at several locations within the project area. Water lines run the entire length of Colington Rd. and are located at approximately the edge of pavement. There is no public sewer service along the Colington Rd. corridor and septic systems are in use throughout the project area. Stormwater runoff controls and existing ditch systems are located throughout the roadway corridor. Stormwater runoff from the existing roadway flows directly into existing controls/systems or flows directly into the road shoulder ending in adjacent wetlands or surface water. Public trust usage in the area include boating and fishing(crabbing). Include the wooden pier that was discussed at the 12/20/17 meeting. Blounts Bay, Colington Creek, and the contiguous canals have all been classified as class SC waters by the Environmental Management Commission in the area of the proposed construction. National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has identified Blounts Bay and Colington Creek as Essential Fish Habitat (EFH). Colington Creek has been designated as a Special Secondary Nursery Area within the project area. This project is located within the Pasquotank River Basin. Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) have been documented in Blounts Bay (widgeon grass and Eurasian watermilfoil) and Colington Creek (widgeon grass, Eurasian watermilfoil, sago pondweed), including within the project area. The waters of Colington Creek and Blounts Bay in the project area are listed as Joint Waters by the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries, and the waters of Colington Cut south of Colington Road are designated as Inland Waters by the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries. Waters in the project area are classified as closed to Shellfishing. There are no documented archaeological resources in the project area. The eastern most portion of Colington Rd. is located in or adjacent to Wright Brothers National Memorial, which is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. A cemetery is located adjacent to Site 11. Project Proposal The applicant states the purpose of this project is to reduce roadway flooding and improve the operation/safety of Colington Road. NCDOT proposes to resurface Colington Road and raise, widen, and horizontally realign portions of the roadway corridor. The existing 9' travel lanes will be resurfaced and 2' unpaved shoulders will be maintained from road terminus to Colington Drive. New 11' travel lanes with 10' shoulders (T paved in order to accommodate new bicycle pathway} are proposed from Colington Drive to Baum Bay Drive. Only the south side of roadway bicycle path continues from Baum Bay Drive to Bermuda Bay Boulevard where the new pathway connects to e�sting south side multi use path. A proposed crosswalk at STA 195+48.22 will allow connection from the new south side bicycle FIELD TNVESTIGATION REP�RT: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION R-5014, Kill Devil Hills, Dare County PAGE #4 path to the existing multi-use path on the north side of the roadway adjacent to WBNM. Existing travel lanes and shoulders will be maintained on Colington Road adjacent to WBNM between Baum Bay Drive and approximately 900' east of Veterans Drive and will only be resurfaced in order to avoid additional impacts. From approximately 900' east of Veterans Drive to US 158 11' travel lanes, an 11' two-way center turn lane, and 8' shoulders (4' paved) are proposed. One additional dedicated left turn lane is proposed on eastbound Colington Road at the intersection with US 158. The proposed 7' paved shoulders (between Colington Drive and Baum Bay Drive) and 4' paved shoulders (from approximately 900' east of Veterans Drive to US 158) will accommodate bicyclists. Approximately 1' of the width of the paved shoulder (between Colington Drive and Baum Bay Drive) will consist of a painted stripe to provide a buffer area and bicycle safe pavement marking will be used to provide an auditory warning to vehicle traffic encroaching onto the paved shoulder. The proposed project will require grading and widening of the existing roadway shoulder sections to accommodate an additional asphalt surface on both lanes. Road shoulder fill will extend into jurisdictional wetlands (at Sites 1,3, 4, 5, 6— 9, and 12 - 21) in order to establish a uniform shoulder adjacent to the roadway. The proposed project will improve curves with limited sight distance by shifting sections of the roadway to reduce the curve radii and are proposed in the vicinity of Site 4, Site 5, and Site 11. Road grade elevation will be increased (at Sites 4,5,9,10,1314,16, and 18) to improve vehicle navigability during flooding events. Existing retaining wa11s will be removed and new reta.ining walls constructed at the intersection of Colington Road and Colington Pointe Drive. Designated Wall 1 will be approximately 42' long and designated Wall 2 will be approximately 1 QO' long. Both walls will be approximately 5' ta11. Approximately 4,612' of new guardrail will installed in the project area. In several locations the new guardrail will replace existing guardrail. Due to the increased shoulder width, existing culverts are proposed to be extended at Site 2, Site 9, and Site 12 (extensions include 24' of 24" culvert, 2T of 36" culvert, and 25' 0�48" culvert). The road bed is proposed as the disposal area for material excavated from Coastal Wetlands. Roadway fill slopes have been designed to be 3:1 in jurisdictional areas, except at Site 16 which incorporates 2:1 slopes utilizing rock plating from STA 163+08 to STA 1'73+60 in the vicinity of SAV Habitat. Ditch side slopes have been designed to be 3:1 and where possible ditches have been designed to meet grass swale criteria. Proposed roadway ditches will tie into existing systems/outlets ending in adjacent wetlands or surface water. Class B rip rap/geotextile fabric dissipater pads will be utilized to slow erosive velocities where necessary. Toe protection utilizing Class B rip rap and geotextile fabric will be utilized in roadside ditches at STA 72+18 to STA 74+30 and STA 74+30 to STA 74+53. A"Do Not Disturb Wal1" will be installed in the right of way (near Site 11) to protect the cemetery and headstones and will tie into an existing wall at the location. The existing bridges on Colington Road will not be improved as part of this project. The existing parking area at the Colington Cut mitigation site will be maintained. Traffic will be maintained at all times during construction of the proposed project. The applicant states that lanes closures may be necessary during various stages of construction, but will not be allowed during periods of peak traffic volumes. FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION R-5014, Kill Devil Hills, Dare County PAGE #5 The roadway project would require the relocation of existing overhead utilities (power/communications) to accommadate construction of road improvements. The Town of I�ill Devil Hills will replace an existing 8" AC waterline with new 8" PVC waterline from STA 210+00 right to STA 232+00 left. Dare County Water will abandon an existing 8" AC waterline and the NCDOT cantractor will install a 12" PVC waterline which will directionally bored at STA 88+52 to STA 96+63, STA 123+99 right to STA 127+97 right, and STA 174+30 right to STA 178+10 right. CenturyLink will directionally bore a new underground cable at STA 65+10 left to STA 71+151eft, STA 74+75 right to STA 77+10 right, and STA 94+00 right to 96+00 right. Anticipated Impacts The applicant states that total avoidance of wetland and surface waters was not possible due to the location of Colington Road. The fill activities related to this project would result in permanent impacts of 36,155 sq. ft. (0.83 acres) to Jurisdictional Wetlands with 6,970 sq. ft. of impacts to Coastal Wetlands. The proposed project impacts approximately 14,375 sq. ft. (0.33 acres) of Jurisdictional Wetlands (no temporary impacts to Coastal Wetland) by temporary hand clearing. This project has approximately 3,485 sq. ft. (0.08 acres) of permanent and 2,1787 sq. ft. (0.05 acres) of temporary Surface Water impacts. Installation of proposed culvert extensions will result in fill impacts to approximately 250 sq. ft. below NHW/NWL and fill impacts of approximately 38 sq. ft. to Coastal Wetlands. The applicant states that there is approximately 4' of permanent Existing Channel impacts and 8' of temporary Existing Channel impacts all located at Site 2. The proposed utility relocation results in approximately 437 sq. ft. (0.01 acres) of temporary fill and 8,276 (0.19 acres) of temporary hand clearing impacts to Jurisdictional Wetlands. Proposed project areas with SAV utilize 2:1 slopes and rock plating to minimize impacts. Approximately 188 sq. ft. of SAV Habitat will be impacted by fill material (Site 16). A portion of wooden bulkhead located on a contiguous canai at Site 9, will be removed within the proposed right of way and the bulkhead outside of the proposed right of way will remain. The N.C. Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) has accepted responsibility far providing mitigation for 0.16 acres of Coastal Marsh and 0.67 acres of Riparian Wetlands impacts as indicated in their acceptance letter dated May 1, 2018. No mitigation is proposed for the stream impacts related to this project. A localized increase in turbidity can be expected during any in-water construction activities related to the proposed project. According to the permit application, the N.C. Department of Marine Fisheries and the N.C. Wildlife Resource Commission reviewed the project site and determined_an in-water work moratorium from April 1 to September 30 is necessary in order to protect SAV and juvenile fish. The project will require the relocation of seven residences. No businesses or non-profits will require relocation from the project. This project followed the NEPA/404 Merger Process, which includes input from multiple FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION R-5�14, Kill Devil Hills, Dare County PAGE #6 �� federal, state and local agencies, and opportunities for public comment, throughout the project development and environmental analysis. Techniques that have been implemented to minimize and avoid impacts from this project include, but are not limited to, the use of 2:1 fill slopes with rock plating within and adjacent to areas of submerged aquatic vegetation, the use of 3:1 fill slopes in other jurisdictional areas, avoiding impacts to two existing wetland mitigation sites, committing to an in-water work moratorium from April 1 to September 30, and multiple project redesigns to minimize impacts to the natural and human environment. NCDOT Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds are proposed due to the designation of High Quality Waters north of Colington Road. A Concurrence Farm for Assessment of Effects to the Wright Brothers National Memorial was signed by the State Historic Preservation Office on 10/20/15 as No Effect due to resurfacing only in the boundary of the WBNM properly. Vehicle and pedestrian traffic along Colington Rd. would be impeded during the construction period of the project, however, the public is expected to benefit upon completion of the project by the increase in the safety of the new roadway. Public Trust usage will be impeded in areas adjacent io construction activities throughout the proposed project area. Submitted by: Greg Daisey — Elizabeth City District — July 25, 2018 ROY COOPER Covern or MICHAEL S. REGAN s��r�ta,y BRAXTON C. DAVIS �ireccor MEMORANDUM TO: NORTH CAROLINA Envlronmental Quality August 8, 2018 Garcy Ward, DWR 40UWetlands Unit FROM: Doug Huggett, Major Permits Processing Coordinator C/O Cathy Brittingham, Transportation Project Coordinator Division of Coastal Management SUBJECT: Applicant: Project Location: CAMA/DREDGE & FILL Permit Application Review North Carolina Department of Transportation SR 1217 (Colington Rd) beginning at road terminus & extending for approximately 4.2 miles to US 158 in Dare County. Proposed Project: Construct bike lanes on each side of the road & address other safety issues, by resurfacing, widening & raising the corridor and realignment portions of the roadway. Relocate overhead utility lines and a water main. Application Materials: Provided electronically as follows. Application submittal (148 pages): https://xfer.services.ncdot.�ov/pdea/PermA�s/R- 5014%20Individual%20CAMA%20Dare%20June%2019%202018.pdf DCM Field Investigation Report (6 pages): Attached pdf. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by August 29, 2018, to Cathy Brittingham at cathy.brittin ham ,ncdenr.gov or by regular maii at 1617 Maii Service Center, c/o DWR Wetiands Unit, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. If you have questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Greg Daisey at (252) 264-3901, etc. 249. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data are requested. REPLY Signed This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project, only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached memo. Date N������A.z�--D_E Q � oepanmentof Environmenta� qua�i� NorYh Carolina DepartmenY of Environmental QualiCy ( Division oP CoasCal ManagemenY DWR Wetlands UniC ( 512 North Salisbury SYreet I 1617 Mai( Service Center ( Raleigh, NorCh Carolina 27699-1617 919.707.9149