HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190397_Environmental Evaluation of CMA_20180810.�.� �.�,� �.-.��� ,��., �..,� , . ., . r���.. -�.. �'= 4 � w,� _ _. . � C h Envirnr�m�ntal E�=aZu��i�n of Calcium-E9aynesium Aceta�e {ChiA) Cali£arnia Stat� IIegt, of Transportatican Sacraa;ento Prepared for i'edec�.1 Hi=.�h�ay �..dr;ieititcati�r„ i�lashir.gton, I� Jvn 85 �s �.. L `w''�� r.:= `v� E` '-;'���^ �_, r , ... s �..�� . .��:� �,.ktz�"�'1'� a�. �r � Ls '�"� �,�:r,.,..,<ms"�-'r�'.. pae,-a�ssai s nnr�w� «eroui SiwKOkRO TI4lE PaGE niwOni �a0. 2 GOVERNUErvt �GCESS�ON NO > � � �� � . .. �� ..,., FN49f.JR�-34/094 � P'3&5-228541 f. T�TLE /�rv0 SVOTITI[ � ..-. 5. REPONT C aTE EPEVIRQP�"�tEt�TnL EVn(.UATIOi� OF June 7985 Ct1�CIUi'1-M?.Gi�E$SU?1 ACET%tTE �Ct�iA} d =c«Foa.,���oa��„�z.r�o��o�E •�rwoa<u �. wcavan..�„c ow<nw�zwr�ow rvcaorsr rao. Gary R, ldinters, Jeffrey 6idley and Narold Hunt 57328-E04212 1. PEIIFORYING ONLIW12ATION N<Y$ �HO /.00PC19 �O. npWF VNIr M9 Office of Transportation laboratory �p California Department of Transportation �� =��*R^<*aT=a•�r�o;;sk Urder �acramento, Catifornia 958I9 DOT-!=H-i1-8250 7 N. TvwF GK RQVORT � pER�00 COYEneO 13. SPON9pR�N6 �GENCY NFMC tN0 n.ObREY3 Caiiiornia Department of Transportation Final Report Sacranento, Ca7ifornia q��Q7 ��,»o�,sowrz.cxcevcrcone 1!.!V>PLYNCXTARVNOTL9 Tn�S research was acconptisha_d �iri4��' (��rect contract for t5e Federal Highway Administratiorz's research project, "Environmertal Evaluation af Calcium-Maqne>ium hc�tate As An Alternative Hight�rav Deicino fheriicat" �e nasxnw<r — �----..�. This report prasents the results cf a literature survey and a 7in;itec� laboratory s�udy on the environmer�a7 impacts of Calcium magnesium acetate (Gt9A). La6oratory tests vaere performec on fish, zooplankton, phytoplcnkton, common roadside p7ants and soil;. �90 infor•mation vras fouad on surface water qua7ity, groundwater quality, or air quality, CMH is 7ess taxic than NaCI to Rai�bow trout, Fathsad h�1innows, and most plant species tested. Cf�iN is not taxic �nough to prevent it from being used as a deicer. Carefully contro77ed field studies should be perforned to dererm;ne hovr Ctt; ic:pacts naturai syster;s, .er-,voaos � o�s-a�evr�o.+erare�..c.vr --� Chik, calcium-magnesium, acetate, �io restrictions. This docu�er.t i en.=ironmenta7, biolcgy, soits avaiiabte to the pubtic through the vegetation, dei�ing rhe�aicat.� �;aticnal Technicai tr,formati;�n Service, Springfield, UFi �;:7E; SECuw�v...�,RSS�F �caiN�swEcoRri sEcuP�iv<�,�sss' �OiTr��g>�ck: uQ ocu�GE1 2- �Unclassif9ed ��� Unclassified � i ��`�'�5� ,, �. -- .� •��� �rvcY.vt�o� N�ATI�C�iJAi. TE:�NN3Ch.L .. INFORMATION SERVsCE � . � US. �FP2RipE41 Gf £JMNFRCE , . S�FtbGPtELG_ Yd. 22!sl � � _ . ��;� ��� , . _Y r �� ,. �� .� ..�.�y� NOTICE This document is disseminated under the s,�onsorship of the Department of Tra�sportaticn in the interest o` information exchange. The United States Government assures no liahi]ity for its contents or use thereof. The contents of this report reftect the views of the authors, who are re- sponsible for the facts and the accuracy of the da u presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reftect the official policy of the Depoar�nent of Transportation. This report does not cor.stitute a standard, specificatio�, or regutation. The United States Governmer.t does not endorse pr•ociucts or ma�tufattur<rs. Trade or manufacturers' rsares appear herein onty because they are considered essential *.a Lhe ebject �f th9s docus�ent. 6 < 5� .� .. _ �_,� , � � <�� � . � ,� TF�BLE OF' CONTENTS Page List of Figures ii List of Tables iii Executive Summary l I. Sntroduction 10 II. Conclusions and Recommendations �� � � III. Errviranmental Evaluation 14 i A. Surface tvater: Quality, Groundwater Quality and 14 Air Quality B. Aquatic Ecology 14 1, fiish Bioassays 14 2. Zaoplanktan Bioassays 20 3. Phytc;�lan�ton Bicassays 37 C. Terrestrie:l Ecclogy 6C 1, Roads�de Vegetation Study 60 2. Soil Lvaluation 67 D, Literature Czted �J j.: LIST OF FIGURES 1. Young Rainbow Trout { a mo gairdnerij used in static acute to.r�city 6ioassays 2, Test acuaria with eyed egg cups, tox:cant at noted concentration and net screen chamber for transfer of just hatched alevins 3. Rcrylic egg cups 4. Open topped nylon screen chamaers witn alevins 5, Individual 1�5 ml wide mouth ;ars used for raising inc3ividual Daphnia @3apd and conci�cting tests, Large aauariun in backyraund useci for. mass cuiturina 6. Rackground light source used to vzec�� Pa�hnia maana c7uring testing 7. Algae flask replicates placed on osci2lating table in � enviranmental chamber ii. Turner Fluorometer and a single replicate of flasks used in determining alyal 9rowth rates and biomass. 9. The gcowtP, of Selenastrum G�pricacnutuni in vacious � concentrations of i7aC1, C,�:E'�, calciunf acetate and magnesium acetate {1/19/82-^</1182) l�. The speciric growth rate (two-day moving average) of ��enas r�:� ca±�ricornutum gro^�r. in variaus concentrations of NaCl and C2=tA (1/14/E2-2/1/82}, 11. The specific growth rate (two-day moving average) of Seler,astrum �apxicornutum grown in various cencentratior.s of calcium acetate and magnesium acetate {i/19/sz-2li1az7 12. The gr.owth of Selenast[u� CdUricornutum ir. variuus concentrations af [vaCl, C�,�R, calcium acetate and magnesium acetate {3/�3j32-3/25/82) 13. The specific yrowth rate {cwo-day ;r:oving average� oP �lenastruro c�.-icornut.um ,rcr4rr, in vasious con��antrations of NaCl and C'�iA (3/13/82-3/25/82} 14. The specific grewth rate {two-day moving average) of eler.astru;^ crgrica���utu_ c�ro�ar ir, vaciaus ccnce�s=xatiar�s of calcium acetate and ;nagnesium �-cetate {3/13/82-3/25!82) 15. The arow�h of Anab�era f'o��;,,3 in various coneentcatiotts of idaCi, i,f�u;, calciu:: acetate; and magnesiur�, uc��1t2 t�/121az-7/2ata2) � 4�-� ��� ,,.�� ,��w�.., �,. p y�. � �_. �.,._,_, � �,�F_.�:..,..�.�,�.�.�. .���.�..��-`� 26. The specific growth rate (two-day moving avexage) c,f Anahaena o-�4Uae NaCl, C,�lA, calcium acetate, and magnesium acetate (7/12/82-7/28/$2) 17. The growth af Anabaena �,os-��qy�ae in various concentrations of NaC1,CtiA, calcium acetate, and maynesium acetate (1J18{83-2/7/83j 18. The specific growth rate {two-day moving average} of 1�nabaena los_sigg�e gro,an in various concentrations of NaCl, CtAA, calcium acetata, and magnesium acetate (1/18/83-2/�/$3) 19, The growth af the combined $elenastrum canrzcornutum and indiqenons algae (American F:iver) in various concentrations of NaCl, CMA, calcium acetate and rna,nesium acetate tiz/ia/e2—iz/a�/e2> 20. :he specific arowth rate (two-day moving averzge} of the combined �gle�aa;;trum ca.pricorni���y2 and indigenous algae (American River) grown in various concentrations n£ NaCl, Ct�lF�, calci�m acetate, and magnesium acetate (121d/82} 21. The growth of the cambined (S•e'_eqa;},-ri;m ��p�a„�ornut�l and indigenous algae (fiear Piver} in various concentrations of NaCl, Cf�ii�, caicium acetate, and maqnesium acetate t12fz�ta2—ol/os/s�>, 22. The specifie a,rowth rate (two-day moviny averaye) of the combined Selenastru;n capr�np[nu�u� and indigenous algae (Bear River} �rown in various cancentrations of IdaCl, Cf�A, c3icium acetate and maanesi.um acekate (12/2�,/82-Q1/Q6/Q3). 23. Holdiny rack with Lysimeter tubes and flask. 24. General Lab�ratory setup for Soil Lysimeter testing, � LIST OF TABLES 1. Re:sults of the Short Tecm Fish Sioassays 2. CMA, NaCl, Ca2cium Acetate, and Magnesium Acetate ��once:etracions �.n Long-Term 5tatic �ioassays 3. Results of Short-Tern na�ni3 ma�na «i�assays usinq CE4A � 4. Resnits af Short-Term IJaohnia maana bioassa,vs using Calcium Acetate 5. Resuits of Shoct-Term pa�nia maana bicasseys using Magnesium xcet3te 6. Re�ults of Short-Tecm 7�a�hnia macna bioassays asin� D'aCl 7. p�phna.a r� ona Long-Ter;o CIiA Test Results � 8. Da[�hni« mac�.;�a Long-Term rlaCl Test Results 9. D����a ��cna Lona-Tern Caleium Acetai-� and Magnesium Acetdte Te.t Resuits . I0, Fina1 conce:�ntration of Fiacronutrients in Algae Cu2ture � 3�ledium as Sa2ts an3 E3etnentai Concentcations 11. The Concent:ation oE P7aC1, CP?F„ anc3 Calcium and i4ag,iesium �_ � Acetate used Lor each Bioassay . 12. Plant Treatment Numerical Evaluati.on I3. NaCl, CMA Damace Rate Comparisons 14, Leachate Volu�e, Specific Conductanc� and COD Sum�rary � from the Soil Stuc;y Z5. NiStrient and t4etal Summary €:om Soil Study i�j EXECUTSVE�SOMMARY I. PURPOS� OF TAZS STUDY ` The purpose o` '4his study i� to evaluate, by means of a literatu-e survey and a limited laboratory study, how calr.ium magnesium acetate {CMA} interacts wit'.i the enviconment, and to identify CMP's beneficial or detrimenta2 environmer.tal impacts. Zi. INTRODUCTI�N Zn recent years t.anspartation agencies have endeavored to improve the safety and conv<nience oE winter travel by attempting to keep roadways free of ice and snow. Therefore, over the last twenty years. the use of sodium ch2ori�e (NaCl7 far snow and ice removal has risen dramatically, Large scale use of NaCl has significant negative economic and environmental impaEts, NaCl corrodes metal and degrades pavement, thereby damaging bridyes, road surfaces, and vehicles. Heavy NaCl use damages or kills roadside vegetation, degrades aquatic ecosystPms, and pollutes dcmestic water supplies (1,2). The damage done by NaCl is ultimately paid for by the public. Because of the negative aspects of A7aCl use, research is underway to i9entify agents which are effective deicers, but which are less deieteriaus than NaCl. Recent researcn by Bjorksten Researeh Inc, (3), conducted for the Federal Highway Administration ideniified CP4A as a potential alternative to NaCl as a deicing «gent. The S;arksten research showed that CMA is effective in remcving snow and ice from pavement. Bjorksten°s limited environmantal analysis of CMA found no significant negative environmental imgacts for CP�R. Howe�er, a mare thoxaugh environmental analysis of Ct�� was necessary to nake sure that CPfA wa�i� have ao deleterious ervirannental impacts, and to identify any positive is,pacts that this chemical might have, This report is a more comprehensive examination of the impacts oE CMA on surface water quality, groundwater quality, air qoalic�, aquatic ecology, and soils. These areas �ere studie� in varying degrees of detail. A literature search was perfar�ed fer each s�+bject, and in same areas a li,�:ite� laboratary analysis was perfcrmed. 47hi2e more e-xtensive than the eariier envircnmental work on Ci9A, this study does not address the lonq term irpacts of C�A on the environment, A l:l equivalent weight mixture o� analytica2 grade calcium acetate and maqnesium acetate was used to manufacture Ct4A for this study. This cvas essentially a pure material wnich contained no byproducts. The by-products whicn may be present in industrially produced Ct3h are unknown. The py-praducts resulting fram vacious manufacturing pxocesses can sonetimes pose environn�ental hazards even when the pure compound is innoc�ous. Conseguently, che environrnental i,�ipacts of industrially produced C:�iA werc not aEter�«in�d in this study. IZI. 6N�rIRCNPiEf7TAL EVALUATION A. �rf�ce t^,-ter 6i��i�tv Groindwa pr n,�i�fy and Air �u-�li� Thz impac�s o£ CM.A on surface water quality, groundwater qnality, and air quality were determined by means of a liter�tuce survey, The literattire data bases surveyec3 includ�d; Aqualine, Ac�uetie Seiences and Fisheries Abstcaets, Air Pollution Technical Information Center, Bialogical Abstracts (Biasis Previecis), CAB Abstracts, Enviraline, Environmental Bibliography, Life Sciences Co2lactien, Instructional Resources Infoxmation System (IRIS), Natianal Technical Znformati.an Service (PFTZS}, an3 Polluticn Abstracts (TRISNET), No sou_ce speciEically idencify3ng the im�acts of calcium acetate, maynesiun acetate, or Ct�SA on stirface water quality, groundwater c�uality or ait quality was £ound during the literature searc}r, Up to the present time, it se�ms that not enough of these :�aterials are being used to generate much environmental infc�rmation about them. Souie transpartation agencies have reported dust problems while using CriA. Consequent'_y, the impacts of Ct4A on these sesources is ❑nknown. Some estinates of the im�.act of C:�:A an surf�:ce water quality are discussed belocr, The addition of ca2cium and n�agnesiun to a o-rater body coulci result in an increase of water har.dness. Hawever, tY�is wou2d not be ex�,ected to oz significant unless a relztively iarge ar�aunt of CPSA entered a water oody. Tnere would pro�ably be no other significant effect from s2ightly elevated ca2cium and rragresium levels. Whi2e the acetate ion is miidly ta�ic to some fish, it is readiiy deco^posed and saouid �reoab2y not resc; toxic levels. The deco��asition oi ac�tate could res::lt in localized oxygen dep2etion in water bo3ies, however, the ac�tate concer,trations r.ecessary Eor this would probat�ly net be reache� durir,g deicing aperatio::s, �. . The potential impacts of CMA on aquatic ecosystems were investigated by a literature review and by laboratory hioassays. A bioassay is a toxicity procedure in which living organisms are exposed to kr.own concentrations of a potentially toxic substance for a standardized period of time. The fallawing organisms wer� used in the bioassays conducted for this study: Rainbcw Trout (Salm,g �a�r_,,, dn�r�'k Fathead Minnow 1�m��ha�es �ro� �a ) waterflea lDuohnia ma4na)r Green A.lgae fSe�ena t» canrico n�m), and Blue Green Algae lAnabaena �o -ac,�a,�), These organisms are commonly used in biaassays, and zepresent different groups of organisms in the aquatic foad web. Fi�h oc���y the hignese troph�c level in tRe waterbodies most iikely to receive Cf�tA runtiff, Raznhaa traut qaiSd_a�er;} and �'athead t4innnws (�ir+� e�e prpmeta� were ussd to reoresent this trophic level. Short term static bioassays and long term rene�aa). bioassays were performed. The short tern stutic bioassays c�ere used to determine the acute taxiczt3�s o£ calciun acetateo magnesium ac�tete, and Ci:fi to Rainbov; 2rout and Fathead tfiinnow ffngeelings. TY:e resuits are expcessed as 96 hour LCSp`s. The 56 hour LC50 is trat cancentration of a substance which kills 50% of Cha e:cpaseu �est ary�nisms in a period of 96 hours. The methods used in the static fish bicassays were the standard methads develo�red by the Calzfornia Department of Fish and GaMe. The results af these bioassays ace summarized 6eiaw: Short Term Pish Sioassay Izainnow trout Fathead minnow (mg/1QtEr} � C� S�Acetate I2,200 18,700 16,260 I1,400 22,Q00 14,30Q M�� 4,300 9,Q00 The l.ong term renewa2 bioassays were used ta determ:ne the ?n�pacts of CMR on the de;relopment of Rainbow Trout egqs. ThA long t�rm bioassays developed problems which made analyzing the results difficuit. However, the lany term biaass�y� indicated that continuous7y m�zntair.2� CFd:� ccr.ventrat.ions i�,OGv mg/Iiker couid rcdcice Ftainbow tro�.<t hatchiny su�cess. 7.00plankton are sm�fl �r�u:vi.c �nimals which occupy an iit`L@PP«t@ui��E �OSl��lOfl�i11 til@ i6Ot�� WG'l3�i7£�S4c2Ci�3CT.U7s.�".1C glants and fish. Ta acdress t2:e effects of CtiF� on the zoopl.�nkton campanent of the foad web acute short-term static and long-term static bioassays were condueted on waterfleas (Daphnia maana). The ability of Wate-fleas to ta2erate low dissolved oxygen levels, liniited genet:ic variability among parthenogenetic offspring, high susceptibility to pollution, and ease of culture makes them ideal for biaassays. Sho:t-term st3tic bioassays were used to determine the acute median le�hal concentrations (96 hr LCgp'sJ far CMA, calcium acetate, magnesium acetate, and NaCl {xiln-dried, road salt). The methods used in the Waterflea short-term static bioassays were adapted from Greenberg et ai t4?. The results are sur,unarized below: Short Term ��phnia maana Biaassuys 9fi hr LC��,� (mg/liter) CMA when bacteria are present <384 Ct,A when bacLeria are absent 1421 Ca acetate w�en bacteria are present 482 Mg acetate when bacteria are absent 127 NaCl 4500 Lang-term chronic bioassays were used ta determine the No Observable Ef.fects Concentration (NOEC), Repraductive success was used as thr measure of the chron�c effects o£ the tested cnemica:.s on waterfleas. The assumption inherent ir this testing is that the toxicant levei which causes no rep:oductive inpairment will have no chronic effeces on individuals or populations in natural enviror.merits. The results of the long-term Water€lea bioass%iys are shown below; Long Term Daphriia maan� Siaassays No Observed Effec.ts Coneentration {mg/liter) Ct4A 125 Ca a�etate :00 M<3 acetate 100 t3aCl 5CQ Geeen Algae �e;Iena um c.�p„icorn�:tum1 and Slue Green Algae �Fna"aena �os-�a�,ae) aere ased to detecmine the impacts of CNiA, c3acium ace�ate, magnesium acetate, and NaCI (kiln-dried, road salt) on primary producecs. The method used for the alyae tests was a,.�adification o£ the EPA bottled algal a�say test. Both types of algae were grown in natural water, and in artiticial alyae grcwth :�edium, Alnal growth was determzned by mer�s�rir,g the fluocescence o£ samples by usin� a mutner 2�?odel ZII fluor.^,meter. A cons�rvative estimste of the maximum cance�itraticn at which iittle effect from CP,A, caiciun aeetate, or magnesium acetate wovld probably be less Li7ar. SO mgji,; for NaC2 ,�, c��,icornutum c.as not affecte�' by I000 mgjL concentrations, similarZy, � ftas-aczuae was not a£€ecved by any concentration of NaCl tested, C. ���estr+a �coloav The im���ts of CidA on terrestrial ecology were examined by limited laboratary studies on vegekation and soil. The Iimited time spent on this project and the lack af industLialiy produced ChiA grecluded an in depth field evaluatioa on vegetation or aoils, The veqetation study for this investiga�zon measured the impacts af CMA on selected plants when applied in the irrigatzon water, or in foliar sprays, The soils study measured the nutrients and metals that leached out of selected soils when 1 N solution of CMA was passed throuqh the saii, There have been many studied measuring the impacts of NaCI cn zaadsi3e ve��tation, There have been ❑o similar stvdies on CMA. Durin9 this stucy, it was assumed th.at CF3A applied to highway wau2d leave the highway either as runoff �r as traffic genezated aerosols, both of �hich wauld impact veqetation, There°ore, selected plant species were irriaated with a Cl�A solution. Tne species selected f.or thi.s study are listed in 'Pable 1. NaCl (kiln dried, road salt) was also applied in irrigatian water and as a foliar sgray so that a comparison could be made between CMA and NaCl. The frriaation w�ter. cantained S, 10, 50 or I00 mil2iequivalents oi CMA or NaCS. The fo2iaz sprays were 0.1, 0,5, 1.0, 2,0 N salutione of CMA or NaC2. These levels warA selected because they bracket the concentraticns o� NaCl and CMA expecte� within 25 feet of a highway. The results of the vegetatian study are summa�ized in Table 1. Whenever there are long t�rn a�ditions af chemicels to tne sGi2, there is al4�ays a�uestion o£ whether or nat the addition of the cnemicals wiil reduce soil f.ertillty. Various acetates, ammottium, sodiu�, and calcium are used for extractive puc�oses in sr21 chemistcy procedures. Therefore, it is possible �hat long term C�A use might result in a disraption of th? soil che�istry and a loss af soil fertility. To ir,vestiqate the patential ef€ects oP CMA laden wate: might hav¢ an saii chemistry, a 1N solution was passed throuah seven �elected soil samples. The liquid th�t leached throagh the soils �as chemically analyzed to determine if signi�icant amounts of inetals or plant nutrients were removed from the soil. As a ccntral, deionized water was passed through other samples af the same sofls Th� Is uid th t i h �_q a eac ed thraugh these samp�es w�s chemica2ly analyzed to det�rmine if siynificant amoonts o{ hAavy met�ls ar �;lar.t r.utrients w�eE rer�:oved r"com the soii, The results af the samples af the control series were " compared with the results of thE CMA series, It appears that 1:7 CMA has the potential to remave significant amouiits of iron, a2urnirumf scditam pctasssum and hydrolyzable arthapha�phate �ram so�l. 5 �t� iV CQNCLUSxONS AND RECOM�ENDATT6N5 A, Canclusions 1. C^tA is less tuxic to rainbow trout (Sd m0 gairdneri� and fathezd minnows (pimapha c pzamelus} than NaCl, calcium acetate, or nagnesium acetate, bfagnesium acetate is slightly more toxic to rainbow trcut and fathead minnows than NaC_. Calcium acetate is les� toxic to these two fish species tha; NaCI. A continuoasly maintained cancentration of 5000 mgJiiter of C�� slightly delays the �atching of rainpow trout, but daes not influer.,�e the number of eggs that hatrh. 2. .Waterflea (p�phnza ma4na} bioassays indicate that the 96 hr T�50 � is 304 ngjliter when the CMA is associated with bacteria, and i421 mgJiiter when the CMA is bacteria £ree, The 46 hr LC50 is that concentration of a chemical whach k.i13� F0� of th� t�;,t aniR,als within 96 hrs. The long term chronic bioassays indicated that waterflea re�roduction was significar.t2y inhibited ai 25d mgjliter ` of CtdA. Th� 96 hr LCsp was for �:aCl determir.ed to be 4500 mg/liter, t7aterflea reproductioa Has significantiy inhibited at 125 mgJiiter of NaCl. ' ; 3. The algae bioassays indicate Chat CIdA, calcium acetate, and magne�ium ac�tate are more toxic to aigae than NaCl. It is estinsted a concen�ration of less than SG majliter of CPiA is necessary to elir�ixiate any deleterious effects of CFIFi on algae, 9. Ci�A leached through soii resu2ted in some removal of iron, aluminum, anB seleeted nutrients from the tested seils. 5. In genera3 t7aCl is mora injurious to plants than eMA, Or.ly one species oE plant, the Russian Olive (��aPa4riU�^ aneu,gt;s is-) was damaged mot:e by CMA than by NaCl, 6. At4the present time CMA's impacts on the public heaith and safety aspec,.s of surface water qaality, graund wate� qua2ity and air ' quality are unknown. Kn extensive litesature search faund no informativn relating to these areas. 7. At t:he CMA concentrations likeiy to be generated by the use af CMA in :>naw and i�e control, CNiA may be :ess eavironmenta2ly damaqin� than NaCl. 8. Workers expo�ad to CMA dust should w�ar dust m�sks. � ReCortmr Aa � nn CMA appears to Ce iess deleterious to anuati<� anr� terrestrial eco�ystems thaa :tTaCl. Hcwever, the�e re>alts are based on a literature search anr7 lim�,ted laboratory study, and as such sufPer the limitations inr:erent in such evaluations. IIased an the results of thia sti�3y, it is recammeaded that: 0 ->� Y�:� ��...;:,.�,��.�� , �� ��: __ _ _. _ �. _ w. . a. � ,.. _.:��. ,_„� 1. Additional Iaboratory st.udies be conducted on the way and the rate by which bacteria degra�es CfdR under various soil and temperature canditions, ' 2, Cootrolled field testing should be conducted to determine the fate of CMA in the soil and vegetation and it� impacts on ground water quality, aquatic ecosystems (parcicularly the lower trophic levels), and sail chemistry and physics over an extended period of time. These st�iaies should be performed in climate zones where CMA is like2y to be used. 3. Research should be conducted intp how to xeduce the dust problem 3ssociated with CtdA. TA81.E 1 CP7A1Natt Oamaqe to Ftant Sp2cies Ahies concolor {mhi4e-tir) lker saccharum {suqar mapie} � A�elaacMer canadPnsis Wune berryl krctostarrhv}ou y„g_„*.,u� {G. ean+anita) Eetuis CanXrifera {gaper6ark bfrchj Calcium Mnqnesiun ACetate (Crwj S-il Lorr lrnr L9X Kone Very tow S ra Lcw Low L^_M Hone Yery irnr Sodierm Chtoride (NaCi) Soil $oray High Htgh Maderate Modxrate xtyr, ut�n Hfoh High, Moderate- Maderate_ htgh h�gh �� Wledecrus dec�rr�nx {I��cense cedar) Lo� Law Moderate Mode^ate Comus florid� (f}pvering Cogwaodj �Mod2rate None Ntgh High � Etaeagnus angustifaliu (Russian Otive) Nigh Moderate Low- ModeratE r„pderate Frazinus �?nnsyira:�ia (wi:<'�e zsh) �ow Lm,r Moderate Maderate �a.tfx 'Napa' (flcrering cra6} . tdo6erate !aw Moderate High� Pinus Jefferxv (daffery ?ine) low � ttone Higb High Pfnas 1_a,^�ertiana (sugar ;;ire} �orr � Low Nigh Hiqh Quercus alUa (whita oaki Lox-moderate Low-rtqderate Moderate- Moderate- Hiqh hiqM S5W'Sy.S �+bra (red oak} Low-rzoCerate low-moderate Nigh High Saiix sp. (wiitow) ttone None No�e None ihv�a occidenialis {tanerfcan arGorv9tac) I,ow Cow Yiburnua lantaoa (xayfat�ing tr�eej !ow i.orr LGu = Oa-25b trea:m.nt reiated Caaage, Mo6era^e = 26%-75n t!-eacm�± related daaage Niqh u 76�-lOJ% trc-aVronY reia[ed damage __ ...___ ___.. . : .. ��I � Maderate Moder?ze Hinh Hiyn Literature Cited in ExecuLive Su.�nmarp l. Murray, D�. M. and V. F. G7,� Ertyest. 1976. �n Economic Analpsis of the Environmental Zmpact af Highway Deicing. EPA Series, EPA 600/2-76-105. 2. Adam, Franklin S. t973. Highw«y Salt: Sacial and Environmental Concerns. Highway Research Record :30. 425, Highway ResEarch Board, Washington, D.C. 3. �unn. S. A. and R. V. Schenk. 1971. Alternative Aigh:zay Deicing (CMA). 9jorksten Research Laboratories. 4. 6reenberg, Arnold. et al editors. 1980. Standard Methods for the r,xamination nf S�ater and Wastewater. 15th ed. A.P.A.A. Saashington, D.C. . � .� �x�-... ��. :��.-��.�� �:�;,�� . �,.- . . �"� ... ..�. . . . � �� ,�.-:�-.�,»:ze���� � =� i , � J � � ___ _._ �-___ I IC7TRODUCTION The use of Sodium Chloride (NaC1} for snow and ice removal . in the United S+ares has risen drama+ically during rhe last 20 years. Currently, between nine and ten million rons of NaCl are used annually (1). In some areas as muc3-i as 25 tons of NaCl per lane mile are applied each winter. Many highway departments have adop*ed a bare r� vement policy in snowy areas and this results in hig'.i NaC1 use. Sare, i.e., snow and ice Eree, oavemenr is safer and allows higher speeds than snow covered pavemenEs. � Highway depar+ments rely on NaC1 rather than abrasives for snow and ice control because tl�e deicing sa1+ me1*s the snaw and ice, thereby hreakina the rond berween the ice and rhe Pavement. Abrasivzs c90 not melr rhe snow and ice on the road, rather th�y coat +he snow and ice covered road. Abrasives 3re more readily blown from the roadway, take longer ro apply,�reauire more cleanup, and are more expen-� sive +han tv'aC2. An abrasive coated ice pack is a less fuel efficient road surface than bare paveMent, and traffic speeds are reduced. The use of C7aC1 for highway snow a:�d ice control has serious d3-e�wbacks. F4aC1 damaq�s venicles, pavemen�, srr�ctures, v�5e�arion, wildlife, and dor:+estic ceater supplies. {2, 3). 4'herefore, rhe federal Highway Administration is researching alternafives to PIaCl. The recent study "Alterna*ive Highway Deicina Chemicals", by 6jarksten Researcn Inc., fias idenrified calciiun magnesium acetate (CMA) �= a petentia2 alternat_ive +o �IaCl as a deic- ing agent. This research sl;awed r}��t C�,✓i1`, is ef£eccive in melrynq ice and snow, is easily s+ored, can be dispersed with existing equipraent, and unlike NaCl is noncorrosive and envirorementally acceptable. € Bjorl,sten's research included a limi+e� environmental evalu- ! atian cf CMA, conseouentlp a more +horoogh analysis of ChSA's �f � interac+ions with rhe environment was necessary. The study regorted here is a lirera+�re and Iimit��? i�rv ,-„� ' ' - ra._^Yy stuny i.. which addr�sses *he no+ential impacts of ChIA en surface s�rater quality, ys�uund water qualS.tY, aquatic ecologY, �er- ��. , re�+ria1 ecoloag and soils. These area� nNere s+u�lied in ' � varying degrees of detai2. �. - C.o co[lmercial sourre af C�7I� existed when +his research ��as � confluc+ed. The �tf� u�ed in rT:is stuay was e�repared *�y :.^.ixing arealy+_icai, grade calcium acerate and m3gne5iu� ace+�ate in a 1:1 eauivale�t .zeigh� ra+ic. �vaC2 ❑sad �ar � �� c�mpaz�ison �,rirh C*{� cnrina testinc� was kil:;-dried, road � s a 1'- �p , � .. .. �,�. , „� � �..',..,.:,M�:, �........u.�.Y......�...�...�.; . � ...�,.-�.� �..�,�.��s..�.r��•���.�. � r The impacts of �tA on surface wa+Pr q_uality, ground water quality and air qvality were srudied vi>. a Literat�re search. The irpac+s af C:'�ie, on aqua+.ic ecosys+ems were eval- uated via a Literature search and via a series of bioassays. A bioassay is a toxicity test in whic7� I.iving organisms are expesed ro known �cncentrations cf a potentially roxic subs+ance for a standar3ized period of time. Standard static fish bioassa}• procedures were used ro deter- mine +he effects of C��'.A on rainbaw trou+ (Salmo aairdneri} and fatheaci minnows (Pimepha2es ��omelas). Both short-terr.i aeute and long-tern chronic bioassays were conciueted. CMA's impacts on aquaric producers were studied by means of algae bioassays. The merhod usefl for +he alyae was a modi- fication of the U.S. E�virozunental Pro*.ection Agency's (F.PA} borrled a1gal bioassay *est (4}. The test 3etermines rh=x �ffecrs of a subsEance on the rn��•.ximum grow+h tGte and r_}�,e masimum sr�.nding crop of selected algae s�ecies. Single species tests were performec3 with the green algae Selenastrum capricornutun, .��nd the blue-qreen alyae Anabaena flos-aquae. �Iatural k�arer and an artificial mediam were both used. CMA's impac+s on z000la:�kton caere studied by near.s �,f water- flea (Daphr,ia magna} ?�����says. Both short-tena acute and lonq-t_er.n c;irori'ac D. r�.aCne bioassays wei'� perform�d. Soth C61A and YaCl were testcd. ChSt�'s impac*.s�on ter�estrial ecol�7y tae.e studied by meana of limited vegetation and soil srudies. In the vegetari�n study, eigh+.een commen '.ighway landscaping plan*_ species were rested. Borh NaCi an3 C'�iA w�ere tes*ed. Plan*_s were subie�ra_d r,o either irriqati.or, �ra�er ccntaini�vg one af rlle tesfed cheroicals, or ra a �oliar spray containing one of the *estAc� chemicals. The nlants sub;ected +o *he chemicals were compared to con*rols to aeterraine if +7�e plants were damaged by '_he chemicals. Whene�✓er +here are 1on�-term additions of enemical.s *.o the soil, there is alway� a ques`ion o` �.�2ier?�er or not rhe addi- tioa of the ahemicsls wi11 reduce soil ferrili+�. Farious acetates of ammoniun, sodium, and calciu.T, are uSPd fvr exrracri��e p�irposes i;i sail chemistrY vrocedures. '_rhere- fore, ir is passibie c.hat Iong_rern C;.:� use might_ z�sult in a disruption of *.he soil enemisrry and a loss of soil fer+ility. To investijare iche poten+cial e€fects that CMr� la3en water mi�ht have on soil c�.emistry, a 1 P= solution was passecl rhrough seven seiected sail sae:ples. The 2i.quici that leachec3 t':rovgh ti:fl .,.,i1s �.�as cherically arealyred to de*.er- �ine if sicni�icar.- a;�o�r:ts o° �:�eta2s or plt�nt tiurrients were rer�oved tro:a rhe soi1. 9s a eon.trol, d�ioni:ed s.�ar,er was pa5sed throu�h ot:-�r sarapl�s Cf `.}te sare soils. The 11 � � . .,,,.r�,.�.., ..� ,,.,�.�e .. �..,�. _� _ e..�,P.».,w.� . m. ,�...,�.:� . . .�.� .�., _,..� � ... , .�...-rv , �.�.. . liquid rhat leached� +hrough these sam�les was chemically analyzed to �ietermine if significant amounCs of inerals or plant nctrients�arere removed from *he seil. The results of the samp).�:s of +he con*rol series were connared with the results oE the CPtA �eri.es. liA €�. ,..�_.._ .,� y' . IS CONCLUSIONS Fv\D RECOhi�iF,'7DATI7NS R. Conclusions l. CMA is less roxic t_� rainbow trcur {Salmo 9airdneri) and fa+head minnows (Pimeph�les �romelas +han �IaCl, calcium ace`ate, or magneszum aeetar�, Maanesium acekafe is slighC- ly more toxic to rainbow trout and�fa¢head minnows than NaC1. A conrinuously r.iainrained concenrrarion of 5000 mgfLirer of CMA sligritly delays the harching of rainbow troi:t, but does not infiuence rhe nu;nher of eqgs that hatch. 2. Warerf�ea (Daphnia magna) bio�ssays in3icat, `_;ar_ the 46 hr LC�4 CMA is 30�k mgfliter wren the CMA is assc�ciatea with bae+eria, anci i.42S mg(liter when the CM4 is bacteria free. The 96 hr LC5Q is that concen"_rativn of a chemical •.ahich ki11s�50s ot tT.e tes+ animals within 96 hours. The lona-terrm chron9.c bioassays indieated rhar_ waterflea reproduction was signi�.'tcaatLy inhibi*ed at 250 mg/liter of CMA. The.96 hr LCS� �.�as for NaCl derermined to be 45�6 riigJliter. Waterflea reproduction was . significantly inhibited at 125 mgJlire: of NaC1. 3. The �.lgae t�ioas3ays indica}_a rha+. CMA, calciun acer3te, ar.d magnesium aceta+e are more toxic to algae than tdaCl. It is e�tiaiat�d a concentraticn o£ less than 50 mglliter of CMA is necessary to elimina*.e any deie*er�ous effects of C'�;A on Algae. 4. CMA leached +hrough soil resulted in some ramoval of iror., aluminum, and sele�ted nutrients frcm the +�estc� soils. 5. In aeneral :vTaC1 is more injurious to plants than C'�fA. On1y one species of planr, rhe Russizn 01ice (El.aeaq�.�r,= anqustifo2ia) was damaged more by C^1F; than by '7aC1. � �. �t the ptesent time CDt&'s imoacrs on +he public heal+�h and safety aspects ef surface water quali+y, qrouiidwater quali.ty ar�3 air quality are ur;k.no�an. P.n ex+ensi.ve litera- ture search £ound no info�mation rela+:ina *_o `hese a:eas. 7. At +he CtiA c�ncen+�ations likely to be generar� by +he us� of C�TMtA in snow and ice eonr�o�, CMA may be less em•irGn- m�ntully d�maging than hZaCl, �3. :daz'.cers exrosed `c C'-;£, dt�st st'�o�ld wf�ar dust nzasks. 12 3. Recommendations CMA a�pears ta be less deletericus to aqcatic and rerres- trial ecosystems than cl:sCl. i�iowever, rhese re:;ults are based on a literature search and limited laboratory st�dy, and as such, suffer +ne limitations inherenr in such evaluari�ns. _ Based on the resulrs of this s+udy, it is recommended thar_: � . 1. Afldi�ional laroz�a+:ory stadi�s be conducted on the way " and the rate by which bacteria deorades CMA under various soil and temperature conditians. � 2. Conrra11ec1 field +esr_ing sYic�ulfl be conducted tc deter- :rine the fare of CPtA in +he soil and vege+ation and its impacts cn grourdwa+t� �itia;ity, ac�iaa}ic ecosystems fp�rticu- larly +he lower tronhic level=), ar.d soil chemis+=-�, an3 physics over an extended period of time. These studies should be performed in climate zones where C.`�L� is iikely to be useci. 3. Research shou'_d be cancluc�ced into haw ro reduce r}�e dust problem associated c.ri+h Ct;A. ?3 ziz c�vzRorl�a�T�v Evaz,unTzon= This study addres�e�d *he impacts of CC4A on sur£ace wa�er qua2ity and groundwarer qualirv, air quality, a�uatic ecology, terresrri.al ecology and soils in varyina dEpths. � The surface wa*er quali+y, aroundwater quality and air quality inves*.iga*_ions were limited to li+erature surveys. Darabases searched included: Aqualine, Aquaric Sciences a�� Fisheries Abstracts, Rir Poilution Technical In£orma+-�on Cen*er, Biological Abstracts (�iosis Previews), CAR �b- � stracts, Claims/vs. Patent Abstracts, Enviroline, Environ- mental Bibliography, Life Sciences Collection, Tnstructiona;. Resources Informa+ion Syste� (ZRZS}, Piational Technical Snf�rma*ion Service (�TZS? and Poll�ation Ahstracts. hTo information on calcium acetate's, magnesium acetat.e's, or CMA's impacts on surface water quality, or groundwar_er� quality.was foun3 during +he literature search. � During £ield r_es`s conducted� by Iowa and Mic�igar. signifi-- canr amounts of fine C21A dust were generated during deicing operations (5, 6). The dust may be due to rhe sma11 CMR �� particle size used during �he testing. Vo intormation con- cerning the meclical imolica+ions oE a C�SF: dust inhalarion wa� discovered durin5 aur literature search. How.ever, . inhalation o£ any dus* can ;» tenrially �?amage� lung rissue. Further research shoul3 be conducrecl in*o ho�.a the Ct4A dus* �roblem can be resolved. Un*.il effective dust control can be achieved, workers using C"�iA should wear dust masks. An increased inpuC o€ calcium and mag��esium in a k�aterbody ��u1d Lead `a an increase in water hardness. i�fowever, this would aor t�e expecteci unless relatively �arge amounts of CMA en+�� a sr.tall waterbowy. P7ith the exception o£ an increase in water hardness, it is difficul* to envision sianificanr deleterious effecrs fra-n sligh+ly elevared calciurn and magnesium 1evels. � The acerzr� ion, orhile mildl,� *oxic +o sam2 £ish, will prob- ably be decomoosed by bacteria before it acenmalates ro � �roub2eso:�e levals. mhe clecarnposition of acetate could tesult in localiz.e3 disso2ved oxyg� decleticn wi•`_nin w�,te: bodies, hov;ever, it is antici.nated the levels necessary for this to occur prohably wi11 :ior be reached during deicir.g procedures. � 14 6. Aquatic Ecoi.ogy 1. Fish Bioassays CMA, when used as a roadway deicer, will £inc its way in runoff ro s+reams and lakes. E3ecau�e fish occupy the high- est tropic level in the wa+er bedies mosr lii;ely to receive CMA laden runoff, rwo species of f�::,}; were tes•�.ed t.o ohserve the effecrs of C�7A, calcium ace*ate, an^ r�.^.actiesium acetate. The two species chosen �.rere a cold wafi� -�cies, the rain- bow trour (Sa2no qairdneri), and warm watExr �recies, *he fathead minnow Pimez�hales promelas). The r�i. e��t of C+SA on eyed eggs of rainbow tront was�.also tested. Short-term, staric bioassays and long-term, renewal cio- assays were perfermed. The. staric bioassays o�er�e gc:rfcs-:�:��.��>-? on borh fathead minnow Fingerlings and rainboor trour_ finc:.ar._ lings to detPrmine r}le ,_��;ro .�xy��tY �f C��, calcium � acetate and maanesium acetate. The chronic bioassays were performed on eyed eggs af rainbow trour to determine the effect of Ct�iA on egg development, hatchinq, and larval development. The bioassays and interpreration of results were perforRed hy personnel. frcm rhe California Depar+Ment of Fish ar.d Game, Water Po ll.u+ion Conrrol Laboratory. a. Nl.a+_erials and Methods 1) Short-term Static [3ioassays - S+andardized me�.hods deve�o�ed by the California Deparrment of.Fish and Game were used (�}, The results were ex�res�ed as 96 hr ��. LC50's. The 96 hour LC5� is that concer,tr<rion oP a toxicant which kills 50`s of the tes+ organi ^,s during a 96 hour period. The rainbow r.rcz�r v3ere acquire�' from +ne Pdir.tbus Fish Hatche�y in Rancbc Carc3ova, California. The fa+head minnews were acquired Pro;r� the Chico Fish Farm in Chico, California. The water used for testing was �and £il+ered water from the American P.iver in Raacho Corc9ova, California. Prior to *esring, a11 fi�h were acclimat�d for seven days in I;merican Ri-rer wate:. Pr.eliminary ran�e fin3ing bioassays we:e cor�duo+�e3 to est�blish the chemieal eoncentra*ion ranges wnich ��ou1rl lafer be tested in the defir.i+.ive bioassays. In the ran�e finding biaassays, oae-qall.or. wide-�rauthed jars containing 21 2i_*ers ef solution we:e used. Two ro four fisY, c.�2re placed in eacn iar for ?_4 i���ars, 15 � _ _ � � .� ��>,, � -�.��� ��:�, ��. �_�� � . . . ..,� �.. . . _� , . �, � �.�� �.���_����,� � �.__.. _ _._. u�_ �_„ _ , _ : ��, Definitive bioassays were condocted using 20 liter aquar- iums containirg 10 lirers of solurion. For each concen- tration tested, there w�re three replicates. Ten fish were ad�ed to each replicate, so +ha*, a toral of 30 fish were exposed ro each concentration of toxicant. CMA was rested on rainbow trout, while calciw:. ace*ate and maanzsiu� acetate were *.ested on both rainbow trout and farhead mir.now. . Rainbow Trout f,Fig. 1} were tested a+ 15°C + 1°C while fathea3 minn:>w were te:sted a+ 2Q°C + 1°C. The aquariums were checked daily £or dead fish which were immediately removed. The dissol•✓ed oxygen level, pH, and water ren�p- eratura �aere also measured. All results were recarded dailt. At the end of 96 nours the total number of fisY. `hat �;ied at �ach concenrrarion was de_termined. The LCS� values were calculatecl hy linesr inr�rpola+ion of mortality vs. concenrrarion data pLotted on pro�ability paqer. . . 2} T,ong-r�rn Renewal IIioassay R long-term bioassay was used ro test rhe impacts of CMA on rainhoer rrour Pggs and larva (Fiq. 2). Eyed rai�bow trout eggs were oo*aine:� trom the rlmeriean River Fish Harchery in 12ancho i;ordova, California. Thirt�, egqs ts=ere ,�-7aced in each of s�ecially c�nst'rucred egg co.ps for part of the bioassay. The egg cups were construc+.Ad from 3Gmm diameter acrylie tubing (Fig. 3}. The +uning was cut into segrae:nts thar were 80rrm lon3. Nylon�nett�,�� was secu+-ed to one en�. of each tube wirl-, silicone seaiant. The egg cups were at+ached by nylon monofiliment fishing line and fishing r3ckle svrivel sn�ps to oscillatinq arms driven by an electric motor (�). The whole apparatus was nlaced in 20 1i*.er glass aquariums which contained 10 liters of res+ solution. The eqg cups were acijuste3 so r}�ar +7z� ton of. rhe e9g cup. did n�t be- come submeraed, while tne eggs remainad submerged. Air was bixbbled t�rouc�h the soiurion through 1 ml. milk pipe++es. Aft�r hatchi.^.g +he alevins w=ere +ransFerred to o�en rop- ped nylon screen aievir. charnbers. The chambers were cul�- oidal wi�h sides apprexi^�ately 10 cm. lor.g and an open rog. The ale�in ctYa�r-.Ue�s were piaced in the same aqcar.- iums lat;iah contained rhe eao cuos, The open r��� of the a2evin cha*:bPrs i��ere }:ept aboae the �urface �£ th2 ;vater. 1 S F� � �; _- -- _m._ �. ��,���..�.�� _ � � � . � � � � a Fiqura 1.'{�,u�7 ���'�o�t `r��,�r ,'s3 �o ���irtin�ri) US�"! 'fl SCdCif: iC�.iC2 .0(�i.��t% F,i^,3Si7�iS. t .� '� F'�`' ���,��-��_�����'. _� �_-. �,�_ 4j;��.�.. � -�� .. `5 \ "'��-_�� _`` , ��7.N`2 � , _, _ . . . . , �y.>, . � :'.rRS _ � _3�1=`_ 3' 'lOta� _ .. ... '. _ . t,� ���;h,5r ��Y' 'i _.' .� z_ � - i � . _" 16 �.�... ,... ,�... � a�r:r,�'�":x-' .. �' . .: ".:suHi..'� �x S+Tnen +he fish reached the swim up fry stage they were transferred to a nylon net enclosure s��spended in the test aquarium. The nylon ne* encicsure facilitated the daily «�xchanae of the test solution {Fig. 4}. Twc, eaa cups, containing a total of 6U eggs, were placed ir, each of the foilowing test cor,cenrrations of C241�: 1 mg/li'�er, 50 mq/liter, 1000 mg%liter, and 5000 mgJliter, and the control 0 ng/liter. Three egq cups, conraining a total of 90 eggs, :aere placec' in each of rl.e following rest concenrrations of CMIt: 100 mg/lirer and 550 mgjl:ter. The *est solutions Laere cv,anged daily. This was accom- plished by moving thP tesr animals ro aquariums eantain- ing fresh solurion. Af`er use, tne :�quariums were rinsed w�irt� q�,.,�,-ican Ri:�.er war�t �.�� Lilled with Fresh re;t solutian. -Proper amounrs �£ dry calcium aceta*e and maq- nasium acetate were added to warer to make up tfie 500 m�.�/liter, lOCO mofliter, anc� 5000 mg/li+er +est concen- tra*ions. A stock solution of 10 mgjml of CF7A was used tc make up the 1 mqJlite.r, SO mgJliter, and 100 mglliter test sol�tions. F.ach day the num�er of deac� egqs, ha+ched alevins, dead aievins, living swi�n up fr}r and dead swim up fry were recorde<9. The k9issc�ived oxygen 1eve1, pH, and wzt��r temperarure were also measurvd �3aily. The �air te�aper.a- tnr� in tile eavzronmental cnamber was con*.inuouslf recorded ancI remained at 9° + l°C th;aurh�ut the test period. b. �tesults 1} 51,orr_rer;;t gtatic Bioassays - Resul.ts of the static acute bioassays are shown ia Table 1 C"1r1 anc calc.iam ace- ta*e ase tess roxic to rainbow trour than NaC1. 6;acrne- siur!, acetate is more toxic to rainbox� trout PIaCi. For far}t�3_3 minnows, :�agnesium ac=tate is more roxic than NaC1, while calcium acerate is less tox;c *.han h;aC1. 2? ___.� �„ �,:�� ,�,��, M,,.��_ � ���� __.���� _���,.a� ��,��� c TR3LE 1 Resulrs of the Short-term Fish }3ioassays (LCSp's in mg/lite) NaCl ChtA Rainbow 12,200� 18,700 Tr�ut Fat}xead 21,400 21,000 14,300 9,000 Minnaw Ca Acetate 26,200 Mq Acetate 4,300 ?7 r.nnq_,-��� ny�����yy -� F��nqal infecri.on rc + the ;00 mq,�liter und 566 m! r � is.ec', in g,1i er concerrrations despite repeste� treatmcnt efforrs. It is well Y.nown thar fur:gi can affect survival and developrsent in fish. - T.dditiona?.Ly. disrun+ion of r;�e air supply in +he L00 ma(liter tank caused 10 alevins to die. Consequenrly, the resul+_s are not quan*.ir_arive. Des?ite +he prohlems, so.ne results were ob*ained. Scme aif£icuZtv in hatching due to eqg membrane hardening, was oUserved i^ rhe 500� mg/Liter concen-.rarion. The iarval fish appeared �:o oe less able ro free themsel,ves cam- p2e*e1y frc� the eqq she12 for several days, Two o� r_he deveZoeing rish were unahle to pene*rate the eqa mem- branes. Healthy alevins were released fran rhese eggs by rupturir,q *he eqq �ne-;i;rane with sliqht pressure �ro.a a alass rod. Ccr.; 2usicirs i�iagnesium acetate .is siightl-y more +osic and ealcium aceta�e is slic�h*Sy less tosic rp fathead minncws and rainbcu� tro;:t than P;aCL CMT. is iess to�ic +.o rainbow krout than tdaCl or ei+her acerart. tested senararely. A �oatinuousl_y ^�3ir;+,ained coacentrstion ct 5000 mg�ZitPr of C�`,a impacts the membranes of rain�ow t��ut eqgs. This suggesrs that sl.igntly niqher C^1�i levels couid cause increased ha+�.hir�q ,,,or+ality. Fiowever, a sustained concenrratio:t of this level during snow anfl ic� removal is unlikely*. Because thi� laas a labor�roYy �+u�3p, it ��zs n�t cc�,-c,�- pletely refiec^ the actttal canditians in +',e £ield. ,� scientifieally desiane�, field s+.ud-y shonl�' k�e Gerformed. � � fhr »R Da � �;, , . ,� .� _ _ �: � �� � _�, �,_.,� �. ��..P.. ,: �,,. �...a��..H �.,.�.� u,r� ��_ _ �-�. ed � _ �r� .� �- ` �"� r '' «� � `��� , � � �,> ���� � � �� ��,� � �� � � � .� � � -0�� � � � - �� �K �--�-,�-:� ,� _ � �� .� � -�` � ,. '����``�c . . � �_r"'_ � �� _ � � � �. � ..,. � Fiqure 3• Acrylic eqq cups. ��,vre 4. D�en to=,�e�! nflrr c;;aa �ns,�bers wi`,.;� alktir,s. 1� ��, „�� �,,�v� �.n�y� , ,,,...,. s r 2. Zooplankton Bioassays a. In�roduction Zooplankton are small aquatic enimals that accupy a positian in the food web that is intermediate between some microbes of the lower tro�hic levels and the carnivores of che higher tro�hic levels. The 4T«terflEas oE the Qrder Cladncera focm a stgnificant partion of the zaoplankton in many waters, and are an important source of food for both aquatic insects and fish (9). D�r�hnia maana is a fresh Waterflea found przmarzly ia ponds containinc� larqe amocnts of suspended organic matter. 'Lt feev�s on algae, protoaoa, bacteria, and organic detritus, g. ;^„g`czna is *�2�rant of lcw cr.ygen l�v�ls, an� is ger.eral2y mcre sensitive to pollutant� than fish. It is also relatively easy to cukture. Zf the proper conditions are main�ained, females will naturally clone giving rise to ,oarthenogenetic yaung which are genetically identical to their mathec� and to each other. The ease of culture, sensitirity to gollution, and the abiliby ta praduce l.arge numbers of identical test animals m�kes �g;;aai„� �a„� ar, ideal organism for bio�ssays, g, �aong has eeesi usec� in toxiei�y studies for many years, b. !�aterzals and Met-hods Aaphn�a �gn;; were purchased Erom a biological ^>upply com�sny. p. ma�r�2 was mass r_ultured in a 20 qallor: aquari�m and ir, three 2iter jars. The individuals actua]ly used in the c�xicily tests were cul'cured in 12� ml wide cnouth flint glass bottles (Figure 5}, All cultures were ke�t at room tenperature. The culture medium was made by mixing 15 mq af dried sheep manure, 75 am of dried garden soil, and 3 litzrs of dechlorznated L-ap wster. This mixture was ailowed to stand £or 2 davs, Pil.tered through cl�eese clokh, and thxough a,100 mesh filterin9 cloth. The filtrate was allowed to stand for one week bef�re use. The cultare medium consiste:� of 250 mi a� the original filtrate acldec3 to 650 ml of dechlorinated tap water. The original filtr�te was kept until the strp�Iy was exhausted, then a new supply was ma�e up, Three times a week .O1 mg of yeast and about 100,GG0 ,�-'�jenasteum car,rz�arn�t�m cells �rere added to each culture jar. Thc yo�ng produced in the 225 mi flint 91ass jars wexe removed daiiv tFigure 6}, tveonates to be nsed in biaassays were plared in 3 cammon vessel cantaining fr�sh r.�edium frcm th� sar�e ha�ch a� ,,2edium uved in the bioass<�y. If �ot r.eedFd fvr a bioassay, the young aere either cuitured ar disc�erded, �� � '` � �� � � � . � .,,.�x v .�� u .:� � .. . r... �a� �,� � ��,� ,� . �r..�,�. , � �..,_ . . � � ,.��� ,,� .�. �: .�. Figure 5o Individual 725 ml k�ide mout�� jars used for raisirg individual Daphnia and conducC9rg tests. Large aquariu:u in background used for mass culturing. Figore 6. Bac�yre�nd tig�ht scurce used to vie;a D;7t�nia curing tesCin�o i�.:� � � � �. _,_ . �,� �w .>�� , � _w u �. _ . �. K �__ �� � . ��,_�.,., _ , ....�.__ _. _ � , 1. Short-ter� Bioassays - Short-term static b.ioa�says were used to determine the median lethal concentration (46 hr LCsp) for CPfA, calcium acetate, magnesium acetate, ar�d NaCl. The LC50) is that concentrati�n of toxicant which kills 50� of the test animals zn 95 h�urs. Tables 3, 4, 5, and 6 shows the concentrations for each deicar that was tested. In every test each concentration and each control was run in trip2icate. The individual test;, were conducted in 125 ml wide-mouth flint glass jars to which 100 ml of test solution or control solution was addad. The control solutiott consisted of the growth medium. The test solution consisted af growth medium plus a measured amaunt oE deicer, . After the various deicer concentrations and t�A �an��ol wer� prepared, lp neonates <24 hr, old wer.e cransferred to each bottle using e large �ore pipettP (Figure 6j, The number of nonmotile teat animals was determined every 24 hours. The test animals were not fed during the test procedure. After 46 h�urs the LCSq wus calculated using the bfnamial moving averaqe and probit methods. In the initial shart-term bioassays large amounts of bacteria grew ir� the higher concer.tratior.s of Cf�?, calcium acetate, and maqn>siun acetatE. Tentative resuits indicated that the bacterial blcom5 could have been killirg the g, maana, To determine if the bacterial blaqms were killing the test animals, the test pr�cedure was modified to minimize the potential to- bacterial blooms to develop. All glassware was washed with phosphorus fxee deter.gent, rinsed with a 20� sclu�ion o£ hydrochloric acid, rins�d with deionized water� �utoelaved for 30 �inotas and dried overnight at 11Q C. The t�:st medium was autoclaved for 45 minutes either prior to the addition af the tested dei.cer, or in one case after the addition of the �ei.cer. The g. �ana necnates were washed in decP,lcrinated water, and transferred to .;te;ile medium priar to placem�nt in the test medium. Ta�lE 3 shows those tests in which the bacterial growth redacing techr�iques were vsed. 2. :.ony-team 6ioassays - Long-term bioassays were used to test the chror,ic effer_ts of CMA, calcium acetate, maynesium acetate, and NaCl. Re�roductive success was used as a measure af chronic effects ,n the long-ter� bioassaps because it was as�umed that th� toxicant level which has no reproductive impairment will have no detec�ab2e chronic eifects on the individual on tlie population. The test medium for �he long term bioassays was prepared in the sa�� w�y th�t the test me�ium fur the short ter.m bioassais was �rep�red, The concentrations far deicer testec were chosen based on the results of the short-term bioasGays. Table 2 shows the concentrations of t��e various deicers that 22 .< � _�4.�. z_.� . .w � Tabte 2- Ct�IA, HaCI, Catcium Acetate, and tlagnesium Acetate Concentrations Tested in Leng-Term Static Qioassays (Concertrations in �ng/literj C1�lA Run I 50Q lOQ 4 0�8 Q (Contrel) Mg^�cetate 1�00 1�0 TO 1 0 (Cantrol} CMA Run 2 500 250 125 62,5 � (Control} iva C 1 2500 5Q0 100 20 0 (Controt) 23 CaAcetate �000 100 10 1 0 {Control) t . �� �._ _ �_ �� �� �e � � � � � � M,. ���� � �. _ � � ,, � <.,�.F,.�s,�. x = ��� .�� Table 3- Results af shori-ierin 6aphria maqra bioassavs �si� �a7c�um M�qnes�um .,cetate Test Run 1 - [tcn-ste�•i1e med�a Concentrations Number of tiumber of test orgaoisms nonmotile at: mqititer test organisr„s 24 hrs 4$ hrs 72 hrs 96 hrs 8355 30 30 30 30 30 1677 34 15 18 22 p5 161 30 p g 6 6 _ 77 30 2 5 8 11 0(Controi) 30 1 7 2 13 7est Run 2- hbn-sterile media Concentrat�ons Number of �inmber of test organisms nonmotile at: �9Jliter test organisms 24 ';rs 48 hrs 72 hrs 96 hrs 1000 15 1 7 14 15 500 15 0 2 3 5 100 15 0 0 0 0 0(Control) 75 0 0 0 0 LC50 estimated by: binomial method 95% confidence limit; m�ving average method 95o confidence iimits pro�it method 95`,; confidence limits ' - 653,0 572.2 - - 500-104Q 700-1�00 " - 653.0 - ' - 533.5-767.4 - ` - 641.4 _ ' - 525.2-785.2 � Test Run 3- Non-sterile media Concentrations Plumber of Plumber of test organisrns nonnatite at: mg/liter test organis�ns 24 hrs 48 hrs 72 hrs �96 hrs 2000 30 0 10 19 30 400 30 1 l 3 25 80 30 0 4 12 72 i6 30 d 0 Q � 0(Controt} 30 0 0 0 1 105� estimated by: binomiaT methad 45% confidence 7imits moviny average method 95p confidence limits probit meYhod 95� confidence timtts Test Run 4- Sterile media Co�centrations Mumber of ,�gl7iter test orqar,isms 10,�00 �0 2,000 30 400 30 80 30 0 (Cantrol) 30 LCSn estimated by: tainomial method 95X confidence limits mo��ing average method 95r confidence limits probit nethad 45"n confidence limits 7386.9 113.5 400-2dQ0 16-400 138E.9 144.4 943.7-2430.3 28.3-222.1 1337.4 152.9 0-m 0-�� Nurnber of test organisms nonmotile at: 24 hrs 43 hrs 72 hrs _ 3Q 3� 30 � s s 0 0 4 Q G 1 0 0 0 L5 95 irs 30 14 4 1 0 3001.4 286i3O 2748.1 Z000-1�SDO0 ZOQO'IO)QQO 20Q0'10YOOO - 2149.5 1421.4 - 1551.3-3002.6 943.2-2173.3 - 1971.3 1526.6 _ p_� p_� Test Run � - $terite media Concentrat4ons Number of Number of test orqanisms nonmotile at: mq/l �t __„_._,est cr2anisms 24 hrs 4� hrs 7Z hrs 96 hrs bp00 30 24 30 30 30 �; 240Q 30 2 2 2 9 96Q 30 1 1 1 1 38� 30 0 0 0 0 Q(controi) 30 �J 0 0 0 LC50 estimated by: binwnia? method 95% confidenc� limits maving average method 45% confidence linits probii rrt�thod 95X cc�ngidence limits 4222.9 24U0-60p0 4223-0 3661.9-49&2.3 41s'8.4 0-� 35L9.4 2400-60Q0 3250.4 2801.8-396fi.4 3289.9 0-� 2942.Fs 2400-6000 2946.6 2259.1-"s125.5 2766.2 2264.9-3239.3 Test Run 6- Pdociifieu qrowCh r�educin� methr�d/seeding. A. h'�dif�ed bacterial �rowth reducing techniques. Concentratio�s Namber of N�mber or' tF�sC organisros no�moC9'e at: ma/L �est orcanisms 24 hrs 48 hrs 72 hrs 96 hrs 6000 30 20 30 30 30 240d 30 13 27 29 24 960 30 0 £3 17 19 384 30 0 0 d p 154 �0 0 0 0 0 0(control} 6 0 0 0 0 LCr�p estimat�d by: binomial meEhod 95" cenfiGence timits movina average method 45% confidenee linits probit r�ethod 95� corfi�enc� ii�rits 3109.3 2400-60Q0 3412.4 2699.9 35��7.� 286C,�-49�}..3 2� 1317.9 9bd-2400 1322.6 I062.1-1683,0 1305,1 i0£s6.4-1567.7 881.9 384-2�00 1001.I H�5.5-1209.9 4&9.2 792.9-11'E.4 830.5 a84-460 958.5 777.4-I227.0 844.1 759.8-1075.3 �_� ..s�_�..� _.«�, X:� ��4��;-� _ . �. �r�,.m .��,�_� �� �p„_ � �_r �, �� � t��,.A�$ ., �: �:��� B. Modified bacterial growth reducing tecbnique aod see6fng witM1 unster#tized cuiture medium. Concentrations Number of Number of tett organisms nonmotile at: _ mq/� test oraanisms 24 h s 43 h s 72 h s� 46 hrs 600� �30 24 30 30 30 2400 30 21 24 24 36 460 30 7 11 13 74 384 30 . 0 0 0 0 154 � 30 0 0 0 0� 0(Control) 30 0 0 0 p Test Ru� 7- Mized 6ioassay A. 9acterial 9rowth reducing techniques. Concentratians Rumber of Num6er of test organisms nonrwtiie at: �� m911 test orqanisms 24 hrs 43 5rs 72 hrs 46 h s 56"v0 36 30 30 30 30 2400 J0. 26 3� 3^ 3Q 960 30 0 4� 25 25 364 30 0 0 � t � 10 . 0(Control} 34� 0 0 0 6� ��56 Estimated by: - binomiai methatl 727.9 7338.1 95% confidence tinits 960-2400 960-2400 �ving averace r,e,hod - �yZp 95a confidence limi4s - 7041.6-Id59.2 probit methad _ �za2 q 95% confidence limits - p� 6. Unsteriiized culture madiun. 676.2 S1C.3 38F-960 38d-960 676.2 574.3 594.5-7d0.0 310.4-oaa.p 699.5 508.1 � Sd9 A-813.9 335.4-b28.0 Concentrations "lumber of Humber of test orqanssms nonmetite at: mq/L test ot�qanisms 24 hrs 4$ hr= �2 h s 4� ,r 6000 30 30 's0 34 3� 2Add 30 24 30 30 3�j 90� 30 i$ 2J 30 30 364 30 Zl ZS 28 "<3 - 0(Controtj 30 0 0 p p LL�O estimated by: binemtial method 95% cmrfidence iirits erov+.ng avera9e :�ethod 95a Confidence iimits prebit methe�d 95n ccnfidence li,�its 189i.6 1259.5 9fiu-2d�0 3d4-2^JO 1291.6 '.259.5 1625.2-2327.7 S�a".d-1&4Lc" 2826.7 7315.0 811.2-1'.071.9 7p70.1-tEt6.Q �� ? . ..�;-::,., �. lO5A.5 384-2G00 iW5L.2 0'99.o-t?C1.5 IC53.3 377.7-126d 9 944.4 384-24�0 Table 4- Resuits of ;hort-term D„phnia maqna bioassays usinq_Calcium Acetata Test Run t- �don�steriTe medium Concentrations tdumber of Number ❑f test organisms nonmotile at: r.�g(� test organisms 24 Frs 48 hrs 72 hrs 96 hrs 7500 3Q 21 28 34 30 500 30 0 1 14 21 lOd 30 0 1 2 2 ZO 30 0 0 0 0 0(Controt) 40 0 0 Z 15 Test Run 2- tJan-sterite medium Concentrations Mumber of t�umber of test organisrrts nonmotile at: _; I�_ test organisms 24 hrs 48 hrs 72 �rs 96 firs 1000 34 13 19 28 30 500 30 2 5 16 16 250 3Q 0 0 0 1 725 30 0 0 0 1 62.5 30 � 0 0 i 0(Control) 30 0 Q p 1 LCsa ?stimated by: binomial method 95� confidence limits moving average method 95w eonfidence timits prabit method 95b canfidenee timits - 48 hrs 72 hrs - 828.6 484.8 - >500 250-7C00 - H28.6 579.5 - 691.4-1177.7 457.3-592.5 - 834.5 520.d - 705.8-1051.0 450.G-5Q0.7 28 96 hrs 487.7 250-1�00 481.7 4i1-643 441.4 p_� . __ ___ _ ___ Tab1e 5.- Resutts af ,hort-term Daphnia maqna_ 6ioassavs usinq F4aqnes�um-F�cetate Test Run 1- Non-sterile media Concentrations Number of Wumber of test organisms nanmotile at: in mgf� __t?st orc�anisms 24 hrs 4g hrs 72 hrs �c �-� 7500 30 5d0 3p 100 3p 2a 30 0 (Control) 30 Test Run 2- tNon-steril� �edia Concentrations Yumber of Number of test o in mg/l test orc�anisms ?A hrE lOd� 504 250 725 62.5 0 (Control) 30 30 30 30 30 3Q LC50 estimated by ' binomial method 95% confidence timits 1 0 0 � � 0 15 30 0 g 0 0 0 p Q 2 1 0 a 0 0 Q sms nonmotit2 at: t 30 4 0 0 75 20 0 0 0 0 a 96 t.rs 857.1 500-100Q Test R�n 3- Nen-steriTe medi3 Concentratio�ss Number of Number of test organisms nonnntile at: in mg/t test orcanisms 24 hrs Gz3 hrs 72 hrs �6 hrs 20Q0 30 4 72 Zp 27 400 30 0 6 7 28 �4 30 Z 9 4 9 T6 "s0 0 Q p p 0(Contro;) 3C q 0 0 1 LC50 estimated by: - - 72 hrs 96 hrs b{nonial method - - 1090.0 126.6 95�, corfidence limit; - - 409-2p00 &Q-40Q mavin� �r�raga mPbhod - - ln9p<� i3g,a 95`� confidence 7imits � - 665.1-2173.5 9 L 6-203.2 probit �+rehad - - 89$.i 154,6 9S`=, confidenue l��rit> - - �-m p_�, �-o � ,�.� �., 2y Tabie 6- Resniti of shcrLt=rm Oaphnia maqna bicassays usinq So4i• ChloriCe Naq ) Test �un 7 - ryon-steri)e techniqu: Concentratiarts Numher ef Number of test animais nonmotite at: �� _�Sll te5i orqa "sns 24 hrs 48 h•s 7�,600 �p �� 10 7.000 10 0 0 � 700 � 16 . . p � 0 {Controi) 1a 0 0 . . T€st Run 2- hon-sterite technique � � . Concentrations� Yumber of 7lumtrer of test organisns �pnmotile at: � �° "C1L test or anisms . pa hrs 48 hrz 72 hrs 46 nrs� 16.600 30 3a . 39 9� 3p ... 5,000 30 27 30 30 30 2,006 3U 7 7 4 ll Sa0 36. 4 ' 3 13 0 (Ccntrot) 30 p � j � �� Test Run 3- Non-sterite Cechnique ���� . Conce�strations t�umher of Number of test or�anisms noneroiite at: fR ��'�� test or anisms 2G hrs Ag hrs t2 hr� gr� �.,�s � � S•�Q 1`� i2 14 IS 14 3.CC0 / 75 0 3 8 10 Q 1�•0!iCl'0:� �5 C �. Q I Test R1n 4- Ster*ie tzchnique Concentra;5ons Humber of 10,000 3q Z•�QO 30 a00 30 BO 3p 0 (Carttrol} 30 Sun�er of test arganisms nanmotite at: 34 3� 30 36 ° a � a � � Q 0 0 p Q d � � � 0 TetT Rur.�S - Stersie techniGue �� Contentratior,s 4umber af Yvmber of [est oreanisms ncnmo;i7e at: j° '"4�� •est orqaniscs Zd h 5 4F h s 72 hrs 46 h s 6,000 30 30 30 30 30 2.�0 30 0 6 0 0 Qfi� 36 0 Q 6 p 384 30 0 6 0 p 0(Contrat) 6Q p d� 6 O Test Run b- Sterile Cechnigvn ConcenCrattons ;{,y�;��,� a{ y;��r of test 6rgan#sms non�tile at: in ^.rolL .o�. �.,,..,..... „,._. ._. 6.G60 3� < 5 ...___! :.5�0 `+ 6 3Q 3�Gi,0 3Q � 0 � P } 2.560 30 6 0 0 0 2,4^v0 3r� 9 1 6 �Cen*r�t' �n � � � � �� Tast Ruri 7- S�criie technique Concentrations tiumber of Number of test arganism; nonrnotile at: m�c�'l test orqanism, 24 hrs 48 hrs 72 hrs 96 hrs 5,000 ?0 77 26 29 29 4,500 30 3 7 8 15 4,000 30 1 3 5 1 3,5Q0 30 0 0 0 0 3,G0� 30 0 2 3 3 0(Controt} 30 1 t 1 1 LC�� ectimata� b�; bi�cmial method 95t confidence limits moving average nethod 95h confidence ltmits probit metho� 95fi co�fidencE li,iits - �8 hrs ?2 hr, H6 hrs - 4647.3 4640.9 4500 - 4500-5�00 4504-5000 4d00-5dOd - 4697.3 4640.4 4500 - 4588.4-4743.2 4542.9-4718.5 4272.7-4679.1 - 4666.4 4511.4 4317.6 ' �_x Q_m �_ai ai were tested, Ten replicates were used for each cor,�entration a.nd contral in every test. A neonate p, maana <24 hrs old was introduced into each test bott2e, ar.d allowed to mature during the course of the experiraent, The test was concluded when the contrcls arodured at least six broads ef young. The total n�imber of young prodviced at each test concentration and in the controls wa� determined, Single factor analysis of varianr_e and the Student-h�ewman-Keuls test were used to dct�rm'_.^.e i� there was any difference amonq the test concentrations and the control (10, 11), The hypothesis tested in all cases was H�: the mean number of young proauced in the control test bottles ecuala the mean number of youna produced in the test concer.�rations. All significance tests wer� done at the .05 level. r, it�,+cylt�g Shoct-term Biaassays - The results of the �hort-term bioassays used to determine the acute r,:edian 2ethal concenkration (LC 50 )£or C,+SA, ca2cium ace�ate, ^�agnesium acetate, and NaCl are shown in Tables 3-6. The foilowin� is a �umr�ary of these results: <384 mgjliter 1421 mg/li�er =�82 mgJlitec I27 ng/li.ter 4500 mg/liter - CMA when bacteria are preseat, - Cf�:A whPr bacteria are redaced - Ca2ciu:� acetate when hacteria are preser,t, - Maqr.esium acetate when bac`eria are preser�t - haCl Long-term Bioassays - The results of the CtdA, calcium acetate, ma,nesium acetate, and NaCl long term �uioassays are shocan in T�ble 7, 8, and 9s The maximu*� concentrations �± wnich no significant decrease in reproduction was noted ?�er I25 mcJliter - for CMIi 504 mgJliter - for Nat;l 1d0 mgfliter - for Calcium acetate 100 mqjliter - far magn�:sium acetate These leveis are the No Oiaserved Effects Concentzations for the varioas deicers. d, �iscussien Ct�tA is readily used as a nutrient by a variety o� bacreric,. The tests indicate that the bacterial bZooms wtiich occur in CMA solutions at eoom ten7p�:rature are delet�cious E� �aai�riia ;'tdQRd. p, ms�µ.:,� in tPst ;ars with bacteria2 bla�r; exgerienced 'n�;�vy and usua3.2y completc martality. The r:ortality ray 'r,av�� �een due co oxygen deptet:on cau;ed bLL ';ie high oxyc�en deman: of the bae�eria? bloom. The hiar uBti�Eiiu<. t�iCS�r�i i3i2 iP,d�2 1� 1i2CB5S3i?z+ �O �Si.di7iZ5i1 i.ku distinct IsC7� values, one for CMfi a.d one Lar th� bacteri�l 32 f J t , ����.A���. ,� _ �. � .� _ a�� � .:.� n� . �_.,. �.v��. e�_ _ �...�, ��._,� _. �� . � Tab1e 7- Danhnia maona Lonq-TPrri C"=�P T��+ RFsutts CMA Test Run #1 - The number of young praduced in each replicate durin9 the bioassay. Jar Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 10 tfe�n St.Dev. L - � 500 0 0 0 4 1 C 0 9 0 Q 1.4 2e95 � 700 53 4b 67 53 59 53 52 53 65 62 56.3 6.65 � 2t� 53 44 44 4S 42 4i 48 44 40 55 46.6 4,76 v. 0 4>0 32 54 47 55 52 61 49 20 52 27 44.3 14.61 m Oo$ 59 37 46 58 40 1$ 38 51 30 34 41.7 72.75 i � 0(Controt} 30 62 3Q 31 42 36 47 28 46 53 40.51 11.46 d U C O V Comparisons of the means of young produced at each concentration. Co�centration (mg/�iter) 500 100 20 4 0.8 mean ; of D. n�agna born 1.5* 56.3' 45.6 44.3 41.1 *significznt difference frpm Contr•ol at the �.05 level> Ct�A Test Run ii2 - The nur,Ser of yaun� ��rc��nced in each replieate duriera the second Q�7k long-�erm biaassay. 0 4Q.5 Jar Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 10 F�ean St.Dev. J_�_�� ..__�___ a' 500 D 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 Q � 25d 0 3 0 42 J 0 0 0 0 0 4.5 13.27 0 � i25 106 114 i30 77 113 53 �5 0 i08 92 88.4 38,27 .; 62.5 5 1�5 65 82 00 a7 59 89 9b 63 73.1 28.72 c u 9(Ccntral) 127 73 104 4E 95 87 74 93 90 &6 41.3 14.34 c 0 c.> -�__�_._. . Cemparisons of the means of ycung produced at each concentration, Cc^c.�ntration {m Jiiter) 5G0 250 ?25 c2.5 y/ ` 0* 4.5* 88.4 73.1 *Significar�t differen�e frai= control at the O.Q5 tevel, 33 Q 91.2 Table 8- DaR�nia Long-Term NaCI Test results. Jar flumber 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mean St- Oev. 2500 5i I7 42 62 48 68 30 74 706 42 60,6 36.35 500 120 82 89 91 127 81 129 104 715 82 1Q2 19.00 1G0 705 9Q 104 96 75 83 100 71 102 32 90.3 13.70 20 97 106 103 107 8& 8q 69 111 90 10 92,1 16,60 � 12i 73 104 96 95 87 74 93 9� 86 y1,3 75,71 uomparisons af the means of the number of D. ma na born at each conce�tration during the NaCi longmterm bioassay. Concentration (mg/liter) 250Q 500 100 20 0 Mean � of D. ma na born 60.6* 1�72 90.8 92,1 9T.3 *Significant difference from controi at the Q.05 levei. 3� � �� � �. . �.. _ y. .�. , �. �� � � ;�� \t . �- — -- %� —_�.. .�,�.».,w. .,,,G,�.e..�.:z.�u-.���� �.�-n��� �.�.,�x . .� a-«-..�. �_ u•� �. Table 3- Daphnia maqna Lonq-Term Ca Acetate and F1g ncetate tes��s�.t+S The r,umber of young produced in each replicate during the Ca acetate and t9g acetate long-term bioassay, Jer PJur�ber 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ftean St.Dev. Ga Acetate 1�00 73 25 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 4,1 8,40 1d0 75 62 66 66 0 56 13 8� 95 88 67.7 25,34 10 45 58 67 65 69 25 32 42 34 38 53 i9,58 7 59 58 00 49 45 56 6Q 79 50 4$ 56.4 4e61 tAg Acetate i Otit� lOJ 1G 7 Control 0 0 � 0 il 1 13 11 133 109 8 2$.6 49,29 89 44 75 92 80 91 79 71 73 81 78 12.53 70 38 60 67 67 49 61 63 64 53 58.6 9.49 60 57 64 53 67 59 61 0 56 42 52.4 14.87 57 62 62 A8 44 47 71 58 72 0 52.1 20�63 Ccmparisens of the means of young produced at each concer�tratione MgAcet CaAcet higkcet CaAcet MgAeet CA Acet higJAcet CaAcPt C�ntrel Concentration (r�g/liter) 7000 7000 100 lOQ 10 TO 1 7 Q mean � of D.m,agna horn 28.6* 4<1* 7H 67..7 58.6 53 52.4 56.4 52.1 *Significant difference of contro7 at the O..Q5 level� w5 � 62ooms that occur in CMA solutzons. The laboratory data must be caxefully applied to known field conditions beEore hy�otheses about how CMA will affect aquatic ecosystem, cen be made. In the field, Ct4A can be expectea to beh�ve similarly to hlaCl. Because CMA melts snow and iee as it is appZied, it will create its own solution which will rapidly flow into the aquatic environment. The amounts of CMA and NaCl reauired for effective deicing are similar, thereiore; similar concentrations of CMA and NaCl should be expected in the aquatic ecosystems. Goldman and Hoffman {12) measuced the levels of chloride entering t:�e aguatic ecosystem due to salt use in deicing operations in the Lake Tahoe basin in California and Nevada, Their measurements indicate that 1aXge �mounts o� chlorides are tcans�or�ed in�o the aquatic ecosystem during the Wi7lt2!'� E?E2t }�':� dP:.CL: :Y..S 'r'ciCy' i.Lc�TiEiiu'OUSiY Wi�'Yl t1RiE and place. Runoff samples collected fsom areas near roads receiving NaCl during the winter had a mean concentration oE 210 mg of Cl %liter �:ith a maximum concentration of 2051 mg Cl.'/liter concentrations. Concentratians at the entrance to Donner Lake were as high as 163 mg CI`jliter. The winter average in L�onner Lake was 12 rnr� Cl%liter. If Ct•iA were used for deicinq, concentrations oE acetate si.milar to those of chloride nay be ex.pected to occur in the immediate vicinity �f the road. 1'hus, in rare instances, concentr�tions xnpreachi.^.a the LC 50 's for CMA to �p;,pi� c a coviu occur in the immediate vicinity of the road, The amount of acetate that would likely be found in streams directly affected by road deicing is abpve that reo,uired to produce bactE�rial bl�?o;ns under laboratory conditiar.s. Row2ver, because of 1ow winter temperature bactecial qrowth shou2d be retarded Song enough for the acetate to be di2uted to concentrations at which a bacterial bloom would not occur. In the colc3 water, the acetate would be slowly decomposed by becteria. The amount of bacteria in the receiving waters ma}> increase providirg additional fooc] Por other organisms. Use af C�tt, for c7eicing w�uid raise the calcium and magnesium leveis in receiving waters, ther�by ir.creasing water hard»e�s. Increasiny the hardness in some stteams could cause a ch�snge in what species c�E ani��als Iive in the cfream. Same organisms live aaly in saic water, while others live in hard watar, Some organisms live in either. Na generelized h��pothesis ean bry ma�e cancerniny the impacts of the increase in water ;�arc3ness on aquatic biota, due �a the diversity of water rr�nditinns, probat�le ;rfering app2i_catian rates af C;idA, and different scecies found in different geographical areas, ������Tne res�ics a€ t�is ,tudy are not exhaustivey due to tne limitations znherent in single s�;eczes laboratory stuaies. v6 ��,. �� ��� ��� _.>� ,�-� ��t����e� ��� . ,_�;.,��_�.�.: .. �t. .:, .._� x.w ... � - �-��- t� ,> ..w ,i'� � ____ - - The results o€ ihiv s�udy si�ply indicate that C�1a is pzobably not highly toxic to zooplankton, Carefully ,controlled Eield studies shau2d be done ta mor� thoreaghly determine the impacts of CMA on zooplankton. 3. Phytoplankton Bioassays a, Introduction Phytoplankton are the miervscopzc algae af the aquatic enviranment. These alqae form part oE the pzoducer traphic level and provide energy to the highe: trophic levels. To determine the impacts of CMA, calcium acetaEe, magnesium acetats, and NaCl, both unia7ga2 and natural water algae bioassays were performed, Algae bioassays test for both stimalatory and toxic effeets of a substance on alga�, because they measure the algal yrowth raL-e and the mar,imym standing crop. Ths unialgal l�ioassay is a standardized test of growth response of a we21 characterized organism under standardized laboratory con�itions. The method used for this test was a modificatian of the EPA bottle algal ausay test (4} using an artificial qrowth medium rather than natural receiving water. This method was used so regional water characteristics could be disregarded, The natucal water bio�ssey used natural water with indigenous algae and other naturally occu�ring micro organisms, This allowed assessment of the deicers on one particular assemblaq�� of organisms, b. [taterials and �ie:.hods The bioassays were conductec usin9 bo�h the Green Algae Selenastrum �ap*;corr�{y and the Blue Green Aloae A�abar�n� o5-a��. Cult�res of both species of algae were obtained f[am the U.S, Envieanr,aen"tal ProEection Agency, tY;e Environm�ntai Research Laboratory in Corvallis, OR, Aft�r ceception, the cultures were checked far authenticity and purity, F3oth species af algae were maintained iri 500 ni er7.enmeyer flasks which contained 200 ml of aZqae medium (Figure S). Every 7-10 days the �, �pr;cornt�tt�m was recaltured, while g, ft��-ac�,Lde was cecultured every 2-3 weeks. Additionally, both species were placed on 2€ agar so new cuituces could be started if the cultures maintai.�e�3 in the liqui�3 meEi�a;n �acame cor.tamir.ated, The synthetic culture medium that was used for aiGae cultures and some of the bioassays, was tnat characterized by the GPA (4). Tab1e 10 shows the nutrient cancentrations i:i the med;um. ihe pH of the medium was 7.5+0,1. Tv insure that t'r,e cultu�es and bioassays were b�cteria free, the medium was autaclaved, r111 glassware was washEd itt a �hos�.hate free Betergent, rinsea in h�drochlpric acic�, t'insed in deionizec3 water., autoc2a.ed, and ovenclried at ldf7 C�,riar to ��se, All tran�fe�s of aSgae were performec7 using aseptic technique. a7 _4 �s � ��� � � : - � �:� �� �.a.� ..�.,_..n.__.�<a,.�'_�� , . , � 4� �,..` Fiqure 7. �71rtae `las� replicates ptac?� on osc�IlaCina .".dh'e ,vith enYironmentdi �namber, � �� ....� �. _ _ . 9. �, , .�., �� � . � - � ,._ � .. , ��, ... � ,; � � } � Tabte 10. final Concentration of �'acronutrients in Al�ae Culture Medium as Sa1ts and Elemertai Concentrat�ons Concentration Com cund � (ua(titerj _�_ (uy/iiter Elament Concentration iJat�d3 25.50 P� 4.20 tr'a 7 i .00 NaHCO3 15.Q0 C 2.14 t KZHPO4 7.G4 K 0.469 P 0.186 �' t4gS44.1H2O 14,7Q S 1.97 "� � hR9 2.50 frgCiZ.6ii2'u 12.164 CaC72.2HZ0 4.41 Ca 1.20 H3603 1II5.51 B 32.46 MnC12.4H2O 2nC72 CoC12.6ri20 CuC72.2N2� haP9o0�.2H2O FeC13.EHz0 YazEDTA.2H2�J 4i5.61 3.27 10428 O.Q12 7.26 160.6 3D0�0 � Nn Zn Co Cu t4o Fe 175.37 1.5J Q.35 0.004 2.88 33,05 ����,�,�-,�� =�wh�::�,�����:,�.r �� �. _,ur�:�� Table 11 shows the concentxatians of NaCl, ca�cium �cetate, magnesium acetate, and CMA in each test run,Ail test concentrations and contrcls were run in triplicate, The concentrations for testing were equivalent weights (e.g, lg NaCl is eguivalent to 1.67 g CFSAj. The bioassays wer= conducted in an enviranmental chamger. The temperature was maintained at 24 C+ 1 C, and the relative humidity was maintained at about 50&. Test flasks were 500 ml pyrex erlemeyer flasks which contained 200 ml of test solution. Laose fitting aluminium foil was used for flask closures (Fiyure 7). The f2asks were continually shaken by 100 RPM. The cultures were grown under continuous cool whife fluorescent light, the light was maintained at 400 ft. candles + 2p� 0.5 �nches above the shaker table. The Anak.• iena flas-aat�� �s�s c�vered with che�se clet!i to reduce liyht intensity by 568. Algal growth was measured by fluorescence usinq a Turner Moc�el II2 fluoromater (Figure 8). Both the specific growth rate and t:�e meximum standing crop were measured, The speci£ic gro�ath rate was caicnlated by using L•he equation: G = n(x2/xl} day -1 Tx -T1 where G = Growth Rate X1 = bzomass at time one X2 = biomass at time X 40 _ J Tabte 77. The Concentrat?or� af NaCt. CMA and Calcium and - Maanesium Acetate usFd for each �oa�' ssay: Flask 4 i 2 3 Q 5 6 7 8 9 ia il 12 I3 14 15 16 17 18 19 Test Taxicant Control NcCt NaCI NeCI NaCI NaCI CP1A CMA CMA CMA CMA Controt Ca Acetate Ca Acetzte Ca Acetate Mg Acetate Mg Acetate Mg Acetate Controt 41 Concentrations 0 1 mg/L 10 mgJ1. 50 m9{L 100 mg/� 1000 mg11� 1.67 mgfL 1@.71 mgll 83.55 mg/!. 167.1 mg!(. 1671 mgtl� 0 15.07 mg/L 150.7 mgJl 1507 mg/� 18.35 mg{L 183.5 mglL 1835 mg/L 0 tntq�a} m6o� _i� �, � °�: �' O �� Z .-� O a e�6 �� 6 / O O � i z o C U tt � C �� F -1 i _� � =� �, c �, "' o c9 m Yi Z Q N,� 4�4 W Q p O e ¢ � b � U S Z O ;nr.n�o o�eoi �rlvua�>cel .rUs.w2�` c} Figure 9. The growth of Selenastru^ capricorrutur in various concentrations af taaCl, [;liFt, calcium aeetate and ma9nesium acetate (Ii19182 - 2J1/S?1. 42 :��,.:� .����-���.:a�t� �.����.�����,��,��� .�:. � e,,�._...,� �;� �, _ �, �, J: ` 4) O C C Vi � �� 9 C� � �1 4 o K� O �' O jC 4 a a w O =u w O r a q N p G � 4 U O :i n �k m ei � �_ s v � �i V o �� o �� � N � Q O ? O y� V O n � r � rt ] O _, „� �, �;:::��.':°;;":'; ' � ��� .� � :.°:. ; � � ; ,. . ��� , � �``��� :�.-;. .. �` t,—;--v- : b, i ,ai___ , I , .. _,. Lan TME SPECIF�C QP`J:YTH PAiE 4Tw0 Oay hfovl�g Av�C ) pc SEtcyF5F1L".f CAGFICpRH:;i{�> GaG:i'; IN SGuiUM CNtCS;vE GONF0.fiEp `p p �pNiflbL � � � :itt3r8P-2/V92) - SA �.,----�_. j_+—a .e..'�..�...�axa.u�..a.�un i �..SF . �— . . a.�• ��..• � .• _ J i � tn�. .:l .. . ♦ .ca o • l;i�\� 5 //��1...�Cti —� . tj ��.`"�-�. . . �. �� .�.� � ��a7--�. �_' �� ��.I i c , s > . - w,. ' ' ' i s y THE 5. E� .PIC 6R�`A2N RAiE (Iwo Y'.vin9 a*91 m,-7p.._„�,. GRO't..q irv C lL. .� t�AGY �.-..f�0.C£Tnr .:D T” q GO �G�. (i/�§182-2/v52} Figure 1Q. The speci`ic groczth rate (two-day �oving avzrege) of Selenastru� ca ricarnutuia grocvn in vartous concerrtrations o` PIaCt and G11„ {1119/$2 - 2/ljf?2}. 4s � n ��,:�.�� ,�.� �.� _.�� _ _<. _. , �_ � � :A IS m �a a i � �5 U N Q -OS �., «...o� � <;;,;:�.�;: �`:�;. Oays THE SPECIFIC GROWTH RAiE {7wo �ay lbving Avq.7 QF $ELE'zqSTRU*A CA�_Rr��gtiJTu•-� �ROWN IN GkLC1Utd A4ETAiE Gp"nPARED TO A �C::,ROL <�l�dr62-[Ill827 x o (--'--^--- .. _ . . � �--... �e . .�.m .,, . i_s� o. ' . j B> 4e�� 1 I t o :0� � � � I \ � i �I \� � 2 E 1� \ ! � 5 � Y��� � l ��-.-�.. � I � �-...,�"'-�-_��' ' m C ��:,�^..�'\ • . � . `��: �...-,--�'; . _ppi ; i , , ����—.-5 c � r tl s — ♦ ) oass 7HE SR€GIFIG GaCWT4 qa,� ;T+ro D�i'dpxiog A.�.3 - '_ i !:lt Cc �? � �` _ .:X4.�,.. GRO�VY iti LiAG:'E<ltPA ACE7AiE=AJPARCb T(} k.OPi=n6t. (tl19i82-211t62) FigurP 11. The specific growth rate (tv�o-day moving avera9e) of Seienasirur� caaric�.rnutum grown in varicus concentrztions of ea�u� acetate and magnesium a�e�a�� (rnstaz a ztlt�z). The maximum standing crop is the maximum biomass occurring during the tEst run. Practically, the maximum sta�ding crop is assumed to be achieved when the biomass inacea�es less than 58 per day. The maximum specific qrowth ra'e i� the largest rate in growth occurring at any time during the incubatian pariod, The fluorescence readings were converted to the g/liter of chlorcphyll and the n�mber af cellsJml. Replicats means and the standard deviation of each series of. replicates was calculated. A one-Gaay analysis of variance was performed for each test run to determine if significant differences existed among treatments. For each treatment the specific grawth rate and standing crop were �alcu2ated for each day. The purpose of t.he natural-water, algae-bioassays was to determine if algae in natural receivino water,with an estahlished bacterial gop�lation, would be affected �lffgranf7l �� fhQ VdY:CUS Cii^i�d2S tcStca ��SYi W�6 aigae in the arti€icial mediun. The algae bioassay test method was modified so that natural water was used rather than artificial nedium. Gdater from the American and Sear Rivers oF California was used. Nutrients and zn innoculum of �, canri orn� in were adde3 to the water. The coc�centrations tesGed are shown in Table 11. c. Results Unialgal Bioassays - Four �as � caprico�ut�m bi.oassays and three Ana a�n� f�cs-�ayaa� bioassays were run, Of these, two 5, c-�a ricnrnut-t�� and tk>c �. �1os-aauae biaassays were ssaccessful, The other tests were rejected beca�se the cantro?.s did not grow properly. The r��ults of the successful bioassays were used to assess the effects of CMA on the environment. Each success£ul bioassay will be reparted individuallp, �. �,apzzcacnu�um bioassay af 1/19J82 - 2/1/82, The growth of �. �pra^ornutum in various concentratior.s of 2daC1, Ct�A, calcium :�cetate, and magnesium acetate are shown in Figure 9. Pigures .10 and 11 show the specific growth rates observed. A two day ;novir.g average was used to decrease the effect cE san,pling ezr�r, [�one o� the NaCl concentrations caused a significant difference in growth durir,g the bioassay, Grawth d��ressipns accurred i.n a;.l Ct�fA concentratians tested. Both the caicium acetate and the magnesium acetate treatments showed a 9routh rate depressian similar t� that af CMA, In both treatments, the observable ditferences occurred later in time than CMA treatnent, �. casyr,icocnt�tu€n bi�assay af 3J13J62 - 3j25Jf32, The cro�:th of �. �rrr+cpzn+��,ya� iri various concentrations of NaC2, Ci,A, calcium ucecaL-e,�and��ma,:nesi�i::i acetaLe are shown in Pigure d� ,.... K ,.,.�.. ,�. ... ..�. � . ,,.v...�... .�,�� . .,.�.>. �,.s,�.,.�.,.u.,. k r,>.w.�,� �.,.�.,x_ .��..�,....,. ��.� hes (ava tz `� __�" ��--_... � y� ��» ` o i��i:�� - aK �O � � o a z o p V 'L (` ¢ 6 �n�qqi "ool I�.lii1�J G=.+] :t � _�n :i G �'� e � i �6 O v� V < S O � �a �� < of 0 � v 2 W 6 •n � c q 6 V O �.. :' m � � � I ,-�'�' a . � � 4J�' � ( c�i .. �� �'� o � " - - i� z �1���1 i :�u 1 � � ���� fi` :;° � u � ,} �\ 1 ( � C � °� � � ��� ��, � o � �`�`�` � � � - a„ • -W , °< s�, �� 4 ` � �`'�..� = s i- o ��, H � � .� , � � . . _ _ � . . � ., ., . -_^ _._�o 0 tt/ �! �Yo} ' ' I.Yr%IlaJmyal Figure 12_ The gro���th ef Selenastrun ca�icornutum in various concentrations of CiaGl, �t�iA, ��icium acetate ar,-d magne�ium acetate (3(23%32 - 3J251&2j. 4� �',<ti,:_,'_. ; �.. "� . r� _� _ _ ��_ „ ---� �. _, _ ai � <,; i � I ! , .,.,� , � ; — — �a„ ° , , . TNE 6FEGIf C GftOlYTH q0.'E {tei6 0 y - oq pvg) OF 5! EYkSi UAC0.Pp�Cpp�tUT_ G�p:'!N W 509t�iM CMt,OR±�E GOlaoqqE� Tp A GON;ftOL. f31t318£-3CSi'n21 �---o a �..........,..._4.,.. TNE SPEGF+G Gep:�it! RqTE (ireo JOY � � 3 C :'.nSiF ,< n"�GiV . � PO:CR rv C.t 1 M aG�£S�r .. a ET TE CG -0 T6 u _ �,v (3tt3;92-3/25/821 Figure 13. Tne spe�ific gre;�r=h (t«o-day n�ring average) of Sel�nastru,o ca ricc,rntuir� gro�n in various concei�i�:�tions cr ;Iai:i an� Cit>t (3J1:3182 - 3125t82j: 47 Sp l0 0 1A s' s o _� v y a _Qy'I f3--c .5 � b�q .xo.in ::rme p�—S .5J1 vCfa C: _.a�.cc�.,�'[ (�J "� vi/� �a-...�.��y�� Dav� THE SPECIFIC CiHOW?H FAiE (Two Day t!o¢Inq Av�_} OF SELEN,�S}�p�A CAPaiCORtiUTU".1 GROWN IN CA6CiU'd ACET0.TE C01:ARE0 TO a COtiiftOl. � . (3/Y3re2-3l25;&27 za o �c s _' as e �n 9 �CS -i0 n---� �a. tia�. � o. .,.w, �.. o.� � .,—_.. ves...voa...._.��,. ,j—_j.en ,n ....m:.<��. �3syi THE SPEClFIC GHOVITH RATE (Two Oay .sav(n9 A,�.J OF SELEr1nS��ti'.l C4P7!COARUi'v�! GflOWN W lAAp4ESWiA RCc.'-A;E GO'4PAPcD T� k CO`tTRGL. C3fi3tE2-3!?5/'a2) Figure lY. The specific yrowt� rate (two-day nov9ng average) of Selee,astr�;rr c�pricorn�•t�m gro�n in various concen*rations of eaicium acetate and magne<iu*n acetate !3113t32 - 3125182?. 4 £3 12. The specific growth rate (two-day moving average} is shown in Figures 13 and 14 far the different treatments. Except for the first day, the �r�wtr, of all NaCl concentratior.s were not statistically dif£erent (at the .OS level of significance} from the control. All concentrations of Ci�fA exhibited depressed growths. The specific qrowth rates for NaCl were indistingu�shable from the contrals, CriA treatments shc«2� a cansisi.ent pattern of depressed growth rates. The most severe depressian occurred at the highest concentration. Although less regular than the CPiA results, both the calcium acetate and the magnesium acetate treatments showed growth rate depressions. Generally, the higher cancentratians were more depressed than the lower concentratiens. �. ��c�aa"�r�e bioassaY {7jI3j�� - 7/28{$2}. The B, ��oa-aquae bioassays grew more slawly than the �, �p�+co�n�t�+n bioassays, and the maximum stanBing crop and the daily growth rates attained were lo�er. The results are shooan in Figare 15. The daily speciEic grawth rates {two-day moving average) for the treatments are shown in Figure 16, The maximnm standing crop in �he NaCl treatments was not si,nificar,tly different from that of the controls. Desgite sone inconsistencies ir, the data the hiaher eonc�ntrations of CMA had a lower standir:g cr.op than the controls. The daY.a far ca2cium acetate and magn�sium acetate are more consistent than these far CP7A. All concentrations of both celcium acetate and magnesium acetate exhibited a significantly smaller standing crop than the controis. The data on sgecific grawth rates is too inconsistent to draw any conclusions. H• o�-aqy�ae bioassay (1/18/83 - 2J1/n3), The stand:ng crop and the dail} specific grourth rate o� various concentrations of NaC2, CMH, calcium acetate and magnesium acetate ace s.`,owr� in Figures 17 and 28, The NaCl treatnents showed a growtti patY.ern similar tc the previou> �. fios-a�;�ae bioassay, By the er.d of the experiment the nighest NaC' concer.tration had a signific�ntly smaller standing crop than the controls and the lower NaC2 concent:rations, The Ct4A Yreatments showed a�imilar reductian in standing crop �� the hiyhcr co�centracions to cne reductions seen in other algae bioassays. By the end af the bioassay the standing crop in ti�e cantrol, the 1.67 mgfliter and the 16,7I ng/Iiter wece all siar�ificantly lar�er than the 257,2 � mg/Liter and 2671 mg%liter concentcations, 49 0 0 0 � s n+�aa�c�ao vep-a�o� — ���� Y 9 r r � ' � l �� Y � � � '• � + �� I ' ¢Irv F � m ¢ U p � i i �� � V . �O � �� ie _ O a i F � � _�y � � �� �.e Qo � �� r- ' � � L 4 -q r � a O a 4 E o 0 � u + � 2 K �c - i s m � :': '^ o V � < .S. t i� n ¢ < j E � ` � � � ... �� iI~ O 6 � -� 1_ V � O � .o�n,ao�ar.o va�yWm7 � . � .' n —�—'T--1-^� ; �'' � f. `` �. ;�� ( �- �� \II ;i� " a � � �i� ;_ �� � � �� iQ �o ;° `i�E � � i i =< �P ;a E � �� ;. � � � ,- �� , + <lo � r_ a a,a � `\ \� 1n �� ��� �' aW �� � � � � �;,� ,� o�k ii� a� � - � �lW`��� �. � o A'rt'' w U R Z ` �' `�+�. I � V � � � � ``? �.. J � � � �� �� i = I�1� � l. w ;b��� � � � �'� (� �- r i ; _; � � o e o .� �ao,o,��,,,,�s.o, � .�. , �� :,e,v�ti�, Figure 15. T�e grcvr�h in Anab�ena �1os_aquae in v�rfious eoncentrat?�ns Qf NaCI, C�i"+> ca1cium acet�tP and i,..�gr�sium acatate (r,l�i8'L - 7j23(3�j. o�Y _ —'------ix I G� I I I• LL f �r ao � I �- ` ` I_ - �� j � 6? , i � -��.� ' , �� � '" �w" �- (t � �' ' } R �'. g .. '. J � ' �� N `m . j � � � / �. ^ W < .�. �. � s `c � � �- � < # U S Z 1 �O 4 \ �� w � � N � `�b � " - ' ' r t, .nv �� o,� ����a.cy —.--_�. o� �'A� 1� :;� ,�/C !� �� '��1 ' _ p.� ,} �� -_ � �a ; ,. ' ��a�� = 1��� �� o ��q r�Y � %� � � u � I � � � � � = � � i O tLL- O � r e C O � �� �, � �_ � �� i- � , � N � - a � +Ity c�+�o�9 =. aaJS . xvetl nt _ :I.-iOq � • Fi9ure 26. 'ifie specific grcwth rate (two-day moving average} of ;na4aena flas-any;,e ride, Chifi, caleiun acetaCe and riayresium ace±�ie �7112I�Z - 71�3J72). s��a ���.o�o >n�.»aq <� � a 0 4� s x �o 00 � a H < O v pum Q 6 Q N O 4 � � i � vy m � � a � � � r 2 O � a p ��'.� V a a 5i � �� �`�>- � .. ��y� . iiavovai�a vLLe�✓aso� 1 � � � u -I < qa� \\\\ o � C a _ ..��..._.�� _ __- . u ` W i { F � �.._ . .. ` V m �.. _. - � ¢ � O j :.. �� y < _ ct 12 Z yo � � < ci ' � `e E ^ F_ °_ -- � �'C,�• _I C_._..__. d . . w � e u�am,awo vweµio�eai � 0 � �.I= _ G O � a 4 N O u O .^� O�O n O �6 m W ` W V i a a > y� U 2 q ___.° _ � , v uc.,ao,orao �r�ny� meai F�,�re ?7. The ;rowth oF snabaen� f?�������-��_a���qu����:��.��e���� in var�ous concentrations� ta�-, CF�A, calcium acetate � and mag�esium�aeatate (1118/83 - 2/7j83). 52 r Y e 1 fi= tP 3 ! Y i 4�9e II���� �.n m,.o�o > �.00as � letl Y(no�0 �.�ravj5 j` �I (a �� . a � i t' r i � � � Q J O iy �� ;� R � � $ �om a�� oqm ;�r " V h < 6 V C Z > 3 O O C J� � w � �, `f _'o - u �1 a o � _ o _ � , V ia O'� a = � e U ' 3 � � O � t> C _ � f O J t] J J �.a =� �,o �� ada^, � NI c i � a o' � =I � 7 ��� i �< � ` o o a ^� 3 , V m �Qm r .j m { a < } � a � � � J K ¢ 2 `1 a 2 � � U C (y u U c> at n.�� _>>a a5 • Figure 1?. Tne specif�c growth raCe (rr:o-day ��ovina average) of =;nab-fra flos-a�cae gr�wn in �earious concentratians of PlaCl =.s�;, c�I i�=m aceeate ar� m,agnesium acetafe (i(isl8s - 21JJ8�j. The calcium acntate and maqnesi�zm acetate treatments exhibited a reduced standing crop ir, the hioher treatmeat leveis corapared to the contro2s. The maxzmum standinq crop in the control and in the IS.1 mg/liter �reatmen� of calcium acetate developed significantly 2arger standing crops than eithec the 15�.7 mg/liter and I507 mg/liter cancentrations of calcium acetate, There was no signi£icant difference b�tween the contro2 and the 15.i mg/liter treatment. For magnesium acetate all treatment levels exhibited a depressed maximum standing creg. Natur�l Water Bioassay (12/14/82 - 12/24/82) - The maximum standing crops o� the combined �. ��,tr'carnu*yi and indigenous algae in various concantrations of NaCl, CMA, calcium acetate and magnesium acetate are shown in Figure 19. The specific growth rates ttwo day moving average} are shown in F�gnre 20 for the di:Eerent treatments. The results of this biaassay are somewhat dif�erent from the uniaYgal �. �a_pr,_�arn � um bioassays. During the experiment all of the NaCl treatment showed similar maximum stan�in� crops. The highest concenkratio❑ of CMA {167I mg/liter) treatment showed significantly less growth then the controis, The highest concentration of CMA {1671 mg/liter) treatment sho*.aed significankly greater g:owth than lawer Ievel sodium chloride treatments, but was not significantly diff.erent from the contr�ls. For magnesium acetate, there was no significant difference among rany of the treatments or th� control by the end of the experiment, There was a large variance among t`te reglicaees which made the analysis diPfic�s2t. For calcium acetate, the 15.1 mgjliter treatnent's maximum standing crop was indistinguishable fram the cor;trol. The ather treatments had dist.ir,ct2y lower maximum standiag cro� than the controls. Except for the hiqhest NaCl level, tnere is little difference ir, maximum spe�ific qrewrh Z�re amcng the NaCl treatments and the control. MA trPatments exhioit a m=ximum pec�f`c o,�pwth ra��nres�'Qn at the h9,�,��ct�oncentration. Soth calcium acetate and the magnesium acetate show specific growth rate depressions at the higher treatnent ie�els, ho!�rever, the magnes9.um acetate seem to recaver towards the end af the axparitr�ent. r7atueal idater Sioa=:say {22%28182 - ljfi/83) - The max.imutr star.ding crops attained in uariaus treacments of NaCl, CMA, calcium acetate, and magnesium acetate 5q �, �..��.�=u � � � � �� �:�� �a � �. � � V E Y S t 0'_`J � ra a . ,.., _�e �. �o c .,<<.w.,,.... .. . p--6 .00a n,. r<o.- �..r.<. oar• RESPONSE OG SEtENaSTRU!+ Cn�aiCGRNUi AN� WU;GErvlJUS AtGAC TO NACL . I12l14ID2-12/.n:32) 60 �.,���„ .,�:�..���,x��:�� -�� .� _,��v:�� . ,< � 4 ' So o.ys RESPONSE Qf SEtE4AST�G�A Cs>fUCOa4UTL'A ANq I;1pIG,°,YOG$ �tGAE TO CAI.C:J4-YAGVES:G`A 0.GETnTE � {iZ/ti/82-121Y-12:) O ��. 60 ��^ � � �� � f�0� f��/�� F e /f �Y�� �vV .��/ V ' �f` J 4 J }O� �--� �rt[>-.nt�.eu � a� ��V . ��..e �na��� I OY � O �� � 0 d F• 5 c t� f o n O��)� 5 a e��.v Oa�� C�}s RE �.PpNSH GF +E- 1 n:TU�{ RESPONSE Cf SEIENASTR,.'.i �nF'-�CpAqUT4� E?:0 r.CIGENOVS xl� �1E [+ h-Au ✓n aCLTRTc AN6 �FD r.EK3O5 =.W E O-�.CnJu AGP+T£ (�:;t<i82-�2/�eiL2)._ f12�isBP-ib2ti92± Fiqure 19, The groti.�th of the combined SeTenastrum ca^ricornutum and indigena�s =joa�Ari�an River in various concentrations of NaCI, CP�1�, catcium acetate and magnesium eceiate (�2ti�ra2 - Iz?z�,�a2}. � is shcun in Figure 21. The specific growth cates (twa day maving averag=) is shown in Fiqure 22 for different treatments. The result3 of tY,is bioassay for haC1 were similas to the first n�tural �ater bioassay, Prom the 4th day to the next to thE last day ther.e were ao differences among stanainy crop� of the various NaCl treatnents oz the contral, On the last day of the experi�ent, the lowest treatment level (1 mg/liter) exhibited a s:gniP3cantly lower stan�iny crop than the other kreatments. fior Ct2A the control and the lower level CMA treatments had sianificantly greater standinq crops at the end of the experinent than did the 1671 mg/liter treatment, but there was no statistAcal diffarence among them. F�� c.a2cium aceeace, che contral and the lawest level tzeatm�nt c��r2 significantly diPfer€�nt from ihe two highest treatnent levels from the thicd day o€ the test to the last day af. the �est. 4n th� tast day of the test, the hichest tr�ac�r,Gnt had a significantly lo�er biom�ws than the other treatments and control wnich �aere not signiiicantly dif€eeeng anonq them�e2v�s. Nagnesis�:� acetat: sho��eu' a signi.ficantly de�cessed st�ndi:e� cro� far the hin,hest treatment for the last day of the tAst, Tnere was no significant diEPerence amon,r� th� a�her treat;�,ents and controls. The specific growth rates (two day moving average} show results similar to t::ase of the first natural caater bioassay, Thc NaCl trea�men�� did not show any significant differences, except £or an initi�l apecific gro�rth r.ate denr.ession for the lOGO mg/liter treatment, u::d a specific grcwth rate depression in the 1 mg/liter treatment. The CMH, calczum acetate and magnesie�m ac�tate specific growt-h rat.es all show an initial grcwth rate depressian for the two highest levels fa7io�zed by an inerease in the specific yrowth rate in the last days of the experiment fo: the next to higha;,t treari;;�nt lev�], d. Conclusicns The �. � irnr��•g� unialgal bioassays indicated that NaC1, up to 20C;0 mg/liter had no apparent statistically s.tgnifzcant effect on :naxxm�m standiag crop or speci`ic c,raw�Y� rate, ihe �j, flos-aa'�„� 1000 mgJiiter, R7aC1 tr�atm�nt showed a statistically signific�rt grawrPi dif�ere�ce. Ir.itially, the treat„�eait exhibited increased groff�th, but by ttie end of the experiment this treatment ext-iibited d�creased K6 � -�,: = ;�:._;:::,;,,� � a,._,�°,_. �,.. �.,. SPECtFlC GPflWTH RATE (Two ppy L!aring Averaqx) OF SPECPLC QROWiN RFTE (Two Oay R+P'dng Ave�a9B) OF $ElEt3ASiFU'-i G.:PHiCO �'U U�.1 FNi :4CIG£16�� q�qq� 52tE 6: .n:pd Cp RiCE,^PN:}TVAS q� itiGIGEt;pl,g kLGAE GflpIYN;N SCOIU`d CHLC.�.4E COA«FAftEO TO R G6NTFOl. 6fl9Y/M IN G. .>,iM MP�,Y =:! gr_TpTE G ..?E3 sp�A CONTftO�. �' (I8/1ii82-12t23/83i (12lib�b2-:2126f3?) 5 v �J ei'V.. ..�� nk�e�r j ���` 1' � °�` � j � �/` � . t \�.�"_ ��_i�'��� I � . . r .5 • Oett a ♦ .. , .i �>EC1FiG ' i: H R„t �. T�o C v `a - 1. ya) �F t . AS �R�fn. . . .1... �.`. US F�uAE .r1tN cN . 'lY_„�It,A ?C T : P4R � - A CJS' (;21fet8 . 'tc25 EO J�d '.. •'c � [. �*.� +�� a • ,:,� �..A�`� ' � ` /����� ,.. 1 �`_ � ( � L..� . . 1 ♦ ' a r . . i. iGEC Fi� �':1?H 4eT£ !'.v �. . :e) OF � "7..• =.�-F. .. �i'tryn �..�:15 FCvRE ^`„ <, 4� aCE atc CJi'P a,�G `O z L�t�I9C-L. � (12ttaf92-1b24�S2) Figure 2p. The specific growth rate ttwc-day moving �vera9el of the combined Selenastrun capricernutwn and indigenons algae �Am�eican River grovrn in various ccr,centratioRs of NaCI, CPiH, calcium acetate an� re�gnesium =.cetate (12f14132 - 12/2Faf82;. 57 „, ., , . _, � ; �, ..� �� .,.Y� ��.... >.� � -� � r� ���� � .. � .� _,..��, ,�m � _.,���� (}�� r�Av�i_.•r...+�na'e� o... {iE$P�N$E OF $ELENA$?R�`!4 C`kPRiG�'�C'f��_�IS� AHO INOIG£NOUS ,t�GdE TO I++Q {10�28fB1'Oti06ig�) � • t ) � � t t • • O �� ^.r. flE5PtlN5E OE 3E6F�;ASiACv CAPRi+gavUTV'a ANp IMC�GE'i. US ALwA$ t0 OtA (t4f13B2�t;A��/c31 ... �-r-T- � ra �'-u-"-+--�-----'--e _ . . _� s � i�.,��.��ai � �— --'a � / � co /�^' /� �,.// ,.�_'^ f'� ! �+ 1 sc `�/ � >aL � _Y 4 ./ .+�-��'�"`:-�r ^�`-�"` __. , 1 N� _ •° ��� ' ��'� � . �,,. u u o� , � �� '.�. .._.... � f '�" �;r'.�;. � .aC � . � „-� °� . .� ��.... � �! � � � e�� 1 a .�.,. .,b� a�. .�a�,.�. �... o.�. HESPCWSE OF SELENn$ P^y'd g ^=_•R RE5oONSE LK o.0 (Ar r^.euTi^4 � A�+il im� . Lry0U3 sU:tiE i0 �sadr ; aG�;%.'.L FND CxO�GEN�.,S .1..E i^ C„_�.� KES,::c (�:125;E2-i'(".6tiJ) NT::3'e?_0::'S•'2• Figure 21. The growth of the co�nbined Selenastrum car�ricorn�itum and indige�ous aioae t6ear River in uari�as � cancentrations p` ir'aCl, CMA, calcium atetate and magnesiur,� ac�tate (121Zu182 - OltQfi/83). �_ � IIJ "�� �.���..in.�.�.>w 0 u 'D '---� . .. ... ....... «....,.,.. c�= ._ ,��..�.�.�..:.... . oan - . . _ � � , , . c .s..__ oara � SP;GfiC GAOVRX FATE (Two Oay �'o..vq pveraSe) CF SFECi£�C GpONlYH qATE fT..o :-ay t�•pcfry Ave�a9e3 OF SEIL'.uSTRJ"a tAPqICpgY,JTCln Ap0 ;NpiCE':OU$ ACGAE SEI�_.@nST('U:! CAPn�CCflt:U?U61 AND :4_;GE4015 A(.pAE 4eiOWN hY SOd:t35A CNLORL^.6 G�6AA.3E� i0 A COkTA6�, G90;A� IN GnLQUAS A1AQSE5iU�A hCETdYE Cps!?ARED TC A LO4TRQ�. U2J12/82-ll6B31 (1Y/28B2-ItEBJ) t}-�j �81�+ii � ue.��� �` �e e�r 5?.CIFlG a'apOtlfH RAiE (`wa 93y Kvvrq q.eia�e} C'P l�$`P�:4!C�1. A'!U� ?hj i...�.,.'..J- �_ ti Gm �:tN W �dP6": -. AC_'+Ai_ �.,, P�+c� : ,,.iRpi. (�2[:Srfl2-roEi93) xo '' � �' _„..sY.��.........,, � _ f j� ,� � ;� �. >F, j' � � i f " ���f > > �'_-\. ` -.�3 � � , � , . , . . � .. � ��„ S?Ef�F!C CiRt}VfTN S:ATE (iw0 �£y t1�r:^y Fvy�,�.yp) GF SE.F�n a . P Lorv i� ^.y ��. _„�5 nConP 6ftOs[ft;i� fnCGV.' aCt�d�=�:.v:'.acqEJ iC A COtiSnOl {�2(�3iat-v'o.6S) Figure 22. The specific 9roti�th rate (two-day r:oving average) of the cambined Selenastrum ca ricornutum a�d irdigenous a7gae (B�ar River 9rown ir� various concertrations of tdaCi, Ct•1h, calcium acetate and magnesium acetete fi2/[8iS2 - UIlG6/33j, �-�� . � `�t« �� � ,�. �,--- � � �; ,������; t ; _ {__ �_. `� . _ __ _ ��`."�-_...._. �� � i" � growth. :n the natural water bioassays the tre�tments, except for the 1000 mg/liter treatments, NaCl had no statistical:.y sigeiificant effect on aigal growth. I❑ the 1C00 mgJ�.iter treatments thete was an initial depression in the standing eco� and the growth rate follawed by at: in^.�ase toward the end of the experiment. For C�4A the urr::,;_a::i and natural water bioassays exhibited a.;i��,:i€icant dep�es:;io� in naxiru,.� stac�ciing crop and maxi.::um qrowth rate at the highest treatment levels. The H3.55 mg/lit�r, I67.1 mg/liter, and 1671 mgJliter. treatments all siqnificantly affected gsowth in the unialgal bzoassays, In the naturai water bioassays, only the 1672 mg/liter Ch;A treatment showed a significant reduction c�f star.dir,g crop and gr�wth rates. Calciur acetate and magnesium acetate had effec±s sim;Iar tc the CinA treatments, The algal bioassays demonstrate that CMA, calcium acetate, and magnr,sium acetate are more deleterious to algae growth thar NaCl. The ;�f£ect of C?�SA, calciur� acetate, and magnesium acetate was decreased in the natural water bicassays, but algai growth was still c3e2�yed ev�n if not statistically difEere;zt except at the highe�t treat,�,ent levels, A conserv�tive estimate of the max,imtzm corcenteation at which little eftect from CP'_:,, calcium acetate, or magnesicm acetate wou2d probably bt less t-han 50 mg/liter, C. �tria� Fcoloc�y The impacts of C'4A on terrestrial ecology were examined by limited laboratory seudies on veget�tian and soil, The abhreviated time period ar2d the lac4c of industciaily produced CMA precluded an in depth field evaivation on either the veyetation or the soi2s, The vegetation study for this investigation measured the impac:ts of CI;A in the irrigation water, and i❑ foliar sprays, The soils study measured the nutcients and metals that lea^ned out of selected sails when a 1 N salution of C+iA was passed through the soil. i. Roac3side Vegetatiorr Study a. 7nCroduction The shart time period alloted for the CPiA study grecluded an indepth field eval�ation of CMFi's imgaci-, �n readside �:�;etaticn. Therefare, "this study was limitec3 to a ppt stud_v. Testing was canducted on eiqhteen woad� spe�fes seiectec3 frem plants found adjacent to highways in snowy areas. Species seiecte-d for this stuc3y are listed in Tab1e 12. Al1 testing was by the University af California � at Davis (13}. b. Ptateriais and P4ethods Durin� this study, iL was ass�mad that some of ttte CN,A applied to control ice and snow wou).d leave the roadw�:y as runoff, or as traffic generated aerasols, To test for the impacts of C21A leavirig the raadway as runoff, plants caere irrigated with CMA solurions. To test far the impacts oE C,�tA leaving the roadway as aerosols, o�her test plants had their tops sprayed with CPiA solutions, NaCl was also applied to test plants as irrigation solutions or as aerosols. Additiana2ly, one plant af each species was uGeci as a cor,trol. Tne cancentrations of CN,A and NaCl used in the irrigation water were selecf:ed to bracket the CMA concentretions exnectcc� r�+ n���r� �� the h*aCl concentrations knawn to occur, witha.n 25 feet of high;aa�•. The aerasol concentrations approximated the concentrations exF>ected or found in snowmelt highway surfaces. the on The plants 4hat were used in testing wer� obtained either as bare root stock or in one and two gall�a containers in various soil mixtures, Plar�ts recei��e� as bare roac stock were inspectee�, soaked in a water bath, and raoh pruned to remove darayed or discu�ed roots. 6are -oot plsnts were planted in apgropriate sizeu centainers in a potting mix af sand, redwcod bark and ccat moss. Plancs from the Western C,S, werr received in 1 and 2 gallan plastic containers containinq a potting mix oE Douglas Fir b3rk znd sawdust. All plants were m�intainez3 in the nursery can yard of the Enviror.-�ental fiorticultural Department of U.C., Davis. Test s�).utians were made by di�solving apprapriate ;�mount�� of CMA Yn tap water. Sail irrigation test solutions contained 5, 10, 5D, o: 1C10 milliequivalents {meqti af CASA cr NaC2; the controZ cansisted of tap water, Sufficient solution was applicd at each a�,pI.ication to allow about 2S€ of the solution to leAeh tnrough thc soil. Thro�lr,ahout testiny we end2avored to provzde the plant's soiI an ionic concentration ec,ual to the test solution 3aolied. Three plar.ts af e4ch species were treated witYa each concentration o� C�IA or NaCI. Gae plant of e�ch s�eci�^ was used as a control, Betwe2n Pebruary ar.d �une of I:rE2 a total of five appZications c�ere r..rade. T!�� apPlication dates were d�ter�:ne� �y ;,�onitocir.g the a�no�:nt :,i salts 62 €� remaining in the soil. The test so2utions for spray applicatiens rrcre made by dissolving the appropriate amaunts of Ci??� or NaCl in tap water, The concentrations used were 0.1, 0.5, 1.0� and 2.0 id, Between Febeuary and May 1482 four spray applications were made. The early 1982 results suggested that CF4A was less damaging than NaCI in 14 of the species tasted, while four showed abo�at th� same deqcaa of damage as NaCI. However, various technical pro6lems prevented a good guantitative examination. A second seasan of treatment was imgrove the quantitative nature Brush {�ysothamr.i�s nauseos��j the second season. The type, extent and determined by visual damage was analyzed treatmznt leveZ w:tie standard. c. Results progression observation by comparing �he control canducted to of the aata. Rabbit �ras not t�.,ted in of injur�a was The treat-n�ent reglicates for each plants used as a Tables 12 and 13 show nurnerical comp4risons of the damage caused by NaCl and CMA. Table 12 rates the treatnent caused 3amage on a scale from 1 to 5. One indicates no treat�;ent damage, while 5 indicates severely damaged piar�ts. Table 13 groups the 4 separate treatmer.t levels toge+�her so that for both soil and spray treatment agplication modes, the treatment related da.�age for NaCl and C�,A may be directly compared. In Table 13 a law nunber corresponds to minimal damage, while a high number indicates naximum damage. Nine s�ecies were more severely damaged by NaCl, one species was more sevecely damaged by CMA, and in eight sgecies the deg;ee of damaoe was too low to allow a c�mparison, Zn general, the spray treatments produced greater damage than the irrigation treatments. Plants which were af paor quality r.�asked the tre4tr�ent related damage. Additionally, the oc9anic pottir.g mix for seven plant species strangi.y absorbed the applied ions, i�terfering with the plant's ability to absorb ti�e icns. The sozl a5sorptian of salt ions b�ffared the treatment related in�ury. As wfth other laboratory studies, �his study has its limit�tions. Different species react to the stress oE NaCi and CMR di�£�rentiy, Also, different soil types will i�ifluence the im�acts of FSaCt_ and C�1A. 62 ,. �. �, s�.E�.���, �._�� ,�a ���- �-��.� ,Px�,..��.� ��,. 4a.x3�„ u_ _.,,..� . ,,� ,..�,�, �ABIe�12 P:.A.ti'T TR;'ATME:lT Nt�CAL c'.JALIIIu^ZON SOZZ li s �i�5.. cor;color t=aCl[ } t�ihite : is Ce't'" i t:ac1 1 ACBT sac� 4�run �,� 1 Sugar maple AmelancA.ier June Berry N3CI i 3��i i NaEl 1 3tL'?3 1 �g'tr.?a. NaCl I panyritera- PaG�r_'>�ark bircFi��� ''�� � Hacl 1 Calui:..��s aecurr�� �1 Znce��� Cedar �:�ci C��Sp�h&.,�:us �nauGzou 1 RabL+— _t' Lru i �"��" � D:aei� 1 CQ!` ' �ior��da . Fl� E�v-�ood C3�<'c � 1 ; iil ¢m � cv f;.�'.ia� 1 — Lf,n � 1 RL't P :e [i3:� Frz�?;sFennsvlvar::.a 1 WPliE� r'i�:�•l 4.'«i 1 �= tdac� � � z�alus r;op8 x. c�P��r�=rin=7 c+-u�a�.e ,.���Pini:s ie:f:�avi 1 nF 4usreus albs 19di�e Oak J�� so. C:t4 i NaC i (.."�.Ic 1 r.ac � o C:;da i r;ac1 1 �:A i hac' 1 Q:�f 1 i l 2 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 i i 2 � 1 1 2 1 1 i i 1 1 1 � Fg i9 2 g 2 g 1 1 Zd 2 3 1 z 1 2 i 4 1 2 2 < z� 4' i 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 � 2 � z£ SB 2 4° i 1 2 Zc 1 1 4 1 2 1 5 � i 2 1 4 � Z 3 .� 2 z i 3 2. 3 1 i i � �� . i 2 � 1 � I 1 2 1 i � 1 �e� z i 2 S 2 1 5 1 2 1 3` z ' �aa< � 5F 1` 2 2 1 q � � 4 � 1 j 1 2 1 1 Z 3 i i 5 sb 4 a 5 �0 1 2 3 i i 2 3 2 1 i z 1 1 2 3 i � 2 2 � 1 3 2 2 2 z � i 2 3 1 1 2 4 1 1 2 2 1 2 4 i g z f� 2 k �1 2 4 b i --; � 4 ( z � � 5a � � 4 �4 Z I �a 2 1 4 � � I =�--i 1 � 3 � 2 � i 4 � 2 ' S � � i t 3 i 2 j 4 2 5 ` I 2 ; (TA9LE 12 Cont} ;7aC1I 1 ib.u;�a occiaentaii.s�� 1 VibyT�vga lantana �`aCl z ... _, m G*;A 1 :�X`i�:� SOZL SPfNY ;a��- 5{}r� 10�.=^„ Q<19: 6. ?; S.Oi: 2.0 1 � 1 1 � 1 1 1 i 2' 1 I 2 a�) 1 I i � 2 I 2 a Dr�,a�� 4 N�ri ae1 Rankinz � 1 azg z 2y-go 3 5�-?5 k 75-1ao 5 Fe�?;: :�� T:aatw.�n�t s�ries 1.nc?:,x9ss dard r�aplicaf�4a). SroatB�n� sarir�s incl.�e: r�piicat,e(s) ��?-.ich died of causas ot.har t.�.an t�in� tcrtall.y t>a�i�?nt r�.�laf'.�e.. Em�^c::�nt�.l st�rssss o2her thatt test t1^ee",rk,nt, sus�otad as eause ai 3eath Ds`ou�,,h�fhe�f, stress da:,.age; rarz2i.cate{�s} oose„°a� to have b�en sa4�erely� eri2ted.,. Plants o£ goor vri�ir,a.7 quali.ty. Inelurles plsn'ts �t�ith�regrosa�c,h foiiagei a11 j�vious 1�2 folia�a wes destroyed by the tr�at.�en2s. Treatrant sc�ri�:s incl�as reF,liaets{s} partial7� ranovad by Cx1.iSornia state pathalo�l,ts to test far oa.i; srilt (C�ratacystis fa�..acsartzn), � Treat�r.. seriss incl•ades r��;j,;.ca`w(s} totallp re�vsd by raliforaLa state patholoa sts to `�st Sor es.lt trilt (Cer�tocg�,tis fataceariav_}. EZot used in s�cond. seascn. � ��o..� -,�.. �.� � .. s �.� � ��� �..����,��_� - _�.. ���.. .,�<� ��t� �����;�•� $ie T� 13 RaCl� CMA DAMAGE &Aar". CO.�rAFSSONS Acar �]�nchier Arctasta�'zy: �tu2a • ���� Fraa�xsus :`slus F'S.nus jg±'Pre �. r4.ia Qu�rcus �7� Q. e,mreal: s ��� �uj�a Yi!sua-n;� 2 6 5 4 ^. � G � i 2 k 2 � 3 �_. i L SO J� � � 11 _�__�_ __ _ a�..___�,., �. � w�.�, � .� wr��,�. .�„n_:,� . �>._��w,�. �> ;� ��,� � �� �� ��� � � �. � � � � � : �� `� � � a^� �t: � ��,,.� - � � , r e�.,�-�. �' �aa -`� r; ����� ��' ���� �� l�� � � � � �� �v ^ � c` x � Ficur2 ?3. Holdinq rack with Lysim2ter tubes and fiask. ,�'�' � ' �>- � ` �� � ��Y � ��¥� '' � � � - � ��s��+� �"" r�` �� �'�� -� ' �� � �c�x � �� � � ��'�dkx � 3� �� � �� F�� � �: ���� = ����� �� �� � � � �,.<� � �— ___ � -._ Fiq>1re 24. i,eneral Laborat�ry sat�p fer s�ii tysiraeta� Castina, 66 ; 2. S^il Evaluation In response to FH:�fi requests, the State tran�portation aqencies of Minneaota, Sdest Virginia an� Maryland sent soil sa�ples and info:mation avaut the sam2es to t!7e TransLab for eva2uation. Ad�itianally, tiro soil types fra:i the Lake Tahoe Basin were sampled by TransLab pe:sonnei. Of the 11 sails sampled, 7 were selected £or tE�ski ng. Soils wers received in thin-walled tubes, agproxinately 12-18 inches in depth and crete relatively compacted and unc3isturbed. The compactness, in addition to the high clay contents of sone samples, neces;sitated treating the samples as disturued soils cather thar. undisturbed as originally planned. t4osc of the samples were compacted to the point no t�st solutian would be able ta �ercolate through the soil dur=ng testing �rocedures. Soils tested included or.e Maryiand soil frorn t�nne t��«��el C�untyj �:�YPP soils fram West Virginia, two soils from Minnesotz and a soil from Ca2ifornia's Lake Tahoe Basin. Description of the soils sampled are: f'v -FC�i��1iT1 t3anmouth Co2lingtan 1lssociation. This soil is an u7tiso2 that developed from unconsalic:ated marine sedir.�ents cf vu:+���s sizes that were deposited in th<. Atlantic Cosstal Plain, Ti�e se:� s sandy to loamy. Tne soil sanpl� represenc� ths �or�zons ,�ust �:e��,.� che topsoil. N�nn� a ,� Clontar.f fine sandy loam. Th� sample was taken in Chippewa County, This is sandy loam found in strea;n deltas and outwash plains, in areas af gently aloping topography, This soil is moderately well drair,ed. �Sarysland loam is a nearly level, poorly dra_ned, calcareous soil found in cnannels, on stream deitas and oukwash plains. This szr�ple was from i,hippcwa County. The gerreability oi this soil is mc3erate in the surface layers and rapid ia the lower sandy levels. Surface runoff is slovr whilc- available t�ater capacity is noderate. Otyanic content is hiqi7 and the surface Iayer is miidly to r.;o3�rately alkaline. ���,�:dn�a The Gvest Vir:inia samples were soils fram the DeK�lb Sesi.ss in Fayette Countl�. The Dzxa2n series conszsts oE mode�ateiy deer, well drained soi.ls or. ridqe tops, nil2sides, ar.d :mauntzir.sides. T:ese soils ar�: for.,�d in acicl �,�aterial weathered from sandstone. Slopes range from 3 to 70 perceut, but are generally more than 4� percent, DeKalb soils h�ve a losa ta r�oeerate availaole r.oist�re capacity and rapi.d germeabiTit�, ;3att�sal fecti�it�� is generallg la;o. �In gently siopin� ar3as, non-�!�on, D��:al� soils a:e suited to crogs, nay and � past::�2. Pe...,anent pd::�Lr� 'oes pooiiy .... rc�:g�P anroc,hat iirOun,ht. .. . . ,... . , . . _< ����� soi s. Trees gresr fair tc weZ7 and rosr of the acerac�e �s wooa��'. The entire soil profile is strongly acid ko very strongly acid. Sample �I has a coarser texture containing fe�er sandstone fragments and is more droughty than previously described. Lt is described as DeKalb Eine sandy loam from 1 to 10 percent slopes, This soil is suited to al2 crops commonly grown in the twa counties. Shart-rooted pasture plants do poorly and the hazard af erosion is severe in unprotected areas. This sample apparently had not been contaminated with deicing salts. Samples #2 and �3 40 percent s2opes exception of the been affected by f�E1:{�i�L.S� are classified as DeRalb channery loam from 30 to and are representative of this series with the surface being free of �tone�. Sample #3 may have some deicing salta during past winters. The Lake Tariae samo]e was t�{;�n along hi�h�ay 8Q ag�ro�imatelp 2.5 miles northwest of the Highwey 50/89 sepaxati�n. Triolicate 3amples were taken 4Q feet from the >dge of the gav�ment. The samples were Erom Elmira-GeEo soil association found £rom the Tahoe Valiey to the California-Nevada state line. The soils of this association are formed in granit�,c materials an qlacia2 outwash fans and moraines. The Elmira series are somerrhat excessicely drainec7 soils underlain hy Gandy granitic alluvium. Witt�in the Elmira series, slopes are 0-3G pEreen� krhich is between tha elevations of 6200-6500 feet anc� narmally 20-35 inches precipitation per annum. Characteristically, vegetation is an open stand of sagebrush with coniferous forest and perennial gr4sses. l�iethods Lysimeters (soil cortainers} were used to contain the soil samples for the percolation testing. The 2ysimeters were ecrnstructed from 20 gaae seamless brass tubing, 3 inches inside dzameter and 12 inche$ loc,a, Supports within the 2ysimeter for holding the filter paper and soil sanples consisted of circles of coarse brass screen cut to fit and silver sol�ered in place 1-1/2 inches from the tube bottom. During the test, lysimet�rs were held verti.cal w�th a wooden rack iFigures 23 and 24}, Test filtrate which had passed through ths sail column was collerted in � 500 mi �ryieme�er f_ask. Samgles selected for testirg were renoved fra:� the ship�,ing tubes. Only the upper 12 inches of each sample was used for testing. Each sample was made up of three replicates. Some soi2 from each repiicate of the sample was combined to make a test sample. Each test sample was air-dried, using fans for air circulation and grcund b� a power mc.rtar and pestle ko pass a?_�m screen, nost scils had ane or more distinct Iayers within the top foot of soil. Ti,is :-ethod breaks dawn th2 normal Srr�r2f=�ation of thA upper 12 inches of soil struct+?re prad�cing a unifarmly distvrbe� :a;�pla that is representative of the upp�r � �.-�.���� - ._ � � ; ..��g�,u� ,,,.�m,,.��� �.��� ��,, � : �� ��.� _. _ �.� � z���,�_� , one faot of the sv^zl horizon. From each prepared soil sample, three 500 qram subsamples were taken far the testing procedure. Each 500 ora�a replicate subsamole was placed into separate lysimeters fitted with a layer af &40 whatman iilter paper placed on top os the retaining screen. ThrEe lysimeters with identicai replicate subsamgles were used for each sail tyge. The 500 yram sample� were added in one motion to minimize particle size segregat_ion, The lysimeters oontaining filter and soil on top of the filter were dropped 20 times through a dis�ance of 2.5 cm onto a flat wooden block on a benah surface. The uniform "tapping" of the lysimeters and subsample was intended to achieve relatively uniPorm compactfon. Once the samples had been "tapped", anotrer close fitting whatman filter was placed on top of the .�ample. This filter was ❑�ed to ensure ninimal soil distur��ance when the cylinders were loaded with liguids to be tested. PraZim<r.a:y testir.g 'ndicat�u that ep�r�ximately �S� rn2 a£ czst solution should be charged in the lv�imeter to ensure 564 ml of filtcate for chemical.determinatians on selected parameters, Because project funding limited testing to only one concentration of calcium-magnesium acetate and distil2ed water, a 1 N reagent grade concentratiori was �elected. The 2 N CMA concentratian, whiZe stronoer than could be expected in a field situation (exc�pt in very unusual cases} oroold allaal an evaluation of the ch�mical's potential far exteactinq nutrients andjor metals fro� the soil envircnmen'4. 2he soil loade� lysimeters oTere chacged with 7G0 m2 of 1 N CtdA ar the d?.stilled wuter control and allowed te perco2ate unti2 they st�ppeu drippir.y filtrate or adequate sample ior chemical determi�at:ons was secured. Filtrate was iced and immediately taken to the Calif�rnia �epartment af 67ater Resources Chemistry Laboratory foc anaiysis. Parameters analyzed for were: pH, specific conductance, hy6r_olyzable orthophosphate, nitrate, potassiumr and chemical oxygen demand. Results Tables 13 and 14 summarizes the results of the chemical analyeis. Tf'1E' results i'IOt@ d TdIIGJ2 fOT tti2 �i7TEc TepiiCatES ai�d 'a P�.�u:. lit parat:,esis. Distilled ;aat?r and 1 N CMA chemica2 analysis are noted at the bocton of tye- table, The 1 N CMA used for the testir.g had a pE3 af 8.2. The resu2ts only con�pare the amaur,t of metals ar nutrie�tts remnved by either 1 N C65A or a di.stilled water cantroJ_. The relatianship between the amaunt of metaljnutzient remava2 and the total avaiiable in a particular soil was not determined. A gene:ai soil chemistry analysis for e�ch s�it w�s not conduct��. The results indicate that iron was remcved by 1 N Ct4A at a sianificant 2evel when .�o�rrared ta the control in five of the seven soi7s teste�. Likew?sE, the eEf'ect of CMA en a14�inam � removai is significant 4n five of the seven soils tested. Three of the seven soil results shoWed nQ alurainam in eithec tne control of CMA treatment. It is not known if this re£lects absence of aluminum in these soils or that it did not move in response to treatments. Sodium movement from the soil was noted in some of the soils, howevec, it �as siqnificant in only two cases, one of which {West Virginia #1} was known to have been conta¢iinated by deicing salt. Significant removal of orthophosphate was noted in only one soil but five of the seven soils showed significant removal of hydrolyzab2e orthcphospi:ate resultinq from t:ie leachiny of CMA. Nittate remaval was not significant in most of the soils. hawever, five of the seven soils did exhibit a significant loss of potassiu� when co�pared to the controls. Basea �n thhe results noted in 7ables 13 and 14, it aopeacs 1 N calcium-magnesiu� acetate has the gotential to remove signifis�nt amounts of iron, aluminu�, sodium, hydrolyzable orthophosphate and pot�ssium from the soil. This soi.l analysis was very limited. The results indicate that a I N CP9A yolution can xenove some ions .`rom a lysimeter. However, the iaboratory conditions used in testing are not the sane as the conditions which will be encountered in actual use. Further studies sha 1d be per:.�r.�ed both in the laboratory and in the f=eld. 70 �..., .. ��„,„�.� � ��c;.P...„�. ..: ,,,.�:.;:- . _ .r`"�n�+"a`,rs: .. . ......?>'r, .F'..::..'Y.=-.�'i� . .� ✓++�^wH. `�., mr-�.,�.,._ ._. , �.,..a.. .x.� .'�.'�� .�.t. ex-;.-'M:cRL?3 arr� . . . Table 14 - Leachate Vol_une Specific Conductance and C.OD Si�r�narv from the Soil St�dv. Leacha�e Specific Uolume Conductance C4D ml �;�hos/cm mg/LitAr t",D2 C"1,4 567 30,730 63,400 DN20 582 115 2;3 MN1 � � � � CttA 584 37,3�0 61,800 DHZQ 56& 130 67.fi �1N3 C� iA 53? 31 ,160 65 , 000 DN,O 580 247 54.G WV1 Cti,� 547 30,930 61,704 DHZO 548 193 722.3 WV2 Cht;; 554 30,600 62,100 OH2O 555 214 121.0 11V3 G�iA 543 31,230 65>7Q{i �H2O 553 352 48.0 C�1 C7SA 577 31,O�J0 66,500 DH2O 587 $2 78.8 tid �h1A � 25,5�0 65>3D�J � Distilled H�0 I2.9 0 7� ,� , E � ,n o� m v th f"± M . u� . . OJ �- V N x�'f M t0 iCt Y N � N M e- N V N N l[] �O tn t0 t". O O N d N Y b S_ 1� tCI M M tn +` O} �O N W O d' O�O O(� M M O N N Z O O t+') N M P! .- O � O � O� .- O O O �i N rt3 � � � {� . rt � � � N O h.- tn p N tb M M c!' lD � N >x-G O�- � �� p.- O O O p O O O O O O O O U O O O O p O O O O O O Q O b � >y i. S O N Y � L n N Q1 O h V t� O t�. N N M N tn cy q ' �� O O O O�- O O O O O O O O O O s-': L o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � o 0 0 0 0 o a�o m o .� .c Y _! i \ O � .� E: O O M C p Q t� O O t+') t� t� t� O O � �. � O d' Ct r- V N t1l O� (V tf> � y' N!� � O �) O t0 � � . � . <` N N �`O i � O O O�`- O O O O O O 1� O- M p � O N M N h h M.- M N � y`� O.- �p O �' I QI f7 W tD � .. � O C O� � N N � �O <Y u'� i tt> eti :! tI5 US LLS � Ut N 11- I (p �' L �) Ei O M p M t� p M O O O M Q M O � E •( M N C7 6y CT OJ O tn d � M C' h V O C7 �� 'V O+ O M t"1 �P tn {�Y Q �p O � I � O� V �O C OY � C� O� � G+1 Ct p� � � m �. o n N N � E� 3 � c C � f� (� M h- O h � � O O Q O O O N N ep p p O �- N O Q F� `tl r- N C G 4) L Y � G t� ._ O O M N •- N h O� y> (V y� � N . � V O O O O O � cq O O O O O O O O O tf1 � d � O O G O O O G - . C N �C N 6 N Q N Q (�( 4 N � (V O .O N � T .� M . . .- N S M �'"- � T L1 N F G � t3 � ` U ti ` u o 3 c_i i� > tJ G'I }� t> d `�J Q "�', O .. 72 P .�. ..W*...^ ...m ..xar= . v '.rv. �s . . . m�.:N �.^.v.ue.i .ca.x.--�:w .r�ttvaxwurv.w..s>.�.c... - . n...v .�«a . . .... �..i� . Literature CiEed 1. �urray, D. M., and V. F. W. Ernest. 1976. An';conomic Analysis of the Environmenta2 Impact oE Highway Deicing. U.S. Environmental Protection Rgency. EPA 600/2-76-105. 2. Adam, Fcarklin 5. 1973. Highway Salt: Social and Environrnental Concerns. Highwey Research Record No. 425. Highway Research Board, Washington, D.C. 3. Field, Richard, et al. 1981, Environmental Impact of Highway Deicing. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Water Quality Research. Edison, New Jersey. 4. Miller, Wi2liam E., Joseph C. Greene, and Tamotsu Shiroyama, 1978. The Se?enas im �r,�Q.n,art,m Printa Algal Assay Bottle Test. U.S. Envieonmenta2 Pratection Agency. E�^='8�G118. Cvrvallis, pregon. 5. Sheeler, Max. 1983. Experimental Use of Calcium Magnesium Acetate. ReSearch Project HR-253 Iowa Department of Transgortation, Ames, Zo�a. 6. DeFoe, J. Ho 4984. Evaivation of Caicium ASagnesSum Acetate as an Ice Control Agent. Research Repert Ydo. R-11.98. Michicwn �epartmeat of Tran�portation. Lansing, MS, 7. Koppe,a�hlr Fredric R. 1976. Guidelines Eor Perf.asming Static Acute Toxicity Fish Bicassays in Municipal and Industrial ydaste�.�atecs> CaliEornia IIepazL-ment of Fish and Game. 8. Mount, D. I. 1968. Chronic Toxicity of Copper to Fathead Minrows, �P:menha�ex �gi"e���s, Rafinsqu" Fiater Res, 2(3}: 215-223. 9. Penr.ak, Rabect W. 1578. Fresh-water Invertebrates of the Uniced States. Second editian. John Wiley and Sons, New Yotk. 10. Sokalr Rabert F2, and James F. Rolf. 1481. Biome+ry. 2nd editian. W. H. Freeman, ��ar. Francisco, 11. Sokal, Robert R., aad James F. Rolf. 1969. Biometry lst �@ition, W, H. Freernan, San Francisco. 12. Ga2dman, G.R., and R, La. HoPfman, 1975. A Study of the Influence of High�aay i5eicing Agents on the Aquatic Environmen� in thE� Lake Tahoe Basin and Dr�inages Al�ng Interstate 84. Ecela�icai F.2sea.rch Assaciates Rep-vrt, Frepared Por' the Califarnia 1Deoartr�ent of Transportatien, Saeran:enGoE r.A. 73 �r 13. Leiser, Rndrew T. and Steve John. 1983. Evaluation of the ; Effects of Calcium Magnesium Acetateon Selected 21ant Species. Repoct prepared Por the Ca2ifornia Depaztment af Tra�sport�tion, Sacramento, CA. tia .- � F � � �� � ABSTRbiCT This ceport presents t:�e results of a literature survey and a limited laboratory skudy on the environmental imp�cts of Calcium magnesium ace�ate (Ct6fi}. Laboratory tests were pexformed on fish, zooplankton, phy4;o�lankton, commnn raadside plants and soiis, No information wds feund an surface water qua2ity, groundwater qual_ity,or air quality. CMA is less toxic than NaCl to Rainbow trout, 1Fathead trinnows, and most plant species tested. CFiA can leach metals and nutrients from soil. In general, CtAA is not toxic enough to prevent it from being used a; a deicer. Carefully cantrolled Eield studies should be perf�rmed to determine how CMA impacts natural systems. 75 Snvironmental Evaluation oi Calcium-Flagnesiun Acetate {CMA} Cal.i.fornia State Bept, of Transportatzon Sacramento Prepared for Pederal Highway Administration, Wa�hir.gton, DC Jun 85 . _ �.'�. ��. ..P.��� di� ��?T.;E's`Pc2 �� �� �C.n""i�'��.��8� . �""ia332 � � . ���"`� ��.. ti, PBB;-228541 �� F1it�lf.f RD-d41Q44 �.�� .,,o .�a.�.�� ENVIRONt4Et�TAL EVALUATION OF CALCIUM-MAGPlESIUM r10ETATE ;CMN} Gary R. t�Jinters, Jeffrey Gidtey and harold Hunt •. Penronwrac oncar.�zwnor wu¢ wwo wooncsa Office of Transportation Laboratory Catifornia Department of Transportation Sacramenta, California 95819 II. 1PONiON�NG AG2NCY NAMC ANO �.DORE23 Califarnia Department of Transoortation Sacramento, Catifornia 95807 e TEGHNICAI REPOR7 STANDARO T PSd6-228541 aa. � ,.� June 1985 �, PEP�ORN�ia �e. v.ona uv�r r�o PAGE ,..,...,.,�, , r ...=«o_iask Urd� DOT-PN-i1-8250 17 U. TVnC OF 6CnOAT \ YCIVOOCOv[M(p Final .s.wan�e»cHr4n.«orr. This researcn WdS accanplished under C:?P2Ct COf1tYdCt � for ttie Federal Highway Administratio�'s research project, "Environmertal Evaluation of Catcium-Ma9nesium hc�tate As An Alternative Flighway Deicinq Chemical". i• wntrn�c♦ � This report presents the results of a literature survey and a limited laboratory siudy on the environmental impacts of Calcium magnesium acetate (CtiF). La6oratory tests were performed on fish, zooplankton, phytoplankton, commo�i roadside ptants and soils. No information was found on surface water quality, grouodwater quality, or air quality. CMk is less toxic than NaCI to Rainbow trout, Fathzad Minnows, and most plant species tested. CMA is not toxic enough to prevent it from being used as a deicer. Carefully controlled field studies should be performed to determ;ne how CMA ir.,pacts natura] systems. �> .cv wpnot ' �• o�n-n�e�r�orv ar�rernckr Cbik, calcium-magnesium, acetate, No restrictions. ihis documert is environmental, biology, soils available to the public through the �+egetet9on, deicing ch�ricala �daiianal Techn�eai Informatian Service, Springfietd, Vi1 2<1G1 �c aEe�n�+. <uiv: ,or rNu aePoan za aecu.+�r. ��nev� :ar r..�a n.cc� x�..Ho. ar. o:�[e u. ��N�ee .. Unctassified Unclessi�ied � � � ��'�5� DvaT�.-1242 {Rev,6l76) raveo�ucco ee �`�"r°tiE�.�.h;.�� Y��Y3;'�i��.:. 9NFORFhATlC7N SERVICE - 0%.OEPARI4€M[�1f G9uME5�5 s aiace,[to, xx. n.tei _.... __. qC.Yi3MW3wi%lAb�mrYIRS[rtC . +tiv.�r.at�4anr.+mnrran4n r.rvtw.v..hrenmNa.:�.rM+[zYa�^ta\NIIKtK(I.9MSM1'tJ.�YAS.N.h��ReEYJI �" YI CONCLUSIONS Ru7D RBCOMPIF,NDATIONS A. Conclusions l. CMA is less toxic to rainbow trcut (Salmo 9airdneri) and fathead minnows (Pimephales �romelas tfian NaCl, calcium acetate, r,r magnesium aretate. Maonesium�acetate is slight- ly more toxic to rainbow trout and�fa+head minnows than NaCl. A continuou�ly maintained concenrration of 5000 mg/Liter of CMA slightly delays the hatching of rain6ow troct, but does not infiuence khe number of eggs that har.eh. 2. 4tarerfiea (Daphnia magna} biaassays indicary that the 96 hr LCS CMA is 304 ng/liter when +he CMA is associate� with bacteria, and 3.421 mg/lirer when the Ch14 is bacr�ria fr�e. The 9b t-�r LC5� ie tr�at cancEritza�icr� of a chemical tohich ki11s�502 of tY�.e test animals wirhin 96 hours. The.long-+erm chron'tc bioassays indicared that '. warerflea reproduction was significantLy inhibi+ed a+ 250 mgfliter of CMA. The 96 hz LCS� was £or NaCl deterr.iined to be 4500 mgfliter. Water�Elea reproduction was . significantly inhibited ar 125 mgfliter of NaCl. 3. The algae bioas�ays indicara r_ha` CMA, calcium acetatf�, and magnesium ace*ate are more roxic to algae +han NaCl. It is esti:nated a concentration of less than 50 mg/lir_er of ��MA is necessary to eLimina+e any dele+erious effects of CMA on Algae. 4. �MA leached through soil resulted in some ramoval of iron, alumitium, and selected nutrients frcm the +'ested , scils. 5. In general NaCl is more injurious +:o planrs than C'.NA. Only one species of p1an+, the Russien 01ive (Elaeag:�cs ana,ustifolia} was damriged more by CC1F� than by "7aC1. 5. At the pcesent rime ChL�'s impacts on the public health and safety aspec+.s oE surface water quality, groundwarer quality an3 air quality are unknown. An ex*ensive litera- t�.a�a se�ax�h fp�tncl nn infnrma+.i2n rel.aki,na� tp theStp areas. 7. At rhe CC1.A. concentrations likely t_o be generated by r_he usA of CM.4 in snow and ice control, CMA may be less environ- mentully dsmaqing +han NaCl. 8. t�Iorkers exposed to CMr'� dUst should Uear dust masks. � v3�:v:vxyrm�w e.-e..a,r..�..x...�.-.e--,.e�-.»n.n...... .�,,.o.,uw..r rri_v...:�„A�'rczY..w��u�W'-� ::3.:d:<�.!3:Yt:T,`.`.I [3. Ti8CCiPli^�2Z1C�3tI.OiiS CMA appears rp be iess deleterious to aquatic and terres- trial c:casyst_ems *.han CIaCl. Flowever, these re�ults are based on a literature s�earch and iimitec3 laboratory srudy, and as such, suffer +he limitations �inherent in such evalua+i�ns. �� Based on the results of this study, it is recommended rhat? a ,{, . l. A9dirional laboratory s+tjdies be conducted on rhe way � and the rate by which hacreria degrades CMA under various ;�i soil and kemperature conditions. � 2. Controlled field testing should be conducted r_o deter- mine rhe fate of CMA in +he soil and vegetation and its impacts on groundwater quality, aauatic ecosystems (particu- larly the lower trophic levels), and soil chemis+_ry and physics over an extended period of time. These studies � should be performed in climate zones where CMA is likely to be used. 3. Research shou'_d be conduct:Pd into how ro reduce the dust problem associated with CPfF�. i3