HomeMy WebLinkAboutUS 701 (2)a STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUN f .:: ? u.arF Oy DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NI Q, p Ti n- '%; BEVERLY EAVES PERDUE EUGENE A. I, JR. GOVERNOR SECRETARY 'y May 11, 2009 MEMORANDUM TO: Merger Team Members FROM: Kim L. Gillespie, PE Project Planning Engineer Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch SUBJECT: Interchange Construction at the NC 87 Bypass/US 701 Intersection, Bladen County, NCDOT Division 6, Federal- Aid Project NHF-87(15), State Project 40226.1.1, TIP Project R-4903 A concurrence meeting for the subject project was held on April 21, 2009. The objective of the meeting was to discuss the project purpose and need, alternatives to be studied in detail, and bridging decisions (Concurrence Points 1, 2 and 2A, respectively). The following persons were in attendance: Jim Rerko NCDOT Division 6 Environmental Officer Tracey Pittman NCDOT Division 6 Construction Engineer Jerry Snead NCDOT Hydraulics John Merritt NCDOT PDEA-NEU Jay McInnis NCDOT PDEA Kim Gillespie NCDOT PDEA Rob Hanson NCDOTPDEA Tristram Ford NCDOTPDEA-HEU Anthony West NCDOT Roadway Design Gary Levering NCDOT Roadway Design William Petit NCDOTTIP Renee Gledhill-Earley DCR-State Historic Preservation Office Rob Ridings NCDENR - DWQ Ron Lucas FHWA Joel Strickland Mid-Carolina RPO Travis Wilson NC WRC Chris Militscher US EPA Gary Jordan US FWS MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEPARTMENT OF rRA\SPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPVFNI ?`!G F_WIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1548 MAIL SERVICE CE P:: RALEIGH NC 27699-1543 TELERCONE: 919-733-3141 FAX. 919-733-9794 NEBSTE: W'PPN.UUH.UOT.STATE.NC.US LOCATION: r IISIORTATION BUILDING 1 S[;'.:' WILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH NC R-4903 April 21,0009 Merger Team Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 , --: t Kim Gillespie opened the meeting by reviewing items in the meeting handout. CONCURRENCE POINT 1: PURPOSE AND NEED Ms. Gillespie discussed the project need. She stated the project is intended to address the following needs: • the number of angle and left-turn accidents occurring at this intersection between January 2003 and December 2005, resulting in serious injuries or fatalities • the fatal crash rate at the intersection is over 6 times the statewide average and twice the critical rate between January 2003 and December 2005 • the intersection will operate at capacity (LOS E) in 2030 • NC 87 is designated as a Strategic Highway Corridor, with a vision for an expressway • there is more traffic on US 701 than on the NC 87 Bypass for 2006 and 2030 • NC 87 will provide a direct connection to the North Carolina International Port (NCIP) Chris Militscher stated he did not believe the proposed NCIP should be included as a part of the project need. He cited multiple reasons, including the proposed port's lack of funding, and lack of environmental analysis. Jay McInnis noted that the purpose of Project R-4903 is to increase capacity and safety at this intersection, and that the port is merely a footnote. Ms. Gillespie restated the project's purpose and need, and requested concurrence. The Merger Team concurred with the following purpose statement: The purpose of the proposed project is to improve the safety and capacity of the NC 87 Bypass/US 701 intersection. CONCURRENCE POINT 2: ALTERNATIVES TO BE CARRIED FORWARD FOR DETAILED STUDY . Ms. Gillespie discussed various project alternatives, including countermeasure alternatives (flashers with warning signs, rumble strips, etc.) and a directional crossover. Flashers with warning signs reading "Be Prepared to Stop" were installed on NC 87. However, the percentage of angle accidents increased from 42% to 53%. A directional crossover would require the larger amount of traffic on US 701 to make a u-turn. The large amount of traffic traveling through the intersection would require a traffic signal, which may still violate driver's expectations on NC 87. For these reasons, these two alternatives were not recommended. Four alternatives were developed for an interchange. Each of the four alternatives relocates US 701 east of its existing location. Each alternative also constructs an overpass on NC 87 Bypass. The grade of US 701 would become too steep to construct an overpass on this route. .R-4903 April 21, 2009 Merger Team Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 Alternative 1 is a partial cloverleaf interchange with loops and ramps only in the northwest and southeast quadrants of the interchange. NC 242 is relocated approximately 1000 feet south of its existing location. Alternative 2 is similar to Alternative 1 in that the loops and ramps of the partial cloverleaf interchange are in the northwest and southeast interchange quadrants. However, NC 242 would be relocated to the north a few hundred feet to tie into the southeast ramp. Alternative 3 is a diamond interchange. This interchange also allows for loops with a 250-foot radius. NC 242 is relocated approximately 1000 feet south of its existing location. This relocation allows for enough space between the southern interchange intersection and the new US 701/NC 242 intersection for safety. Alternative 4 is a partial cloverleaf interchange with loops and ramps only in the northeast and southwest quadrants of the interchange. NC 242 is relocated approximately 1000 feet south of its existing location. It eliminates the weaving challenge for eastbound traffic wanting to turn onto Mercer Mill Road. Table 2 depicts the impacts of the interchange alternatives. Table 2 Alternative Comparisons Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Alternative 4 Residential 4 4 6 4 Relocatees Business 0 0 1 2 Relocatees Wetlands 1.39 0.89 1.94 1.77 Affected (Acres) Stream Impacts 0 0 256 188 (Linear Feet) Habitat for No No No No Federally Protected Species? Historic None are None are None are None are Properties? considered eligible considered eligible considered eligible considered eligible for the National for the National for the National for the National Register Register Register Register Ms. Gillespie noted that Alternative 3 has the greatest impacts to wetlands, streams, and residential relocations, and therefore recommended dropping Alternative 3 from future consideration. Ms. Gillespie pointed out that Altemative 2 has the lowest impacts of the four alternatives, but the loop in its southeast quadrant takes a greater amount (d land than the R-4903 April 21, 2009 Merger Team Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 others. Mr. Militscher asked if a prime farmland impact analysis has been conducted. Ms. Gillespie replied that one has not. Renee Gledhill-Earley observed that the original NC 87 bypass included additional right of way to accommodate a future interchange. Mr. McInnis confirmed this, but explained that the amount of extra right of way is insufficient to accommodate current interchange geometry standards. Tracey Pittman requested that the vertical alignment of the interchange be clarified. Ms. Gillespie explained that the steep grade of US 701 would have made carrying US 701 over NC 87 more costly due to increased earthwork, therefore NC 87 will be carried over US 701 in all of the interchange alternatives. Mr. Militscher inquired as to the purpose of the new location connector road south of NC 242. Mr. McInnis explained that NC 242 was relocated south to avoid the interchange's control-of-access. Mr. Militscher asked why it had to be moved into the wetland. Mr. McInnis explained the connector road was located in the wetland in order to avoid the Hess Oil facility. Ms. Gledhill-Earley asked why the connector road is not further north, to which Mr. McInnis replied that Alternative 2 shows the connector road further north. He further explained that intersections are ideally placed either together or far apart, to prevent operational problems. Ron Lucas expressed concern over the weaving area between the ramps and Mercer Mill Road (shown as College Street on Figures 5 through 8) and Martin Luther King Drive. Gary Lovering noted the larger loop of Alternative 2 moves the southbound ramp onto NC 87 closer to the nearby intersection, which exacerbates the weaving problem for the interchange. From a design standpoint, he stated Alternative 4 is the best option. Ms. Gledhill-Earley asked if the bridges would be wide enough for a four-lane section. Mr. Lovering confirmed they would be wide enough. Mr. Militscher recommended dropping Alternative 3 from future study. Ms. Gillespie requested concurrence for dropping Alternative 3. The merger team concurred. Mr. Militscher then recommended dropping Alternative 1, due to its higher impacts to wetlands. He also stated that he cannot base a decision on land use since no prime farmland analysis has yet been completed. He saw little difference in safety between Alternative 1 and the other alternatives. The new location of NC 242 is the prime difference between Alternative 1 and Alternative 2. Mr. Lovering noted the difference in safety between Alternatives 1 and 2 is the increased weaving distance of Alternative 1. Travis Wilson asked why the northeast quadrant loops of Alternative 4 were not placed in the southeast quadrant in order to reduce wetland impacts. Mr. McInnis explained that doing so would create additional weaving sections between the two loops, and that this partial cloverleaf interchange design is no longer used. 'R-4903 April 21, 2009 Merger Team Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 Ms. Gillespie requested concurrence on moving forward with Alternative 2 and Alternative 4. Mr. Militscher expressed interest in hearing from the public conceming the currently proposed alternatives. Mr. McInnis said that Alternatives 2 and 4 both meet purpose and need. The Merger Team concurred on carrying Alternatives 2 and 4 forward for detailed study. CONCURRENCE POINT 2A: BRIDGING DECISIONS Ms. Gillespie noted that Bridge Number 3, carrying US 701 over Brown's Creek, was previously to be replaced under TIP Project B-4710, but is now included in this project. The proposed alignment for each of the interchange alternatives ties back in to existing US 701 just north of Brown's Creek. Bridge Number 3 is 46.9 feet long. The proposed length of the replacement bridge is 55 feet. Ms. Gillespie noted a typo in the handout showed the proposed length as 120 feet, when it is actually 55 feet. Mr. Militscher asked if the 55-foot length is for hydraulic requirements. Ms. Gillespie confirmed it is. She also noted that traffic will be maintained on the existing bridge during the new bridge's construction. Mr. Militscher asked if there are wetlands impacted by the new bridge. Mr. McInnis confirmed there are wetland impacts due to the bridge. Mr. Militscher asked about the cost difference in bridging the entire wetland area. Mr. McInnis responded that he believed the impacted wetland area to be less than I/10th of one acre. Ms. Gillespie requested concurrence on the bridging decision. The merger team concurred on a length of 55 feet for the proposed bridge over Brown's Creek. Mr. Militscher recommended noting that the area depicted on Figure 1 represents the defined study area as part of purpose and need. Copies of the signed concurrence forms are attached to these minutes. NEPA/404 MERGER TEAM MEETING AG VED Concurrence Point No. 1: Purpose and Need APR 9 4 2009 RFGULATOFW tN1LM,FLp.0FC. PROJECT NOYFIP NOJ NAME/DESCRIPTION: Federal Aid Project Number: NHF-87(15) State Project Number: WBS Element 40226.1.1 TIP Project Number: R4903 TIP Description: Interchange Construction at the NC 87 Bypass/US 701 intersection, Bladen County The Project Team concurred on this date of April 21, 2009 with the purpose of and need for the proposed project as stated below and the project study area as described below and shown in the attached exhibit. Purpose and Need of Proposed Project The purpose of the proposed project is to improve the safety and capacity of the NC 87 Bypass/ US 701 intersection. AGENCY lac; U s rws Usti FPr wv' NC DOT D'fi¢GZF- NEPA/404 MERGER TEAM MEETING AGREEMENT Concurrence Point No. 2: Alternatives to be Carried Forward for Detailed Study PROJECT NO./TIP NOJ NAME/DESCRIPTION: Federal Aid Project Number: NHF-87(15) State Project Number: WBS Element 40226.1.1 TIP Project Number: R4903 TIP Description: Interchange Construction at the NC 87 Bypass/US 701. intersection, Bladen County Alternatives to be studied in detail in the NEPA Document: The Section 404/NEPA Merger Project Team has concluded that the following Build Altematives are to be studied in detail in the NEPA document: Alternative I Altemative 2 Altemative 3 Alternative 4 The Project Team concurred on this date of April 21, 2009 with the alternatives to be studied in detail in the NEPA Document as stated above. AGENCY us FWs NC acsT NEPA/404 MERGER TEAM MEETING AGREEMENT Concurrence Point No. 2A: Bridging Decisions PROJECT NO./TIP NO? NAME/DESCRIPTION: Federal Aid Project Number: NEF-87(15) State Project Number: WBS Element 40226. 1.1 TIP Project Number: R-4903 TIP Description: Interchange Construction at the NC 87 Bypass/US 701 intersection, Bladen County Bridging Decisions: The merger team concurred on the following minimum bridge length and culvert replacement for the project: Bridge #3, which is 46.9 feet long, will be replaced with a new structure 55 feet long. The project team has unconditionally concurred on this date of April 21, 2009. AGENCY .,?/ct??nc? L) D 1) sl;-:f NC -DOT