HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190397_RE R-2566BA Watauga River Bridge on NC 105-_20180806Wanucha, Dave From: Adima, Nathan N Sent: Monday, August 06, 2018 12:29 PM To: Chambers, Marla J; Zerman, William S; Steve Kichefski; Buncick, Marella; Wanucha, Dave Cc: Cox, Marissa R Subject: RE: R-2566BA Watauga River Bridge on NC 105- Attachments: R-2566BA_Rdy_xpl_L_X-27_half size.pdf; R-2566BA_Rdy_xpl_L_X-28_half size.pdf; R-2566BA_Rdy_xpl_Y4_X-45 _half size.pdf; R-2566BA_Rdy_xpl_L_X-26_half size.pdf Thank you Marla for drawing our att�ntion to th�s� conc�rns. Th� final CP4A m��ting minut�s hav� just b��n s�nt out. Sc�rry for th� d�lay. Th� NEU r�pr�s�ntativ� vvill discuss th� longtail salamand�r and H�Ilb�nd�r issu�s at our W�dn�sday°s m��ting and oth�r minimization conc�rns. Hovv�v�r, our hydraulic consultants hav� inform�d m� of th� following m�asur�s to minimiz� bank disturbanc�s. Th�s� will b� discuss�d furth�r in our m��ti ng. .. ��, ��, ��. . ���. �.� �. . . � ��:� Nathan N. Adima, PE Project Manager Project Management Unit — Divisions 11-14 North Carolina Department of Transportation 919 707 6210 office 919 707 6200 main u�_� d. i_m� �_� u� � d r� t.� 1000 Birch Ridge Drive Raleigh, NC 27610 1582 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 2699-1582 a������ �������,��:s���������� �� ����� ������ ��`��,� ����:����,�,� �,� ,�������� �� ��`�� �V����� �°��������� ��.����� ��������,� ��W�r ����:� a���.� �� ���,����,���� �� �������� �s�����,�. From: Chambers, Marla J Sent: Friday, August 03, 2018 2:16 PM To: Zerman, William S<bzerman@ncdot.gov>; Adima, Nathan N<nadima@ncdot.gov>; Steve Kichefski <Steven.l.kichefski@usace.army.mil>; Buncick, Marella <marella_buncick@fws.gov>; Wanucha, Dave <dave.wanucha@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Cox, Marissa R <mrcox@ncdot.gov> Subject: RE: R-2566BA Watauga River Bridge on NC 105 I would also like to point out that it doesn't appear that a final version of the last meeting's summary has been provided or posted. It's for the B section, but some discussion of the BA section occurred. Teresa Gresham sent them out for review April 11 and Marella and I made comments on the minutes April 17 and 2ptn I have attached my email communication to the team following that last meeting with our concerns about the longtail salamander. We are very concerned about any disturbance of the river banks that may impact the rocky outcrops and boulder habitat these rare salamanders depend on. Is the proposed excavation, especially on the east/south side? Can we route the drainage away from that area? Of course, we are also concerned about the Hellbender, which may be federally listed next month. Regardless, we are still concerned and believe avoiding (and minimizing) river bank disturbance will be protective for hellbenders, too, (sedimentation and erosion). We still believe a site visit would be beneficial, perhaps a small group, such as NCDOT and/or consultant reps will meet with me and Lori Williams, my coworker with expertise on these species. Marla IP'��urlll� �Ill�m�i�r�ll��ur� �� II'��III':'�t�..�.. ���ur�°�liiu�����ur II...W�Il�lid.�d. ��u���:u���d.li�u� Il:�ir��ir�u� II'�� liilll�°�Illlii�� III'����u�ur��� ��i�r�i�r�lii��lii�u�� ��� II��II::��.'ll.. ��Dc� �Il��u�d.�:ir �d.ir�:�:d. �Illl��:u��irll�:, II��u�ll� ��ir�llliu�� ����°� Il:�liir�;��q ���'u� �� Il...liu��� ��D�...��� ����D.� u tt��ll�li II�;: .��D�...���... � �D.��D IVl_�.irl�..�.Ih�m�b�ir�Ca�u��wildlif�.r�irq ncwildlife.orq j� ,�r��" From: Chambers, Marla J Sent: Friday, August 03, 2018 11:28 AM To: Zerman, William S<k�z_e_r_rn�an(c�_n�dcrt.:.�ca.v>; Adima, Nathan N<na_d.i_rn�a(c�_n�dcrt.:.�ca.v> Cc: Kichefski, Steven L SAW <�teven..:_I�..IK.i�heFski_(c�_u_sa_ce.._a_rm�.y.:_m�i.l>; Buncick, Marella <m�a_re.l_I_a....._�un�ic_k�Fws.:.�crv>; Wanucha, Dave <dave_:wa_n_u�ha_..,('„�,.._n_cd_�_�_r:.�crv> Subject: R-2566BA Watauga River Bridge on NC 105 I'm wondering if we could get a version of the redline plans without topo lines (or a lot fewer). The plans are hard to read, especially when sharing with members of our staff that aren't used to reading roadway plans. We do have concerns, that I will share soon. Marla IP'��urlll� �Ill�m�i�r�ll��ur� �� II'��III':'�t�..�.. ���ur�°�liiu�����ur II...W�Il�lid.�d. ��u���:u���d.li�u� Il:�ir��ir�u� II'�� liilll�°�Illlii�� III'����u�ur��� ��i�r�i�r�lii��lii�u�� ��� II��II::��.'ll.. ��Dc� �Il��u�d.�:ir �d.ir�:�:d. �Illl��:u��irll�:, II��u�ll� ��ir�llliu�� ����°� Il:�liir�;��q ���'u� �� Il...liu��� ��D�...��� ����D.� u tt��ll�li II�;: .��D�...���... � �D.��D IVl_�.irl�..�.Ih�m�b�ir�Ca�u��wildlif�.r�irq ncwildlife.orq j� ,�r��" I!Irr�7ail �;urre,�l�ui�dc,i��:e, C�u ai�d ��ruir7 U•ii� �ci�dcr i� �ul����;�E� �C�u U•ic, I"J,�, I ul�li�; I'�Ee,�;ur;� I...aw ai�d rr�7ay I�c rll��:lu�crl �C�u �C�h•ih�rl I�artle,�,