HomeMy WebLinkAbout19860179 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19860101 ptSEATI q State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor R. Raul Wilms S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary Director December 4, 1986 Mr. Paul J. Susie, Jr., President Agent for Makai Harbor Development Corp. 222 Causeway Drive Post Office Box 260 Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina 28403-3696 Subject: Stormwater Controls for the Proposed Makai Harbor Development Pender County Dear Mr. Susie: This is to confirm our telephone conversation of November 26, 1986. As I explained, a determination has been made that the Makai Harbor Development project, as proposed, does not require a stormwater permit in accordance with the new stormwater regulations (15 NCAC 2H .0408(d)), which became effective on November 1, 1986. The basis for this determination is that this project received approval of an erosion control plan by the Division of Land Resources before November 1, and does not, as I understand it, require a CAMA major development permit. Should revisions to this project result in the need for a CAMA major development permit, or in the need to obtain approval of a modified erosion control plan by the Division of Land Resources, then a stormwater permit will be required. Although a stormwater permit is not required, projects of the type proposed which drain to shellfishing (Class SA) waters have a high probability of violating the fecal coliform water quality standard and may result in closure of the waters to the harvesting of shellfish. For this reason I strongly encourage you to incorporate stormwater controls into your project's design which are at least equivalent to those contained in the regulations cited earlier. We will be happy to assist you and your engineer in reviewing your plans if you wish. Pollution Prevention Pays Pp Boot 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 Mr. Paul Susie Page Two December 4, 1986 If you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further, please call me at 256-4161. Sincerel , Charles Wakild Regional Supervisor CW/dkb cc: George Everett Bill Mills Dan Sams Bob Stroud WiRO ,,I,e ALc4 3w. State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor December 4, 1986 R. Paul Wilms S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary Director Mr. Paul J. Susie, Jr., President Agent for Makai Harbor Development Corp. 222 Causeway Drive Post Office Box 260 Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina 28403-3696 Subject: Stormwater Controls for the Proposed Makai Harbor Development Pender County Dear Mr. Susie: This is to confirm our telephone conversation of November 26, 1986. As I explained, a determination has been made that the Makai Harbor Development project, as proposed, does not require a stormwater permit in accordance with the new stormwater regulations (15 NCAC 2H .0408(d)), which became effective on November 1, 1986. The basis for this determination is that this project received approval of an erosion control plan by the Division of Land Resources before November 1, and does not, as I understand it, require a CAMA major development permit. Although a stormwater permit is not required, projects of the type proposed which drain to shellfishing (Class SA) waters have a high probability of violating the fecal coliform water quality standard and may result in closure of the waters to the harvesting of shellfish. For this reason I strongly encourage you to incorporate stormwater controls into your project's design which are at least equivalent to those contained in the regulations cited earlier. We will be happy to assist you and your engineer in reviewing your plans if you wish. If you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further, please call me at 256-4161. CW/dkb cc: George Everett Bill Mills Dan Sams Bob Stroud WiRO Sincere , W Charles Wakild Regional Supervisor Pollution Prevention Pays PA Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 T?kphone 919-733-7015 State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Wilmington Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary CERTIFIED MAIL DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED November 19, 1986 Mr. Paul Sousi, Jr. Agent for Makai Harbor Development 222 Causeway Drive Post Office Box 260 Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina Corporation 28480 Subject: Stormwater Controls for the Proposed Makai Harbor Development Pender County Dear Mr. Sousi: It has come to my attention that.the Division of Land.Resources approved an Erosion Control Plan for the proposed Makai Harbor Development on October 23, 1986. As you may know, in September 1986, the Environmental Management Commission adopted regulations to implement stormwater controls on projects located adjacent to waters classified SA. The effective date of the new stormwater regulations was November 1, 1986. Purusant to 15NCAC 2H.0408(d), projects greater than one acre in size which are located within 575 feet of class SA waters, and which require submittal of a Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan to the Division of Land Resources, must either meet certain impervious area requirements or have a stormwater treatment and disposal system. The Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway which borders the project's site to the east is classified SA, and is frequently open to shellfishing. Based on our review of the Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan, it appears that a stormwater permit will be required for this project. No construction of the proposed project may commence until the stormwater management plan has been approved. Enclosed herewith is a copy of the recently adopted stormwater regulations. If you have any questions concerning the regulations or permit requirements for your project, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. David Cotton or Mr. Preston Howard at our regional office, telephone number (919) 256-4161. Sincere y, Charles Wakild Regional Supervisor CW:APH:kc cc: Dan Sams 7225 Wrightsville Avenue, Wilmington, N.C. 28403-3696 • Telephone 919-256-4161 Bob Stroud, Bill Mills err.. -- ' An EaLW Cbeoetunity Affirmative Action Emaloyer ?• FIR CD 0 Zw- w M?y ::%?•' O fD < ? ?00q P w ?p,? G, OD rA m Colo tic 00 to .4 ;t 0 - -4 ma l , 0 low* o+- Ow •. raw '-'• e* e•' &n w O Ry R,, sr C) rA Wryp t?/r cD p??? Ac c° E ?, w G E" w LL -t w G 00 ti O, y 0Q. p Zcopt? p V rA too eD 9 w F?r CD ti ?•o O. o. qg °c pr :r 0- .4 ?p ?pOt1. O , 4:e w y•(A 0 :1 b w 0 «y C1 M A ? w to to w "4 OU P. fD ?•t ¦ d C C 3 C: D copy?o ?w? ?•moEc.G mtD?'? gyp.' oa 5' w o S o o w 0 -1 woo 50 P- CL O gA? A? f?A m ty go <p w G ? 0 0o on `<D xm A?. °i I (Oq h ?i R tD tD ".J fD '3 !D fD fD q1 :no y O. 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PRIME, INC. 222 Causeway Drive, P.O. Box 260 Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina 28480 (919) 256-4101 November 24, 1986 Mr. Charles Wakild Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management Department of Natural Resources & 'Community Development 7225 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-3696 SUBJECT: Opinion letter November 19, 1986 Dear Mr. Wakild: Upon receipt of your letter, I attempted to contact you and the associates referenced in the letter to no avail. I reviewed your letter with legal counsel. They are of the opinion the regulations cited by you are not applicable to the project. Therefore, we are proceeding with our plans for development. Mr. Dale or I will be most happy to discuss the matter with you at (919) 256-4101. Sincerely, lt;z -I L Paul J. Susie, Jr. President t„. Agent for Makai Harbor Development Corp. PJS/lmj wA, "A Ma #aft ?Ty ..swFv N d ?a? State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor -arch 18, 1986 R. Paul Wilms S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary Director CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED R E C E I V E D Mr. Paul Susie, Jr. Agent for MAR 2 1986 Makai Harbor Development Corp. 222 Causeway Drive, P.O. Box 260 WAILh QUALITY SECTION Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 OPERATIONS BRANCtI Subject: Application for Water Quality Certification Makai Harbor Dev. Corp. Pender County Dear Mr. Susie: Your application dated November 5, 1985 for a Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act as Amended has been reviewed by our staff. Your proposal is to develop a 27.5 acre tract of land by constructing 116 units within 11 structures, a three basin marina with 100 slips, marine servicing, pool, ship's store, tennis courts and spoil disposal area adjacent to the Atlantic Intracoastal Water Way at Washington Acres. The issuance of a Water Quality Certification is a finding by this Division that the proposed activity will not cause a violation of water quality standards or discharge guidelines.' There are several aspects of the project which cause us considerable concern as to the effect on water quality standards in these waters which are classified SA. One is the fecal coliform levels which are contained in the stormwater runoff. Information available to us at this time indicates that a violation of fecal coliform standards for SA waters will be expected to occur as a result of stormwater runoff where effective impervious surface areas are in excess of 10% and a 30-foot natural buffer to MHW is not provided. Where effective impervious areas are greater than 10%, diversion, treatment or containment of the stormwater runoff up to the 10-year, 24-hour rainfall event Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer ? r Mr. Paul Susie, Jr. Page 2 March 18, 1986 would be needed to assure protection of the water quality standard. This project as proposed, appears in excess of 10% effective impervious area. The site plans submitted are on a scale which is difficult to calculate, as well as not supplying sufficient detail to roads, parking areas, and property boundaries. An adequate stormwater review cannot be made unless more complete and detailed plans are submitted. You must demonstrate how stormwater runoff will be prevented from entering adjacent surface waters. Another aspect of the project which causes concern is boat operation. Sewage discharged from boats in the marina basins is likely to cause a violation of the fecal coliform standards. In order for us to conclude that sewage discharge from boats will not occur, we would have to be satisfied that the project can and will prevent sewage discharge from boats on a long-term basis. Past experience has been that just providing marine pump-out facilities is insufficient to prevent sewage discharges from occurring. Also spill potential at the fueling docks is an area where specific plans will need to be developed to assure that the marina operation will not pose a threat to water quality. Further specific information needs to be provided on the marine service area to explain the types of activities which are to take place (repairs, painting, sanding, etc. of boats). The Spartina mitigation fill presents some other specific problems related to water quality. The 3,000 cubic yards of organic material that is proposed to be placed below the plane of mean high water for Spartina grass mitigation is expected to violate water quality standards for turbidity. Also since more than 1/2 acre is to be filled, these classified waters must first be declassified by the Environmental Management Commission in accordance with the Commission's policy on fill in classified waters. The location of potable water wells in relation to the proposed spoil location must be provided to enable a review of groundwater impacts. Because of the reasons cited above, I have concluded that the proposed project should not be certified. Your application for a Water Quality Certification is hereby denied. Should you redesign the project from the standpoint of stormwater impacts, boat operation, fill and spoil disposal in such a manner as to satisfy our concerns for water quality protection, I will reconsider this denial. It is suggested that you work closely with our Wilmington Regional Office in any redesign of the proposed project and further details which would be needed. t. Mr. Paul Susie, Jr. Page 3 March 18, 1986 You do have the right to a review by the Environmental Management Commission, if the denial is unacceptable to you. Your request for Commission review must be in writing, identifying the specific items to be contended, within 10 days of your receipt of this denial. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Mr. Bill Mills at 919/733-5083. Sincerely, { R. Paul Wilms cc: George Everett Dennis Ramsey Wilmington Regional Office David Owens r? y State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Wilmington Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary CERTIFIED MAIL DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED November 19, 1986 R E C E I V E D Mr. Paul Sousi, Jr. NOV 2 0 1986 Agent for Makai Harbor Development Corporation 222 Causeway Drive WATER QUALITY SECTION Post Office Box 260 OPERATIONS BRANrH Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina 28480 Subject: Stormwater Controls for the Proposed Makai Harbor Development Pender County Dear Mr. Sousi: It has come to my attention that the Division of Land.Resources approved an Erosion Control Plan for the proposed Makai Harbor Development on October 23, 1986. As you may know, in September 1986, the Environmental Management Commission adopted regulations to implement stormwater controls on projects located adjacent to waters classified SA. The effective date of the new stormwater regulations was November 1, 1986. Purusant to 15NCAC 2H.0408(d), projects greater than one acre in size which are located within 575 feet of class SA waters, and which require submittal of a Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan to the Division of Land Resources, must either meet certain impervious area requirements or have a stormwater treatment and disposal system. The Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway which borders the project's site to the east is classified SA, and is frequently open to shellfishing. Based on our review of the Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan, it appears that a stormwater permit will be required for this project. No construction of the proposed project may commence until the stormwater management plan has been approved. Enclosed herewith is a copy of the recently adopted stormwater regulations. If you have any questions concerning the regulations or permit requirements for your project, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. David Cotton or Mr. Preston Howard at our regional office, telephone number (919) 256-4161. Sincere y, ?- / o L Charles Wakild Regional Supervisor CW:APH:kc cc: Dan Sams 7225 Wrightsville Avenue. Wilmington, N.C. 2 840 3-3 696 • Telephone 919-256-4161 P4nderYetch 8 r 349 Dogwood Lane` Hampstead, N.C., 28443 November 13, 1986 RECElV ° ? ?o yes V-e __ HOV 2 ? 198ikATER wUALITY WATE QU* ALITY SECTIONSECTiON nor-RATIONS BRANCH Dear Mr. Gardner: _ We thank you for taking the time to see usAWednesday, November 5, to discuss the above-mentioned project. I appreciated your telephone call the next morning on a point made during our discussion. However, I disagree with your conclusion that the Makai plan is reasonable and workable to control erosion and that an on-,site inspection by your staff is not necessary. Their alleged plan is nothing more than a drawing done on blueprint paper to make it look good. Its accuracy is suspect. r The project is in the midst of an environmentally sensitive area, one with S A waters, 404 wetlands, and a steep wooded slope. There is no mention of the type of sewage treat- ment or the number of trees which will have to:be removed for this treatment plant, roads, buildings, and parking spaces. These conditions can't help but affect the sedimentation and erosion aspects of the property. This same project was turned down by the state this past summer due to the effects of a 100+ boat slip marina. The new drawing omits the marina per se but still includes one tvelve-story highrise tower of 65 units and 13 different townhouses of 66 units all total- ing 131 units or about 262 people living there; flushing toilets, etc. The project sits on 27.5 acres which includes the vetlands'area and,the existing creek. To our knowledge, there is no detailed construction plan for any part of the develop- ment. One can only wonder about the type of sewage treatment plant and question why 12 stories, when our fire department can only reach 2 floors. And wouldn't the roof be used to locate the mechanical equipment for air-conditioning and water distribution? I believe thif will be the tallest building on the North Carolina coastline right in a residential area! In our judgment,.any development of this magnitude, especially on the water, should be visited for an on-site inspection for all state environmental conditions before any decision is considered, let alone issuing a permit as was done in this case. It is not our problem that you have only two people covering seven counties resulting in their being too busy to get out in the field. While you might save a couple of land quality engineers' salaries, our coastal lands fall before the developers' bulldozers. I feel that the permit approval in this case is invalid and should be rescinded pending at least a premises visit. I plan to discuss this matter with our attorney to determine if we can solicit help from the state Attorney General. It would seen that the Makai plan deliberately evades CAMA and DEM regulations. The drawings are not accurate and you should not be deceived, but ask them to prove that this construction will not degrade the environment of this area. You all should be guarding and protecting instead of acquiescing. As an example of their deception, their plans show lines 75' back from the water line but due to erosion on the bank along the waterway the land is back from where they say it is. Secondly, while the sewage treatment plant-may be 575' from the water on their property, the natural flow is down a slope to the adjacent Thomas property where the shoreline is only 400' to the proposed plant. Verification of these points would demon- strate their purposeful deception! The developers have not only evaded inclusion in storm water runoff regulations by beating the November 1 deadline but have circumvented CAMA regulations be calling the first 75' single family building lots. Actually, they are too small for building within storm water runoff requirements and would only permit individual docks and bulkheads, thus avoiding a major CAMA permit process. Nov they will have a "piecemeal" marina which was soundly defeated when six state and four federal agencies submitted objections or express- ions of concern to the initial proposal. Sincerely, Z. R. V;nkeneier, Pres. cc: S. Thomas Rhodes Lynn Muchmore R. Paul Vilms David V. Arens Lacy H. Thornburg S. Henri Johnson f f t`enderWatch & Conservancy Nov. 5,1986 General ....:.!.I.ti'i?i:: along Concern .... Development t... 'fit' .1.?,: i ! ? .1..-r "i f..,, lt:::.s . '• 1. Waterway t!' r...r f"e:°: County, surrounded in ..:::::'by .r development on . Topsail island, Wrightsville a!...,:....! Beach , l'''•l e:i? New Hanover County with degradation of surrounding waters,, i''•lt::)t opposed 't:.:o development. Want planned rational development ... t:::4..:: ,....:.:..: t:.,:.1I' .. with what ecological systems will stand., :I. i"f development l' 1 t.:t l•?: t: r.:I. Harbour Project- forerunner t 't" o North Carolina- designed to circumvent the law. Not t • . ..:::> k....t?;.r r'k:. with •:!.'t:.l°} Storm e 5-r E::: E::. r'r.::>a. IFJt:?'t:.e::.r° Runoff Regulations and L.: r..f!' iA I egi slat ion. i f'Fil ! ty1A..1.•li:::FZ. fa_!I'••!C:11::: .' t :: r. . ,..,t:::' d i'r e n t i::i't:i o n a f...! d 1:::. r.' o i:::• i o I...E Co n .t". r.' o l Per. f'i't :i. t 10/23/86 .. t_r......y avoid !I/i/86 regulations. secured '.... No construction plan, no sewage treat ,....:..r::'!!_r't.. p1 ..: ..1 ,.at,:y no detail r:11...! water usage„ Ar::r:'._!i .1l quoted as saying "....design .,....: used to get permits 't'°. hI,.. i... ! .::i f` : ' then [:e?:'r we'll decide what to build". How can Sedimentation and E r° c.:; s :i. t::} i Control Permit be valid without knowing developer's plans'? They are purposefully deceptive.. No on site inspection by 1__al°d Quality 1r°o.. ,:i.reri'r''• of r». ? of r,5 A waters; Engineer to note steep slopes; _? wetlands. :w:.f run-off ;.ll 1.}te? Have 1°r t::'1't:. shown °! °rt::. !•?a prevented r?:r::?rr. entering , waters. t''ri.J impervious adjacent surface plan- agent publicly stating they w....:'s. have condo owners "park under the trees". Original denial - Wilms letter, Owens letter. Questions and concerns still applicable. r..r,.. denial .. I r._t:a •:? tt: , i°t.:: { slopes, ... steep 40/1. for not changed Reasons wetltatnds,, flood plain, proximity of shellfish beds. R. Paul submitted . , t:: ,t°; a ii::... ., t...rt..t-:' which . Wilms The site plans are is i to calculate, as well as nt::;'t:. supplying sufficient tai:i.f'r't':it:.t_t.i•i: detail to roads, parking areas, and property boundaries. An adequate ..: t:. i:. r frr w...t':. ee:1' review cannot be made unless more complete and detailed plans are submitted. You must demonstrate st....._.} k ••:vi"! r..•, i..<... ,_a ._ runoff from will be how r.. .5' r +, : , t? k f=}L' prevented entering adjacent surface waters.'' Requ est La nd Resour ces reconsider .,...rr:: _v t Sedimentation lC:. S i..l c::.r. oi r C ontrol Permit. Deve lopers , mus t have ::; more complete and de tailed pl an to demonstra te how s torm water runoff wi ll be prevented from entering shellfis h waters:, Can this i b e decided on r .. t t...:::t se.::' by case bas is"? r MAR I N(-) Future development of marinas in North Carolina PIECEMEAL MARINA'? 38 single family lots on 75' setback, AEC area. inadequate t',..1 20% storm water runoff . building. regulations? ......!..14.4..t:: ::)(•::: divided in Y half s.i.f {.., to !`:i lots for individual docks since PIiiS #...! i::i e#'_ County has no t..l zoning or sub-division ordinances. Minor CAMA permit required for individual docks I::; t•-1I"I f•••! I-1!::}i'°t'it:#.t°. required .r t.o#:.. individual Ii:i.#"ii::7!" bulkheads. What you !...t have .I.°::. marina ? ... : }. ... precedent for <:::1")(.., t t other developers, i:s:iiid to circumvent the law since more than ten boat slips require a major 1... t•-i MA permit. D.H.S. will close waters to shellfishing. Original denial t u•:•a <...t...E r:+`" ::i and concerns still applicable. David W. Owens: f._, violation i..Yt' state standards on ? fecal t::: t::Y ...:. {" r1•(I bacteria from SA waters is expected to occur as a result of stormwater runoff from the developed project :.E. t.:r: „ "...adjacent waters which are presently open t_ t..? site." W:L.i..I. be C.?.(:.isC?Cig thereby causing :ci shellfish harvest, . violation of t:I"}e ant. :i."•°ciet:7radat.i.on clause of =tote water quality sw't:.&a#"Ydard<.i and policy." "...requires projects to give highest priority to the protection and management of coastal wetlands so as to,safeguard and perpetuate their biological, social, economic, and aesthetic values; to coordinate and establish a management system capable {':Y'f' conserving and utilizing coastal wetlands as a natural resource essential to the functioning !..: the entire ..: , ._........ tE! .: ,: the highest priority, the estuarine system." management :`:'.d conservation `.r,,,; the important features of estuarine :_, waters, ... ::ar... ... ... <:!'•::r i°,t::Y safeguard : iI...Ei.. ..i perpetuate their r biological values". "... development shall not violate water ., t.•:i#-4C: air quality standards." t: ? •:? r•...#.:r Y<:::...: ,t::: should I . not disturb valuable shallow water and wetland ....E a b >. t aci •t ., t, "Development shall nis"tt tiiiive a significant adverse impact on estuarine resources." "No N('.:} development shall be allowed :V. 1' t the AI....C which would have a substantial likelihood of causing pollution t...r.::: the e_y;•;i_!:::#...!.t.. that of •, waters : [.., ..r. the State !. .t.. , irl .:_ t_? t::: (..} waters would be closed to the taking shellfish under standards ;21,[::a•{" by the Commission for health services pursuant B.S. 130-169.0l.'' ? SSNt ?? M State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor "larch 18, 1986 R. Paul Wilms S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary Director CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED RECEIVED Mr. Paul Susie, Jr. Agent for MAR 2 1. 19$6 Makai Harbor Development Corp. 222 Causewav Drive, P.O. Box 260 WAILN , Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 OPERATIONS IONS SRANCANC SECTION, P6l Subject: Application for Water Quality Certification Makai Harbor Dev. Corp. Pender Countv Dear Mr. Susie: Your application dated November 5, 1985 for a Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act as Amended has been reviewed by our staff. Your proposal is to develop a 27.5 acre tract of land by constructing 116 units within 11 structures, a three basin marina with 100 slips, marine servicing, pool, ship's store, tennis courts and spoil disposal area adjacent to the Atlantic Intracoastal Water Way at Washington Acres. The issuance of a Water Qualitv Certification is a finding by this Division that the proposed activity will not cause a violation of water quality standards or discharge guidelines. There are several aspects of the project which cause us considerable concern as to the effect on water quality standards in these waters which are classified SA. One is the fecal coliform levels which are contained in the stormwater runoff. Information available to us at this time indicates that a violation of fecal coliform standards for SA waters will be expected to occur as a result of stormwater runoff where effective impervious surface areas are in excess of 10% and a 30-foot natural buffer to MHW is not provided. Whete effective impervious areas are greater than 10%, diversion, treatment or,containment of the stormwater runoff up to the 10-year, 24-hour rainfall event Pnllulion Prevention Pays PO Box 2768,, Rakwh, North Carolina 27611-7697 Tekphone 919733.7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Emplomr //0,- 0 Mr. Paul Susie, Jr. Page 2 March 18, 1986 would be needed to assure protection of the water quality standard. This project as proposed, appears in excess of 10% effective impervious area. The site plans submitted are on a scale which is difficult to calculate, as well as not supplying sufficient detail to roads, parking areas, and property boundaries. An adequate stormwater review cannot be made unless more complete and detailed plans are submitted. You must demonstrate how stormwater runoff will be prevented from entering adjacent surface waters. Another aspect of the project which causes concern is boat operation. Sewage dischargeii from boats in the marina basins is likely to cause a violation of the fecal coliform standards. In order for us to conclude that sewage discharge from boats will not occur, we would have to be satisfied that the project can and will prevent sewage discharge from boats on a long-term basis. Past experience has been that just providing marine pump-out facilities is insufficient to prevent sewage discharges from occurring. Also spill potential at the fueling docks is an area where specific plans will need to be developed to assure that the marina operation will not pose a threat to water quality. Further specific information needs to be provided on the marine service area to explain the types of activities which are to take place (repairs, painting, sanding, etc. of boats). The Spartina mitigation fill presents.some other specific problems related to water quality. The 3,000 cubic yards of organic material that is proposed to be placed below the plane of mean high water for Spartina grass mitigation is expected to violate water quality standards for turbidity. Also since more than 1/2 acre is to be filled, these classified waters must first be declassified by the Environmental Management Commission in accordance with the Commission's policy on fill in classified waters. The location of potable water wells in relation to the proposed spoil location must be provided to enable a review of groundwater impacts. - Because of the reasons cited above, I have-concluded that the proposed project should not be certified. Your application for a Water Quality Certification is hereby denied. Should you redesign the project from the standpoint of stormwater impacts, boat operation, fill and spoil disposal in such a manner as to satisfy our concerns for water quality protection, I will reconsider this denial. It is suggested that you work closely with our Wilmington Regional Office in any redesign of the proposed project and further details which would be needed. Mr. Paul Susie, Jr. Page 3 March 18, 1986 You do have the right to a review by the Environmental Management Commission, if the denial is unacceptable to you. Your request for Commission review must be in writing, identifying the specific items to be contended, within 10 days of your receipt of this denial. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Mr. Bill Mills at 919/733-5083. Sincerely, R. Paul Wilms cc: George Everett Dennis Ramsey Wilmington Regional Office David Owens N ?(q State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Coastal Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor David W. Owens S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary Director May 12, 1986 Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested Mr. Paul Susie, Jr. Makai Harbor Development Corporation 222 Causeway Drive P. 0. Box 260 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Dear Mr. Susie: This letter is in reference to your application request for a Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Major Develoment Permit and a State Dredge and Fill Permit to develop a marina and a multi-family residential community adjacent to the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway,(AIWW) and Mill Creek, near Hampstead,. in Pender County, -off of Secondary.-Road 1582. - Processing- --of .your application, under a joint State and Federal review, including onsite investigation; -is now complete. In the -course --of!-ttris -review; s-rx -'state and four Federal agencies have submitted objections or expressions of concern to the proposal. Based on the review described above, the Division of Coastal Management has made the following findings: (1) Development of the marina as presently designed would cause to be eliminated approximately 2.4 acres of wetlands, consisting of coastal marshland species of vegetation and higher marsh consisting of Section '404 type wetlands. The wetlands at the lower elevations provide nutrients to the coastal waters food chain, while the higher elevations provide a filtering buffer, thus protecting water quality; (2) Marina development would also cause a direct alteration of approximately 2.1 acres of bottom habitat by excavation, thus changing a productive, shallow water system to deeper water; P.O. Boot 27687, Raleth, North Grulina 27611-7687 Telephone 911733-2293 An Equal opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Paul Susie, Jr.. Page 2 May 12, 1986 (3) A violation of state standards on fecal coliform bacteria for SA waters is expected to occur as a result of stormwater runoff from the developed project site. In addition, sewage discharge from boats in the proposed 100 boat marina will likely contribute fecal coliform bacteria and subsequent violation of state standards; (4) As a result of the bacteria introduction described in item 3, adjacent waters, which are presently open to shellfish harvest, will be closed, thereby causing a violation of the anti-degradation clause of state water quality standards and policy; (5) The Division of Environmental Management has denied the Section 401 Water Quality Certification which is,a required authorization; (6) The proposed mitigation, involving over a half acre of fill being placed below mean high water cannot be undertaken without declassification of the affected waters by the Environmental Management Commission; M_ In_ .the absence of a formal finding-by Pender County, this office has determined that the project as presently designed is inconsistent with the Pender County Land Use Plan; (8) Objections have been submitted by area citizens, citizens groups and environmental organizations. The comments include environmental, as well as land use types of objections; (9) It has been determined that the project is inconsistent with the following partial listing of the Rules of the Coastal Resources Commission: (a) 15 NCAC 7H.0205(c). Management Objectives (for coastal wetlands). This: requires--projects to give,-h;ghest priority to the protection and management of coastal wetlands so as to safeguard and perpetuate their biological, social, economic, and aesthetic values; to coordin- ate and establish a management system capable of conserving and utilizing coastal wetlands as a natural resource essential to the functioning of the entire estuarine system; (b) 15 NCAC 7H.0206(c). Management Objectives (for estuarine waters). This rule establishes, as the highest priority, the management and conservation of the important features of estuarine waters, so as to safeguard and perpetuate their biological values; (c) 15 NCAC 7H.0208(a)(2)(C). This standard states that development shall not violate water and air quality standards; - (d) 15 NCAC 7H.0208(b)(4)(B). Specific Use Standards for Marinas. Marinas should be developed on non-wetland sites or in deep waters and should not disturb valuable shallow water and wetland habitat. (e) 15 NCAC 7H.0209(e)(4). Development shall not have a significant adverse impact on estuarine resources; and Mr. Paul Susie, Jr. Page 3 May 12, 1986 (f) 15 NCAC 7H.0602. Pollution of Waters. No development shall be allowed in the AEC which would have a substantial likelihood of causing pollution of the waters of the State to the extent that such waters would be closed to the taking of shellfish under standards set by the Commission for health services pursuant to G.S. 130-169.01. Given the foregoing findings, your permit application must be denied. This denial is made under the Dredge and Fill Law (NCGS 113-229(e)(5)), which provides for permit denial upon finding a significant adverse impact on estuarine resources; NCGS 113A-120(2), which requires CAMA permit denial when the project is found to be inconsistent with the State Dredge and Fill Law; and NCGS 113A-120(8), which requires denial of projects inconsistent with the State Guidelines for Areas of Environmental Concern or local land use plans. If you wish to appeal this denial, you are entitled to a quasi-judicial hearing before the Coastal Resources Commission as provided by the Coastal Area Management Act. A request for a hearing must be submitted in writing within twenty days of the date you receive this letter. Mr. Ralph Cantral, Assistant Director of the Division of Coastal Management, at 733-2293, is available to discuss the appeal procedure with you. A reversal of this action by the Coastal Resources Commission may not resolve the objections of the Federal agencies, and thus a separate appeal of the Federal permit decision may be necessary. In lieu of a hearing, you may wish to modify your proposal. Department personnel are available to discuss alternatives with you. It is, of course, the policy of this office to assist an applicant with his project while protecting our vitally _important coastal resources.. Should you redesign this project from the standpoint of water quality impacts and wetland habitat loss, there still remains the issue of the Pender County Land Use Plan. If the county chooses to amend the land use plan, the Coastal Resources Commission, upon request from the County, would have to approve changes to the Plan that would favor your proposal in order to remove this factor as an issue. Also you should be advised that as long as this State permit denial stands, your project must be deemed inconsistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, thereby precluding issuance of Federal permits for this project. The Federal Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (CZMA) gives you the right to appeal this finding to the U. S. Secretary of Commerce, within 30 days of receipt of this letter. Your appeal must be based on the grounds that the proposed activity is (1) consistent with the objectives or purposes of the CZMA, or (2) is necessary in the interest of national security, and thus, may be Federally approved. Mr. Cantral is also available to discuss these tests and the appeal procedure with you. Sincerely, David W. Owens ,,v0 c o ArVCIVcr -T //V L4 lools -- ---------- S of u Sc 0-,' -tea /Cs _ C tl _ ?,?- I State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Wilmington Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary CERTIFIED MAIL DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED November 19, 1986 R E C E I V E D Mr. Paul Sousi, Jr. NOV 2 0 1986 Agent for Makai Harbor Development Corporation 222 Causeway Drive WATER QUALITY SECTION Post Office Box 260 OPERATIONS BRANCH Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina 28480 Subject: Stormwater Controls for the Proposed Makai Harbor Development Pender County Dear Mr. Sousi: It has come to my attention that.the Division of Land.Resources approved an Erosion Control Plan for the proposed Makai Harbor Development on October 23, 1986. As you may know, in September 1986, the Environmental Management Commission adopted regulations to implement stormwater controls on projects located adjacent to waters classified SA. The effective date of the new stormwater regulations was November 1, 1986. Purusant to 15NCAC 2H.0408(d), projects greater than one acre in size which are located within 575 feet of class SA waters, and which require submittal of a Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan to the Division of Land Resources, must either meet certain impervious area requirements or have a stormwater treatment and disposal system. The Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway which borders the project's site to the east is classified SA, and is frequently open to shellfishing. Based on our review of the Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan, it appears that a stormwater permit will be required for this project. No construction of the proposed project may commence until the stormwater management plan has been approved. Enclosed herewith is a copy of the recently adopted stormwater regulations. If you have any questions concerning the regulations or permit requirements for your project, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. David Cotton or Mr. Preston Howard at our regional office, telephone number (919) 256-4161. Sincere y, Charles Wakild Regional Supervisor CW:APH:kc cc: Dan Sams 7225 Wrightsville Avenue, Wilmington, N.C. 28403-3696 • Telephone 919-256-4161 Bob Stroud, Bill Mills WiRO, CF An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer •#'? 4aST/?T£4 State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Coastal Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor David W. Owens S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary Director May 12, 1986 Certified Mail Return eceip Requested Mr. Paul Susie, Jr. Makai Harbor Development Corporation 222 Causeway Drive P. 0. Box 260 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Dear Mr. Susie: -This letteris in reference to your---application -request for a Coastal - Area Management Act (CAMA) Major Develoment Permit and a State Dredge and Fill Permit to develop. a marina and a multi-family residential community adjacent to the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) and Mill Creek, near Hampstead,_. in Pender -County, off of Secondary -Road-. - l 582. -Processing- of- - your application, under a joint State and _Federal review, including onsite _..:nves i anon°; 4is now, complete -In-, the cou>?se.._?'f'?hi=t.:: review; aix -stdt and four Federal agencies have submitted objections or expressions of concern to the proposal. Based on the review described above, the Division of Coastal Management has made the following findings: (1) Development of the marina as presently designed would cause to be eliminated approximately 2.4 acres of wetlands, consisting of coastal marshland species of vegetation and higher marsh consisting of Section '404 type wetlands. The wetlands at the lower elevations provide nutrients to the coastal waters food chain, while the higher elevations provide a filtering buffer, thus protecting water quality; (2) Marina development would also cause a direct alteration of approximately 2.1 acres of bottom habitat by excavation, thus changing a productive, shallow water system to deeper water; P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-2293 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer A Mr. Paul Susie, Jr. Page 2 May 12, 1986 (3) A violation of state standards on fecal coliform bacteria for SA waters is expected to occur as a result of stormwater runoff from the developed project site. In addition, sewage discharge from boats in the proposed 100 boat marina will likely contribute fecal coliform bacteria and subsequent violation of state standards; (4) As a result of the bacteria introduction described in item 3, adjacent waters, which are presently open to shellfish harvest, will be closed, thereby causing a violation of the anti-degradation clause of state water quality standards and policy; (5) The Division of Environmental Management has denied the Section 401 Water Quality Certification which is a required authorization; (6) The proposed mitigation, involving over a half acre of fill being placed below mean high water cannot be undertaken without declassification of the affected waters by the Environmental Management Commission; _.(7)- In_ the absence _of ..a---formal finding by---Pender- -County, this -office- has determined that the project as presently designed is inconsistent with the Pender County Land Use Plan; (8) Objections have been submitted by area citizens, citizens groups and environmental organizations. The--comments include environmental,- as well as land use types of objections; (9) It has been deterTmi-ned that the project is inconsistent with the following partial listing of the Rules of the -Coastal Resources Commission: (a) 15 NCAC 7H.0205(c). Management Objectives (for coastal wetlands). -raqui,re&II projects; to give highest--pri!ority -tQ the?.:protectio"' „r .:- , •,,x and management of coastal wetlands so as to safeguard and perpetuate their biological, social, economic, and aesthetic values; to coordin- ate and establish a management system capable of conserving and utilizing coastal wetlands as a natural resource essential to the functioning of the entire estuarine system; (b) 15 NCAC 7H.0206(c). Management Objectives (for estuarine waters). This rule establishes, as the highest priority, the management and conservation of the important features of estuarine waters, so as to safeguard and perpetuate their biological values; (c) 15 NCAC 7H.0208(a)(2)(C). This standard states that development shall not violate water and air quality standards; (d) 15 NCAC 7H.0208(b)(4)(B). Specific Use Standards for Marinas. Marinas should be developed on non-wetland sites or in deep waters and should not disturb valuable shallow water and wetland habitat. (e) 15 NCAC 7H.0209(e)(4). Development shall not have a significant adverse impact on estuarine resources; and suaMO 'M P?ne0 `RLaaaouLS •noR 4;?M aanpaooad Leadde a44 pup sjsa4 as944 ssnosLp 04 a Lqe L gene Os Le SL Le.a4ue0 •.aW • panoadde RL Le,aapa3 aq Rew `sn44 pue `R4 ?anoas LeUOL4eu Jo '4sa.AagUL a44 UL RaeSSaD9U si (Z) .Ao `VWZ0 a44 jo sasod.And Ao San. joaCgo a4; 44LM 4ua4s ?suoo ( L ) SL 44 Ln I.4oe posodoid a44 4e44 spuno.A6 944 uo paseq aq 4snw Leadde AnoA •aa44aL si44 jo 4dLaoaa Jo sRep 0£ UL44?M `93Jawwo0 10 RJe4aa0aS 'S •q a44 01 BULPULJ sL44 Leadde 04 446Lu 944 noR saAL6 (VWZO) ZL6L -40 400 4uawa6eueW auoZ Le4seo0 LeJ9pa3 a41 •4oaCo,Ad SL41 Aoj s4?w,Aad Le.aapaJ Jo aouenssL 6uLpnLoaad Rgaaa44 `we.a6oad Pawa6MW le4seo0 euLLo.Ae0 44aoN a44 44LM 4ua4sLsu03uL paweap aq 4snw 4oafo.Ad inoR `spue4s LeiuaP 4?w.Aad ale'4S SL44 se 6uoL se 4v4'4 pasLnpe aq -plnoys noR osLy •anssL ue se .ao4oej SL44 anowa.A o: aap.ao UL Lesodoad anon Hone} pLnoM 4e4*4 ueLd a44 04 S96ue40 ano.adde off. 8ne4 pLnoM 19,4uno0 a44 wOJJ 4sanbaa uodn `UOLSSLwwo0 saaanosaa Le4seo0 a44 `ueLd asn pueL 944 puawe off. sas0040 R4unoo a44 JI •ueLd asp puel Rjuno0 aapuad a44 -40 anssL 944 suLewaa UPS aaa44 `ssoL 4e4 ?qe4 Pue LPM Pup s4oedWL R4 Uenb aa4eM }o 4U Lodpue4s aye woad 4:)aCoad.. S L44 _ ..o- _.u6Lsapaa noR plnoyS y aoarrosaa ??e s?eoo ueq.aodui '-'? ,LLp4?n ono 6uL oa4oad at?4M 4oafoad sL4 44?M 4ue3LLdde ue 4sLsse 04 aoL3Jo 5144 .40 ROLLod 044 `asanoo }o `s? ?I •noR 4WA saAL4RUJ94Lp ssnosLp o algeL?ene aJe Lauuos,aad 4uawlieda0 •Lesodoad Anon Rj pow :o4 4sLM Rew noR `6uL4ea4 a jo naLL uI •Rjessaoau aq ROW UOLSLoap 4?waad e.Aa a s o eadde a endas a sn L P 3 4l 3 l ? y4 pue `saiou96e Le,AapaJ 844 }o suoL4o9Cgo 844 anLosaJ I.ou Rew uo1sslwwo3 sao,Anosaa Le4seoo a44 Rq uoL43e S L44 3.o Les.Aana.A y • noR 44 ?M a.Anpaoo.Ad Leadde a44 ssnos LP 01 a Lqe L gene s `£6ZZ-££L 4e `4u9wa6eueW Le4seo0 Jo UOLSLAL0 a44 Jo JO43aJLO 4ue4sLssy Le.AWe0 4d Lea •.AW ' Ja44a L S L44 an Laoa.A nOR a4eP a44 O.o sRep R4uaM4 u L44 LM 61JL4 ?JM UL pa44 ?wgns aq 4snw 6u L.Aeay a Ao j 4sanba,A y • loy 4uawa6eueW eaAV Le4se00 a4:t Rq pap ?noud se uo Lss LWWO3 sao,Anosab Le4seo0 a44 a.Ao jaq 6u L.Aeay Le Lo Lpn f - Lsenb a o-. pa P Pua a Ae noR ` Le Luap S L44 Leadde off. 4s LM noR jI •sueld asn pue L POOL .AO u,a93uo0 Le4uawuo.A Lnu3 -40 sea-AV AOJ sau L Lap Ong alelS 944 4UM 4ua4s Lsuoou L s4oaCoad jo Le Luap saJ LnbaA 43 L4M ` (8) 0Z L-tl£ L L S90N Pup !Mel MA Pup a6PaJa a3elS a44 44PM 4u94sLsu03uL aq 04 punoj SL 43afoid aye u84M Le LuaP 4 [w.Aad dWy0 sa.A Lnba,A 40 L4M ` (Z) OZ L -tl£ l L S90N `• sao.Anosa.A au L.Aen4sa uo 43edw L as,Aanpe 4M) L J ?A ?s a 6u Lpu L.4 uodn Le Luap 4 ?w.Aad Ao j sap ?no.Ad yo L4M 1((S)(a)6ZZ-£1L S90N) Mel LL.L3 Pue a6pa.A0 a44 Aapun apew SL Leiuap SL41 •Pa Luap aq 4snw uo L4e3L Ldde 4 ?w.Aad Anon `s6utpu L j 6U Lo6ajo_4 a44 uan ig '10'69L-0£L 'S'9 of 4uensind S03LAAas 44Lea4 JOJ UOLSSLwwo0 a44 Rq 4as spiepue4s .Aapun ysLJLLaos J0 6u W 4 a44 04 pasoLo aq pLnoM sia4eM 43ns U44 4ua:txa 844 01 a4e4S a44 10 sja4eM aq4 jo uoL4nlLod 6ULsneo .40 pooOLOI?L LeL4ue4sgns a ane4 PLnoM 43L4M 03M 944 ui paMOLLe aq LLeos 4uawdoLanap ON -s.aa4eM JO uoL4nLlod '2090'HL 0110N 5l (3) 986L `ZL ReW £ a6ed 'Jr `aLsnS Lned 'uW Mr. Paul Susie, Jr,. Page 4 May 12, 1986 DWO/aw cc: Mr. Peter Tweedt U. S. Department of Commerce Washington, D. C. Colonel Wayne A. Hanson Corps of Engineers Wilmington, NC DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402.1890 March 28, 1986 IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch SUBJECT: File No. SAWC086-N-071-00047 Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Parker: Reference the application of Makai Harbor Development Corporation for a Department of the Army permit to excavate an access channel/canal and basin, place riprap material, and construct bulkheads, piers and floating docks to establish marina facilities off the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW), Pender County, North Carolina. The Federal agencies have completed review of the proposal as presented by the application and your field investigation report. By letters of March 5, 6 and 10, 1986, respectively, (copies enclosed), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service recommended denial of authorization. These Federal agencies express concerns regarding projected wetland losses and adverse effects on aquatic species, but their overriding problem is with anticipated degradation of water quality. We agree, considering available information, that authorization be denied,. Note that in their letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recommended a hydrographic study to establish predicted flushing and citculation characteristics for the proposed marina complex. We and the agencies would welcome a modified application to include such a study, but there would be no guarantee of-either favorable recommendations or permit issuance. Also, the record reflects organized, local opposition and the possibility of the presence of significant cultural resources. -2- Considering the aforementioned, Federal agencies' basic concerns and recommendations for denial, these aspects have not been fully evaluated. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Ken Jolly, telephone (919) 343-4632. Sincerely, Charles W. Hollis Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosures Copies Furnished (without Enclosures): Mr. William Mills Mr. Randy Cheek Water Quality Section National Marine Fisheries Division of Environmental Service, NOAA Management Pivers Island North Carolina Department of Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 Natural Resources and %OK Community Development Mr. William L. Kruczyaski, Chief Post Office Box 27687 Wetlands Section Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Marine and Estuarine Branch U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Charles Jones 345 Courtland Street Morehead City Regional Office Atlanta, Georgia 30365 North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Mr. Rob Moul Post Office Box 769 Wilmington Regional Office Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Ms. L. K. (Mike) Gantt 7225 Wrightsville Avenue U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Wilmington, North Carolina 2$403 Post Office Box 25039 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5039 Or V,,• DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 November 14, 1985 IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch SUBJECT: File No. SAWC0886-N-071-0047 RECFII FD Mr. William Mills Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Mills: 4 NOV V"!ATEft ,; f; , ?Tv a?t? ? ?1 Enclosed is the application of NWX4' =fir Development Corporation for a Department of the Army permit and a State Water Quality Certification to excavate access channel/canal and basin, place riprap material and construct bulkheads, piers and floating docks associated with community marina facilities off the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) at Makai Harbor, Pender County, North Carolina. Your receipt of this letter verifies your acceptance of a valid request for certification in accordance with Section 325.2(b)(ii) of our administrative regulations. We are considering authorization of the proposed activity pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and we have determined that a water quality certification may be required under the provisions of Section 401 of the same law. A Department of the Army permit will not be granted until the certification has been obtained or waived. In accordance with our administrative regulations, 60 days after receipt of a request for certification is considered a reasonable time for State action. Therefore, if your office has not acted on the request by January 13, 1986, the District Engineer will deem that waiver has occurred. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Ken Jolly, telephone (919) 343-4632. Sincerely, ha s W. Hol is hief, Regulatory Branch Enclosure -2- Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. Rob Moul Wilmington Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management 7225 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 t A APPLICATION ?SAffa"It/"a*?7l?Cb® t'7 FOR F,. PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION EASEMENT IN LANDS COVERED BY WATER CAMA PERMIT FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT - v t_ - J. -wwv Department of Administration State of North Carolina Department rmy 1 (GS 14612) Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Corps of E mi (GS 113-229,143-215.3(a)(1). 143.215.3(cl, 113A•118 (33CFR 209. 91), Please type or print and fill in all blanks. If information is not applicable, so indicate by placing N/A in blank. Applicant Information A. Name Makai Harbor Development Cor Last First Middle B. Address 222 Causeway Drive, P.O. Box 260 Street, P. O. Box or Route Wrightsville, Beach, NC 28480 (919) 256-4101 City or 1 own State Zip Code Phone 11. Location of Proposed Project: A. Count.- _ Pendgr 40 B. 1. City, town, community or landmark Topsail Township adjacent to Washington Acres Subdivi son 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Yes No XX C. Creek, river, sound or bay upon which project is Iocated or nearest named body of water to project Description of Project A. 1. Maintenance of existing project 2. New work X B. Purpose of excavation or fill 1. Access chdnnrl XX length Qnn' width 1 nn' depth --7' 2. Boat basin XX length 360 width _ 160 depth -7 3, till area Xx length Q _width _6Qdepth inrh'as-(erganie) 4. Other Ieng)h width depth C. 1 Bulkhead length 724 Average drstanu, waterward of MHW (shoreline) .&biad MHW.- existing at NEW 2. type of bulkhead tonstrucis.m (mdicridll GCA-Ueated &4 P. Ti4eriii D. Excavated mdterrdl (Itslal fur prnlc4.1) 1. Cubic yard, _ 38-800 2. 1 ype of mater gal to nd c i 1 t E. F ill matcrsdl to he piaLcJ hcluw MI IA' (wi: also VI. A) Only organic matter at 1. Cubet yard. 3,GOQ 2. type of material -'mil-anted C Al telnaf 1 er-a IV. Land Type, Disposal Area, and Construction Equipment: A. Does the area ttt be QACdVJletl im ludo any mdrshl.ind, swamps or other w•ciland? Yes XX No B. Does the disposal decd iniludc an% marshlanJ, swamps or other wetland' Yes No _XY._ C. Disposal Ared 1. Location Spa nrawiAg 2. Do you claim title to drspusal drea.' es D. I sit mrters,rl.nui c if Isll rs to be trutkcd in marl road bed and building foundation only E How will ritti%ated malcrral he cnLrdpped end crusron trntrolled' dikes with i d settleg]ent 1. 1 ?-pc of eyuipmrni tii nt, u.c,t hydraulic dredge, dragl ine G Will mdsshland he cuu.srd in trdnsporirng cyorpmeni to protect site? If yes, explain small amounts of Li.v >~ty commences. OAF-61 Rev. 10/18 s V. knended Use of Project Area (Describe) A. 1. Private 2. Commercial 3. Housing Development or Industrial -----with rnmmun i t g Marina 4. Other B. 1. Lot site(s)-NIA 2 Elevation of lot(s) above mean high water MNW at-25' 3. Soil type and texture sand 4. Type of building facilities or structures __wood frame attached dwelling units masonry and steel large building 5. Sewage disposal and/or wastewater treatment A. Existing Planned S. Describe Package plant and land-appl i cat ion 6. Land Classification (circle one) DEVELOPED TRANSITIONAL CONSERVATION OTHER INITY' RURAL CAMA Local Land Use Plan Synopsis) VI. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: Organic matter at planted marsh grass only A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? YesU_No 8. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned use of the area following project completion? Yes-No XX 2. Type of discharge N 1A 3. Location of discharge NIA VII. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known): NA (Nnna w.ea.?. Mad )...n.n VI 11. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for work In project area, If applicable: _.,.., NA IX --- Length of time required to complete project: 36 Months X. In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provided: A. Attach a copy of the deed (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant claims title to the affected property. OR if applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy o: the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. 8. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on 8% X 11" white paper (see instruction booklet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred - only high quality copies accepted. C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by registered or certified mail or by publication (G.S. 113.229 (d))Enter date served November 5; 1985 D. List names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's. Such owners have 30 days in, which to submit comments to agencies listed below. R.F_ Niinhpc Route 2, Box 1 W Hampstead, N.C. 28443 X1. Certification requirement: I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolinats approved coastal management program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. XII. Any permit issued pirsuant to this application will allow only the development described in this appli cation and plat Applicants should therefore describe in the application and plat all anticipated devel- opment act4ities, including construction. excavation, filling, and land clearing. Makai Harbor Development Corp. DATE November 5, 1985 By. Applicant's Signature D&F-82 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR MAILING INSTRUCTIONS Rev. 10/78 . . Box 63 , N.U. %V V t +? Q '- s, _ ? 'y ?- ?. • 7' n,.S _ f • •• '711/'_ • ? ? ?` = s J ?? V All ?,.y? •'`Y-11'x- ? '. _ •?? r `? \ ?' lV w .? ? i -?-'??~ `w.t . ?v: -` ? ? • .40 I Ile I IAN Y )?•%,?•,. ?- f mil'' ,tom - w ;t, ^ -'a ,' .• L?".ti 'Is • O •? ', ..'? ? ?„•i1•\ ?f? ?. ? ? ? ' y? ; ?? T ` r T T ` ??. rim .I °. •1 ? r ? ?: a•. ,1 ,'.x•,1.1 ?? a ? ? t - : ; 7 . t Ft ?; `N :or A _ L7. 21. 77/ % \ ? ?- ? /? / ? ?,, Irk _ q?KQ?..?: - •r. ..f J.M r• r ? ?y??? 3r."'T Ile D E a T1 ? Z LET w? - , -1 -1 11 R6R? Y 1 1 r ??? QQ 1 'too CL 'js'-rz; tea; • < `" ' ® ;'i 1. / "• ` ?? - \1- ,IS, alit T. N iti? r?' I \ If c•; '?I , • is .?- . ! ! , , ? I ? 9 1 ( 1 .; ? iiJjj,','----.. •, ? I ?,; ' , ? J ?' ? ;, ??' '? .mss f 1K WL t? J ANN D A iLw p ? r 44 3 ?Z 14, n _M T A ?D 0 ! '-Z rn _ Z / T4 c s _ ? 3 n -1 O 3 3 3 a D Z I ?? ? g Z Z ? ?, M a o _ vo " ? ?pla i i 0 o ?I\ z I z. x t; iz 3 N?? J >?Z ?Im Ohl 3 ? 3 ?Q z° I au sN IT a3 3 Z gar- M z $b ZeAL ?a "m Z? r North Carolina New Hanover County Assignment For good valuable consideration the undersigned hereby transfers and assigns unto Makai Harbor Development Corp. all rights title and interest in and to that certain contract to purchase dated October 4, 1984 by and between Raymond E. Hughes and wife Hilda M. Hughes. Copy of which is attached hereto and in- corporated herein by reference. Century 21 PRIME, INC. By _?? ATTEST: President Assistant Secretary -- Date: / ` DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch May 30, 1986 SUBJECT: File No. SAWC086-N-071-0047 Mr. Paul Susie, Jr. Makai Harbor Development Corporation 222 Causeway Drive Post Office Bog 260 Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina 28480 Dear Mr. Susie: By copy of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development letter to you of May 12, 1986, we have been informed that your application for State authorization to excavate an access channel/canal and a basin, place riprap material and construct bulkheads, piers and floating docks associated with community marina facilities off the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW), Makai Harbor, Pender County, North Carolina, has been denied. Under the administrative rules of our regulatory program, denial of required State authorization precludes favorable consideration of a Federal permit. Accordingly, your Department of the Army application is hereby denied, and your file has been retired. Additionally, we received unfavorable comments from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service (copies of letters enclosed). Their reaction to your proposal is the result of anticipated significant adverse impacts. I have provided these Federal agencies' comments to alert you to concerns in addition to those identified in the State's denial letter. While appealing the State permit is the next step in pursuing State authorization, you should be aware that Federal agency comments will be unchanged by the outcome of that appeal. Because of the Federal agencies' influence on Department of the Army permit decisions, it is unlikely a Department of the Army permit would be available unless your project can be modified to lessen its impacts. Mr. Ken Jolly of my staff is available to answer any questions you may have or to assist you in developing a revised plan. He may be reached at telephone (919) 343-4632. BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY: Wayne A. Hanson Colonel, Corps of Engineers District Engineer p -2- -Copies Furnished (without enclosures): Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. Charles Jones Morehead City Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Post Office Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Ms. L. K. (Mike) Gantt U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Post Office Box 25039 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5039 Mr. Randy Cheek National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA Pivers Island Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 Mr. William L. Kruczynski, Chief Wetlands Section Marine and Estuarine Branch U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 345 Courtland Street Atlanta, Georgia 30365 Mr. William Mills Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. Rob Moul Wilmington Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management 7225 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 ,4 # 1 n V"EID. APR l:; 1986 DAL ..j 'A Vk WWftMW "M &W&W4 IL 1 P APR 16 1986 WATER QUALITY SECTION 209 Washington Acres Road Hampstead, N. C. 28443 April 10, 1986 Department of Natural Resources And Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North `;aliFbury Street Raleigh, N. C. 27611 Dear Mr. Wilms: Thank you very much for your consideration in keeping us informed about the Makai Development Corporation project and the rejection of their water quality permit. We are extremely concerned about this project because it would completely surround our home. We had absolutely no knowledge of the project until a neighbor saw the CAMA permit application advertised in the newspaper. Since we are still not receiving any informa- tion concerning the progress of the development, we would appreciate any information you could share with us. Probably our greatest apprehension about the project is the proposed sewage treatment plant which will be placed across the road from our house. From what we have been able to piece together, it would be nothing more than a huge septic tank pumping 65,000 gallonv of sewage a day: This is a frightening prospect with our house and private well so close. Again, thank you for the information. Yours truly, William W. Russell Vicki Russell March 24, 1986 William and Vicki Russell 209 Washington Acres Road Hampstead, NC 28443 Subject: 401 Certification Application Makai Harbor Development Corp. Pender County Dear Mr. and Mrs. Russell: Your letter of February 27, 1986 to Governor Martin concerning the Subject project has been referred to me for reply. We have completed our review of the proposed project and find several aspects of the project which give us concern for the ability of the project to assure protection of water quality standards in the adjacent shellfishing waters. Specifically, these concerns deal with impacts on water quality from stormwater runoff, placement of organic material into the water for Spartina grass mitigation, sewage and fuel from boats using the marina, and other possible boat servicing operations which may be planned. For these reasons, I determined that the request for 401 certification should be.denied. A copy of my denial dated March 18, 1986 is attached for your information. Since the CAMA permit for this project is still under consideration, I have sent a copy of your letter to Mr. David Owens, Director, Division of Coastal Management, for his consideration. You should expect to hear from Mr. Owens concerning their decision on the CAMA permit. L_.J William and Vicki Russell Page 2 March 24, 1986 Your comments and interest in the project are appreciated. We will inform you should the applicant make a revised submittal for this project. Sincerely, y R. Paul Wilms Attachment cc: Honorable James Martin Dr. Ernie Carl Mr. David Owens bcc: Bill Mills Preston Howard DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Office of Director _I/Attached is referred to: V s6uz# ?PZease prepare a final draft - reply by .7d for signature by the: Governor _ Deputy Secretary _ Director Secretary _ Asst. Secretary _ Deputy Director In your response, please note correspondence was referred by: led?.Z?VL ?. ,Indicate carbon copies to s9u, dax-le In taking action, coordinate efforts with PZease review attached and give me your comments by _ Coordinate your review and comment with Routine/PZease handle PZease note and advise me as appropriate _ PZease note and file _ PZease see me on this _ For your information Remarks: WATER QUALITY SEC°1°I0 Log Number Note: In preparing response, please return background information with response, sufficient number of carbon copies and properly addressed envelopes for mai Zing. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY SECRETARY TO: w DATE: FROM: Ernest A. Carl PLEASE: Draft a reply for Secretary Rhodes' signature and return to me. Draft a reply for my signature. Ay i RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27611-7687 (919) 733-4984 _ --? ,--{ +-+;mm. i ji ! ! .. ! 1 1 ! f C) _ C ... ,.i ii 3 .+! U) - ??! ii. ca-0) :.j? --s v' 0-488 I a •s H I Mt l-i1 C! a O 10 mf +D Yl3 ?? 1 z -1 m s. m c M x z vote ' c Z cn .=acM0X -4 X0fnM z * -< 0) z ' - I m ,, -1 tv i z ;a To .x m m,z m Z 'V MOW-4m m z co TI o ,. (n I st c a ? + jj i T.. try O!"-4oa "{(n z ? ?m-<;o,.? 0;z a .. i ( -0 m s r ) ;0 W oc+? o X Z. I mj -< v l x 7Q r fil 0 C: r z 10 ? z 1 ' aoc; m X -<.c ..„ c - -4 m c f z •• -r' m m ' a aria t+ ' z -a ts?; M m X m 1 4 tf ;p x r 5 m ;-3 -6 CO i 1-4 i-;D ::fit. am I m 1 X 10 to i rsa>c ml ? o 0 U ` z M a I I - r; C04 W co -s' 0, OZI m r miO m no0 ;-1 mvr i .A IF3 I mzfi '0; Nai-t axe x Lq a (a m; j a C -! =;a In -i 9 i -a o ,-t .II f II n to -<'m +-+av -,3 ? --l Ic mz -c a ? M z ooa o a c' w m G) , 10. 3 I m 7D C : mraimp o.- z ..a ;; m My ?' m rte jr II ;zv x m!a --? a 0+ m O!m c "";?-+ m c ;r ! A I jII x ci z z: m_ Xo r a o m n noc !rJ c nr co X CIO AM r 00T a ma 77 z, m Wa3: M C7 mm?c zz m tj O c3-q mm . i-iN •• z M ;Q a a m M m . --l?mz zm -< Va o r,; 0 m ? ? -i ti1 . t II -', z?= i 0 0' a uu - z z w nn z r; 0:0a !'in C a c -- m a 'IJ O M £ ()" z 71 X- z M, z II: - : m mM0 *3> -? 0 z m L N v rr, zz m m a Z, 0 m a!cn a r: M :; n a4qa ..r z z 0 ? cn --1 a -? m0rr a?zf rz ? z"z m a m mzaa -t - l m m a C L IM II 3 0 ? ;Im- z z ' cn X m rZ . . T a r- M -< z -T, . m o z T 3 II cn z M a .: o m -1 c-s -i rr, -t c v C 71 z ? z z z a c ;i m rn z z o 0 - r _ ?- r•. ) w : _=•; ? ? f I I 1 i ? Dear Sir: 209 Washington Acres Road Hampstead, North Carolina February 279 1986 We would like to state our objections concerning the CAMA permit and Water Quality Certification application filed by Makai Harbor Development Corporation. A project of this type would contribute greatly to the destruction of our waters and shellfishing. An area this small and so far from the ocean cannot safely accomodate the traffic 100 boat slips.would create. The quality of the water would be damaged from gasoline spills and oil leakage from the boats. The sewage that would illegally be dumped from the boats (and this does happen) would cause a serious pollution problem. Although the planned sewage plant is more than 75 feet from the water, it is close enough that any type of problem or malfunction could cause damage to the marshes in front of it and to the water quality. Many types of wildlife would be affected by removal of trees and clearing of the area. Birds such as pelicans, herons, and osprey that we have personally seen would disappear. Squirrels, deer, raccoons, and even a bear cub we have seen would be gone. We feel this project would have a very adverse effect on the lifestyle of the community: increase traffic on-small rural roads, apartment buildings constructed among single family dwellings, underground drinking water affected by a sewage plant, and the inability of a small community fire department to pro- tect such a large complex are just a few of the problems that could arise. The area for this project is classified as CONSERVATION in the Pender County Land Use Plan, and should be continued as such because of the fragile environment of the area. We would appreciate your consideration of our reasons for being against this project and for not wanting it to be constructed as planned. Your truly, William W. Russell Vicki B. Russell i E'" March 24, 1986 Mr. Todd Miller, Executive Director N. C. Coastal Federation Route 5, Box 603 (Ocean) Newport, NC 28570 Subject: Application for 401 Certification Makai Harbor Development Corp. Pender County Dear Mr. Miller: This letter is in response to your letter of March 6, 1986 to me regarding the Subject application. You had submitted a copy of your objections to the project and a request for public hearing. By letter dated March 18, 1986, I denied the 401 Certification for this project. Please find attached a copy of the denial. Should the certification be reconsidered or the applicant file a revised application, you will be advised. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Bill Mills at 919/733-5083. Sincerely, R. Paul Wilms Attachment cc: Preston Howard Bill Mills (\y??,f DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT V rft Office of Director _Y Attached is referred to: JfCC// QC. '? PZease prepare f na draft repZy by •.wo _ for signature by the: Governor - Deputy Secretary _ Director Secretary - Asst. Secretary _ Deputy Director _ In your response, please note correspondence was referred by: _ Indicate carbon copies to _ In taking action, coordinate efforts with PZease review attached and give me your comments by _ _ Coordinate your review and comment with Routine/PZease handle PZease note and advise me as appropriate PZease note and file _ Please see me on this For your information Remarks: J t 30; Log Number / lv WA-tth SECTION Note: In preparing response, please return background information with response, sufficient number of carbon copies and properZy addressed envelopes for mailing. ti .J NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL FEDERATION Route 5, Box 603 (Ocean) • NEWPORT, NORTH CAROLINA 28570.919-393-8185 March 6, 1986 Mr. Paul Wilms, Director Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 Dear Paul: MAR 'c : ?. NCCF requests a public hearing on the 401 Certification for the proposed Makai Harbor marina and condominium development pursuant to 15 NCAC 2H.0503. There is substantial public interest in having a hearing and overwhelming evidence that the 401 Certification for this project should be denied. Enclosed you will find a copy of a letter we have submitted to Dave Owens which lists our objections to the project. Sincerely, Todd Miller Executive Director Enclosure cc: Dave Owens Bob Benton Red Munden 44 tY e? ry WAT QUALITY SECTION S' NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL FEDERATION Route 5, Box 603 (Ocean) • NEWPORT, NORTH CAROLINA 28570 * 919-393-8185 March 6, 1986 Dave Owens, Director Division of Coastal Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 Dear Dave: NCCF has reviewed the proposed plans for a marina and condominium project submitted by Makai Harbor Development Corporation. The permit for this project must be denied on the following grounds: 1. The marina will violate SA Water Quality Standards including the antidegradation policy. 2. Stormwater runoff from the condominium will violate the SA fecal coliform standard. 3. Pender County has no mechanism to assure that proposed stormwater management devices will be properly operated and maintained as required by DEM's BPJ's. NCCF requests to be notified immediately about any new action taken in regard to this permit request. Any new action should include modification of the permit application, mitigation requests, or extensions of time provided to review the application as well as a decision to issue or deny the permit. Sincerely, ?? lzsa ? Todd Miller Executive Director ?'. r Id DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT February 26, 1986 MEMORANDUM To: Bill Mills h B RE C E I V ED Operations ranc From: A. Preston Howard, Jr. MAR p 1886 Wilmington Regional 0 fice W SECTf0'1 WATER QUALITY Thru: Charles Wakild OPERMIONS BRANC Wilmington Regional Office Subject: Regional Office Review & Recommendations Application for Permit for Excavation and/or Fill Makai Harbor Development Corp. - Paul Susie Pender County The applicant proposes to develop an approximate 27.5 acre tract of land by construcing 116 units within 11 structures, a three basin marina totaling 100 slips, marine servicing, pool, ship's store, tennis courts and spoil disposal area. The project is located at Washington Acres along the AIWW, classified SA,-and is currently open to shellfishing. The proposed project has been reviewed to determine impacts to water quality. The following comments are provided: 1. The project will require 401 Certification. 2. It is recommended that the 401 Certification be denied based on the following information: a. 3,000 cubic yards of organic material is proposed tobe placed below.the plane of MHW for Spartina grass mitigation. It is expected that this activity will violate water quality standards for turbidity. b. The Spartina mitigation fill area measures approximately 31,680 s.f. in size below the MHW contour. This exceeds the EMC policy of no.more than 1/2 acre fill without prior declassification of the waters by the EMC. c. The applicant proposes to construct a 100 slip marina within 3 basin areas. It is expected that fecal coliform standards for waters classified SA, will be violated unless the total number of slips is reduced to no more than 10, and marine pumpout facilities are provided and a locked head policy established and adhered to. In the event that Shellfish Sanitation closes the adjacent waters to shellfish harvesting, as a result of the development, the State's Antidegre- dation Standard, 15 NCAC 2B.0201 will be violated by removing the existing use of those waters. d. It appears that the total amount of impervious surface areas exceeds 10% (the impervious surface percentage just within the 75' AEC is 3.5% of the total site). The site plans submitted are on a scale which is difficult to calculate, as well as not supplying sufficient detail to reads, parking areas and property boundaries. An adequate stormwater review cannot be made unless more complete and detailed plans are submitted. The applicant has not demonstrated how storm- water runoff will be prevented from entering adjacent surface waters. ,y Page Two Bill Mills February 26, 1986 e. A 30 foot undisturbed natural or modified grass buffer has not been demonstrated to exist between the MHW contour and any impervious surface areas. f. Plans indicate.a marine service area. It is unknown whether the applicant intends to provide fueling, painting, sanding etc. to boats. 3. The plans do not contain information concerning potable water wells in relation to the spoil disposal locations. The information would be necessary prior to a review by the Groundwater Section. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please advise. APH:CW:MFW:kc cc: Wilmington Regional Office Central Files DCM - Bob Stroud OFFICE OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. Applicant's name Makai Harbor Development-Corporation (Paul Susie, Jr., Agent) 2. Location of project site Washington Acres Subdivision - man-made channel off AIWW New Photo 18-237--Grids K-0; 18-22. 3. Investigation type: Dredge & Fill X CAMA X 4. Investigative procedure: (A) Dates of site visit 1/15/86 (B) Was applicant present No certified ._complete__..- - - ------ - -- _ 5. Processing -p.roc-educe:---App-l ration--received---j /j jR? Off ce CM-Wilmingr_on 6. Site description: (A) Local Land Use Plan Pender County Land classification from LUP Community Development constraints identified in LUP None for projects of this nature. (B) AEC(s) involved: Ocean Hazard Estuarine shoreline X Coastal wetlands X Public trust waters X Estuarine waters X Other (C) Water dependent: Yes No Other. Both (D) Intended use: Public Private X Commercial X (E) Type of waste water treatment: Existing Septic tanks for surround SFR development. Planned Package plant and land application. (E) Type of structures: Existing. Single family residences in vicinity. Planned Multi-story; multi-family dwelling units--boat docks and slips; recreational ?reas-w?steaterf treatment fac ties. (G) Estimate annua ra e o erosion Source 7. Habitat description: (A) Vegetated wetlands: Spartina alterniflora All other wetland species AREA Dredged Filled Other appx. 10,700 s.f. (.2 ac) appx. 97,920 s.f. (2.2 ac) (B) Non-vegetated wetlands: Open Water (Canal) appx. 90,000 s.f. (2.1 ac) (C) Other: Highground Developed appx 25.3 ac (D) Total area disturbed: 8. Project summary The applicants propose to enlarge an existing man-made creek and also to excavate flooded and irregularly flooded coastal wetlands in order to create marina facilities including slip and docks. The development will also provide high-rise and low-rise multi-family dwelling units. Makai Harbor Development Corporation Page 2 9. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The tract of land is divided into two parcels separated by the existing man-made canal. The parcel to the east of the canal and adjacent to the AIWW is irregular_ n -shape _and is_--comp-rise.d-o-f---app-r-oxima-rely---10 acres-of--highground some of which resulted from the deportion of dredge spoil material sometime in the past. The other parcel is approximately 17.5 acres in size. Two areas of "404" wetlands exist within this larger parcel, the larger of which is approximately 400' x 240' and the other is approximately 180' x 60'. There is smooth cordgrass marsh (Spartina alterniflora) located along the shoreline and landward of the shoreline at the northeast corner of the property. It also occurs along both sides and at the end of the man-made canal within the project area. Three district colonies at the norteast corner comprise approximately 5,700 s.f. total. The colonies growing along the bank of the canal add another approximate 5,000 s.f. to the total of this species. Various amounts of other species are scattered throughout the "404" areas. The area has the distinct appearance of having been disturbed several times in the past including such things as elevation alteration and burning and mooring. The size of the area (approximately 2.2 acres) makes it extremely difficult to assess the quantity of each individual species. Closest to the canal are found typical species including Spike Grass (Distichlis spicata), Sea Lavender (Linonium spp.), salt wort (Salicornia spp.), common reed (Phragmites spp.), and black needlerush (Juncus romerianus). Woody species are represented by high tide bush, Baccharis sue., Sea ox-eye Borrichia spy. Also present are Red bay, black willow, giant foxtail, myrtle, golden rod, Andropogon spp. and Cat-tail. Most of the lower area contains fiddler crab burrows. To the south of Washington Acres Road in the area identified as the plunge pool there is a small "404" wetland approximately 30' south of the road. This area includes spike grass, saltwort and ox-eye. The high- ground east of the canal is sandy with shell fragments, typical of most spoil areas. On the west side a hardwood ridge runs along the south and westerly side of the larger "404" area. The area shown on the plans as the spoil storage area on the southwest corner contains a grove of live oaks along the eastern most edge. The applicants are proposing to develop both parcels of land within the tract by providing a marina complex as well as dwelling units. The marina will be created by excavation into the two "404" areas and also by the enlargement of the existing canal. The largest of the first two basins will be approximately 400' long x 160' wide x -7' MLW. The other basin will be approximately 180' long by 100' wide by -7' MLW. The upper end of the canal for a length of 320' will be widened to 120' and dug to a depth of -7' MLW. The remaining 90' will apparently be sloped and rip-rapped. Pipes will be installed at the upper end under Washington Acres Road to connect withthe proposed 110' x 90' plunge pool to allow for better circulation at spring high tide periods. The applicants are proposing to create a wetland border landward of the large basin area as shown in the blueline (S.1) and on the sheet labled Section - 4. This will involve the excavation of the overburden of this area to a minimum 24" peat layer and then the addition of 2"-3" of dredge spoil. The border will be approximately 33' wide waterward of the mean high water (NMI) contour. An additional 12' landward of MHW will be created for the spring tide range. The length of this border is approximately 960. Cordgrass sprigs will be used to revegetate this area. Makai Harbor Development Corporation Page 3 The access canal including the original man-made canal will be excavated for a length of 900' x 100' width x -7' MLW. Approximately 100 slips will be provided by the three basin___areas.-___.. - The applicants will develop the highground by building 11 structures. Of these, 10 will be a two-story and one will be twelve-stories. A total of 116 developed units will be provided. The applicants indicate that 42,330 s.f. of impervious surface are included within 75' of the MHW contour. The total area within this AEC is 141,325 s.f. or an impervious coverage of 30%. Approximately 38,800 cubic yards of material will be removed by both hydraulic dredge and dragline. The material will either be pumped to the disposal site or used to fill on property if draglined. A small amount will be used in marsh re-vegetation area. The adjacent waters are classified as SA open and secondary nursery. 10. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS: The project will cause to.be consumed approximately 10,700 s.f. of Spartina alterniflora in the marine complex. An additional 2.2 acres of very mixed "404" wetland species will also be consumed in the excavation of the marina. The appli- cants are providing for the resprigging of an area approximately 43,200 s.f. with Spartina alterniflora. Of this total approximately 31,680 s.f. will fall waterward of the MHW contour. Slightly less than one acre of this species would be provided if the project was 100% successful. At the present time it appears that the larger of the "404" areas is providing water quality protection from those large areas west of the project site. It appears to be unlikely that the proposed cordgrass border would replace the existing functioning wetland. SUBMITTED BY: C. Robert Stroud, Jr. OFFICE: DCM Wilmin ton DATE: January 31, 1986 APPL KAT ION FOR PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION EASEMENT IN LANDS COVERED BY WATER CAMA PERMIT FORE"""W&FRMENT ICE Department of Administration Statr of North Carolina Departj!tent of the Army (GS 14612) Department of Natural Resources and Community Development corps of [ngriee!V.VffnrirV&*n Distric• (GS 113229, 143-2153(a)(1), 143.215.3(c), II3A•118 (3?ff R 09.??q Please type or print and fill in all blanks. If information a not applicable. so_indiate by placing N/A?in blank. I J? --- ----- ------- I. Applicant Information A. Name Makai Harbor Development Corp Last First Middle B. Address 222 Causeway Drive, P.O. Box 260 Street, P. O. Box or Route Wrightsville, Beach, NC 28480 (919) 256-4101 City or 1 own State Zip Code Phone 11. Location of Proposed Project: A. Count.' Pender B. 1. City, tow•n,communily or landmark Topsail Township adjacent to Washington Acres Subdivison 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Yes No XX C. Creek, river, sound or bay upon which project is lot:atcd or nearest named body of water to project -Interrnastal Waterway 111. Description of Project A. 1. Maintenance of existing project 2. New work X B. Purpose of excavation or fill 1. Access channel XX lent' th 900' width 1 fin' depth --7' 2. Boat basin XX length 360 width _ 160 depth -7 3. fill area .?(X length width _ en depth-24 gam-- -?- inshes--(erganis) 4. Other Icng)h width d C. 1 Bulkhead length 724 2. Type of bulkhead construc11-11 (matcrralt 1'r•6_T..??te,t S, P. T-imb-ep& D. Excavated miterraf (tidal for pr.gct t) 1. Cubic yard. 38 . R00 1 ypc of mater tai Sand r c i 1 t E. f ill material to he placed I,,+lA Nil IA' (,cc ahu V1. A) Only organic matter at 1. Cubit yard. 3 rAAA Type of material replanted-S,?--Al terpaflera IV. Land Type, Disposal Area, and Construction Equipment: A. Does the area iti he excavalcd include any marshland, swamps or other Wetland' Yes XX No B Doc% the dt%pit%.tl arcs mcfudc in% marshland, Swamps or other wetland' Yes No Y_ C. Disposal Area 1. Location See graw;*Aq 2. Do you claim title it) disi-i"! dreg' es D. 1 ill material aiwtc it fill i% to be itut led in marl road bed and bui 1 di nq foundat ion onl y E HuM Mill cliti%ated n-..ilcllal he cnli.ippcd and ciusiiin tvntroflcd' dikes with box weir and settlement basin f 1 tpc lit cuuipni(,ni li. ht• u,,,l_hydraul is dredge, dragl ine G Will miitihland he ci,imcd in iijnsr.i(lint ct4mr+riicnl it) project silo It yes, explain small amounts of ltv commences. epth Average distance waterward of MHW jshoreiine) Behind MHW: x i c t i n9 at NFW Di F •8 I o_.. -".. V. Munde4 Un of Project Arta (Describe) A. 1. Priwte 2 Commercial I Horning Development or industrial with Criffirrilinitg Marina 4. Other OrAlcr QF B. 1. Lot site(s)-_l/A Lilt , .,,cutr4tort Rc6iQNe e ,ENT - 2 Ekvation of lot(s) above mean hi h water MNW high water MHW at-25' 3. Soil type and texture sand _ 4... _Ty_pe otbuTiding-facilities o?-structures-144- - -rame attaChi?a dwQl l 1 na Units masonry and steel large building 5. Sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment A. Existing Planned 9. Describe Package plant and land-application 6. Land Classification (circle one) DEVELOPED TRANSITIONAL COMMUNITY' RURAL CONSERVATION OTHER (See CAMA Local Land Use Plan Synopsis) VI. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: Organic matter at planted marsh grass only A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? YesXX-No B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned use of the area following project completion? Yes_ No XX 2. Type of discharge N/A 3. Location of discharge -NIA VII. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known): NA (Nnno Ohcprvpd ) Vill. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for work in project area, if applicable: N fA r: -___ 36 Months IX. Length of time required to complete project: ,; t. M`p.sb X. In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provided: .. •,: A. Attach a copy of the deed (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant ! 1986 claims title to the affected property. OR if applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy o: the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title plus Lvriiten ... . , ,.,_.. _lsr L ) i.CIC[_ permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. B. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on 9% X 11" white paper (see instruction booklet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred - only high quality copies accepted. C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by registered or certified mail or by publication (G.S. 113-229 (d))Enter date served November 5; 1985 D. List names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's. Such owners have 30 days in which to submit comments to agencies listed below. R.E. Hughes Route 2, Box 1 W Hampstead, N.C. 28443 John S.L. and Shelia M. Brown 5704 Red Coat Run Stone Mountain, Ga. 30087 James B. & Virginia Hauser 4119 Rockingham Street, Raleigh, N.C. 27609 1.13. Thomas, Route 1, 15ox 63 • , N.C. 2 8147747 3 X1. Certification requirement: I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North CarolinaIs approved coastal management program and will be cr nducted in a manner consistent with such program. XI1. Any permit issued pursuant to this application will allow only the development described in this appli cation and plat Applicants should therefore dcscribe in the application and plat all anticipated devei• opment acti%ilfes, including construction, excavation, filling, and land clearing. Makai Harbor Development Corp DATE November 5, 1985 By' C? n Applica is Signature D&F.82 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR MAILING INSTRUCTIONS Rea. 111172 ?p Z ?? ..,,. YNO •, . ' wu?ttN?roy T . A?AGtN,? ? ? `Y `7• ?y ? t 41 4c r •'-r~ •^ ? mss.. ? ? i • , ? .. - ?? , ?• 1 ? ~ `? ? ??*^ - ?? ? . f ? ? ? ti ? ?ti?. - ID, R ..•;?;' For -Viz ?? ! T ?. To; r fir:' •'!?'• r?':. ? : - F- ? `,, ??{;?x . ?.t - ?Ep•' ' ` ? } A •;?• _ c 5r ? M. I li ti? Z73b ? o i ? Y Q 4 I ( i;7 ` ??fa3a i Q 1 is r x ' U49tt„?,.,1Jf;7L?N Ih'Ft>11.?vA! Ott fug ?: ?k Yi?a ? o or I - -- - - --- % - --- - -- -?- - - _ - - -- T7 LLJ 1 ? ? i 1 `P=\`\ Fl 1 --~t 1 ? L M ?!1 N. of -ep fly ftmtk •;::' ,;:;i vl ttt"?TlON tGi(iIJG. t?FJr0M t f 1; fAL ?? ? ? 3 b S Z ? J Z ?Qa ?I X $l rb, 33 vJ till, \3 r?? 8 1tiK 1? 5 ?- OFFICE OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT Vill' Mit4GTON REGIONAL OFFICE ? P4 t ILI ugu z ? Mal tat I??J Z? O VI "N Y? "m z? U3 J? t'o } N 8??1 j I? 5 j ? a Q 0 S?3 LL J ??4 • d N ?i 1 i? I' ?s i D z m C13 O V co rc p U N N? ?r `3L V ?? M U- - U co N s n N W ?l a ? ?r 7''IX n I go w ui • z S I? O ?z lo z}- w I ? ?I g ? i l ND w +? ' DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION Comments concerning an application for St to Federal CAMA Permit(s) from a k a1 3d". I 'J d ?T?..' v?t,k.ftic Jn fz u-l.,n Vv\ 0,AA.---e.. Yti 0 b C, Ate ' a C' 0L.CAZ " ?Al :5 e'j A. PERMIT : z 1?1n G't va C?1 a)t fi? ?t? 1 v?,rI E?,? v This office cannot comment on this project until after the close of the Section 401 Certification Public Comments Period. This office has no objection to the issuance of the permit(s) for the proposed project with the following conditions: That the activity be conducted in such a manner as to prevent significant increases in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction- related discharge (increases of 25 NTU's or less are not considered significant). That the instream turbidity not be increased by more than 50 NTU's as a result of the proposed activity after.a reasonable opportunity for dilu- tion and mixture. That turbidity levels in shall not be increased by more than 10 NTU's as a result of the proposed activity after a reason- able opportunity for dilution and mixture. B. CERTIFICATION STATUS: Certification is not required for this project. Certification is required for this. project. Such action to process the certification has been initiated. Proposed Certification will be acted on or after Al?rl` f• The proposed project is certified. under General.Certification A) No. 1179 issued on January 25, D) No. 1431 issued on October 16, 1977, for sewer line construction 1980, for boat ramp construction. B) No. 1272 issued on November 10, E) No. 1664 issued on September 8, 1978, for bulkhead construction. 1983, for Rip-Rap Placement. C) No. 1273 issued on November 10, F) No. 1665 issued on September 19, 1978, for discharges of liquid 1983, for incidental bridge effluent from diked upland disposa 'construction. areas. -?y ? WATER QUALITY SECTIO, DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAT ANAGEMENT t -DIVISION' OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION Comments concerning an application for $t to Federal CAMA Permit(s) from, s {'.'-YL11.i. ;,a (',n(.{1'l t'•; A}-wt,.?J ?`". F A. PERMIT : y{?? C?%i ?? ? v ?? ?? ?' This office cannot comment on this project until after the close of the Section 401.Certification.Public Comments Period. This office has no objection to the issuance of the permit(s). for the.proposed project with the following' conditions:: That the activity be conducted in such a manner as to prevent significant increases in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction related discharge -(increases of 25 NTU's.or less are not considered si nificant) . .s ? n `' F ix .,;Tt-;t mane than 50 NTU's as a result of"the p°opoeed aet 1i. dl tion.-and.thikture. "` uk turbidity. `levei " _ ' hall, not be increased by more t anO-I?T-U!'_t a result 'of the. proposed lac "reason , able opportunity for dilution ana'i t.-_. _ t B. CERTIFICATION :STATUS: Certification. is not required` for this project. Certification is required for this project.-, Such action to process the certification has been initiated. Proposed, ?s . Certification will be acted on or after r°C t $. The -proposed project is certified, under General.Certification A) No 1179 issued on January 25, D) 'No. 1431 issued on October 16, 1977, for sewer line construction 1980, for boat ramp construction. B) No. 12.72 issued on November 109 E) No. 1664 issued on September 8, 1978, for bulkhead' construction. 1983, for Rip-Rap Placement.. C) No. 1273 issued on November. 10, F). No. 1665 issued on September 15, 1978, for discharges.of liquid 1983, for incidental bridge effluent from diked upland dispbsa, construction. areas: ' WATER QUALITY SECTIOW- DIVIS Now ION OF ENVIRONMENTAT- ANAGEMENT' aw. State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Coastal Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor Field Services Section David _W (-w-ens-_- __ -- -------- -- -.-.. _S.-T- omas-Rhodes,-Secretary-- --- -----------7223 Wrightsville Avenue Director Wilmington, NC 28403 (919) 256-4161 February 10, 1986 Pender Post Corbelt Building P.O. Box 955 Burgaw, NC 28425 Dear Sir or Madame: Please place the following legal notice in the classified section of your newspaper and send the bill and affidavit to Christie Flynn, Division of Coastal Management, P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh NC 27611. Sincerely, C 606& C. Robert Stroud, Jr. Field Consultant CRS/sbm Attachment P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-2293 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer (0, NOTICE OF FILING OF APPLICATION FOR LAMA MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AND WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION Pursuant to NCGS 113A-119(b) and-143-215 3(a)(1)(c), the Department of Natural Resources and Ommunity Development hereby gives Public Notice that Makai Harbor Development Corporation (Paul Susie, Jr., Agent) on January 13, 1986 for a permit from the Divison of Coastal Management to develop in an Area of Environmental Concern and for Certification fran the Division of Environmental Management that a discharge of fill material in project wetlands will not violate applicable Water Quality Standards. According to said application, Makai Harbor Dev. Corp. Proposes to enlarge an existing man-made creek and also to excavate flooded and irregularly flooded coastal wetlands in order to create marina facilities including slip and docks. The development will also provide high-rise and low-rise multi-family dwelling units. Project is located in the Washington Acres Subdivision - man-made channel off AIWW in Pender County. A copy of the entire application and additional information may be examined (or copies furnished, upon payment of reproduction costs) during normal business hours at the Division of Coastal Management and/or the Division of Environmental Management, Regional Office, 7225 Wrightsville Avenue, Wilmington, North Carolina 28403. The Division of Environmental Management proposes to take final action on this water quality Certification on or after March 17, 1986 The issuance of the CAMA Major Development and the Section 401 Certification may deviate from this projected date depending upon the nature of the comments sulaitted and subsequent hearings that may result. All persons desiring to male comnents should do so in writing to Mr. David W. Owens, Director, Division of Coastal Management, P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 prior to March 7, 1986 for consideration under --_---------- tYe-CAMA_Permit-DeGis-ion-arid to-Mr CCecil--?-Madden-,,-Division of-&WJ!&nuental Management, P.O. Bmc 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 (Telephone: (919) 733-5181) prior to March 7, 1986 for consideration under the Water Quality Oertificat;on decision. aansoToug gousag daojsTnBaX `3aTg0 sTTTOH •M SOTasgO 'ATaaaouTS •ansq Am noA squammoo ao suoTIsenb ssaapps 04 aTgBTTsAS ST aH -M£ -6h£ (6T6) auogdOTOI `ATTOr uax •aTq Aq paiuuTpaooo aq TTTM PUP LWO-ILO-N-9800MVS *ON pauBTSSs uaaq svq `33V a93sM usaTO ag: 3O W7 UOT:oaS pus :pV aogasH PUP aaATg 9q3 JO 01 UOT409S 01 jusnsand 'UOT3soTTddv anoj •NaoM uT aq no pTrious-uo-TivmzT3uoa gone UTATaoaa aaIJR Tu0 •ITmaad Tsaau88 ano aapun passaooad ATTn3ssaoons uaaq suq UOTIEOTTdds anoA jvgj sn moa3 aoTjou uajjTaM BUTATaoaa anoA uT ITnsaa TTTM 93VIS aqj Aq uoTasoTTddg anoX uo uaxsl UOTIos TsuT3 aql `SOTTod ao SUOT3Tsod Tsa9p93-9IUIS Io saouaaajjTp panToseaun ou eas aaag3 3I •quamaBsusm aagganj SIT 3o p9mao3uT pus uallTaM aq TTTM noX luossaa Auu ao3 ssaooad ITmaad Tga9u98 sTg4 moa; UMSapgITM aq Ism U0T3BOTTdds anoX 3I •93s3S aq3 o3 pagsTuin3 aq TTTM 99TOU92B MaTAaa Tsaapa3 moat 83uammOO •3uam92suvX TsIsso0 3O UOTSTATQ suTToasO gIJON aqj Aq pagsTTdmoOOS aq TTTM uOT3soTTdde anoX jo BuTssaooad an--3EJIsTuTmps aq3 'ATBUTpaoooV •3Tmaad TBaauaB sTg3 aapun uOT4szTaog4nU Ts19pa3 20J 93PPTpu80 v aq o3 IT 99483TPUT 49UTIOIRD g3JON CA-4uno0 aapuad `aogasH TE31VK 49 (MMIV) ARMaOIRM TRISEOORIIUI aT3usT3y aqq J3o s9T2TTTOS3 suTasm SITunmmoo g3TM paIBTOOSSP Sxoop BUT3VOTJ PUP SaaTd gspsaq'4Tnq 3Ona4suoo PUP TETaaasm dsadTa aosTd 'UTssq PUP Tsuvz/TauusgO ssaOOE ajsnEOxa 01 3Tmaad Amay aqq jo 3uamlasdaQ 8 aOJ `5861 `S aagmanoN panTaoaa UOT4B3TTddv anoA To MaTnaa V HUTToasO gIJON 3O 93VIS 9q3 moaT UOTIszTaog3ns anTaoaa 3sgl SOT3TAT439 uoTjona3suoo 20J UOTIBzTaoglnv Tsaap93 sapTAOad gzTgM '(pasOToua) 16ZO-000 -N-0800MVS 'ON jTmaad TsaauaB panssT am `1861 `LZ Aasnusr u0 :uamOT4uaO 111`,.'%380 09178Z PUTTOaED g3JOX lgOSag aTTTAS:IgBTaM W?PI ?'c 09Z xog 9oT3;0 3SOd i,?C11`J? ??? fir;; j?31t1i?? anTaQ AsMasnsH ZZZ „ (1 T u?. uOTjsaodao0 juamdOTanaQ joqlvH TV-ARK w j L oo-ILO-N-9800MVS 'ON 9TT3 :IDRfgf1S 5861 1*1 aagmanoX 0681•ZO09Z VN1108VO HIHON 'NOIDNIN11M 0681 X08 'O'd S833NION3 d0 SdH00 '101H1SM NOIDNIWIIM AWHV 3Hl d0 iN3WlaVd3a gouuag XJOIsTnBag Ol H333H Ald3H NI G. £OM BuTTOJVD g3aoN 'uo3$uTMTTM L998Z suTTOasO g3aoN `A3TO psagaaoX anuany 9TTTnS3g2T2M SZZL 69L xOg OOT330 3801 3u9m92suvR Ts29900 3uama8susX T938RO0 3o uOTsTnTQ BuTTOIVO g3aON To uOTsTnTQ suTToasO g3aoN OOT330 TsuoT291d U032UTMTTM OOTJJO TsuoTBON ALTO PgagaaoN TnoX qoW 'jX sauof saTasgO 'aye S9£0£ BT8aoaO `E3usT3y 399a3S pusT3anoO S+7£ A0ua2y uOT309301d Te3u8muOJTnuR •S 'II g0usag 8uTasn3sg pus auTasH uOT30aS 9pusT3aM 39TMD `TNsuAzanax 'I MvTTTTM 'ales 9TS8Z vuTTOJRD g3aoN '3aojnsag pusTsl saanT,1 WON `OOTeaaS SOTaagsT3 auTaRK TBuOT3BN xaag0 Apusg 'ay1 6£OS-119LZ suTTOasO g3aON `gBTaTsg 6£O9Z xog 90TJJ0 380,1 ODTnaaS a3TTPTTM Pus gsT3 'S 'II 33usO (aulel) 'X 'Z -SH L89L-TT9LZ BuTTOasO g3aoN 60TOT" L89LZ xog a0TJJO 3sod 3uamdOTanaQ A3TunmmoO PUP sa0anosag Tsan3sN 30 3uam3asdea EuTTOasO g3aON 3uamaRVUEN 1 Ts3uamuoaTnug 3o uoTST?TQ UOT309S A3TTsnb aa3sM sTTTW MVTTTTM *JH L89L-TT9LZ suTTOasO g3aoN `ggM" L89LZ xog 9OT330 390,1 3uamdOTanaa A3TunmmoO pus sa0anos9g Tsan3sN jo 3uam3asdaQ VUTTOasO g3aON 3u9m9BsusW Ts3s8oO JO uOTSTnTQ aaxasa ugor ' aye :(aansoTOue 3nOg3TM) pagsTuand SOTdoO t5-?Po 209 Washington Acres Road Hampstead, North Carolina February 27, 1986 Dear Sir: We would like to state our objections concerning the CAKA permit and Water Quality Certification application filed by Makai Harbor Development Corporation. A project of this type would contribute greatly to the destruction of our waters and shellfishing. An area this small and so far from the ocean cannot safely accomodate the traffic 100 boat slips-would create. The quality of the water would be damaged from gasoline spills and oil leakage from the boats. The-sewage that would illegally be dumped from the boats (and this does hanpen) would cause a serious pollution problem. Although the planned sewage plant is more than 75 feet from the water, it is close enough that any type of problem or malfunction could cause damage to the marshes in front of it and to the water quality. Many types of wildlife would be affected by removal of trees and clearing of the area. Birds such as pelicans, herons, and osprey that we have personally seen would disappear. Squirrels, deer, raccoons, and even a beaLr cub we have seen would be gone. We feel this project would have a very adverse effect on the lifestyle of the community: increase traffic on-small rural roads, apartment buildings constructed among single family dwellings, underground drinking water affected by a sewage plant, and the inability of a small community fire department to pro- tect such a large complex are just a few of the problems that could arise. The area for this project is classified as CONSERVATION in the Pender County Land Use Plan, and should be continued as such because of the fragile environment of the area. We would appreciate your consideration of our reasons for being against this project and for not wanting it to be constructed as planned. ,. g Your truly, William W. Russell Vicki B. Russell NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL FEDERATION Route 5, Box 603 (Ocean) • NEWPORT, NORTH CAROLINA 28570.919-393-8185 March 6, 1986 Mr. Paul Wilms, Director MAR ? Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh NC 27611 0 Dear Paul: NCCF requests a public hearing on the 401 Certification for the proposed Makai Harbor marina and condominium development pursuant to 15 NCAC 2H.0503. There is substantial public interest in having a hearing and overwhelming evidence that the 401 Certification for this project should be denied. Enclosed you will find a copy of a letter we have submitted to Dave Owens which lists our objections to the project. Sincerely, A _ «r a Todd Miller Executive Director Enclosure cc: Dave Owens Bob Benton Red Munden WATLk QUALITY SECTION •d 1' NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL FEDERATION Route 5, Box 803 (Ocean) • NEWPORT, NORTH CAROLINA 28570.919-393-8185 March 6, 1986 Dave Owens, Director Division of Coastal Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 Dear Dave: NCCF has reviewed the proposed plans for a marina and condominium project submitted by Makai Harbor Development Corporation. The permit for this project must be denied on the following grounds: 1. The marina will violate SA Water Quality Standards including-the antidegradation policy. 2. Stormwater runoff from the condominium will violate the SA fecal coliform standard. 3. Pender County has no mechanism to assure that proposed stormwater management devices will be properly operated and maintained as required by DEM's BPJ's. NCCF requests to be notified immediately about any new action taken in regard to this permit request. Any new action should include modification of the permit application, mitigation requests, or extensions of time- provided to review the application as well as a decision to issue or deny the permit. Sincerely, _'1 ? Todd Miller Executive Director DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ,r Office of Director /Attached is referred to: - Please prepare a final - / draft ` reply by for signature by the: Governor _ Deputy Secretary - Director - Secretary - Asst. Secretary _ Deputy Director - In your response, please note correspondence was referred by: - Indicate carbon copies to _ In taking action, coordinate efforts with _ Please review attached and give me your comments by - Coordinate your review and comment with _j,,1fo'utine/Please handle - Please note and advise me as appropriate Please note and file Please see me on this - For your information MAR i , Remarks: WATER QUALITY Y SECTION ) ? cam. n Log Number 17 / Note: In preparing response, please return background information with response, sufficient number of carbon copies and properly addressed envelopes for maiZing. PenderWatch & Conservancy 349 Dogwood Lane Hampstead, North Carolina 28443 March 6, 1986 Mr. Paul Wilms, Director Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 Dear Mr. Wilms: WATER QUALITY MAR 1 1 1986 SECTION Pursuant to 15 NCAC 2H.0503, the citizens listed on the following petition request a public hearing on the marina and condominium development in Washington Acres proposed by Makai Harbor Development Corporation. We are prepared to present evidence at the hearing to show that the marina and condominium development will violate SA Water Quality Standards and close shellfishing waters. Attached is our letter to Mr. David W. Owens, NC Division of Coastal Management, that outlines many of our objections to this project. We appreciate your help on this matter. Sincerely, Howard Winkemeier President I c6a?ccx_c ? A"'t Patricia S. Howe Vice-President Enclosures C PenderWatch & Conservancy 349 Dogwood Lane Hampstead, North Carolina 28443 March 6, 1986 Mr. Dave Owens, Director Division of Coastal Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Re: Proposed Makai Harbor Development in Washington Acres • Hamstead, North Carolina Dear Mr. Owens: PenderWatch and Conservancey is a rapidly growing, well supported, and very active organization of over 50 pesons who intend to do everything possible to achieve a rational, planned approach to growth which preserves the unique and invaluable coastal natural resources of Pender County. PenderWatch and Conservancy opposes the proposed Makai Harbour Development. Some of the many aspects of the proposed project which are inconsistent with the CAMA regulations are described below. Water Quality: Marina The basic guidelines for locating and designing marinas are described in in the EPA Coastal Marina Assessment Handbook. The Handbook states that marinas should be located: (1) away from shellfish beds, (2) in well flushed areas rather than in dead-end creeks and canals, (3) in deep waters that do not require extensive dredging, and (4) at sites that do not require destruction of salt marsh and wetlands. The proposed Makai Harbor marina would be locaPrIl in an area that: (1) is classified SA for shellfishing and iS a0_+iVc,1,7 used for shellfishing, (2) is on a dead-end canal, (3) requires extensive dedging in shallow waters, and (4) would destroy over three acres of salt marsh and wetlands. Thus, this site'is unsuitable for a marina. The proposed marina would be expected to contravene regulation 15 NCAC 7H .0602 which requires that no development be allowed which would have a substanial liklihood of causing waters to be closed to shellfishing. Further, the project would be*inconsistent with regulation 15 NCAC 7H .0208(a)(2)(C) which places the burden of proof on the applicant for a marina in estuarine waters to provide assurance that the project will not violate water quality standards. Water Quality: Stormwater It is well known now that stormwater runoff can violate water quality standards, particularly for shellfish waters. The applicants report that the impervious cover is less than 30 percent in the 75' Estuarine Shoreline AEC. We believe that critical examination of the plans would find the impervious cover in the AEC to be higher (perhaps the applicant made the common error of including salt marsh as pervious area). However, this point is academic since DEM's BPJ guidelines are the controlling factor for stormwater. The proposed project does not comply with the BPJ's which require either 10 percent effective impervious cover or retention on-site of a 10-year, 24-hou'r storm. In the absence of adequate stormwater controls, the project can be expected to violate water quality standards and thus regulation 15 NCAC 7H .0601. Dredging The proposed dredging of salt marsh and wetlands for the project would violate regulation 15 NCAC 7H .0208(b)(5)(B). The project has not been approved for mitigation candidacy and a public hearing would be required for approval of such candidacy. Land-Use Plans - The project may be found to be inconsistent with the Pender County Land-Use Plan. In the Plan approved by the County, the land classification map indicates the site is classified as "Conservation." However, the text in the Plan indicates the site is classified as "Community." (This apparent difference may be partially resolved by the explanation of the Conservation classification which indicates that the actual determination for individual sites must be done on a case by case basis in some areas.) Further, the State apparently may have approved a land classification map which classified the area as Transition. Action by the County Planning Board, including a public hearing will be needed to resolve the proper land use classification for the site and thus whether the proposed project conflicts with the land use plan. We believe the Conservation classification is appropriate for this site. In accordance with the description for conservation areas in the land use plan, the site contains wetlands, necessary wildlife habitat, and undisturbed, fragile shorelines. Further, the large percentage of the site located in the flood plain and in estuarine shoreline AEC make the site appropriate for the Conservation classification. However, we also believe that the proposed project is not appropriate if the site were classified as Community. The Community classification is for areas that are not intended to be sewered. However, the high density development proposed for the site should be appropriately located in an area that is sewered or is expected to be sewered. This is particularly important given the well known unreliability of proper operation and maintenance of such on-site systems and the close proximity to shellfish waters. Approval of the proposed project would also set a precent that would lead to approval of other similar projects, resulting in damage to water quality and public resources and to an unwanted alteration in the way of life for the citizens of the area. Other Comments The information submitted for review and comments contains several inaccurate or controversial pieces of information: 1. The project description states that one 12 story high rise building will be built. However, the maps of the project indicate two such building will be built. 2. The application indicates that no runoff will enter the waters. This is clearly incorrect as the project as a whole would have a high impervious cover and the runoff will flow to the surface waters. 3. The application and description state the site is classified Community. However, as noted above, this may be incorrect. The project cannot be adequately reviewed until this issue is resolved. 4. There does not appear to be adequate parking for the high rise buildings. This problem would lead to further increases in impervious cover. Further Requests Please notify us of any action with regard to this project. Please let us know if this project is placed on hold and/or any modifications are proposed. We the affected public should be given an opportunity to review any modifications to the project. Such modifications should not be decided by government agencies and the developers behind closed doors. The appropriate course of action would be to issue public notice (as well as contacting us directly) of any modification of the project. Also, please notify us of any requests for mitigation candidacy for this project. We further request that any future notices for this or other ? r nearby projects be placed in the Sounds of Pender East newspaper as this is more widely read in this area. Thank you for your careful consideration of these comments. Sincerely, Howard Winkemeier President ?L?iZ(cxrL 311, 41V? ' Patricia S. Howe Vice-President cc: Bob Benton Dan Besse Thomas Harrelson Charles Hollis S. Henri Johnson Alvin Midgette Lynn Muchmore Jack Ravan S. Thomas Rhodes Paul Wilms cc"d(j,ti yr; 't v ,cnp,w a?i 0 cd ?v v 0 m C, Q CL 0 ? 0 ++ a cirosZ%o o 2 Cgs t Uui3E-4v.? sv, v>? m o 0 :> Z v 5" 0 A ?,Cd F. as v? cdQ+' 0v Iva u ? -ca d OG, cdO"A cd 4vcaw"ocd ?H ?4,4 W w 0 v o as IL ,.o (D It. a) o w:r S:3 Cd U 4 -0 0 v q0 M Cd cd 'C ,0 a Od 14. W c? v U? U2 a F l i l I N 3W x Ilk 091 1 NK G 4? 0 v 0 u) 0 -0U N ca U? v? v '0 4-4 a Z cz 0 , N a w 0 cd >-? 0 N 0 0 - 4 4C 4J N U) Z R 0 A. Cl ?4 Z Up1 ° ox a) C ro b. Uvi3< > NUmP? CL o 5Z ?0m? co ?Nbro A ? cd 'o o? ?, ?, A ? ? ? M '= C.) x 0 cd v N w x v ? ° ° o cd cd IV &Q y 41 4 cd ?vmco ro ° cd ca NwE-1 o Chi a o?WQ? o -0 b cc ti0Cd 0 cd U 4 .ti S, ro O Tp? C, .. 3 cd 'tl A ? ?'?., i W z sl i i can) .G p fn ?EaU s? c. m -Q" ?ob.0w CO ?zN ro+0 "roaw N 0ro?000 f]. N .?+ ro -0 Q aro uZ ox4?m? U 0 > a N ?W ? z oo 0 D Z N 41 mU M A? cnaro ?rnroov ? d -0 r. o ? w? C ?0w ? Q) Q) room.-0 m 0 co fu cd rorororo a o .r W N }? V CL o .(V, 0 "0 ? ? 0 ?0cd CO 0 u to ° 0 m43 0 5++ ro ? ro?a0 ? \ Y Z?j i o F,oU y s s? cd U 0 w to pz4J y cd N ,haw N 0 cd U U U a W 4 ca 0 man ? o*' n??zoi0 41P-4 ro bO U U 0 ai ,? .L", 00 zN A a? b0 a nUb m Cd U?cd 0v ?4 CZ 7 0 cd •. v N 0 ro p -? to y 0 0 cd A ??Cd Cd v? 0 w ?4 mew ho(1) a ova o 0 '0 buO NN 1.0 0 ° D 0 o cd U A A '0 y cd ? 5??ar?v ul A z o 9?bU s? 'CO c d u rilp,w 0 fd i? Q) u U 0. 11 •? - UI . ? ? ° + . 10 Q E ?' R 0 ? ct U a 0. z z b.0 ' d C'i 0 ? v > cd uucd ?x ?? ° cd CL ? y.v Cd q? m Ncd0"a 0 s UI u 6 u 00 Cd M 5, .+ 0 Cd -4 WWr Cd ro z co cis b C m U2 4 4E o? o' ova o o ?.o 40.cd 0 ? U 0 cad v 0 U 0 0 b Ct _11 I 1 I wI cl n I ?\ \ I 0 , F I ?i V Y ,N S. N 5 N F ?U v C, sro ? roUb ?? . A b ?w cd GJ Naw N N LS oro?a,a?C-) S] U .? N 4+ q o I + .? o m s? z a 0) W v0 0 ? P A ( 3 ? ? a °)>4 ) fJ U Sd ooSzN Uroa >5ro N cd N rj) z r? M co 93 o cd ro v cn ?u zi .- W. cd a) cd Cd CL a? ? o o W ro .1 ro cd •N (2) ro co ro rn r w o N nCIS 0 4-( ^ W o U 0 41 o '0 4p +ro N U N N 4 0 cd y ] 0 ro U U o U b N ro I? 1 1 J ?d ?VI i j i i M L..- • 11 3 I i i i I I i j I Y !?, N P? U s tV U v v b ?° N a w ?4 z4J0 U f l) 'C! 0 cd N N U a.v• o N 1 p 0 U] a 0 0. u; ro?zvo w ro ? ox*° Q UNFu;L 3 A 4 > A v CO) N 0 p 5 Z i .4 a y cd Cd i? N N ? '0 cd S4 cd a w cd y N U b b *' 3 v co 0) cd ? C', co M v W vM?? cd z ?acI cd'cl ? * ?Hroov u 0 r-4 rL 0wP, o 0 D - Obb Q) -Cd - UU N 0 L4 N r:) 0 cd 0 • ? cd '0 ? ? N ? . Y v Q a ?C 4 to l? ?l I SI r n y? i, ?a U N EcU ° d roUb a,r 4 u 1 g: 'a bjD b H cd WO ro f++,y (1 o ^0 ^^cd11 >, 01 0 ? o W L 0 a U2 R.Cdd?Z'm00 Ga xa7E,? o ro h buo A U v A r.n >? 0ucdx? -4 .0 a a°roUa U Cd m?cd zb ?4 co ctl W U co y ?. r+ -,0 0 cd 0• r., v W 4 *Cd 4 o cd W4 "? ?i + Gl cd Cd t7 td Z 'a 0 0 4-10 04 N•??F 00 o a?i ? 0 :7q4 ' 06ar o V he ---I 0 g: L. M ° id0 0 td U >~ S? D U J \ I J ?j 0 l ? U \ v V9 G -V C a V ? V ? N G' a J N CZ) I r- M ? -f' of N ti ? J A a- F? V ws Pcan u Co ?Ub L4 yQ v ??.'? b,O 41 ,maw 0?1 occdd?d)4)? v .4 N o ca S, z 0 ox2 ro tme * V (cid) a? v ?a.ox o >z mA z 'ova A mvcd m m cd 0, a ? as ? m ubzi ca .d'c roa??? d, o cd A x ?+? cd m m c, 4) cd ov?a? Cd 4a ?4 o ya b?P g>++ 3 W4Qa(?. U) Ui a A z v ? 1 I ? ?o ND\ N Q J N r? 4 V v? ?a 0 r T J M 14 4 Q- 0 c <9 Syl fi Zll '? - 7L'Z; ;?S j ? a a ?bU CdUb y0 v b Z aoi CO ca •Naw oc°d 4)4)U aa= ? o*' cr aCd s?Z N o ox?2 m 1 U y. ??? ?ucdxx oo?zra A? cd .0 ?d,0-a 93 C6 0 ?'? x r. Cd d .?roxu3'D oc?? >s'? ?roca cd bc o U (D N'wE Od cod c°.ova? o?otW41 vu 4) ;.' W Lf cd??) 0 cd 4) m > ui Erg 1 o Q0 r 1 VIC IAP 1 19R? 'tea-,, 4" lg r z 7 OITA- . ?i r ?' 209 Washington Acres Road Hampstead, North Carolina February 27, 1986 Dear Sir: We would like to state our objections concerning the CAMA permit and Water Quality Certification application filed by Makai Harbor Development Corporation. A project of this type would contribute greatly to the destruction of our waters and shellfishing. An area this small and so far from the ocean cannot safely accomodate the traffic 100 boat slips would create. The quality of the water would be damaged from gasoline spills and oil leakage from the boats. The sewage that would illegally be dumped from the boats (and this does happen) would cause a serious pollution problem. Although the planned sewage plant is more than 75 feet from the water, it is close enough that any type of problem or malfunction could cause damage to the marshes in front of it and to the water quality. Many types of wildlife would be affected by removal of trees and clearing of the area.' Birds such as..pelicans, herons, and osprey that we have personally seen would disappear. Squirrels, deer, raccoons, and even a begr cub we have seen would be gone. We feel this project would have a very adverse effect on the lifestyle of the community: increase traffic on small rural roads, apartment buildings constructed among single family dwellings, underground drinking water affected by a sewage plant, and the inability of a small community fire department to pro- tect such a large complex are just a few of the problems that could arise. The area for this project is classified as CONSERVATION in the Pender County Land Use Plan, and should be continued as such because of the fragile environment of the area. We would appreciate your consideration of our reasons for being against this project and for not wanting it to be constructed as planned. Your truly, William W. Russell Vicki B. Russell MAR 4 1986 N (n? c psS'i34 }a?5l?'Ve6?i c s o. E. ROBERT E. CASSATT 110 DRAKE ROAD P.O. BOX 4084' '` g j r bh~ p c+. HAMPSTEAD. NORTH CAROLINA 28443 A J J ITS V -7 March 6, 1986 t' NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL FEDERATION Route 5, Box 603 (Ocean) • NEWPORT, NORTH CAROLINA 28570.919-393-8185 Mr. Paul Wilms, Director Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 Dear Paul: NCCF requests a public hearing on the 401 Certification for the proposed Makai Harbor marina and condominium development pursuant to 15 NCAC 2H.0503. There is substantial public interest in having a hearing and overwhelming evidence that the 401 Certification for this project should be denied. Enclosed you will find a copy of a letter we have submitted to Dave Owens which lists our objections to the project. Sincerely, -; T;Y /LAI Todd Miller Executive Director Enclosure cc: Dave Owens Bob Benton Red Munden y ' f G T PEt?;;;? f L' p c' NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL FEDERATION Route 5, Box 603 (Ocean) • NEWPORT, NORTH CAROLINA 28570.919-393-8185 March 6, 1986 Dave Owens, Director Division of Coastal Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 Dear Dave: NCCF has reviewed the proposed plans for a marina and condominium project submitted by Makai Harbor Development Corporation. The permit for this project must be denied on the following grounds: 1. The marina will violate SA Water Quality Standards including the antidegradation policy. 2. Stormwater runoff from the condominium will violate the SA fecal coliform standard. 3. Pender County has no mechanism to assure that proposed stormwater management devices will be properly operated and maintained as required by DEM's BPJ's. NCCF requests to be notified immediately about any new action taken in regard to this permit request. Any new action should include modification of the permit application, mitigation requests, or extensions of time provided to review the application as well as a decision to issue or deny the permit. Sincerely, -7,-? 1"ze-,-,- Todd Miller Executive Director i t J Mr. & Mrs. "a-Ash 530 Highway 21OW Hampstead, N.C. 28443 Cecil G. Madden Division of Envi, ^,it Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 MAR 1198E ?? SUBJECT: MAKAI HARBOR DEVELOPMENT CORP REQUEST FOR CONSTRUCTION PERMITS AT WASHINGTON ACRES, HAMPSTEAD MARCH 6, 1986 Dear Mr. Madden, Please hold a public hearing on this proposed 100-plus condos and marina development. We do not need a 100-plus slip marina to ruin shellfishing in that area or a-12 story condo tower to create overall visual pollution. The land is quite low, much of it flooding on each high tide and it is classified correctly as a conservation area which means NO building. Very Truly Yours, 4 MR. & MRS. MICHAEL LOIZIDES 345 DOGWOOD LANE HAMPSTEAD, N.C. 28443 MR. CECIL G. MADDEN ENVIROMENT MANAGEMENT RALEIGH, N.C. 27611 SUBJECT: MAKAI HARBOR DEVELOPMENT CORP REQUEST FOR CONSTRUCTION PERMITS AT WASHINGTON ACRES, HAMPSTEAD MARCH 6, 1986 Dear Mr. Madden, Please hold a public hearing on this proposed 100-plus condos and marina development. We do not need a 100-plus slip marina to ruin shellfishing in that area or a 12 story condo tower to create overall visual pollution. The land is quite low, much of it flooding on each high tide and it is classified correctly as a conservation area which means NO building. Very Tr ly Yours, u MAR ? ,? 1985 `` !q'5?..I1 1j%4EE0TI NG March 4, 1986 Mr. Cecil Madden Division of Coastal Management P.O. Bo.. 7687 Raleigh, NC 27611 Dear Mr, Madden: P T _ MqR 11 ,. 19gF ??1 We are writing to urqe you to oppose a permit application that we feel certain will degrade both the economic and aesthetic value of a segment of prime North Carolina coastal wetlands. The Makai Harbour Development Corporation has requested a permit to dredge for and install a 100-slip boat basin, two-story and four-story townhouses, and a 12-story condominium on land in or adjacent to Washington Acres on the Intracoastal Waterway at Hampstead. As the owners of property only several hundred yards from the proposed development and as 14-year residents of North Carolina, we believe that state government should discourage development, like the Makai proposal, that will be destructive to wetlands. This project will have at least the followinq detrimental effects: * storm water run-off from paved surfaces will pollute the saltwater marsh * dredging for the boat slips would destroy some marsh areas * sewage disposal from the proposed 116 residential units will endanger the adjacent marsh * pollution from the boat basin will also damage the marsh The marsh area in question is a fragile conservation area; the water classification is SA. It serves as a primary nursery area for fin fish, shellfish, shrimp, and birds. It is an important natural resource for the state's fishing industry, as well as an aesthetic resource for the tourist industry and for Pender County residents. A recent article by Jay D. Hair in the EPA Journal notes that about 56% of the original wetland acreage of the continental U.S. has been lost, and this loss is permanent; we continue to lose over 450,000 acres each year. Hair is Executive Vice President of the National Wildlife Federation and former faculty member at North Carolina State University. He also says, "Luckily for us, government policies are beginning to change to favor retention of wetlands." We hope this is true in North Carolina. We hope you will agree with us that the Makai project in Hampstead is ill- advised and should be stopped. Sincerely, Carol.n R. Miller, Carl F. Blackman 3413 Horton Street Raleigh, NC 27607 (U 0 3 " C's ?bU L4 ?U.Cd o= b z co cd P w , 0 cd ? N Q? ? 1 ? c d o dcH Uui3 0xQ) €+ 4 N oo?z 0 cd Q cd W .? r^ ? c Cd $m4 C's.o? 0 cd t U " b a) mc, A ?4 : cd .4 x? v N 4 o ? ..2 .? o co 0 'a , CdCd 0'o w ? m w? o a) 0 o00ull l, $4 m . ,..? U1 A? ?F 1 i V cl? ZR e l V r ? 3 09 3 Y, J calf, -1 ? r .Y r ?ubjp? ; 11?c?.Kcie ?,Ilal Coc? ,?.eq?esV ?f,, Con?iu ? sn .,cd (?X?,16rc??i ?enna . ?an vhc . Maac@en 5 VbTo uou lam/ th4 I?OI?'s?? ?Ib OnrV 3tAld""ho.4 brereQo?n,eaV c.o1j,-D, I'hM.?ncu? fro i ?u Mj O?lnitx? , d? "?? Ct?n?ee1 f?c? - ?,1?,? iY W14 `tm An r ` ur..?? Vl y ? l? t (rte I'??.?1 ? sscs v. e 4 Henry R. Price 440 Creek View Drive Hampstead, N.C. 28443 March 6, 1986 Mr. Cecil G. Madden Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 Dear Mr. Madden, I am writing to voice my abjection to the pop6d development at ' Wash ngton -Acres, Hampstead, N.G:' by the r P4a? ar off. DevelgpjA-p 1 Corporation. The plans for a 12 story condo dower "xa s-1Ot?= _. F shellfishing in the area and-'would take away the natural serene environment all property owners enjoy.' The land is classified correctly as a conservation,"area. It is a healthy salt water marsh, great for shellfishing, and home to millions of tiny fin fish. Please stop the above corporation from making; an environmental disaster in Hampstead. Sincerely, Henry R.' Price PE mYs, yj ? . r ? ,o 6 ? .c•?*%? ?r?2?? c? ?? ???'`° ? ?. Bb's"-?-'?r? ? .?.? '-??? t? f???,?-z- /?y- ??? ?-- ,?3© /???p?-ems `s??'?`?,? rQi, ??Oj; MAR 87 ? --?-? L,.." >) . C a 7 (o i R _. j' Marsh 4, 1986 10" w •° ? $ ?a?wl Mr. Cecil G. Madden'; w Division of Environmental Management'<< ift P. 0. Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611 Dear Mr. Madden: Subject: Proposed Makai Harbor Development Corp. Plans for Condos and Marina at Washington Acres Subdivision in Hampstead on land classified as Conservation. Dear Mr. Madden: We want you to know we strongly object to the proposed 116 residential units which include at least one 12 story condo as well as a 100 plus boat slip marina. The reasons are as follows: 1. Most significantly this land is classified Conservation. Furthmore.the proposed building area is located on land that is quite low, much of which floods on each high tide. Also some buildings appear to be located on backfilled land where erosion could readily take place with disastrous results. 2. Shell fishing of all types is still available within this marshland and this is certainly not true to the south of us. A 100 plus slip marina dredged from the existing creek as well as the eleven buildings coupled with the necessary paving will drastically alter the marshland. This in turn will force closure of the shellfishing and ruin the ecosystem that requires the marshes for development. 3- Firefighting would be extremely hazardous as well as inadequate because our local volunteer fire department is equipped to handle no more than 2 story fires. Un- fortunatrly the same is true of the other nearby Volun- teer fire departments, thus any fire would devastate the 12 story condos as well as the surrounding buildings and woodlands. 4. Homeowners who purchased lots within the Washington Acres subdivision did so with stringent deed restric- tions. Although the land in question, owned by Raymond Hughes has been withdrawn from the deed restrictions, the Russells (bordering, owners) were given to understand that single resident dwellings would still be the only postibility rather than high density dwellings that will obviously destroy the marshlands. _2 Over 90/ of the people in Washington Acres are in opposition to the Marina and proposed buildings and believe a public hearing is in order. Sincerely, William A. & Kathryn M. McLeod III -301 This letter has also been sent to: .'rtal.,C1.?{ Anthony Comentale, Chairman, Ponder Cty. Planning Board David Redwine, N.C. State Rep., 14th District Sen. Franklin Williams, N.C. 7th Thomas Rhodes, Dept. of Natural Resources & Community Development David Owens, Director Div. of Coastal Management Henry Smith, Commissioner 146 Great Oak Drive Hampstead, North Carolina 28443 O-e-I 71?e? avallt-l? IQ-z?'' T-e,4v? IVC - sue, I /2-) ??/I?? S rYsG /Y)*Adw 3 / I f gG ?l ? r.? ?V/P.GiJMZ'?i?lL /?i4r11 A(36rNB? ' , , i ???? 1L?fJta16H? N, G, ? 1/ MA? V 1986 Pc Ri"'fil 71) '^5r ?.3d S 1 nR, Simi : i7 YNA AAd WOO-/ CV*Jd=wE) WITH T" 'PftfOSJDD ` 643.0P"Ol of 7*c MAX41 OM&PlWRI --W)PVPWPMrOKn • JA)VAA-; /A) " DVA3Aj4)6TA) ACRN RAM Oc 4#VMOJ)Z4,D WPXV CIAft1wA* 1N? vA) &4TA&A Tmt An*A vAnm 4"tp&*.*j- 7o is stbPjA--Mp 7:? ?5T •pR4cTe? 1?fD e4TA&oR?? • ?-?aec? RttT cov?? "P,) T-la CONS a 6ezD 'P2 ?ttjs 7yPs eF `DEVV .wrv&*JT WHioH 'Peo-?z*S i j FI W)O& IN %JI)AIVS M"As FOA, 4cw-bTW_Vclfro,) of ft?G#t 'OV,Wrzy trio N - R.t SE CoN?o?w,?t?„na ? ? Zj Go NST R,t)G'?tQ>J of T, "VT 06 MA PWJPS 1 n! ARASrA3 'T?R.t?MYTy ?? baA? F br?6pj SH5Q.F?sH/A* --- WV- MAO +*AR3--9a6*ssT To Vfjpsvesvwl?- W8 ARE w KD v&2s4 To WvaVSt i ??i'1 ?EI.oPMf.+V - hl ?+ t G#Z P?v CoNstsT CDP 5:rJ616 FAnnt?y , WPAAK W AePI,.Y.9 WIN 7ft ?e.eS&,vr M/s AOCTWO - % Lour Aa Tay ' /v?j T,y?eSAla?l T ??Jw ?MEaT of THE cP#J-& V-4710A) r'WVE . 1r- TRt CWAA (2CQd*A'tro&W Milt, H%,y A 4e/ ?'av5"AOP 4y VWPaQ.(?PV*VAO E1J f/t?,?i¢divE7liP.S . PY6 #PAI$? PR40A To eowS450PAPt) ar- A?Y F't-e4jrjJr.? m10'Wrv "Av/3?1G HEAA14. W MA-4, /?O CPAor Ot752 15Y J/vJ?2 tls?7?P, 6%w y71z. a?3 lore- V r IL I -Q^ 0 1a . \n1 L -Q Y_ ??? ?-A NrL,-R, ? -? ?k MAR 6 198C, 0ERMITS March 4, 1986 Mr. Cecil G. Madden Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 Dear Mr. Madden: I object to the proposed Makai Harbor Development next to Washington Acres. This development, on a planned conservation area per the 1981 Land Use Plan, will endanger critical shellfish, wildlife and natural resources. The concept of two twelve story high rises plus numerous condominiums and a 100 plus slip marina will not only create visual pollution, but will cause run-off problems and potential sewerage pollution which will endanger the coastal estuarine area. I strongly urge you to disapprove thiV proposal. Sincerely, ,? *' Ruth M. Stache 101 Deer Cove Road Hampstead N.C. 28443 h, ??:-? R ? 1.98E MA March 4, 1986 Mr. Cecil G. Madden Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 Dear Mr. Madden: I object to the proposed Makai Harbor Development next to Washington Acres. This development, on a planned conservation area per the 1981 Land Use Plan, will endanger critical shellfish, wildlife and natural resources. The concept of two twelve story high rises plus numerous condominiums and a 100 plus slip marina will not only create visual pollution, but will cause run-off problems and potential sewerage pollution which will endanger the coastal estuarine area. I strongly urge you to disapprove this proposal. Sincerely, Arthur P. Stache 101 Deer Cove Road Hampstead, N.C. 28443 P.O. Box 488 Hampstead, NC 28443 March 4, 1986 Mr. Cecil Madden P?? Aff Division of Coastal Management '^" P.O. Box 27687 rv Raleigh, NC 27611 Dear Mr. Madden: We are writing in regard to the application by Makai Harbour Development Corporation for a permit to dredge for and install a 100-slip marina, two-story and four-story townhouses, and a 12-story condominium on land in or adjacent to Washington Acres on the Intracoastal Waterway at Hampstead, North Carolina. About seven and a half years ago we purchased several acres on the Intracoastal Waterway about 300 yards from the proposed project. We now have a home under construction on this acreage. We oppose the Makai Harbour high-rise, high-density develop- ment for the following reasons: 1. The land under consideration is in a fragile conservation area.___. The .-water, class-ific.ati-on. is .SA.. It should remain. a primary nursery area for the conception and early life for fin fish, shrimp, clams, and oysters. It is an important natural resource for the fishing industry. 2. Storm run-off water from the hard surface would cause further deterioration of the primary nursery. 3. Dredging for the boat slips would destroy some wetlands. Pollution from that many boats would also be destructive to the nursery area. 4. The sewage disposal from the 116 proposed units would very likely cause contamination and/or destruction of the adjacent marsh (with its marine and wildlife) because of the proximity of the waste disposal plant to the salt water marsh. 5. The home owners and land owners bought in this conser- vation area specifically for its natural environment and have been very conscious of their responsibility to preserve it for future generations. Thank you for giving this matter your attention. Sincerely, ??? ?Q &W 0--? W AVL L'V, Vg4t46 Paul F. Sand, Mary 0. Sand 2V PEAR s N ?012 pe vE . 0v9 P. 2E?L. EST F', alt f3e r 1/??- cl ?(\Cx CQ- Lu f THE WASHINGTON ACRES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION 172 Circle Drive Hampstead, NC 28443 March 4, 1986 , Mr. Cecil G. Madden Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 Dear Mr. Madden, The Washington Acres Homeowners Association would like to go on notice that we do have objections to the Makai Harbor Development Corp. proposed marina and condominium development in Washington Acres, Hampstead, NC. Because of the complexity of the project we would like to reserve the right to comment. Sincerely, Estelle Batchelor, Corresponding Secretary s 'y MAR (3 ??R? 01 PenderWatch & Conservancy 633 Hughes Road Hampstead,, N. C. 28443 March 3, 1986 .Mr. Cecil G. Madden Division of Environmental Management P. 0. Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 271311 Dear Mr. Madden, PenderWatch & Conservancy would like to go on notice that we do have objections to the Makai Harbor Development Corp, proposed marina and condominium development in Washington Acres, Hampstead, N. C. Because of, the complexity of the project We would like to rese=rve right to comment. Yours truly, I "( A /-J 7V Patricia S. Howe,' V-P PenderWatch & Conservancy ITI/ A MAR 6 pia` ao stV zsa,;z'= ?,?, a??? N ? / O hClry?4(,a MAR .J 1 98„ hs ... PenderWatch & Conservancy P °` . f.: Y 633 Hughes Road Hampstead, N. C. 28443 March 5, 1986 Mr. Cecil G. Madden Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611 Dear Mr. Madden, PenderWatch & Conservancy has reserved the right to comment on the proposed Makai Harbor Development in Washington Acres, Hampstead, N. C. until after our March 6th meeting with Robert Stroud of the Division of Coastal Management. The enclosed petitions have been signed by over 9016 of the residents of Washington Acres who are alarmed that the quality of their lives is seriously threatened by the prospect of a 100 boat marina and 12 story condominium and multi-family homes in a single family residential area. Those of us who have enjoyed the fishing, oystering, crabbing and swimming in the Mill Creek area and coastal waters find the prospect of a marina and complex of this proportion alarming. We are particularly concerned with the vulnerability of the marsh area adjacent to the sewage treatment plant to be built in a known flood area. We do not want another Myrtle Beach, New Jersey, Florida or even northern Topsail Island. We ask that you act to protect the last bit of undeveloped shore line in Pender County and assist us in our goal of a RATIONAL, PLANNED approach to growth that is done with public knowledge and input instead of the covert manner used in this proposal. Yours truly, PjF4,UU? , , WM Patricia S. Howe, V-P PenderWatch & Conservancy Mr' i ICh/? Sounds of Pender East 3 Bulk Rate P.0. Box 522 ' us. Postage i `PAID thin psstead, N.C. 28443 "Serving Topsail IAW4 Eostem Paler & Sord mast Onslow Cowman Hampstead, N.C. No. . 270-24461 '' ty Carrier Route Pre-Sort 4 Postal Customer a' o,un. -f e)id E ai t VOLUME 5, ISSUE 9 TOPSAIL & STUMP SOUND TOWNSHIPS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27,1986 Form new 'organization Hampstead residents fight highe, marina The case of the curious clas4 adon is unraveling in Hampstead, Burgaw and Wrightsville Beach, where developers; officials and the public are jousting_ over a proposed high-rise, high-density development. The case came to light last week when Hampstead's Pat Howe read a legal advertisement. It said that a multi-story, 116-unit condominium and 100 -slip marina project called Makai Harbour was planned for a 25- acre tract on the water in Washington Acres. She went to Wrightsville's regional office of the Department of Natural Resources & Community Development (NRCD), where she secured a copy of deyelopers' application for a major development permit under CAMA (Coastal Area Management Act) regulations. According to their request, the CAMA land use plan classifies the area as "community," paving the way, for commercial and high-density building. But Howe went to Burgaw and checked CAMA maps in the Pender County Planning Department. She found that the proposed area of development is "conservation," the most protected land category. The distinction is vital, because no development can take place in a conservation zone without first changing the category - and that requires a public hearing. . "My map and my eyesight tell me that it's conservation," said Planning Director Alvin Midgette.. He told the Sounds that "nobody ever contacted me personally" about the project, then he phoned Paul Susie Jr., the agent who submitted the. permit request to LAMA. Susie earlier told the Sounds that the project had been discussed with Midgette: "I understand it was his feeling that.it was okay." After the two men talked on Tuesday, Midgette immediately called to clarify their previous meeting. He said it was a casual, general conversation long ago with people he didn't know: "I remember two men coming in here and talking about Washington Acres. Raymond (Hughes) has been talking about development down there for years... People come in here and talk about development all the time - it goes in one ear and out the other. How am I supposed to remember something we talked about over a year agri! There wasn't even a name,fgr the project." According to Midgette, developers never asked for confirmation of the land use status. They never wrote to him, never inquired 'about the verification procedure. He said he heard nothing more about it "until I read it in the paper" last week. "If you're going to. do a development of this magnitude, you. have to go about it the right way," said the perturbed planning director. . Conservation Debated Susie said the CAMA application was prepared ' by a Raleigh architectural firm. When told of the conservation classification, he said it was news to him. .. "(Conservation) is not even for single families. It's for the ducks and the snakes and the fish and anything else that moves there, not for anything on two feet," Susie said. Susie is a realtor with Century 21 Prime in Wrightsville Beach. A conservation classification would upset some landowners in the area, he said: "Some people own lots there and would be shocked that they're sitting on a duck pond and can't do anything with them." Midgette's opinion . differed: "Conservation does not mean that you cant do anything, (building) is not completely out." He explained that single-family homes might be permitted, so long as they do not threaten the environment of the conservation zone. ? r .-.4 ", .? K i za ? V th /J (l M , r ? T t _.., .., :. ENDANGERED - The Washington Acres boat ramp and placid land where a new marina and 12-story condos are planned. According to Susie, a number of investors are involved in Makai Harbour, most of them North Carolinians. Washington Acres developer Raymond Hughes lives on and , owns most of the proposed project site, but Susie said he is not a principal. Hughes, he added, will sell the property "only if all the permits go through," .Public Opposition Voiced Stopping those permits is the goal of nearly 60 Hampstead area residents who met at the library 'Monday night. They gathered initially to organize "PenderWatch & Conservancy," a group dedicated to promote "orderly development ...en• hance the quality of fife" and "protect the natural environment" locally. There had long been talk of I forming a nature conservancy here. Some original activity last year had volunteers manning a "turtle watch" on Lee and Hutaff islands, and the thought gained impetus recently with a proposal to put an industrial plant on Hoover Road. That project was scrapped after dozens of residents protested to county commissioners, but many citizens stayed involved as they recognized a need for local zoning restrictions. Ironically it was only I 1 days ago that" 8'O' residents turned out for a public meeting to update the CAMA land use plan. They didn't know then what Howe said Monday, that "it might be our saving grace" in blocking Makai Harbour. ,Howe opposed the project on a number of grounds. "Where are they going to put the sewage from 116 units," she asked. "We have a responsibility to look after the land and the water ...and a responsibility to our children to preserve it for them." Makai developers plan to have a self-contained, package sewage treatment plant on the site, but Howe said it may be located too close to estuarine waters. *Others were critical of the marina. Resident Wayne Wright, who is a state official with the Army Corps of Engineers, said regulators are considering new regulations that automatically would ban shelllishing where marinas are built. Currently the waters lapping at Washington Acres are designated for (Condnwd on back page) } ' m ?,..f r: r lli or em ge pe p p tt was appropna since gr p said. "Its not mposible, but it's' should be directed to: David Owens, will be "issue oriented" and hold no One goal is already apparen and going to be uphill." Division of Coastal Management, regular meetings. A unanimous voice' that is to push for Pender unty Page 10 Sounds of Pender East, Thursday, February 27,19$6 m s ea ? -resi ent.s fi ght... (Co from pagelJ deadline for p?c comment. It was Conservancy actually took place clarified the phrase, explaining that open shellfish' suggested that a common letter could after the group discussed the Makai they, will be concerned with "In order to ut a marina in that he signed by everyone, and petitions Harbour project. "government policies that affect the site...it's going t be a difficult process could also be circulated. Howard "Wink" Winkemeier said environment, because we're not in f th to a rmit," Wright (Comes ondence - ro or con - to the ou politics." P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, NC 27611; or to Cecil Madden, Division of Environmental Management, at the same address.) Organization Sets Goals It didnlt take'long for the new organization to find a cause. The first official meeting of PenderWatch & vote confirmed him as the first president of PenderWatch, while Howe and Marge Cassatt were elected vice presidents. Ruth Stache was chosen secretary. Cassatt will handle environmental 'affairs and Howe will be in charge of "environmental. advocacy." ..She zoning. "We plan to beat every gingle Planning Board meeting," Winkemeier said. The group intends to,,meet again next Monday evening, and Howe said they would try to get a speaker to deal with state sanitary or marina regulations. architects plans that show buildings r constructed on top of dry spoils used • as story, backfill. She noted that even the Beach iezonmga proved'4 l2-story, 65-unit steel tower would be built on fill, to raise it to the required level of the 100-year flood plain. pl ] d b k th ber of units b look at lans for North Shore IL, *Andy Jones a retired attorney, noted that deed restrictions may pertain to somejor all of the targeted area,. prohibiting commercial development (the marina) and condominiums, which may not meet the 1,800-square-foot per unit size requirement. *Howe was also concerned about The Onslow County amm?g Board this. month recommended unanimously that nearly 100 acres of West Onslow Beach be rezoned for high-rise development. . A 74-acre tract on both sides of Hwy. 210 was approved for developer Marlow Bostic, who plans to build 370 oceanfront condominiums reaching eight stories and 457 units on the sound side. The proposal had been reviewed and altered many times over the past three' months, and the 'current plan sca a ac a - by more than 400. The site is located between the high-rise bridge and the old Paradise Pier. Planners also approved Sneads Ferry's Charles Padgett's request to rezone nearly 23 acres on both sides of New River Inlet Road. Padgett wants to erect a 13-story, oceanfront hotel with restaurant, an adjacent 172-unit resort, and 75 residential units on the sound. Land planner Dennis Mercer presented both projects to Planning Board members. p Country Club, a 1,000-acre, golf and residential complex proposed to straddle Hwy. 210 on the mainland side of the high-rise bridge. Its principals include Hampstead developer Butch Grubbs, Greenville builder Bobby Dixon and oilman. Roger Page' of Winton-Salem, who is a partner in numerous projects with Bostic. Their plan include 400 single- family lots, including 28 1.5-acre estates, and 140 multi-family lots on a total area of 535 acres. x ter. FINAL SHOT'- Dixon's Britt Canady lets fly last week with a suc- cessful baseline jump shot in the boys' final game. The Lady Bulldogs continued in tournament play - see page 8 for the details. ? • Youe eyes are In other business, they got a first New FM radio station reported for • Topsail Township My Business! t It was reported last week that 3,000-watt broadcast power would others applied for it. ? YOU ? * Survey forms for revising the Topsail Township may have. an FM i i be insufficient to cover Wilmington i He told the Morning Star that he the fall " ed to "be on the air b ho • Pender County CAMA land use se locat on radio station, but its prec or reach Surf C ty. y p , DON T HAVE ? plan are available at the Hampstead was unclear. Jeffrey Southmayd, who operates but the FCC could take up to eight ?o??K? 27avCa -? TO WEAR * ? . Library, Public input is being sought, and The station would be sited at leash 5.2 miles southwest of Topsail Beach, a station in Charleston, S.C., has petitioned theFederal Communica- months before giving regulatory clearance. OPTICIAN , BIFOtr` LC # the forms allow respondents to list according to the Wilmington tion Commission (FCC) to operate Southmayd said the type of ? ? ¦ 1 270 3249 eoauxN • their environmental ahd planning estionnaires must be iorities Q Moming Star, to avoid conflicting h and New Bern with some Ralei the Topsail station. The FCC would have to assign a channel to the area programming is undecided. He estimated it would cost up to pr . u g , • AM VILLAGE 106 11AMPSTEAD ST completed by March 7. FM signals. That would put the and Southmayd would not $200,000 to get the station and 300- MANUFACTURE[) arRndsasW ? where it's station near Scotts Hill necessarily be awarded the license if foot; antenna operating. 1 t;D'PER SIP , oWashington Acres residents also had questions about the existing boat ramp they currently use - the Makai site plan makes no mention of it. Jones asked homeowners to search their deeds to see if a ramp was committed in. writing. If not, he conceded, their convenient ramp might become a victim of development. Howe urged the audience to write regulators and politicians, noting that CAMA has listed a March 7 WE ACCEPT F000 STAMPS & WIC QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED I.VES FOOD FAIR. Prices effective Feb27.MMar. I&2 Hampstead North Carolina Open 7 Days, 8 A.M..-9 P.M. h MK'c.? names MN N 0 Hau s? ?Zcz 0Cd>*? a)4)? C+ a) y?4 N 0 +j P-i -*- -+ .. U) cd 0? U A td Z 0 0?a w a 0 H (d fr" UN3?v; A A a, U 0 W C U oo :> z ?x Cd z 0 °>° v ? ?bCd A? m CO cd ct A gi '-i '= 0 cd - m U x c?(1) c co U N cd S2 U 0 co 0 cd fl -4 W r Cd ?0•' al ' , z . m C,3 -0 C ? 0 Cd4? r, W."wH o4 U 0' o4-4 va 00 Q) W ? ?0cda) cd U 4 'U $4 0 a) 0 b cad N 1? r .w 0 N ? 0 W U rA s? `dUb os, (1) V ?aW ?-0 O cd ? N ? U 0- Q, ? ° cd 4 a?=1 0o C7 C ?. d x o d C, ? 4.1 v U ?ax .c CL yz o ?V, o o A a cd A? ro? 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