HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0025445_Approval Correction_20180727 MAYOR CITY OF RANDLEMAN CITY ADMINISTRATION CLARENCE R.JERNIGAN 204 S Main Street Randleman,NC 27317 ZACHARY L.HEWETT,MBA BOARD OF ALDERMEN (336) 495-7500/Fax: (336)495-7503 City Manager/Finance Director www.cityofrandleman.com GARY B.BETTS,SR., MELODY R.HANCOCK,CMC,NCCMC ' ry Mayor Pro Tempore 0 f City Clerk/Purchasing Coordinator MELISSA BLALOCK RENEE BRYANT KEITH D.FOGLEMANdLti NANCY HENDERSON July 27,2018 R Division of Water Resources AUG 0 2 2018 WQ Permitting Section—NPDES Complex Permitting Resources 1617 Mail Service Center dater R Sect,►on Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 perrn►ttIn9 RE: 2018 Corrective Action Plan; City of Randleman,NC0025445 Enclosed,please fmd the Corrective Action Plan summarizing the actions taken and planned actions in order to achieve compliance with the total lead limits at outfall 001 for the City of Randleman Wastewater Treatment Plant. The plan is being provided in order to meet the NPDES permit requirement of Part I,A.(5.) Schedule of Compliance(Outfall 001). Should the City determine through additional diagnostics or consulting that it requires a modification to the plan,requests will be made to the Division at least ninety(90)day before the deadline,per the permit requirement. Should you have any questions or require additional information,please do not hesitate to contact me at the phone number listed below. Thank you, Garry Michael Glass Operator in Responsible Charge, Operator Certification#1000472 City of Randleman Wastewater Treatment (336)498-2254 • r,1_Y 6 A bis, City of Randleman, NC0025445 Corrective Action Plan for Compliance with Local Lead Limit Permit Effective Date, August 1, 2017 RECEIVED/DENWDWR AUG 022018 1) Background / Requirement Water Resources Permitting Section The City of Randleman received a renewal of NPDES Wastewater Plant discharge permit number NC0025445, effective August 1, 2017. The renewed permit carried new and changed requirements, including a lead limit with a compliance schedule, Part 1, Section A (5), SCHEDULE OF COMPLAINCE (OUTFALL 001). This Corrective Action Plan is being provided to the North Carolina Division of Water Resources in response to item 1 of the compliance schedule: `By August 1, 2018, the permittee shall submit to the Division of Water Resources a Corrective Action Plan summarizing the actions or strategy to be taken to achieve compliance with the local lead limits at outfall 001.Specific dates for completion or implementation of each action shall be included.' 2) 2017-2018 Actions Taken The City of Randleman began testing monthly for lead in August of 2017 as required by the discharge permit. Additionally, the City conducted a series of diagnostic activities, some of which are still ongoing. These actions are summarized in Table 1 on pages 2-5. City of Randleman, NC0025445, CAR Lead Page 1 of 7 TABLE 1: SUMMARY OF ACTIONS TO DATE FOR SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE, LEAD, NC0025445 Action # Action Taken Action Details Summary Results Increased sampling and The City increased the frequency of lead % of Monthly averages exceeding 0.016 mg/L prior trend analysis for Effluent sampling of the effluent and began to August 2017 Renewal = 14% monthly averages. trending monthly averages. Data from January 1, 2012 to present were % of All monthly averages examined exceeding included in the trend analysis. 0.016 mg/L= 15% % of Monthly averages exceeding 0.016 mg/L following August 2017 Renewal = 20% Note: Total numbers of samples for percentage determinations are not equivalent, however, as Appendix Al demonstrates, a potential increase in exceedances is monthly average is possible. II Added influent lead Began random influent lead sampling At this time, no correlation has been found sampling and analysis for and compared with effluent daily flows between any of the parameters included in the Influent and Effluent daily and effluent daily lead concentrations in trend analysis. Please refer to Appendix A2 for the values. order to attempt to determine a data. correlation between lead concentrations observed and day of week, flow concentration, etc. Data from January 1, 2012 to present were included in the trend analysis. 111 Compiled potable water Compiled all available potable water A summary of sites with detectable levels at any Lead data from Lead and lead analyses for NCO276015 from June of time during the 2006 to 2018 timeframe is presented Copper sampling for PWS 2006 to June of 2018. Examined individual in Appendix 31. Appendix B2, which includes NCO276015. values as well and annual averages, comparisons of average values, maximums, maximums, percentage of detectable percentages, etc. indicates a decrease in overall values and total numbers of detectable numbers of detectable lead samples since 2006, values. and a significant decrease in overall percentage of detectable samples in all years post 2006. City of Randleman, NC0025445, CAR Lead Page 2 of 7 The maximum and average concentrations for all years post 2006 are well within the 0.016 mg/L concentration limit for the WWTP effluent,and given that potable water Lead and Copper testing are targeted towards Tier 1 homes, the data do not suggest that the single source of influent and effluent lead values for the WWTP are a result of home plumbing for the City of Randleman. IV Existing Industrial User Industrial monitoring data for both SIUs for All data available for both SlUs indicates non- Permits, effluent limits, and the City of Randleman were reviewed. detectable lead levels for a minimum of 5 years. industrial monitoring During the December 2017 Industrial User Both industrial representatives confirmed that no evaluated. inspections, both industries were lead-based dyes or other process materials interviewed regarding potential lead containing lead were being used.The review of the discharges. All product and process SDSs SDSs corroborated no use of lead containing were reviewed. compounds by either industry. V Targeted manhole grab The WWTP ORC and staff consulted the The results indicated that the lines serving the three sampling and lead map of the City's collections system, and industrial sites and one line serving a domestic only analysis. determined collective outfall locations area had non-detectable lead levels. Four of the for targeted lead sampling. The sampling lines serving only domestic areas had detectable was conducted at 8 sites, 3 of which lead levels, with a high of 0.037 in one location. represent lines carrying discharges from Please refer to Appendix Cl for the collection industrial sites, and 5 carrying discharges system and sampling map, and Appendix C2 for a from domestic only lines. summary of the analytical data. VI Consulted PERCS. Consulted with Deborah Gore and Vivien Ms. Gore consulted with a staff member with PWS Zhong in December of 2017. Included experience, and passed along several graphs and data summaries of lead suggestions, including inquiring about breaks, flow values for reference. levels, and the use of corrosion control in the system. As the City of Randleman purchases water from Triad-Piedmont Water, they have inquired with them regarding corrosion control, and is awaiting an answer. No major line breaks were reported that correlate with lead levels at the WWTP. City of Randleman, NC0025445, CAR Lead Page 3 of 7 Ms. Gore reviewed the recent Headworks analysis, adjusting the lead numbers to include the more recent data, and determined that the plant should not be in non-compliance based on available data, as available data do not exceed theoretical headworks capacity. Additionally, Ms. Gore and Ms. Zhong suggested increasing sample collection to attempt to trend data. This was in progress at the time of the response. Ms. Gore also suggested that slip lining would be an option should it be determined to be aging collections system infrastructure, and recommended continuing the targeted sampling and testing in the CS. VII Conducted full Industrial In early 2018, the required Pretreatment Of all businesses surveyed, only one required the Waste Survey for The City Industrial Waste Survey was conducted completion of a full permit application.This business of Randleman. for all commercial businesses to assess is located on one of the lines that returned a non- potential to impact the POTW and to detect for lead sampling at the manhole. determine if an Industrial User Permit Application would be required. City of Randleman, NC0025445, CAR Lead Page 4 of 7 3) Conclusions to Date: a) There is a clear, identifiable and detectable level of lead at the influent of the Randleman WWTP. This measured level, however is not consistent with non- compliance of effluent based on the Headworks Analysis. It is possible that with increased influent sampling, a more accurate picture of the incoming lead concentrations may be obtained. b) At this time, it appears unlikely that there is an unknown industrial contributor, based on the industrial waste survey, and a general knowledge of the system by City staff. c) Although it appears unlikely that home plumbing would be the source, or more accurately, the main source of lead in the incoming wastewater at the Randleman WWTP plant, it cannot be ruled out completely without further targeted analyses,especially given that the grab targeted manhole lead samples indicated detectable levels only for lines serving domestic areas of the City. d) The City's collections systems infrastructure is 6.6%ductile iron and steel. An aging infrastructure cannot be ruled out as a contributing factor. e) Additional collection systems sampling is required to confirm initial results of lead sampling and further target the potential source areas. 4) Planned Actions and Timelines The City plans to address the issue further by continued diagnostic testing, consulting with qualified staff and contracting resources to effect corrective actions based on the actions and items listed is Table 2. City of Randleman, NC0025445, CAR Lead Page 5 of 7 TABLE 2: SUMMARY OF FURTHER ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN FOR SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE, LEAD, NC0025445 Action Action Item Action Details Timeline Item # Assessment of Corrosion Determine if adequate corrosion control is in Only in the event that corrosion Control for Potable Water place at source (Triad-Piedmont Water System). control or adequate corrosion System Should corrosion control or inadequate corrosion control is not in place at this control be in place at this time, City to identify time, the following timelines appropriate corrosion control and feed points for apply: system. Once identified, City to begin feeding • City to identify corrosion control. appropriate corrosion control and feed points for system by September 30, 2018. • City to begin corrosion control feed by November 30, 2018. II Increase WWTP Influent Increase the number of monthly samples taken Begin August 2018. Continuous Lead Monitoring from the influent at the WWTP in order to better through remainder of permit trend influent lead levels. 3 to 4 samples to be period. taken monthly. III Repeat Collection Systems Duplicate sampling conducted in initial manhole Complete by September 30, Manhole Sampling sampling study using 24-hour composite samples 2018. rather than grab samples. IV Further Conduct Targeted Based on analysis of initial and repeat CS Complete by March 31, 2019. Collection Systems Manhole manhole sampling, conduct additional targeted Sampling manhole sampling to further target the source areas. V Correlate CS Manhole Data Further target source areas by comparing all Complete by April 30, 2019. with Lead and Copper manhole data with Potable Water Lead and Potable Water Data Copper Data. VI Conduct a Request for City to conduct an RFQ for Engineering Firms to Complete by June 30, 2019. Qualifications complete necessary rehabilitation of Collection City of Randleman, NC0025445, CAR Lead Page 6 of 7 Systems as needed. Identify firm for completion of a preliminary engineering report. VII Completion of PER Completion of engineering PER by selected Complete by January 31, 2020 engineering firm. VIII Conduct a Call for Bids City to conduct a call for bids for completion of Complete by April 30,2020 rehabilitation. Identify and contract firm for completion. IX Complete Rehabilitation Complete planned rehabilitation of targeted Complete by January 31, 2022 collection system locations. X Summarize All Monitoring Summarize all monitoring of lead concentrations Complete by July 31, 2022 within CS and at WWTP Influent and Effluent for August 1, 2018 through June 30, 2022. XI Final Report to DWR Complete summary, including compliance data Submit by August 1, 2022 and submit to DWR. NOTE: By August 1 of each year of Corrective Action Plan, a summary of actions completed within the year will be submitted to DWR per Part 1, Section A (5),SCHEDULE OF COMPLAINCE (OUTFALL 001). City of Randleman, NC0025445, CAR Lead Page 7 of 7 May-18 Mar-18 Dec-17 Oct-17 •...--' 4••••• Jul-17 •I Apr-17 N LU Feb-17 D S _1 Q Nov-16 0 Aug-16 W = Jun-16 J a o0 w >, Z Mar-16 W On s D a c J s Jan-16 LL Y 13 w o d51,7 Oct-15 W 2 J (.71 I Jul-15 Q T L LU May-15 Q Feb-15 J = Nov-14 H Z Sep-14 1 0 Jun-14 I— w Apr-14 D � Jan-14 Q LL x LU Oct-13 d C I— co Aug 13 a a May 13 o6 Z 0 Q Feb-13 N ry W J Dec-12 O cc ZQ Jun-12 Sep-12 V < `n v v, N Apr-12 V O 0 tan 12 Z C m ,y Nov-11 E Q Ln o Ln o Ln o in 0 Cl) • 0 m N N 0 0 0 0 -173 CI o O a a a 0 0 0 mC W1/aw ce a ° Q U APPENDIX Al TRENDING OF RANDLEMAN WWTP EFFLUENT LEAD VALUES-AVERAGE VALUES Date Monthly Avg EFF Pb Monthly Max EFF pb Lead Monthly Avg Limit Jan-12 0.015 0.031 Feb-12 0.013 0.015 Mar-12 0.013 0.020 Apr-12 0.012 0.013 May-12 0.012 0.019 Jun-12 0.008 0.009 Jul-12 0.009 0.017 Aug-12 0.006 0.006 Sep-12 0.006 0.009 Oct-12 0.013 0.018 Nov-12 0.014 0.017 1 Dec-12 0.019 0.030 Jan-13 0.019 0.028 Feb-13 0.028 0.033 Mar-13 0.012 0.017 Apr-13 0.012 0.013 Jul-13 0.003 0.003 Oct-13 0.003 0.003 Jan-14 0.003 0.003 Apr-14 0.006 0.006 Jul-14 0.003 0.003 Oct-14 0.003 0.003 Jan-15 0.007 0.007 Apr-15 0.003 0.003 Jul-15 0.003 0.003 Oct-15 0.006 0.006 Jan-16 0.009 0.009 Feb-16 0.007 0.007 Mar-16 0.006 0.006 Apr-16 0.013 0.013 May-16 0.012 0.012 Jun-16 0.005 0.005 Jul-16 0.003 0.003 Aug-16 0.005 0.005 Sep-16 0.003 0.003 Oct-16 0.003 0.003 Nov-16 0.003 0.003 Dec-16 0.005 0.005 Jan-17 0.023 0.023 Feb-17 0.033 0.033 Apr-17 0.006 0.006 Jun-17 0.005 0.005 Jul-17 0.018 0.018 City of Randleman, NC0025445, CAR Lead 2018 Appendix Al Data s TRENDING OF RANDLEMAN WWTP EFFLUENT LEAD VALUES-AVERAGE VALUES Aug-17 0.003 0.003 0.016 Sep-17 1 0.041 0.016 Oct-17 0.010 0.010 0.016 Nov-17 0.011 0.011 0.016 Dec-17 0.015 0.030 0.016 Jan-18 0.008 0.025 0.016 Feb-18 0.004 0.014 0.016 Mar-18 G 01; 0.024 0.016 Apr-18 0.014 0.014 0.016 May-18 0.016 0.019 0.016 City of Randleman, NC0025445, CAR Lead 2018 Appendix Al Data or APPENDIX A2 RANDLEMAN INFLUENT AND EFFLUENT LEAD CONCENTRATION TRENDING 0.450 2.000 0.400 _ _ 1.800 • I 1.600 0.350 —0—Effluent Lead,mg/L --t— Lead, • 1.4001.200 O � 0.300 —Lead Daily Max Limit 0.250 • --WWTPInfluent Flows,Secondary mg/L Axis IE • I 0.200 ? l 1.000 \14\I 0.800 0.150 0.600 S 0.100 I 0.400 • 0.050 0.200 illi illi A / 0.000sit .11 Al. _ 0.000 F+ A N A N W z, W W N CO N 00 \ N \ N \ N H F+ W N WW N W Q1 -+ 1-+ W V 0o N \ 1.n 0o N City of Randleman, NC0025445, CAR Lead 2018 Appendix A2 APPENDIX A2 TRENDING OF RANDLEMAN WWTP INFLUENT AND EFFLUENT LEAD VALUES - INDIVIDUAL VALUES EFFLUENT INFLUENT Date Day of Week WWTP Flows,Secondary Axis Eff Pb Lead Daily Max Limit Date Day of Week WWTP Flows Inf Pb 1/4/12 Wednesday 0.905 0.031 0.381 1/11/12 Wednesday 1.058 0.069 1/12/12 Thursday 1.051 0.010 0.381 4/11/12 Wednesday 0.854 0.060 1/19/12 Thursday 0.928 0.011 0.381 7/18/12 Wednesday 0.911 0.012 1/25/12 Wednesday 0.964 0.008 0.381 10/17/12 Wednesday 1.002 0.098 2/1/12 Wednesday 0.965 0.010 0.381 1/23/13 Wednesday 1.072 0.071 2/8/12 Wednesday 0.863 0.014 0.381 4/17/13 Wednesday 0.970 0.060 2/15/12 Wednesday 0.867 0.015 0.381 7/17/13 Wednesday 1.129 0.018 2/22/12 Wednesday 1.041 0.014 0.381 10/16/13 Wednesday 0.876 0.003 2/29/12 Wednesday 1.020 0.013 0.381 1/14/14 Tuesday 1.154 0.006 3/8/12 Thursday 1.140 0.012 0.381 4/16/14 Wednesday 1.250 0.013 3/14/12 Wednesday 0.967 0.020 0.381 7/16/14 Wednesday 1.030 0.025 3/21/12 Wednesday 1.212 0.012 0.381 10/22/14 Wednesday 0.883 0.003 3/28/12 Wednesday 1.069 0.009 0.381 1/14/15 Wednesday 1.164 0.017 4/4/12 Wednesday 1.137 0.012 0.381 4/15/15 Wednesday 1.501 0.007 4/12/12 Thursday 0.938 0.012 0.381 7/23/15 Thursday 1.011 0.037 4/18/12 Wednesday 1.010 0.013 0.381 10/15/15 Thursday 0.831 0.005 4/25/12 Wednesday 1.035 0.009 0.381 1/21/16 Thursday 0.882 0.017 5/3/12 Thursday 1.006 0.019 0.381 2/22/16 Monday 1.470 0.012 5/9/12 Wednesday 1.626 0.011 0.381 3/9/16 Wednesday 1.026 0.003 5/16/12 Wednesday 1.339 0.008 0.381 4/13/16 Wednesday 1.017 0.021 5/23/12 Wednesday 1.110 0.008 0.381 5/11/16 Wednesday 0.868 0.009 6/6/12 Wednesday 1.344 0.007 0.381 6/15/16 Wednesday 0.818 0.006 6/13/12 Wednesday 1.023 0.008 0.381 7/6/16 Wednesday 0.347 0.012 6/20/12 Wednesday 0.957 0.009 0.381 8/17/16 Wednesday 0.783 0.012 6/27/12 Wednesday 0.867 0.009 0.381 9/14/16 Wednesday 0.681 0.003 7/5/12 Thursday 0.336 0.017 0.381 10/12/16 Wednesday 0.851 0.016 7/11/12 Wednesday 1.113 0.009 0.381 11/9/16 Wednesday 0.858 0.003 7/19/12 Thursday 0.783 0.006 0.381 12/7/16 Wednesday 0.872 0.003 7/26/12 Thursday 0.773 0.005 0.381 1/11/17 Wednesday 0.894 0.016 8/1/12 Wednesday 0.950 0.005 0.381 2/16/17 Thursday 0.844 0.040 8/8/12 Wednesday 1.031 0.006 0.381 4/12/17 Wednesday 0.849 0.003 8/15/12 Wednesday 1.091 0.005 0.381 6/15/17 Thursday 0.885 0.006 City of Randleman, NC0025445,CAR Lead 2018 Appendix A2 Data EFFLUENT INFLUENT Date Day of Week WWTP Flows,Secondary Axis Eff Pb Lead Daily Max Limit Date Day of Week WWTP Flows Inf Pb 8/22/12 Wednesday 1.107 0.006 0.381 7/12/17_ Wednesday 0.752 0.016 8/29/12 Wednesday 1.162 0.006 0.381 8/14/17 Monday 0.779 0.003 9/5/12 Wednesday 1.119 0.006 0.381 9/5/17 Tuesday 0.941 0.013 9/12/12 Wednesday 1.133 0.003 0.381 10/11/17 Wednesday 0.798 0.006 9/19/12 Wednesday 1.109 0.009 0.381 11/6/17 Monday 0.871 0.018 9/26/12 Wednesday 1.000 0.005 0.381 12/4/17 Monday 0.672 0.075 10/3/12 Wednesday 1.124 0.007 0.381 1/17/2018 Wednesday 0.554 0.018 10/10/12 Wednesday 1.084 0.008 0.381 2/12/2018 Monday 0.938 0.000 10/18/12 Thursday 0.893 0.008 0.381 3/12/2018 Monday 1.406 0.015 10/24/12 Wednesday 1.008 0.017 0.381 4/11/2018 Wednesday 0.893 0.015 10/31/12 Wednesday 1.034 0.018 0.381 Influent Avg Pb Conc. 0.021 11/7/12 Wednesday 1.002 0.014 0.381 Influent Avg 2017-present 0.017 11/14/12 Wednesday 0.926 0.014 0.381 11/20/12 Tuesday 0.958 0.011 0.381 11/28/12 Wednesday 0.990 0.017 0.381 12/5/12 Wednesday 1.005 0.014 0.381 12/12/12 Wednesday 1.012 0.018 0.381 12/19/12 Wednesday 0.951 0.012 0.381 12/27/12 Thursday 0.619 0.030 0.381 1/3/13 Thursday 0.396 0.013 0.381 1/10/13 Thursday 1.007 0.013 0.381 1/15/13 Tuesday 1.246 0.024 0.381 1/24/13 Thursday 1.085 0.016 0.381 1/29/13 Tuesday 1.081 0.028 0.381 2/6/13 Wednesday 1.053 0.027 0.381 2/12/13 Tuesday 1.106 0.033 0.381 2/19/13 Tuesday 1.231 0.029 0.381 2/26/13 Tuesday 1.698 0.022 0.381 3/5/13 Tuesday 1.129 0.017 0.381 3/14/13 Thursday 1.090 0.012 0.381 3/20/13 Wednesday 0.999 0.008 0.381 3/27/13 Wednesday 1.029 0.012 0.381 4/3/13 Wednesday 0.921 0.012 0.381 4/10/13 Wednesday 1.122 0.012 0.381 4/18/13 Thursday 0.930 0.013 0.381 City of Randleman, NC0025445, CAR Lead 2018 Appendix A2 Data EFFLUENT INFLUENT Date Day of Week WWTP Flows,Secondary Axis Eff Pb Lead Daily Max Limit Date Day of Week WWTP Flows Inf Pb 4/24/13 Wednesday 1.005 0.009 0.381 7/18/13 Thursday 0.892 0.003 0.381 10/17/13 Thursday 0.884 0.003 0.381 1/15/14 Wednesday 1.107 0.003 0.381 4/17/14 Thursday 0.836 0.006 0.381 7/17/14 Thursday 0.918 0.003 0.381 10/23/14 Thursday 0.872 0.003 0.381 1/15/15 Thursday 1.069 0.007 0.381 4/16/15 Thursday 1.792 0.003 0.381 7/24/15 Friday 1.032 0.003 0.381 10/16/15 Friday 0.951 0.006 0.381 1/22/16 Friday 0.536 0.009 0.381 2/23/16 Tuesday 1.827 0.007 0.381 3/10/16 Thursday 1.013 0.006 0.381 4/14/16 Thursday 0.926 0.013 0.381 5/12/16 Thursday 0.937 0.012 0.381 6/16/16 Thursday 0.837 0.005 0.381 7/7/16 Thursday 0.354 0.003 0.381 8/18/16 Thursday 0.767 0.005 0.381 9/15/16 Thursday 0.678 0.003 0.381 10/13/16 Thursday 0.826 0.003 0.381 11/10/16 Thursday 0.754 0.003 0.381 12/8/16 Thursday 0.759 0.005 0.381 1/12/17 Thursday 0.741 0.023 0.381 2/17/17 Friday 0.856 0.033 0.381 4/13/17 Thursday 0.579 0.006 0.381 6/16/17 Friday 0.857 0.005 0.381 7/13/17 Thursday 0.853 0.018 0.381 8/14/17 Monday 0.779 0.003 0.381 9/5/17 Tuesday 0.941 0.041 0.381 9/20/17 Wednesday 0.737 0.006 0.381 9/21/17 Thursday 0.762 0.005 0.381 9/25/17 Monday 0.736 0.024 0.381 10/12/17 Thursday 0.878 0.010 0.381 11/6/17 Monday 0.871 0.011 0.381 City of Randleman, NC0025445,CAR Lead 2018 Appendix A2 Data EFFLUENT INFLUENT Date Day of Week WWTP Flows,Secondary Axis Eff Pb Lead Daily Max Limit Date Day of Week WWTP Flows Inf Pb 12/4/17 Monday 0.672 0.030 0.381 12/18/17 Monday 0.838 0.009 0.381 12/21/2017 Thursday 0.472 0.008 0.381 12/27/2017 Wednesday 0.317 0.011 0.381 12/28/17 Thursday 0.332 0.011 0.381 12/29/2017 Friday 0.358 0.022 0.381 1/8/2018 Monday 0.817 0 0.381 1/10/2018 Wednesday 0.902 0 0.381 1/11/2018 Thursday 0.916 0.006 0.381 1/16/2018 Tuesday 0.909 0.022 0.381 1/18/2018 Thursday 0.567 0.025 0.381 1/22/2018 Monday 0.963 0.008 0.381 1/24/2018 Wednesday 0.912 0 0.381 1/25/2018 Thursday 0.881 0 0.381 2/5/2018 Monday 1.014 0.011 0.381 2/7/2018 Wednesday 1.369 0.014 0.381 2/12/2018 Monday 0.938 0 0.381 2/14/2018 Wednesday 0.895 0 0.381 2/15/2018 Thursday 0.895 0.007 0.381 2/19/2018 Monday 0.882 0 0.381 2/21/2018 Wednesday 0.848 0 0.381 2/22/2018 Thursday 0.822 0 0.381 2/26/2018 Monday 0.761 0 0.381 I 2/27/2018 Tuesday 0.726 0 0.381 2/28/2018 Wednesday 0.880 0.012 0.381 3/12/2018 Monday 1.406 0.015 0.381 3/15/2018 Thursday 0.942 0.019 0.381 3/16/2018 Friday 0.823 0.019 0.381 3/19/2018 Monday 1.084 0.024 0.381 3/26/2018 Monday 0.932 0.01 0.381 3/28/2018 Wednesday 0.893 0.017 0.381 3/29/2018 Thursday 0.773 0.011 0.381 4/12/2018 Thursday 0.861 0.014 0.381 5/11/2018 Friday 0.647 0.012 0.381 5/16/2018 Wednesday 0.879 0.015 0.381 City of Randleman, NC0025445, CAR Lead 2018 Appendix A2 Data EFFLUENT INFLUENT Date Day of Week WWTP Flows,Secondary Axis Eff Pb Lead Daily Max Limit Date Day of Week WWTP Flows Inf Pb 5/18/2018 Friday 1.004 0.019 0.381 5/21/2018 Monday 0.845 0.019 0.381 City of Randleman, NC0025445,CAR Lead 2018 Appendix A2 Data APPENDIX B1 SUMMARY OF LEAD POTABLE WATER SITES WITH HITS, RANDLEMAN NCO276015 June 2006 to June 2018 Water System Detail Information Water System No.: NCO276015 Federal Type: C Water System Name: RANDLEMAN,CITY OF Federal Source: SWP Principal County Served: RANDOLPH System Status: A Principal City Served: RANDLEMAN Activity Date: 6/1/1977 PB Sample Results Location TIER Date Result L07 419 WORTH ST 1 06/09/06 0.006 11/29/06 ND 06/12/07 ND 12/04/07 ND 05/28/08 ND 11/22/11 ND 01/05/12 ND 06/04/15 ND L10 300 FOX ST 1 06/27/06 0.005 12/06/06 ND 06/12/07 ND 12/05/07 ND 02/08/11 ND 07/18/11 ND 01/06/12 ND L11 111 MAGNOLIA ST 1 06/27/06 0.006 11/30/06 ND 06/12/07 ND 12/04/07 ND 06/04/08 ND 02/01/11 ND 07/20/11 ND 01/06/12 ND L18 106 MAGNOLIA ST 3 06/14/06 ND 12/06/06 ND 06/19/07,ND 12/02/07 ND 06/03/08 0.004 02/02/11 ND 07/18/11 ND 01/04/12 ND L24 916 E.NAOMI ST. 1 11/29/06 0.007 06/18/07 0.004 12/02/07 ND 05/28/08 ND 02/02/11 ND 07/15/11 ND 01/04/12 ND 06/05/15 ND City of Randleman,NC0025445,CAR Lead 2018 Appendix B1 1 of 3 PB Sample Results Location TIER Date Result L27 4599 BOWMAN AVE 1 06/26/06 0.012 12/05/06 0.01 06/18/07 ND 12/04/07 ND 02/02/11 ND 07/18/11 ND 01/09/12 ND 06/04/15 ND L28 107 W RIVER DR 1 06/13/06 ND 11/29/06 0.006 06/12/07 ND 12/03/07 ND 06/03/08 ND 02/02/11 ND 07/15/11 0.003 01/05/12 ND L29 441 LAMB ST 1 06/14/06 ND 11/29/06 0.009 06/13/07 0.004 12/07/07 0.01 L30 204 FOX ST 3 06/26/06 0.015 11/29/06 ND 06/12/07 ND 12/05/07 ND 02/09/11 ND 07/15/11 ND 01/04/12 ND L31 516 E NAOMI ST 1 06/14/06 0.005 L32 107 MAGNOLIA ST 3 06/13/06 0.003 11/29/06 0.007 06/12/07 ND 12/03/07 ND 06/03/08 ND 02/02/11 ND 07/15/11 ND 01/04/12 ND 06/04/15 ND 06/04/15 ND L33 900 NAOMI ST 1 06/27/06 ND 12/06/06 ND 06/04/15 0.012 06/04/15 0.008 L35 730 WORTHVILLE RD 1 06/13/06 0.005 12/06/06 ND 06/18/07 ND 12/01/07 ND 05/28/08 ND 02/09/11 ND 07/15/11 ND City of Randleman,NC0025445,CAR Lead 2018 Appendix B1 2 of 3 t PB Sample Results Location TIER Date Result L37 208 CHURCH ST 3 06/14/06 0.006 11/29/06 ND 06/18/07 ND 12/02/07 0.006 05/28/08 ND 02/02/11 ND 07/15/11 ND 01/04/12 ND 06/04/15 ND L39 114 NEAL ST 3 06/14/06 0.007 11/29/06 ND 06/12/07 ND 12/02/07 ND 05/28/08 ND 02/02/11 ND 07/19/11 ND 01/04/12 ND 06/04/15 ND L40 110 NEAL ST 3 06/14/06 ND 11/29/06 ND 06/12/07 ND 12/03/07 0.012 05/28/08 ND 02/02/11 ND 07/15/11 ND 01/05/12 ND L43 222 CHURCH ST 3 06/14/06 ND 11/29/06 ND 06/25/07 ND 12/01/07 0.004 05/28/08 ND 02/02/11 ND 07/18/11 ND 01/05/12 ND L46 417 HILLCREST 3 06/14/06 0.005 12/06/06 ND 06/12/07 ND 12/03/07 ND 05/28/08 ND 11/21/11 0.005 01/06/12 ND L50 600 SOUTH MAIN STREET,PUGH FUNERAL HOME 1 06/12/18 0.013 L51 LAB SEWER PLANT APPLEWOOD ROAD 1 02/07/11 ND 01/04/12 0.004 City of Randleman,NC0025445,CAR Lead 2018 Appendix B1 3 of 3 APPENDIX B2 SUMMARY OF LEAD POTABLE WATER HITS BY YEAR, RANDLEMAN NCO276015 Water System Detail Information Water System No.: NCO276015 Federal Type: C Water System Name: RANDLEMAN, CITY OF Federal Source: SWP Principal County Served: RANDOLPH System Status: A Principal City Served: RANDLEMAN Activity Date: 6/1/1977 2006 2007 2008 2011 2012 2015 2018 MAX HIT, mg/L 0.015 0.012 0.004 0.005 0.004 0.012 0.013 AVERAGE OF HITS, mg/L 0.007 0.007 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.010 0.013 PERCENT OF HITS/TESTING YEAR 20% 7% 3% 2% 3% 10% 5% TOTAL#HITS/YEAR 17 6 1 2 1 2 1 City of Randleman, NC0025445, CAR Lead 2018 Appendix B2 I, Thomas; csva,Pts certify mot mn mop o' the G,ty Appendix Cl of Randleman.North Codloa 0 10 the best of my knowledge and belief,o true Gel accurate mop of said ' Town os of July 1, 22015 ,,fr::enal Lmd Surveyor r' } C ( ie I. > 7 cy/ 1 1 �� I I iJ L.. ....) P .. \\ .. , , , ,, A. d1 • • ` , 11,II .. . ..... I \ • \ '' _— ! I \ !, _ x, x. j \ ; /'� t_, i ; ( Jam` �A / i' i �''/' 1 I •�� I { t, "i" Q 1 N, / `• Imo_ -_ t „.,..z. ---„,,,./4„,„ �, ,� ic; e ,_ !— I • S j _. j I is I�. �1— ....._ _..., J ;y. °— ,, ii b. ' r �' — Y ' , I II t 0 /L t />J I • t ics-s.---1 I j t LEGEND \ } S'It System t _� ','N0,aanakmen I .001 System aft Stations• manhole sampling locations X CITY OF RANDLEMAN GRAPHIC SCALE RANDOLPI- COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA -- --- '�mrn I APPENDIX C2 SUMMARY OF MANHOLE LEAD GRAB SAMPLES, RANDLEMAN 11/20/17 Does Line Serve Manhole# Street Industrial Site? Lead, mg/L 2 Hillcrest NO 0.007 3 Lamb NO ND 4 Church NO 0.025 5 Magnolia NO 0.031 7 West River Dr NO 0.037 8 Line serving Alumiworks YES ND 9 Line serving Deep River Dying YES ND 10 Line serving Commonwealth Hosiery YES ND MAX DETECT* 0.037 AVG OF DETECTS* 0.025 ND = <0.005 mg/L * For reference, WWTP Influent values for samples taken around the same time as the manhole sampling, mg/L 11/6/17 0.018 12/4/17 0.075 City of Randleman, NC0025445, CAR Lead, 2018