HomeMy WebLinkAbout19860160 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19860101c \. IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON.DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 March 4, 1987 RECEIVED SUBJECT: File No. SAWC087-N-027-0152 MAR 0 9 1987 Mr. George G. Joyner III, and Ms. Linda E. Joyner 327 Dinwiddle Street Portsmouth, Virginia 23704 Dear Mr. and Ms. Joyner: WATER QUALITY SECTION OPERATIONS BRANCH Reference your application for a Department of the Army permit to construct and backfill a bulkhead and construct a pier on Albemarle Sound, Point Harbour, Currituck County, North Carolina. Your proposal has been reviewed and found to be consistent with the provisions and objectives of general permit No. SAWC080- N-000-0291. Therefore, you may commence construction activity in strict accordance with applicable State authorization and the enclosed plan. Failure to comply with the State authorization or conditions of the general permit could result in a violation of Federal law. If any change in your work is required because of unforeseen or altered conditions or for any other reason, plans revised to show the change must be sent promptly to this office and the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management prior to performing any such change or alteration. Such action is necessary as revised plans must be reviewed and the authorization modified. Questions or comments may be addressed to Ms. Alison Arnold, telephone (919) 343-4634. . Sincerely, Charles W. Hollis Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosure -2- .A* Copies Furnished with enclosure: Director, Atlantic Marine Center National Ocean Service ATTN: MOA 232X1 439 West York Street Norfolk, Virginia 23510-1114 Mr. William Mills Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. William L. Kruczynski, Chief Wetlands Section Region IV Marine and Estuarine Branch U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 345 Courtland Street Atlanta, Georgia 30365 Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Ms. L. K. (Mike) Gantt U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Post Office Box 25039 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5039 Mr. Randy Cheek National Marine Fisheries Service Habitat Conservation Service Pivers Island Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 Mr. Charles Jones Morehead City Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Post Office Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Ms. LuAnn Bryan Elizabeth City Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management 108 South Water Street Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909 1 t J } 04?1 . imp. i E:l ttL A Q l?? ?? ll 114 66cil4 rU0 ?lJ? 94 ! v G 2•s' cc44 cX ? nri 61C Aa-Or A4 C ,, '115v-- f h A ar jxcn +n?E? ?txpu( 2.S cc,e - -- cl-o ZP??M ?wu.r?. 1-b•?a2a+n?_ ..40000 1 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402.1890 January 29, 1987 00 IN REPLY REFER. TO =_gulatory Branch SUBJECT: File No. SAWC087-N-027-0152 Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Parker: 7 T n / k t Reference the application of Mr. George G. Joyner III, and Ms. Linda E. Joyner for a Department of the Army permit to construct and backfill a bulkhead and construct a pier on Albemarle Sound, Point Harbour, Currituck County, North Carolina. The Federal agencies have completed review of the proposal as presented by the application and your field investigation report. We recommend that the following conditions be included in the State authorization: a. The bulkhead will be positioned in strict accordance with permit plans. It will not be constructed farther waterward than 2 feet from the deteriorated bulkhead alignment. b. All backfill materials will be obtained from an upland source and confined landward of the permitted bulkhead. c. The fill material will be clean and free of any pollutants except in trace quantities. Metal products, organic materials, or unsightly debris will not be used. d. The activity will be conducted in such a manner as to prevent a significant increase in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction-related discharge. Increases such that the turbidity in the waterbody is 50 NTU's or less are not considered significant. w e. The permittee will maintain the authorized work in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. The permittee is not relieved of this requirement if he abandons the permitted activity without transferring it to a third party. f. The authorized structure and associated activity will not cause an unacceptable interference with navigation. Questions or comments may be addressed to Ms. Alison Arnold, telephone (919) 343-4634. Sincerely, Charles W. Hollis Chief, Regulatory Branch Copies Furnished: Mr. William Mills Mr. Randy Cheek Water Quality Section National Marine Fisheries Division of Environmental Service, NOAA V Management Pivers Island North Carolina Department of Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 Natural Resources and Community Development Mr. William L. Kruczynski, Chief Post Office Box 27687 Wetlands Section Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Region IV Marine and Estuarine Branch Mr. Charles Jones U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Morehead City Regional Office 345 Courtland Street North Carolina Division of Atlanta, Georgia 30365 Coastal Management Post Office Box 769 Ms. LuAnn Bryan t Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Elizabeth City Regional Office North Carolina Division of. Ms. L. K. (Mike) Gantt Coastal Management U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 108 South Water Street Post Office Box 25039 Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5039 IN REPLY REFER TO DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402.1890 December 29, 1986 Regulatory Branch SUBJECT: File No. SAWC087-N-027-00152 Mr. George G. Joyner, III, and Ms. Linda E. Joyner 327 Dinwiddie Street Portsmouth, Virginia 23704 Dear Mr. and Ms. Joyner: On February 6, 1986, we renewed general permit No. SAWC080-N- 000-0291 (enclosed), which provides Federal authorization for construction activities that receive authorization from the State of North Carolina. A review of your application received December 19, 1986, for a Department of the Army permit to construct and backfill a bulkhead and construct a pier on Albemarle Sound, Point Harbour, Currituck County, North Carolina, indicates it to be a candidate for Federal authorization under this general permit. Accordingly, the administrative processing of your application will be accomplished by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management. Comments from Federal review agencies will be furnished to the State. If your application must be withdrawn from this general permit process for any reason, you will be written and informed of its further management. If there are no unresolved differences of State-Federal positions or policy, the final action taken on your application by the State will result in your receiving written notice from us that your application has been successfully processed under our general permit. Only after receiving such confirmation should you begin work. Your application, pursuant to Section 10 of the River and Harbor Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, has been assigned No. SAWC087-N-027-0152 and will be coordinated by Ms. Alison Arnold. She is available to address questions or comments you may have at telephone (919) 343-4634. Sincerely, Charles W. Hollis Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosure -2- Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. William Mills Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. Charles Jones Morehead City Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Post Office Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Ms. L. K. (Mike) Gantt U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Post Office Box 25039 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5039 Mr. Randy Cheek National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA Pivers Island Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 Mr. William L. Kruczynski, Chief Wetlands Section Marine and Estuarine Branch Region IV U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 345 Courtland Street Atlanta, Georgia 30365 Ms. LuAnn Bryan Elizabeth City Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management 108 South Water Street Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909 p++',;: sing °•, e 11 L. j V 2`. State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Coastal Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleil;h, North Carolina 27611 lames G. Martin, Governor S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary December 18, 1986 David W. ()wens Director Mr. Ste en G. Conrad, Director Divi. 'on of Land ours JAN 2 198T Ra eigh, North Carolina L767] WASTAL RE C'U- lcuES COP.{?t Dear Mr. Conrad: The attached copy of an application submitted by': GEORGE G. JOY_NE_ R,_II I App_licant's Name Point Harbor, Albemarle Sound _ Cur_rituck_ Location of Project County X for a State permit to perform excavation and/or fill work in coastal North Carolina and for a CAMA major development permit... for a CAMA major development permit (only) ... ... is being circulated to State and Federal agencies having jurisdiction over the subject matter which might be affected by the project. Please indicate on the reverse side of this form your viewpoint on the proposed work and return it to me not later than Sincerely, / -a? h R. Parker, Jr., Chief Major Permits Processing Section JRP:ap:2480 P.O. Box 27(,87, Paleigh, North Carolina 276H 7087 telephone 9110 733 2293 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION Comments concerning an app?ication.fo`r State federal CAMA Perm t ) from ? A. PERMIT: This office cannot comment on this project until after the close of the Section 401 Certification Public Comments Period. Al-i's office has no objection to the issuance of the permit(s) for the proposed project with the following conditions: That the activity be conducted in such a manner as to prevent significant increases in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction- related discharge (increases of 25 NTU's or less are not considered significant). That the instream turbidity not be increased by more than 50 NTU's as a result of the proposed activity after a reasonable opportunity for dilu- tion and mixture. That turbidity levels in shall by more than 10 NTU's as a result of the proposed activity able opportunity for dilution and mixture. B. CERTIFICATION STATUS: Certification is not required for this project. Certification is required for this project. Such action to process the certification has been initiated. Proposed Certification will be acted on or after _ The proposed project is certified under General Certification A) No. 1179 issued on January 25, 1977, for sewer line construction No. 1272 issued on November 10, 1978, for bulkhead construction. C) No. 1273 issued on November 10, 1978, for discharges of liquid effluent from diked upland disposal not be increased after a reason- D) No. 1431 issued on October 16, 1980, for boat ramp construction. E) No. 1664 issued on September 8, 1983, for Rip-Rap Placement. F) No. 1665 issued on September 19, 1983, for incidental bridge construction. areas. r, WATER QUALITY SECTION DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT NK DATA :ij it i ACTION ADD FILE I DFCONA4 . 0i ! ..... . DATE 12 NE /29/0.'? Acfl= - ADD, ENTER r. ADDED IS 00165 O ?:1 i:?: COUNTY: . . :71:° ASSIGNED . : iii i 1 CERTIFICA TION 404 PN: 401 REO: I t ' CAMA ONLY: GC: BULKH EADF ., : ,..:: t.:,ti A. 7 i:C H OLD: . RECEIVING STREAM: r••i t 1:{ 1:: i~t Aht i i:: SOUND CLASS: S B FINAL REPORT: B ) ... . ... . ASIN: PAS COMMENTS: ECTE LOCATED ON S R i163 AT POINT HARB0!:,.. PROPOSAi TO CONST RUCT 144 k F OP WOODEN BUnKHEAO 'r ? ""...l .,.. •t.. ? !- .. Vii; p.j p,: i j t'`1I,t ?'' .: 7 .. ,:: ? L.."I" t ,. , .. L_ ?.: i . r {:., rv.t Q ?' r c® Fc qST ej IRS MEMORANDUM: TO: BILL MOORE FROM: LuAnn Bryan SUBJECT: Application for CAMA Major Permit and/or Dredge and Fill Permit DATE: December 18, 1986 Attached is an application by GEORGE G. JOYNER, III which was received by me on 12/9/86 I am considering this application complete, have acknowledged receipt, and have begun processing. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. .x .Ir unnnun?u•_ TO: BILL MOORE FROM: LuAnn Bryan SUBJECT: Application for CAMA Major Permit and/or Dredge and Fill Permit DATE: December 18, 1986 Az- ?w ?n O??c?uti? Attached is an application by GFO RGE G. JOYNER, III which was received by me on 12/9/86 I am considering this application complete, have acknowledged receipt, and have begun processing. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. OFFTCE OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FTFLO INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. Applicant's name GEORGE G. JOYNER, III 2. Location of project site Currituck County, S.K. 1163, Point Harbor, Albemarle Sound Photo ref_# 127-711 S-8 3. Investigation type: Dredge & Fill X CAMA X 4. Investigative procedure: (A) Dates of site visit 11/6/86 12/4/86 (R) Was applicant present no no .5. Processing procedure: Application received 12/g/86 Office Elizabeth CitY 6. Site description: (A) Local Land Use Plan Currituck County Land classification from LUP rural Development constraints identified in LUP none..applicable (R) AEC(s) involved: Ocean Hazard Estuarine shoreline_ X Coastal wetlandn Public trust waters F.stunrine waters ?i Other (c) Water dependent: Yea_ X No Other (h) Intended use: Public Private X Commercial (I.) Type or waste water treatment: Existing septic tank PInnned (E) Typo or structures: Existing single family residence (delapidated bulkhead) Planned new bulkhead and pier (G) Estimated annual rate or erosion Source 7. 11ahitnt description: AREA (A) Vegetated wetlands: Dredged FiIIvol Other (R) Non-vegetated wtlnnds: Sound bottom(bulkhead) 288 sq. ft. (348 sq. ft.) Sound bottom pier footprint eroded pocket (was highground) 450 sa. ft. (C) Other: (D) Total area disturbed: 1086 square feet. S. Project rt ?mary The applicant proposes to construct a bulkhead at his property located on S.R. 1163, in Point Harbor in Currituck County on the Albemar.le Sound. GEORGE G. JOYNER, III BIO REPORT PAGE 2 SITE DESCRIPTION: The applicant's property is located in Currituck County in Point Harbor on Griggs Landing Road (S.R. 1163) on the Albemarle Sound. The property has an existing single family residence and is vegetated with lawn grasses. The lot is approximately 5' above NWL and has a sandy loam soil. Some years ago, the shoreline was stabilized with a 144' long bulkhead. The existing bulkhead was partially destroyed during the storm which occurred this summer, creating one eroded pocket, approximately 15' wide X 30' long and -.5' in depth. The applicant proposes to construct a new bulkhead out approximately 2' from the existing bulkhead. This will result in the filling of the eroded pocket, result- ing in approximately 54 cubic yards of fill material being required. Additionally, the applicant proposes to construct a pier, approximately 30' from the northern property line. The proposed pier will be 34' long X 6' wide with a 24' X 6' "T" head at the end. The water depth at the waterward end of the proposed pier is approximately -2'. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS: The project as proposed will result in approximately being filled, resulting in 54 cubic yards..of fill, with 21 The project as proposed will result in increased levels of effects should be short termed and localized. 738 square feet of area. of these being below NWL. turbidity, however, these Submitted by: LuAnn Bryan Date: December 18, 1986 ' ?RECEiV APPLICATION MR AflV'117'?6 i rrC1,1,,t TOf X AVAIf. Ae,:r,-rllt rll•) OCM t? I WATf.R 0IIA1 I1It t I R 111 I( ArInN ?----__-_--? CAST MUNT IN 1_ANnr, C.nvf t1.t n rfv WATCR CAMA PCITMIT 17011 MAJOR nrvrl.nrMr:NT br"PsMo ont of /l rlaalnl?fratlnn ?fafr r+r N-,fl, r.arnllna rl•rart rnrnt of hr (f.t tti.t?l h.rart^ r.r re. Nahiral RobtoUrrlt rand Coma l,"lly n#-vrlnrfn0nf t nrr.4.nf f.n .r. w ten Mttr (r.: i t r ; • r 14.1 71 q. 1(s)(1), 143.213.3(c), 113A•11R (1I Cr P. 2n?, i>1?o) p?t. Plnaotv type or print and fill in Al hlankc. If inrn?m,rf inn it not applicable, a1 indicate by plarinp N/A in hlank14* Applicant Information , A. Name ra 62: 1(2 IQ 19114 ZIA dV n Correll, P. n, nox or Rr ffr City or I nwn State , i ill, (;.,de. Phnnr It. Location of P?o nerd P jr. orl- / A. County U City, town, commlfnity or lindrn.irl, PT. t? 2. It prnpntrd work within rily Iin,ilc7 Yr: Nn C. Creek, river, eonnd or hay urnn %vhir h rrniect it located or nr.arrct named hnrdy of water in rrnject III, bt tcrl Linn of P?n ert I 1 J 11 'p uU< C?J 0"C; J5AYYl& r j S r - Lti A. 1, Mainlrnance of exitlinr• prniert ?. New work n. Purpnce or rxcavatinn or fill 1. Ac-m% channel frnpth width derth ?, 11nat hatln ___.,.•Irnpfh wldrh rlrp?h ;I, rfl?,1?r?_ Irnrth X10/ widths derth ? 4, Other _P-Y*Q?? 1e-}' Ienr111„ cl width IS derlh 51 C. 1, nnikhead Irnrth `7G /wrrarr dicta .e wateerward of MHW chnrel'nr) .21 2, Tyre of hulkhrad rnnctrnrlinn (m,ovrial) h. Excavated material (total 1rir rrr,ir( I) C-6w . C.6W W6jk/. 1. Olhir yinlt __ .?_.? 7. 1'Vpr of ?r!alr?ial _ 1.. 1 ill malrr6l In he rlar ref hrlmo, "II"' (,.re. ikvt VI. A) 1. Othir v.1rrk S !A Type of material 516?Ni?l - IV. Land Type, Mtrntal Arra, and Cnnotm hlnn f nrrirment: A. Pore thr area Ito hr rYr av,tlyd in( I10v env nimOilanrl, cwamnc nr other welland" n. Qnet the rlicnneal mra inch He .?rv n, ,rO land, Swamnc or other wriland? Yrc _ C. I)kpntal Area 1, Locat inn 2, Do vnit claim title. to dkrn•..rl if r,1' ' 1), rill material coerce if fill it In Ile Im, I,rrl in E. Flow will rtravatrrl material hr rnr,a;,hr;l And rrntinn t IrolledIf All r. 1 vie of enrfirmcni in hr uteri ?A Will marshland he croctrd in Irancr.xt,np enilirmrnt t fvnjret cite? If yrc, rxplain Vr? 1`1'dn mtr.nl V. I v'. Priers?rA Ua n1 Proi..ct llrrs A. ^eivate ?Y?S(/l? J??6r iv17/L(? 1L?LIJC(CC- L.nrnmerr tai ?, NMttinR hevrlorrnent nr lnr1rt?r. i •t 4. Other R. 1. Lot tire(s) 1 l7? fD iiUNd- 2. rlevatinn of lot(,) ahnve mein t,ir'r wati r 3. Soil tyre and texture f!V % fYj 4, Tyrenf httiIdin$1 far•.ilit irc or ,ir,fr t,trrt __f---,Y/?LGvxGg- /U-- 6",/1? S, Sewage ditrn,al anti/or w,i-,tr U,rter treaimrnt A. rxi,ljna I'I,tnnrrl R. fhewrihe 6. LanttClat,-Mcatinn (circirnnr) tit Vl I.01"Ltt TRANSITIONAL Cmikill-r•ilTv R11RAL CONSi:RVA i IraN OTHER (Srr r not I_n( :? and U<r. Plan ynepslt' VI. PertalnirtR to till and Water 011,11ty: ? ,n?? fr1l?.l ? A. Dori the rrnrnted project invnlvr the rlacrmrnt of fill material, hrlow mean high watr?? Yrc n No R. 1, Will any rttnnff or diteharo,r rntrr adiacrnt water, t retult of pmieet activity or rlannrd utr of the area fnflnwinR prniect enmptrt inn' Yrt_„_ No 2- L 2. Type of ditrharRe 3. Lnration of ditrharitr Vll. Pmvttt rate of shoreline erntinn (if knnwn): S t 1 YI Q ttl?c?trrd nns?[.4^ VI11• Litt prrrttlt numhen and it-tie date, of rrevinnt I)epartment of Army Corp-- Celf rno•i,trert nr State permit, for wrwk ir1 project area, if applicable: `,??,?,? IX. LPOWh of time reritllred to complete proirrt: _ ??1 • J W 61W-1 X. In ade:*,Inn M the enmpleted application farm, the following (term mile, he provided: A. Attach a enpy of the deed (with State applicatinn only) or other instrument under whirl, lnrli(.Anf claim, title in the irr.-cird rrnreriv ell? if arrlicamt (s not claiming, to he the owner e,f •-,id rr-r•rrjv, then forward a copy of the der,, rot „titer inttnimrnf under which the nwnrr cLtimt lift,, hilts writtrn permit-;inn frnrn the nwnrr to carry nnl the rmjeet on hjc land. P. Attach an acrtirair wnrk nlat drawn in cr•alr nn R;/t X 11" white paper (ter inatrimfinn hunt let for detail,). Note: Origin.tl drawing-. rtrf-t-d - only high rltTallty eoriet arceptert. C. A cony of the arrlieatinn and rt•tt mito hr trrvrd urns adjacent rirarian landnwnrrt by rrgior•t•rd or eertinrrl mail or by rnhliritinn (r-.5. 11 1.27n (d))rnter date %ervrd 1), Litt namrt and complete ;ldrhrccrc of thr rirarian Iandnwnrr% with p?nrrrty arlinining arrfu .iM'c. Such?/?rJ?'w/?nert have 'ln.davt in wh•t h In cnhmit nmment, in agencirt lklyd hrlnw, azlo X1. Certification renulrement: 1 certify th.it to thr hrtt of mV knnwledge, the nrnt need activity t nmrlirt with the State of North Carolina0, arrr.wrd eraattal management prnRram and will he cnndrrf left in a manner cnngkIrnt with atch rrnrram. XI1. Any permit kturd pur,uant to thlt ari•ficalimn will allow Only the develorment detcrihed in thk aroli cation and plal. Applicant, should thrrefnre dreerihe in the application and plat all anliciratrrl devel• opment activitirt, Inclttding• eonctrnctinn, rveavalinn, fillimo, and land elearinR, bAtE ? (l o ?' > .. Applicant'; Signature ev.r. RrvrRSr Stht: f oR MAILING INSTRUCTIONS P.V tnf+n Q f i v s i i i i t T Q0 Q i ? i co ` i 1 W 3 d Q 0 o d T w ' s CL tz T h s ? V 0 l? Q 9 Q h Q 4 i i i aAF- - I AA Pas Jas TA) G- cal T04 W?Ql a/?- -, /SFI WOW h4C.41+ c? cw`t' Fi' S?.QA?I?C ?i(s?4 ??CLr 5 w,?cL Wa's ZF(-d-M 7go 7-s- CCA-- JX 16 ?- 2-,-ctr9--vo-4.? s i Paf?s' ??.a6? ??c.?A? Ffu- ? ??I S?B?vI?cG A&a&vw4s\4 Gk 1 pr H-o Z 6?;? z s CC8 IGO? It . -fit' v `O-' 11 u ( L-) 0, ? Lt X( [Jow- F? P6 P,?x A -6- u, 1 90 Imo' N a ?; u i, n nv?" JJ ` S w Cti ?S J 1i i y P X13 ? ? - , 1 ? ?F 7? ?? IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402.1890 December 29, 1986 SUBJECT: File No. SAWC087-N-027-0152 g"d m d' F) B 'e a,e e Mr. William Mills Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Mills: 1 f-, r, a i (' ,_1 L? U 6 1, i "? u OPERA-1'101NSS BRANCH' Enclosed is the application of Mr. George G. Joyner, III, and Ms. Linda E. Joyner for a Department of the Army permit and a State Water Quality Certification to construct and backfill a bulkhead and construct a pier on Albemarle Sound, Point Harbour, Currituck County, North Carolina. Your receipt of this letter verifies your acceptance of a valid request for certification in accordance with Section 325.2(b)(ii) of our administrative regulations. We are considering authorization of the proposed activity pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and we have determined that a water quality certification may be required under the provisions of Section 401 of the same law. A Department of the Army permit will not be granted until the certification has been obtained or waived. In accordance with our administrative regulations, 60 days after receipt of a request for certification is considered a reasonable time for State action. Therefore, if your office has not acted on the request by February 23, 1987, the District Engineer will deem that waiver has occurred. Questions or comments may be addressed to Ms. Alison Arnold, telephone (919) 343-4634. Sincerely, Charles W. Hollis Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosure Ib if. -2- Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Ms. LuAnn Bryan Elizabeth City Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management 108 South Water Street Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909 APPLICATION rOR X3.7 OCM - Et. Mt•r R't11J tO t `(( AVAII A':tl'Olt 111.1_ WA Tt.R 011 At IIY ( 11+.11f 1( ATION r.ACrMUNT IN L-ANhC MVt 01 11 fly W A T F P CAMA MRMIT r(1R MAJOR DrvrI.OI`M[NT tlen31"tmPrit of Arfminltlratlnn ;t•t? nr N,..t.• ( arnllno r+•rirtn+rnt of the Array (f:[ 140".17) r+rr)rr^.r.r nr NAl11rAf Rrtnurret mA CnHtrtlunlty I1.vrlonmrnr ( nrr.j.nf r.Mlnerrt, wllmintifen Ilfttr lr•`• It t ; ")141.71t,11j1(1), 141.215,3(c), It1A•11R (itr;rP. 7no.)7n 1701 f Io?at, type- or rrinr and fill in Al hlankc 11 inrnrm.rtinn it not 3rhlieahlf", t" indicate by rlarinp N; IA, k? r h I, Applicant Inrorniminn , A. Name > //l144 -F, 1/2 41,0 .+.r irtt '11,lrllr R, Arldrrss / N W/, dli 9YA- llrret, P. 0, flax or R We PO r, o , City or I own Stale !0"p (;arse I'hnne 11. Location of ern nted r -ri A. County ?t';,?1 R. 1• City, town, cnmmlmity or lanrfmarl lv?_ 2. It preinmed work within rily lin,ils> Yrs Nn C. Creek, river, cotlnd or hay unnn whi, h prniect is Incalyd or nrarest named hndv of t.'atr r to rrnircI c R ? i T"v UW -&j M^qJW_ Sa u-6V4 U<He J U/V; 6AYnin? IjJIQg- 111. Dncrirtion of rrojert !^?SC C? S u t-xxl !/ CtNVU 7-0" r A, 1. Maintrnanre of existing prnierl 2.. New work n, f irrnsr of evcavalinn or fill 1. Aerrct channel length width depth 7. 1`111.1t hasln _--.IrneIh width drrlh 1, riles Irnglh G10/ width depth 4. Other erodad o 1Le+ Ira II+ width 1 _qLLI !S depth '5/ C. 1. 1l1 ilkhead Irnrth L? Avrrarr dkf;i ,e wat/r?r?ward of MHW chnrrline)-.21 - 2. Tyre of hrllkhe,ld rnnttnlrlion (m,rlr•rial) DUPCJ, ,Alr h. rscavatrd maleri,ll (tnlal for rr.•,r, 1) C?'?Lr(!?S- l Cl1ra? C?l6r/ I.. I ill m.,trri.,l In hr t+l,v r(l I+r L.+t 'II i'" f•..•r ,+l'.n VI• A) 1. (ul•ir v.trrl'. e"?- __-_?'. Tyre of material IV (_and Type, rlitpncal Arr.1, and (nncltu(tinn f rlrlipment: A. Dnrs tltr ,lrr,+ It. hr r•t w,ited in, 1-0- .rnt? m,lrt?tland, ;wimps of nfhrr welf.lnd' Vrt t!„ R. (tart the rl,trr,t.tl arr,t rnchlrlr an•; rr„r•J,I.rrvt, swamp; or other wrtlandl Yr% "L, _ C. Di;nntal Area Y1 44 1. Location 2. Dn vnll claim title to dkrn'...I 0. rill material anUrcr if fill it to fir lrrr. lr.l in L' F. How will rtrdv,ttrrl material hr rnl...1.1..-0 .ruff rrotinn c trnlledl r. 1 vrc of cefnit+rncnt In hr use,l l B?` Will marshland he crnurd in Irintrnrt.nr rrln,rmrnt t project lift? If yes, explain n.c r.n 1 ?'. I"M+ W t?w of Prolstct /lees t(?,./ar.t?.?.' A. :?rivatr li,! 1 S?J ?. (.nmmrrr ial 1, N? tcirt? rlrvrlr?T`tnrnl n1- Inr{rtir. i .r R. 1. Lot c;rr(c) //-/Z/ Az -2,ap J,.Z K 7. rlrvatinn of Int(c) ahnvr mr.,n I?it•r, water L 1. Snil tyre and te,rtnrr ..6.. d,. Tyre of huildinR rarililirt (it •.I•rr,,rrrrc?/?c*/yjLG? t?;lrt/?l ?yyttGt,//J(We r ?. VIII. Llst nrrrnlt numhem And issue dater or previous nl rartmrnt of Army work in project area, jf arrlicahlr; _ IX. LrnRth of time reriulred to comrlrtr prnirrt: f rmilineert or rtm prrmitc for X. In adr:;;Inn to the completed arpiirminn form, the followinR Items must be prnvidrd: A. Attach a copy of the drat (with Stdtr application nnly) nr other instrument unrlrr whirl, aoplir ant etaimt titir In the trap Ir•rf rrnrrrfv rt1' it anrlirant to not claiming In he III(' nwnrr of ..-ill rrr.rrrty, then forward a cnry of the April or Ihr, instrument under which the nwnrr cl,timt till, f•Int wrifrrn rerrnkcinn from Ihr nwnrr If, (.,rr,' nrlt Ihr proirct on hit land. S, Sewapr ditrneat and/or w.,•.Ir v•,tlrr I?rr/,ttmrnl A. rxktinR I'lannerl heccrihr l?( . R. 6. LandClaccifitatinn (circtrnnr) t,l VI_I.0ill..o TRANSITIONAL CMIKIII-NITY RIIRAI_ CONS1:RVA I If IN OTHER (Err CAM Lnt.a _and Ucr Irlan?5vnnnth' VI, Prrtslnl??R to Fill AM Water puallty: ?,W}-"29 ?1! ?pGC?? A. bnrs the rrnrotrd project involve the placement of fill materials hrlnw mean high water' Yec 1 ` Nn R, 1. Will any rttnnfr nr dieeharo.r rntrr idi1cent water%reult of project activity or pl.tnnerl lice of file aria fnllnwinp rrnieet enmrlrfinn' Yet-No 2. Type of d;trharRe .. oration n1- disrharRr VII. I'msrnt rate of chnrelinr erncinn (if knntvn): _ 5 t 1 <n Q ? Q-Qs-\C--'} Ill Attach an acnuratr work nt,,t dratt•n In wale on Al/I X 11" white parrr (trr inttrrt(.fi.,n h„nt Irl for drfaitt). Note: drigin.rl rlrawinp•, girl, rr.•,I • only high nipIlly enrirc ircerlerl. C. A cony nr the arrlieatinn Intl pl.It mit•.i hr trrvrd urnn adiacent riparian landownrrt t,y 1-r{ .ferret fit certifird marl or by rrrhliratir,n Ir.?. 1 11.7'n (rt))r'nler date caved ^ 1), Lkt namrc and enmplrte jrlrIrrttrt or the riparian (andnwners with property arlinining irpli( .int't. SuchA)wnerc have, 1fi•davc in whit h In syhmit r.nmmrnls to aprncirs listed hrlnw. X1. Certification rerlttlremrnt: I certify Ill-it to the hrct of my knnwirdpe., the nrnpnted activity rr,mrtire with the Statr of North Carnlinal% it rr-vr•rI costal management prnpram and will he enndnr trrl in A manner cnncictrnt with tech rrnrram XII, Any permit Iceurd pururant to this vrvIic.iIInn will allow only the development drecrihrrl in this appll Cation and plat. Anplicants shnnld thrrrfnrr drtcrihr in the application and plat all anlicirafrd devel• opmrnt aetiviliei, Including ennttrnchnn, excavation, r;llinp„ and land elearinp. ti BATE Arplicant't Signature rw-il7 51717 n,rvrlt,r SIn1-. 1-011 MAILING INSTRUCTIONS e.y tl%f'r Li C, L I o 6 W c t- • a o i I 9 1 w? I? s 0 ppo?; 86-A6 IVA-K . y --C> ""S, ?I a ?a a t.i\ If!i ?z a ? a? Q w x (v711 0? f, a dl p q4 1'' N ? ?f CA LIZ, f J? 1rr_ vl z r i I" I' i? I ?i a ?I R A ?w a? i ? F e. a. tt ., it4 r (??.? ?t?J CPP 1 1 ,3` ,' o r l'b • " , a I ' i I ot? (" r ; U i` •a; IC +t r v c? _0 i< •t? ? t ? i l ?• ? T-- 1 T- 1 Gr _r 7z I a -- ? . I f? r. (l _ r J -ti c c r? r'. n rl , 4 Cl - i f ?I 1 'a o N ? e r - Mc, 0 i