HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180133 Ver 2_Edgecombe County Variance Request Decision_20180801Homewood, Sue From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Importance: Dear Mr. Evans, Reynolds, Phillip <PReynolds@ncdoj.gov> Wednesday, August 1, 2018 12:58 PM ericevans@edgecombeco.com JD Solomon; Albert Rubin; Culpepper, Linda; Higgins, Karen; Homewood, Sue; Thomas, Lois; Weaver, Adriene; Vinson, Toby [External] Edgecombe County Variance Request Decision 2018-08-01_EMC FD Granting Major Variance w Conditions for Edgecombe County.pdf, 2018-08-01_Ltr_EMC Variance re Edgecombe Co. Major Variance w Conditions.pdf High Please find attached the Final Agency Decision of the Environmental Management Commission granting Edgecombe County's variance request with conditions, as well as a transmittal letter. Both documents are being sent to you certified mail today. Please let me know if you have any questions related to the decision document. Thank you, Phillip T. Reynolds Special Deputy Attorney General Environmental Division Commissions, Coastal and Administrative Section Phone: (919) 716-6600 Email: preynolds@ncdoj.gov 114 W. Edenton St., Raleigh, NC 27603 www.ncdoo.gov IMPORTANT: This e-mail message is intended solely for the individual or individuals to whom it is addressed. It may contain confidential attorney-client privileged information and attorney work product. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are requested not to read, copy or distribute it or any of the information it contains. Any information not protected by attorney-client privilege or the attorney work product doctrine may be subject to North Carolina Public Records Act requests (N.C. Gen. Stat. § 132.1 et seq.) Please delete the message immediately and notify the Attorney General's Office by return e-mail or by telephone (919) 716-6600. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COUNTY OF WAKE COMMISSION } IN THE MATTER OF: ) PETITION FOR VARIANCE ) FROM ) DECISION GRANTING MAJOR 15A NCAC 2B.0259 } VARIANCE WITH CONDITIONS } TAR-PAMLICO RIVER RIPARIAN ) AREA PROTECTION RULES BY ) EDGECOMBE COUNTY ) } On May 11, 2000, the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission (Commission) delegated to the Commission's Water Quality Committee all decisions relating to requests for variances from the riparian buffer. This matter came before the Water Quality Committee at its meeting on May 9, 2018 in Raleigh, North Carolina upon Edgecombe County's (the "Applicant's") request for approval of a major variance from the Tar -Pamlico River Riparian Area Protection Rules pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0259 to allow construction of the proposed Triangle Tyre facility within Zone 1 and Zone 2 of the buffer at Kingsboro CSX Select Site — Pad B in Edgecombe County NC (the "Site"). The proposed project will impact 70,326 square feet of Zone 1 and 89,824 square feet of Zone 2. Based on the information provided, the Division of Water Resources (DWR) supported the request for a major variance. Upon consideration of the record documents, the request and the staff recommendation, and based upon the approval of the Water Quality Committee, the Commission hereby makes the following: -2 - FINDING OF FACTS A. According to the NC Department of Commerce, Edgecombe County was considered the most economically depressed county in North Carolina in 2017 and 2018. B. Edgecombe County has identified the Kingsboro CSX Select Site (Kingsboro Industrial Park) to attract major industrial companies to locate infrastructure and bring jobs to the area. C. The proposed site has been identified as the most appropriate location for the proposed facility given Triangle Tyre Company's specific needs. D. The proposed site is bounded on the north by a large wetland and pond complex, on the southeast by a large wetland/stream complex, on the east by setbacks to roadways, and on the west by an unnamed tributary to Walnut Creek and buffers. E. A first order unnamed tributary to Walnut Creek and its associated buffer bisects the western portion of Pad B and cannot be avoided. F. An unnamed tributary which flows into a wetland complex in the southeastern corner of the property cannot be avoided. E. The Applicant has requested approval of a major variance from the Tar -Pamlico River Riparian Area Protection Rules pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0259 to allow construction of the Triangle Tyre facility. Baring the Applicant's request would prevent the proposed project from being constructed; therefore, the Applicant cannot make reasonable use of the property without impacting the protected riparian buffer. I. The proposed development impacts 70,326 square feet of buffer Zone 1 and 89,824 square feet of Zone 2. 992 J. The Applicant's plan for mitigation includes purchasing 300,713 square feet of buffer credits. K. The Applicant plans to implement a Stormwater Management Plan (SMP) to treat stormwater runoff from the facility. The plan will be approved by Edgecombe County before any of the proposed area us built upon. Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact, the Environmental Management Commission makes the following, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW A. The Site is located within the Kingsboro Industrial Park located in Edgecombe County, and is subject to the Tar -Pamlico River Riparian Area Protection Rule, 15A NCAC 2B .0259. B. The Environmental Management Commission is authorized to issue a final decision granting the variance including riparian buffer mitigation conditions pursuant to a request under 15A NCAC 2B .0259 upon a finding that: (1) There are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships; (2) The variance is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the buffer protection and preserves its spirit; and (3) In granting the variance, the public safety and welfare have been assured and substantial justice has been done. C. The Commission affirmatively concludes that the Applicant has demonstrated the following: First Factor: There are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships that prevent compliance with the strict letter of the riparian buffer protection requirements. In its assessment of whether the Applicant had made a showing of "practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships," the Commission considered the following factors. -4- A. If the applicant complies with the provisions of this Rule, he/she can secure no reasonable return from, nor make reasonable use of, his/her property. Merely proving that the variance would permit a greater profit from the property shall not be considered adequate justification for a variance. Moreover, the Division or delegated local authority shall consider whether the variance is the minimum possible deviation from the terms of this Rule that shall make reasonable use of the property possible. B. The hardship results from application of this Rule to the property rather than from other factors such as deed restrictions or other hardship. C. The hardship is due to the physical nature of the applicant's property, such as its size, shape, or topography, which is different from that of neighboring property. D. The applicant did not cause the hardship by knowingly or unknowingly violating this Rule. E. The applicant did not purchase the property after the effective date of this Rule, and then requesting an appeal. F. The hardship is unique to the applicant's property, rather than the result of conditions that are widespread. If other properties are equally subject to the hardship created in the restriction, then granting a variance would be a special privilege denied to others, and would not promote equal justice; 15A NCAC 02B .0259 (9)(a)(i)(A) through (F). The Commission affirmatively concludes that the Applicant has made the required showing that there are practical difficulties preventing compliance with the strict letter of the riparian buffer protection requirements. Specifically: A. The proposed site is constrained by wetlands and stream channels and buffers to the north, south and west, and by Harts Mill Road to the east. The tributaries protrude into the building site, limiting the space available to provide adequate facilities as required by Triangle Tyre Company. Compliance with the riparian buffer protection requirements would prevent Applicant's use of the land. If not for operation of this rule, there would be no restriction to the proposed development beyond compliance with the Rule and Clean Water Act regulations. -5- B. The Applicant has not violated this Rule. Second Factor: The variance is in Harmony with the general purpose and intent of the State's riparian buffer protection requirements and preserves its spirit. The Commission affirmatively concludes that the Applicant has demonstrated it meets the second factor required under 15A NCAC 02B .0259(9)(a)(ii). The purpose of the riparian buffer rules is to protect existing riparian buffer areas; however, where available and applicable, mitigation credits can be utilized in lieu of strict compliance with the buffer rules. Here, the Applicant cannot make reasonable use of the land without impacting the protected riparian buffer. The Applicant has agreed to purchase 300,713 buffer mitigation credits and a obtained a EEO Mitigation Acceptance Letter from the Division of Mitigation Services. Triangle Tyre has also agreed to secure an approved SMP from Edgecombe County, pursuant to its delegated authority, and to obtain confirmation from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality that the SMP complies with the provisions of the variance request. Granting the requested variance with the conditions specified below will ensure the proposed development will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the riparian buffer protection rules and preserves their spirit. Third Factor: In granting the variance, the public safety and welfare have been assured, water quality has been protected and substantial justice has been done. The Commission affirmatively concludes that the Applicant has demonstrated it meets the third factor required under 15A NCAC 02B .0259(9)(a)(iii). Specifically, in granting the variance subject to the conditions that the Applicant (1) purchase 300,713 square feet in buffer mitigation credits and (2) secure an approved SMP from Edgecombe County before any impacts authorized in this approval occur, the proposed development public safety and welfare have been assured, water quality has been protected and substantial justice has been done. In r ` r Based on the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth above, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the request for the variance is GRANTED pursuant to 15A NCAC 2B .0259(9)(c) as a major variance to the Tar -Pamlico River Riparian Area Protection Rule with the following conditions: 1. Mitigation. The Applicant shall provide mitigation for the proposed impacts by purchasing 300,713 buffer credits from the Division of Mitigation Services or from an environmental mitigation bank approved by the Division of Water Resources. 2. Stormwater Management Plan. The Applicant shall secure an approved SMP from Edgecombe County before any impacts authorized in this approval occur. 3. This major variance shall only apply if the USACE and NCDEQ approve impacts to the streams associated with the subject buffers. 4. The SMP may not be subsequently modified without prior written authorization from the Division. To request a modification, a copy of the approval letter and plans/calculations of the modified SMP shall be submitted to the Division for approval prior to the commencement of the modifications. This is the 1St day of August, 2018. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION J. D. Solomon, Chairman 7 - CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that I have this day served the foregoing Decision Granting Major Variance upon the Applicant and the Division of Water Resources in the manner described below as follows: Eric Evans, County Manager Edgecombe County P.O. Box 10 Tarboro, NC 27886 Sue Homewood Winston-Salem Regional Office Division of Water Resources Karen Higgins, Supervisor 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch Division of Water Resources 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1650 This is the I" day of August, 2018. Certified MaiUReturn Receipt Requested And email. ericevans@edzecombeco.com E-mail. sue homewoodaamcdenr.zov E-mail: Karen Hikz1ns@ncdenr.gov JOSH STEIN Attorney General �� .e_ Philli T. Reynol Special Deputy Attorney General P. 0. Box 629 Raleigh, N. C. 27602 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA JOSH STEIN DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE PHILLIP TT. . REYNOLDS ATTORNEY GENERAL PO BOX 629 ENVIRONMENTAL DIVISION PREYNOL RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27602 CDOJ.GOV (919))716-716-6971 August 1, 2018 Eric Evans Certified Mail/ Return Receipt Requested Edgecombe County Manager No.: 7005 2570 0002 0988 9354 P.O. Box 10 Tarboro, NC 27886 Re: Final Decision Granting Variance with Conditions Dear Mr. Evans: At its May 9, 2018 meeting, the Water Quality Committee of the Environmental Management Commission granted Edgecombe County's request for a variance with conditions. Attached is a copy of the Final Agency Decision. If for some reason you do not agree with the terms of the variance as issued, you have the right to appeal the Commission's decision by filing a petition for judicial review in the superior court within thirty days after receiving the order pursuant to the procedure set forth in the North Carolina General Statutes § 150B-45. A copy of the judicial review petition must be served on the Commission's agent for service of process at the following address: William F. Lane, General Counsel Dept. of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 If you choose to file a petition for judicial review, I request that you also serve a copy of the petition for judicial review on me at the address listed in the letterhead. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Phil p T. Reyno ds Special Deputy Attorney General and Counsel for the Environmental Management Commission Edgecombe County Page 2 cc: w/ encl.: J.D. Solomon, Chair of the Commission, electronically Dr. Albert Rubin, Chair of the WQC, electronically Linda Culpepper, Director, DWR, electronically Sue Homewood, DWR, Winston-Salem Regional Office, electronically Karen Higgins, Supervisor, electronically Lois Thomas, recording secretary for Commission, electronically Adriene Weaver, Environmental Specialist, electronically WWW.NCDOJ.GOV 114 W. EDENTON STREET, RALEIGH, NC 27603 919.716.6600 P. O. Box 629, RALEIGH, NC 27602- 0629