HomeMy WebLinkAbout19860036 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_198601014 Y 1w STATt' u State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Coastal Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary September 17, 1986 Dr. William T. Hogarth, Director tr-ehead visio Marin Fisheries 0 ox 769 City, North Carolina 28557 Dear Dr. Hogarth: David W. Owens Director MAJOR MODIFICATION The attached copy of an application submitted by: WILLIAM BRAITHWAITE Applicant's Name Currituck Sound at Duck Dare Location of Project County X for a State permit to perform excavation and/or fill work in coastal North Carolina and for a CAMA major development permit... for a CAMA major development permit (only) ... ... is being circulated to State and Federal agencies having jurisdiction over the subject matter which might be affected by the project. Please indicate on the reverse side of this form your viewpoint on the proposed work and return it to me not later than Orto Sincerely, o R. Parker, Jr., ief Major Permits Processing Section B. Comments A. PERMIT: DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION rnYn__rgnnan application for State Federal CAMA Permit(s) from A, 62LZt?_t6 r _. n e This office cannot comment on this project until after the close of the Section 401 Certification Public Comments Period. This office has no objection to the issuance of the permit(s) for the proposed projet with the following conditions: ??That the activity be conducted in such a manner as to prevent significant increases in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction- related discharge (increases of 25 NTU's or less are not considered significant). Thar the instream turbidity-not be increased by .more than 50 NTU's as a result of the proposed activity after.a reasonable opportunity for dilu- tion and mixture. That turbidity levels in shall not be increased by more than 10 NTU's as a result of the proposed activity, after a reason- able opportunity for dilution and mixture... CERTIFI ATION STATUS: Certification is not required for this project. Certification is required for this project. Such action to. process the certification has been initiated. Proposed Certification will be acted on or after The proposed project is certified. under General.Certification A) No. 1179 issued on January 251 D) No. 1431 issued on October 16, 1977, for sewer line construction 1980, for boat ramp construction. B) No. 1272 issued on November 10, E) No..1664 issued on September 8, 1978, for bulkhead construction. 1983, for Rip-Rap Placement. C) No. 1273 issued on November 10, F) No. 1665 issued on September 19, 1978, for discharges of liquid 1983, for incidental bridge effluent from diked upland disposal construct ion. . areas. 91_. - WATER QUALITY SECTION - DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DIVISION OFENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION Comments concerning an appplication.for State Federal CAMA Permit(s) from P" AA Lei, A Ii A A PERMIT...__. This _office cannot comment on' this' project until ?a-fter..the- close of ,the Section, .. 401 Certification Public Comments Teriod - This office has no objection to the issuance of the permit(s), for the proposed project with the following conditions.: the activity be conducted in such a manner as to prevent significant . increases in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction- related discharge (increases.of 25"NTU's.or less are not considered significant). L ?T?at the instream ttir idgi^y not be~ jtereas,, zq?-*? --5.A- T-U2_s as a result of.the proposed activity after a,reasonable opportunity for dird tion and mixture. That turbidity levels in shall not be increased by more than 10 NTU's as a result of.the proposed activity after a reason- able opportunity for dilution; and.. mixture. B. CERTIFI ATION STATUS: Certification is not required: for this project. Certification is required for this project. Such action to: process the certification,has been initiated. Proposed ; Certification.will-be acted on or after The proposed project is certified under General.Certification A) No. 1179 issued on January 25, D) No. 1431 issued on October 16, 1977, for sewer line construction 1980, for boat ramp construction. B) No. 1272 issued,on November 10 E) No. 1664 issued on September 8, - 1978, '.for bulkhead construction. 1983, for Rip-Rap Placement. C) No. 1273 issued on November 10,, F) No. 1665 issued on September 19, 1978, for discharges of liquid 1983, for incidental bridge effluent from diked upland disposal construction. areas. WATER QUALITY SECTION DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT A. r NKDATA DF/CAMA/40i REV DATE 09 /23/86 ACTION > ADD FILE > i)Ft:r-1MA40`1 PS'WD > FORMAT > i+lRD C',AMA NEXT RCD > 001 i 9 ACT:I:Oi'•'1 ... ADD; ENTER DATA, RE::C.. ADDED :I:,`.i 00117 FRJD DATA I='RO,_!O : 00i •i ? PROJ : BRAIT'HWAIT'E", WILLIAM COUNTY: DART::: REGION : 07 A SS I :I: t:Y N I::: iD T• t:t : l,.1...1 M (.c.) Tm JOINT NOTICE: N TYPE CERTIFICATION RECOMMENDATION DATE..,.' YYMMDD 404 I :' i •! : 401 RED: ISSUE: r RECEIVED: 86091(l.1 CAMA ONLY: GC: DENY: INITIAL REPORT: DF: t::AMA : Y GC: HOLD: F'INr'•'.L.. REPORT: 860923 RECEIVING STREAM: t:; tJ RR:I: Tt i (:' I< SOUND CLASS: SC BASIN: COMMENTS: SITE LOCATED AT D UCK ADJACENT TO CURRITUCK SOUND THERE ARE 3 EXIST ING COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, WOODEN WALKWAYS, BULKHEAD AND GRAVEL PARKING THIS PROPOSAL INVOLVES 5 ADD:I:TIONAL.. COMMERCIAL BUi...IDINrS WITH ASSOCIATED DECKS, PARKING AND DRIVEWAYS ; T•t7RMWAT'E::E CONTRO LS INCLUDE DIRECTING RUNOFF TO A LARGE DETENTION POND W IT]--I AN OVERFLOW T•t1 A 404 WETLAND AREA AND THEN TO CURRITUCK SOUND THIS PLAN Nr"{.`. BEEN REVIEWED AND APPEARS TO BE ADE::i>>UATlii: COPIES: Wr'tEt:O -•f"ENTI AL-• M I:I...L.. -Wt:JO D '41y 6 l l t 11 f y TO: Bill Moore FROM: George H. Wood SUBJECT: Application for CAMA Major Permit and/or Dredge and Fill Permit DATE: September 17, 1986 sCp Attached is an application by WILLIAM BRAITHWAITE MAJOR MODIFICATION which was received by me on 9/5/86 I am considering this application complete, have acknowledged receipt, and have begun processing. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. A V ilr..nn. •?r?? ??• TO: Bill Moore FROM: George H. Wood SUBJECT: Application for CAMA Major Permit and/or Dredge and Fill Permit DATE: September 17., 1986 Attached is an application by WILLIAM BRAITHWAITE MAJOR MODIFICATION which was received by me on x/5/86 I am considering this application complete, have acknowledged receipt, and have begun processing. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. 0 OFFICE OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT MAJOR MODIFICATION FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. Applicant's name WILLIAM (DUCK) BRAITH14AITE 2. Location of project site Currituck Sound7'at Duck 78 series #.93-407 OR 19-21 3. Investigation type: Dredge & Fill X CAMA X 4. Investigative procedure: (A) Dates of site visit 6/20/84 9/9/86 .(B) Was applicant present yes no 5. Processing procedure: Application received 9/5/86 Office Elizabeth City 6. Site description: (A) Local Land Use Plan Dare .,.Land classification from LUP Community Development constraints identified in LUP appears to be more intensive than allowed in Community --Plan-sent-.to Dare foe interpretation. (B) AEC(s) involved: Ocean Hazard Estuarine shoreline X Coastal wetlands Public trust waters Estuarine waters Other (C) Water dependent: Yes No X Other (D) Intended use: Public Private Commercial X (E) Type of waste water treatment: Existing low pressure pi_pe'drai'nfield Planned low pressure pipe drainfield (F) 'type of structures: Existing 3 1-story commercial structures Planned 4 1-story and 1 2-story commercial structures (G) Estimated annual rate of erosion none Source bulkheaded 7. Habitat description: AREA (A) Vegetated wetlands: Dredged Filled Other (B) Non-vegetated wetlands: (C) Other: disturbed High ground 5.9 acres (D) Total area disturbed: 5.9 acres. S.. Project summary The applicant proposes to construct 5 commercial structures and associated parking and walkways at his property on the Currituck Sound at Duck. ?t WILLIAM (DUCK) BRAITHWAITE BIO REPORT PAGE 2 SITE DESCRIPTION: MAJOR MODIFICATION CAMA permit #207-84 was issued to William Braithwaite to construct a bulkhead on his property on.the Currituck Sound at Duck, N.C. This work has been accomplished and the backfill material stabilized. The permit was modified to authorize the construction of three commercial buildings, gravel parking and wooden walkways (all less than an acre). Construction has begun on this portion of the project. The highground portion of the property has been flagged by the Corps of Engineers and this confirmed line is indicated on the attached blue line. The pro- posed construction of an additional 5 commercial structures and associated parking and walkways is all landward of this 404 line. As indicated in the information provided by the engineers for this project (see attached letter to George Wood . from Quible and Associates), the total lot coverage within 75 feet of the water will be 16.9%. A storm water management plan has also been required for this project and is currently being reviewed by D.E.M. The buildings which are proposed to be cori= structed next to the bulkheads will be.set-back only two feet and the boardwalks will extend no more than 6 feet in width over the water. All parking will be river rock. The project will be serviced by a low pressure pipe and drain field. Total land disturbance is proposed to be over 1 acre. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS: The construction activities are proposed landward of the "404" line and the storm water management plan should address the diversion of storm water away from the adjacent open water (class C).. CAMA REVIEW: The project site is classified as community in the Dare County LUP. This project has been sent to their planning board for a determination of consistency with that plan. Submitted by: George H. Wood Date: September 17, 1986 l?t;??.IV ?.?? ' FOR PERMIT TO EXCAVATE ANDIOR FILL, • 'WATER QUALITY CERTWIC4T" EASEMENT IN LANDS OOVEREQ lay nCM • EC WATER f..AMA PERMIT FOR MAJoi3 pEyLLOPWANT o+s?ar+ahaM er 111?+testtratlws suw of Nerd, Canltay , !GS 11? 12) t4partwwnt of Nawral Ilaaeurtia nM comw ally t?earto+awt of tM Ariwy, is 4 Corr. It Enebw.rti, whew Wwtct • (GS 11)W- 1411.3(AHO, 143.713. 113A.00 Plaau type or print and 1111 In AN blanks, If klfereaAgien is ttpt applicable. so Mdicalt by PAVJw4 WA M btanlc. 61 1. Applicant Information S A. Name Braithewaite Will.i.am Lau Firm Middle 8. Address S. R.- Lox .250 Street, P. a floc or Rout. Kitt Hawk Duck) N. C. 27949 (919)261-2224 City or Town Staffs zip coop Phone 11. Location of Proposed Profs": ' A. County DARE ' B. 1. City, town, community or landmark DUCK 2. It proposed work within city Belts? Yet.,,.,,... No - -X- . C. Creak, river, sound or bay upoitwfikh project Is located or nearest nalrwd body o(wallr to projsta ......?.r.:...?..:.?....... CURRITUCK SOUND . Ill. Description of Project A. 1. Maintenance of existins project 2. New worktLoi&sed bldgs., wallcways & parking within 75' A.E. e. Purpose or.excavation or fill • 1. Access channel N/A bn tth- ..'..,.,.wldth.-.depth 2. !)aat bass o"go-v NIA bn?th.'._width .....,..,l depth 3. Fiji uea709 rPa ..??+ sth Varies ?wWthr.. Vries depth Varies d. OtherWood Wal ,.vs lanai V??wW1h- Varies dopthVaries o ui- . - as perms e -$4) C. I. Bulkhead leryth NN/AA Averse dlstw4 wwr wand of MHW (shorelko) 1. Type of bulkhea4 comtruction (matNW) N/A 0. Excavated material (total for project) 1. Cubic yards - N/A ,..,..?.......I Tylte of tnaterwE istin sand soil E. Fill material to be placed below MHW (see also VI. A) 1. Cubic yards=- _N/A I2. Type of Material All fill material. will be placed above M.N.W. IV. Land Type. Disposal Area, and Conrtnretlon Ewlp~t: A. Does the area tube excavated Include any marshland, swamps or o"r wetland? Yes No X ti. Does the disposal area Include any marsh ww'swarllps or other wetland? Yes-",,..No ....X C. Disposal Area ' 1. LocationP Drive ar on Plan that is wat6Arard of 75' AFC line & landward of existing builhead. 2. Do you claim title to dltpostl areal Yes 0. Fill material source if fill is to be trucked in River Rock for Parking & Drives f. Now will excavated material be entrapped and erosion controlled? Soil. Erosion and. Sediment Control Plan to IV -developed b' Dave Hod es, Lire County Soil & Water Conservation F. Type of equipment to be used Front end loaders and motor grader G. Will marshland be eromed In 1ranspWk% equipuwlt to projet•A sits? If yety sxpt4im No- F-011 .. 10111 Y.- Intended Use of Pgo*t Area (Deecribe) a _ A. 1. Private 3. Nousirta Development or InduNrW 4. Other 5.9± Acres B. 1. Lot sire(s) 3. Elevation of lot(s) above swan 40,410r Varies' from 1.9'M t 4 ' 3. Soil type and texture 4. Type of building facil ities or stryctwos 3 ra Lra,Propoml 1- Stor Frarne on pilings; 1 ea.-proposed 2-story frame on piling; wood walkwa s S. Sewaye disposal andler'wasts water tr•ea~t A. Eximirq . Ja .xigt1,_ . Fj*-VW 6. Describe Low Pressure Pie Drainfleld 6. 11-mw taassifkation'(circle one) DEVELOPED TRANSITIONAL COMMUNITY RAJ RA. GONSERVATIt3N OTHER R ? (mptiiu0n4UNNw s,nap6b VI. Pertaining to fill and Water Quality: ?.t. <. A. Does the proposed proiett Involve .the placement of All nnateria is below now.hiyh witor? 6. 1. Will any runoff or discharp enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned ktw of W area following project completion? Yee....No. - ... 2. Type of dischuMt Stormwater to exiin existin nd 3. Location of dilc.Itup Stormnter overfl south of n VI 1. Present rate of Owr+eline oraien (if knewnt): _ Shoreline has existing bulkhead Vlll. Uss penult nunAms amid low dau* e4 poeWm s beep" w of Amy Cerpp of Errbmwn er >i+taq pwo*j for worts in project welt. N appau*ft. X207-&+ for b Ix. Length of tione reauked to eanploo Mviat: - 119 =9L X. In addition to dw cwn*"d application %M do feUearko Itilw a tutttit be pr+rMlMr A. Much a copy of ft teed (with State lnpplkatim only) of other lnwurneM under tw" ap0lk m . clai "'Alesko4te affected property. OR If *01canl Is rtes claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed of other Inearument under whkh ow owner c4b% title plus wrlttttn permission from Ue owner to carry mg Ow project on his land. 8. Attach an accurate work plat dr4rrtn to w,* on pK X 11" *Ww paper (see i mnKtlon boukW (ar details). Nole: Ckiltinal drawings preler* • prs(y ko gwhty copies accepted. C. A copy. of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent rlj+ rian landowners by reo"od q certifIW mail or by publications (G.S. 113.229 (d))Entor flats wveq D. List names and complete addresses of the rywim lar4 ltmlrl with property adigin li; ApptiK,apr L Such owners have 30 days In which tp t+rflt * wrong" Iq,Wnt&* IIsW b woor. NORTH: Commercial Equities, Inc. SOUTH: W. S. Braithwaite Mr. Ed Brooks Jr. Duck N. C.. XI. x 1l. Certification requirertnnt: I certify that to the best of Ay knowtodee. the proposed activity compijee with the State of North Carolina's approved eoastal magptne A MQW4tt14nd will be t onduFled iA a manner consistent with spelt ptgram. Any permit Issued pursuant to this application will allow only the development dow#md in ibis appli- cation and plat Applicants should therefore describe In the application and plea{ all 4W"f ?iNld Qeq? . s opment activitWk including conftructiosn, ext,Tvitllon, (Wiry, and land dsul s . ,mac , DATE SINCL 1958 .11 AN !_. t1H.Mf n, I'L • ' FIENHY M. RUGG• PH.D., P.F. F. F. RICE A. TRENT,, PE.. P.L.S. WARREN A. TRENT, P.L.S. QU1BLE AND ASSOCIATES, INC. - o. 13OX 847 HEAD, D, NC 27859 CONSULTING ENGINEERS-LAND SURVEYORS OCM - EC NAGS HE N L --------- 919441-4321 NAGS HEAD OFFICE PLAZA, M..R 101/s, U.S. 156 BY-PASS It MAJOR KAMA R6Q-1I IT'" Project No.: ?t 1 rlJ Title: !?(JGI< v "'fA(T14(JA r7f_ By: Dale: I t ! r -I - ? f I , I I I i' i I I I I f I I I ?.. t I ? , I ? f S j I_ Q? I 111 ' r I ! r i ' 6 +X77 I I • I , . I i I i i 1 I' 11 I _' {_? ! I' I ...I_ , 1 I ? , ? 1 I i I ' I t , I I {._..... _. I P IL r'A cl?aJ? J A N C U.r .7 7-ra/v 7;7 if3[ I f i PF rr_/p, 'u U Cl1 C C Ill OIL -1 r i ! , . I_ I i. XISTING, ' !L_L [JL,'Kh?1?®i l.n?k t? VNC 0 QUIBLE AND ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 847 - CONSULTING ENGINEERS-LAND SURVEYORS F. RICHARD QUIBLE, RE., P-L.S. NAGS HEAD, NC 27959 PRESIDENT 919-4414321 2300 S. CROATAN HWY., K.P. 10%, U.S. 158 BY-PASS SINCE 1959 `y? p 0 5'ag cS'n y'' ??` T0: Mr. Ed Brooks, Jr. C,p Commercial Equities, Inc. ^, <" k --.,,01 0" . FROM: Quible & Associates, P. C. DATE: August 12, 1986 RE: Notification of Proposed Retail Shops Mr. W. S. "Duck" Braithwaite, of Duck's Real Estate,is proposing to construct five additional retail buildings and parking lots upon the property adjacent to your south boundary. Enclosed is a copy of the Site Plan and a copy of the riparian landowners statement provided for your comment. If any further information is required, please feel free to contact us. SCB:ms Sincerely, 7-?L,.??L C.. /? arc./ J" , Sean C..Boyle Design Engineer Enclosures QUIBLE AND ASSOCIATES, INC. P. o. BOX 947 CONSULTING ENGINEERS-LAND SURVEYORS NAGS HEAD, NC 27959 919.441.4321 2300 S. CROATAN HWY., K.P. 101/f, U.S. 158 BY-PASS SINCE 1959 July 22, 1986 Mr. George Wood CAMA 108 South Water Street Elizabeth City, N. C. 27909 F. RICHARD OUIBLE, PE., P.L.B. PRESIDENT r I? A o,, "' Re: Duck's Village Shops Duck, North Carolina Duck Braithwaite Project No. OB 2183 Dear Mr. Wood: Mr. W. S. Braithwaite is requesting a major modification of his Permit #207-84 issued by State of North Carolina Dept. of natural Resources and Community Development and the Coastal Resources Commission on. January 28, 1985 and due to expire December 31, 1987. The bulkhead has already been constructed, and the proposed fill has been placed and vegetated. A previous 2nd minor modification allowing the construction of three buildings, wood walkways and gravel parking lot and drive has already been permitted and issued on March 18, 1986. Construction of these buildings has already begun. The major modifications are described below and on the Site Plan. GENERAL The proposed project consists of five retail buildings, parking lot and drives, associated boardwalks for pedestrian travel between buildings, and the septic system required for this project. 75 FOOT AREAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN The total land area of the A.E.C. 72,112 Sq. Ft. was calculated to be 1 BUILDINGS Existing buildings are numbered 1, 2, & 3 on Site Plan. Proposed buildings are numbered 4, 5, 6, 7 . & 8. Four buildings are single story and of frame construction. One building is 2-story and of frame construction. Total building coverage in A.E.C. is 12,142 Sq. Ft.. This coverage represents 16.9% of the 75 foot A.E.C. zone.. Reds ,?g?J PeEt ems of bdil =-g---*8 -o--e the--tai^c--4, Q 4 WAt?q 4a rembue- Amount of coverage of 4.0.4. wetlands is 1,400 sq. ft. The buildings shall be set back at least 2-feet from existing bulkheads. BOARDWALKS The wooden boardwalks are shaded on the Site Plan. All boardwalks will be pile supported. There is a portion of a boardwalk, in front of buildings 5 &-6 that will extend 6- feet over the existing bulkhead. Total coverage of boardwalks in A.E.C. is 6,200 Sq. Ft.. Total coverage of boardwalks in 4.0.4. wetlands is 90 Sq. Ft.. Boardwalks waterward of bulkhead-shall be constructed as permitted in original Permit #207-84. PARKING All parking lots and drives will be river rock. No asphalt or concrete pavement will be used. Each parking space will have a curb bumper. There is enough parking area and drives on the entire site for 89 cars. Total parking lot and drive area in A.E.C. is 22,100 Sq. Ft. SEPTIC The existing and proposed active low pressure pipe drainfield and 100% repair area is shown on Site Plan. All tanks, lift stations and drainfield will be a minimum of 50- feet away from..Currituck Sound and a minimum of 50-feet away from 4.0.4. wetlands. The two areas for septic drainfield and repair area shown have been approved by the Dare County Health Department. 2 DRAINAGE The basic concept is to divert stormwater away from Currituck Sound and into the existing pond. The buildings will have roof gutter systems that will divert flow away from the Sound and towards the parking areas. The parking area and drives are to be river rock, which will allow some stormwater to percolate into ground. Stormwater will collect in. existing pond and exit through an existing culvert that leads to a large 4.0.4. wetland area to the south of proposed buildings. We feel that due to the natural detention characteristics of the existing pond and the large buffer area between the outlet culvert and Currituck Sound, that stormwater will be properly managed. A formal stormwater management plan will be filed if deemed necessary by the authorities. FILL MATERIAL In accordance with the original Permit #207-84, fill has been placed in areas marked proposed fill area. The existing grades in these areas are now 4' to 5' M.S.L.. We feel that due to the natural slopes and drainage characteristics of the ground in the areas of the buildings that no fill will be required in this area. No fill is required in the active drainfield area or the repair area according to the Dare County Health Department. TOTAL LOT COVERAGE Building area = Boardwalk area = (Landward) Parking area & Drive area = Septic area Active _ 13,856 Sq. Ft. = 0.32 Ac. 8,735 Sq. Ft. = 0.20 Ac. 43,000 Sq. Ft. = 0.99 Ac. 4,650 Sq. Ft. = 0.11 Ac. 1.62 Ac. Total + 10% for Error 1.78 Ac. Total This 1.78 Ac. would represent the total maximum land disturbing area. 3 III COVERAGES Sq. Ft. %Coverage Sq. Ft. %Coverage Total Sq.Ft. in.A.E.C. of A.E.C. in 4.0.4. of 4.0.4. Buildings 13,856 12,192 16.9 1,400 1.3 Boardwalks 8,735 6,200 8.6 90 - Parking & Drives 43,000 22,100 30.6 - - 65,591 40,492 56.1 1,490 1.3 SUMMARY When you have had a chance to review this major modification of Permit #207-84, please get back in touch with myself or Marcus and inform us of what further steps need to be taken. Thanks, SCB:ms Sean C. Boyle Design Engineer CC: Mr. W. S. Braithwaite 4