HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180997 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20180801ROY COOPER c�,ma MICHAEL S. RE.GAN se.�rerar�. LINDA CULPEPPER rnre.bn an..tor NORTH :.;AROLINA Enrlronmen�o( Quo!!ty Augus� L ?018 Halifax Count�� NCDW�R Prujact No. 201 R0997 NC Hw� 13i I'IP No. U->72i .4PPROV.4L of a01 N'ATER QU.4LITY C�RTIFIG4TION with ADDITION.4L COtiDIT10Nti Mr. Ronnie Keeter. P.E.. Division Engineer NCDOI�. Division �l NO E3os 3165 W'ilson. NC ?7828 Dear Mr. Keeter: You ha�e our approval. in accordance �cith the conditions lisred belo�c, lor the followin_ impacts for the purposz uf widenine NC Hwv 135 in Halifax Counn- Strram Im acts in tlie Ruanoke River Basin Si[e Permanent Fill in Intermitten[ I Permanent Impact to I Temporary Impact ro Total Stream Stream Uinear f[) Perennial Stream Oinear fq Perennial S[ream Ilinear fU Impac[ (linear �� Total I 26 137 Total Stream Impact for Nruject: 21 I linear fee[. Wetland Imoacts in the Roanoke River Basin Total I 0.31 I O.I� Total W'etlanA Impact for Projech O.a6 acres. a8 0.�6 2I1 l�he project shall t�e construcied in accordance with your application received Jul�� 19, ?018. Afler reviewin, your application, w�e havz decided thnt these impacts �re covered by General W'ater Quality Certitication Number d 135. This cettitication corrcsponds to the Natiomvide Permit Id issued by the Corps of F,neineers. In addition, you should acquire am other fzdzral, stare or local permits before you proceed �aith your prqject including (bu[ not limired rol Stdiment and Grosion Control. Non-Discharee and Water Supply Watershed re�,ulations. ihis approval will expire ���ith the accompanyin� 404 permit. North Carolina DePartmen[ oY Em�ironnien�ai Quehr. Diau�on of Warar Rasources �12 North Salisburv Street 1617 Matl Service Cen[ar � Raleigh. Nortn Carohna 27699d61; 919 707.9000 t� This appruval is valid soleh ibr the purpose and design described in your applicatiun lunless muJilied b�lu�� ). Shuuld }uur projcct change. �uu must notify the NCDWR and submit a new spplication. If �he property is sold, ihe new owner must bz ;iven a cup} of thi, Czrtitic�tiun and nppruval letter, anJ is thereb} responsiblt 1'or compl}�in � H ith all the conditions. If toml ��etland Yilk for this prqjrci ��o�+� or in the (mure) e�czzd une acre. ur of total impacts to streams Ino�s or in thz fu[ure) e�ceed I�0 linear teeL �ompensa�ury miti�ation may be required as described in I?A NCAC'_fI .Oi06 (h) (6) and (7). For diis approval to remnin valid, you must adhzre to the conditions lisied in ihe General Certiticaiion and an� edditional conditions listed b�low. Conditinns of Certification: I. Unless otherwise apprq�ed in this certitication, placement of culcerts and odier structures in open waters and s�reams. shall be placed belu�� the elevation of �he streambed by onc lout for all culverts w�ith a diameter;reater than dA inchcs, and ?0 percznt of the culven diameter fur culvens havin�_ a diameter Izss dian 48 inches, ro allow low Flow passage of �+atrr mid aquatic life. Desi��n and placement of culvcrts and other structures including temporary erosion control measures shall not be conduc[ed in a manner dia� may result in dis-equilibrium of wctlands ur streambzds or banks, adjacen� to or upstrzam anJ down stream of the above sn�ucture�. ihe applicam is requircd to provide ecidence tha� the eyuilibrium is hein, maintained if requested in writine My the NCDW'R. I1 tliis cunditiun is unable to he met due to bedrock ix other limitin, Icatw�es encountered durin, construction. please contact ihe NCDWR for ;uidance on ho�c to proceed and to detennine whethtr or not a permi� modification will be required. � I ip NCAC 0-1��I.OSOG�b�(])� ''. II midtipla pipes or barrels are reyuircd, they shall be desi�,ned to mimic na�ural ,tream cross srctiun as closel�� as possible includim� pipes or barrels at flood plain ele�ation and,�or silis where appropriate. Widenin_ the stream channel should be avoided. tiu-eam channel �cidenin, at the inlet or uu�let end of structures h picxll} decreases water vclocin� causing ;ediment deposition that requires increased maintennnca and disrupts aquatic life passa,e. (15A NCAC U'_H.O�O61b)1'_)I 3. Riprap shall not be placed in the ac�ive ihahvee channel ur placed in ihe streambrd in a inanner thut precludes aquatic life passage. Bioen�+ineering boulders ur structures should be properla desi �ned, sized and installeJ. � I�A NCAC 02H.Oi06(b)(_'1� d. For am streams being impacred due to site dewaierin, activitias, the site shall be graded tu i�s precunstruction contours and revegetated wilh appropria[r native species. � I�A NCAC 0311.Oi0G(b)l3)] �. The strcam channel shall he ezcaca�ed nu deepzr dian the natural bed material ufthe stream, to the masimum e�tem practicable. Ffforts must be made �u minimize impacts tu ihe stream banks. as w�ell as ro ve,etation responsiblr for maintainine the stream bank �tabilit��. An�� �pplicable riparian buffer impact tix �ceess ro stream channel shall be temporsry �nd be reve�,etated with native riparian species. � 19A NCAC 02H.0�06�6)1�1� G. II concrete is used durin�, consvuction, a dq� ��urA area shall bn maintained to przvent direct contac� bet�ceen curine eoncrete and stream water. Water tha� inadvcnendy cuntacts uncured concrete shall nut bz dischareed to surface waters due to the poltntial for elevated pH and pos�ible aquatic life and tish kills. [ I?A NCAC O�B.O'_00�� 7. Durin, the constructi�n oY the project, no sta�_ing of equipment of am kind is permitted in w3ters ofthe US.. or protected riparian buffzn. [ I�A NCAC 02H.Oi06(b)(2)j 8. The dimension, panern and prohle of [hr stream ab'ove and below the crossin�; shall nuI be mudilied. Disturbed Floodplains and sveams shall be restored to natural _eomorphic conditions. [ISA NCAC O�H.O?06(b11�)] 9. �I�he use of rip-rap above the Norm11 Hi�h Wa[er Mark shall be minimized. Any rip-rap placcd (or stream stabilizaiiun shall be placed in stream channels in such a inanner that it does noi iinpede aquatic lite passaez. �ISA NCAC 03H.0�06(b)(�)j d.:.:. � Q�� Norlh Carohna DeparLnent of 6iauonm�ntal Quau�� Dimsion of Water Rzsources 312 Nurtn Selisbury Streer 1617 Mail Szrv�ce Cen;er Raleigh. North Carohna 27099-1o1i 91970�.9000 I U. The Permittez shall eosure �ha� the tinul desi�_n drawine� adhere �o the permit and tu �he pennit dra�e�ines subinittrd tix approvaL � Ii.4 NCAC 0?1-1 A>07 (c) and I>A NGAC 0?I�I .0�06 (b)1_'1 and (c)r�l� I L All work in or 2dlacent to stream waters shall be conducted in Fi dry work area. n�prqved I3MP measures from the most current version ol'NCDOT Consu'uction and Maintenance .Activities manual such as sandba�as, rock berms, cofferdamc and other diversion strucwres shall be used io prevent e�cavation in flowing ��eter� �I?A NCAC 0"'H.0506(bll �l and (c1(=)1 I?. I leaw equipment shall he oper�ted froin the banks rather than in the sveam channel in order to miniinize sedimentation and reduce the in[roduciion of o�her pollutan[s into the streain. [I �.4 NCAC 03HAa06l�)I � 1� 13. All mech�nizzd equipment operat�d ncar surtace �caters musi be rceularly inspected and maintained tu preo�cm contamina[ion of sveam water Icum I'ucls, lubricants. hydraulic Iluids, ur othcr toxic matrrials. (I>A NCAC O�H.Oi06(b)(31� IJ. No rock. sand or other materials shall be dredgzd from the suram channel e�cept where authorized by diis certification. �I�A NCAC 03H.0�06(b)(3)] I�. Discharging hydroseed mistures and washing out h}�droseeders and other equipment in or adjacrnt to surf:�ce �catzrs i� prohibited. [15A NCAC 0'_'H.05p[��b)j3)� 16. �i�he perniittee and iu authuriced �gents shall conduct its aciivities in a manner consistent �vith S[a[e water qualin� standards (includin!, ain requireinents restdting Gom compli�nce witli �;03�d) of thc Clean W��[er nct) and any other appropria�e requiremen�s oFState and Frdcral law. If the NCDWR derermine� that such standards or lawc are not being met 1 includin� the failure ro siut�in a desi�.nated or achieved use) or thnt State or federal law is bein, viola�ed, or that furth�r cundit�ions are neceti;ary �o assure cumpliance. Ihe NCDW R ma� reevaluate 2nd inodify this certification. [I �A NCAC 0'_B.0'_D0� 17. All till slopes located in jurisdictiunal wetlands ehall bc placed at slopes no Flauer than 3:1. unless uthernise authorized bc diis certi�ication. [I�A NCAC 02H.0�06(b)(2)� I S. A cop�� of ihis Watar Qualit� Canitication shall br maintained un the cunstruction site at all times. In addition, the Water Qualit� Certiticatimi and all subsequent moditicatiuns. ifany, ,hall be mainiained with die Dicision Enginecr and the on-�ite pr�ject manager. � I>A NCAC 0?I I.0507(c) and I iA NCAC O�H .0�06 (h)('_) and (c)(_'1� 19. The uutside buffer. �redand ur ���ater boundan lucated �ai[hin the cunstruciion cun�idur approe�ed by� thi� authorization. includin_ all nun-commercial horro�v and waste sites associa[ed w�ith the project, shall be clearly marked by hi�_hly visiblt fencin�_ prior to an� land disturbing activities. Impacts to are�s within lhr fencin, are prohibi�ed unless other�ti�is-e auihorized by ihis certification. [I �A NCAC 0�11.0�01 and .0�0'-J '_0. The issuance ot this certitication doe. not e�ampt thr Permitue Gom cumplyin« «ith am and all statutes. rulzs. re�ularions, or ordinances [ha[ mav be imposed by other government aeencie, li.e. local. s[ate, and federal) having jurisdiction, includin_ bu[ no[ limited to applicable buffer rules. storm���a[er mana=ement rules, s-uil erosion and sedimentation control requirements. ere. _' I. The Permittce shall repor� �ny violations of this certification to the Division of Water Resources within ?d hours of discovery. �l?A NCAC 036.0?06(b)�_')] 3?. Upon completion of the project (includim, any impacts at associa[ed borrow or waste sires), the NCUO f Divisiun Em,inzer (or whomever is the authorized agent if a non-NCDO�I' project� shall complcte and mturn die encloszd "Certification of Comple[ion Fonn" to noiify [he NCDWR when all work included in the d01 Cer[ifica[ion has be�n ec�mple[ed [ I�A NCAC 02H.050�1 f)] �, D Q�,� North Carohna Departmen[ oY Eivironn�.ent�� Qua6G Division of Wat2r Resourr,es �12 Nath Salisbury Street 1617 Mad Service Ca��ter Raleigh. NORh Carclina 2729}161- 919 707.9000 T �3. Native ripari�n ve�e�ation (es. list herbaceous, irees. and shnibs naii.c to yvur g�ographic regionl must be rees[abli>hed in the riparian areas within die construction limits of lhe projeci bp the end ot [he gruwin � season R�Ilowin, completion of�construction. �I?A NCAC 0'_'B.0506(b)('_)� 'a. There shall bz no e�cavation from, or ��aste dispu�al into. jurisdicUonal �vetlands ur ���aters associated �roith diis pemiit without appropriate moditication. Should ti�aste or borroN� site�, or nccess roads tu �aaste ur borro�v sitrs. be loca[ed in wetlands ur stmams. compensatory miti��etion will be required since Ihat is a direct impact hom road construetion activities. [I iA NG4C 0'H.Oi06(h)(3) and �c�( ;)J 'i. k:rosion anJ sediment cuntrol practice, mus[ be in full compliance with all specitications govemin, the proper desi�n. insiallation nnd operation and mainrenance of such Be,t Manaqement Practices in order tu protect ,urface waters standard, [ I?A NCAC 0'_f LOi06(b)1 �1 and lc)1_ )�: a. i�hz erosion and sediment control mea�urcs lor the projec� must be dzsi�_ned, ins�alled. operated, and maintained in accordance with ihz most recen[ versiun uf the h�orth C�u�nlino .Cedimeru �i�rd Erosinn C'onn�nl Phm��in,e �u��/ DesiKn llant�a/. b. The desi,n. installation, operntion, and maintenance of thc ,edimen� nnd erosion comrol measures must be such thai the�� equal. or zsceed, the mquirement� specitied in ihe must recent veniun ui [he ,Curibr C'orulinu Se<lrma�v and Ero.rinn Coniro! ;4/u�7r�al. The devices shall be main[ained on all cunstruction sites, borrow sites, and u�as�e pile (spoil) projucts, including cuntractor-owned or Icased bon�uw pits associated Hith the project. c Por borrow pit sites, the �rosion and sediment convol measurcs musi be designed. installed. operated. and maintained in accordance with the most recent vei_sion of the ��ordv ('�u�o(inu Sr�rjar� ,1lir+in,� ilamrnl. d. The reclamation mea,ures and implemematiun must compl} with the reclamation in accordance �cith the requiremenu ul the Sedimentaiion f'ollution Contrul Act. ?6. Sediment and erosion cuntrol measures shall nut be placed in ��edands or �urface Haters, or within � feet of the top of bank. ��ithout prior appro��al trom DW R. [ I�A NCAC 0211.0506(b1(3 ) and (c)( �)� 27. W'hen �pplicable, all constructiun activiiies shall be perfonned and maintained in full cumpliance wilh G.S. Chapter I 13A Article �(Sediinent and Pullution Control nct of 1973). Regardless ofapplicability oCthe Sediment and Pollution Con[rul Act, all prujects shall incorporate appropriate Best Mana_emzn[ Practices for Ihe control of sediment and erosion so thai nu violations ol state �carer qualit}� standards. statutes. or ndzs occur. � I SA NCAC 0?H .0506;6)(3)and(c)(3)and I�ANCACO�'13.0'_00� 38. Design, installation. operaiion. and maintenance of all sedimcnt and erosion connol ineasures shall be equal ro or esceed the reyuirements speci�ied in the most rccent version o( the .Nnr�h Curolim� .Se�limen� un�l Eruciun ('un�rul .N�uru�rl. or for linear transpurtation projects, the NCDOT Sediinem mr<! Eru��iun Conn�o! ]lurru�d. All Jeeices shall be maintained on all cunsiruction sites, borrow sites. and wastz pilz�spoil) sites. includin� contracror- oNned or leased borrow pits assuciated �ciih ihe projecL SuFflcient materials required for s[abilir.a[ion and or repairof erosioncontrol measuresand stonnwater rou[ineandtreannent shall be on sim at all iimzti. For borrow pit sites, the erosiun and sediment control measures shall be designed. installed operated. and maintained in accordance wi[h [he mo,t recent version of the tinr�h ('�ii�ufino.Suriiire ,1/inin,t l7ana�rL Reclamation measures and implemenlation �hall cumpl�� w�ith the reclamation in accurdance with the rrquirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act and the Nlining Act of 1971. � I SA NCAC 03H.0�06�6)(3) and Ic)(3); GC 11 ;�] �.�..�.� Q�� Nortn Carolina Department �f Enuir�nmen�ai �l�.,a����r Die�sion of Wa[ar Reseur�es S L2 North Sahs6urv S[reet 161? Mad Serviw C���ter Raleigh. Nn�h Carohna 2 7 694 16 1 7 919.707.9000 f If you ti-ish ro conrest am statemeni in the attached Czrtitication you must tile a pztition fur an administrative hearing. You may obtain [hz petitiun form ti�om the otlicc of Administrative hearings. You must file [he petition with the office ot Adminiatrative Hearings H ithin si��ty (60) days of receipt of this notice. A pelition is considered tiled when it i� received in thz ofllcz of Administrativz Hearings during normal ollice huurs. The 011ice of A�minish�ative I-learings accepts tilings Monda�� throu,h Friday between the fwurs of S:OOam and S;OOpm. zzcept for oRicial state holidays. �fhe ori_inal and one f I) cop�� of the petition must be tiled H�i�h �hr Olilce ul Administrative Hearinas. The petition may be fa�ed-provided the orieinal and one copy o(the documem is received b� Ihe Office oF Administrative Ilearines within tive (i) biuiness days' followine Ihe fased Iransmission. The mailin� addres's tor [he Oftice of Administrative Hearings is: Oftice of Adminisirative Hearin�s 6711 Mail Service Center Raleieh, NC 27699-6714 Telephone: (919) d; I-3000. 1=acsimile: (919) 431-3100 A cupy ofthe petition must also be servzd on DEQ as- follo�vs: Mr. Bill F. Lane, General Counsel DepartmzN of Cnvironmentnl Quality 1601 Mail Service Cen[er This letter cumpletes' the review ot the Division ol W'ater Resources under Section -101 of thz Clean Water Act. If you have any yuestions, plzase contact Rnb Ridin,s a[ 919-707-8786. Sincerely, � "� � �� � �Linda Culpepper, Interim Direc[o� Division of Water Resources Electronic copy onlp distribution: Eric Alsmeyer. US Anny Corps of Engineers. Raleigh Field Office Chad Coggins. Division -1 Cnvironmental Officer File Copy a:.... � Q�.� North Carolina Depannent �f Envircnmen[ai Qi,aory Division of Wa[er Resuume; 312 North Salisbury SVeet �. 1617 Mail Sercice Center Raleigh. Nor[h Carolina 27699d6li 919.7079000 ROY COOPER Guvrrnur MICHAEL S. REGAN k nc7Grv LINDA CULPEPPER fnfenm IiJr(t7rX NOHrH c„ao_iNa� Enrtronmenfa! Qua!!ty NcowK Pro,�ect No.: ApplicanL' _ Prnject Vame: Counh�: Dafe ul' Istivance of alll Water Quality Certification: __ Ccr[ificatc o(Cumpletion L'pon completion of all work approved within the J01 Ws�er Qualin Certifieati��n or applicable BufFer Rules. and nm� subsequent modifications, the npplicont is requimrd tn roturn �his certitiente io �he �101 I'ransportation Permitting Unit, North Carolinn Division oF Wmer Resources, 1617 Muil Scrvice Cemer. Ralei�,h. NC_ ?7699-161 Z This form mny be returned io NCDWR b� ihe applic�nt. the applicam�s euthorized aeent, or ihe prujact en;,ineer. I[ is not necessan� to send certilicates fl�om �II ol these. .-I pplicaia�'c CerliJiculian I, . hereb�� sinte th:tt, to the best of im abili[ies, due care und diligence wa, used in the obser�atiun ul tlie construction �uch that the construc[ion �c�ns observed [u be 6uih �cidiin substnntial coinpliance and iment of the -4U I N�'�rer Qualit}� Czrtitication �nd Bufler Rules. thz approved plans �nd specifrntions. and oiher supporting material,. Si�nature: Da[z: .4geut's Cenirca�iae I, , hereby sta�e tha�. to �he besi nf m� �bilities, due enre and dili,ence was used in the obserca�iun oFdie construction such that the construciinn was observed [o be buih within cubstantinl compliance and intem ot [he-101 Wa[er Quality Certitication and [�3utler Rules. the approvct� plans and speciticl[ions, anJ uther suppurtin_ materials. S i;nature: F.)rginec r's Cc rlificntion Panial Final Uate: I. . as a dulc reeistzred Protessional Gneineer in the State of Nnrth Carolina, having been outhorized �o observe (periodicallv, weekl�, fiill timel the consh-uction ot the prujcct tix thc Permittee here6}� state that. ro the best of m�� abilities, duc care and diligence wa+ used in lhe ob+ervaiion oi [he construction such that the construc[ion was observed to be built within subsmntial compliance and intent uf the J01 Water Quality Cartification nnd Buffer Rides, the npproved plans and specifica�ions, and other supponine materials. Si;nature Dfllc Reaistration No. �,., � Q�r North Carolina Depar[mant ol Enwronm�n[a� Ouilrt� Uivi5i0n Of Wdtar RESDurC� �z L'_ N�artC S�lisbur. Sue�t 1617 Mail 5arvica Cancei Ralaigh, Nertn C�rohna 2 7 6 99-16 1- 919707 9000