HomeMy WebLinkAbout19860054 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19860723 NKDATA DF°/CAMA/ 401 REV DATE 07/22/86 ACTION } CHG FILE ? Di CAMA401 PSWD ) FORMAT ) NRDFCAMA NEXT FiCD > 00055 NRT70 ENTERED THIS DATA, RECORD IS NO 00054 FRD DATA PROD O: 000:4 PRO.J : DARE CO. AIRPORT COUNTY: DARK: REGION: 07 ASSIGNED TO: W,JM JOINT NOTICE: N TYFE CERTIFICATION RECOMMENDATION DATES YYMMDD 404 F'N : 401 F EQ : ISSUE: Y RECEIVED: 860505 LAMA ONLY: Y GC: DENY: INITIAL REPORT: 860521 DF/CAMA : GC:: HOLD: FINAL REPORT: 860722 RECEIVING STREAM: CROATAN SOUND CLASS: SA BASIN: TAR :OMMENTS : SITE LOCATE=D AT END OF SR 1 1 1 h NEAR AANTI:: O =ROPOSAL INVOLVES I- EXTENSION O EXISTING RUNWAY AT NORTHERN END AND; ?- 200 X 75 1=T STOPWAY AT SOUTHERN END rHE STOPWAY W.T.I..L INVOLVE APPROX. 1.1 ACRES ADJACENT TO C:ROATAN SOUND rALBERT AND COX, ENGINEERS FOR DARE CO. ARE PREPARING A STORMWATER MGT. PLAN IPPLICANT HAS DELETED CONSTRUCTION OF NEW STOPWAY ADJACENT TO CRCIATAN SOUND; THEREFORE CONCERNS RE. STORM RUNOFF FROM THIS AREA HAVE BEEN RESOLVED 40 OBJECTIONS TO ISSUANCE OF CAMA PERMIT :OF'IE : WARD-CE NTRA1.....-MILLS.-.WOOD RECEIVED I! iI.2 3 1986 WAILK VUALI t t ;iLGTIQN OPERATIONS -BRANCH- 11bert, t'ox & Associates, Inc. 7 Engineers, Architects and Planners July 2, 1986 f%LAoLI v Lv 00M I JUG W ? OAR CESC 248 N. Front Street P.O. Box 1730 Wilmington, NC 28402 919-762-5204 Mr. George Wood Field Consultant Office of Coastal Management Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909 Re: Dare County Regional Airport Rehabilitate R/W 4-22 TCA #2259-601 Dear Mr. Wood: On Friday, June 20, 1986, the Dare County Airport Authority decided to delete from this project the construction of the stopway at the Runway 4 end adjacent to the Croatan Sound. This includes all work from Station 6+50 to Station 8+50. We appreciate all your efforts concerning this CAMA permit. Sincerely, Michael E. Mason, P.E. Proj.ect Engineer MEM:js Wilmington, NC Columbia, SC Charlotte, NC .Atlanta, CA Nashville, TN i p N i'. 1 I A A i ) P' /(.: f M ('fit .' 4 1) •1 REV fiI 05 /2 1/86 ACTION ADD FILE ) ','i°iA, NRt:I-' .:Ai~'i ira N:: RC') ) 0005 ACTION ADD, ENTER DATA, REC. I ADDED IS 00053 DATA ? I' ROJO : 0005;• i'RO..J : .DAF41:: Eto. . AIRPO fiT COUNTY: DARE REGION O..:, , , _ / JOINT NOTICE: N CERTIFICATION RECOMMENDATION DATE.".,,' Y'1'i•'ii•1DD D ' 4i 1,)4 F'1t : CAMA ONLY: Y 401 RE::t.; : GC: ISSUE: RECEIVED: 860505 D DENY: INITIAL REPORT: 860521 i (;AMA : GC : HOLD : Y E°:i:NAL REPORT: RE:.(:'i:::1:L'J:NG STREAM: (;F<OATi•N }(:It.INL CLASS: ::air BASIN: TAR COMMENTS: SITE LO CATED AT END OF SR 1116 NEAR iMANTf: 01 PROPOSAL. INVOLVES I- EXTENSION OF EXISTING FilJNt:Ji`t•Y AT NORTHERN EMU AND; 2- 200 X 75 FT STOPWAY AT SOUTHERN END THE :T•OPWAY WILL INVOLVE 1'iF'F'ROX.. 1.1 ACRES fiD..l6>If.:i:::NT T O (:;h:(:1ATAN SOUND TAL.BE RT AND COX, ENGINEERS FOR DA RE:: CO. AREA PRi:::Pr`IR:i:4• C A S••i•(aE:MWATl E:: MGT. PLAN ADDITIONAL COMMEN TS PENDING COPIES: WARO-°CENT RAL--MIL_L.S-WOOD RECEIVE[ MAY 2 ,, 11986 tJVAILI QUALITY SECTION OPERAbONS BRANCH • d ? SfATE eQe??A State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Developme&t Division of Coastal Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor David W. Owens S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary Director May 2, 1986 Mr. R. Paul Wilms, Director Division of Environmental Management Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Dear Mr. Wilms: i, The attached copy of an application submitted by: DARE COUNTY AIRPORT AURHORITY Applicant's Name Recciinnal Airport [fare Location of Project County for a State permit to perform excavation and/or fill work in coastal North Carolina and for a CAMA major development permit... X for a CAMA major development permit (only) ... ... is being circulated to State and Federal agencies having jurisdiction over the subject matter which might be affected by the project. Please indicate on the reverse side of this form your viewpoint on the proposed work and return it to me not later than May 23, 1986 Sincerely, h R. Parker, Jr., Chief Major Permits Processing Section JRP:ap:2480 P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-2293 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer (A) this agency has no objection to the project as proposed. (B) This agency has no comment on the project as proposed. (C) This agency approves of the project (or project concept) and/or recommends these minor refinements for project management. (D) This agency objects to the project and recommends permit denial based on a finding of: (1) adverse impacts under G.S. 113-229(e) 1-5 (the dredge and fill law)as enumerated below: (e)(1) ... that there will be significant (e) (2) ... that there will be signifi- adverse effect of the proposed dred- cant adverse effect on the value ging and filling on the use and enjoynent of the property of of the water by the public; any riparian owners; (e)(3) ... that there will be significant (e)(4) ... that there will be signifi- adverse effect on public health, cant adverse effect on the con- safety, and welfare; servation of public and private water supplies; (e)(5) that there will be significant adverse effect on wildlife or fresh water, estuarine or marine fisheries; (1) Inconsistency with Rules of the Coastal Resources Commission as enumerated in 15 NCAC 7H (or other). Please site rule. (3) Inconsistency with the local Land Use Plan (Please elaborate). (4) Inconsistency with Rules, Guidelines or Standards of this agency or a finding that the project is in conflict with other authority or interest as stipulated below. (E) Attachment. Include memorandum or other documentation that support findings relating to D1-4 or provide general comments. Signature ate - MEMORANDUM to: Bi11 Moors George H. Wood i.'. SUBJECT: Application for LAMA MaJow Permit and/or dredge ar?d Fill Perms t DATE: May 2, 1986 Attat6d is an application by DARE COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY IWO was rectived by me on 4128/86 t am considering this application completef have atknawledged receipt. and have begun processing. If you have 'any questions$ do not hesitate to contact me. MEMORANDUM TO: Bill Moore FROM: ]IyJ.9r -;'C/Y ..George H. Wood SUHJECt: Application for CAMA Mayor permit and/or Dredge and Fi 11 Perms ty wQ ?c DAM May 2, 1986 Attached fs*An application by Uff A RPORT AUTHORITY which Mas rpcr?vpd by me on ?. Q ----al.2fSlh t am considering this application C&Vlete# have acknowledged receipt, And have begun processing. If you have shy Questions, dO not hesitate to contact nom. T OFFICE OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. Applicant's name DARE COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY Croatan Sound on Roanoke Island, Manteo?f;. 2. Location of project site r?..h, 85 series 142=1575 r?r °?? . 3. Investigation type: Dredge & Fill CAMA X 4. Investigative procedure: (A) Dates of site visit 2/11/86 (B) Was applicant present yes 5. Processing procedure: Application received 4/28/86 OfficeElizabeth City 6. Site description: (A) Local Land Use Plan .Dare Land classification from LUP Transition Development constraints identified in LUP None (B) AEC(s) involved: (C) (D) (E) Water dependent: Ocean Hazard Estuarine shoreline X Coastal wetlands Public trust waters Estuarine waters Other Yes No X Other Intended use: Public Airport Private Commercial Type of waste water treatment: Existing Septic tanks and drain field Planned None (F) Type of.structures: Existing. 18 hangars 2 mobile homes & terminal building Planned Nnna (G) Estimated annual rate of erosion N_A. Source 7. Habitat description: AREA (A) Vegetated wetlands: Dredged Filled Other (B) Non-vegetated wetlands: (C) Other: Highground disturbed 8.8 acres (D) Total area disturbed: 8.8 acres 8., Project summary The applicant is proposing to extend and improve rurways at the Regional Airport. W DARE COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY BIO REPORT PAGE 2 SITE DESCRIPTION The Dare County Regional Airport encompasses approximately 330 acres on Roanoke Island near Manteo which is bordered on the south side by Croatan Sound. The sandy soils rise 13 feet from the sound and support the runways, 18 hangars and 2 mobile homes used for airport administration and a new terminal building under construction. All are serviced by septic tanks and drain fields. The applicants have requested authorization to make improvements and expand runways at the facility. Approximately 1.1 acres adjacent to Croatan Sound will be disturbed and a portion will be covered by bituminous concrete pavement. The shoreline at this site is currently eroding on either side, however, rock rip rap has stabilized the peninsula upon which the runway will extend. No improvements are proposed below the mean high water contour. Also proposed is the expansion of the runway to the northeast (side of airport farthest away from the water). This will result in the disturbance of 7.2 acres. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS The proposal will result in coverage of 1.2 acres by paving. covered by impervious surfaces. been submitted. CAMA REVIEW the disturbance of 8.8 acres of highground and the Less than 30% of the estuarine shoreline will be A Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan has already The project site is classified as transition in the Dare County LUP. This proposal is consistent with that Plan. Submitted by: George H. Wood Date: May 2, 1986 Norfolk Portsmouth Norfolk 16'00' Se801k Lake) O ?Wallaceton Cre 0ack0 ?If?l7 p 3 Hamm of 4 ?ples?pe7k and Bam lexb orlon 13 4 aleyville 17 Northwest t H 1? _ =++^d 5\[ MoYock Gibbs Island t al Drum Hill Corapeake l 3.= 7 \ C, ? r2 Gates • ?. vk. A z T E S 7 ??-- %d Sligo 0.tt o ktoduco Buddand 7 32 r gSouth Mills \ den 60 o ,.( 3 3 7 I58 Isx Sunbury s -j 13 1 boo 1 tl .r?pnl N,aIPe^a [? ShfW X O Corolla }. atesville ? 7 ~ v°'R V `?? r! ory eo, aterhl UGHTHOUSf of soars c'+ "'tR' Trotville > 17 / 7 Sandycross\ 0 154 11 _ Be Icros C nlock 7 % ?'bsville Elie be rl7 amden? U6 Ydl Gliden 1 Riddle, P Iar a C. hilo a 2 Q ` 1 m,, Harrell it Rylsn % `` COAS - _ • s e6videro0h r? andY spanokd T:3 . ?f4, Or cafe°t? 13 '9 to v o10Tr,p \ sanderimg PE UIMANS TYner1 1 Winfall i1 it °v9 Qf ] 1 'sou[ e Nixonton ..olerain 2 O rtfor P ell?tn Duck Ir W N / 3 a ?, 4s c..a, h. i Pont gd ;,,} k^4 v: s: / o.• W outhern ' e R ¦ /` uanta Nedt wod.h t ]- horea ,V halls Hsrbi erg nt Gould ` 3 H nn.k lawr.a M Poi Ki tY Is$ ik r'tt am i rrr s "f Bus . s hf ti, .rH? 7 Mfa code i ter. !l...rEr. SOW' Harbor ' N¦ 1? shlfnd I 3?.:. '13 r!.• ' 4 36' 4 g _ r^' ° Mw. ,? 'll Devil Hills itlway Eden E' t 32 le Collingt 7 `. 5, »';;?L.OCAT10 ` , Merry Y q Nil. 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C• aa" Slsdesville ?? ebraska ! \ 17 New Holland , 1 ` yS w ! 45 ? ' vlow n. t Bayvi ns- Swan Quarter Gull Rock Wrtocking Boy iREf k 2 1 ?r_... P?Onfn ey, ?Rar; !"b Pamlico e h ?`? Ros; Bar 5 J r L, i - \4 A 2 Bratan s. 12 ...wM. .\` ` ?`, ". `'?G 'c ; tlcll7llousl r urea \ 4 Hattoraa s? Royal IL GAfe HAMRks HobockM • \? fREEFEARY,I-?- Me is 3? dBo` - ? Hollyville ? - 1 /IatfOaalnlar 5 t:' \ f5 11 (Cash Corner) Vandometo 1-Y J4. ft?f?a ? Maribe 7 g°„r R• ?M.. n. ?/ . \ ??. C..° .2 oL~e 6oyooro ?.1 Flq.?lc l • Oaseok@1 - A M nce LSCon 1 >t G ? ,GHTHOUSE Merritt tonsvilld 1 55 P kco C / Portsm th /Ooacokv Inlet 6. / Ration tilt/ ?fiJ - 35' f 0 'enta/ Boy , / West Bam ff P4004, k - -_ - - ad +r Island, . I let lane+r6 / _g g d SuweA in tc nneso Lola t? River. „0 TI ''fo k???' tt 0 5 10 20 LOCATION "MAP SCALE IN MILES N MAKI SCHEDULE I : RUNWAY • 4- SCHEDULE R (200' x 76 RUNWAY E; PROJECT LAYOUT PLAN 400 0 400 800 SCALE IN FEET Mrs fl Il Il. I _ s Z Q 0 d a: f • I II I Z s: ? t? t4 ? a ? 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