HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160191 Ver 1_Environmental Impact Statement Comments_20071205� MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR .�, �� a� r�D � OF�. D �''��.✓ � FTi.4y�fNq,� �zalV7 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ��ST��w,,. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION �A'� Rx�,.� LYNDO "I7PPETT SECREfARY December 5, 2007 Memorandum To: David Wainwright, NC Division of Water Quality, Transportation Permitting Unit �i'� From: Subject: Colin Mellor, NCDOT, PDEA — Natural Environment Unit Addendum to the Indirect and Cumulative Impact Water Quality Report for the Greenville Southwest Bypass, Pitt County, TIP R- 2250 Attached is the addendum to Indirect and Cumulative Impacts Water Quality RepoR. The addendum addresses the questions raised by NCDWQ in a Memorandum dated June 13, 2007, and further discussed at a meeting of NCDOT and NCDWQ on September 12, 2007. Please call (715-1426) or email (cmellor(a�,dot.state.nc.us) me if you have any questions. cc: Chris Underwood, Bob Deaton, Beth Smyre, MAILINO ADDRESS: NC DEYMTMENf OF TRr1N5PORT�TqN PRQIECT DEVELOVMEM AND ENVIRONMEM�L AN�LYSIS NATUML ENVIRONMEM UNR 1598 MNL SERVICE CENi£R RLLE�GH NC 2789&1598 Natural environment Unit Human Environment Unit Project Development Te�ev�wHe: 91 &775-1335 w 919-7157334 FAX: 91&7151501 WEeS�7e www.NCD0T.0/tG LOCATION: TRANSPORTATqN BUIIpNG 1 $OUfX WILMINCTON $TREET RueioH NC GREENVILLE SOUTHWEST BYPASS INDIRECT AND CUMULATIVE IMPACT WATER QUALITY STUDY UPDATE Comments from the NCDWQ staff on the report submitted by NCDOT regarding the Indirect and Cumulative Impacts (ICI) associated with the Greenville Southwest Bypass (Greenville Bypass) in Pitt County, North Carolina (TIP R-2250) included concerns about the assumptions regarding septic tank failure rates in the original watershed modeling analysis. Concerns were also raised in regards to the geographic extent of stream buffers projected in the watershed model to meet requirements of the Neuse River NSW strategy. Over and above the concerns raised by NCDWQ, changes in land use patterns projected to result from development of the Greenville Bypass have occurred since the ICI study was completed as a result of the elimination of one of the roadway interchanges in the bypass design (Figure 1). In order to address NCDWQ comments and account for the impacts of these land use changes, additional model runs were performed. This memo, which serves as an addendum to the original Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Report (NCDOT 2006b), contains the model results as well as a discussion regarding the impacts of adding streams shown on the Pitt County Soil Survey. � NEW MODELING SCENARIOS The Generalized Watershed Loading Function (GWLF) model was .used to simulate long-term loading of nonpoint source pollutants. Two additional runs of the model were completed in order to address septic tank failure rates and the elimination of an interchange. Full details on the previous model assumptions and parameters can be found in the original report (NCDOT, 2006b). Septic Ta�/r Fai/ure Rates � , The GWLF model incorporates four different septic tank `types' in order to account for septic tank failure. `Normal' systems conform to EPA guidelines, in which nitrogen entering surface water is assumed to be a factor of plant uptake or its ability to infiltrate groundwater and subsequent discharge to streams. Phosphorus is assumed to be completely absorbed by soils in this scenario. In `short-circuit' systems, the septic tanks are assumed to be in close-proximity to streams, and therefore phosphorus absorption by soil is assumed to be negligible. `Ponded' systems describe septic tanks with hydraulic failure, resulting in the surfacing of tank effluent which enters surface water via overland flow. `Direct discharge' systems are illegal systems which discharge tank effluent directly to surtace water. . Septic tank failure rates are applied in the GWLF model by adjusting the percent of the population which uses each `type' of septic system. In the model performed for the original ICI study, 100% of the septic-using population was assumed to be using the `normal' septic system. Statistical data on septic system malfunction in North Carolina is very limited. Data obtained for this study from the Pitt County Management Information Systems Office on septic repair permits resulted in a calculated septic failure rate of less than one percent. This is likely a gross underestimation of failure rate given the limited time period of recorded failures (4 years) and that some systems with failure are never reported. Instead, a septic tank failure rate was assumed based on a state-wide survey performed by the North Carolina.Office of State Budget and Management in 1981. In this citizen survey, 11.4% reported septic system malfunction or failure in the preceding year (NCDEH, 2000). . . '� � _ .� " � c� � , . I GREENE Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Update � J`�/1i \,Y �. ^ �. It ' /.. -. ,,.�1 ! LJ m �• l'�.� _ � '�� ^WinleNill¢ f / 'i . � �, �' 2 � � I.��� � . '� 1 _ ��I"��. .`.�ti �-,. � '�_Y_4�-y Ayden -.� ,-i �-'" i ti /Q�`���.--� .,���r';� ��� �.v. +-� -;�.: Swift Creek Study Area '�� Streams Litlle Con[entnea Creek Study Area '�'-� �mpaired Streams '� Selected Alternative Water 8odies �} In�erchange ' Counry Boundary � _ _� River Basin Boundary Municipalities Minor Roads /�/ Major Roads Railroads Figure t. Project Study Area ICI Water QualiTy Study Greenville Soutwest Bypass TIP No. R�2250, PiV Counry. NC �� �'�� Notlh Carolina � Department oi Transpotlation Pitt Count 0� 0.5 1 2 3 Miles L Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Update Given that the failure rate reported was based on homeowner observation, the most accurate representation of this failure in the GWLF model . is the `ponded' system scenario. It is assumed that no illegal `direct discharge' systems are present in the watershed. Using inputs developed for the Build scenario of the original ICI report, 88.6% of the population on septic systems was input as using `normal' septic systems and 11.4% on `ponded' systems. The GWLF model was used to generate 10 years of annual total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) loads in the watershed. These loads were aggregated into 10-year . pollutant loads of TN and TP for each subwatershed. The results are presented by pollutant in Table 1. Table 1. Ten-year Total Loads (tonnes) for All Subwatersheds in the `Normal' and `Normal + Pondin ' Se tic Failure Scenarios Total Nitro en Total Phos horus Normal + % Change . Normal + % Change ' Subwatersheds Normal Pondin Over NormaC ' Normal Pondin Over Normal U F2 147 147 0% 9.06 10.52 16% UF1 58 58 0% 11J2 11.81 1%0 UE1 133 133 0% 724 8.64 19% UD1 17 17 0% OJ5 0.91 21 % UC1' 73 73 0% 3.53 4.22 20%0 UB1 30 - 30 0% 1.23 1,50 22% UA3 165 165 0%0 8.65 10.39 20% UA2 59 59 0% 10.51 10.73 2% - UA1 55 55 0% 6.85 7.16 5% SC8 63 63 0% 9.47 9.59 1%. SC7 53 53 0% 6.55 6.82 4% SC6 59 59 0% 10.58 10.64 1% SC5 67 67 0% 11.32 11.48 1% SC4 151 151 0% 14:23 15.41 8% SC3 79 79 0% 14.38 14.39 0% SC2 58 58 0% 10.58 10.69 " 1% SCi 92 92 0% 17.42 17.42 0% PB4 122 122 0% 5.81 7.07 22% P63 70 70 0% 3.63 4.35 � 20% PB2 43 43 0% 329 3.68 12% PB1 53 53 0% 9.77 9.83 1% Total 1646 1646 0% 177 187 6% The septic tank failure scenario demonstrated a 6% increase in TP loading in the entire study area watershed, with loading increasing between 0 and' 22% among the subwatersheds (Table 1 and Figure 2). No change in TN loading was observed between the two scenarios. This is not surprising given the dynamics of the model and nature of the nitrogen cycle. In the model performed for the original ICI study, 100% of the septic- using population was assumed to be using the `normal' type of septic system. In this system, nitrogen from septic tanks loads to surface water via infiltration to groundwater and its subsequent discharge to sfreams. In a conventional septic tank and drainfield system organic nitrogen �in household wastes is transformed into ammonia products in the anaerobic conditions of the septic tank, a process referred to as ammonification. When these products exit the septic tank and encounter the aerobic conditions in the drainfield, the ammonia products are . 3 Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Update biochemically transformed primarily into nitrates, referred to as nitrification (Washington State DOH, 2005). In the 'ponding' septic scenario, the nitrogen travels quickly to the surface, rather than entering the drainfield where nitrification would occur, and almost all of the nitrogen is lost to the atmosphere through the volatilization of ammonia. Phosphorus, on the other hand, adsorbs to soils, and in the 'ponding' scenario is available for loading to surface water via runoff and overland flow. The largest increases in TP loading were observed in subwatersheds with a high percentage of very low density residential land use. Figure 2. Mean Annual Total Phosphorus Loading Rates 2.00 1.80 1.60 1.40 T 1.ZO r 1.00 Y 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 N � ^ (�l N 6J i� �O � V CJ N (�l N u. a w o U m¢¢¢ U U U U U U U U� m m m >>>>>>>>� fn cn u� v� cn �n cn m a a a a Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Update NC-903/nte�change Hemo�a/ � . Since the ICI study was completed in May of 2007, the previously planned NC Highway 903 interchange has been eliminated. To account for this design change, the Build scenario was re-evaluated (Figure 3 Project Subwatersheds). County officials had expected commercial and light industrial growth in this area as a. result of the interchange (Figure 4a Original Future Build Land Use/Land Cover Scenario). In addition, higher density residential housing was anticipated in the area around the interchange. These predicted land uses have been replace,d with the Residential — Low Density category which is consistent with the No-Build scenario. A revised Future Build Land Use/Land Cover Scenario has been created to depict these changes (Figure 4b Revised Future Build Land Use/Land Cover Scenario). To model the above scenario, the land use changes in the three subwatersheds affected by the interchange elimination (UF2, UE1, SC4) were incorporated into the previous model run developed to include septic tank failure rate. The'GWLF model was then used � to generate time series reflecting 10 years of annual TN, TP, and sediment loads, which were aggregated to 10-year pollutant loads. The results are presented in Table 2. A 1% decrease in TN loading was observed in subwatersheds UF2 and UE1, with a 3% decrease in SC4, resulting in a study area decrease in TN loads of less than one percent (Figure 5). TP loads were decreased by 4%, 4%, and 8% in subwatersheds UF2, UE1,. and SC4 respectively (Figure 6). The total reduction in TP loading in the study area was approximately 1%. Sediment loads also decreased as a result of the change in, land use in the three subwatersheds. Loads were decreased by 5%,� Z%, and 11 % in each of the respective subwatersheds, with a total study area decrease in sediment loads of approximately 1 % (Figure 7). ! 5 Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Update - � � � �� � I � � � `. �� �" ` y ,� 'j�'S � _�� ,r � _ � � � t t �1�.,L,:_-�� �� � ' � �- �� a - , , � � �� , , , ��, — — � -�: � 1 {� _ *,� _ <.v— c `� �y S, ,' _'f.l. r`, �1,, V � �y _ , ? _ �'�� � I � ��-%-^—�^,�_ US2641 t��_. — �; �� � c`rT= - � i� . r L�' E. w <, . 1. - . \ — +`� Yi_ '$'Iv ;�� � l ` �� '�� fl4 j �C '�. � �J.• j �t � '- . _ . " ''---i�,;. .v _ - .. ; , �: l�y -�-� �' Greenvi{(� / . i — i� � � / ` ��� _� �� - � � ? � - � " � . / �� -C � !�� � �� � � I ♦ 'U� � � w ��t N� l �i. i�' f� � �-'�'�"� _ .r � � � .c;, l �� L � �I � �� l 1—�' � �T�.�� ^���►d�. �u � t � �� � � ' J^ �f,� ��� % 11 � �� � ,��� � ��� . 1 JS 3�- 1,f ..i- ��.... �. . ,. \ '. . �""�• � I , � r3i (� � 1 —ri k�.' \, I � ./ �� (1 � _'�y/liS� �Z....� \' ��y '1��.-; , U ...... ` ` �� � � f �i,,,..,,�/_"�'_,���" t _ —,._ .. !. � . � � �'"�.� _� \ `_ � _ i /--} i . � � � � `y. �..�. � aocosir(ao, ._ z e ;WthtervilYe = �_ r,_ ;t�� f , ` r ` �� �� -- �fizU� -� �i. / T / ` ._ � � H 1 'VEI� . �� " ` � /�, / 90C r- : ( � �� 1�..� ti � �' `�'."`' � �� .. . l iIC i ; r � j S�a� �_j�; , '�; =�' �., �'�� �� . ;Ry (' ;i - � r _� i s-- � ' ; ,- r ; ,- < � ,. � -" ��, ,-, , ��-� � , �1� �' �I! Ayden�..� r"� �- �—�'- t- / � .l� � �} � I � � . � I � �,�`� � � ~�� ` � , + � � ; � � �� `� �� ���� :I'�� �ubwatershed area is in hectares � ' � � �,. � Selected Altemalive �� � River Basin Boundary {} Inierchange ,__• Counry Boundary Figure 3. Project Subwatersheds ♦ WeatherStation Municipalities Ayden ETJ �CI Water Quality Study - Gfeenville Bypass L___ � Motlel Subwa�er5hetls TIP No. R�225o, Pin Caunry. NC �'�.� Impaired Strearns Greenville ETJ .. � Streams Greenville Proposed ETJ � Nonh Carolina - Water Bodies W�ntervi�le ETJ +��' Depahment oi Trensportation . .:' Railroads �Nlnterville Proposetl ETJ p^� o.s 1 2 a Mnes RoatlS 0 �- ,�, �,. _� _ :V �Q � GREENE Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI W ater Quality Study Update ~�� J>,� � 'i . ` — r: �� � � l� �1�% > l � y ��`�.l � � - DE �� � �/ ,,.J � FUWre Build ConAilions Water (%imperviousness) _ Opa�SpaceBFores� Figure 4a. Original Fuiure Build - commeroai�hieavy mdusviai p2°,) � Selaciod Anemanve Land Use/Land Cover Scenario Oifine�InsnWnonaVLigh�indusirial�53%) � Interchange y y iC� Water �uaiii Stud _ Resiaenlial MUllifamily.Nery High De�siry (a2°/ � ^� qoaas Greenville Southwest 8ypass - Fesiaenliai High Oensiry (24 0� l'�,/ Railroads TIP No. R-2250, Pitt COunty, NC — Resitlen�ial Metlwm High Density p7%) �, SVeams -� ���� North Carolina - Resdenual Metlmm Low Densiry (i3%1 � Watersned eoundary pypanmen� of Transporiation aesiaennai Low �ensny �n%1 � Counry Boundary ���� Agncuhure/Resitle�tial Very Low Dansiry (5%) � qytlen ETJ 0 0.5 1 2 3 Miles — Paved Foatl with Righ� ol Way (fi1 %) � Greenvtlle Proposed ETJ Weliantl Winierville Proposetl ETJ 7 GREENE Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Update — p � � � �` �� i' ��� �y�� , � �� � � �' ��� ' � �..rT oE � * , � �. �1 1 Fuwre Builtl Contlitions - Water (%imperviousoess) _ Open Space 8 forost Figure 4b. Revised Future Build _ CommeraavHeavy Indwtnai (72%I Land Use/Land Cover Scenario � SoleCtetl Allematrve Othcc%InstiWlionab'LighUndusirial(53%� � Intercnange ICIWaterQuali[yStudy _ReSidentialMullilamily/VoryHighDensilyf,42%) �VRoads 6teenVilleSOuthWeStBypdss - Resitlamial High Dansiry (24Y ) f�/ qailroads TIP No. R�2250, Pitt County, NC - Resitlential Medwm High Oonsiiy (17%) ^ Streams p � - Resitlentiai Medium Low Densiry (�3%) � Walershetl Bountlary ` Notlh Camlina Residemial Low Donsity (t1 /� Q County Boundary �.' Department o� Transportation AgricWWre;Res�denlial Very low Dansiry (5 e� � Ayden ETJ 0 0.5 1 2 3 MileS - Pavea Road witn Right ot Way (61 %) � Greanville Proposed ETJ We�lan0 Winlerville Pmposetl ETJ [.] Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Update Table 2. Ten-year Total Loads (tonnes) for All Subwatersheds in the Revised Septic and Revised Se tic with Land Use Chan e Scenarios �, Total Nitro en � Total Phos horus � Total Sediment � � � , > a� N Revised � .� Revised � .� Revised � � � Revised Septic + � � Reuised Septic + � � � � Revised Septic + � � � Septic LU .c � Septic LU �� Septic LU �� � Change o • Ghange o C'hange o � � � o UF2 147 145 -1%� 11 10 -4% 468. 495 -5% UF1 58 58 0% 12 12 0% 748 748 0% UE1 133 132 -1% 9 8 -4% 422 , 454 -7% UD1 17 17 0% 1 1 0% 170 170 0% UC1 73 73 0% 4 4 0% 362 362 0% UB1 30 30 0% 1 1 0% 201 201 0% UA3 165 165 0% 10 10 0% 483 483 0% UA2 59 59 0% 11 11 0% 802 802 0% UA1 55 55 0% 7 7 0% , 557 557 0% SC8 63 63 0% 10 10 0% 620 620 0% SC7 53 �3 0% 7 7 0% 327 327 0% SC6 59 59 0% 11 11 0% 667 667 0% SC5 67 67 0% 11 11 0% 707 707 0% SC4 151 146 -3% 15 14 -8% 626 700 -11 % SC3 79 79 0% 14 14 0% 1004 1004 0% SC2 58 58 0% 11 11 0% 852 852 0% SC1 92 92 0% 17 17 0% 1312 1312 0% PB4 122 122 0% 7 7 0% 424 424 0% PB3 7.0 70 0% 4 4 0% 243 243 0% P62 43 43 0% 4 4 0% 185. 185 0% PB1 53 53 0% 10 10 0% 771 771 0% Total 1646 1639 -0.4% 187 ' 185 -1 % 11951 12084 -1 % Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Update Figure 5. Mean Annual Total Nitrogen Loading Rates � 6 ■ Build � ■ Revised Septic 14 �� ❑ Revised Septic + LU Change 12 10 i. m 8 r rn Y 6 4 2 0 UF2 UE7 Figure 6. Mean Annual Total Phosphorus Loading Rates 1.4 ■ Build � 2 ■ Revised Septic j❑ Revised Septic + LU Change 1 i � �, 0.8 � A t y O.6 0.4 0.2 0 UF2 SCA 10 uEi SC4 Figure 7. Mean Annual Total Sediment Loading Rates ■ Build 60 — - ■ Revised Septic 50 � ��vi,ed Septir. + LU Ch„nqe: 4� � > r 30 Y 20 10 0 N 7 STREAMS AND STREAM BUFFERS Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Update V w U � � Comments from NCDW� included concern over the quantity of streams, and therefore the amount of stream buffer, depicted on the land use scenarios. There was concern that the addition of streams would enable more of a constituent (nitrogen, phosphorous, and sediment) to enter the stream. Blue-line streams found on USGS topographic quadrangles were depicted on an overlay of the land use scenarios. Additional streams found on the Pitt County Soil Survey were not included in this overlay in the original study. GWLF models runoff in a block by block manner. Each block represents a subwatershed. Nutrient loads from different land uses within each subwatershed are based on the volumes of flow and the associated flow pathways (overland and seepage), the amounts of soil eroded, and concentrations that express the amount of nutrient load per unit volume of water flow or sediment erosion from each land use. As noted, the only two flow pathways are overland flow and seepage. GWLF does not model streamflow as a flow pathway, and therefore the amount of streams found within the subwatershed is irrelevant as it will not affect the model outputs. The quantity of streams depicted does have an impact on land use within the subwatersheds. Specifically, the fifty-foot buffers that were created for each USGS blue-line stream were classified as urban greenspace. Urban greenspace is modeled as a rural land use with low concentrations of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorous. Eliminating these buffers would lead to greater amounts of urban land uses which would increase the nutrient loads in the system. Since the streams/channels depicted on the soil survey were not taken into account when developing the land use scenarios, the amount of buffer, and therefore urban greenspace, is most likely an underestimation. To illustrate this, additional streams/channels that appear on the soil survey in seven subwatersheds were digitized. Stream length was calculated, as well as the area of urban greenspace that the buffer would have occupied (Table 3). Results show that adding the soil survey streams lead to an increase of between 40 and 80% of stream length, 11 Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Update depending on the watershed. This additional stream length leads to an increase of urban greenspace in each watershed ranging from 1.85% to 5.6% of the subwatershed area. I able 3. U5U5 tilue-line 5treams anci 5on 5urve 5treams Additional Soil Buffer Area (hectare) Subwatershed USGS Stream Survey Stream (using additional soil Percent of Length (feet) Length (feet) survey streams) Watershed PB1 22,086 15,563 14.46 1.85% PB2 14,108 11,856 11.01 2.79% PB3 24,435 � 16.698 15.51 2.76% P64 53,562 43,870 40.76 3.8% UA1 10,084 14,658 13.62 1.85% UA2 7,236 28,161 26.16 � 3.67% UA3 39,925 69,884 64.92 5.6% Adding this urban greenspace area to the scenarios would lower the nutrient loads within the subwatersheds, and additionally would increase the nutrient removal associated with these buffers. This study aims to model a realistic scenario using conservative assumptions, therefore the additional streams were not included. The addition of these streams is further shown to be unnecessary since the resulting increase in urban greenspace would occur in both the Build and No-Build scenarios. Adding additional streams could increase the amount of buffer impacted by the proposed bypass. However, jurisdictional streams have already been determined in the field for the entire construction corridor. The jurisdictional streams (depicted in the Indirect and Cumulative Impact Assessment on Figure 6 Water Resources (NCDOT 2006a)) that are affected by Alternate 4 closely match the USGS streams with the exception of one stream. A review of the soil survey depicts five additional streams in the corridor.,However, these streams, most likely drainage ditches, are not jurisdictional. � � CONCLUSIONS The new model results show that the effects of septic system failure are minimal in the watershed. There is very little� data on septic system failure and as such, this could be an underestimation of the impacts on water quality. However, there are less than 200 additional septic systems in the Build scenar.io compared to the No-Build Scenario which contains over 7,000 septic systems. This is less than a 3% increase in septic systems. Therefore, impacts to water quality as a result of failing septic systems may occur irregardless of construction of the new roadway.. The original USGS streams and associated buffers used for modeling purposes depict a conservative scenario for the study area. Adding more streams would not alter the conclusions reached in the original ICI study. 12 Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Update REFERENCES North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). 2006a. Final Technical Memorandum. Greenville Southwest Bypass Indirect and Cumulative Impact Analysis. Prepared for NCDOT by Lochner. May 2006. North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). 2006b. Greenville Southwest Bypass Indirect and Cumulative Impact Water Quality Study Report. Prepared for NCDOT by Stantec. December 2006. Washington State Department of Health. 2005. Nitrogen Reducing Technologies for Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems. Report to the Puget Sound Action Team. DOH Pub 334-083. 13 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ����on�d JUL 2 3 2007 DENR - WATER �UALITv WETLANDS AND STOR61YYq1 ER 9RA)!CH MICHAEL F. EASLEY LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR � SECRETARY ]UlY 2�, 20�% Memorandum To: David Wainwright, NC Division of Water Quality, Transportation Permitting Unit From: Colin Mellor, NCDOT, PDEA — Natural Environment Unit ���� Subject: DWQ comments regazding the Indirect and Cumulative Impact Water Quality Report for the Greenville Southwest Bypass, Pitt County, TIP R-2250 The following responses refer to your comments on the above referenced report, received June 29, 2007. Comment 1: Current and projected sewer infrastructure aze discussed in Sections 2.3.3, 4.2.2, and Figure 4.2.2. Section 4.6.4 states how future septic inputs were estimated using pazcels outside of probable future sewer serviced areas. SepUc systems were then estimated based on projected lot densities and an average number of people per housing unit. Unless there are specific data regazding the failure of septic systems, as an assumption, "normal" septic systems (assume functioning) seems reasonable. Comment 2: The modeling performed for this study quantifies the indirect and cumulative changes in land use expected to be caused by the construction of the Bypass, and how these changes will effect the transport of selected constituents to the streams within the established study area. In order to effectively model the in-stream fate of these constituents the entire Little Contenmea Ck. and Swift Ck. watersheds would need to be analyzed. This type of analysis is significantly outside the scope of this ICI modeling study. Comment 3: The seepage co-efficient was selected because it was appropriate for the soils of the study area. It yielded a result consistent with published pazameters. Given that this loss is only 3% of the water balance, altering the coefficient to yield a 1/: or 1% change would not produce significantly different results. Note that the 2.5 to Scm/yr infiltration (-2 to 3% of the water balance) comes from a study specific to the North Carolina coastal plain. MAIIJNG ADDHESS: NC DEGRRTMENT OF TqANSPORTRTqN PPOJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMFNTRL ANALY515 N�TUflM ENVIPONMENT UNR 1 S98 MRR SERVICE CEMER Rn�eicH NC 27699-1598 TElEaeor+e: 919-715-1335 or 91 9-71 54 334 FAX: 919-715-1501 WEBSITE: WWW.NCDOT.ORG �ocanorr: TRRNSPORTATION BUILOING 1 $OIRH W ILMNGTON STREEi MLEqH NC Response to DWQ comments on the R-2250 ICI Water Quality Report Page 2 Comment 4: The overall general conclusion of growth occurring with or without the bypass was extensively re-researched for this study at the behest of John Hennessey, following the results of the 2006 ICE document. This conclusion is supported by the data presented in the report, which was retrieved from published sources and local planners in the municipalities and counties within the study area (e.g. Sect. 2.3.3 para. 3; Sect. 2.3.4 para. 2). I agree, the statement on page 4-6, Section is a little misleading, and should probably read "The Build scenario is essentially the same as the No-Build for the Greenville...". I wish we had caught that when editing the drafts. However, comparison of Figures 4.2.3 and 4.2.4 shows that the model inputs were exactly as you say, with the intersections of the Bypass with Forelines Rd., NC 903, and NC 102 showing more intense (Commercial/Heavy Industrial, Residential-MultiFamily, and Residential High Density) development. Comment 5: If there are substantially more (or any) streams indicated on the NRCS soils maps for the county then the model input should have produced a conservative result. If these responses do not adequately address your comments we should probably schedule a meeting at your earliest possible convenience. Please do not hesitate to call (919-715- 1426) or email (cmellor@dot.state.nc.us) if you have further questions. �"�'"'�._�' Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources June 13, 2007 Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality MEMORANDUM To: Colin Mellor, NCDOT Through: John Hennessy, Supervisor, NC Division of Water Quality, Transportation Permitting Unit From: David Wainwright, NC Division of Water Quality, Transportation Permitting Unit Subject: Comments regarding the Indirect and Cumulative Impact Water Quality Study Report for the Southwest Greenville Bypass, Pitt County, TIl' R-2250. In response to your correspondence dated February 2007 in which you requested comments for the ICI for the referenced project, the Division of Water Quality has reviewed the document and provides the following comments: Section 5.2 discusses pollutant loading. The text states that the model assumes no phosphorous export for properly functioning septic systems. However, potential nutrient loading from failing and faulty septic tank systems is not discussed. In some cases, this loading can be significant.. It appears that the model inputs regarding septic tanlcs are estimated based on existing septic tanks. It is stated that sewer service is a limiting factor with regard to growth and development, but future development in areas that will not be sewered and will utilize septic tanks does not appear to be considered. A map showing future sewered areas is not shown, making it difficult to deternune how much development (especially residential) will occur outside of sewered areas. 2. Based on the results provided in the report, the DWQ believes that an in-stream model needs to be developed far watersheds UE1, LTF2, UF1, SC2, SC4, and SC6. The modeling results indicate the largest increases in flow, nitrogen, phosphorous, and sediment occurs within these watersheds. Watersheds,LTEl, UF2, and LTF1 discharge either directly or indirectly into Little. Contentnea Creek, which is listed on the 303(d) list for low dissolved oxygen and biological integrity. Increases of nitrogen and phosphorous could increase algal growth (especially nitrogen, which appears to be the limiting nutrient), which in turn could result in decreased dissolved oxygen due to eutrophication. An inerease in sediment could lead to excessive sedimentation and an increase in turbidity, thereby disrupting the biological integrity of Little Contentnea Creek. Watersheds SC2, SC6, and SC4 discharge into Swift Creek, listed on the 303(d) list for biological integrity. As with Little Contentnea Creek, an increase in sediment loading could alter the biological integrity of the stream. Modeling will be necessary to show that projected impacts from the bypass will not further violate water quality standards and any TMDLs that may be developed in the future. The DWQ is willing to discuss this further if necessary. NorthCarolin Transportation Permitting Unit �lit6fPC1��1,� 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-17861 FAX 919-733-6893/ Internet: h#tq:!/h2o.enr.state.nc.usincwefiands An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper Section 4.4.2 discusses the seepage coefficient. It is stated that typically, 2.5 to 5 cm of the annual precipitation, or two to three percent, infiltrates to the deep aquifer. A coefficient of 0.015 was used, resulting in a 3 percent loss to the aquifer. It is not clear how sensitive the model is to this coefficient, but would it have been more appropriate for a two percent loss, which would haue been more conservative? Or, since the parameter is site specific, perhaps using a coefficient resulting in a 2.5 percent loss (average for the state) would also have been appropriate. Please provide more information about model sensitivity to this parameter or rerun the model with the more conservative input value. 4. The document suggests that for the Greenville area (including the ETJ area) the build and no build scenarios are the same with respect to development, and that current growth trends indicate growth regardless of bypass construction. The DWQ does not deny that growth in these areas will occur if the bypass is not constructed. However, it is assumed that a high-speed, four-lane, divided highway with full-control of access with links to major arterial roads would be appealing to commercial and industrial businesses. This would lead one to conclude that more commercial and industrial development would occur in the close proximity to the roadway, especially near intersections, than would if the roadway were not built. If this were allowed to happen the build and no-build scenarios presented would not be the same: According to Table 4.2.5, office/institutional/light industrial land uses and commerciaUheavy industrial land uses have some of the highest impervious areas (53 and 71 percent, respectively), leading to more stormwater runoff and pollutant loading. Please rerun the model with more appropriate land use change information. 5. Section 4.7.1 discusses the Neuse River Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Rules. The last . sentence indicates that a fifty-foot buffer was applied around all streams found on USGS stream coverage map. It is assumed that this was done to comply with the Neuse River Buffer Rules. It � should be noted that the rules also state that streams indicated on the paper series of the NRCS • soils maps for the county of interest are also subj ect to buffer protection as well. The DWQ requests that the NCDOT rerun the model, imposing the fifty-foot buffer on all streams shown on both the USGS maps and the NRCS Soils Survey maps. Thank you for requesting our input at this time. The DWQ will be willing to schedule a meeting to discuss the requests being made or any other items of concern. If you have any questions, require additional information, or would like to schedule a meeting, please contact David Wainwright at (919) 715-3415. Chapter 3: Establishing Tieatmenf System Perfvrmance Re�quireinents � Table 3-7. Constituent mass loadings and concentrations in typical residential wastewater' Constltuent Mass loading Concentration° (grams/persoNday) (mglL) Total solids (1 Volatile solids Total suspended solids (TSS) Volatile suspended solids 5-day biochemical o�rygen demand (BODs) Chemical oxygen demand (COD) Totai nitrogen (TN) Ammonia (NH,) Nitrites and nitrates (N0� N; N0,-N) Total phosphorus (TP)` Fats, oils, and grease Volatile organic compounds (VOC) Surfactants Total coliforms (TC)° Fecal coliforms (FC)° 65-85 35-75 25-60 35-65 11 �r150 6-17 1-3 <1 1-2 12-18 0.02-0.07 2-4 280-375 155-330 11 �265 155-286 500-660 26-75 4-13 <1 Cr12 7�105 0.1-0.3 9-18 10e_� ��o 1 �°-10° ' Fortypical residemial dwellings equipped wllh standard water-using tiztures and appllances. ' Milligrams per liter, assumed wa�er use of 60 gallonypersoNday (2271iters/personfday). ` The delergent industry has iowered ihe TP concentrafions since eady IiteraWre studies; therefore, Sedlak (1991) was used PorTP dafe. ° Concentrafions presented In Mast Pro6able Numberof organisms per 100 mi�liters. Source: Adapted from Bauer et al., 1979; Bennett and Linstedt,1975; Laak, 1975, 1986; Sedlak, 7991; Tchobanoglous and Burton, 1991. Table 3-8. Residential wastewater pollutant contributions by source' ° Paremeter Garhage disposal Toilet Bathing, sinks, Approximate total (gpcd)` (gpcd)` appliances (gpcd)` (gpcd)` BODs mean 18.0 16.7 28.5 632 range 10.9-30.9 6.9-23.6 24.5-36.8 % of total (28%) (26%) (45%) (100qo) Total suspended mean 26.5 27.0 172 707 solids range 15.8�3.6 12.5-36.5 10.8-22.6 %OftOtal (37%) (38%) (24%) (100%) Total nitrogen Total phosphorus° mean range % 0� t0�8� mean range % of total 0.6 0.2-0.9 (5%) 0.1 (4%) 8.7 4.1-16.8 (78%) 1.6 (59%) 1.9 1.1-2.0 (17%) 1.0 (37%) 112 (100%) 2.7 (100%) ' Adapled Irom USEPA, 1992. ' Means and ranges tor BOD, TSS, and TN are results reporled in Bennett and Linstadt,1975; Laak 1975;Ligman et al., 7974; Olsson et a1.,1968; and Siegrisi et a1.,1976. ` Grams per capita (parson) par day. ' The use of low-phosphale detergenls in recenl years has lowered Ihe TP concenVatlons since eatty IUeraWre sludies; Iherefore, Sedlak (1991) was used for TP daU. USEPA Onsife Wastewater Treatment Systems Manual 3-11 Chapter 3: Estab/ishing Treatment System Per/ormance Re'quiremenls , Table 3-16.Typical wastewater pollutants of concern Pollutant Reasonforconcern Total suspended solids In surface waters, suspended solids can result in ihe development of sludge deposits that smother benthic (TSS) and turbidity (NTU) macroinvertebrates and tish eggs and can contribute to benthic enrichment, toxicity, and sediment oxygen demand. 6ccessive turhidity (colloidal solids that interfere wflh light pe�etration) can block sunlight, harm aquatic life (e.g., by blocldng sunlight needed by plants), and lower the ability of aquaUc plants to increase dissolved oxygen in fhe water column. In drinking water, turbidiry is aestheUcally displeasing and interferes with disinfection. Biodegradable organics Biological stabilization of organics in the water wlumn can deplete dissolved o�rygen in surface waters, (BOD) creaiing anoxic conditions harmfui to aquatic life. O�rygen-reducing conditlons can also result in taste and odor problems in drinking water. Pathogens Parasites, bacteria, and viruses can cause communicable dlseases through dlrecWndirect body contact or ingestion of contaminated water or shelKish. A particular threat occurs when partially treated sewage pools on ground sur(aces or migrates to recreational waters. Transport distances o( some pathogens (e.g., viruses and bacteria) in ground water or surtace waters can be significant. Niirogen Niirogen is an aquatic plant nutrient that can conhibute to eutrophication and dissolved oxygen loss in surface waters, especialty In lakes, estuaries, and coastal embayments. Algae and aquaiic weeds can contribute trihalomethane (THM) precursors to the water column that may generate carcinogenic THMs in chlorinated drinking water. Excessive nitrate-nitrogen in drinking water can cause methemogbbinemia in infants and pregnancy complications tor women. Livestock can also suHer healih Impacts from drinking water high in nitrogen. Phosphorus Phosphorus is an aquatic plant nutrient that can contribute to eutrophication of infand and coastal surface waters and reductlon of dissolved oxygen. Toxic organics Toxic organic compounds present in household chemicals and cleaning agents can interfere wiih certain biological processes in altemative OWTSs. They can be persistent in ground water and contaminate downgradient sources ot drinking water. They can also cause damage to surface water ecosystems and human health through ingestlon of contaminated aquatic organisms (e.g., flsh, shellfish). Heavy metals Heavy metals like Iead and mercury in drinking water can cause human health problems. In the aquatic ecosystem, they can also be to�tic to aquatic life and accumulate in fish and shellfish thal might be consumed 6y humans. Dissolved inorgenics Chloride and sulfide can cause taste and odor problems in drinking water. Boron, sodum, chlorides, sulfate, and other solutes may limit treated wastewater reuse options (e.g., irrigation). Sodium and to a lesser extent potassium can be deleterious to soil structure and SWIS performance. Sowce: Adapletl In part from Tchobanoglous antl Bunon,1991. Table3-17. Examples of soil infiltration system pertormance Parameter Applled concentratlon Percent removal Reterences in milligrams per liter BODs 136-150 90-98 Siegrist et al., 198fi U. Wisconsin,1978 Total nitrogen Total phasphoms G5''�' 8-12 10-4D 85-95 Fecal coliforms NA' 99-99.99 Fewl ooftortns are rypically measured in oiher uniLs, e.g., colony-forming units per 700 mllliiilers. Source: Adapted from USEPA, 7992. Reneau 7977 Sikora et a1.,1976 Sikora et a1.,1976 Gerba,1975 USEPA Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Manual 3-23 Table 3-18. Case study: septic tank effluent and soil water quality ° Parameter Statlstics Septic tank ettluent Soil water Soil water (units) quality quality ° at Ouality' at 0.6 meter 1.2 meters 80D Mean 93.5 <1 <1 (mg�l.) Range 46-156 <i <1 # sampies 11 6 6 TOC (mg�L) TKN (mgll.) N0,-N (mg2) TP (mglt.) TDS (mgll) CI (mg/L) F. Coli (log B per 100 mL) F. strep. (log # per 100 mL) Mean Range # samples Mean Range # samples Mean Range # sarnples Mean Range � samples Mean Range # samples Mean Range � sampies Mean Range # samplas Mean Range # samples 47.4 31-68 11 442 19-53 11 0.04 0.01-0.16 11 8.6 7.2-17.0 11 497 354--610 11 70 37-110 11 4.57 3.�5.4 11 3.60 1.9-5.3 ti 7.8 3.7-17.0 34 o.n 0.46-1.40 35 21.6 1.7-39.0 35 0.40 0.01-3.8 35 448 184-&20 34 41 9-85 34 nd ` <1 24 nd <1 23 8.0 3.1-25.0 33 0.77 0.25-2.10 33 13.0 2.0-29.0 32 0.1 S 0.02-1.80 33 355 200-592 32 29 9-49 31 nd �1 21 nd <1 20 ' The soll malra consisled ol a fine sand;lhe waslewater loading rste wes 3.1 cm per dey over 9 monlhs. TOC = total organk ca�bon; TKN = tohal K�eldahl nihogen; TDS �btal dissohred wlids; CI =chlondes; F. coY =1oca1 co6fortns; F. strep = fecal streptaaai. ' So0 walerqualily measured In pan tysimeters al unsalurated soil depihs of 21eet (0.6 mMe� and 4 feel(12 meters). 'nd=none dafeded. Saurce: Adapled tmm Mderson et a1.,1994. cause cloudiness in surface waters. TSS in direc[ discharges to surface waters can result in the devel- opment of sludge layers that can hazm aquatic organisms (e.g., benthic macro invertebrates). Systems that fail to remove BOD and TSS and are located neaz surface wate� or drinking water wells may present additiona] problems in the form of pathogens, toxic pollutants, and other pollutants. Under proper site and ope[ating conditions, how- ever, OWTSs can achieve significant remova] rates (i.e., greater than 95 percent) for biodegradable organic compounds and suspended solids. The risk of ground water contamination by BOD and TSS 3-28 (and other pollutants associated with suspended solids) below a propedy sited, designed, con- structed, and maintained SWIS is siight (Anderson et al., 1994; Universiry of Wisconsin, 1978). Mosc setdeable and floatable solids aze removed i� the sep[ic [ank during preVea[men[. Mos[ p�ticulate BOD remaining is effectively removed at the infiltrative surface and biomat. Colloidal and dissolved BOD [hat might pass through the bioma[ are removed through aerobic biologica] processes in the vadose zone, especially when uniPorm dosing and reoxygenation occur. If excessive concentra- tions of BOD and TSS migrate beyond the tank because of poor main[enance, [he infilVative USEPA Onsite Wastewater Treafinenf Systems Manual solution chemistry, organic matter content of the soil, and rate of degadation by soil microorganisms. Soils with high organic matter should favor retention of surfactants because of the lipophilic componen[ of surfactan[s. Surfactants are readily biodegraded under aembic conditions and are more sta61e under anaerobic conditions. Substantial attenua- tion of LAS in unsaturated soil beneath a subsurface infiltration system has beeu demolvs[nted (Anderson ct al., 1994; Robertson et al., 1989; Shunp et al., 1991). Cafionic surfactants snongly sorb to cation exchange sites of soil particles and organic matter (McAvoy et al., 1991). Thus, Gne-textured soils and soils having high organic matter con[en[ will gener- ally favor retention of these surfuctants. Some investigations have identified the occuaence of inethylene blue active substance (MBAS) in ground water (Perlmutter and Koch, 1971; T6nnuan et al., 1986). The type oF anionic surfactant was not specifically identified. However, it was surmised that the higher concentrations noted at the time of the study were probably due to use of alky]- benzenesulfonate (ABS), which is degraded by microorgauisms�at a much slower rate than LAS. There has also been reseazch demonstraflng that all types of surfactants might be degraded by microor- ganisms in sahuated sediments (Federle and Pas[wa, 1988). No inves[iga[ions have been found that identify cationic or nonionic surfactanu in ground water that originated from subsurface was[ewater infiltration systems However, because of concerns over the use of allcylpheuol polyethoxyla[es, s[udies of fate and transport of this class of endocrine dismpLers are in progress. Summary Subsurface wastewater infiltration systems are designed to provide wastewater treatmen[ and dispersa] [hrough soil purification processes and ground water recharge. Satisfacrory performance is dependen[ on the [reaVnent efficiency of the pretreatment system, the me[hod of wastewa[er distribuuon and loading to the soil inFiltrative surface, and the properties of the vadose and samrated zones underlying the infiltra[ive surface. The soil should have adequate pore characteristics, size dishibu[ion, and continuity [o accept the daily volume of wastewater and provide sufficient soil- wa[er contact and retention time For treaVnent before the effluent percolates into the ground wa[er. Ground water monitoring below properly sited, designed, constructed, and operated subsurface infiltration systems has shown carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD), suspended solids (TSSj, fecal indicators, metals, and surfactants can be effectively removed by the first 2 to 5 feet of suil under uosa[urated, aerobic conditions. Phosphorus and metals can be removed through adsorption, ion exchange, and precipitation reac- tions, bu[ the capacity of soil [o retain these ions is finite and varies with soil mineralogy, organic conten[, pH, reduction-oxidalion potential, and cation exchange capacity. Nitrogen removal rates vary significanUy, but most conventional SWISs do not achieve drinking water standazds (i.e., 10 mgJL) for nitrate concenhations in eftluent plumes. Evidence is growing that some types of viruses are able to leach with wastewater from subsurface infiltration sys[ems to ground watec Longer retenuon [imes associated with virus removal aze achieved with fine-texture soil, low hydraulic loadings, uniform dosing and resting, aerobic sub- soits, and high temperamres. Toxic organics appeaz to be removed in subsoils, but further study of the fate and transpori of these compounds is needed. Subsurface wastewater infiltra[ion sys[ems do afFect ground water quality and therefore have the potential [o affect surface water quality (in azeas with gaining streams, lazge macropore soils, or karst terrain or in coastal regions). Smdies have shown that after the treated percolate enters ground water i[ can remain as a dislinct plume for as much as several hundred feeL Concentrations of niVa[e, dissolved solids, and other soluble contaminants can remain above ambient ground water concenua- tions within the plume. Attenuation of solute concentrations is dependent on the quantity of natural rechazge and travel distance from the source, among other facrors. Organic bottom sediments of surface waters appear to provide some retention or removal of wastewater contaminan[s if the ground water seeps through those sediments to enler the surface watec These bo[tom sediments migh[ be effective in removing trace organic compounds, endotoxins, nit��ate, and pathogenic agents through biochemica] acfivity, but few data regarding the effectiveness and significance of removal by bottom sediments aze available. Public health and environmental risks from prop- erly sited, designed, construc[ed, and operated USEPA Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Manual 3-39 � . � , � ' Chapter 3: Esfablishing ir���i�fLn��ist�m�l�effo�;,�an�'��������€'�����'� surface can clog and surface seepage of wastewater or plumbing fixture backup can occur. Nitrogen Nitrogen in raw wastewater is pri.mazily in the form of organic matter and annmonia. After the sepfic tank, it is primarily (more than 85 percent) ammonia. After discharge of the effluent to the inE%ltrative surtace, aerobic bacteria in the uioiria� and upper vadose zone aonvert the amriionia in the effluent almost entirely to nitrite and then to rutrate. Nitrogen in its nitrate form is a significant ground water pollutant. It has been detected in urban and rural ground water nationwide, sometimes at levels exceeding the USEPA drinking water standard of 10 mg/L (USGS, 1999). High concentrations of nitrate (greater than 10 mg/L) can cause mefhemoglobin- emia or "blue baby syndrome," a disease in infants that reduces the bTood's ability to carry oxygen, and proUlems during pregnancy. Nitrogen is also an important plant nutrient that can cause excessive algal growth in nitrogen-limited inland (fresh) waters and coastal watezs, which are often limited in available nitrogen. High algal productivity can block sunlight, create nuisance or harznfui algal blooms, and significantly altez• aquatic ecosystems. As algae die, they �ue decomposeci by bacteria, �vhich can deplete available.dissolved oxygen in surface waters and degrade habitat conditions. . Nitrogen contamination of ground water below infiltration fields has been documented by many investigators (Anderson et a1., 1994; Andreoli et al., 1979; Ayres Associates, 1989, 1993b, c; Bouma et al., 1972; Carlile et al., 1981; Cogger and Taple 3-19.�Vastew��ter corTs�ituents of concern at�d re}�reserttative cortcentrations in ;fte eftlue��t o( various ire�t;nent utiits Constituents o( Fxample direct �arik-based treatment unit effluent concentratiorFs SYViS percolate concern or indirect Domestic STE into ground water measures Domestic STE' with N-removal Aerobia.unit Sand filter Foam or textife at 3 to 5 ft depth (Units) recyclex effluent effluent ,� filter effluent (°/, removal) Oxygen demand BODS (mg/L) 140-200 . 80-120 5-50 �. 2=15 � 5-15 >90% Parliculate so{ids TSS (mg/L.) . 50-100 50-80 5-i00 5-20 5-10 >90% Nitrogen Tatal N(mg 40•900 .10-30 25-60 10-50 ' 30•60 1 p-20% N/L) Phosphorus Bacteria (e.g., Clostddium pe�fringens, Salmonella, Shigella) �rus (e.g., hepatitis, polio, echo, coxsackie, coliphage) Organic chemicals (e.g., soivents, petro- chemicals, pesticides) Heavy metats (e.g., Pb, Cu, Ag, Hg) Total P (mg . P/L) Fecal coliform (organisms per 100 mL) Specific virus (pfu/mL) • Specific organics or totals (pglL) Individual metals {pg/L) 5-15 5-15 410 <i-10' 5-15' 0-100% 108-10° 108-10e 10'-10` 10'-10' 10'-103 >99.99% 0-105 0-105 (episodically 0-10` 0-105 0-105 (episodically presentathigh (episodically '(episodically (episodically present af high levels) present at high present at high present at high levels) levels) fevels) levels) 0 to trace leve(s 0 to trace levels 0 to trace levels 0 to trace levels 0 to trace levels (?) . (?) (?1 (?) (?) 0 to trace levels 0 to trace levels 0 to trace levels 0 to trace levels 0 to trace levels >99.9% >99°/0 >99% ' Septic tankeHluent (STE) concentraHons given are for domestic wastewater. However, restaurant STE is markedly higher particulady in BODd CO�, and suspended solids while concentrations in graywater 5TE are noticeabiy lower in total nitrogen. 'N-removal accomplished by recycling STE through a packed bed for nftrificallon with dlscharge inw the tnfluent end of the sepUc tank for denitrification. . ' P•removal by adsorpUonlpredpitatian is highly dependent an med(a ppacity, P loading, and system operaHon. Source: Siegrist, 2001(afler Siegrist et al., 2000) Source: Siegrist, 2001(atter Siegrist et a1., 2000). USEPA Onsife Wastewafer Treatment Systems Manual 3-29 Cazlile, 1984; Ellis and Childs, 1973; Erickson and Bastian, 1480; Gibbs, 7977a, b; Peavy and Brawner, 1979; Peavy and Groves, 1978; Polta, 1969; Preul, 1966; Reneau, 1977, 1979; Robertson et al., 1989, 1990; Shaw and Turyk, 1994; Starr and Sawhney, 1980; Tinlcer, 1991; Uebler, 1984; Vrnraghavan and Waznock, 1976a, b, c; Walker et al., 1973a, b; Wolterink et al., 1979). Nitrate- nitrogen concentrations in ground water were usually found ro eaceed the dcinking wa[er standard of 10 mg/L neaz the infiltration field. Conventiona] soil-based systems cao remove some nitrogen from sepvc tank effluent (table 3-19), but high-density installation of OWTSs can cause contamination of ground or surface water resoumes. When nitcate reaches the ground water, it moves free]y wiffi little retazdation. Denitrificauon has been found to be significant in the saturated zone only in raze instances where cubon or sulfur deposits aze presenL Reduction of nitra[e concentrations io ground water occurs primarily through dispersion or rechazge of ground water supplies by precipita- tion (Shaw and'h�ryk, 1994). Nitrogen can undergo several transformations in and below a SWIS, inciuding adsorption, volatil- ization, mineralizaUon,' nitrificauon, and denitrifi- cauon. NiVification, the conversion of ammonium nitrogen to nih-ite and then nitrate by bacteria under aerobic conditions, is the predominant transformation that occurs immediately below the infiltration zone. The negaavely chazged nitrate ion is very soluble and moves readily with the percolat- ing soil water. Biological denitrification, which converts niVate to gaseous forms of nitrogen, can remove nitrate from percolating wastewater. Denitrificauon occurs under anaerobic conditions where available elecQon donors such as carbon or sulfur aze present. Deni- Vifying bacteria use nitrate as a substimte for oxygen when accepting electrons. It has been generally thought that anaerobic conditions with organic matter seldom occur below soi] infiltration fields. Therefore, it is has been assumed that all the nitrogen applied to infiltratiou fields ultimately leaches ro ground water (Brown et al., 1978; Walker et al., 1973a, b). However, several s[udies indica[e tha[ deni[rifica[ion can bc significan[. Jenssen and Siegrist (1990) found in their review of several labora[ory and field smdies that approxi- mntely 20 percent of nitrogen is lost from waste- water percolatlng through soiL Factors found to favor deniuificauon are fine-grained soils (silts and clays) and layered soils (altemating Fne-grained and coarser-grained soils with distinct boundaries between the texmrally different layers), particularly if [he fine-grained soil layers contain organic ' material. Jensseo and Siegrist concluded [ha[ nitrogen romoval below the infil7auon Cield can be . enhanced by placing the system high in the soil profile, where organic matter in the soil is more likely to be present, and by dosing septic tank eftluent onto the infiltrative surface to create . altemating wetting and drying cycles. Denitrifica- aon can also occur if ground water enters surface water bodies through orga�io-rich bottom sedi- ments. Niuogen concentrations in ground water were show'n to decrease to less than 0.5 mg/L after passage through sedimen[s in one Canadian study (RobeRson et al., 1989, 1990). It is difficult to predic[ removal rates for wastewa- ter-borne uitrate or other nitrogen compounds in the soil matrix. In general, however, [ria�ate con- centrations in SWIS effluent can and often do exceed the 10 mg/L drinking water standard. Shaw and Turyk (1994) found nitrate concenvauons ranging from 21 to 108 mg2 (average of 31 to 34 mg/L) in SWIS effluent plumcs analyzed as pazt of a study of 14 pressure-dosed drain fields in sandy soils of Wisconsia The limited ability of conven- tional SWISs to achieve enhanced nitrate reduc- flons and die difficulty in predicting soil nivogen removal rates means that systems si[ed in drinkiog water aquifers or neaz sensitive aquatic azeas should incorporate additional nitrogen removal technolo- gies prior [o final soil discharge. Phosphorus Phosphorus is also a key plant nutrient, and like nitrogen it contributes to eutrophication and dissolved oxygen depletion in surface waters, especially fresh waters such as rivers, lakes, and ponds. Monitoring below subsurface infi][ration systems has shown [hat [he amoun[ of phosphorus leached to ground water depends on several facrors: the characteristics of the soil, the thickness of the unsaturated zone through which the wastewater percola[es, [he applied loading rate, and the age of the sys[em (Bouma et al., 1972; Brandes, 1972; Carli]e et al., 1981, Childs et al., 1974; Cogger and Carlile, t984; Dudley and Stephenson, 1973; Ellis and Childs, 1973; Erickson and Bastian, 1980; Gilliom and Patmont, 1983; Harki� et al., 1979; 3•30 USEPA Onsite Wastewater Treatment Syst�ms Manual Chapter 3: Establishing Treatment System Performance Requirements � Jones and Lee, 1979; �i'helun and Barrow, 1984). The amount of phosphorus in ground water varies from background concenVa[ions fo concentralions equal to that of septic tank efFluent. However, removals have been found to continue within ground water aquifers (Cazlile et aL, 1981; Childs et al., 1974; Cogger and Cazlile, 1984; Ellis and Childs, 1973; Gilliom and Pa[mont, 1983; Rea and Upchurch, 1980; Reneau, 1979; Reneau and Pettry, 1976; Robertson et al., 1990). Retardation of phosphorus contamination of surface watecs from SWISs is enhanced in fine-textured soils without continuous macropores that would allow rapid percolation. Inereased distaoce of the system from surface waters is also an important factor in limiting phosphorus discharges because of greater and more prolonged contact with soil surfaces. The risk of phosphorus contanunaaon, therefore, is greatest in karst regions and coazse- textured soils without significant iron, calcium, or aluminum concentrations located neaz surface waters. The fate and transport of phosphorus in soils are controlled by sorption and precipitation reactions (Sikora and Corey, 1976). At low concentrations (less [han 5 mg/L), the phospha[e ion is chemi- sorbed onto the surfaces of iron and aluminum minerals in strongly acid to neutral systems and on calcium minerals in neutcal to alkaline systems. As phosphorus concenuations increase, phosphate precipitates form. Some of the more important precipitate compoimds formed are strengite, FeP0q2Hz0; varisci[e, AIP0a2HZ0; dicalcium phosphate, CaHPOa 2H2O; octacalcium phosphate, CaaH(POe)33H2O; and hydroxyapati[e, Ca�o (PO4)6(OHZ). In acidic soils, phosphate sorption probably iovolvcs the aluminum and iron com- pounds; in calcareous or alkaline soils, calcium compounds predominate. Estimates of the capacity of the soil to retain phosphorus are often based on sorption iso[herms such as the Langmuir model (Ellis and Erickson, 1969; Sawney, 1977; Sawney and Hill, 1975; Sikora and Corey, 1976; Tofflemire and Chen, 1977). This method significanfly uoderes[imates the to[al retention capacity of [he soil (Anderson et aL, 1994; Sawney and Hill, 1975; Sikora and Corey, I)76; Toftlemire and Chen, 1977). This is because the test measures the chemi-sorpuon capacity bu[ does not [ake into account the slower precipitation reacdons that regenerate the chzmi- sorption sites. "Phese slower rcactions have bccn shown to increase the capacity of the soil to retain phosphorus by LS to 3 times the measured capacity calculated by the isotherm test (Sikora and Corey, 1976; Tofflemire and Chen, 1977). In some cases the total capacity has been shown to be as much as six times greater (Tofflemire and Cheu, 1977). These reactions can take place in uusaturated or samrated soils (Ellis and Childs, 1973; Jones and Lee, 7977a, b; Reneau and Pettry, 1976; Robertson et aL, 1990; Sikora and Corey, 1976). The capaci[y of the soil to retain phosphoms is finite, however. With continued ]oading, phospho- rus movement deeper into the soil profile can be expec[ed. The uLtimate retention capacity of the soil depends on several factors, including its mineralogy, particle size distribution, oxidaaon- reduction potential, and pH. Fine-[ex[ured soils theorefically provide more sorption sites for phosphorus. As uoted above, iron, aluminum, and calcium minerals in the soil ailow phosphorus precipitation reactions to occur, a process that can lead to additional phosphorus retention. Sikora and Corey (1976) estimated that phosphorus penetration into lhe soil below a SWIS would be 52 centime- ters per yeaz in Wisconsin sands and 10 centimeters per yeaz in Wisconsin silt loams. Nevertheless, knowiug the re[en[ion capacity of the soil is not enough to pcedict the [ravel of phospho- ms from subsurFace infiltration systems. Equally important is an estimate of the total volume of soil [hat the wastewater will contact as it percolates to and through the ground water. Fine-textured, unstructured soils (e.g., clays, silty clays) can be expected to disperse the water and cause contact with a greater volume of soil than coazse, granulaz soils (e.g., sands) or highly structured fine-textured soils (e.g., clayey silts) having lazge continuous pores. Also, the rate of water movement and the degree to which the water's elevation fluctuates are importan[ factors. There are no simple methods for predicting phos- phorus removal rates at the site level. However, several landscape-scale tools that provide at least some estimation of expected phosphorus loads from clusters of onsi[e sys[ems are available. The MANAGE assessment method, which is profiled in secuon 3.9.1, is designed to estimate existing and projected future (build-out) natrient loads and to idenufy "hot spots" based on land use and cover USEPA Onsite Wastewater Treafinent Systems Manual 3-31 � Chapfer 3: Fstabl shing Treafinent S stem Perfor:mance Re uiremenfs '' p I i ;� ��. � � � �� g� � u �� I (see http://www epa.gov/owow/watershedJ ProceecUjoubert.html; http://www.edc.uri.edu/ cewq/manage.html). Such estimates provide at least some guidance in siting onsite systems and considering acceptable Ievels of both numbers and densities in sensitive areas. Pathogenic microorganisms PAthogenic microorganisms found in domestic . wastewater include a number of different bacteria, vir�ses, protozoa, and pazasites that cause a wide range of gastrointestinal, neurological, respiratory, zenal, and other diseases. Infection can occur � through ingestion (drinking contaminated water; incidental ingestion while bathing, skiing, or fistung), respiration, or contact (table 3-2U). The occurrence and concentration of pathogenic micro- organisms in raw wastewater depend on the sources contributing to the wastewater, the existence of infected persons in the population, and environ- mental factors that influence pathogen survival rates. Such environmental factors include the following: initial-numbers and types o£ organisms, temperature (microorganisms survive longer at lower temperatures), hunnidity (survival is longest at high humidity), amount of sunlight (solar � radiation is detrimental to survival), and additional soil attenuation factors, as discussed below. 'Y'ypical ranges of survival times are presented in table 3-21. Among pathogenic agents, only bacteria have any potential to reproduce and multiply between hosts (CIiver, 2000). If temperatures are between 50 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (10 to 25 degrees Celsius) Tabte 3 20. Waterborne pathogens found 'in human waste and associated diseases ?ype Organism Bacteria Escir�edchfa coli � enterapathogenic) , � Leglonella pneumophila , Leptospira � Salmonelia fyphi� ` Sa/monella Shigella �bdo cholerae Yerslnia enterolitica Pratozoans Balantidium coli Cryptosporidium Entamoeba hisfolytica GiardJa lambia Naegleria fowleri V(Nses Adenovirus (31 types) Enterovirus (67 types, e.g., polio-, echa-, and Caxsaclde viruses) Hepatitis A Notwalk agent Reovirus Rotavirus Source: USEPA,1999. Disease Gastroenteritis Legioneflosis Leptospirosis Typhoid fever Salmonellosis Shigellosis Cholera Yersinosis Balantidiasis Crypotosporidiosis Ameobiasis (amoebic dysentery) Giardiasis Amebic Meningoencephalitis Conjunctivitis Gastroenteritis Infectious hepatitis Gastroenteritis Gastroenteritis Gastraenteritis Effects - Vomiting, diarrhea, death in susceptibte populations Acute respiratory illness Jaundice, fever (Vllell's disease) High fever, diarrhea; ulceration of fhe small_ Intestine Diarrhea, dehydration Bacillary dysentery �• Extremely heavy diarrhea, dehydration Diarrhea Diarrhea, dysentery Diarrhea Prolonged diarrhea with bleeding, abscesses of the liver and small intestine Mild to severe diarrhea, nausea, indigestion a Fatal disease; inflammation af the brain Eye, other infections Neart anomalies, meningitis Jaundlce, fever Vomiting, diarrhea Vomiting, diarrhea Vomiting, diarrhea � ; 3-32 USEPA Onsite Wasfewafer Treafinenf Sysiems Manual � Chapter 3: Establ�shing Treatment m Perfo e; Requirements � 3.7.1 Wastewater pollutants of concern Environmen[al pm[ection and public health agen- cies are becoming increasingly concemed about ground water and surface water contamination from �vas[ewater pollu[ants. Toxic compounds, excessive nu[rients, and pathogenic agents aze among the potential impacts on the emironment from onsite wastewater systems. Domestic waste- water contains several pollutaots that could cause significaut human heal[h or environmen[al risks if not [reated effec[ively before being released to the receiving environment. A conven[ional OWTS (septic tank and SW[S) is cnpable of neazly complete removal of suspended solids,�biodeg�adable organic compounds, and fecal coliforms if properly desigued, sited, installed, operated, and maintained (USEPA, 1980a, 1997). These wastewater cons6tueots can becomc pollut- ants in ground water or surface waters if treatment is incomplete. Reseazch and moni[oring studies have demonstrated removais of these typically found constituents to acceptable levels. Moce recently, however, other pollutanis present io wastewater aze caising concerns, including nutrien[s (e.g., nitrogen and phosphorus), pathogenic parasi[es (e.g., Cryptosporid�me parvmn, Giariiia lmnb[ia), bacteria and virnses, toxic organic Flgure 3•8. Plume movement through the soil to the seturated zone. compounds, and metlls. Their potentia] impacts on ground water and surfacc water resources are suuunazized in table 3-16. Recently, concems havc been raised over the movement and fa[e of a variety of endocrine disrupters, usually from use of phazmaceuticals by residents. No data have been developed to confirm a risk at this time. 3.7.2 Fate and transport of pollutants in the environment When pxopedy designed, sited, constructed, and maintained, conven[ional onsite wastewa[er treat- men[ technologies effeclively reduce or eliminate most horoan heaith or environmental threats posed by pollu[ants in wastewater (table 3-17). Most vaditional systems rely primazily on physical, biological, and chemical prncesses in the septic tank and in the biomat and unsamrated soil zone Uelow tl�e SWIS (commonly referred [o as a leach field or drai� field) to sequester or atteuuate pollutants of concem. Where point dischazges to surface waters are permitted, polfutan[s of concem should be removed or treated to acceptable, permit- specific levels (levels permitted under the National Pollutant Dischazge Elimination Sys[em of tl�e Clean Water Act) before discharge. Source: Adapled Irom NSFQ 2000. 3-22 USEPA Onsite Wasfewater Treatment Systerns Manual Pitt County, North Carolina - DP-5. Housing Characteristics: 1990 Subject Number 1970 to 1979 6,593 __. _..__....--------- .............._.._....-..........__._........_...----........._.....-----._......___..._.._._--._.....------------. _...----................_.._._.._........_....._.._....-----........._...__....._.._.._.__.._ __._...._..--------- 1960 to 1969 3,277 1959 or earlier � � 2,614 ------......___.�.��_._� _. _.._�__.._.�__T__________....____�.______.. TELEPHONE �N --------------------- ---------------------- -------------- -- No telephone in unit _ � 3,307 VEHICLES AVAILABLE �m None _.� � _..� �._..._ __e -_--- 4,665 1 13,333 2 � � 15,182 3 or more ' 7,311 MORTGAGE STATUS AND SELECTED MONTHLY OWNER COSTS • S ecified owner-occu ied housin units 16 563 With a mortgage 11,387 Less than $300 644 - -------------------------------- ------.A. -------------...._..- ----......_ $300 to $499 2,253 $500 to $699 � 3,354 $700 to $999 3,142 $1,000 to $1,499 � 1,477 $1,500 to $1,999 �� � 332 $2,000 or more 185 Median (dollars) 669 Not mortgaged 5,176 Less than $100 182 $100 to $199 1,833 $200 to $299 2,252 $300 to $399 647 $400 or more I� 262 I Median (dollars) ' 221 SELECTED MONTHLY OWNER COSTS AS A PERCENTAGE OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN 1989 S�ecified owner-occupied housing units 16,563 Less than 20 percent 9,336 20 to 24 ercent 2,498 25 to 29 ercent 1,651 30. to 34 percent 895 35 ercent or more 2,086 Not computed 97 GROSS RENT Specified renter-occupied housing units ___ _ 16,622 Less than $200 2,199 $200 to $299 � 3,344 $300 to $499 7,822 $500 to $749 1,997 _... _....--------...---.._...---- ------------------._._......- -- --- ----------- $750 to $999 203 $1,000 or more 35 No cash rent 1,022 _ ...__. ..--..- - - -------T.........-- --- Median (dollars 350 GROSS RENT AS A PERCENTAGE OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN 1989 _ _ S ecified renter-occupied_housing_units_��� ___ _ 16,622 Less than 20 percent 4,872 20 to 24 ercent 1,870 25 to 29 percent 1,429 30 to 34 percent 1,259 35 ercent or more 5,895 Not com uted � 1,297 (X) Not applicable Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1990 Census of Population and Housing, Summary Tape File 3(Sample Data) Matrices H1, H4, H6, H7, H23, H24, H25, H28, H30, H31, H35, H37, H42, H43, H43A, H51, H52, H52A, H58, H64. Page 2 of 3 http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/QTTable? bm=n&_lang=en&qr_name=DEC_1990_STF3_DPS&ds_... 7/24/2007 Piu County. N�>rth Carolina - DP-�. Housing Characteristics: 1990 �� • • :.� � • �`'�� ,�irierican FaceFindeY � • �.m � .. P�ge 1 of3 DR5. Housing Characteristics: 1990 D2t2 SBt: 1 �g[I gll�nm�'.Yy T;.O4' FiF 3� ST� � I� 3;=�n'-ple da[a Geographic Area: Pitt County, North Carolina NOTE: For infortnation on confdentiality, sampling ertor. nonsampling error, and definitions, see I,L;.� ;:�:u�n�iercen=_us.gov,Rieme�eii'datanotes�exp5t�390.htm. Subject Total housing units _ YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT _ 1989 to March 1990 1985 to 1988 _ 7980 to 1984 1970 to 1979 1960 to 7969 1950 to 1959 1940 to 1949 1939 or earlier BEDROOMS � No bedroom 1 bedroom 2 bedrooms 3 bedrooms . 4 bedrooms 5 or more bedrooms SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS Lacking complete plumbing facilities Lacking compiete kitchen facilities Condominium housing units SOURCE OF WATER Public system or private company Individual drilled well Individual dug well � Some olher source � SEWAGE DISPOSAL �h Public sewer I Seplic tank or cesspool Other means Occupied housing units �HOUSE HEATING FUEL Utility gas Boltled, tank, or LP gas Eiectricity Fuel oil, kerosene, elC. Coal or coke Wood Solar energy Other fuel No (uel used YEAR HOUSEHOLDER MOVED INTO UNIT 1989 to March 1990 1985 to 1988 1980 to 1984 Number 43,070 1,835 6,095� 11,922 7p28 4.821 2.142 3,005 445 4,337 14,734 18.990 3,840 724 728 553 1,615 37,231 4,594 1,136 109 27.121� 15,350I 599 40,491 5,527 5.272 20,322 7.777 20 1.577 0 70 46 10,518 12.048 5,441 �' � . Z lr /./ il {u-Se: ' �• � C, I ,l" c http:llfactfinder.census.gov/servlet/QTTablc?_bm=n&_lang=en&yr_naine=DEC_1990_STF3_DPS&ds_... 7124/'2007 Neuse Rive'r Basin Subbasin 03-04-02 Assessment lmpaired Year Waferbody and Description Unit (AU) Class Subbasin Use Listed Cafegory and Reason for Listing Potenfial Source(s) Miles orAcres Swift Creek 27-43-(1)a WS-III 03-04-02 6 ��� 2.6 FW Miles NSW From source to confluence with Williams Creek O 1998 6 Impaired biological integrity Land Development Agriculture Urban Runoff/Storm Sewers Swift Creek 27-43-(1)b WS-III 03-04-02 NSW From confluence with Williams Creek to backwaters of Lake Wheeler Sycamore Creek (Big Lake) 27-33-9 From source to Crabtree Creek Toms Creek (Mill Creek) 27-24a From source to Browns Lake Toms Creek (Mill Creek) 27-24b From Browns Lake to Neuse River B NSW 03-04-02 C NSW 03-04-02 C NSW 03-04-02 Walnut Creek 27-34-(1.7) C NSW 03-04-02 From dam at Lake Johnson to backwaters of Lake Raleigh Walnut Creek 27-34-(4)a C NSW 03-04-02 From dam at Lake Raleigh to UT 0.6 miles west of I-440 6 AL 1998 6 Impaired biological integrity [�] 0 5 1998 5 Aquatic Weeds (Hydrilla sp.) 6 1998 6 Impaired biological integrity 6 AL 1998 6 Impaired biological integrity 0 0 6 1998 6 Impaired biological integrity 6 1998 6 Impaired biological integrity Urban Runoff/Storm Sewers Package Plants (Small Flows) Non-urban'development Urban Runoff/Storm Sewers Urban Runoff/Storm Sewers 5.5 FW Miles 61.8 FW Acres 1.6 FW Miles 1.5 FW Miles 1.4 FW Miles 6.4 FW Miles Williams Creek 27-43-2 WS-III 03-04-02 6 2.6 FW Miles NSW From source to Swift Creek O 1998 6 Impaired biological integrity Urban Runoff/Storm Sewers Construction North Carolina 303(d) Lisf- 2006 Tuesday, June 19, 2007 Neuse Basin 03-04-02 Page 56 of 925 AU NUMBER 18-74-(47.5) 18-74-63 18-74-63-2 18-76-1 18-87-(11.5) 18-87-(23.5)b 18-87-(23.5)c 18-87-11.7b 18-87-11.7c 18-87-11.7f 18-87-19a 18-87-19b 18-87-22a 18-87-22b 18-87-23 18-87-24-3 18-87-25.7b 18-87-25.7c 18-87-25.7d 18-87-26a 18-87-26b 18-87-28 18-87-29 99-(3)b 99-(3)c Stream Name Northeast Cape Fear River Smith Creek Burnt Mill Creek Greenfield Lake Intracoastal Waterway Intracoastal Waterway Intracoastal Waterway Topsail Sound and Middle Sound ORW Area Topsail Sound and Middle Sound ORW Area Topsail Sound and Middle Sound ORW Area Futch Creek Futch Creek Pages Creek Pages Creek Howe Creek Banks Channel Masonboro Sound ORW Area Masonboro Sound ORW Area Masonboro Sound ORW Area Hewletts Creek Hewletts Creek Whiskey Creek (Purviance Creek) Everett Creek � Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean County NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER AU NUMBER 15-(1)d 15-(1)e 15-(18) � 15-25-1-(16)a , 15-25-1-(16)b 15-25-1-(16)c 15-25-1-18-(2) 15-25-1-19 15-25-1=20 15-25-1-21 15-25-2-(10)a 15-25-2-(10)b 15-25-2-(10)c 15-25-2-(10)d 15-25-2-11-(2) 15-25-2-12-(2) 15-25-2-14 15-25-2-15-(3) 15-25-2-16 15-25-2-16-1-(2) 15-25-2-16-4-(2) 15-25-3 15-25-4 15-25-5 15-25d 15-25f 15-25g 15-25i 15-25j 15-25k 15-251 15-250 15-25q 15-25r 15-25s 15-25u 15-25v 18-(63)a 18-(71)a 18-(87.5)a 18-(87.5)c 18-(87.5)d 18-77 18-81 18-88-8-4 18-88-8-4-1 18-88-9-1-(1.5) 18-88-9-2-(1) 18-88-9-2-(2) 18-88-9-2-3 - 18-88-9-2-4 18-88-9-2-5 18-88-9-2-5-1 18-88-9-3-(2.5) 18-88-9-3-(4) 18-88-9-3-3 18-88-9a 18-88-9b 99-(1) 99-(2) 99-(3)a Stream Name WACCAMAW RIVER WACCAMAW RIVER WACCAMAW RIVER Lockwoods Folly River Lockwoods Folly River Lockwoods Folly River Mill Creek Mullet Creek Lockwoods Creek Spring Creek Shallotte River Shallotte River Shallotte River Shallotte River The Mill Pond Sams Branch The Swash Shallotte Creek Saucepan Creek Jinnys Branch Goose Creek Big Gut Slough Kilbart Slough Gause Landing Creek Intracoastal Waterway Intracoastal Waterway Intracoastal Waterway Intracoastal Waterway Intracoastal Waterway Intracoastal Waterway Intracoastal Waterway Intracoastal Waterway Intracoastal Waterway Intracoastal Waterway Intracoastal Waterway Intracoastal Waterway Montgomery Slough CAPE FEAR RIVER CAPE FEAR RIVER CAPE FEAR RIVER CAPE FEAR RIVER CAPE FEAR RIVER Brunswick River Town Creek (Rattlesnake Branch) Bald Head Creek Fishing Creek Beaverdam Creek Elizabeth River Elizabeth River Shellfishing Area Denis Creek Piney point Creek Molasses Creek Coward Creek � Dutchman Creek Dutchman Creek Shellfish Area Dutchman Creek Outlet Channel Intracoastal Waterway Intracoastal Waterway Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean County BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSW ICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSW ICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSW ICK BRUNSW ICK BRUNSW ICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSW ICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSW ICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSW ICK BRUNSW ICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSW ICK BRUNSW ICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSW ICK BRUNSW ICK BRUNSW ICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSW ICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK 5` � 1/ 4 �'°`T S �.;� .� prescribed standard designs sometimes copied from jurisdicUons in vas[ly differen[ geoclimaUc re- gions. In addition, these laws ofren depended on minimally trained personnel [o oversee design, permitdng, and installaflon and mosdy untrained, uninformed homeowners to operate and maintain the systems. During the 1950s s[ates began to adopt laws upgrading onsite system design and installa- tion practices to ensure proper functioning and eliminate the threats posed by waterborne patho- gens (Kreissl, 1982). Despite these improvements, many regulations have not considered cumulative ground water and surface watec impacts, especially in areas with high system densifles aad significant wastewater discharges. ICieissl (1982) and Plews (1977) examined changes in state onsite wastewater treatment regulauons prompted by the publication of the first U.S. Public Heal[h Service Mmmal of Septic-Tnnk Practice in 1959. Plews found significant code revisions under way by the ]ate 1970s, mosdy because of local experience, new research information, and the need to nccommodate housing in azeas not suited for conventional soil infiltradon systems. Kreissl found [hat states were gradually inereasiug required septic tank and drainfield sizes but also noted that 32 states were still specifying use of the percola- tion test in system sizing in 1980, despite its proven shortcomings. Other differences noted among state codes included sepazalion dis[ances between [he infiltration trench bottom and seasonal ground water tables, minimum trench widths, horizontal setbacks to potable water supplies, and maximum allowable land slopes (I{reissl, 1982). Although state ]awmakers have continued ro revise onsi[e system codes, most revisions have failed to address the fundamental issue of system perfor- mance in the con[ext of risk management for both a site and the region in which it is located. Prescdbed system designs require that site conditions fit system capabilities rather than the reverse and aze sometimes incorrectly based on the assumption Ihat cen[ralized wastewater collection and [reatment services will be available in the future. Codes that emphasize prescriptive standazds based on empiri- cal relationships and hydraulic performance do not necessarily protect gcound water and surface water resources from public health threats. Devising a new regime for protecting public health and the environment in a cost-effective manner will require increased focus on system performance, pollutant transport and fatc and resulting environmental impacts, and integration of the planning, design, siting, installation, maintenance, and management functions to actueve public health and environmen- tal objectives. 1.4 Onsite wastewater treatiment system use, distribution, and failure rate Accocding to [he U.S. Census Bureaa (1999), approximately 23 percent of the estimated 115 million occupied homes in the United States are served by onsite systems, a proportion that has changed little since 1970. As shown iu figure ]-3 and table 1-2, [he dis[ribution and density of homes with OWTSs vary widely by state, with a high of about 55 percent in Vermont and a low of azound 10 percent io California (U.S. Census Bureau, 1990). New England s[a[es have [he highest proporflon of homes served by onsite systems: New Hampshire and Maine both report that abou[ half of all homes aze served by individual wastewater treatment systems. More than a third of the homes in the sou[heastern sta[es depend on [hese systems, including approximately 48 percent in North Cazolina and about 40 percent in both Kentucky and South Carolina. More [han 60 million people depend on decen[ralized sys[ems, including the residents of about one-third of new homes and more than half of all mobile homes nationwide (U.S. Census Bureau, 1999). Some communities rely completely on OWTSs. A number of systems relying on outdated and underperforming technologies (e.g., cesspools, drywells) still exist, and many of them are Gsted among failed systems. Moreover, about half of the occupied homes with onsite trea[men[ systems aze more than 30 years old (U.S. Census Bureaa, 1997), and a significant number report system problems. A sdrvey conducted by [he U.S. Census IIureau (1997) estimated [hat 403,000 homes experienced septic system breakdowns within a 3-month period during 1997; 31,000 reported four or more breakdowns at the same home. Swdies reviewed by USEPA cite failure rates rauging from 10 to 20 perceot (USEPA, 2000). System failure surveys rypically do not include systems that might be contaminatiug surface or ground water, a situaaon that often is detectable only through si[e- i-4 USEPA Onsite WastewaterTreafinent Systems Manual t: � • ' � ' • � � Chapter i: Background and Use otOnsiteWaste�raterTrearir�entSystems � Figure 1-3. Onsite treatment system distribution in the United 5fates Source: U.S, Cerisus Bureau,1990, level monitoring. Figure 1-4 demonstrates ways '' that effluent water from a septic system can reach ground water or surface waters. Compreherisive data to measure the true extent of septic system'fai�lure are not currently collected by any single organization. Although estimates of system failure rates have been collected from 28 states (table 1-3), no state had directly measured its own failure rate and definitions of failwre vary (Nelson et al., 1999). Most available data are the result of incidents that directly affect public health or are obtained from homeownerS' applications for permits to z�place or repair failing systems. The 20 percent failure rate from the Massachusetts time-of- transfer inspection program is based on an inspec- tion of each septic system prior to home sale, which is a comprehensive data collection effort. However, the Massachusetts program only identifies failures according to code and does not track.ground water contamination that may result from onsite system failures. , In addition to failures due to age and hydraulic overloading, OWTSs can fail because of design, installation, and maintenance problems. Hydrauli- cally functioning systeins can create health and Y y .. �e of state using onsite ar systems 25% ❑ �i0% � 40% � ' ecological risks when multiple 'treatment units are' installed at densities that exceecl tlie capacity o£ local soils to assimilate pollutant loads. System owners are not likely to repair or replace aging or otherwise failing systems unless sewage backup, septage pooling on lawns, or targeted monitoring that identifies health risks occurs. Because ground and surface water contamination by onsite systems has rarely been confirmed through targeted moni- toring, total failure rates and onsite system impacts over time are likely to be significantly higher than historical statistics indicate. For example, the Chesapeake Bay Program found that 55 to 85 percent of the nitrogen entering an onsite system can be discharged-into ground water (USEPA, 1993). A 1991 study concluded that conventional systems accounted for 74 percent of the nitrogen entering Buttermilk Bay in Massachusetts (USEPA, 1993). 1.5 Problems vuith exl�ting onsite wastewater management programs Under a typical conventional system management approach, untrained and often uninformed system owners assume responsibility for operating and USEPA Onsite Wastewater Treatmenf Systems Manual i-5 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: June 4, 2007 John Hennessy Division of Water Quality Colin Mellor �% ' . PDEA — Natural Environment Unit R-2250 ICI Water Quality Study Report LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY Attached is a copy of the Indirect and Cumulative Impact Water Quality Study Report for R-2250, the Greenville Southwest Bypass. Please contact me by phone (715-1426) or email (cmellor(c�dot.state.nc.us) if you have any questions or comments. An elech�onic copy will also be fonvarded through NCDOT's file transfer system. Cc: Chris Underwood, Bob Deaton, Beth Smyre, David Wainwright MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMEM ANO ENVIRONMEMAL AN4LVSIS NATURFL ENVIRONMENT UNIT 1598 MAI� SERVICE CENtER RnLE1GN NC 27699-1598 Natural environment Unit Human Environment Unit Project Development Division of Water Quality (w/ electronic attachment) TELEPHONE: 9i9-��$-�33$ Of J1 9-71 5 7 334 FAX: 919-71 5 7 501 WEBS/TE: WWW.NCDOT.ORG ������b� r: �� JUN 0 7 200) WE1tANDSANOST R�41ER9PuU,�i:� LOCATION: TRANSPoRTATION BUILDING 1 SOIITH W IIFANGTON STREET RALEIGH NC GREENVILLE SOUTHWEST BYPASS PITT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA TIP PROJECT NO. R-2250 INDIRECT AND CUMULATIVE IMPACT WATER QUALITY STUDY REPORT PREPAREDFOR: North Carolina Department of Transportation Division of Highways Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch oF �vR�n C�R� 1� !i �,�P � •. 7k� �* 9� ��O �� 9�, �,`P ���T OF TR ANSeO May 2007 � Prepared by: � � Stantec Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 801 Jones Franklin Road, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27606 ;;' Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Table of Confents 1 � Introduction :...................... ...... ....... ......... . ......... ................. ...1-1 .... .... ........ .... .... 1.1 Transportation Project Overview .......:...........................:.............................1-1 1.2 ICI Modeling Study Descripfion ....:..:............... ........... ................:.:........ 1-1 ...... 2 Existing Water Quality Conditions ..............:.....:.:........:.....:.:....................:.. 2-1 2.1 Impaired Waters ................................... ................ 2-1 ..........................:............ 2.2 Neuse Riyer Basin Water Quality Initiatives ...................,............................2-1 2.2.1 Neuse River NSW Management Strategy ..............:................:................... 2-2 2.2.2 Neuse River Estuary TMDL .............................:...:....:::........�.:......:..:............ 2-2 2.3 Notable Features and Development Considerations ........:..................:.........2-3 2.3.1 Surface Water Resources ....................:......................::......:....................... 2-3 2.3.2 Protected Species ...........:..:.....:......:....:....:.................:........ .... 2-3 .................... 2.3.3 Infrastructure .....................................:..................................................:...... 2-3 2.3.4 Development Trends ........:................ .......................................................... 2-4 2.4 Stormwater Management ....................:............................. ..... 2-5 ..................... 2.4.1 NC Session Law 2006-246 and NPDES Phase ll .............:................:... ..... 2-5 2.4.2 Neuse River NSW Management Strategy ....................:.:............................ 2-5 3 Watershed Modeling Approach ...................................:................................ 3-1 3.1 Objectives and Model Selection .....................:............................................ 3-1 3.2 The GWLF Model ..........::............................................. ....... 3-1 ........................ 3.2.1 Hydrology ..:...:................:....... ..... 3-2 ................................................................ 3.2.2 Erosion and Sedimentation .............:.......:.........::................................:........ 3-2 3.2:3 Nutrient Loading ............::................................ ..:......... 3-3 ................................ 3.2.4 Input Data Requirements ......:.................:................................................:...3-3 4 GWLF Model Development .........., ......:....................................................... 4-1. 4.1 Delineation of Subwatersheds .............:................:......................................4-1 4.2 Land Use Scenarios ..............:...:......:..::......................:............................... 4-1 4,2.1 . Existing Land Use ...............:...........::................:................:.,..........,............4-3 4.2.2 Future. No Build and Build Scenarios .:............................................:............ 4-4 4.2.3 Scenario Comparisons :...................:................:..........:................:.....:........ 4-9 4.2.4 Modellmperviousness ......................................:................:.........................4-13 4.3 Surface Water Hydrology ....................................................:..........:.....:...... 4-15 4.3.1 Precipitation .....:.............................:...........................::....:........,:.....:...;.......4-15 4.3.2 Evapotranspiration Cover Coefficients :................:........:.............................. 4-16 4.3.3 Antecedent Soil Moisture Conditions :............:................:....:..........:.....:...... 4-16 4.3.4 Runoff Curve Numbers .:..........:.......:.........................::...............:.......:........4-16 4.4 Groundwater Hydrology .....................:. .............:................:..........::.........:... 4-16 4:4.1 Recession Coefficient .............:.....:..:......:......:..:.............:...:.:....:.....:...:.:.....4-16 4.4:2 Seepage Coefficient ...:.......:............................:...:...:.........:...:........:..:::.. .....4=17 4.4.3 Available Soil Water Capacity ..........................:.......................................:.. 4-.18 4.4.4 Initial Saturated and Unsaturated Storage ..........:..............:.......:.......:..:...,:4-18 4.5 Erosion and Sediment Tcansport .....................:.......:.......................:..:.......:. 4-19 � 4.5.1 Soil Erod'ibility (K) Factor :..........:.......:.:..............:.: ......4-19 ................................ 4._5.2 . Length-Slope (LS) Factor ...:....:...........:...: .......: .�.....:,.....:. 4-19: . . ........................... 4:5.3 . Cover (C.) and.Management Practice (P) Factors .........:.:...:..........:.:...: ....4-19 4.5.4 Sediment Delivery. Ratio ....,...:...:.... � . ..:..:...:...................................................4-19 . 4.5.5 : Sedimentation from U�ban Land Uses :...........................:................:.:......:..4-20 � 4.6 Nutrient Loading ..........:.....:..........:...................:............:................::........... 4-21 4.6.1 Solid Phase Nutrients ..:.::..................�.......:..........:.....::...:.....:....:.....:...-...,...: 4-21 . .. � -. - . 4.6.2 4.6.3 4.6.4 4.7 4.7.1 4.8 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 6 6.1 6.2 7 8 9 9.1 9.2 Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Dissolved Groundwater Nutrients ......:.............................................:...........4-21 Runoff Concentrations and Build-up Rates ..............:.................................. 4-21 Septic System Loading ................................................................................4-23 Consideration of Existing Environmental Regulations .........:..........:.:...:......4-24 Neuse_ River Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Rules ......:...........,.... 4-24 Model Implementation ..........:...... .... 4-25 ............................................................. GWLF Model Results and Discussion ......................................................... 5-1 Hydrology........................................:.......................:................................... 5-1 PollutantLoading ......................................................................................... 5-1 Verification of Model Results .....................................:.................................5-6 Pollutant Loading Comparison ................................:................................... 5-6 Streamflow Comparison ........:..............:. ........... 5-6 .......................................... Stream Erosion Risk Analysis ..................................................................... 6-1 TechnicalApproach .....................................................................................6-1 Resu Its ...................... .............. ............ ............................................ ...... ...... . 6-2 Conclusions..................................................................:.............................. 7-1 References......................................................................:........................... 8-1 Appendix Land Use Scenarios .................................................................................... 9-1 Runoff Volume Analysis ..................................................:..............:............ 9-3 � ,� i . . . ' . . � . . . . � � � Greenville Soutbwest.Bypass j�-��,. ICI Water Quality Study �, . r-I Tables �__� Table 4.2.1 Land Use Categories and Density ..............:......... . ....4-1 . ................................. Table 4.2.2 Existing Land Use/Land Cover Conversion Table ...:......:..:............:............4-10- ��'� Table 4.2.3 Future Land Use/Land Cover Conversion Table ................................:........4-10 ' Table 4.2.4 Estimates of Imperviousness from the Literature �� . :' ..............:......................... 4-13 Table 4.2.5 Land Use Categories and Estimated Imperviousness ...............:....::........... 4-14 � Table 4.3,1 Surface Water Hydrology Input Parameters ........:................:............:.........4-15 �-, '� Table 4.3.2 Curve Numbers for Land Use and Soil Hydrologic Groups ....:.....:.....:....:... 4-17 Table 4.4.1 Groundwater Input Parameters ........................:........:...........:..................... 4-18 �--, Table 4.5.1 Rural Sediment Transport Input Parameters ........:................:..................... 4-20 ;� Table 4.5.2 Cover (C) and Management Practice (P) Factors :..:...:.......................:....... 4-20 Table 4.6.1 Nutrient Loading Input Parameters ..:...............::................................:....:.... 4-22 r, Table 4.6.2 Nutrient Runoff and Buildup Rates for Existing Land Uses .:....................... 4-23 � Table 4.6.3 Septic System Input Parameters .:........4-24 ....................................................... __� Table 5.2.1 Ten-Year Total Loads (tonnes) for All Subwatersheds .................:.............. 5-3 Table 5.2.1 Comparison.of Model Loading Rates to the Literature .........:...................... 5-7 �; Table 6.2.1 Storm Flow Volumes (cubic meters) for the One=Year, 24-Hour Storm ...... 6-2 � _,� � r-,. � � . . - . . _ . . . ' � � . . . � �� Ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � . . /'-`, . � � - . � � . . i II � � � � . � . . 1 � _i 1 ��� � - � � � � �-- �� �` ; �, � � � : � �; - ,_, �-,�� �, . . {_ � a--� ,� . � � r �, : . . ;� . ,, _ �--� �_� � : . . . ��� ;; � . , . �_ � Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Figures Figure 1.1.1 Project Vicinity .............................................................................................1-1 Figure 32.1 Schematic of GWLF Model Processes (taken from Dai et al., 2000) .......... 3-2 Figure 4.1.1 Model Subwatersheds .................................................................................4-2 Figure 4.2.1 Existing Land Use / Land Cover .............................................:.....:..............4-5 Figure4.2.2 Proposed ETJ .............................................................................................4-6 Figure 4.2.3 Future No Build Land Use/Land Cover Scenario .................:...................... 4-1_1 Figure 4.2.4 Future Build Land/Land Cover Scenario ............................................:........ 4-12 Figure 5.1.1 Mean Monthly Water Balance for the UB1 Subwatershed (No Build Scenario) 5-2 � Figure 5.2.1 Mean Annual Total Nitrogen Loading Rates ........................................::...:.. 5-4 Figure 5.2.2 Mean Annual Total Phosphorus Loading Rates .......................................... 5-4 Figure 5.2.3 Mean Annual Sediment Loading Rates ....................................................... 5-5 Figure 5.2.4 Total Nitrogen (TN), Total Phosphorus (TP), and Sediment Loading Over the Ten-Year Model Simulation Period ........................................................................ 5-5 � iv Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Executive Summary The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDO� 2006-2012 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) includes transportation improvements for the Stantonsburg Road (US 264 Business)/Memorial Drive (NC 11) corridor in Pitt County, North Carolina, This project is referred to as the Greenville Southwest Bypass (TIP Project No. R 2250) and is proposed as a four-lane, median-divided, full control of access facility.' The approximate length of the project is 13 miles (34 kilometers) with 11 miles on new location (bypass alfernate 4). An Indirect and Cumulative Effects (ICE) Analysis was completed in May 2006 to provide an assessment of the potential long-term, induced impacts of the proposed project (NCDOT, 2006a). In response to NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) comments on the ICE.Assessment and.in preparation for an Individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification, a water quality modeling analysis has been conducted to quantify the project's indirect and cumulative impacts (ICIs) on water resources.. The focus of the analysis is on the potential increases in stormwater runoff and nonpoint source loads of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment resulting from a future development scenarios associated with the roadway. Two modeling tools were used to quantify impacts on water resources: the Generalized 1Natershed Loading Function (GWLF) watershed model and the SCS Curve N,umber Method. The GWLF model (Haith and Shoemaker, 1987; Haifh et al., 1992) was selected to simulate long-term loading of nonpoint source pollutants, An additional parameter, runoff from the one-year,.24-hour storm event, was evaluated using the SCS . Curve Number Method (SCS,: 1986) to assess the potential risk of downstream channel erosion. Predictions from the modeling analyses suggest that if fhe roadway is constructed (Build scenario) storm event runoff volume and nutrient loading would increase slightly relative to the No Build scenario (see figure summarizing results on next page). The overall increases under both scenarios are in part mitigated as a result .of the existing (and expected) regulations governing the jurisdictions (Neuse Nutrient Sensitive Water rules and NPDES Stormwater Rhase II). Individual subwatershed increases ranged from less than 1 % to 22%. . : These results have important implications for. the potential increases in predicted pollutant loads to two local streams, Swiff Creek and Little Contentnea Creek, which have been designated as impaired by NCDENR. While development in the area will result irr increases in pollutant, loads to these waterbodies, .the increases suggested by the modeling analysis do not appear to be influenced significantly by #he new roadway. �I �soo 1600 1400 1200 d 1000 c C � $�� 600 400 I 200 I � Tf�l TP Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study ' ■ No Build � Build Sediment X 10 Total Nitrogen (TN), Total Phosphorus (TP), and Sediment Loading Over the Ten-Year Model Simulation Period vi Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study INTRODUCTION 1.1 Transportation Project Overview The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) 2006-2012 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) includes transportation improvements for the Stantonsburg Road (US 264 Business)1Memorial Drive (NC 11) corridor in Pitt County, North Carolina. This project is referred to as the Greenville Southwest Bypass (TIP Project No. R-2250) and is proposed as a four-lane, median-divided, full control of access facility. The approximate length of the project is 13 miles (34 kilometers) with 11 miles on new location (bypass alternative 4). Figure 1.1.1 shows the vicinity of the proposed project. The project begins at an interchange with NC 11 near Jacksontown Road south of the Town of Ayden. There are interchanges proposed at NC 102, NC 903, Forli�es Road, and US 13/264 Alt. The project ends at the existing interchange at US 264 Bypass/Business. The purpose of and need for this project is to ease congestion on existing Memorial Drive (NC 11 and Stantonsburg Road (US 264 Business). 1.2 ICI Modeling Study Description An Indirect and Cumulative Effects (ICE) Assessment was developed to provide comprehensive information on the potential long-term, induced impacts of the proposed project (NCDOT, 2006a). The assessment was conducted in accordance with federal Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations and follows the systematic 1-1 � Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI WaterQuality.Study procedures contained in Guidance for Assessing Indirect and Cumulative Impacts of Transportation Projects in No'rth Carolina.(NCDOT, 2001). Findingsfrom the ICE stated'that growth in Greenville has been spurred by the regional medical center_ and East Carolina University and that transportation improvement projects have been constructed to ease congestion: The report found tfiat since the plans to build a bypass have been around since the 1970s, local regulations and officials have been targeting growth along the major feeder roads in anticipation of construction. Even without the bypass, areas around the planned bypass will continue to grow. The construction of the bypass will enhance this trend. The bypass will increase access and mobility and thus increase the potential for highway-related development. The study found water service was not a limiting growth factor as it is already available in much of the study area and . new extensions are .allowed buf sewer service was found _ta be a more limiting growth factor. This issue is further assessed in the Section 2.3.4. In response to NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) comments on the ICE Assessment and in preparation for an Individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification, the NCDOT contracted with, Stantec #o conduct watershed modeling_ to quantify the project's indirect and cumulative impacts (ICIs) on water resources. The focus of the analysis is potential increases in stormwater runoff and nonpoint source loads of nitrogen; phosphorous and ''sediment resulting from a future development scenario associated with the roadway. The present analysis focuses�,on an area confined to the Neuse River Basin and draining to Little Contentnea Creek and Swift Creek, the two impaired waters located within the previously defined ICE study, area (Figure 1.2.1.). Twenty-one subwatersheds covering 169 kmz (65 mi2) were delineated for watershed modeling purposes. The model study area contains portions of the following jurisdictions: Greenville, Winterville, Ayden,.and Pitt County. The Generalized Watershed Loading Function (Haith and Shoemaker, 1987; Haith et al., 1992) model was selected for the purposes of simulating nonpoint source loads of nitrogen, phosphorous and sediment. An additional parameter, storm event runoff, was evaluated using a separate �assessment tool, the SCS Curve Number Method (SCS, 1986), to assess the risk of downstream .channet erosion. A particular focus in the analysis was the potential increase in predicted pollutant loads to Swift Creek and Little Contentnea Creek, which have. been designated as impaired by the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources {NCDENR). Little Contentnea Creek is impaired for low dissolved oxygen and biological integrity. Swift Creek is impaired for biological integrity. In addition the project area is approximately 30 miles from the Neuse Estua,ry,. which is impaired .for chlorophyll a and is subject of a total maximum daily load (TMDL) for nitrogen. . � , , , 1-2 Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study �i 1 ,r/ \ �: �� �� � � R, � � i-_ 71 � �.�,�� i 1 � �' ' '�-4 ��� �yr � .- . � ..�� —_ . � � 1 i �� - _ A' 1 �' '" :.,,il ,t„ . _.. i 1' � � b. �; � � uszs �. � �� ,� � � � � .,��r �I - � `' � � ,— ' � � . � Greenville. � � I� / � �`/ �\ �, � ' � .r��,�� i- ,� _ _ ,_� `1.' _ � +�`� i. �,�lll `1.,\\ _� � - ��` \ vi��odN�r� 5,3 -= � : 1 �� � ' J . .;n.u.Svn.��� ` : �j � � l �. i � � . F�R�. � �-. . _.� .. � � �,F . . o . (ii�'FS'� � -. - ,� � . 1 � . - I � .. � ��. '��� r ..�_ ��.� r2 �-�— -� P COSW RD �� m 7 WIhtCN1118 `� � \_r l l � � � �� �� � _� -. � '�� ���� : �� z'' GREENE CC)CIN ` -�� �� p - - -��'� r o _y_� 4 � i � \2 �- _� V'� i��' _`' _ � �� `� � � n ,,t� I I �i � - . � ';� �� .. � - NC iP � 4Nf i � � �n ' (�\ .1� I ` . � Ayden , _ � � ' `^ ' �1' yi �f . !� '� � I z� ,, � r, , j �� n�� . � ,� � S�`- / ; 1 � � J , . �\ \ Swift Creek Study Area ' .�- Streams Municipalities Little Contentnea Creek Study Area -- Impaired Streams Minor Roads �"� Selected Alternative Waler Bodies .'�'..� Major Roads �} Intercha�ge Counry Boundary � -��� Railroads i_ � River Basin Boundary Figure 12 1. Project Study Area ICI Water Quality Sludy Greenville Souhvest Bypass TIV No R 2P50. Piit Counly. NC ��North Caroiina � DepartmentofTranspotlation Pid Coun 0 0.5 1 2 3 Miles 1-3 Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 2 EXISTING WATER QUALITY CONDITIONS 2.1 Impaired Waters Two water bodies in the immediate vicinity of #he project, Swift Creek and Little Contentnea Creek, have been designated as impaired by the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). Little Contentnea Creek is impaired for low dissolved oxygen and biological integrity. Swift Creek is impaired for biological integrity. In addition the project area is approximately 30.miles from the Neuse Estuary, which is impaired for chlorophyll a and is subject of a total maximum daily load (TMDL) #or nitrogen. Little Contentnea Creek drains the southwestern corner of Pitt County, north of the Town of Farmville and also portions of northeastern Wilson and northern Greene counties. Swift Creek is a large tributary to the Neuse River. The watershed of Swift Creek drains the agricultural areas of southeastern and south central Pitt County and the suburbs of the southern part of the City of Greenville. Potential sources of impairment to both streams are primarily agricultural (NCDWQ, 2006a). There are no NCDWQ ambient monitoring sites, biological monitoring stations or USGS gages located within the model study area. Two sites are located near the study area: a benthos station on Little Contentnea Creek at US 264A and a fish community station on Swift Creek located several miles downstream of the study area boundary. An ambient monitoring site (J7739550) is located on Little Contentnea Creek at SR 1125 near the study area. None of the parameters sampled during the. most recent assessment exhibited violations of water quality standards except for iron. Iron concentrations exceeded action level water quality standards. The cause of the elevated levels was not identified (NCDWQ, 2006b). The next closest station is located 9 miles south of the study area on Contentnea Creek (J7810000). At the US 264A benfhos monitoring station (B-5), Little Contentnea Creek has. swamp- like characteristics: tannic water and. a slightly braided channel NCDWQ (2006). The substrate was mostly sand with some silt. Like many of the streams in the area, variety in pool size was lacking. This site has been sampled for macroinvertebrates in 2000, 2001, .and 2005, all three times rated as Fair. The creek may have been channelized more than 50 years ago according to NCDWQ.. � Swift Creek is a shallow, sandy bottom, entrenched stream that has been channelized and is maintained as a channelized waterbody. The fish community station (F-1) at SR 1753 had the second lowest habitat score of any fish community site in the Coastal Plain in 2005. Swift Creek is currently impaired from its source to the Neuse River because it received a Fair bioclassification rating after macroinvertebrate sampling. Habitat degradation is the most likely cause of impairment according to the 2002 Basinwide VUater Quality Plan (NCDWQ, 2002a). There were few pools and a silty substrate was noted by sfate monitoring personnel. 2.2 Neuse River Basin Water Quality Initiatives Water quality in the Neuse River estuary has been a concern for over a century. Nitrogen loading has been increasing in the Neuse River Basin, corresponding witti 2-1 Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study increases in chemical fertilizer use in the early 1960's and animal feeding operations in the 1970's_(Stow et al., 2001): Total nitrogen concentrations increased in the river until about 1990 but more recently have been declining. Elevated nutrient levels have led to frequent algal blooms, hypoxic conditions and fish kills in the estuary. As a result, the Neuse River Basin was listed as impaired by chlorophyll a on North Carolina's 303(d) list in the early to mid-1990's. 2.2.1 Neuse River NSW Management Strategy Water quality research in the Neuse River Basin expanded after extensive fish kills in 1995. Low dissolved oxygen levels associated with eutrophication were determined to be a probable cause. Although, a number of fish kills were also attributed to a dinoflagellate known as �esteria piscicida; thought to thrive in poor water quality situations (NCDWQ, 2002a). In 1997, the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission (EMC) adopted a mandatory plan, the Neuse River Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSV1n Management Strategy, to control both point and nonpoint sources of pollution in the Neuse River basin (NCDWQ, 2002b). With the exception of the riparian buffer rules, these rules became effective in 1998. The buffer rules became effective in 2000. The overall goal of these rules was to reduce average annual load of nitrogen (a key nutrient contributing to excess algal growth) delivered to the Neuse River Estuary by 30% by the year 2001. The Neuse River NSW Management Strategy is made up of a number of rules regulating various items such as waStewater discharges, urban stormwater management, agricultural nitrogen reduc#ion, nutrient management, and protection and maintenance of riparian areas (NCDWQ, 2002b). NCDWQ is responsible for administering and enforcing these rules. 2.2.2 Neuse Riyer Estuary TMDL A TMDL (total maximum daily load) is defined as a calculation of fhe maximum amount of a pollutant that a waterbody can receiye and still meet water quality standards, and an allocation of that amount to the pollutant's sources. The first phase of the TMDL for Total Nitrogen to the Neuse River estuary was conditionally approved in July 1999. The second phase was completed by DWQ and approved by the EPA in 2001. The premise for developing the TMDL is that a portion of the Neuse River is impaired for chlorophyll a, an indicator of excessive eutrophication as a result of nutrient loading. The Neuse River TMDL supported the nitrogen reduction goal set forth by the earlier Neuse River NSW Management Strategy. A declining trend in nitrogen is attributed to the implementation of the 1997 Neuse River NSW. Management Strategy outlined. above (Harned, 2003). . . . 2-2 - i_ � . � � -. - Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 2.3 Notable Features and Development Considerations This section discusses the most notable.features and development considerations.of the project study area and vicinity. 2.3.1 Surface Water Resources The model study area lies within the Neuse River Basin, eight-digit Hydrologic Units 03020202 and 03020203. The western and northern portions of the study area drain to Pinelog Branch and various unnamed tributaries of Little Contentnea Creek. Waterbodies in the eastern portion of the study area include Gum Swamp, Horsepen Swamp, Nobel Canal, Simmon Branch, and various unnamed tributaries that flow into Swift Creek NCDWQ classifies all the named sfreams in the project study area as Class C waters (NCDWQ 2005c), which are best suited for aquatic life survival and propagation, fishing, wildlife, secondary recreation, and agriculture. These streams have also been assigned the supplemental classifications of nutrient sensitive waters (NSV1/) and swamp waters (Sw). NSWs require limitations on nutrient input and are included in the Neuse River NSW Management Strategy. Swamp waters are designated as such due to their low velocities and other natural characteristics that are different from adjacent streams. 2.3.2 Protected Species Under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, four species are listed as endangered or threatened for Pitt County: bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis), and Tar River spinymussel (Elliptio steinstansana) (USFWS, 2006). According to the Natural Heritage Program, there are no records of occurrences or known populations of any of these species located within the model study area. Spinymussel populations exist in. the Tar River drainage in Nash, Franklin,.Warren, Halifax and Edgecombe Counties. There are ten Federal Species of Concern (FSCs) listed for Pitt County, of which only one, the Henslow's sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii) is on record as being seen during the last 20 years. 2.3.3 Infrastructure The Tar River serves as the primary water source for Greenville. Ayden, and Winterville. Private water systems in Pitt County draw water from groundwater aquifers, primarily the Black Creek aquifer. Water service is generally available throughout.the study area. Access to sewer service is .currently limited to the municipal boundaries and portions of the extraterritorial jurisdictions (ETJs) of Greenville, Ayden and Winterville. Greenville is served by a 17.5 million gallon per day (mgd) wastewater treatment plant (WVVfP). The Contentnea Metropolitan Sewerage District (CMSD) serves the towns of Ayden, Grifton, and Winterville. Both plants have surplus capacity. The ICE contains a.summary of Greenville Utilities Commission's (GUC) regulations regarding sewer exfension. The regulations state that sewer extension outside of the city limits or outside of the current ETJ can only occur after the property owner has filed for 2-3 I� � �i � J 1 �� i� ��� Greenville Southvirest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study voluntary annexation with the City of Greenville. It also states that in-city waste or sewer extensions will be given priority over out-of-city extensions: The ICE concludes that sewer is.therefore a limiting factor to growth in the study area. Upon further investigation and conversation with the City of Greenville, it was found thaf sewer is likely to expand throughout Greenville's ETJ and beyoncl as long as developers request it (Harry Hamilton/Greenville Planning; personal communication). This is common as many developers in the area prefer to develop at a higher density than allowed with conventional septic systems. Sewer lines have already been extended throughout the southwest portion of Vision Area E in preparation for new developments that will be annexed by the city. Greenville is divided into vision areas for planning purposes. Vision Area E contains the southwest portion of the City of Greenville and its ETJ and is bound by Green Mill Run and Forbes Run to the north; Seaboard Coastline railroad to the east; Greenville ETJ to the south and west. The southwest portion of Vision Area E coincides with a portion of tfie model study area (in and around subwatershed SC1). ;_ ; Winterville and Ayden currently only have sewer senrice within the town limits of each municipality. The ICE states that Winterville and Ayden have no policies or ordinances �� that restrict the extension of water or sewer utilities although further discussion with the j" municipalities revealed that Ayden requires annexation for extensions. 2.3.4 Developmenf Trends Between 1990 and 2000 Pitt County. experienced a 24% increase in population. The population in the study area grew by 49.1 %. Greenville and Winterville both had positive growth, 32.1 % and 56.2% respectively, while Ayden saw a 5.6% decrease. The expected population increase in the county and in the study area between' 2000 and 2010 is 14.4% and 26.8% respectively, assuming the .study area captures the same percentage of the county's growth as it did between 1990 and 2000 (NCDOT, 2006a). As the population grows land continues to be developed in the study area, especially the portions within the Greenville and Winterville ETJs. The primary growth areas . in . Greenville have been towards the south and southwest (Greenville, 2004). Most of the - growth in this area has been residential although there has been some commercial and institutional growth including a high school. In 2006 Greenville produced a study � focusing on the portion of Vision Area E contained in the study area (in and around __a subwatershed SC1) that predicts full build out of the area in finrenty years. Growth has been attributed to the availability of municipal, county, and GUC services and facilities � now available in the area (SW Area Report 2006). According to the report "estimates of � future build-out are based on existing zoning patterns and anticipated future rezoning of - existing RA20 district properties as recommended by the Horizons Plan and Future Land Use Plan Map (2/04). The projected densities for future development areas are based on � current and historical residential trends and continued application of current regulatory standards" (SW Area Report 2006). Although existing and future transportation systems were considered along with adjoining land uses patterns and environmental constraints, � Greenville Planning staff believe that growth will eontinue as projected even if the _� Southwest Bypass is not constructed (Harry Harriilton/Greenville Planning, personal communication). Between 2000 and 2004 Pitt County approved over 50 developments in the portion of the study area under county jurisdiction. .Most of the developments will contain between - 2-4 . Greenville Southwest Bypass _ ICI WaterQuality.Study ' I i� 6 and 40 houses although there are two preliminary piats for developments with over 60 , houses each. � � � � � � � � l� 2.4 Stormwater Managemeni 2.4.1 NC Session Law 2006-246 and NPDES Phase 11 Session Law 2006-246 was, approved by the NC L.egislature and signed into law in late summer of -2006. The act provides for the implementation of the federal Phase II stormwater program and additional stormwater management provisions. I� Beginning July 2007, any new development that cumulatively disturbs one acre or more ;; of 'land located in Pitt County or municipalities contained therein must comply with the '—f standards set forth in Section 9 of Session Law 2006-246. Under Section 9, programs are deemed compliant where the Neuse River NSW Management Strategy is being � � implemented. For fhe study area, this includes Pitt County and Greenville. In addition, �_� Greenville, Ayden, and Winterville will be issued Phase II NPDES permits. � `i Ayden and Winterville were contacted about new requirements expected to be installed �� as a result of the new law. Both municipalities expect to adopt requirements similar to � the County, which recently adopted the stormwater provisions contained within the ;, Neuse rules (Chris Padgett/Ayden and �Ilie Gay�nterville, personal communication). j� 2.4.2 Neuse River NSW Management Sfrategy The Neuse stormwater rules require the development of stormwater management plans for each of the fifteen largest local governments within the basin, including the City of Greenville. Pitt County has also opted to implement the rules within its jurisdiction. The local government stormwater plans must be consistent with the overall 30% nitrogen reduction goal of the Neuse River NSW Management Strategy (NCDWQ, 2002b). The rules require that each new development must meet a nitrogen export performance standard with a provision for mitigation offset payments. The Neuse NSW stormwater management program imposes a 4.0 kg/ha/yr (3.6 pounds per acre per year or Ib/ac/yr) nitrogen loading limit on new development. Nitrogen load from new developments that exceed this performance standard may be offset by payment of a fee to the Wetlands Restoration Fund provided, however, that no new residential development can exceed 6.7 kg/ha/yr (6.0 Ib/ac/yr) and no new nonresidential development can exceed 11.2 kg/ha/yr (10.0 Ib/ac/yr). The rule also requires presenration of fifty-foot riparian buffers on perennial and intermittent streams. Further, all new development must control water runoff so that there is no net increase in the peak discharge from the predevelopment conditions for the 1=year, 24-hour storm. 2-5 � 1 Greenville Southwest.Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 3 WATERSHED MODELING APPROACH � 3.1 Objectives and Model Selection The objective of this modeling analysis is to quantify the changes in long term pollutanf loads resulting from potential land use changes induced within the project study area by construction of the Greenville Southwest Bypass. Two land use scenarios, referred to from here out as the Build and No Build Scenarios, were developed for this study. The analysis will quantify changes relative to a land use scenario predicted to develop without construction of the roadway. The parameters of interest in this study are sediment, total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and storm event runoff volume. The Generalized Watershed Loading Function (Haith and Shoemaker, 1987; Haith et al., 1992) model was selected to simulate long-term nutrient and sediment loads from catchments draining the project study area. Storm event runoff was evaluated using a separate assessment tool, the SCS Curve Number Method (SCS, 1986) to assess the risk of downstream channel erosion. The Generalized Watershed Loading Function (GWLF) is a continuous simulation model �" i with a complexity in the mid-range of watershed models, falling between detailed j_1 mechanistic models like the Soil & Water Assessment 'fool (Neitsch et aL, 2001) or the Hydrologic Simulation Program — Fortran (Bicknell et al., 1985) and simpler, empirical methods such as export coefficient- or event mean concentration-driven such as PLOAD ', (USEPA, 2001). The model does not contain instream transport or transformation algorithms. GWLF is applicable as an assessment tool with or without formal calibration, the process of adjusting a model's parameters to fit an observed data set. This featuce of the model is important for the present study given that water quality and flow data were not available from the study area to allow comparisons of observed and predicted values. GWLF has been utilized in several successful applications to watershed studies, including some in coastal North Carolina (Dodd and Tippett, 1994; Swaney et al., 1996; Lee et al., 1999; CH2M Hill, 2003; NCDOT, 2005c; NCDOT, 2006b) and was. used for the watershed modeling component of the Jordan Reservoir Nutrient TMDL (NCDWQ, 2005a). r�'� ' The BasinSim 1.0 version of GWLF was selected for this modeling analys'ts. BasinSim is _' an updated version of GWLF developed by a team of researchers at the_ Virginia lnstitute of Marine Science with a grant from NOAA Coastal Zone Management (Dai et al., 2000j. ;-^; The updates consist primarily of an improved graphical user interface and the addition of ;� numerous software utilities to edit input and manage and display GWLF results. f, ��� ll 3:2 The GWLF Model This section provides an overview of the mathematical basis used in GWLF. The discussion is a summary, largely drawn from the GWLF Version 2.0 User Manual (Haith et aL, 1992). Figure 3.2.1 is a schematic illustration of the structure of the GWLF model from. Dai et al.. (2000): �. ,--. 3-1 , Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study GWLF provides the ability to simulate continuously runoff, sediment, and nutrient (N and P) loading from a watershed given variable-size source areas (i.e., agricultural, forested and developed land). The model uses daily steps for weather data and water balance calculation. The model is considered a combined distributed/lumped parameter watershed model. For surface loading, it is distributed in the sense that it allows multiple land use/cover scenarios, but each area is assumed to be homogenous with regard to various attributes considered by the model. The model does not spatially distribute the source areas, but simply aggregates the loads from each area into a watershed total; in other words there is no spatial routing. For sub-surface loading, the model also acts as a lumped parameter model using a water balance approach. 3.2.1 Hydrology GWLF estimates surface runoff using the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Curve Number (CN) approach with daily weather (temperature and precipitation) inputs. Daily water balances are calculated for unsaturated and shallow saturated zones. Infiltration to the unsaturated and shallow saturated zones equals the excess, if any, of rainfall and snowmelt less runoff and evapotranspiration. The product of a cover factor dependent on land use/cover type and potential evapotranspiration gives daity evapotranspiration. The latter is estimated as a function of daylight hours, saturated water vapor pressure and daily temperature. Percolatio� occurs when unsaturated zone water exceeds field capacity. Streamflow consists of runoff and discharge from groundwater. 3.2.2 Erosion and Sedimentation Precipi[ation Evapotranspaation Land Surface - SCS Cune Number Sinulation Unsaturated Zone Shallow Saturoted Zone Deep Seepage Loss Erosion (USLE) Runoff DissoMed Nutrients Groundwater (Shallow) Septic System Loads Particu late Nutrients �Loading to SVeam Figure 3.2.1 Schematic of GWLF Model Processes (taken from Dai et al., 2000) 3-2 Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Erosion and sediment yield from rural land uses are estimated using monthly erosion calculations based on the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) algorithm (with monthly rainfall-runoff coefficients) and monthly composite of soil erodibility (K), topographic factor (LS), crop management (C), and conservation practice (P) values for each source area. A sediment delivery ratio, which is based on watershed size, and a transport capacity, which is based on average daily runoff, are then applied to estimate the sediment yield for each source area. Sediment load from urban land uses are not included in the current BasinSim application. For the present study, sediment from urban sources was modeled using the same accumulation and washoff functions from the model substituting sediment accumulation rates for particulate nutrient accumulation in the nutrient data file. A similar approach was used by Schneiderman et a/. (2002) in an update to the original application of GWLF on the Cannonsville watershed by Haith and Shoemaker (1987). Note that GWLF and the current study do not predict short term sedimentation from construction sites. 3.2.3 Nutrient Loading Surface nutrient losses are determined by applying dissolved nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) coefficients to surface runoff from each agricultural source area. Point source discharges can also contribute to dissolved losses and are specified in terms of kilograms per month. Manured areas, as well as septic systems, can also be considered. Urban nutrient inputs are all assumed to be solid-phase; the model uses exponential accumulation and washoff function for these loadings. Sub-surface losses are calculated using dissolved N and P coefficients for shallow groundwater contributions to stream nutrient loads. The sub-surface sub-model considers only a single, lumped parameter contributing area. 3.2.4 Input Data Requirements For execution, the model requires three separate input files containing transport, nutrient, and weather-related data. The transport file defines the necessary parameters for each source area to be considered (e.g., area size, curve number) as well as global parameters (e.g., initial storage, sediment delivery ratio) that apply to all source areas. The nutrient file specifies the various loading parameters for the different source areas identified (e.g., number of septic systems, urban source area accumulation rates, manure concentrations). The weather file contains daily average temperature and total precipitation values for each year simulated. 3-3 Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 4 GWLF MODEL DEVELOPMENT The following sections provide a discussion of the data sources, parameter inputs; and assumptions utilized in this watershed modeling analysis. 4.1 Delineation of Subwatersheds The study area was delineated into twenty-one subwatersheds covering 169 kmZ (65 mi2). Subwatersheds ranged.in size from 2.6 to 12.5 km2 (1.O to 4.8 mi2). A 6-meter (20- foot) digital elevation model (DEM), a raster grid of regularly spaced elevation values derived from recent Light Detecting and Ranging (LIDAR) data and obtained from NCDOT (2005b), was used to develop a preliminary delineation with a hydrology modeling extension developed for ArcGIS (ESRI, 2005). Field reconnaissance was conducted to identify man-made alterations to flow paths and directions of drainage aided in refining the delineation. The size of each subwatershed in hectares is shown in Figure 4.1.1. 4.2 Land Use Scenarios No-Build and Build land use scenarios (Figures 4.2.3 and 4.2.4 respectively) were developed using fhe categories presented in Table 4.2.1. The scenarios were based on zoning, future land use maps, special studies, and personal communication with various town and county planners. Table 4.2.1 Land Use Categories and Density LAND USE NAME 'GWLF CODE DENSITY Agriculture/Residential — Very Low Density . RVL greater than 2 acres per dwelling unit Residential — Low Density RLL 1.5-2 acres per d.u: Residentiaf— Medium Cow Density RML 1-1.5 acres per d.u. Residential — Medium High Density RMH 0:5-1 acres per d.u. Residential — High Density RHH 0.25-0.5 acres per d.u. Residential — MultifamilyNery High Density RVH less than 0.25 acres per d:u. Office/Institutional/Light Industrial OFF N/A Commercial/Heavy Industrial COM N/A Paved Road with Right of Way ROAD N/A Urban Green Space/Forest UGR N/A Wetlands WET N/A Water WAT N/A 4-1 i ' r— i I— � i_ _� ,r , I� i' ,_ � Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study � � i � `y �_� 1 /. �Y�i�i. /, VY J�.P�� . _. � 1 TVY il i ��� � � � � � ���.�, T � ; ,�`�`�� � . "� � � ,� � � � `� � �` � � . � � ( -�•.-� �� _� U `�� '' \ ����` �� .� , ; �-�, l. � : � �iY PB4 �� : �.'� v � US 264`'\ -~?/-`% _ � , � '�� f � .. .-_ 1064 3 i-� '- - � t �\ _. . .- �� 1 � �'-_ �� -� ; � �� r ,�- ��' � �(,,T �� —_ . . ' . � ; Greenville � � �' /�: -'_' `J rt^ � �, �-; � ,.�_ , � , - � �' � �una,� � _ ' ii� �� ��� � �� � . �� T� ,�-+ s\ '�� ��� --r� �� �� � ` � , `js��" 1/ j�.,� � + _. ` v , �? �.z.. � i �--c-�^-"y � �; � "�..,.��, �( '- r � � o �� �;`� �-, � �, �\ ! Sh3 � �..r .. ! , /�. � ,r ` U � I � � � _ 1' , �,,:, , , ; � .{� � �w,, .r� � �' 1 � � � c z _.�, 1 1 _ � ✓"'" � �� ,..✓ ` �'1 a'i� - I �-� f� L �`-� ' � Y .�4'` �m � _ . . . 1_ I. t i -�!'•...� � "� � � � ;: ,� % � �! �� pocos��� - ,. �- � �WfntervilYe � �, / , ,• ` J�' ,��_ � i. i `� �4 � �^ � — � Uoi � � '� ; 'J <'63 � � . i � � . ' � .`:��� , � �� �'� —� `� �� � � p /' ~ �r~ - �,' ` _��' �� ,..,r•��' '' , , f +-., � � i ��� �.�, �. � � 2-...... ��. � {`� /' ���� � -•�� / � +' r„ ��`"�? ' r; S '' _ 't ; �: - - - j , � �r =� . `r 1 c � � -� r. (� _ .. �_ _ - �, � -� `�l `l �� ��� i / N �� � � {"`/ l �.. �A�rden �iT �✓ ��. �I _, � - � ~ .Y � � �'`Jy �-' ' �� i�l��� � ~ �. - . % : i-... , i .��� ',� � ... ;. : ,_ _, . ;`,f� � Subwatershed area is in hectares � � — selected_corridor �_ _� Rrver Basin Bountlary Figure 4.1.1. Project Subwatersheds ♦ Weather Station " ,_ Counry Boundary �___ ICI Water �uality Study - Greenville Bypass .� _� Model Su6watersheds Mumcipalities TIP No R-2250, Pitl Counry. NC • � Impaired Streams Ayden ETJ _ "�-���- -� Sfreams Greemille ETJ North Carolina _ Water Botlies Greenville Proposed ETJ ���� Department oi Transportation � i Railroads Nhntervilte ETJ � 0 O S 1 2 3 Miles Roads N/nterville Proposed ETJ 4-2 Greenville Southwest Bypass _ _ ICI Water Quality Study �' �i 4.2.1 Existing Land Use Existing land uses were identified before producing the land use scenarios. All existing developed land was then tagged in the land use scenarios as their modeled loading rates are different due to regulations governing new development in .the study area (discussed further in Section 4.7). The existing land use layer as well as the land use scenarios are GIS layers or datasets. Each GIS layer was created as described below and in the following section and then depicted on the figures in this section. The existing land use GIS layer (Figure 4.2.1 Existing Land Use/Land Cover) is based on a compilation of existing land use maps provided by Greenville, and Pitt County. Winterville has a developed parcels layer that was used in conjunction with the zoning layer to determine land use. Ayden existing land use was based on zoning and 2004 aerial imagery. Land use classes and zoning categories from the different jurisdictions were assigned to each of the model categories according to information provided by each jurisdiction (Table 4.2.2)_ Undeveloped land could also be assigned to the additional classes of row crop (ROV1� and forest (FOR). All references of aerial imagery refer to the 2004 true color aerial imagery provided by the GUC. - The Greenville existing land use map was created in 2004. The commercial and industrial land uses were assigned to the Commercial/Heavy Industrial category. The office and institutional land uses were assigned. to the Office/Institutional/Light Industrial category, There was one cemetery that was labeled open space. Utility land uses wece checked using aerial imagery and then assigned to Open Space or Office depending on the type of utility. The one recreation parcel had a building and parking lot and was therefore defined as Office/Institutional/Light Industrial. The duplex, multi-family, mobile home, mobile home park, and single family residential land uses were placed into categories depending on parcel size and number of units per parcel. All residential parcels greater than five acres in size were examined using aerial imagery to quantify the number of houses or units per parcel, determine density, and then assign the parcel to a residential category. All vacant land was assigned to Row Crop, Forest,_ or _Open Space depending on land cover as determined using aerial imagery. Finally, a current parcel map (September 2006) provided by Pitt County was combined with the existing land use map to bring.it up to date. The parcel map contains information on building values. If the building value is greater than 0 on a new parcel, it is assumed that the parcel has been developed. If the building value is zero, the parcel has been created and reaorded but the building has not been constructed. Therefore, new parcels from the parcel layer, with a current building value greater than zero, were assigned fo a category based on zoning and then on parcel size if considered residential. New parcels from the parcel layer, with a current building.value of zero, were assigned to a category based on aerial imagery. The Pitt County existing land use map was created .in 2002. Commercial and industrial land uses were assigned to the Commercial/Heavy Industrial category. The institutional land use was assigned to the : Office/Institutional/Light Industrial category. Government/utility facilities and recreation .land uses were checked using aerial imagery and then assigned to Open Space or Office depending on the type of utility or recreation use. Residential land uses were assigned to land use categories based on parcel size. The remaining undeveloped/agricultural land use areas were examined with aerial imagery. Areas were divided, into forest, open space, and :agriculture based on land 4-3 I� �-� �i �� ,_ _, 'j 4 Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study cover. In addition the 2006 county, parcel layer was joined with the land use to reflect all new parcels from 2002 to 2006. All parcels with the attribute "heated square feet>0" and an area of less than five acres in size were assigned a residential category. Land use for those parcels greater than five acres were verified using aerial imagery: The Winterville developed parcels layer contains land use attributes. These land uses were assigned to model categories as follows: commercial assigned to Commercial/Heavy Industrial, church and institutional assigned to Office/Institutional/Light Industrial except for finro parcels assigned to Open Space, and government utility assigned to Office/Institutional/Light Industrial or Open Space. All residential land uses including mobile home parks were placed into residential categories depending on parcel size and number of units per parcel. All areas not included _in the developed parcels layer were checked using aerial imagery. All parcels with the attribute "heated square feet>0" and an area of less than five acres in size were assigned a residential category. Those greater than five acres were divided into forest, agriculture, and open space according to land cover. . Ayden has a zoning layer that was used to assign categories to all developed parcels as reflected on the 2004 aerial imagery. In addition, the county parcel layer was used to identify any new development that occurred befinreen 2004 and 2006. The business (B-1 and B-2) and heavy industrial zones were assigned to Commercial/Heavy Industrial and the light industrial and office/institufional zones were assigned to the Office/Institutional/Light Industrial category. The conservation zone was assigned to Forest and Open Space as that .is the current land use. All residential zones were assigned to residential categories based on parcel size and number of units per parcel. Any parcel greater than five acres was checked visually and then divided befirveen forest, agriculture, and open space based on land cover. _ 4.2.2 Future No Build and Build Scenarios Existing land uses were identified separately in the land use scenarios GIS layer as their modeled loading rates are different from new development due to regulations governing that new development in the study area (discussed Section 4.7). All existing land areas that had been classified as developed were put in their same categories in the future scenarios with the exception of a few parcels in �ntenrille that were residential and were then classified as Commercial/Heavy Industrial in the No-Build and Build scenarios. These low density residential parcels on Old NC 11 are located in an .area zoned as commercial and will most likely be replaced with commercial 6uildings in the future. _ It_ was assumed that existing wetlands as depicted on the existing land use map would remain as wetlands. All other areas were assigned to categories according to future land use maps, other studies.and information, and personal communication with each jurisdiction. 4-4 � I '_-.; I. -� � Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study vr �� ;,, , i �I _ i �H �� � . � I .. REE _ L , . - .. • •� ��' r. . .� ., ��'..L.��� ! �� ��..�\ 5_`... � - � � ''� � �. :. � � �y � � \� ���� '�� i�E 1 y � � `f, ` .�AydrnETJ y t Agricutlure � Greenaille ETJ Welland Wnterville ETJ Water /�/ Roatls — Commerciai/Heavy InEuSVial l`�� Railroatls plficellnsltlutionallLight Induslrial O`AN' Selttted Attemalive - Resitlenllal MuuUamilyNery Mqn Densiiy � Streams - Resitlenllal High Density � Counry eoundary _ Resieential Metlium High �ensiry � Watershea Boundary � Resitlenllal Metlium Low Oensity Ealsllng Contlitions ResicenbalLow �ensfly _ Open Space Resitlenhal Very Low Oensrty _ Fwest _ Pavetl Road wNh Right ol Way 4-5 ► - '. 1 1' / 1.-. k < �- = � _ Figure 4.2.1 Existing Land Use/Land Cover ICI Wa[er Qualiry Swdy - Greenville Southwest Bypass TIP No. R-2250, Pitt Counry, NC �Norih Carolina � �epartment of Transportation 0 0.5 1 2 3 Miles i� � �� I; �� �� , i" ai Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality. Study Greenville The Greenville future land use map was used to develop fhe build and no-build scenarios GIS layer for the area currently under Greenville jurisdiction and the area between the existing ETJ and a newly proposed ETJ. Greenville and Winterville have proposed an expansion of their ETJs to extend out beyond the proposed Southwest Bypass corridor (Figure 4.2.2 obtained from the City of Greenville). This proposed ETJ boundary was used for both scenarios as it is not dependent on construction of the proposed Southwest Bypass. If the county does not approve the ETJ expansion, both municipalities plan on offering sewer to new developments and then annexing the land so it is likely the area or parts of the area will fall under the municipalities jurisdiction and . therefore under their land use plans regardless of changes in the ETJ. Greenville's future land use plan was developed with a finro mile buffer around its existing boundary for this reason. For the No-Build scenario, all currently undeveloped land was assigned a model category based on the future land use map classes. Commercial and industrial land uses were both placed in the Commercial/Heavy Industrial category and office/institutional/multi-family land use were assigned the Office/Institutional/Light Industrial category. The only residential land uses in the study area are high density residential and medium density residential Greenville Land Use classes. These Greenville land use classes would both fall into the Residential Very High Density model land use category based on parcel size as explained in Horizons, Greenville°s Community Plan. A more detailed study of land use has been undertaken by the Greenville planning department for the southwest portion of Vision Area E, which coincides with a portion of the model study area (in and around subwatershed SC1). The plan predicts 3,102 dwellings in the undeveloped portions of the area, approximately 680 acres (Greenville, 2006). This works out to be 0.22 acres per dwelling although this does not take into account associated roadways. Finally all conservation/open space was labeled as Forest or Open Space dependent on land cover. The Build scenario is the same as fhe No-Build for the Greenville (including . the proposed ETJ) portion of the study area except for the addition of the road. Past and current growth trends indicate growth regardless of road construction (Greenville, 2004; Greenville, 2006). The land use plan already allows focus areas which can contain nonresidential land uses. Portions of these focus areas are found on fhe existing land use map and further expansion is expected with or without the bypass. The focus areas include two large commercial and office areas along Dickinson Road and Memorial DriVe and a small area at the intersection of Frog Level and Davenport Farms Rd. The Dickinson Rd commercial and office focus area contains the Southwest Bypass interchange with Dickinson Rd. In addition there. is an industrial park that is promoted by the city and county. Greenville has no plans to allow commercial or office development in any other areas. The Forlines Rd interchange falls on Greenville's proposed ETJ line. Although Greenville's future land .use plan would not allow for commercial growth in this area, #he.county is likely to allow it if it remains under their jurisdiction. Therefore a small � amount of commer.cial growth was added to the interchange for the build scenario.. 4-6 Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Figure 4.22 Proposed ETJ Expansion (map obtained from the City of Greenville) Growth Areas and Boundary Map for the Ciry of c�reenville, and Town of Winterville � y , , j! r _ � ��� ' �k,� � . Le9end :3 � Raoo�M GremiMle Baunacry . . � . �' � GrwnNbCq�miN � . � . .. � ! l3nemn0e ETJ / -'. } — j /� . ., . y �RWofe]YVaNerHle0Wn6py \ � \� 4J 4Nn�lmle Twm Llmtla W Y � Wn1aN6e EfJ �� II ._ . I �A'AmOtYlmis � . �11 Ayden ETJ � �� � —'— � � � RansbnHMvk081ntl � ��� ]nUPifcelM1 � � � �� 1..-. � �l i� , � . . �� � .. �. . - �5 . . -�'. I ��� . MUNGiO/� . . \i�(��� �r. f�� i �� � —1ac,. . F'�� ' C�EN�1tLE BV � � ;_` r �f , . _' _ Historic Distriet / RM�m. Spmpw i. 9l0! 1� ' ' � �rre� TaviEa � � Winterville Jurisdiction ��un�c' en.� "�j, _i�' /�; R =4% Ayden 4-7 'il Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Winterville The Winterville future land use map was used to develop the Build and No-6uild scenarios GIS layer for the area currently under Winterville jurisdiction and the area between the existing ETJ and a newly proposed ETJ, as described above. For the No- Build scenario, all currently undeveloped land was assigned a model category based on the future land use map classes. Commercial and industrial land uses were both placed in the Commercial/Heavy Industrial category and the office & institutional land use was put in the Office/Institutional/Light Industrial category. Recreational/cultural as well as land uses government/utility were assigned to Open Space. The four Winterville residential land uses were assigned to residential model categories based on.#he lot size as described in the Winterville Horizon Land Use Plan (high density = RVH; medium density = RHH, low density = RMH, ag/res = RLL — based on a mixture of houses and agricultural lands): The commercial/residential transition land use was divided between Office/Institutional/Light Industrial category and the RVH category, with the former placed adjacent to Commercial parcels and the latter filling in the rest of the area. The undeveloped area between the current ETJ and the proposed ETJ was assigned to the RMH category on the west side _of Winterville and .RLL on the east side of Winterville (personal communication, Alan Lily). - , The Build scenario is almost the same as the No-Build. The town expects residential , growth to occur regardless of the . bypass. They do expect some commercial ' development along NC903 as a result of the bypass especially at the intersection with __ � Frog Level Rd. This intersection will see more traffic and will therefore be more suitable � for a small commercial center rather than s'ingle family homes (personal communication ' � Alan Lily): Ayden The Ayden future. land use map was used to develop the Build and No-Build scenarios GIS layer for the Town of Ayden and its current ETJ. The map was developed without considering construction of the Southwest Bypass therefore it was used as the base for the no-build scenario. All of the currently undeveloped land. was assigned a model category based on the town's future land use classes: The area labeled as mixed use/downtown future land use is already fully developed. The industrial and commercial land use areas were placed in the Commercial/Heavy Industrial category. The residential land uses were assigned to categories based on lot size as described in the future.land use map documentation and the zoning map. High density residential includes 6,000 square foot lots, mobile homes, and multi-family buildings which are all considered to be RVH. Mediurn density residential includes 8,000, 10,000, and 12,000 square foot lots which is a mixture of RVH and RHH. All of these parcels were labeled as RVH as most of the area is zoned for 8,000 or 10,000 square foot lots and there are very few 12,000 square foot areas. Low density residential includes 20,000 square foot lots. These areas were assigned to the RLL category since it is unlikely all of the land will develop without the bypass. Undeveloped land that falls into the_conservation land use was left with the designation assigned in the existing Jand use layer (either Forest or.Open Space). �- The Build scenario for this portion of the study differs from the No-Build scenario: The town expects an increase in development after the.bypass is constructed as it_will be convenient for commuters. An increase in commercial_ development could occur around 4-8 .. -� � '� Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study ' , � the interchange with NC102. Commercial and industrial development is already proposed for the interchange.at NC11. Higher density residential growth is_expected to � 1 the west of the bypass. Sewer could be expanded to this area as needed to serve new -� developments. Pitt County � ,� I' ;I � _� The Pitt County future land use map was used for the remaining portions of the study �-� area that were not in a developed category for the existing land use/land cover map. The � No-Build scenario GIS layer is based on the future land use map. The Bell Arthur `1 Crossroads and Ballards Crossroads are both crossroad communities where a small portion of parcels were assigned to Office/Institutional/Light Industrial. There are no new I� commercial or industrial areas planned for this part of the county. The suburban 1-� residential land use class was assigned to the RLL category to reflect a mix of development on lots at least 25,000 square foot in size and continued agricultural uses. � The rural residential/agricultural land use was assigned to the RVL category to reflect a _, smaller amount of development on lots at Ieast 25,000 square foot in size and a larger amount of agricultural use. Residential development in this portion of the county is � expected as shown in the planned development map produced by Pitt County that _ �� covers the years 2000 to 2004 and shows many new developments in the study area. The Build scenario GIS layer for the county will differ from the No-Build scenario at the NC903 interchange. The county plans to allow for commercial and light industrial around the entire interchange. Higher density housing is expected around the interchange although the area will still be served by septic and therefore a 25;000 lot minimum will be required. RML was chosen for the residential density to reflect an increase in the number of 25,000 square foot lots and a decrease in agricultural and wooded land. 4.2.3 Scenario Comparisons Graphical depictions of the Build and No-Builci .scenarios are presented in Figures 4.2.3 � and 4.2.4. Commercial and heavy industrial land use increases by almost 78 hectares I (8.7%) more in the Build scenario compared to the No Build scenario. This development 1--- is expectecl to occur at the NC903 interchange, the Forlines Road interchange, and the Frog Level/NC903 intersection. Office/institutional%light industrial land uses actually � decrease in the Build scenario due to the new roadway and associated right of way. Residential - Low Density area in the Build scenario decreased by. 643 hectares relative to _No-Build due to the increase in commercial land use and higher density residential �- areas including RML in the county and RHH and RVH in the Town of Ayden. The land use scenarios for each subwatershed can be found in the Appendix. - � �} � ,�� � � � �; 4-9 I _ , __ � _ �� .. _.. � __ _� � _� � ---� _ -� ' � "- _'� �-'-� ,(_ _-_ _ � � - -i _ - � .�' --� � �' _- _ ' � � J - � - - - --- - -- - - = -- - � � -- � -- - Greenville Southwest_ Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Table 4.2.2 Existing Land Use/Land Cover Conversion Table Category � Ayden (zoning)* , Greenville (land use) Winterville (developed ' Pitt County' (land use) arcels � - Commercial/Heavy Business (B-1 & B-2), Commercial, Industrial Commercial, Industrial Commercial, Industrial Industrial Hea Industrial Institutional/Office/Light Light Industrial, Institutional, Office, Church, Institutional, Industrial Office/Institutional Recreation; Utility Government/Utility; Governmental/Utility Institutional ' Facilities, Recreation Residential (different RA-20, RA-20A, R-12, R- Duplex, Multi-family, Mobile Home Park, Single- Residential Development categories based on 10, R-8, Multi=Family, Mobile Home, Mobile Family Residential, Two- �density) Manufactures Housing, Home Park, Single Family Family Residential, Rlanned Unit Develo ment Residential Multifamil Residential Open Space Conservation Cemetery, Utility, Church, Governmental/Utility . Conservation Open Space GovernmenUUtility, Facilities, Recreation Institutional Row Cro Vacant Undevelo ed Undevelo ed/A ricultural Forest Vacant Undevelo ed Undevelo ed/A ricultural * all parcels were observed using aerial imagery to determine if was developed or undeveloped Table 4.2.3 Future Land'Use/Land Cover Conversion Table � ,g-ry ,. ' . Ayden (future land use .Greenville (future land use Winterville (future land use Pitt County:(future land � Cafe�"o _ . _ . . � . ma - . , . , ma . � ma . . use ma ". Commercial/Heavy Commercial, Mixed Commercial, Industrial Commercial, Industrial Commercial/ Light Industrial. Use/Downtown, Industrial Industrial Institutional/O�ce/Light Office/Institutional/Multi- Office & Institutional, Rural Commercial/ Industrial �. family Commercial/Residential. Crossroad Community . Transition � Residential (different . High Density Residential, High Densify Residential, Commercial/Residential Suburban Residential, � ' categories based on Medium Density Medium Density Residential Transition, High Density . Rural Residential/ density) Residential, Low Density . Residential, Med Density Agricultural : Residential Residential, Low Density Res, A ri/Residential � Open Space - Conservation Conservation Open Space Government/Utility, Agricultural/ Open Space/ Recreational/cultural Natural Resource ' 4-10 �� Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water �uality Study ., � �i :'n.: ; ti. _.: � ' �./ • _ 1� �� ' , � •. . . .• �±j ���� � ' ,.� . '���/I�� -,' '~ '` � .. i . .�.�_��'�.�,� r � � � "' � �11 �,. z � . �" f S: �� ';.r � � � r � � V � ��• � 1�-�-�,-�Y - � �/.', �__._..�' �.....1 T�f E� _; � \�� : 'I,. . `� I � Future No Bulltl Contlltlons Wetlantl (. Impervlousness) Water - Open SpaceB Forest /�/ Roaas Figure 4.2.3 Future No Build - CommerciallHeavy Intlustrial Q2%) Land Use/Land Cover Scenario l\/ Railroatls Office/InslitutianaVLight IntluSVial �53 %� B�y'� Selected Aliemalive ICI water Oualiry Study - Re5i4en�ial MultBamilyNery Hiqh �¢n5ity (42%) '�. � Sireams Greenville 5outhwes� Bypass _ ResiEential Hign Densiry (24 /) � County Bountlary TIP No. R-2250, Pitt County, NC _ Resitlen�ial Medium Hgh �anstty (i7 %) � Waters�ed Bountlary � NoRh Carolin2 - ResideMial Metllum Low Ornsily (73 %) � Aytlen ETJ .�. DepdAmenl Of Tf2n5pOft36on Resitlenlial Low Denstly (11%) � Greenville Propose0 ETJ �� ^^ AgncuHurelResitlential Very Low Densiry (5%) Wmterville Proposed ETJ 0 0.5 1 2 Mi18S _ Pavea ftoaG wM Rghl IN Way (61 k) � Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study � • � ` ' �iT:�'�'� ..y . �• , r•', """"`''::. � , :L'I;:, � .,;;:� .:S%ibla„ fa i�a�� . ����'����ii �:!i..i:�{'V!i;d���� �.�A� �.. f � } , n —V�— 'l ,( Ng 13 � � a� fr ..�-Y.; . , r �j )_ /; .� i ,. – � .-i�-�, p ' _ T�; ' �`� / 1 �t / .� -� � �. �' � -. � � � ,." �, I� _ ��, � � si� � ERVILLE � �� ` „ ; � � �' �� ' .,- 1 J� � 1 I I .� � � � f - f r� , _ ��,... .. �� ��� l �GREENE - � � i �- � �o"' � - � � _ . 1 _�� � i - l: , � � -r ' ` � - i �'�� . � � � �, ,� ,� { i, _ I �� -� ` _ � , � s "'�ti �' t� �� - - - � - --' u ii � � � � �� � d'�" � A � �__� � � � 1 � � - ' � \ , �, _ F � _,� '� � , � ` 4� �� , � � 7 � � ti � , � ��; -, � _ �. f`'' oe Future Bulld Conditlons Waler (% Impervlousness) i Open Space 8 Fores� Figure 4.2.4 Future Build � CommercialfHeavy lndusfnal p2%) �✓ SelecteG Altematrve Land Use/Land Cover Scenario OKcellnstiWlionaULight InEustrial (53% ) �} Inrerchange ICI Water Quality Slutly - Resitlential Multi/amilyNery Hign Densiry (42%) ^� RoaAs Greerrville Southwesl Bypa55 - Reskential High Densiry (24%) y�J RaAroads TIP No. R-2250, Pitt County, NC _ Resitlenhal Metlium High Densiry (17 %) "�. : Streams _ Reswenlial Medium Low Denslry (13 %) � yyatershetl Bountlary North Camlina �, Depatlment of Transportation ResWenlal �ow Oensily (11%� � County Boundary .„ AgnculWrelResiEenlial Very Low �ensity (5%) � I q�en ETJ -Pavetl Roatl with Ri nt ol Wa 61 % 0 0.5 1 2 3 MileS 9 Y l 1 � Greenville Pmposetl ETJ Wetland Wnterville Proposea ETJ 4-12 Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 4.2.4 Modellmperviousness The intensity of imperviousness increases as development density increases, which directly affects the velocity and volume of runoff, as well as the quantity of pollutant export. Site-specific impervious factors were not readily available for the study area. Therefore, literature-based estimates were adapted to the watershed. Table 4.2.4 below shows values from three literature sources: Soil Conservation Service (SCS 1986), Hunt and Lucas (2003), .and Cappiella and Brown (2001). Impervious estimates from Hunt and Lucas (2003) and Cappiella and Brown (2001) are close in value, whereas estimates from SCS (1986) are high in comparison, particularly for small residential lots. Table 4.2.4 Estimates of Imperviousness from the Literature Land Use Category Percent Impervious Reference Hunt and Lucas Cappiella and SCS (1986) (2003) Brown (2001) Location Tar-Pamlico River Chesapeake Bay, National Estimate Basin, NC Va/Md Regression Equation y=0.148x o.aa y_14.669x °'42 y=17.895x o.s�o� RZ 0.98 0.98 0.98 Residential 1/8 acre lot 38 33 65 Residenfial 1/4 acre lot 30 28 38 Residential 1/2 acre lot 22 21 25 Residential 1 acre lot 14 14 20 Residential 2 acre lot 11* 11 12 MultiFamilylTownhome 41-44 65 Institutional 34 Light Industrial 53 Industrial 72 Commercial 72 85 * Calculated with rearession eauation. The imperviousness values selected for this study are presented in Table 4:2.5: Single family residential values selected for this study are based on Hunt and Lucas (2003) since they were derived from North Carolina. data. Single family residential yalues were calculated using the power equation shown in the table above; which suggests a strong relationship between average lot size and imperviousness. The mid-point of the range in 4-13 Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study lot size is used to calculate the percent impervousness. Values for multifamily and non- residential land uses are taken from Cappiella and Brown (2001). The Multifamily/Very High Density category is based on the average of a 1/8 acre lot (35%) and the Multifamily value of 44%. The assumed imperviousness for roads with right of way is 61 % based on semi-rural highways studied in Wu et al. (1998). Table 4.2.5 Land Use Categories and Estimated Imperviousness LAND:USE NAME GWLF CODE PERCENT IMPERVIOUS Very Low Density Residential/Agriculture RVL 5% . (greater than 2 acres per dwelling unit) Residential — Low Density RLL 11 % (1.5-2 acres per d.u.) Residential — Medium Low Density . RML. 13% (1-1.5 acres per d.u.) Residential — Medium High Density RMH 17% (0.5-1 acres per d.u.) Residential — Fiigh Density RHH 24% (0.25-0.5 acres per d.u.) Residential — Multifamily/Very High Density RVH 42% (less than 0.25 acres per d.u.) Office/Institutional/Light Industrial OFF 53% Commercial/Heavy Industrial COM 72% Paved Road with Right of Way � ROAD 61% Urban Green Space UGR 0% Row Crop ROW 0°/a Forest FOR 0% Wetlands WET 0% Water WAT N/A The RVL category includes a mix of low density residential housing and agricultural land uses. The proportion of each land use-is not known but would be expected to result in a very low impervious surface coverage when averaged across the area. An average of 5% impervious surtace coverage is assumed across the RVL category. Note however that agriculture land uses, both row crops and pasture operations, often have higher curve numbers (less infiltration) and greater nutrient runoff concentrations than a low . density residential development. For the purposes of this analysis, the RVL category is modeled as a residential development category without adjusting the curve numbers or runoff concentrations upward. Since no differences in agricultural land use are assumed in the build and nobuild scenarios, the assumption.will not affect the differences in loads between the scenarios. 4-14 G�eenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 4.3 Surface Water Hydrology Table 4.3.1 provides a summary of several of the surFace water inputs and assumptions utilized in the GWLF modeling analysis. The individual parameters are discussed below. Table 4.3.1 SurFace Water Hydrology Input Parameters _ INPUT BASELINE COMMENTS/ � DESCRIPTION UNIT LITERATURE REFERENCE PARAIVIETER VALUE' RqNGE � Precipitation Daily rainfall cm Annual Min Ten years of data Data from = 98.7 (April 1996 — Greenville Max = 159.2 March 2006) used COOP Station Mean = for simulation and 313638, State . 134.4 assumed to be Climate Office uniform for the of NC study area Evapo- Cover coefficient _ none Values Rural land uses: Haith et al.. . transpiration for estimating ET range from Default values (1992) (ET) Cover 1.0 for derived based on forest to land use. 0.15 for high Urban land uses: intensity 1 - impervious urban fraction Antecedent Moisture for up to cm 0 Unknown and Haith et al. Soil Moisture five days prior to therefore (1992) . Conditions initial step. assumed in accordance with manual to be zero Runoff Curve . Parameter for none Ranges Site dependant SCS (1986) Numbers converting mass from 57 to based on soil type rainfall to mass 98 in the and land use. runoff. current study. 4.3.1 ,Precipitation . Daily rainfall records for the study area were obtained from the North Carolina State Climate Office for COOP 8tation 313638, located approximafely 8 miles from the center of the study area (Figure 4.1.1). Data for a ten-year period was assembled (1996-2006). Missing values in the time series .were filled in using the average for that month. Tlie mean rainfall over the ten-year simulation period is within 7 percent of the long-term average (125 cm) at station 313638 indicating that the model simulation period represents average hydrologic conditions for the area. Rainfall was assumed uniform throughout the study area. � 4=15 �� Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quali#y Study 4.3.2 Evapotranspi�ation Cover Coefficients The.portion of rainfall returned to the atmosphere through evapotranspiration (E� is determined by temperature and the density of vegetative cover, which varies by land use and by season (g�owing and dormant). For rural land uses, evapotranspiration cover coefficients were determined from seasonal values provided in the GWLF inanual (Haith et aL, 1992). For urban land uses, the coefficients were . set equal to one minus the impervious fraction: Monthly values were determined by watershed on an area-weighted basis. 4.3.3 Antecedenfi Soil Moisture Conditions Antecedent soil moisture conditions are a function of rainfall levels up to five days prior to the day on which modeling begins. Antecedent soil moisture conditions were unknown and were assumed to be zero as per guidance provided in the GWLF inanual (Haith et al., 1992). 4.3.4 Runoff Curve Numbers The frac#ion of precipitation that becomes surface water runoff in GWLF is calculated on the basis of the SCS Curve Number Method as presented in the TR-55 Manual (SCS, 1986). Curve numbers are derived based on impervious cover and soil hydrologic group. Soil hydrologic groups for the soils present within the study area were determined using a the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) detailed soil survey geographic (SSURGO) database. Each spatial association between a given soil group and a land use category was deemed a hydrologic response unit (HRU) and each HRU was assigned a curve number according to the values presented in Table 4.3.2. For each land use within a watershed, an area-weighted curve number is assigned based on the HRUs. ___ The curve numbers.in Table 4.3.2 are interpolations of curve numbers given in SCS '� (1986). Forest, wetland, and urban g�een space curve numbers are based on Woods- �- � Good, Woods-Poor, and Pasture-Good hydrologic conditions, respectively. i � 4.4 Groundwater Hydrology � Table 4.4.1 provides a summary of several of the groundwater inputs and assumptions � utilized in the G1NLF modeling analysis. The individual parameters are discussed below. J 4.4.9 Recession Coefficient - The rate at which groundwater is. discharged to s#reams is a function of the recession coefficient. In theory, provided that flow.data are available, this factor can be determined through analysis of the hydrograph. However, no flow data were available within the study area: GWLF modeling studies by Lee et al. (1999) coastal Maryland have shown that the. GWLF model results are sensitive to the recession .coefficient and that the coefficient is strongly correlated .with drainage area.. Through model calibrations and regression analqses on numerous watersheds Lee et al. (1999) developed the following. relationship between recession coefficient (R) and drainage area (DA in km2): . � 4-16 Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study R= 0. 0450 + 1.13 "(0.306 + DA)'' This equation was used to calculate individual recession coefficients for each of the GWLF subwatersheds simulated. Results ranged in value from 0.13 to 0.43. Table 4.3.2 Curve Numbers for Land Use and Soil Hydrologic Groups LAND,USE NAME LUCODE GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP COMBINED A B C D GROUP B& D Agriculture/ Residential — Very RVL 42 62 75 80 71 - Low Density Residential — Low RLL 45 65 77 82 73 Density Residential — Medium L.ow RML 47 65 77 82 74 Density Residential — Medium High RMH 49 67 78 83 75 Density Residential — High RHH 53 70 80 85 77 Density Residential — Very RVH 63 76 84 88 82 High Density Office/Light OFF 70 81 87 90 85 Industrial Commercial/Heav COM 75 84 89 91 87 y Industrial Paved Road with ROAD 81 88 91 93 94 Right of Way Urban Greenspace/Open UGR 39 61 74 80 71 Space Forest FOR 30 55 70 77 66 Wetlands WET 45 66 77 83 75 Water WAT 98 98 98 98 98 4.4:2 Seepage Coefficient GWLF simulates three subsurface zones: a shallow unsaturated zone, a shallow saturated zone (aquifer), and a deep aquifer zone. The deep seepage coefficient is the portion of groundwater in the shallow aquifer that seeps down to the deep aquifer and does not return as surface flow, thereby removing it from the water. balance of the watershed. In eastern North Carolina, 2:5 to 5 cm per year typically infiltrates through to deep groundwater aquifers, representing about 2 to 3% of the water balance (Evans et 4-17 Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study al., 2000). The seepage coefficient was set to a value of 0.015, which produced_ a 3% loss to deep groundwater over the entire. study area, Table 4.4.1 Groundwater Input Parameters INPUT BASELINE COMMENTSI; " PARAMETER DESCRIPTION UNIT VALUE LITERATURE . REFERENCE � � RANGE � Baseflow - Groundwater day -' Min = 0.13 Drainage area= Lee et al. Recession seepage rate Max = 0.43 dependant and (1999) Coefficient (r) Mean = calculated � 0.20 accorcling to Lee et al. (1999) Seepage (s) Deep seepage day -' 0.015 Site dependant; , Haith et al. coefficient Goal to (1992); generate 3% Evans et�al. . deep seepage . (2000) _ overthe simulation period Unsaturated Interstitial storage cm Min = 12.4 . Determined Haith et al. Soil Water Max =15.5 from SSURGO (1992) Storage Mean = soils data Capacity 13.5 Initial Initial amount of cm 10 GWLF Manual Haith et al. Unsaturated water stored in default (1992) Storage (IUS) unsaturated zone Initial Saturated Initial amount of cm 0 GWLF Manual Haith et al. Storage (ISS) water stored in default (1992) saturated zone 4.4.3 Available Soil Water Capacity Water stored in the soil may evaporate, be transpired by plants, or percolate down to groundwater below.the rooting zone, The amount of water that can be stored in the soil in the region where it is. still available for evapotranspiration is the available soil_water capacity (AWC), which varies according to soil type and rooting depth. Volumetric AWC values (cm/cm) were extracted from the Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Database for the study area. Assuming a 100 cm rooting depth and #he volumetric AWC, the AWC values ranged from 12.4 to 15.5 cm (Haith et al., 1992). 4:4.4 Initial Saturated and Unsaturated. Storage When the initial amounts of water stored in the saturated shallow aquifer and the unsaturated zone are unknown, the GWLF inanual advises using default values of zero and 10 cm, respectiVely (Haith.�ef a/., 1992): It should be .noted that these parameters have only a minimal impacf on modeling results; they only affect.the water balance.for . the first three months of simulation (Lee et al.; 1999). _ . � _ 4-18 � .. Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 4.5 Erosion and Sediment Transport Table 4.5.1 provides a summary of several of the erosion and sediment transport inputs and assumptions utilized in the GWLF modeling analysis. The individual parameters are discussed below. Sediment erosion in the GWLF model is simulated through application of the USLE, which uses four input factors (K, LS, C and P). The first of these four is soil erodibility or (K) factor, which is a measure of a given soil's propensity to erode when struck by water. 4.5.1 Soil Erodibility (K) Factor K factors in this .analysis were obtained from the SSURGO database. For the four soil groups distributed within the study area, area-weighted K factors ranged from 0.275 to 0.316. 4.5.2 Length-S/ope (LS) Factor Erosion potential varies with slope as much as with soil characteristics, so the second element in the USLE equation is the length-slope (LS) factor, which is the average length (L) that runoff travels from the highest point of any flow path within a watershed to the point at which it reaches concentrated flow multiplied by the slope (S), which represents the effect of slope steepness on erodibility for each soil type. LS factors for this modeling analysis were generated by GIS spatial analysis using the USLE Sediment Tool included in the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Watershed Characterization System (Tetra Tech, 2000). Area-weighted values ranged from 0.105 to 0.185. 4.5.3 Cover (C) and Management Practice (P) Factors The mechanism by which soil is eroded from a land area and the amount of soil eroded depends on soil treatment resulting from a combination of land uses (e.g., forestry versus row-cropped agriculture) and the specific manner in which land uses are managed (e.g., no-till agriculture versus non-contoured row cropping), which are represented by cover and management factors in the USLE. Cover and management factors for non-agricultural land uses in this study are from Haith et al. (1992). Factors for row crop agricultural were taken from the North Carolina Revised USLE Manual (USDA, 1995). The resulting factors are summarized in Table 4.5.2. C and P factors are not required for the urban land uses, which are modeled in GWLF via a buildup-washoff formulation rather than the USLE. 4.5.4 Sediment Delivery Ratio In GWLF, the sediment delivery ratio accounts for trapping of sediments and sediment- bound pollutants that occurs befinreen the edge of the field (origin) and the watershed outlet (delivery point). The BasinSim version of GWLF utilized in this analysis includes a software utility that calculates the sediment delivery ratio on the basis of the drainage area of the subwatershed being simulated. Sediment delivery ratios for this study ranged from 0.21 to 0.29. 4-19 'J � (� I� ,_ ,_, Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI VUater Quali#y Study Table 4.5.1 Rural Sedimenf Transport Input Parameters. INPUT � �BASELINE COMMENTS/ � DESCRIPTION UNIT LITERATURE REFERENCE PARi4METER � - VALUE ,,RqNGE Rainfall Kinetic energy MJ- 0.16 (cool Rainfall erosivity Haith et al. Erosivity (R) of rainfall Mm/ha season) may vary (1992) for 0.28 (warm seasonally and is Wilmington, season — Apr _ estimated by. NC . thru Oct) geographic � region Soil Erodibility Soil e�osion None. Area-weighted Derived from County level Factor (K) potential soils GIS data soils data for _ Min = 0.275 (function of soil the study�area � Max = 0.316 texture and composition} Length-Slope Sediment None . Varies by Derived from USEPA Factor (LS) transport Subwatershed DEM as function Watershed potential based of slope and Characterizati on topography overland runoff on System (Tetra Tech, 2000) Sediment Portion of None Varies by Empirically BasinSim Delivery Ratio Eroded Material Subwatersfied estimated as a Utility (SDR) that is function of (Dai et al., transported to subwatershed. 2000). receiving waters Table 4.5.2 Cover (C) and Management Practice (P) Factors. LAND USE:NAME C P � Residential — Very Low Density 0.0100 1.000 Wetlands 0.0020 1.000 Forest 0.0020 1.000 Row Crop 0.0940 0.600" Pasture 0.0900 1.000 Urban Grass 0.0065 � 1.000 : 4.5.5 Sedimentation from Urban.Land Uses For urban land uses, the GWLF model calculates particle loads associated with particulate nutrients without calculating sediment load. For the present study, sediment from urban sources was modeled using the same accumulation and washoff functions from the model substituting sediment accumulation rates_ for particulate nutrient accumulation rates.. A similar_ approach was used:by Schneiderman ef a/. (2002) in an update to the original application of GWLF on the Cannonsville watershed by Haith and Shoemaker (1987): . _ 4-20 . i� Greenville Southwest Bypass --, ICI Water Quality.Study. . ; In the model application, sediment accumulation rates by land use ranged from 1.66 to 3.24 kilograms per hectare per day (kg/ha/day). These rates were based on suspended solids accumulation rates from Kuo et al. (1988) as cited in Haith et al. (1982). Rates for residential land uses ranged from 1.66 to 3.24 kg/ha/day, with values increasing with residential imperviousness. Accumulation rates for nonresidential land uses including commercial and officel categories were 2.24 to 1.8.6 kg/ha/day, falling in between the rates for various densities of residential land use. Based on these data, fihere does not appear to be a linear relationship befinreen imperviousness and accumulation rates across all land uses. The accumulation rate (1.8 kg/ha/day) for roads was taken from the modeling analysis for NC 43 (NCDOT, 2006b) and. based on an export rate of 185 kg/ha/yr. The export rate is based on the average of the North Carolina value from FHWA (1990) and regional event mean concentration values in USEPA (2001). 4.6 Nutrient Loading Table 4.6.1 provides a summary of several of the nutrient inputs and assumpfions utilized in the GWLF modeling analysis. The individual parameters are discussed below. 4.6.1 Solid Phase Nutrients Sediment bound nutrient loads to streams are driven by the soil nutrient concentrations ���, within the watershed. In the absence of study area specific information, the soil � � concentration of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in this . analysis was set at 1400 �-� mg/kg and 352 mg/kg; respectively, based on guidance from the GWLF Manual (Haith et a/., 1992) and regional observations provided by Mills et al. (1985). ; I 4.6.2 Dissolved Groundwater Nutrients � �� The GWLF model applies average groundwater nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations 1', to flow from the saturated zone to the stream channel. Based on the nutrient {-� concentration values reported by Spruill et al. (1998) in a study of water quality in the __ Albemarle-Pamlico Drainage Basin, groundwater nutrient concentrations in this modeling � j ana lysis were se t a t 0. 4 2 mg/ L for T N a n d 0. 0 4 m g/ L f o r T P: �--' 4.6.3 Runoff Concenfrations and Build-up F?ates (� l_ . In GWLF, nutrient loads from different land uses are based on the volumes of flow and the associated flow pathways (overland or seepage), the amounts of soil eroded, and r- concentrations that express the amount of nutrient load per unit volume of water flow or �� sediment erosion from each land use. The GWLF model uses buildup/washoff relationships to predict nutrient loads for urban (developed) and runoff concentrations to -. predict nutrient loads from rural and agricultural land uses. These processes vary based on the interactions between soil types and land uses, and are definecl by a range of � parameter values (Table .4.6.2). Except for roadways and urban greenspace, runoff concentrations and build up/wash off rates are based on those used in .the Jordan Lake �' �� Watershed Model (Tetra Tech, 2003). , _ �� �_� 4-21 . � � � �I Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Table 4.6.1 Nutrient Loading Input Parameters INPUT � BASELINE COMMENTS/ .PARAMETER DESCRIPTION UNIT VALUE LITERATURE REFERENCE , � REVIEW Solid Phase Nutrient Loading Nutrient Total Nitrogen mglkg 1400 Varies Haith et al. concentration Concentration regionally and (1992) in sediment by site; 500-900 Mills et al. from rural based. on (1985) sources literature; multiplied by a mid range enrichment ratio of 2.0 Total mg/kg 352 Varies Haith et al.. Phosphorous regionally and (1992) Concentration by site; less Mills et al. than or equal to (1985) 400; multiplied P205 conversion factor and enrichment ratio (2.0) . Dissolved Nutrient�in Groundwater Nutrient Total Nitrogen mg/L 0.42 Median value Spruill et al. concentration Concentration for the inner (1998) coastal plain Total mg/L 0.04 Median value Spruill et al. . Phosphorous for the inner (1998) Concentration coastal plain Nutient runoff concentrations and build-up rates are from Tetra Tech (2003). The rates were re-evaluated for use in this study and.were found to be within the range of the GWLF nutrient inputs used in recent studies focused on coastal plain watersheds except for nitrogen build-up (NCDOT, 2005; CH2M Hill; 2003; Lee et al., 1999; Dodd and Tippett, 1994). Nitrogen build-up rates used in the Jordan Lake study and the present study are fiigher (abouf double) than default model values and the coastal plain studies cited above. Buildup rates in the Jordan Lake study were derived based on event mean concentration values from Line et al. (2002), CH2M HILL (2000), Greensboro (2003), and U.S. EPA _ (1983). Those rates were found to be in general agreement with export coefficients reported in the literature (CDM, 1989; Hartigan et al.; 1983; USEPA, 1983; Beaulac and Reckhow, 1982; Frink, 1991). The Jordan Lake values are probably more appropriate given that their origin is primarily in North Carolina research. 4-22 r-� � � Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study ; � �, Table 4.6.2 Nutrient Runoff and Buildup Rates for Existing Land Uses RUNOFF CONCENT.RATIONS RURAL LAND USES �DISSOLV.ED �N (mglL) DISSOLVED P (mg/L) Pasture 2.770 0.250 Row Crop 2.770 0.250 Forest 0.190 0.006 Wetlands 0.190 0.006 Urban Greenspace 0.190 0.006 Residential — Very Low Density 0.230 0.007 MASS BUILDUP RATES . URBAN LAND'USES N BUILDUP (kglha/day) P BUILDUP.(kg/ha/day) Residential — Low Density 0.214 0.040 Residential — Medium Low Density 0.242 0.040 Residential — Medium High Density 0.242 0.040 Residential — High Density 0.219 0.037 Residential — Very High Density 0.201 0:033 Office/Light Industrial 0.158 0.025 Commercial/Heavy Industrial 0.191 0.029 Roadways 0.067 0.009 Accumulation rates for roadways were taken from NCDOT (2006) and based on TN and TP export rates of 5.5 and 0.7 kg/ha/yr (FHWA, 1990; USEPA, 2001). Urban greenspace land uses were assigned values befinreen very low density residential and forest land uses. 4.6.4 Septic System Loading The septic system component of the model simulates dissolved nutrient loads to streamflow from a variety of system types. For normal systems, the type simulated here, effluent nitrogen is converted to nitrate. The nitrogen is removed by plant uptake or transported to surface waters via groundwater discharge. Phosphates in the effluent is absorbed and retained in the soil. Inputs required by the model are presented in Table 4.6.3 and include the number of people on septic systems by subwatershed, the per capita effluent load, and the rate of plant uptake. The population of septic was estimated using the number of parcels on septic (not in a future sewer service area), lot density, and an average number of persons per hoiasing unit: Subwatersheds that did not have a change in land use between scenarios were assigned the same population on septic. 4-23 r I. Greenville Southwest. Bypass ICI Water Quality Study . Table 4.6.3 Septic System Input Parameters •INPUT PARAMETER UNIT VALUE COMMENTS REFERENCE - Population Using Persons Ranges from Based on census- US Census Septic 21 to 2,304 based average Bureau (2005) � per persons per housing subwatershed unit Nitrogen Septic Tank Grams/day 12:33 Based on Neuse River Buetow (2002) Effluent basin data Phosphorus Septic Grams/day 1.75 Based on Neuse River Buetow (2002) Tank EfFluent basin data Nitrogen Plant Grams/day 1.6 Growing season Model default Uptake Rate Phosphorus Plant Grams/day 0.4 Growing season Model default Uptake Rate 4.7 Consideration of Existing Environmental Regulations 4.7.1 Neuse River Nutrient Sensifive Waters Management Rules The Neuse NSW stormwater management program imposes a 4.0 kg/ha/yr (3.6 pounds per acre per year or Ib/ac/yr) nitrogen loading limit on new development. Nitrogen load from new developments that exceeds this performance s#andard may be offset by payment of a fee to the Wetlands Restoration Fund provided, however, that no new residential development can.exceed 6.7 kg/ha/yr (6.0 Ib/ac/yr) and no new nonresidential development can exceed 11.2 kg/ha/yr (10.0 Ib/ac/yr). � All existing development,was assigned loading rates shown in Table 4.6.2. Rates for future residential and nonresidential development were determined using the iterative process described in section 4.5.5 targeting TN export rates of 5.8 and 4.0 kg/ha/yr for nonresidential and residential land uses, respectively. The export rate caps for nonresidential land uses were adjusted assuming the offset provision would be used in approximately 25% of cases. While the offset provision is used less than 5% presently, there will likely be an increase in its use as development in the Neuse area of . Greenville continues (Lisa Kirby/Greenville, personal communicafion). Reductions in nitrogen loading will. be accompanied by reductions in TP and TSS (NCDWQ, . 2004 and 2005). A concomitant reduction of 30% in both constituents, adjusted in terms of accumulation, is assumed and implemented in the model simulations. An additional feature of the Neuse rules requires no net increase in peak flow leaving a newly developed site compared to predevelopment conditions for the one-year, 24-hour storm. This feature was not explicitly incorporated into the model simulation for finro reasons. Since many traditional BMPs convert little runoff to infiltcation, mitigating peak flows will have little impact on long-term runoff rates or volumes. In addition, BMPs for water quality provide some control . of peak flow,. so. some . of this required control, is . 4-24 Greenville Southwest Bqpass ICI Water Quality Study considered implicitly. This is a conservative assumption since control of peak flows may be expected to provide additional control of runoff. However, note that control of peak flows is required regardless of the development scenario. Therefore, the change in the peak of the hydrograph or difference between the two scenarios should be insignificant since nearly aIF of the new development would require control: In both land use scenarios, a fifty-foot buffer on all perennial and intermittent sfreams identified on the USGS-based stream coverage was classified as urban greenspaee. 4,8 Modellmplementation Based on the series of inputs discussed in the following section, a series of transport and nutrient model input files were developed to execute individual model runs simulating the Build and No-Build scenarios in each of the GWLF subwatersheds presented in Figure 4.1.1. All model runs relied on the same weather file that contains precipitation and air temperature data for climate years 1996 through 2006. The climate year for GWLF is defined as April 1— March 31. 4-25 �' Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 5 GWLF MODEL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5.1 Hydrology Components of the hydrologic cycle illustrated in Figure 3.2.1 include precipitation, evapotranspiration, runoff, and deep groundwater seepage. In eastern North Carolina, rainfall typically ranges from 112 to 152 cm (44-60, in). A study by Evans et al. found that evapotranspiration (ET), runoff (surface and subsurface) and deep groundwater outflow range from 81 to 102 cm (32-40 in), 30 to 51 cm (12-20 in), and 3 to 5 cm (1-2 in), respectively (Evans et al., 2000). In other words, the water balance breakdown would be comprised of 65 to 71 % evapotranspiration, 26 to 32% runoff, and about 3% deep groundwater outflow. In addition, a comprehensive study of hydrology of forested lands in eastern North Carolina found that annual outFlow or runoff from forested sites ranged from 17 to 45% of rainfall (Chescheir et aL, 2003). �Ider et al. (1978) cited 68% of the water balance as ET for northeastern NC. The predicted hydrologic components of the model are comparecl to these literature values. Since the li#erature values are based on hydrology in an undisturbed watershed; one of the most undeveloped subwatersheds in the model, UB1, was chosen for comparison. In the No-Build scenario this watershed has agriculture and low-density residential land uses. Runoff from UB1 comprised 38% of the water balance over the simulation period for the No-Build Scenario, which is within the range of the Chescheir et al. but higher fhan Evans et al. ET comprised 60% of the water balance, lower than the average proportion cited by �Ider et al. and Evans et al. The lower percentage of ET is likely due to the greater amount of development compared to a mass balance based on a more rural setting as described in Evans et al. (2000). Urbanization is accompanied by a decrease in vegetation available to produce evapotranspiration as well as a greater proportion of surface runoff (versus subsurface runoff in shallow groundwater). For the study area as a whole, ET and runoff were 52 and 45% of total rainfall for the No Build scenario. The seasonal change in hydrologic conditions in the UB1 subwatershed is shown in Figure 5.1.1. As expected, evapotranspiration decreases in. winter due to lower temperatures and dormant yegetation resulting in a higher proportion of runoff: 5.2 Pollutant Loading For each land use scenario, GWLF model output time series were generated reflecting 10 y.ears of annual total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and. sediment loads: Annual loads were.aggregated into 10-year pollutant loads for each parameter_ and each subwatershed and the results are presented by pollutant in Table 5.2.1: _ The Build Scenario resulfed in changes in TN and TP loads ranging from -3% to 8%0. Sediment loads increased in 7 of 21 subwatersheds. The average sediment load across � all subwatersheds increased 2% when, comparing the Build and No-Build scenario, � though most of the increase is a result of one subwatershed (UF1). - Model subwatersheds UF1, UF2, UE1, and SC4 saw the greatest changes in land use between scenarios. These subwatersheds also`had some of the largest :increases in 5-1 . . . Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study constituent loads. The greatest increase in sediment loading occurs in UF1 where there were large differences in RHH (high density residential) and RLL (low densiry residential) land use categories between scenarios. In UF2, the model simulated an increase in nitrogen but no change in phosphorus. This result is influenced by the septic system inputs and resulting loads. While there is increased nitrogen export associated with the greater number of septic systems in the Build scenario, the model assumes no phosphorus export for normally functioning systems. 25 i — 20 15 E U �� f Precipitalion (cm) � —a— E�apotranspiration (cm) —�-- Subsurtace Runoff (cm) �� Su�iaceRunoff(cm) �—Total Runofl(cm) � — — — Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Figure 5.1.1 Mean Monthly Water Balance for the UB1 Subwatershed (No Build Scenario) In some cases, the loading is predicted to decrease slightly. For exampie, the results show that nutrients decrease in subwatershed SC6. The decrease is caused by a number of factors: the No-Build scenario has a greater population on septic and the new roadway in the Build scenario has a lower nutrient accumulation rate than many of the other developed uses. Nutrient and sediment export by subwatershed is presented in Figures 5.2.1 through 5.2.3. Patterns are similar for all three constituents. Subwatershed UB1 had the lowest area-based expoR of nutrients due to its lower intensity development. The highest export rates for nitrogen occurred in subwatersheds with the greatest numbers on septic 5-2 Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study systems: UE1, UA3, and UF2. For phosphorus and sediment, high intensity land use and significant amounts of existing development caused SC1 to have the highest rates, though there is no change in land use between Build and No-Build. In sum, nonpoint source loading is increased slightly in the Build scenario relative to the No-Build, though the increases are mitigated to some extent by the existing (and expected) regulations governing the jurisdictions (e.g., Neuse rules) (Figure 5.2.4). While sediment had the greatest increase on a percentage basis (2.4%), a conservative assumption of 30% reduction as a byproduct of the Neuse stormwater rules suggests the increase could be lower. Table 5.2.1 Ten-Year Total Loads (tonnes) for All Subwatersheds � Total Nitrogen > pho pholrous > Total Sediment � r O o O v O v N N '� N '� N '� N mm mm mp7 R 3 No zz No tz No rz a Build U Build U Build c� � Build o Build � Build o < UF2 142 147 3% 9 9 0% 469 495 6% UF1 57 58 3% 11 l2 5% 614 748 22% UE1 123 133 S% 7 7 2% 428 454 6% UD1 17 17 0% 1 1 0% 170 170 0% UC1 73 73 0% 4 4 0% 362 362 0% U61 30 30 0% 1 1 0% 201 201 0% UA3 165 165 0% 9 9 0% 483 483 0% UA2 59 59 -1% 11 11 -1% 806 802 -1% UA1 55 55 0°/a 7 7 -2% 549 557 1°/a SC8 63 63 0% 9 9 0% 620 620 0% SC7 53 53 0% 7 7 0% 327 327 0% SC6 6� 59 -3% 11 11 -1% 657 667 2% SC5 67 67 0% 11 11 0% 707 707 0% SC4 145 151 4% 14 14 2% 645 700 9% SC3 79 79 0% 14 14 0% 1,001 1,004 0% SC2 58 58 1% 10 11 2% 829 852 3°/a SC1 92 92 0% 17 17 0% 1,312 1,312 0% P84 122 122 0% 6 6 0% 424 424 0% P83 70 70 0% 4 4 0% 243 243 0% P62 43 43 0% 3 3 0% 185 185 0% P61 53 53 1% 10 10 0% 771 771 0% Total 1,626 1,646 12% 176 177 0.5% 11,804 12,084 2.4% 5-3 Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Figure 5.2.1 Mean Annual Total Nitrogen Loading Rates Figure 5.2.2 Mean Annual Total Phosphorus Loading Rates 5-4 Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study Figure 5.2.3 Mean Annual Sediment Loading Rates 1800 1600 1400 1200 d 1000 c c F 800 600 400 200 0 — ! s No Build I ■ Build I TPl TP Sediment X 10 Figure 5.2.4 Total Nitrogen (TN), Total Phosphorus (TP), and Sediment Loading Over the Ten-Year Mode� Simulation Period 5-5 Greenville Southwest Bypass --- ICI Water Quality Study , ' ,, 5.3 Verification of Model Resu/ts No stream flow or water quality data within the study area were available for model calibration. Though the current model application can only provide a coarse approximation of pollutant loads for the study area, it still remains highly useful for 1 purposes of comparing relative degrees of change befinreen different watershed � management strategies or land use regimes. Further, the uncertainty in the difference between the model results of two alternatives is typically much smaller than the �� uncertainty in the absolute results (Reichart and Borsuk, 2002). '�__I Nonetheless, it is appropriate to determine if, at a minimum, the results are reasonable and within physically defensible ranges. One approach for judging the validity of results is by comparison of predicted pollutant load outputs to those reported in other studies. 5.3. 9 Pollutant Loading Comparison Table 5.3.1 presents predicted pollutant loads from the current GWLF analysis as well as those from the five GWLF modeling studies in North Carolina and additional literature values. The subwatershed ranges of reported values from the modeling studies were standardized to aerial load rates for purposes of comparison. Four of the five GWLF modeling analyses received some limited calibration. The exception is CH2M HILL (2003), which lacked local flow and constituent data to formally calibrate the model as in this study. When evaluating the reported load values in Table 5.3.1 consideration should be given to the differences in study area characteristics. For example, the studies described in CH2M HILL (2003) and RTI (1995) were pertormed on rural watersheds and hence reflect the impact of significant areas of agricultural land. The Morgan Creek study by Tetra Tech (2004) encompassed the Town of Chapel Hill. The most similar study is the NCDOT study (2006b) that was also located on the inner Coastal Plain in an urbanizing watershed although it was a smaller watershed. Evaluation of the load values presented in Table 5.3.1 reveals that the maximum values of sediment loads from the current GWLF analysis are lower than most of the other studies. This largely stems from the representation of reductions in loading associated with the Neuse rules and the lack of agriculture land uses. Elevated sediment loading in CH2M Hill (2003) and RTI (1995) is derived mostly from row crop agricultural land uses. Phosphorus and nitrogen values from the current study are within the range of many of the citations. 5.3.2 Streamflow Comparison Another effective means by which to judge the validity of results from a modeling analysis . of this nature is to compare the predicted . stream flow to that from a nearby USGS stream gage with similar drainage area characteristics. The nearest USGS gage with a reasonably small drainage area is the gage on Chicod i� Creek at State Road 1760, station number 02084160. The Chicod Creek gage, located _ approximately 13 miles east of the study area has a reported. drainage area of 117 km2 � 1 i L_� 5-6 - Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study , and an average daily flow of 54 cubic feet per second or 1.5 cubic meters per second (m3/s), based on data from 30 years (1975). This time period coincidentally represents average_.hydrologic conditions based on state-wide annual precipitation data. Table 5.3.1 Comparison of Model Loading Rates to the Literature Study Location Watershed Total N Total P: Sediment' . , ; Land Use (kg/halyr} (kgfha/yr), (kg/ha%yr) Min Max Min �Max Min �Max Current Inner Coastal Plain Study* NC urban 6.2 14.3 0.3 1.7 40. 131 NCDOT Inner Coastal Plain (2006b)* NC urban 3.3. 9.8 0.7 1.9 42 127 CH2M HILL Inner Coastal Plain (2003)" NC rural 2.5 8.0 0.7 1.9 , 29 361 Tetra Tech P�edmont NC (2003)" �ordan Lake mixed 1.8 . 26.9 0.3 2.8 -- -- Watershed Tetra Tech Piedmont NC (2004)" Morgan Creek mixed 3.7 16.1 0.3 1.9 -- -- Watershed Coastal Plain and RTI (1995)* Piedmont NC . rural 1.6 2.7 0.1 0.3 25 355 Tar-Pamlico River Basin Compilation of Literature Various various 0.7 28.0 0.01 3.8 -- -- Export Coefficients '"* " GWLF Modeling Study ** A compilation of literature export coefficients for nutrients was presented in bofh Line et a1. (2002) and Tetra Tech (2003). In order to provide.a standardized comparison, the flows from the GWLF subwatersheds were converted into annual m3/ha yields: The 10-year average annual yields from the 21 subwatersheds (No Build Scenario) ranged fcom.5,007 to 7,656 m3/ha/yr, cesulting in percent errors of 7 to 64% and an overall average of 29%0, when compared to the average.annual yield form the Chicod Creek gaging station (4,676 m3/ha/yr). Fercent errors in annual mean yalues were calculated by the following formula:; [(simulafed - observed) / observed] x 100% (Zarriello, 1998): However, the watershed for Chicod � Creek watershed is rural which has implications for its water balance: .less streamflow is . 5-7. . . Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study expected due to greater evapotranspiration (more vegetation) and less runoff (less impervious surfaee). When comparing the three least developed subwatersheds (UB1, UC1, UD1) in the study area to the Chicod Creek gage, the.percent errors average 9% suggesting the model does a good job of simulating the long term water balance and stream response. If this were a comparison of simulated values and actual observed values measured within the watershed, an average percent ecror of 10% in annual predictions would represent a"Good" calibration according to Donigian's (2000) general calibration targets for watershed modeling. The comparison indicates that the predicted stream flows from the GWLF modeling results are reasonable. 5-8 'i - . ' . . . . ' ' ' . . . " . . . . . . ' � � . . . ' " " . . " ' . � . . ' . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " _ : _� � . Greenville Southwest Bypass �� . ICI 1Nater Quality Study . '� E . � - 6 STREAM EROSION RISK ANALYSIS �. The proportion of impervious surface 'increases as the intensity of development -- increases, which also increases the volume and velocity of stormwater runoff.- The ;� resulting increase in frequency and magnitude of high flow events in receiving streams �' has the propensity to increase hydraulic shear stress, in turn raising fhe risk level foc _ � stream erosion and sedimentation, potentially leading to deg�adation of aquatic habitat. �� In order to examine the potential for increased risk levels for these phenomena, a simple . ° analysis was used to predict the degree of change in storm flow volume associated with the Build scenario relative to that of the No Build scenario. The analysis was pertormed i° through application of the SCS Curve Number Method as presented in `Urban Hydrology ' for Small Watersheds (SCS, 1986). The technicaf approach to the analysis and the results are described' below: �+ � 6.1 Technical. Approach . . . , The Curve Number Method - represents a well-established means to _ estimate runoff j�r volume from a given rainfall event. The method inVolves three equations, the first of '� _; which is used to determine the potential maximum retention after runoff begins (S) for each land use type through: r�-, . I �u S� _ (4000 / CN�) - 10. . ,- , Where: CN� = Runoff Curve Number for Land Use Type U The portion of runoff contributed by each land use type within a given watershed is ,_ caleulated by: . y � Q� _ (P - 0.2 ".S�)2 / (P +. 0. 8 * Su) Where: Q� = Flow Volume contributed by Land Use Type U . , P = rainfall -r The total tlow volume is then estimated with the equation: i �-- � � �� � � -� � QTOTAL ' ��U �AU *.QUI � � , r Where: QTOTA� = Total Flow Volume contributed by all Land Uses within .the viratershed [ -'� evaluated . A� = Area of Land Use Type U ;; � �' The runoff curve numbers utilized in this analysis are identical to those used in the GWLF modeling analysis and are presented in Table 4.3.2. The storm event. selected -, for the analysis was the one-year, 24-hour storm in order to approximate the amount of . � rainfall that would result in banKfull flow conditions in the receiving streams. The greatest -. potential for channel erosion occurs for storms with a recurrence interval of one to two years. The rainfall volume_for the one-year, 24-hour storm is approximately 9 cm or_3.5 . � � inches.(USDC, 1961). . -. . �_� � � , _. ' -` . . - 6=1 - �r i � _ - �_ � Greenville Southwest Bypass -- ICI Water Quality.Study � � Note that runoff volume is caiculated for each land use and then summed rather than ��� producing a single.area-averaged curve number from which to calculate runoff. This . ' approach avoids underestimation of runoff derived from the fact that runoff is not a linear �' function with respeet to curve number. , �� 6.2 Results �--� The above equations and assumptions were executed on the Build and No-Build land . P use scenarios presented in Section 4.2 and the results comparing the finro scenarios for (_ ! the 21 GWLF subwatersheds are presented in Table 6.2.1. � The analysis suggests that development of the Build scenario would have a no impact I_ J! . on storm event flows .volumes for the one-year, 24-hour storm in 15 of the 21 subwatersheds. However, some impact is expected in six of the subwatersheds with the -, greatest in UF1. ; Table 6:2.1 Storm Flow Volumes (cubic meters) for the One-Year, 24-Hour Storm l! . ._ � I Sub- % "Change Sub- % Change. No Build Build ; Over No No �Build Build Over No watershed � . watershed �� Build ' Build ! � . I� PB1 297,640 297;640 0% SC8 279,322 279,322 0% PB2 100,031 . 100,031 0% UA1 255,244 255,538 0% ;-r P63 147,659 147,659 0% UA2 296,449 295.590 0% �� �_ v PB4 288,594 288;594 0% UA3 295,576 295,576 0% SC1 435,359 147,659 0% UB1 104,687 104,587 0% - -, SC2 309,883 315,949 2%. UC1 194,049 190,049 0% {� SC3 380,874 381,668 0%. UD1 50,556 50,556 0% SC4 371,644 383,740 3% UE1 250,223. 258,465 3% i SC5. 286,987 286,987 0% UF1 281,132 307,862 10% �' SC6 271,245 281,558 4%, . UF2 281,663 287,345 2% SC7 194,777 194,777 0% Total - 5,373,494 5,442,821 1.3%u �- � ;=-� �4 i _ . � � � � �-� _ I_ � (�i I � . � f i_ � ;� �� . 6-2 � .. , -. � `i i� Greenville Southwest Bypass ICI Water Quality Study 7 CONCLUSIONS The project referred to as the Greenville Southwest Bypass (TIP Project No. R-2250) is proposed as a four-lane, median-divided, full control of access facility in Pitt County. A qualitative I.CE Analysis was completed in . May 2006 to provide an assessment of the potential long-term, induced impacts of the proposed project (NCDOT, 2006). In. response to NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) comments on the ICE Assessment and in preparation for an Individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification, a water quality modeling analysis was conducted to quantify fhe project's ICIs on water resources. The focus of the analysis is on the potential increases in stormwater runoff and nonpoint source loads of nitrogen, phosphorous and sediment resulting from a future development sceriario associated with the roadway. Predictions from the modeling analyses suggest that while storm event runoff volume and nonpoint source pollutant loading would increase in the Build Scenario �elative to the No Build Scenario, the increases are small, due in part to the existing (and expected) . regulations governing the jurisdictions, and that significant development will occur with or without the roadway. 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Study Appendix 9.1 Land Use Scenarios Land Use PB1 P62 P63 P64 SC1 SC2 SC3 No BuilcJ Build No Build Build No Build Build No Build Build No Build Build No Build Build No Build Build COM 19.87 19.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 49.29 49.29 2.85 20.88 70.85 70.85 GOMe 3.20 3.20 0.00 0.00 0.57 0.57 2.39 2.39 102.46 102.46 8.81 8.81 53.45 53.45 FOR 153.18 153.18 95.15 95.15 19.46 19.46 111.17 111.17 60.60 60.60 106.87 100.60 82.60 80.70 OFF 17.08 17.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.93 1.93 88.61 88.61 56.19 55.84 49.19 49.19 OFFe 6.87 6.87 0.08 0.08 0.59 0.59 1.66 1.66 50.68 50.68 38.30 38.30 42.01 42.01 OPN 30.94 30.94 36.12 36.12 19.36 19.36 22.06 22.06 26.61 26.61 18.35 18.28 31.19 31.19 RHH 0.18 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.20 20.25 20.25 7.45 7.45 18.55 18.55 RHHe 49.09 49.09 1.32 1.32 7.93 7.93 13.01 13.01 48.00 48.00 15.55 15.55 55.88 55.88 RLL 20.99 20.99 165.32 165.32 195.49 195.49 316.43 316.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 59.43 58.67 RLLe 6.68 6.68 1.28 1.28 5.75 5.75 1.22 1.22 8.64 8.64 4.39 4.39 10.44 10.44 RMH 1.03 1.03 0.96 0.96 0.45 0.45 8.95 8.95 8.83 8.83 3.51 3.51 134.58 134.58 RMHe 67.50 67.50 5.21 5.21 19.76 19.76 21.46 21.46 46.89 46.89 27.63 27.63 33.98 33.98 RML 0.47 0.47 b.49 0.49 0.40 0.40 0.96 0.96 1.49 1.49 0.00 0.00 1.04 1.04 RMLe 10.97 10.97 2.92 2.92 5.18 5.18 4.21 4.21 15.86 15.86 7.45 7.45 22.13 22.13 ROAD 77.24 77.24 6.04 6.04 27.19 27.19 53.94 53.94 56.17 56.17 34.19 51.91 74.30 76.95 RVH 309.80 309.80 71.53 71.53 13.75 13.75 0.00 0.00 360.37 360.37 354.36 325.31 164.78 164.78 RVHe 0.23' 0.23 0.00 0.00 ' 0.22 0.22 1.18 1.18 42.06 42.06 19.52 19.52 33.10 33.10 RVL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.04 229.04 490.64 490.64 0.00 0.00 3.43 3.43 0.00 0.00 RVLe 3.20 3.20 3.15 3.15 12.41 12.41 11.13 11.13 17.59 17.59 14.44 14.44 26.16 26.16 WAT 3.49' 3.49 4.85 4.85 4.25 4.25 1.48 1.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 WET 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.48 Land Use SC4 SCS SC6 SC7 SC8 UA1 UA2 No Build Build No Build Build No Build Build No Build Build No Build Build No Build Build No Build Build COM 0.00 19.56 98.28 98.28 90.54 111.24 13.55 13.55 0.24 0.24 12.80 10.40 115.98 110.83 COMe 4.57 4.57 14.21 14.21 23.73 23.73 6.40 6.40 14.37 14.37 0.41 0.41 25.54 23.80 FOR 62.24 62.24 9.83 9.83 19.23 19.20 108:52 108.52 140.44 140.44 132.20 132.20 114.99 114.99 OFF 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 117.99 106.10 0.00 0.00 OFFe 1.53 1.53 14.20 14.20 28.41 28.41 0.77 0.77 10.07 10.07 0.16 0.16 0.00 0.00 OPN 17.35 17.35 19.31 19.31 16.b2 15.65 4.49 4.49 72.38 72.38 34.14 34.14 30.20 30.20 RHH 31.94 31.94 43.94 43.94 17.55 17.55 2.01 2.01 11.22 11.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 RHHe 7.55 7.55 25.09 25.09 28.54 28.54 8.01 8.01 53.96 53.96 3.16 3.16 0.43 0.43 RLL 534.18 403.00 157.97 157.17 302.51 274.06 249.78 249.78 337.66 337.66 22.95 22.95 90.17 90.17 RLLe 7.38' 7.38 3.90 3.90 2.63 2.63 5.97 5.97 0.00 0.00 3.55 3.55 0.63 0.63 RMH 332.64 316.65 206.87 206.87 4.83 4.83 144.58 144.58 39.70 39.70 1.38 1.38 0.00 0.00 RMHe 46.50 46.50 22.00 22.00 31.84 31.84 5.14 5.14 24.01 24.01 10.08 10.08 1.53 1.53 RML 2.80 111.33 1.25 1.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.89 0.89 0.00 0.00 RMLe 21.91 21.91 14.17 14.17 9.30 9.30 3.36 3.36 6.12 6.12 5.72 5.72 2.54 2.54 ROAD 35.86 55.01 67.69 67.69 61.05 69.19 28.56 28.56 74.31 74.31 18.96 33.25 16.87 23.76 RVH 61.52 61.46 69.67 69.67 36.16 36.16 11.89 11.89 119.01 119.01 194.85 194.85 309.81 309.81 RVHe 0.01 0.01 14.29 14:29 29.55 29.55 0.31 0.31 51.22 51.22 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.00 RVL 0.00 0.00 2.83 2.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 167.69 167.69 0.00 0.00 RVLe 14.50 14.50 15.48 15.48 7.00 7.00 25.24 25.24 13.21 13.21 8.21 8.21 4.15 4.15 WAT 0:93 0.93 0.39 0.39 0.00 0:00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0:00 W ET 70.00 70.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 hn napiananun ui mnu usa wuns is pruv�aeu m i aoie y.c.-i area is in heactares, e= existing 9-1 --� - �' �--- - - . - � � i�� �«� L _ _--� '-� . _ � _ _ � � - _� _-- '�- _ - - - � � --- - = - -- - , - - - ---- ,, � -. - , -- --- - � -- , ---- - - , - - _ - � � - , i �• � � � � � � � � � � - T , - - -._ � __ - - - - - __ , - - - --- - . - -- � _ a L, � � � � Land Use UA3 U81 UC1 UD1 UE1 UF1 UF2 �. No Build Build No Build Build No Build Build No Build Build No Build Build No.Build Build No Build Build . . COM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.27 123.06 132.63 0.00 4.63 COMe . 7.22 7.22 0.30 0.30 13.56 13.56 0.00 6.74 . 6.74 4.40 4.40 4.75 3.16 � FOR 1'12.90 112.90 16.18 16.18 29.50 29.50 1.48 1:.48 17.92 17.92 6.88 6.88 63.85 63.85 �' OFF 3.34 3.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ' 0.00 0.00 . 0.00 0.00 OFFe ". . 1.42. " 1.42 1.27 . 1.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65 . 0.65 .. 4.26 4.26 1.85 1.85 OPN . 11.50 11.50 8.67 8.6Z 97.90 17.90 14.41 14.41 14.97 14.97 41.59. 41.59. 38.45 38.16 ' RFIH 0.40 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 020 0.20 0.15 0.15 3.38 180:81 0.34 0.34 RHHe 9.57. 9.57 . 1'.48 . 1:48 3.43 3.43 0.75. 0.75 OJ2 ' 0.72 3.90 3.90 5.95, 5.95 RLL �' 525.04 525.04 1.25 1.25 82.22 82.22 1.51 1:51 426.96 310.48 540.43 289.41 657:84 542.63 � RLLe 4.59 4.59 3.38 3.38 2.06 . 2.06 2:26 2.26 1.86 1.86 2.80 . 2.80 : 3.74 ' 374 � RMH 16.22 16.22 0.32 0.32 0.00 0.00 1.78 1.78 5.79 5.79 1.87 1.87 1.57 1.57 . RMHe 32.72 32:72 5.79 5.79 15.Ofi 15.06 7.97 7.97 11.66 11.66 21.45 21.45 13.59 13.36 RML � 1.60 1.60 0.03 0.03 1.78 1.78 0.00 0.00 2.82 97.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 96.32 . RMLe 4.20 ' 4.20 ' 2.30 ' 2.30 5.09 5.09 3.33 3.33 6.86 6:86 7.64 7.23 5.04 4.67 �; ROAD • 31.91 31.91 12.15 12.15 : 13.85 13.85 6:67 6,67 16.53 . 21.97 ,27.00 42.59 26.78 44.08 RVH 9.05 9.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.57 ' 84.39 0.00 0.02 RVHe ; 0.61 0,61 0.53 0.53 0.00 0.00 0.01 . 0.01 0.25 0.25 0.84 0.84 0.33 0.33 RVL 360.22 360.22 408.41 . 408.41 630.55 630.55 206.62 206.62 361.87 361.87 , 48.62 _ 48.62 249.75 24975 RVLe 5.61 5.61 6.54 6.54 18.99 18.99 12.53 12.53. 24.41 24.41 3.74 3.74 9.47 8.91 WAT 2.33 2.33 � 2.25 2.25 0.00 0.00 3.93 3.93 0.27 0.27 0.00 0.00 ' 1.14 1.14 ' WET . 14.73 14.73 4.31 ' 4.31 0:00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 � . � � , � An�explanation of land use codes is provided.inTable 42.1 � � . � . � � . . . . . . � . . � . �. . area is In,heacfares, e=�existing . . . � �- � � � . 9-2 Appendix 9.2 Runoff Volume Analysis Sub- 6and No Build CN No CN S fact-No S fact- Q(in) no Q(in) No Build watershed Use Ha Build Ha Build Build build build build build m^3 Build m^3 PB1 COM 19.87 19.87 89 89 1.257815 1.257815 2.341712 2.341712 11817.73 11817.73 PB1 COMe. 3.20 3.20 90 90 1.099258 1.099258 2.456811 2.456811 T999.77 1999.77 PB1 FOR 153.18 153.18 70 70 4.36Z098 4.367098 0.986451 0.986451 38380.92 38380.92 PB1 OFF 17.08 17.08 80 80 2.515767 2.515767 1.629189 1.629189 7066.20 7066.20 PB1 OFFe 6.87 6.87 87 87 1.474034 1.474034 2.195504 2.195504 3828.44 3828.44 P61 O.PN 30.94 30.94 72 72 3.836604 3.836604 1.136735_ 1.136735 8932.06 8932.06 PB1 RHH 0.18 0.18 70 70 4.237652 4.237652 1.021113 1.021113 45:79 45.79 P61 RHHe 49.09 49.09 72 72 3.965114 3.965114 1.098265 1.098265 13693.53 13693.53 PB1 RLL 20.99 20.99 65 65 5.273589 5.273589 0.774648 0.774648 413024 4130.24 PB1 RLLe 6.68 6.68 66 66 5.126414: 5.126414 0.805699 0.805699 1366.47 1366.47 PB1 RMH 1.03 1:03 74 74 .3.569235 3.569235 1.221428 1.221428 318.37 318.37 PB1 RMHe 67.50 67.50 71 71 4.04842 4.04842 1.074059 1.074059 18415.32 18415.32 P81 RML 0.47 0.47 69 69 4.412651 4.412651 0.974542 0.974542 115.72 115.72 PB1 RMLe 10.97 10.97 . 70 70 4.355602 4.355602 0.98948 0.98948 2758.01 2758.01 PB1. ROAD 77.24 7724 86 86 1.669357 1.669357. 2.073085 2.073085 40672.15 40672.15 P61 RVH 309.80 309.80 82 82 2.185728 2.185728 ''1.787355 1.787355 140645.23 140645,23 PB1 RVHe 0.23 0.23 83 83 2.112979 2.112979 1.824608 1.824608 107.91 107.91 PB1' RVL 0.00 0.00 . 0.00 0.00 P61 RVLe 3.20 3.20 61 61 6.510347 6.510347 0.554748. 0.554748 450.45 . 450.45 PB1 WAT . 3.49 3.49 98 98 0.204082 .0.204082 3.266471 3.266471 2895.65 2895.65 PB1 WET 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PB2 COM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PB2 COMe 0.00 0.00 � 0.00 0.00 PB2 FOR 95.15 95.15 62 62 6.135379 6.135379 0.614415 0.614415 14849.24 14849.24 P62 OFF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0:00 PB2 OFFe 0.08 0.08 90 90 1.130227 1.130227 2.433773 2.433773 51.57 51.57 PB2 OPN 36.12 36.12 69 69 4.451575 4.451575 0.964482 0.964482 ' 8847.76 8847.76 PB2 RHH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 P82 RHHe 1.32 1.32 67 67 4.847244 4.847244 0.867968 0.867968 291.30 291.30 P62 RLL 165.32 165.32 69 69 4.556289 4.556289 0.937937 0.937937 39385.92 39385.92 P62 RLLe 128 1.28 65 65 5.384615 5.384615 0.751989 0.751989 244.79 244.79 PB2 RMH 0.96 0.96 67 . 67 4.925373 4:.925373 0.85008 0.85008 207.53 207.53 PB2 RMHe 5.29 5.21 64 . 64 5.544302 5.544302 0.720508 0.720508 954.12 g54,12 P62 RML 0.49 0.49 59 59 7.086661. 7.086661 0.473045 0.473045 58.99 58.99 P62 RMLe 2.92 2.92 64 64 5.581359 5.581359 0.713383 0.713383 529.69 529.69 PB2 ROAD 6.04 6.04 86 86 1.657856 1.657856 2.080055 2.080055 3188.86 3188.86 P62 RVH 71.53' 71.53 78 78 2.837578. 2.837578 1.490359 1.490359 27077.73 27077.73 P62 RVHe 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PB2 RVL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PB2 RVLe 3.15 3.15 57 57 7.69756 7.69756 0.39796 0.39796 317.99 317.99 PB2 WAT 4.85 4,85 98 98 0.204082 , 0.204082 3.266471 3.266471 4025.08 4025.08 PB2 WET 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 P63 COM 0.00 . 0.00 0.00 0.00 PB3 COMe 0.57 0.57. 90 90 1.142819 1.142819 2.424485 2.424485 352.16. 352.16 PB3 FOR 19.46 19.46 74 74 3.539628 3.539628 1.231214 1:231214 6087.18 6087:18 PB3 AFF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 . PB3 OFFe 0.59 0.59 . 83 83 2.023089 2.023089 1.871924 1.871924 282.34 282.34 PB3 OPN 19.36 _ 19:36 69 69 4.409651. 4.409651 0.975322 0.975322 479729 4797.29 P63 RHM 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 PB3 RHHe 7.93 7.93 74 74 3.551098 3.551098 1.227413 1.227413 2472.44 2472.44 PB3 RLL 195.49 195.49 68 ' 68 4.631385 4.631385 0.919355 0.919355 45649:17 45649.17 P83 RLLe 5.75 5.75 88 68 4.692076 4.692076 0.904608 0.904608 1321:01 1321.01 P63 RMFi 0.45 0.45 67 67 4.925373 4.925373 0.850U8 0.85008 96.93 96.93 PB3 RMHe 19.76 19.76 70 70 4.353725 4.353725 0.989976 0.989976 4969.41 ' 4969.41 PB3 . RML :. 0.40 0.40 65 . 65 5.384615 .5.384615: 0.751989 0.751989 76.86 . 76.86 PB3 RMLe 5.18 5.18 69 69 4.568833 4.568833 0.934807 0.934807 1229.77 1229.77 PB3 , ROAD 27.19 27:19 85 85 1.738013 1.738013 2:0320fi 2.03206 14034.02 14034.02 P63 RVH 13.75 13.75 77 77 2.955373 2.955373 1.442943 1.442943 5039.39 5039.39 PB3 RVHe 0.22 0.22 79 79 2.586763 2.586763 1.59733 1.59733 88.39 88.39 PB3 RVL 229.04 229.04 69 69 4.496771 4.496771 0.952932 0.952932 55438.19 . 55438:99 PB3 RVLe 12.41 12.41 64 64 5.666352 5.666352 0.697293 0.697293 2197.27 2197.27 P63 WAT 4.25 4.25 98 98 0.204082 0.204082 3.266471 3.266471 3527.02 3527.02 , PB3 W ET 0.00 0.00 0.00 . 0.00 GICG III IlCIiIGICJ . . . 9-3 � . i. �. � � � � Sub- Land No Build _. CN No GN S fact-No S fact-. Q(in) no Q(io) No Build watershed Use . Ha Build Ha Build Build build build build build m^3 .'�Build m^3 PB4. . COM 0.00 0.00 0.00 . 0:00 PB4 COMe 2.39 2.39 87 87 1.559635 1.559635 2.140782 2:140782 1298.07 1298.07 PB4 FOR 111:17 111.17 74 74 3.604857 3.604857 1.209765 1.209765 34159.06 . 34159.06 PB4 OFF - 1.93' 1.93 82 82 2.196032 2.196032 1:782151 '1.782151 872.39 872.39 PB4 OFFe 1.66 1.66 84 84 1.933191 1.933191 1.920721 1.920721 809.14 809,14 P64 OPN 22.06' ' 22.06 73 73 3.718683 3.718683 1.17329 1.17329 657425 6574.25 P64 RHH 0.20 0.20 78 78 2.841913 2.841913 1.488589 1.488583 76.03 76.03 P64 RNHe 13.01 13.01 73 Z3 3.611358 3.611358 1.207649 1.207649 3989.34 3989.34 PB4 RLL 316.43 316.43 68 68 4.706363 4.706363 0.901171 0.901171 72429.99 72429.99 PB4 RLLe . 1.22.. 1.22 71 . 71 4..167907 4.167907 1:040306.1.040306 32224 322.24 PB4 . RMH 8.95 8.95 73 73 3.642776 3.642776 1.197481 1.197487 272276 2722.76 P64 RMHe 21.46 21.46 72 ,- 72 3.963774 3.963774 1.098659 1:098659 5989.69 5989:69 PB4 RML 0.96 0.96 77 77 2.987013 2.987013 1.430497 1.430497 349.85 349.85 PB4 RMLe 4.21 4.21 71 71 4.155379 4.155379 1.043792 1.043792 1114.90 1114.90 PB4 ROAD 53.94 53.94 86 86 1.588122 1.588122 2.122947 2.122947 29088.65 29088.65 PB4 RVH 0.00 0.00 ' 0.00 0.00 PB4 RVHe . 1.18 1.18 79 79 2.613976 2.613976 1:585309 1.585309 474.30 474.30 PB4 RVL 490.64 490.64 70" 70 4.328246 4.328246 0.996727 0.996727 124214.02 124214.02 PB4 . RVLe 11.13 11.13 70 70 4250812 4.250812 1.017533 1.017533 287Z:24 2877.24 PB4 WAT 1.48 1.48 98 98 0.204082 0.204082 3.266471 3266471 1231.88 1231.88 PB4 WET A.00 0.00 0.00 0.00. SC1 COM 49.29 49:29 9T 91 1.006715 1.006715 2.52734 2.52734 31643.45 31643.45 $C1 COMe 102.46 102.46 91 91 1.038765 1:038765 2.502623 2.502623 65130.10 65130.10 SC1 FOR 60.60 60.60 65 65 5.404381 5:404381 0.748023 0.748023 11519.72 11513.72 SC1 OFF 88.61 88.61 84 84 1.947634 1:947634 1.912779 1.912779 43053.11 43053.11 SC1 OFFe 50.68 50.68 83 83 2.023481 2.023481 1.871715 1.871715 24094.03 24094.03 SC1 OPN 26.61 26.61 70 70 4.388483 4.388483 0.980842 0.980842 6628.63 6628.63. SC1 RWH 2O.25 " 20.25 77 77 3.037049. 3.037049 1.41106 1.41106 7258.64 7258.64 SC1 RHHe 48.00 48.00 75 75 3.359305 3.359305 1.292678 1.292678 15759.40 15759.40 SC1 RLL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SC1 RLLe 8.64 8.64 71 71 4.182773 4.182773 1.036184 1.036184 2273.63 2273.63 SC'I RMH 8.83 8.83 76 76 3.200524 3.200524 1.349577 1.349577 3026.02 3026.02 SC1 RMHe 46.89 46.89 74 74 3.588043 3.588043 1.215255 1.215255 14474.79 14474.79 SC1 RML 1.49. 1.49 76 76 3.213833 3:213833 1.344703 1.344703 509.19 509.19. SC1 RMLe 15.86 15.86 69 69 4.473859 4.473859 0:95877 0.95877 3861.96 3861.96 SC1 ROAD 56.17 56.17 86 86 1.569895. 1.569895 2.134338 2.134338 30452.23 30452.23 SC1 RVH 360.37 360.37 81 81 2.400678. 2:400678 1.682411 1:682411 153997.50 153997.50 SC1 RVHe 42.06 42.06 80 80 2.485398 2.485398 1.643041 1.643041 17552.01 17552.01 SC1 RVL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SC1 RVLe 17.59 17.59 68 68 4.609372 4.609372 0.924763 0.924763 4130.84 4130.84 SC1 WAT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SC1. " WET. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SC2 COM 2.85 20.88 90 ': 92 1.124725: 0.811586 2.437846 2.684841 1765.21 14235.89 SG2 COMe 8.81 8.81 90 90 1.14756T 1.147567 2.420994 2.420994 5418.03 5418.U3 SC2 FOR 106.87. 100.60 73 73 3.675566 3.717073 1.186966 1.173797 32221.72 29994.27 SC2 OFF 56.19 55.84 � 86 86 1.576332 1.57939 2.130307 2:128394 30403.99 3018626 SC2 OFFe 38.30 38.30 81 81 2.296256. 2.296256 1.732461 1:732461 16853.66 16853:66 SC2 OPN 18.35 18.28 75 - 75 3.274118 3.277504 1.32287 1.321655 6167.00 6136.13 SC2 RHH 7.45 � 7.45 79 79 2.632604 2.632604 1,57714 1.57714 2983.49 2983:49 SC2 RHHe 15.55 15.55 77 77 3:b21587 3.021587 1.417035 1.417035 5595.23 5595.23 SC2 RLL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SC2. RLI:e . 4.39 4.39 77 77 2.982815 . 2:982815 . 1.432142 1.432142 1598.07 1598.07 SC2 RMH 3.51 3.51 75 75 3.245808 3.245808 1.333074 1.333074 1189.36 1189.36 SC2 - RMHe 27.6& 27.63 74 74 3.468592 3.468592 1.25504 1.25504 8808:93 8808.93 SC2 RML 0.00 ' 0.00 : 0.00 0.00 SC2 RMLe 7.45 . 7.45 74 . 74 3.515709 3.518709 1.238179 1.238179 2343.25 ' 2343.25. SC2 ROAD 34.19 51.91 87 . 88 1.476542 1.376121 2.193876 2.260251 1905:1.11 29799.60 ' SC2 RVH 354.36 325.31 82 82 2.144687 2.176425 1:808259 1.792068 162755.05 148077.59 SC2 RVHe 19.52 19.52 SO 80 2.560632 2.560632 1.608972 1:608972 7978.12 7978.12 SC2 RVL: 3.43 3.43 68 68 4.764343 4.764343 0.887356 0:887356 773.04 773.04 - SC2 RVLe 14.44 14.44 71 71 4:011917 4.011917 1.084596 9.084596 8977.93 3977.93 SC2 WAT 0.00 A.00 0.00 . 0.00. SC2 WET 0.00 ' 0.00 0:00 . 0.00 .. area in hecta�es . I I _ _. � '"`-, � � - � , i �� � _ . 9-4 ' . Sub- Land No Build CN No CN S fact-No S fact- Q(in) no Q(in) No Build watershed Use Ha Build Ha Build Build build . build build build m^3 Build m^3 SC3 COM 70.85 70.85 90 90 1.104485 1.104485 2.452903 2.452903 44145.25 44145.25 SC3 COMe 53.45 . 53.45 91 91 0.998315 0.998315 2:53387 2.53387 34403.22 34403.22 SC3 FOR 82.60 80.70 72 72 3.830413 3.828544 1.138624 1.139195 23889.89 23352.13 SC3 OFF 49.19 49.19 84 84 1.905537 1.905537 1.936039 1.936039 24187.48 24187.48 SC3 OFFe 42.01 42.01 83 83 2.009163 2.009163 1.879385 1.879385 20052.22 20052.22 SC3 OPN 31.19 31.19 72 72 3.945918 3.945918 1.103924 1.103924 8746.60 8746.60 SC3 RHH 18.55 18.55 76 76 3.231797 3.231797 1.338156 1.338156 _ 6306.56 6306.56 SC3 RHHe 55.88 55.88 77 77 3.053382 3.053382 1:404779 1.404779 19938.21 19938.21 SC3 RLL 59.43 58.67 71. 71 4.078256 4.086977 1.065526 1.063045 16083.72 15843.06 SC3 RLLe 10.44_ 10.44 67 67 5.036683 5.036683 0.82522 0.82522 2187.87 2187.87 SC3 RMH 134.58 134.58 70 70 4.258504 A.258504 1.015446 1.015446 34710.89 34710.89 SC3 RMHe 33.98 33.98 72 72 3.907116 3.907116 1.115455 1.115455 9628.35 9628:35 SC3 RML 1.04 1.04 73 73 3.609983 3.609983 1.208096 1.208096 319.02 319.02 SC3 RMLe 22.13 22.13 71 71 4.138432 4.138432 1.048528 1.048528 5894.06 5894.06 SC3 ROAD 74.30 76.95 86 86 1.577464 1.56623 2.129598 2.136637 40187.86 41760.19 SC3 RVH 164.78 164.78 81 81 2.40936 2.40936 1.678326 1.678326 70247.04 70247.04 SC3 RVHe 33.10 33.10 81 81 2.291764 2.291764 1:734653 1.734653 14584.16 14584.16 SC3 RVL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 SC3 RVLe 26.16 26.16 65 65 5.282594 5.282594 0.772786 0.772786 5135.57 5135.57 SC3 WAT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SC3 W ET 0.48 A.48 83 83 2.048193 2.048193 1.858564 1.858564 226.42 226.42 SC4 COM 0.00 19.56 89 1.242629 3.5 2.352435 0.00 11686.44 SC4 COMe 4.57 4.57 90 90 1.070407 1.070407 2:478525 2.478525 2874.48 2874.48 SC4 FOR 62.24 62.24 72 72 3.844905 3.844905 1.134208 1.134208 17931.80 17931.80 SC4 OFF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SC4 OFFe 1.53 1.53 84 84 '1.84954 1.84954 1:96751 1.96751 766.09 766.09 SC4 OPN 17.35 17.35 68 68 4.764575 4.764575 0.887301 0.887301 3910.06 3910.06. SC4 RHH. 31.94 31.94 75 75 3.284152. 3.284152 1.319274 1.319274 10704.39 10704.33 SC4 RHHe. 7.55 7.55 72 72 3.974235 3.974235 1.095587 1.095587 2100.10 2100.10 SC4 RLL 534.18 403.00 72 72 3.889217 3.900672 1.120816 1.117382 152074.48 114377.81 SC4 RLLe 7.38 7.38 71 71 4.083947 4.083947 1.063906 1.063906 1994.01 1994.01 SC4 RMH 332.64. 316.65 69 69 4.538119 4.543349 0.942489 0.941176 79632.81 75697.43 SC4 RMHe 46.50 46.50 70 70 4.263148 4.263148 1.014189 1.014189 11979.42 11979.42 SC4 RML 2.80 111.33 71 72 4.131084 3.851924 1.050589 1.132075 746.93 32012.99 SC4 RMLe 21.91 21.91 70 70 4.231795 4.231795 1.022711 1.022711 5690.29 5690.29 SC4 ROAD 35.86 55.01 85 86 1.747146 1.637941 2.026678 2.092195 18459.96 29231.69 SC4 RVH 61.52 61.46 82 82 2.248254 2.248254 1.756053 1.756053 27441.13 27414.37 SC4 RVHe 0.01 0.01 76 76 3.157895 3.157895 1.365318 1.365318 3.71 3.71 SC4 RVL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SC4 RVLe 14.50 14.50 69 69 4.408485 '4.408485 0.975625 0.975625 3592.29 3592.29 SC4 WAT 0.93 0.93 98 98 0.204082 0.204082 3.266471 3.266471 775.43 775.43 SC4 W ET 70.00 70.00 81 81 2.277463 2.277463 1.741653 1.741653 30966.96 30966.96 SCS COM 98.28 98.28 90 90 1.10544 1.'10544 2.45219 2.45219 61212.92 612'12.92 SC5 COMe 14.21 14.21 90 90 1.100641 1.100641 2.455776 2.455776 8862.35 8862.35 SC5 FOR 9.83 9.83 68 68 4.76491 4.76491 0.887222 0.887222 2215.77 2215.77 SC5 OFF 0.16 0.16 81 81 2.283128 2.283128 1.738876 1.738876 70.44 70.44 SC5 OFFe 14.20 14.20 83 83 2.057846 2.057846 1.853457 1.853457 6683.58 6683.58 SC5 OPN 19.31 19.31 . 71 71 4.01574 4.01574 1.083488 1.083488 5314.55 5314.55 SC5 RHH 43.94 43.94 76 76 3.166171 3.166171 1.362246 1.362246 15205.22 15205.22 SC5 RHHe 25.09 25.09 76 76 3.142878 3.142878 1.370912 1.370912 8737.29 8737.29 SC5 RLL 157.17 157.17 66 66 5.193057 5.193057 0.791492 0.791492 31598.16 31598.16 SC5. RLLe 3.90 3.90 68 68 4.718736 4.718736 0:898205 0.898205 890.14 890.14 SC5 RMH 2O6.87 206.87 73 73 3.77039 3.77039 1.15711 1.15711 60799.56 60799.56 SC5 RMHe 22.00 22.00 73 73 3.736126 3.736126 1.167805 1.167805 6524:40 6524.40 SC5 RML 1.25 1.25 66 66 5.243589 5.243589 0.780882 0.780882 . 248.70 248.70 SC5 RMLe 14.17 14.17 70 70 4_197111 4.197111 1.032224 1.032224 3715.35 3715.35 SC5 ROAD 67.69 67.69 86. 86 1.643508 1.643508 2.088793 2.088793 35911.53 35911.53 SC5 RVH 69.67 69.67 80 . 80 2.524122 2.524122 1.625402 1.625402 2876211 28762:11 SC5 RVHe 14.29 14.29 81 81 2.370152 2.370152 1.696866 1.696866 6160.55 6160.55 SC5 RVL 2.83 2.83 58 58 7.283408 7.283408 0.447654 0.447654 322.28 322:28 S.C5 RVLe 15.48 15.48 67 67 4.824928 4.824928 0.873145 0.873145 3432.34 3432.34 SC5 WAT 0.39 0.39 98 98 0.204082 0.204082 3.266471 3.266471 320.07 320:07 SC5 W ET 0.00 0.00 0:00 0.00 area in hectares 9-5 Sub- Land No Build CN No CN S fact-No S fact- Q(in) no Q(in) No Build watershed Use Ha Build Ha Build Build build build build build m^3 Build m^3 SC6 COM 90.54 111.24 90 90 1.112002 1.076715 2.447297 2.473756 56281.93 69898.82. SC6 COMe 23.73 23.73 91 91 1.004443 1.004443 2.529104 2.529104 15242.80 15242.80 SC6 FOR 19.23 19.20 76 76 3.198336 3.195907 1.35038 1.351272 6595.71 6590.13 SC6 OFF 0.00 0:00 0.00 0.00 SC6 OFFe 28.41 28.41 84 84 1.945732 1.945732 1,913823 1.913823 13810.56 13810.56 SC6 OPN 16.02 15.65 77 77 3.063127 3.048569 1.401047 1.406827 5701.50 5592.78 SC6 RHH 17.55 17.55 76 76 3.158893 3.158893 1.364947 1.364947 6085.53 6085.53 SC6. RHHe 28.54 28.54 76 76 3.171232 3.171232 1.360371 1.360371 9860.00 9860.00 SC6 RLL 302.51 274.06 71 71 4.055153 4.054857 1.072127 1.072212 82380.43 74639.06 SC6 RLLe 2.63 2.63 67 67 4.817655 4.817655 0.874839 0.874839 584.35 584.35 SC6 RMH 4.83 4.83 75 75 3.322078 3.322078 1.305778 1.305778 1603.18 1603.11 SC6 RMHe 31.84 31.84 73 73 3.696248 3.696248 1.180385 1.180385 9544.93 9544.93 SC6 RML 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SC6 RMLe 9.30 9.30 71 71 4.111925 4.111925 1.055981 1.055981 2493.65 . 2493.65 SC6 ROAD 61A5 69.19 86 86 1.598245 1.582341 2.116654 2.126552 32821.41 37373.37 SC6 RVH 36.16 36.16 79 79 2.581715 2.581715 1.599571 1.599571 14693.23 14693.23 SC6 RVHe 29.55 29.55 79 79 2.645312 2.645312 1.571595 1.571595 11795.66 11795.66 SC6 RVL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SC6 RVLe 7.00 7.00 70 70 4:372529 4.372529 0.985024 0.985024 1750.53 1750.53 SC6 WAT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SC6 W ET 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SC7 COM 13.55 13.55 91 91 0.975238 0.975238 2.551922 2.551922 8780.89 8780.89 SC7 COMe 6.40 6.40 89 89 1.250831 1.250831 2.346636 2.346636 3813.90 3813.90 - SC7 FOR 108.52 108.52 76 76 3.219126 3.219126 1.342771 1.342771 37012.69 37012.69 SC7 OFF 0.00 0.00 90 90 1.111111 1.111111 2.447961 2.447961 0.27 0.27 SC7 OFFe 0.77 0.77 89 89 1.280963 1.280963 2.325485 2.325485 452.13 452.13 SC7 OPN 4.49 4.49 69 69 4.412161 4.412161 0.974669 0.974669 1112.30 1112.30 SC7 RHH 2.01 2:01 76 76 3.118114 3.118114 1.380191 1.380191 704.33 704.33 SC7 RHHe 8.01 8.01 76 76 3.234083 3.234083 1.337325 1.337325 2719.53 2719.53 SC7 RLL 249.78 249.78 70 70 4.372716 4.372716 0.984975 0.984975 62492.17 62492.17 SC7 RLLe 5.97 5.97 76 76 3.220198 3.220198 1.342379 1.342379 2037.05 2037.05 SC7 RMH 144.58 144.58 74 74 3.5829Y4 3.582914 1.216935 1.216935 44688.58 44688.58 SC7 RMHe 5.14 5.14 68 68 4.663319 4.663319 0.911565 0.911565 1189.59 1189.59 SC7 RML 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SC7 RMLe 3.36 3.36 77 77 2.999994 2.999944 1.425445 1.425445 1215.86 1215.86 SC7 ROAD 28.56 28.56 87 87 1.534111 1.534111 2.15692 2.15692 15646.31 15646.31 SC7 RVH 11.89 11.89 79 79 2.730345 2.730345 1.53506 1.53506 4635.61 4635.61 SC7 RVHe 0.31 0.31 80 80 2.495293 2.495293 1.638513 1.638513 130.04 130.04 SC7 RVL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SC7 RVLe 25.24 25.24 74 74 3.422875 3.422875 1,270638 1.270638 8146.19 8146.19 SC7 WAT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SC7 W ET 0:00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SC8 COM 0.24 0.24 93 93 0.748353 0.748353 2.738614 2.738614 165.82 165.82 SC8 COMe 14.37 14.37 89 89 1.174249 1.174249 2.401498 2.401498 8767.98 8767.98 SCS FOR 140.44 140.44 75 75 3.403294 .3.403294 1.277382 1.277382 45565.55 45565.55 SCS OFF 0.00 0.00 . 0.00 0.00 SC8 OFFe 10.07 10.07 84 84 1.940524 1.940524 1.916684 1.916684 4900.86 4900.86. SCS OPN 72.38 72.38 65 65 5.402399 5.402399 0.74842 0.74842 13759.32 13759.32 SC8 RHH 11.22 11.22 73 73 3.671268 3.671268 1.188339 1.188339 3386.61 . 3386.61 SC8 RHHe 53.96 53.96 72 72 3.797251 3.797251 1.148798 1.148798 15745.38 15745.38. SC8 RLL 337.66 337.66 66 66 5.244934 5244934 0.780601 0.780601 66948.85 66948.85 SCS RLLe 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SCS RMH. 39.70 39.70 60 60 6.529118 6.529118 0.551903 0.551903 5565.76 5565.76 SC8 RMHe 24.01 24.01 69. 69 4.52494. 4.52494 0.945805 0.945805 5769.01 5769.01 . SC8 RML 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SC8 RMLe 6.12 6.12 66 66 5.145662 5.145662 0.801571 0.801571 1245.87 1245.87 SC8 ROAD 74.31 74.31 85 85 1.737739 1.737739 2.032222 2.032222 38358.07 38358.07 SC8 RVH 119.01 119.01 79 79 2.684986 2.684986 1.554427 1.554427 46988.26 46988.26 SCS RVHe 51.22 51.22 78 78 2.808804 2.808804 1.502207 1.502207 19541.78 19541.78 SC8 RVL 0.00 0.00 � 0.00 0.00 SC8 RVLe 13.21 13.21 . 66 66 .5.255071 5.255071 0.77849 0.77849 . 2612.40 2612.40 SC8 WAT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0:00 SC8 WET 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 . area in hectares 9-6 Sub- Land No Build CN No CN S fact-No S fact- (� (in) no Q(in) No Build watershed Use Ha Build Ha Build Build build build build build m^3 Build m^3 UA1 COM 12.80 10.40 90 90 1.051553 1.07054 2.492847 2.478424 8103.43 6546.13 UA1 COMe 0.41 0.41 94 94 0.638298 0.638298 2.835628 2.835628 292.64 292.64 UA1 FOR 132.20 132.20 66 66 5.053018 5.053018 0.821633 0.821633 27589.88 27589.88 UA1 OFF 117.99 106.10 86 86 1.645819 1.66889 2.087383 2.073367 62560.44 55876.98 UA1 OFFe 0.16 0.16 87 87 1.494253 1.494253 2.182424 2.182424 87.25 87.25 UA1 OPN 34.14 34.14 70 70 4.270823 4.270823 1.012114 1.012114 8776:56 8776.56 UA1 RHH 0:00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UA1 RHMe 3.16 3.16 73 73 3:760487 3.760487 1.16019 1.16019 932.28 932.28 UA1 RLL 22.95 22.95 70 70 4282549 4.282549 1.008952 1.008952 5881.73 5881.73 UA1 RLLe 3.55 3.55 76 76 3.176857 3.176857 1.358291 1.358291 1223.11 1223.11 UA1 RMH 1.38 1.38 70 70 4.204773 4.204773 1.030115 1.030115 361.99 361.91 UA1 RMHe 10.08 10.08 67 67 4.93524 4.93524 0.847847 0.847847 2171.66 2171.66 UA1 RML 0.89 0.89 76 76 3.146577 3.146577 1.369531 1.369531 309.22 309.22 UA1 RMLe 5.72 5.72 72 72 3.931799 3.931799 1.108105 1.108105 1608.98 1608.98 UA1 ROAD 18.96 33.25 86 87 1.577914 1.42956 2.129317 2.224622 10255.06 18790.13 UA1 RVH 194.85 194.85 81 81 2.31008 2.31008 1.725736 1.725736 85408.20 85408.20 UA1 RVHe 0.07 0:07 88 88 1.363636 1.363636 2.268677 2.268677 39.61 39.61 UA1 RVL 167.69 167.69 68 68 4.782296 4.782296 0.883121 0.883121 37615.40 37615.40 UA1 RVLe 8.21 8.21 69 69 4.424112 4.424112 0.971569 0.971569 2026.47 2026.47 UA1 WAT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UA1 WET 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UA2 COM 115.98 110.83 92 92 0.906053 0.908321 2.607047 2.605215 76797.77 73336.44 UA2 COMe 25.54 23.80 92 92 0.922785 0.891977 2.593575 2.618451 16823.66 15830.82 UA2 FOR 114.99 114.99 65 65 5.49585 5.49585 0.729925 0.729925 21319.71 21319.71 UA2 OFF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UA2 OFFe 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UA2 OPN 30.20 30.20 75 75 3.256403 3.256403 1.329245 1.329245 10197.76 10197.76 UA2 RHH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UA2 RHHe 0.43 0.43 77 77 2.978305 2.978305 1.433911 1.433911 156.30 156.30 UA2 RLL 90.17 90.17 69 69 4.438016 4.438016 0.967974. 0.967974 22170.16 22170.16 UA2 RLLe 0.63 0.63 69 69 4.482409 4.482409 0.956587 0.956587 151.90 151.90 UA2 RMH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UA2 RMHe 1.53 1.53 70 70 4.327073 4.326871 0.997038 0.997092 387.78 387.67 UA2 RML 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UA2 RMLe 2.54 2.54 71 71 4.044873 4.044873 1.075078 1.075078 694.83 694.83 UA2 ROAD 16.87 23.76 88 87 1.391153 1.476517 2.250156 2.193893 9644.51 13240.11 UA2 RVH 309.81 309.81 81 81 2.282395 2.282395 1.739235 1.739235 136865.27 13686527 UA2 RVHe 0.00 0.00 . 0.00 0.00 UA2 RVL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UA2 RVLe 4.15 4.15 73 73 3.71049 3.71049 1.175875 1.175875 1238.99 1238.99 UA2 WAT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UA2 W ET 0:00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UA3 COM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UA3 COMe 7.22 7.22 88 88 1.315112 1.315112 2.301805 2.301805 4219.08 4219.08 UA3 FOR 112.90 112.90 " 68 68 4.799291 4.799291 0.879131 0.879131 25210.27 25210.27 UA3 OFF 3.34 3.34 84 84 1.964343 1.964343 1.903641 1.903641 _ 1615.02 1615.02 UA3 OFFe 1.42 1.42 84 84 1.926935 1.926935 1.924174 1.924174 692.17 692:17 UA3 OPN 11.50 11.50 70 70 4.257612 4.257612 1.015688 1.015688 2966.69 2966.69 UA3 RHH 0.40 0.40 79 79 2.647789 2.647789 1.570517 1.570517 160.79 160.79 UA3 RHHe 9.57 9.57 74 74 3.599298 3.599298 1.211577 1.211577 2945.95 2945.95 UA3 RLL 525.04 525.04 70 70 4.230231 4.230231 1.023138 1.023138 136446.96 136446.96 UA3 RLLe 4.59 4.59 72 72 3.947554 3.947554 1.10344 1.10344 1286.48 1286.48 GA3 RMH 16.22 16.22 73 73 3.785469 3.785469 1.152436 1.152436 4748.14 4748.14 UA3 RMHe 32.72 32.72 70 70 4.381608 4.381608 0.982642 0.982642 8167.19 8167.19 UA3 RML 1.60 1.60 74 74 3.57134 3.57134 1.220735 1.220735 496.25 496.25 UA3 RMLe 4.20 4.20 74 74 3.517879 3.517879 1.238456 1.238456 1322.19 1322.19 UA3 ROAD 31.91 31.91 86 86 1.568354 1.568354 2.135304 2.135304 17305.22 17305.22 UA3 RVH 9.05 9.05 79 79 2.638764 2.638764 1.574449 1.574449 3619.56 3619.56 UA3 RVHe 0.61 0.61 82 82 2.248976 2.248976 1.755696 1.755696 271.26 271.26 UA3 RVL 360.22 360.22 66 66 5.091421 5.091421 0.813258 0.813258 74410.71 74410.71 UA$ RVLe 5.61 5.61 72 72 3.797062 3.797062 1.148856 1.148856 1637.67 1637.67 UA3 WAT 2.33 2.33 98 98 0.204082 0.204082 3.266471 3.266471 1931.74 1931.74 UA3 W ET 14.73 14.73 80 80 2.499017 2.499017 1.636812 1.636812 6122.56 6122.56 area in hectares 9-7 � � , L f Sub- Land No Build . CN No CN S fact-No S fact-. Q(in) no Q(in) No Build watershed Use Ha Build Ha Build Build build build build build m^3 Build m^3 UB1 COM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0:00 UB1 COMe 0.30 0.30 92 92 0.822137 0.822137 2.676004 2:676004 203.19 203.19 UB1 FOR 16.18 16.18 60 60 6.747412 6.747412 0.519753 0.519753 2135.60 2135.60 UB1 OFF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UB1 OFFe 1.27 1.27 85 85 1.705684 1.705684 2.051253 2.051253 662.00 662.00 U61 OPN 8.67 8.67 64 64 5.509521 5.509521 0.727256 0.727256 1601:94 1601.94 UB1 RHH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 U61 RHHe 1.48 1.48 75 75 3.359636 3.359636 1.292562 1.292562 484.67 . 484.67 U61 RLL 1.25 1.25 77 77 2.987013 2.987013 1.430497 1.430497 453.44 453.44 U61 RLLe . 3.38 3.38 75 75 3.382577 3.382577 1.284561 .1.284561 1102.71 1102.71 UB1 RMH 0.32 0.32 66 66 5.068002 5.068002 0.818355 0.818355 . 67.47 67.47 UB1 RMHe 5.79 5.79 69 69 4.584138 4.584138 0.931002 0.931002 1368.52 1368.52 UB1 RML 0.03 0.03 77 77 2.987013 2.987013 1.430497 1.430497 9.96 9.96 UB1 RMLe 2.30 2.30 69 69 4.582192 4.582192 0.931485 0.931485 543.98 543.98 UB1 ROAD 12.15 12.15 86 86 1.623269 1.623269 2.101194 2.101194 6483.57 6483.57 UB1 RVH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UB1 RVHe 0.53 0.53 82. 82 2.244236 2.244236 1.758045 1.758045 237.47 237.47 UB1 RVL 408.41 408.41 66 66 5.06974 5.06974 0.817976 0.817976 84853.66 84853.66 UB1 RVLe 6.54 6.54 65 65 5.371833 5.371833 0.754565 0.754565 1254.10 1254.10 UB1 WAT 2.25 2.25 98 98.0.204082 0.204082 3.266471 3.266471 . 1867.03 1867.03 UB1 WET 4.31 4.31 72 72 3.800309 3.800309 1.147856 1.147856 1257.21 1257.21 UC1 COM 0.00 0.00 0:00 0.00 UC1 COMe 13.56 13.56 93 93 0.717841 0.717841 2.765066 2.765066 9522.61 9522.61 UC1 FOR 29.50 29.50 64 64 5.623157 5.623157 0.705427 0.705427 5286.54 5286.54 UC1. OFF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UC1 OFFe 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UC1 OPN 1.7.90 17.90 70 70 4.238955 4.238955 1.020758 1.020758 4640.74 4640.74 UC1 RHH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UC1 RHHe 3.43 3.43 73 73 3.715077 3.715077 1.174427 1.174427 1023.44 1023.44 UC1 RLL 82.22 82.22 74 74 3.534434 3.534434 1.232939 1.232939 25747.83 25747.83 UC1 RLLe 2.06 2.06 76 76 3.165477 3.165477 1.362503 1.362503 713.16 713.16 UC1 RMH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UC1 RMHe 15.06 15.06 75 75 3.304695 3.304695 1.311945 1.311945 . 5017.82 5017.82 UC1 RML 1.78 1.78 76 . 76 3.114686 3.114686 1.381482 1.381482 624.02 624.02. UC1 RMLe 5.09 5.09 76 76 3.169346 3.169346 1.36107 1.36107 1761.39 1761.39 UC1 ROAD 13.85 13.85 87 87 1.54619 1.54619 2.149265 2.149265 7563.36 7563.36 UC1 RVH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UC1 RVHe 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UC1 RVL 630.55 630.55 66 66 5.191458 5.191458 0.79183 0.79183 126819.64 126819.64 UC1 RVLe 18.99 18.99 72 72 3.94369 3.94369 1.104582 1.104582 5328.67 5328.67 UC1 WAT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UC1 WET 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UD1 COM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UD1 COMe 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UD1 FOR 1.48. 1.48 64 64 5.635523 5.635523 0.703089 0.703089 265.13 265.13 UD1 OFF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UD1 OFFe 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UD1 OPN 14.41 14.41 59 59 7.054269 7.054269 0.477342 0.477342 1747.13 1747.13 UD1 RHH 0.20 -0.20 70 70 4.285714 4.285714 1.0081 1.0081 50.03 � 50.03 UD1 RHHe 0.75 0.75 71 71 4.033424 4.033424 1.078375 1.078375 206.74 206.74 UD1 RLL 1.51 1.51 74 74 3.45545 3.45545 1.259502 1.259502 482.90 482.90 UD1 RLLe 2.26 226 66 66 5.190693 5.190693 0.791992 0.791992 453.84 453.84 UD1 RMH 1.78 1.78 67 67 4.925373 4.925373 0.85008 0.85008 384.27 384.27 UD1 RMHe 7.97 7.97 67 67 4.847256 4.847256 0.867965 0.867965 1756.73 1756.73 UD1 RML 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UD1 RMLe 3.33 3.33 66 66 5.041143 5.041143 0.824239 0.824239 696.37 696.37 UD1 ROAD 6.67 6.67 84 84 1.850855 1.850855 1.966764 1.966764 3330.72 3330.72 UD1 RVH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00' UD1 RVHe 0.01 0.01 84 84 1.907346 1.907346 1.935033 1.935033 7.12 7.12 UD1, RVL .206.62 206.62 64 64 5.73179T 5.731797 0.685136 0.685136 35956.50 35956.50 UD1 RVLe 12.53 12.53 62 62 6.124392 6.124392 0.616247 0.616247 1961.25 1961.25 UD1 WAT 3.93 3.93 98 98 0.204082 0.204082 3.266471 3.266471 3257.24 3257:24 UD1 WET 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 area in hectares - 9-8 Sub- Land No Build CN No CN S fact-No S fact- Q(in) no Q(in) No Build watershed Use Ha Build Ha Build Build build build build build m^3 Build m"3 UE1 COM 0.00 16.27 89 1.264315 3.5 2.337141 0.00 9659:70 UE1 COMe 6.74 6.74 91 91 1.00068 1.00068 2.532029 2.532029 4337.73 4337.73 UE1 FOR 17.92 17.92 72 72 3.964769 3.964769 1.098367 1.098367 5000.81 5000.81 UE1 OFF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UE1 OFFe 0.65 0.65 81 81 2.345679 2.345679 1.708558 1.708558 280.19 280.19 UE1 OPN 14.97 14.97 65 65 5.368887 5.368887 0.75516 0.75516 2871.16 2871.16 UE1 RHH 0.15 0.15 70 70 4.285714 4.285714 1.0081 1.0081 39.62 39.62 UE1 RHHe 0.72 0.72 71 71 4.178427 4.178427 1.037387 1.037387 189.03 189.03 UE1 RLL 426.96 310.48 73 73 3.722031 3.646384 1.172235 1.196319 127127.62 94342.93 UE1 RLLe 1.86 1.86 70 70 4.23873 4.23873 1.02082 1.02082 482.50 482.50 UE1 RMH 5.79 5.79 68 68 4.799424 4.799424 0.8791 0.8791 1292.19 1292.19 UE1 RMHe 11.66 11.66 68 68 4.741608 4.741608 0.892747 0:892747 2643.90 2643.90 UE1 RML 2.82 97:59 70 73 4.221308 3.701291 1.025578 1.178786 734.19 29220.53 UE1 RMLe 6.86 6.86 70 70 4.208452 4.208452 1.029104 1.029104 1793.08 1793.08 UE1 ROAD 16.53 21.97 86 86 1.64767 1,648471 2.086254 2.085766 8758.32 11638.79 UE1 RVH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UE1 RVHe 0.25 0.25 82 82 2.20096 2.20096 1.779669 1.779669 113.55 113.55 UE1 RVL 361.87 361.87 69 69 4.433242 4.433242 0.969207 0.969207 89083.76 89083.76 UE1 RVLe 24.41 24.41 67 67 4.940123 4.940123 0.846744 0.846744 5249.98 5249.98 UE1 WAT 0.27 0.27 98 98 0.204082 0.204082 3.266471 3.266471 225.20 225.20 UE1 WET 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UF1 COM 123.06 132.63 93 93 0.793657 0.784286. 2.699946 2.707885 84391.03 91225.96 UF1 COMe 4.40 4.40 92 92 0.813558 0.813558 2.683187 2.683187 2996.18 2996.18 UF1 FOR 6.88 6.88 68 68 4.798755 4.798755 0.879256 0.879256 1535.80 1535.80 UF1 OFF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UF1 OFFe 4.26 4.26 88 88 1.413581 1.413581 2.235201 2.235201 2420.83 2420.83 UF1 OPN 41.59 41.59 70 70 4.188802 4.188802 1.034517 1.034517 10928.16 10928.16 UF1 RHH 3.38 180.81 76 74 3.115529 3.484534 1.381964 1.24965 1185.45 57390.53 UF1 RHHe 3.90 3.90 67 67 4.991434 4.991434 0.835239 0.835239 828.25 828.25 UF1 RLL 540.43 289.41 69 67 4.483223 4.825597 0.95638 0.87299 131280.98 64172.84 UF1 RLLe 2.80 2.80 71 71 4.044056 4.044056 1.075313 1.075313 765.07 765.07 UF1 RMH 1.87 1.87 63 63 5.834912 5.834912 0.666383 0.666383 316.59 316.59 UF1 RMHe 21.45 21.45 61 61 6.396341 6.396341 0.572312 0.572312 3117.68 3117.68 UF1 RML 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UF1 RMLe 7.64 7.23 68 67 4.754851 4.830452 0.889603 0.871861 1725.47 1602.15 UF1 ROAD 27.00 42.59 85 86 1.708255 1.602164 2.049718 2.114223 14055.15 22874.03 UF1 RVH 35.57 84.39 82 82 2.236614 2.212651 1.761831 1.773797 15916.77 38019.88 UF1 RVHe 0.84 0.84 88 88 1.409646 1.409646 2237816 2.237816 478.55 478.55 UF1 RVL 48.62 48.62 64 64 5.648416 5.648416 0.70066 0.70066 8652.62 8652.62 UF1 RVLe 3.74 3.74 61 61 6.438536 6.438536 0.565754 0.565754 536.96 536.96 UF1 WAT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UF1 WET 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UF2 COM 0.00 4.63 0 89 1.173318 3.5 2.402174 0.00 2822.71 UF2 COMe 4.75 3.16 93 92 0.810178 0.844623 2.686023 2.657295 3241.96 2130.80 UF2 FOR 63.85 63.85 69 69 4.512414 4.512414 0.948968 0.948968 15391.47 15391.47 UF2 OFF 0.00 0.00 86 86 1.683969 1.683969 2.064269 2:064269 0.51 0.51 UF2 OFFe 1.85 1.85 85 85 1.784998 1.784998 2.004557 2.004557 939.92 939.92 UF2 OPN 38.45 38.16 71 71 4.100186 4.08497 1.059298 1.063615 10344.96 10309.43 UF2 RHH 0.34 0.34 70 70 4.285714 4.285714 1.0081 1.0081 85.93 85.93 UF2 RHHe 5.95 5.95 74 74 3.433098 3.433098 1.267131 1.267131 1915.75 1915.75 UF2 RLL 657.84 542.63 70 70 4.24277 4.26124 1.019719 1.014705 170386.80 139854.20 UF2 RLLe 3.74 3.74 72 72 3.924887 3.924887 1.110158 1.110158 1054.70 1054.70 UF2 RMH 1.57 1.57 70 70 4.26727 4.267545 1.013074 1.012999 402.85 402.77 UF2 RMHe 13.59 13.36 70 70 4.218024 4.234418 1.026477 1.021995 3542.21 3467.28 UF2 RML 0.00 96.32 0 70 4.206096 3.5 1.029751 0.00 25192.14 UF2 RMLe 5.04 4.67 72 72 3.885154 3.874665 1.122037 1.125196 1436.89 1333.60 UF2 ROAD 26.78 44.08 86 87 1.614877 1.54555 2.106363 2.149669 14328.95 24070.68 UF2 RVH 0.00 0.02 0 82 2.195122 3.5 1.78261 0.00 9.33 UF2 RVHe 0.33 0:33 81 81 2.284206 2.284206 1.738348 1.738348 144.38 144.38 UF2 RVL 249.75 249.75 67 67 4.86904 4.86904 0.862941 0.862941 54741.06 54741.06 UF2 RVLe 9.47 8.9'I 72 72 3.809246 3.901262 1.145107 1.117205 2755.88 2528.91 UF2 WAT 1.14 1.14 98 98 0.204082 0.204082 3.266471 3.266471 949.18 949.18 UF2. WET 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 area in hectares 9-9