HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000396_Coal Pile Asmt Tech Memo_Final_20180731TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\102. Asheville Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\52.EHS Coal Pile Assessment Work Plan\Asheville Coal Pile Asmt Tech Memo.docx Date: June 2018 File: 1026.102.52 To: John Toepfer (Duke Energy) Cc: Kathy Webb (SynTerra) From: Todd Plating Subject: Coal Pile Soil and Groundwater Assessment - Asheville Steam Electric Plant Duke Energy Progress, LLC (Duke Energy) owns and operates the Asheville Steam Electric Plant (Plant or Site) in the town of Arden in Buncombe County, NC. The Site encompasses approximately 786 acres. Coal-fired power generation operations began in 1964 with the construction of two coal-fired power generating units. The Plant also has two combustion turbines that are currently operational. The coal-fired units are anticipated to be to be replaced by natural gas combined cycle energy production in 2020. Consequently, the coal pile area will be occupied by bituminous coal used by the coal-fired power generating units until the coal-fired units have been replaced. The coal is transported onto the Site by rail or tractor-trailer and stored on approximately 7.6 acres immediately south of the power generation units. Groundwater and soil assessment activities for the coal storage area (coal pile) are described herein. Regulatory Background In 2014, The North Carolina General Assembly passed the Coal Ash Management Act (CAMA). CAMA required owners of a coal combustion residuals (CCR) surface impoundment to conduct detailed assessment of site groundwater within and around the CCR surface impoundment. As indicated in a letter from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) dated September 8, 2017, it is understood that in addition to CAMA requirements, Duke Energy is also bound by the rules and requirements of the NC General Statutes and NC Administrative Code 02L. These provide requirements for the assessment and abatement of soil and groundwater impacts resulting from site activities. Therefore, Duke Energy must ultimately address soil and groundwater impacts resulting from all primary and secondary sources at the coal ash facilities, not just the CCR surface impoundments. Pursuant to the September 2017 DEQ letter, Duke Energy understands the former coal pile area soils and underlying groundwater to be a potential “secondary source” of inorganic constituents that will be assessed apart from CAMA. Coal Pile Assessment Tech Memo June 2018 Asheville Steam Electric Plant Page 2 of 4 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\102. Asheville Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\52.EHS Coal Pile Assessment Work Plan\Asheville Coal Pile Asmt Tech Memo.docx Site Description The Asheville Plant is situated on the shore of Lake Julian. Lake Julian provides cooling water to the plant and was formed by damming the flow of Powell Creek on the north side of the Plant. A large portion of Lake Julian borders the east side of the Site. Surface water from the French Broad River is also pumped into Lake Julian as a supplemental water supply. The water from the French Broad River enters a stilling area of the lake on the north side of the Plant. Heated water is discharged back into Lake Julian to the east of the Plant. The coal pile is centrally located within the Plant operations. The power generating units are located immediately north of the coal pile. The rail line used to haul coal onto the Site and a roadway are the only features separating the coal pile from the power generating units. Smoke stacks and the gypsum processing/storage area are located adjacent to the coal pile to the west. Immediately to the south of the coal pile are truck scales, truck wash, and two bulk fuel above ground storage tanks (ASTs). The 1964 and 1982 coal ash basins are located south of the gypsum processing/storage area, truck scales, truck wash, and two bulk fuel above ground storage tanks (ASTs). The “hot pond” and Lake Julian are located east of the coal pile. The land surface of the coal pile and the land surface surrounding the coal pile is relatively flat and is at an elevation of approximately 2,171 to 2,173 feet North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). Surface water runoff from the coal pile and surrounding areas is directed to the 1964 coal ash basin by ditches and similar engineered drainage features. Coal Pile Area Assessment Objectives Objectives of the coal pile area assessment include the following: Characterize inorganic constituents associated with coal pile area soils; Compare inorganic constituent concentrations in coal pile area soils and site background soils; Characterize inorganic constituent concentrations in groundwater underlying the coal pile area and just beyond the coal pile area perimeter; and Compare inorganic constituent concentrations in coal pile area groundwater and site background groundwater. Soil Assessment Coal pile area soils will be sampled and analyzed for inorganic parameters to determine if they are a secondary source of coal pile constituents that can leach into underlying groundwater. Soil samples will be collected at proposed monitoring well locations Coal Pile Assessment Tech Memo June 2018 Asheville Steam Electric Plant Page 3 of 4 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\102. Asheville Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\52.EHS Coal Pile Assessment Work Plan\Asheville Coal Pile Asmt Tech Memo.docx (CPA-1 through CPA-4) as part of well installation activities. One well (CPA-1) is proposed on the upgradient perimeter of the existing coal pile. The remaining wells (CPA-2 through CPA-4) are proposed on the down and side-gradient perimeter of the existing coal pile. The proposed locations of the monitoring wells are included as Figure 1. Proposed locations are approximate and may vary slightly based on field observations and locations of underground utilities which will be determined prior to initiation of boring activities. Soil samples will be collected from the near ground surface (2 to 3 foot) and at approximately 2-foot intervals to the top of the groundwater table or bedrock, whichever is encountered first. An additional soil sample will be collected below the water table within the new well screened intervals. Soil samples will be analyzed for inorganic parameters consistent with assessment of areas used for coal and CCR management (Table 1). SPLP samples will be collected at a frequency of 2 per well cluster location from near ground surface (2 to 3 foot) and 2 to 3 feet above the water table. Sonic drilling is recommended as the method of installation for the coal pile assessment wells due to the quality of continuous cores produced for subsurface characterization purposes. The boreholes will be properly flushed to remove fluids and cuttings prior to the installation of the monitoring wells. As recommended by NCDEQ, Duke/SynTerra will consult closely with drillers to use appropriately-sized filter packs and screens. Centralizers will be used in all wells to provide uniform annulus space for the filter packs. Continuous soil cores will be collected from the ground surface to the top of bedrock and will serve three purposes: Document the underlying stratigraphy; Identify the depth where the transition zone is encountered, the thickness of the transition zone, and where the transition zone well will be screened; and Collect soil samples from a depth corresponding to the middle of the well screens of transition zone wells. Groundwater Assessment A total of 12 coal pile assessment (CPA) groundwater monitoring wells are proposed to be installed to characterize coal pile area groundwater. Four shallow (“S”), four deep (“D”), and four bedrock (“BR”) groundwater monitoring wells (CPA-1S/D/BR, CPA- 2S/D/BR, CPA-3S/D/BR, and CPA-4S/D/BR) are planned to be installed as well clusters at the proposed locations shown on Figure 1. Well installation procedures will be consistent with ongoing CAMA assessment activities in accordance with the Revised Groundwater Assessment Work Plan (SynTerra, December 2014). As such, shallow wells Coal Pile Assessment Tech Memo June 2018 Asheville Steam Electric Plant Page 4 of 4 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\102. Asheville Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\52.EHS Coal Pile Assessment Work Plan\Asheville Coal Pile Asmt Tech Memo.docx are proposed to be installed so that the top of the screened interval is positioned approximately 5 ft below the water table, where practical, to avoid potential issues such as biofouling and introduction of artificial redox conditions which are common among monitoring wells with screened intervals that bracket the water table. This approach for well screen intervals was outlined in a May 18, 2018 email (and subsequent teleconference) from Duke Energy to NCDEQ. NCDEQ responded via email on May 23, 2018 supporting the proposed technical approach and rationale concerning these procedures. Proposed well details and anticipated total depths are provided in Table 2. Groundwater samples will be analyzed for the field parameters (e.g., pH, conductivity, and turbidity) and inorganic constituents consistent with ongoing CAMA assessment activities (Table 3). Coal Pile Assessment Report A coal pile assessment report will be prepared once soil and groundwater sample analytical data is received. Components of the report include: 1) Site History and Source Characterization 2) Site Geology and Hydrogeology 3) Sampling Results 4) Site Conceptual Model 5) Conclusions and Recommendations Attachments: Table 1: Soil Sample Analytical Methods Table 2: Proposed Coal Pile Assessment Soil Samples and Monitoring Wells Table 3: Groundwater Analytical Methods Figure 1: Proposed Monitoring Well & Soil Boring Location Map Former Coal Pile Assessment Tech Memo June 2018 Asheville Steam Electric Plant P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\102. Asheville Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\52.EHS Coal Pile Assessment Work Plan\Asheville Coal Pile Asmt Tech Memo.docx ATTACHMENTS TABLE 1 SOIL ANALYTICAL METHODS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, ARDEN, NC INORGANIC COMPOUNDS UNITS METHOD Aluminum mg/kg EPA 6010D Antimony mg/kg EPA 6020B Arsenic mg/kg EPA 6020A Barium mg/kg EPA 6010C Beryllium mg/kg EPA 6020B Boron mg/kg EPA 6010C Cadmium mg/kg EPA 6020A Calcium mg/kg EPA 6010C Chloride mg/kg EPA 9056A Chromium mg/kg EPA 6010C Cobalt mg/kg EPA 6020A Copper mg/kg EPA 6010C Iron mg/kg EPA 6010C Lead mg/kg EPA 6020A Magnesium mg/kg EPA 6010C Manganese mg/kg EPA 6010C Mercury mg/kg EPA Method 7471B Molybdenum mg/kg EPA 6010C Nickel mg/kg EPA 6010C Nitrate as Nitrogen mg/kg EPA 9056A pH SU EPA 9045D Potassium mg/kg EPA 6010C Selenium mg/kg EPA 6020A Sodium mg/kg EPA 6010C Strontium mg/kg EPA 6010C Sulfate mg/kg EPA 9056A Thallium (low level) (SPLP Extract only)mg/kg EPA 6020A Total Organic Carbon mg/kg EPA 9060 Vanadium mg/kg EPA 6020A Zinc mg/kg EPA 6010C Notes: meq/100g - millequivalents per 100 grams mg/kg - Milligrams per kilogram mV - Millivolts S.U. - Standard Unit Prepared by: RBI Checked by: SRW/TCP/VTV 3. Analytical methods and reporting limits as presented were applicable at time of CSA field implementation in 2015. Analytical methods and reporting limits are updated periodically and applied as appropriate. 2. Soil samples collected from near ground surface (2 to 3ft) and from just above water table (field determined) in each boring will also be analyzed for leaching potential using SPLP Extraction Method 1312 in conjunction with USEPA Methods 6010/6020 1. Soil samples to be analyzed for Total Inorganics using USEPA Methods 6010/6020 and pH using USEPA Method 9045, as noted above. P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\102. Asheville Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\52.EHS Coal Pile Assessment Work Plan\ Table 1 Asheville Coal Pile Asmt Tech Memo Page 1 of 1 TABLE 2 PROPOSED COAL PILE ASSESSMENT SOIL SAMPLES AND MONITORING WELLS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, ARDEN, NC Monitoring Well ID Estimated Well Depth (feet bgs) Soil Sample ID (Estimated Depth Interval in feet bgs) Comments ----CPA-SB1 (2-3)Unsaturated soil sample (water table <20 feet bgs); SPLP ----CPA-SB1 (5-6)Unsaturated soil sample ----CPA-SB1 (8-9)Unsaturated soil sample ----CPA-SB1 (11-12)Unsaturated soil sample ----CPA-SB1 (14-15)Unsaturated soil sample; SPLP CPA-1S 20 CPA-SB1 (17-18)Soil sample from shallow well screened interval CPA-1D 50 CPA-SB1 (45-47)Soil sample from deep well screened interval CPA-1BR 80 CPA-SB1 (75-77)Soil sample from bedrock well screened interval ----CPA-SB2 (2-3)Unsaturated soil sample (water table <20 feet bgs); SPLP ----CPA-SB2 (5-6)Unsaturated soil sample ----CPA-SB2 (8-9)Unsaturated soil sample ----CPA-SB2 (11-12)Unsaturated soil sample ----CPA-SB2 (14-15)Unsaturated soil sample; SPLP CPA-2S 20 CPA-SB2 (17-18)Soil sample from shallow well screened interval CPA-2D 50 CPA-SB2 (45-47)Soil sample from deep well screened interval CPA-2BR 80 CPA-SB2 (75-77)Soil sample from bedrock well screened interval ----CPA-SB3 (2-3)Unsaturated soil sample (water table <20 feet bgs); SPLP ----CPA-SB3 (5-6)Unsaturated soil sample ----CPA-SB3 (8-9)Unsaturated soil sample ----CPA-SB3 (11-12)Unsaturated soil sample ----CPA-SB3 (14-15)Unsaturated soil sample; SPLP CPA-3S 20 CPA-SB3 (17-18)Soil sample from shallow well screened interval CPA-3D 50 CPA-SB3 (45-47)Soil sample from deep well screened interval CPA-3BR 80 CPA-SB3 (75-77)Soil sample from bedrock well screened interval ----CPA-SB4 (2-3)Unsaturated soil sample (water table <20 feet bgs); SPLP ----CPA-SB4 (5-6)Unsaturated soil sample ----CPA-SB4 (8-9)Unsaturated soil sample ----CPA-SB4 (11-12)Unsaturated soil sample ----CPA-SB4 (14-15)Unsaturated soil sample; SPLP CPA-4S 20 CPA-SB4 (17-18)Soil sample from shallow well screened interval CPA-4D 50 CPA-SB4 (45-47)Soil sample from deep well screened interval CPA-4BR 80 CPA-SB4 (75-77)Soil sample from bedrock well screened interval Prepared by: GAB Checked by: TDP Notes: bgs = below ground surface SynTerra recommends rotosonic drilling methods for boring and well installation. Continuous cores from rotosonic drilling methods provide sufficient material for soil sampling and lithologic description. Estimated well and soil sample depths based on data from the GW-1 well cluster. Number of soil samples shown is approximate. A shallower water table will result in fewer samples, and a deeper water table will result in additional samples. P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\102. Asheville Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\52.EHS Coal Pile Assessment Work Plan\Table 2 Asheville Coal Pile Asmt Tech Memo Page 1 of 1 TABLE 3 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL METHODS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS LLC, ARDEN NC PARAMETER RL UNITS METHOD pH NA SU Field Water Quality Meter Specific Conductance NA µS/cm Field Water Quality Meter Temperature NA ºC Field Water Quality Meter Dissolved Oxygen NA mg/L Field Water Quality Meter Oxidation Reduction Potential NA mV Field Water Quality Meter Turbidity NA NTU Field Water Quality Meter Ferrous Iron NA mg/L Field Test Kit Aluminum 0.005 mg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010D Antimony 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020B Arsenic 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Barium 0.005 mg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010C Beryllium 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Boron 0.05 mg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010C Cadmium 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Chromium 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6010C Cobalt 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Copper 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020B Iron 0.01 mg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010C Lead 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Manganese 0.005 mg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010C Mercury (low level)0.005 ng/L 1631 ONLY Molybdenum 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020B Nickel 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020B Phosphorus 0.005 mg/L EPA 365.1 Selenium 0.001 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Strontium 0.005 mg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010C Thallium (low level)0.0002 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Vanadium (low level)0.0003 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Zinc 0.005 mg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010C Alkalinity (as CaCO3)5 mg/L SM 2320B Bicarbonate 5 mg/L SM 2320 Calcium 0.01 mg/L EPA 200.7 Carbonate 5 mg/L SM 2320 Chloride 0.1 mg/L EPA 300.0 or 9056A Magnesium 0.005 mg/L EPA 200.7 Methane 0.01 mg/L RSK 175 Nitrate as Nitrogen 0.01 mg-N/L EPA 353.2 Potassium 0.1 mg/L EPA 200.7 Sodium 0.05 mg/L EPA 200.7 Sulfate 0.1 mg/L EPA 300.0 or 9056A Sulfide 0.1 mg/L SM4500S2-D Total Dissolved Solids 25 mg/L SM 2540C Total Organic Carbon 0.1 mg/L SM 5310C/EPA9060A Total Suspended Solids 2.5 mg/L SM 2450D Prepared by: RBI Checked by: SRW/TCP Notes: ºC - Degrees Celsius µS/cm = micro-Siemens per centimeter mg/L - Milligrams per liter mg - N/L - Milligrams nitrogen per liter mV - Millivolts NA - Not analyzed NTU - Nephelometric turbidity unit pCi/L - picocuries per liter RL = reporting limit S.U. - Standard Unit ug/mL - micrograms per milliliter 2.Analytical methods and reporting limits as presented were applicable at time of CSA field implementation in 2015.Analytical methods and reporting limits are updated periodically and applied as appropriate. INORGANICS FIELD PARAMETERS 1. Select constituents will be analyzed for total and dissolved concentrations. ANIONS/CATIONS P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\102. Asheville Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\52.EHS Coal Pile Assessment Work Plan\Table 3 Asheville Coal Pile Asmt Tech Memo Page 1 of 1 <<<<<<<<<<<&>&> &> &> &> &> &<&< &<&<&< &<&< &< &<&< &< &< &< &< &< &< &< LAKE JULIAN HOTPOND SETTLINGPOND 1964ASH BASIN COAL PILE CB-9 GW-1 CB-9SL GW-1D CB-9BR GW-1BR MW-1BR MW-1D ABMW-5BR ABMW-5D ABMW-5S ABMW-2 ABMW-2S PZ-1D PZ-1S PZ-26 PZ-27 CP-1S PZ-5 CP AND L DR CPA-1S/D/BR CPA-2S/D/BR CPA-3S/D/BRCPA-4S/D/BR NOTES:AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY OBTAINED FROM GOOGLE EARTH PRO ON MAY 24, 2018.IMAGE COLLECTED OCTOBER 18, 2015. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANECOORDINATE SYSTEM FIPS 3200 (NAD83). FIGURE 1PROPOSED COAL PILE ASSESSMENTWELL LOCATIONSASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANTDUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLCARDEN, NORTH CAROLINADRAWN BY: B. YOUNGPROJECT MANAGER: T. PLATINGCHECKED BY: G. BARRIER DATE: 05/24/2018 148 RIVER STREET, SUITE 220GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601PHONE 864-421-9999www.synterracorp.com P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\00 GIS BASE DATA\Asheville\Map_Docs\Miscellaneous\Asheville_CoalPileAssessment_Proposed_20180524.mxd 100 0 100 200 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET &<PROPOSED COAL PILE ASSESSMENT W ELL LOCATION &<MONITORING WELL IN ALLUVIUM &<MONITORING WELL IN SAPROLITE &<MONITORING WELL IN TRANSITION ZONE &<MONITORING WELL IN BEDROCK &<ABANDONED MONITORING W ELL &>PIEZOMETER IN SAPROLITE &>PIEZOMETER IN TRANSITION ZONE &>PIEZOMETER IN BEDROCK &>ABANDONED PIEZOMETER &(EXTRACTION W ELL ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS ASHEVILLE PLANTSITE BOUNDARY <STREAM LEGEND