HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140985 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20141117D Ls �\� !;: ,:; ;�; � � , L��II i CF.RTIFICA7'E OF' COMPLETION � �� �i �(� i 014 „: ,., : ..�s 'RANSPORIf'lf`i� ?EF:f.1C�l ING UNIT NCDWR Project No.: 14-0985—_ Couoty: Stanly Co�tnty.--, _- Applipet: Aicoa Power Generating Inc. Yadkin Division ProjeM Namc: HighwaY 49 Boat Access Arca Repair Tuckertown Rcscrvoir D�te of laaurnce of 401 Water QuAlity Cenification: nctober I5, 2014 (No. 3898) _ Cenificate ot Compktion Upon completion of all wcxk approvecl within tlie 401 Ws�er Qualin Certificatinn or applicabk Buffcr Rules, and any subsequent modificaticros, the applicant is required to rctum this cenificate to the 401 'fransportation Permitting Unit. Nwth Carolina Division of Water Resouroes, 1650 Mail Scrvice Ccnter, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1650. This form may be retumed to NCDWR by the applicant, the applicanYs authorized agcnt, or the project engineer. It is nol neccssary to send certificates fmm all ofthese. Applicanl's Cerrlficn�ion �• �arkSiloSS._. _ ____, hereby state that, ro thc best of my abilitics, due carc and diligence was uud in the observation of U�e conswction such that tha construction was observed m 6c built within substantial compliancc and inte ofthe 401 Water Quality Certitication and L3uffcr Rules, thc approved a� specifi ions, n other supporting materials. Signature: . - - �� -_— _ Data __ � � - � ? - � `l � � ._-- AgenPs Cerlification �. , hcrchy state thal, to the bcs� c�f my abilities, due care and diligence was used in �hc ohservation ot'the conslruction such that the construction was observed to he huih within subslantial compliance and intent of the 40! Water (juality Certification anJ f3uffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting matcrials. Signuturc: Bagineo's Certlficarion Partial Final Dalc: �• , as a duly registcred 1'n�fessional lingineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to o6scrve (periodically, w�Ykly, full time) the consVuction of Ihe project For the Permittee hercAy uate that, to the best of my abilitics, due care and diligence was uscd in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed ta be built within suhstantial compliance end intent of the 401 Watcr Vuality Cenification and [3uffer Rules, the appmved plans and specifications, and other suppoAing materials. Signamre---- ---_ _ -_. RegistrationNo. Date