HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150759 Ver 1_Application for Surrender of License_20170522Strickland, Bev From: Andrew Givens <acgivens@cardinalenergy.com> Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 10:19 AM To: George.A.Piner@usace.army.mil; randal.pool@ferc.gov; bryan_tompkins@fws.gov; juliepmoore@fs.fed.us; State Clearinghouse; Goudreau, Chris J.; Gledhill-earley, Renee; Mcmillan, Ian; Burdette, Jennifer a; Higgins, Karen; Tarver, Fred; joe.furman@watgov.org; Rick.miller@townofboone.net; rherndon@regiond.org; Ilayton@blueridgeemc.com; andy@mountaintrue.org; squeaksmith@earthlink.net; Kevin@americanwhitewater.org; Mark@americanwhitewater.org; emccombs@americanrivers.org; carterjr@appstate.edu; gangloffmm@appstate.edu; scanlindm@appstate.edu Cc: vcward@skybest.com Subject: Application to Surrender the license for the Ward Mill Dam Attachments: Application for Surrender of License .pdf Good Morning, Today, on behalf of Mr. Ray Ward, I filed the Application for the Surrender of the License of the Ward Mill Dam hydroelectric project. A copy of the application is attached. Due in part to requirements of the subsequent license issued by FERC in February, 2017, and operational concerns, Mr. Ward expects to cease operation of the project this summer and requests that FERC issue an order to that effect by September 1, 2017. With the termination of the generation and the surrender of the license, the river will remain a run - of -river stream, the environment will remain as it has, and the features such the canoe portage route will remain in place. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me so that we can discuss the application. Thanks, Andy Givens 919-605-6125 Ward Mill Dam APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF A HYDRO LICENSE FERC Project # 9842 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF A LICENSE FOR A MINOR WATER POWER PROJECT Ward Mill Dam — Project #9842 Initial Statement 1. This is the application of Mr. Ray F. Ward to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for the surrender of a license for the Ward Mill Dam Project # 9842-000, as described herein. 2. The location of the project is: State: County: Nearby Town: Stream: North Carolina Watauga Boone NC Watauga River 3. The exact name, address, and telephone number of the applicant is: Mr. Ray F. Ward 443 Old Watauga River Road Sugar Grove, North Carolina, 28679 (828) 297-3213 4. The exact name, address, and telephone number of each person authorized to act as agent for the applicant: Andrew C. Givens 2308 Wheeler Rd. Raleigh, North Carolina 27612 919-605-6125 ac ig vensA,cardinalenergy.com 5. The applicant is a citizen of the United States and is not claiming preference under section 7(a) of the Federal Power Act. 6. CONSULTATION WITH AGENCIES — The applicant consulted with the federal state, and local agencies as well as other interested parties throughout the licensing application process 2011 through 2016. Early in 2017 the licensee informally discussed the possibility of surrendering the license and decommissioning the plant with the primary state agencies that participated in the licensing process. On or about March 30, the licensee distributed a draft of this application to these agencies as well as other parties listed on Page 7. May 19, 2017 Page 1 Ward Mill Dam APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF A HYDRO LICENSE FERC Project # 9842 Recommendations regarding the content of this application were received directly from two agencies; the Hydropower & Special Projects Coordinator for the NC Wildlife Resources Commission; and the Basin Planning Branch of the Water Resources Division of the NC Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The recommendations have been incorporated in this application. Written comments were received from the Basin Planning Branch of DEQ, (pages A.2 — A.3); and from the NC State Environmental Review Clearinghouse, (pages A.4 — A.16). The comments of the Natural Heritage Program of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (pages A.9 — A.13) submitted through the clearinghouse lists the Species of Concern that may be in the project area or within 1 mile. These species were studied in the license process and the Environmental Assessment conducted by the FERC staff, and none were found to be in the project area. The response of May 1, 2017 the State Historic Preservation Office on page A.14 indicates that they have no comment regarding this application. This is consistent with the comments to the license application dated October 3, 2011, from that office indicating; "We have conducted a review of the project and are aware of no historic resources which would be affected by the project." On this basis, and on reflection of the rather common nature of the equipment involved, the licensee believes that the plant does not meet the criteria for historic preservation. We have had other verbal consultation with agencies and interested parties. One party provided written comments regarding the request, and subsequently requested, in writing, that the comment be withdrawn from the filing. Those comments are not included here. 7. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT - The Ward Mill Dam is located on the Watauga River in the western portion of Watauga County, North Carolina. The Ward Mill dam was rebuilt in 1963 with a new rock and concrete dam. The dam is 130 feet long; it is 20 feet high from the bedrock base to the top of the dam, and 16 feet from the river bed to the top of the dam. The base of the dam is 21 feet thick. FERC has determined that the Ward Mill Dam is a low hazard dam. There are two turbine/generator units at the facility. One unit has a capacity of 75 kW and one unit has a capacity of 93 kW for a total installed capacity is 168 kW. The turbines are connected to the generators via shafts and a belt drive. The powerhouse is integrated into the south end of the dam and the flow through the turbines returns to the riverbed at the toe of the dam. The generation at Ward Mill Dam is manually operated with manual starting and operation, and automatic shutdown. The plant is operated in a run -of -river mode at all times, and is not used for peaking. 8. RECENT RELICENSING: In 1986 the licensee received a 30 years license to operate through August 31, 2016. The licensee prepared and filed the license application in August 2014. The 1986 license expired on August 31, 2016 without a new license, and on September 7, 2016 FERC issued an annual licensee to continue operating until the new license was issued. The ORDER ISSUING THE SUBSEQUENT LICENSE was issued on February 2, 2017. By letter of March 4, 2017, the licensee declined the new license and is now filing to surrender the license entirely. The declining of the new license was acknowledged by a letter dated March 31, 2017, from Mr. Steve Hocking, Chief of the Environmental and Project Review Branch. May 19, 2017 Page 2 Ward Mill Dam APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF A HYDRO LICENSE FERC Project # 9842 During the five year long relicensing process, the licensee conducted the required consultations with the governmental agencies and other interested parties, and conducted biological and environmental studies to identify the impact of the current run -of -river operation of the project. The filed information provides a complete record of the current facilities and the environmental impact of the project. On Sept 8, 2016, the licensee received a 401 Water Quality Certificate from the NC Water Resources Division. The licensee recognizes the need for responsible compliance with the environmental requirements of the 401 certificate. To a significant extent, the provisions for the 401 certificate relates to the maintenance of the run -of -river status of the dam. With the decommissioning of the plant, the river will not be controlled, and the flow at the dam will be run -of -river, as proposed by the agencies. 9. INITIAL STATEMENT REGARDING THE SURRENDER OF THE LICENSE: The licensee has operated this project for the generation of electricity for over 30 years. In filing the license application, the licensee had hoped that it would be possible for the operation to be turned over to a family member who could operate the plant. This has not been the case. Further, it would not be acceptable to the licensee for the license to be transferred to an unknown operator because of the close proximity of the project to the licensee's home, and the fact that the generating facility is integrated with the machine shop and other facilities owned and operated by the licensee. In addition, the extra record keeping requirements as well as the additional capital expenses required by the new license make the continued long term operation economically infeasible. For these reasons the licensee desires to surrender the existing license, and intends to end the operation of the project no later than August 31, 2017. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1) PROJECT FACILITIES: The August 2014 Application for a Subsequent License includes comprehensive information regarding the project. The information below may be supplemented with the information previously provided. 1.1) NUMBER OF GENERATING UNITS: There are two generator units at the facility. One unit has a capacity of 75 kW and one unit has a capacity of 93 kW for a total installed capacity of 168 kW. The generators are AC motors that have been converted to serve as induction generators. The Francis type turbines with 30 inch reaction runners and vertical draft tubes are connected to the generators via shafts and a belt drive. The turbines were installed in the 1940s to power the sawmill. The generators and electrical equipment were installed between 1983 and 1986. 1.2) POWERHOUSE: The electric generation is integrated into the licensee's farm workshop and lumber mill facility. The building is along the south bank of the river and atop the south end of the dam. The decommissioning of the project would not require any changes to the workshop building. The power is sold to Blue Ridge EMC. The utility interconnection point and May 19, 2017 Page 3 Ward Mill Dam APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF A HYDRO LICENSE FERC Project # 9842 the retail point of service to the shop and home are located on the southern wall of the shop building. It will be necessary for Blue Ridge EMC to make changes to the meter installation, but the existing distribution system is expected to remain. 1.3) OPERATION: The Ward Mill Dam is a manually operated project which was designed for manual starting and operating, and automatic shutdown. The plant is operated in a run -of -river mode at all times, and is not used for peaking. This plant has been operated for 30 years and the annual generation level has varied from below 290,000 kWh to over 599,000 kWh. The variation is based primarily on the variation of the annual stream flow. 1.4) RESERVOIR DESCRIPTION: The reservoir has an estimated surface area of 4.6 acres, with an estimated gross storage capacity of 16.3 acre-feet. The reservoir is approximately 130 wide at the dam, and is approximately 100 feet for much of its length. The dam normally backs up water approximately 2,500 feet. 1.5) HYDRAULIC CAPACITY AND FLOW: The maximum estimated hydraulic capacity of the project is 158 cfs. The drainage area of the Watauga River basin at the dam is estimated to be 92.6 square miles. The USGS in conjunction with the Tennessee Valley Authority maintains USGS gage 03479000 at the convergence of Cove Creek and the Watauga River, approximately 200 feet upstream from the impoundment. 1.6) SIZE AND CONSTRUCTION OF PROJECT: The Ward Mill dam was rebuilt in 1963 with a new rock and concrete dam, reinforced with one inch diameter vertical steel rods placed approximately 4 foot apart across the interior structure of the dam. These rods are imbedded 2 and 1/2 feet into the bedrock with reinforced steel running horizontally through the interior of the dam 2) DECOMMISSIONING PLAN — The licensee expects to discontinue operation of the generation on the earlier of September 1, 2017, or the issuance of the order of the Commission permitting the surrender of the license. With the issuance of the order of the Commission permitting the surrender of the license, the licensee will carry out the following steps to decommission the plant: 2.1) Disconnection of the ,generator controls from the utility interconnection point. This will include the opening of interconnection switches which tie the generation to the retail delivery point; the removal of the generation breaker(s) from the panel in the vicinity of the interconnection point; the removal of the control panel adjacent to the generators; and the removal of wiring connecting the generation to the utility interconnection point. All of this is inside the powerhouse/workshop building. With the removal of this equipment there can be no power delivered to the grid. The interconnection will be opened by the earlier of September 1, 2017, or following the issuance of the order of the Commission granting the surrender of the license. The licensee will offer the generators, control equipment, and wiring for sale following decommissioning. 2.2) The removal of both generators from the system. After the generators are disconnected from wiring and the drive belts will be removed. The equipment will be offered for May 19, 2017 Page 4 Ward Mill Dam APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF A HYDRO LICENSE FERC Project # 9842 sale following the decommissioning. The generators may remain in place until sold and removed by the buyer. 2.3) Removal of the turbines. The turbines and related equipment will be offered for sale or scrapped. The turbines may remain in place until they are sold. 2.4) Building Changes. All anticipated changes will be within the existing shop and power house, and there will be no changes to the exterior of the existing buildings or structures. 2.5) Interconnection with the Utility. The plant is connected to Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative at a 220/480v retail delivery point which is at the end of a 14.4kV primary distribution line on the Cooperative's distribution system. This distribution line and the secondary facilities that serve the generation plant, also serves the licensee's shop facilities and the licensee's home. With the termination of the generation, the utility will not have to change any of the existing distribution facilities, although Blue Ridge EMC may at some point modify the meter and interconnection facilities. 2.6) Recreation Facilities. The canoe portage and access to the river for fishermen and others will be maintained as described in the existing license and the recently declined license. ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS 3.1) GENERAL: The licensee filed an Application for a Subsequent License on August 29, 2014, and the subsequent license was issued February 2, 2017. Due to the circumstances of the licensee, and the change in the requirements of the license, the licensee declined to accept the license in a letter for FERC dated March 4, 2017. In the licensing process, the licensee and participating agencies reviewed the environmental issues related to the project. Included with the application was the report entitled, Effects of Ward's Mill Dam on Fishes, Mussels, and Hellbenders in the Watauga River, Watauga County North Carolina by Dr. Michael M Gangloff, Michael Perkins, Jorden Holcomb, and M. Worth Pugh. Also included with the application was the report, Ward Mill Dam Hydropower Project, Run of River Operation by Mark A. Cantrell, US Fish and Wildlife Service; Chris Goudreau, NC Wildlife Resources Commission: and Fred Tarver, NC Division of Water Resources. These reports and significant additional environmental information is included in this docket in the license application filings, and a portion of the information is included below. The information in Exhibit E of the license application is relevant to this filing, to the extent applicable. Under the original 1986 license, the project has been operated as a run -of -river project, with the project outflow matching the project inflow. With this operating procedure, when the inflow is insufficient to flow over the dam while operating, the generators are shut off and the flow over and past the dam is the same as the inflow. This requirement remains in place under the annual authorization of September 7, 2016. May 19, 2017 Page 5 Ward Mill Dam APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF A HYDRO LICENSE FERC Project # 9842 With the surrendering of the license, there will no generation and no control of the flow of the river. Thus, the site will remain run of river. The environmental impact of the dam will be essentially the same as under the terms of the current annual license. With the surrender of the FERC license, the licensee will submit the necessary information to the Dam Safety Program of NC Department of Environmental Quality — Division of Energy Materials, and Land Resources to determine if the dam will be exempt, or under the jurisdiction of that agency. 3.2) ENVIRONMENTAL DESCRIPTION AT THE WARD MILL DAM 3.2.1) LOCATION: The Ward Mill Dam hydroelectric project is located on the Watauga River in Watauga County, approximately 10 miles west of Boone, North Carolina, approximately 3000 feet downstream from the confluence of Cove Creek with the Watauga River. This is approximately 7 miles from the North Carolina -Tennessee State Line. The project is located in the Laurel Creek Township, Northern Latitude 36 degrees, 14 minutes, 20 seconds and Western Longitude 81 degrees, 49 minutes, 20 seconds. The project boundaries remain as in the 1986 license. The dam is considered a low hazard dam by FERC. The impoundment is approximately 4.6 acres. A United States Geological Survey Gaging Station, Watauga River near Sugar Grove, North Carolina (03479000), is located 1/2 mile upstream of the dam and has been recording stream flow data since 1939. The drainage area at the Gaging Station is 92.1 square miles, and the drainage area at the dam is estimated to be 92.6 square miles. At the gage the peak discharge is 50,800 cfs; the minimum daily discharge is 13 cfs; and the average daily discharge in the prior 10 years has been 158 cfs. 3.2.2) RECREATION: The primary recreational pursuits include fishing, canoeing, and rafting in the immediate vicinity of the project will remain with the surrender of the license. The maintenance of the natural habitat and undeveloped character of the area as well as the recreational access will remain. For boaters that are traveling along the river, there is a portage trail that begins at the cleared takeout on the southwest side of the river, approximately 150 feet above the dam. This trail will remain after the license is surrendered. 3.3) EXPECTED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS No construction, rehabilitation, alteration or repair of any site facilities is expected at this time. The elimination of the generation will eliminate the control of the water flow at this site and improve the run -of -river attributes of the site. There is no known critical habitat, or endangered or threatened species in the area. No known recreational resources would be impacted. The surrender of the license should not affect the fishery resources, including trout, in the immediate vicinity of the project or in the river basin. May 19, 2017 Page 6 Ward Mill Dam FERC Project # 9842 APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF A HYDRO LICENSE Contacts and Consultation List Surrender of the FERC License for Ward Mill Dam FERC Project # 9842 Organization Contact Email Address US Army Corps of Engineers Mr. George Piner George.A.Piner(q),usace.army.mil Wilmington Office 910-251-4762 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Mr. Randy Pool randal.pool(a),ferc.gov Atlanta Office 678-245-3079 Washington Office Mr. Steve Hocking steve.hocking_(&fea� rc.gov 202-502-8753 US Fish and Wildlife Service Mr. Bryan Tompkins brvan_tompkins(gfws.gov Asheville NC Office 828-258-3939 x240 National Forest Service Ms. Julie Moore juliepmoore(&fs.fed.us Asheville NC Office 828-257-4859 North Carolina Environmental Ms. Shelia Green state.clearinghouse(&doa.nc.gov Clearinghouse 919-807-2425 NC Wildlife Resources Commission Mr. Christopher Goudreau chris.goudreau(gncwildlife.org 828-652-4360 NC Dept. of Cultural Resources NC Ms. Renee Gledhill -Earley renee.gledhill-earlev(&ncdcr.gov Historic Preservation Office 919-807-6583 NC DEQ Ian McMillan Ian.mcmillan(a)ncdenr.gov 919-707-9026 NC DEQ Jennifer Burdette jennifer.burdette(a)ncdenr.goy Division of Water Resources 919- 807-6364 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit NC DEQ Karen Higgins Karen.higgins(gncdenr.gov Division of Water Resources 919-807-6360 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit NC DEQ Mr. Fred R Tarver III fred.tarveramcdenni4ov Division of Water Resources 919-707-9029 Watauga County Mr. Joseph Furman joe.f u-man(a)wat og v.org (828)265-8043 Town of Boone Mr. Rick Miller Rick.millergtownofboone.net - Utility Director High Country Council of Mr. Rick Herndon rhemdon(&regiond.org Governments Blue Ridge Electric Membership Mr. Lee Layton lla)ton(a)blueridgeemc.com Corporation 828-759-8939 Watauga River Keeper Mr. Andy Hill andy@mountaintrue.org Appalachian Voices 828-278-9821 Trout Unlimited - Mr. Michael Smith saueaksmith(aOearthlink.net NC Representative 828-584-2848 American Whitewater Kevin Colburn Kevin&americanwhitewater.org Mark Singleton Mark@americanwhitewater.org American Rivers Ms. Erin McCombs emccombskamericanrivers.org Appalachian State University Mr. Joe Carter carter))&appstate.edu Dr. Michael Gangloff angloffmmOa-ppstate.edu Dr. Dennis Scanlin 828-262-6361 scanlindmgqppstate.edu May 19, 2017 Page 7 Ward Mill Dam APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF A HYDRO LICENSE FERC Project # 9842 Attachment — Agency Comments May 19, 2017 Page A. 1 Ward Mill Dam FERC Project # 9842 Water Resources Environmental Quality Andrew C. Givens Cardinal Energy Service 2308 Wheeler Road Raleigh, NC 27612 APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF A HYDRO LICENSE April 11, 2017 Subject: Agency Consultation, Project License Surrender Application Ward Mill Hydroelectric Project, FERC No. P-9842, Watauga River, Watauga County, North Carolina 28679 Mr. Givens: ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Director The NC Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) has reviewed and offers the following comments on the draft application for surrender of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) license recently issued for the Ward Mill Hydroelectric Project, which is owned and operated by Mr. Ray Ward. L The surrender of a FERC -issued license is the decision of the licensee with the approval of the FERC. NCDWR worked with Mr. Ward and other resource agencies during relicensing of the project to craft terms and conditions for the new, 30 -year license that allowed continued, economic power generation while providing for the monitoring of both project operations and natural resources commensurate with the scale of the project and its impacts. 2. Section 3. 1, page 5 states: "With the surrendering of the license, there will no generation and no control of the flow of the river. Thus, the site will remain run of river. The environmental impact of the dam will be essentially the same as under the terms of the current annual license. At that point, the project will fall under the NC Division of Water Resources and the Wildlife Resources Commission." NCDWR does not anticipate having any authority over the unlicensed Ward Dam should the FERC approve the surrender beyond enforcement of water quality standards. Removal of the dam would require a Clean Water Act Section 404 permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers and a 401 Water Quality Certification from Nothing Compares!: -- State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality 1611 Mail Service Center )Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1611 919-707-9000 May 19, 2017 Page A. 2 Ward Mill Dam FERC Project # 9842 NCDWR Uccnse Surrender Application Comments Wird Mili ttydroelectzic Prcieri, FERC No. t'-9842 APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF A HYDRO LICENSE the 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch. NCDWR also recommends consulting with the Division regarding any plans to open the dam's sand gate. North Carolina's authority over the inspection and safety of dams lies with the Department of Environmental Quality's Division of Energy, Mining, and Land Resources (DEMLR). Mr. Ward should consult with DEMLR-Dam Safety to determine if the dam meets jurisdictional conditions. 3. NCDWR supports the removal of dams that exhibit significant safety concerns or no longer serve their intended purpose. NCDWR is not recommending the removal of Ward Dam as a condition of license surrender. One option for Ward Dam that may be considered, if license surrender is approved, is to serve as a water supply source for the Town of Beech Mountain. The Town's water supply reservoir on Buckeye Creek has difficulty meeting demand during droughts, and they are considering the Watauga River as a future water supply source. The Watauga River Gorge, downstream of Ward Dam, is a regionally significant whitewater boating destination and is included in Benner and Benner (1993).1 Removal of the dam would provide a longer float without the need for a portage. Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments. I can be contacted with questions and comments at fred.tarver@ncdenr.gov, or 919-707-9029. Sincerely, 4� Fred R Tarver III Basin Planning Branch cc, Jennifer Burdette, NCDWR-401 & Buffer Permitting Branch Bryan Thompkins, USFWS-Asheville RO Chris Goudreau, NCWRC 1 Benner, B. and D. Benner. 1993. Carolina Whitewater: A Canoeist's [Paddler's] Guide to the Western Carolinas. Menasha Ridge Press. Birmingham AL. 300pp. 21 Page May 19, 2017 Page A. 3 Ward Mill Dam FERC Project # 9842 ROY C©OPER GOVEt3.0IG APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF A HYDRO LICENSE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA May 18, 2017 Mr. Andrew Givens Cardinal Energy Service, Inc. 620 N. West Street, Suite 103 Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 MACHELLE SANDERS SECRETARY Re. SCH File # 17-E-0000-0424; Surrender of license for the Ward ]Hill Dam, FERC Project #9842. Dear Mr. Givens: The above referenced environmental impact information has been submitted to the State Clearinghouse under the provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act. According to ^ G.S. 113A-10, when a state agency is required to prepare an environmental document under the provisions of federal law, the environmental document meets the provisions of the State Environmental Policy Act. Attached to this letter for your consideration are comments made by the agencies in the course of this review. If any further environmental review documents are prepared for this project, they should be forwarded to this office for intergovernmental review. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. sincerely, Crystal Best State Environmental Review Clearinghouse Attachments cc: Region D ,t 01mg Address. Tdephom: (919) 807-2425 NC DEPARTMENT OF ADMMTRATTON Location: MAILFax: (919) 733-957] 116 WEST JONES STREET 1301 IGH, SERVICE ,CENTER- COURIER 951-07-00 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA RAl-S7GFI, NC 27699-1301 Efiw s€ate.rlenrirsg{ro�,se{aj�loa.ncgrn, Webs0. 'I",.Iib'admw :nc.ggy May 19, 2017 Page A. 4 Ward Mill Dam FERC Project # 9842 VIEW Environ rr,cn W,i �R:oiRy MEMORANDUM To: Crystal Best State Clearinghouse Coordinator Department of Administration APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF A HYDRO LICENSE From: Lyn Hardison Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service Environmental Assistance and Project Review Coordinator Washington Regional Office RE: 17-0424 Environmental Review Surrender of license forthe Ward Mill Dam, FERC Project #9842 Watauga County Date: May 12, 2017 ROY COOPER MICHAEL S REGAN The Department of Environmental Quality has reviewed the proposal for the referenced project. The comments are attached for the applicant's review. The Department's agencies will continue to be available to assist the applicant through the environmental review processes. Thank you for the opportunity to respond. Attachments &me orNodh Ca, -olio" _',--ironmental Qua€jcv 17 West ,tones Street:, IW t,!.%iI Service Center I Rateijn. Niorih Carolina 37099-1 GOl Vtazhintron R.egionat tJffice 943 Washingion 5cuare Mull. Wasninglon-Nosh Cara€in"7889 May 19, 2017 Page A. 5 Ward Mill Dam FERC Project # 9842 .State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT COMMENTS APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF A HYDRO LICENSE Reviewing Regional Office: WSRO Project Number: 17-0424 Due Date: 05/08/2017 County: Watauga After review ofthis project it has been determined that the DEQ permits) and/or approvals indicated may need to be obtained in order for this project to comply with Norfh Carolina Law. Questions regarding these permits should be addressed to the Regional Office indicated on the reverse of the form, All applications, information and guidelines relative to these plans and permits are available from thesame Regional Office. DEQ INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT Form Page 1 of 3 January 20:7/lbh May 19, 2017 Page A. 6 Normal Process PERMITS SPECIAL APPLICATION PROCEDURES or REQUIREMENTS Time (statutory time lin ill Permit to construct & operate wastewater ❑ treatment facilities, non-standard sewersystem ts- 90 days before begins constriction -st-ap d construction 30 days y extensions &sewersystemsthat do not contracts- ontra -site inspection may be required- post -application ca technical (90 days) discharge into state sur€ace. waters. technical conference usual. Con Permit to construct & operate, sewer extensions involving gravity sewers, pump stations and Fast -Track Permitting program consists of the submittal of an 30 days force mains discharging into a sewer collection g� g application and an engineer's cerrificetion that project meets all UN/A) system applicable State rules and Division Minimum Design Criteria. NPDES - permit to discharge into surface water Application 180 days before begins activity. Or-ite inspection. Pre- _ ❑ and/or permit to operate and construct application conference usual. Additionally, obtain permitio construct 90-120 days wastewater facilities discharging into state w astewater treatment facility -granted after NPOES, Reply time, 30 days (N/A) surface waters. after receipt of plans or issue of NPDES permit -whichever is later. ❑ Water Use Permit Pre -application technical conference usually necessary. 30 days (N/A) ' Complete appli titian must be received and permit issued prior to the ❑ Well construction Permit installation of a groundwaterrronitoring well located on property not 7 days owned by the applicant, and fora large capacity (>100,000 gallons per (15 days) day) water supply well. Application copy must be served on each adjacent riparian property ❑ Dredge and Fill Permit owner. On-site inspection. Pre -application conference usual. Filling may SS days l require Easement to Fill from N.C. Department of Administration and (90 days) Federal Dredge and Fill Permit. Pernot to construct &. operate Air Pollution Application must he submitted and perm Ir received prior to pp © Abatement facilities and/or Emission Sources a5 construction and operation a` the source. If a permit is required local 90 days 11 per i5 A NCAC (2Q.0100 thru 2Q.03OO) in an area without zoning, then there are additional requirements and timelines (20.0113{. Any open burning associated with subject ❑ proposal must be In compliance with 15 A NCAC N/A 60 days 2D.1900 (90 days} Demolition or renovations of structures please Note, The Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) of the N.C. i containing asbestos material must be in Department of Health and Human Services, must be notified of plans to ❑ compliance with 15 A NCAC 20.1130 (a) (1) demolish a building, including residences for commercial or industriat I 60 days 11 which requires nptification and rerrcval priorto expansion, even if no asbestos is present ir, the building. (90 days) demolition,. Contact Asbestos Control Group 919-707-5950 The Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 must he properly addressed for any land disturbing activity. An erosion & sedimentation control plan will be required if one ormore acres are to be disturbed. Plan must be fi€ed with and approved 0 by applicable Regional Office (Land Quality Section) at least 30 days before beginning activity. A NPDES Construction, 20 days Stormwater permit INC501"O) is also usually issued should design features meet minimum requirements. A fee of $65 (30 days) for the first acre or any part of an acre. An express review option is available with additional fees. Sedimentation and erosion control must be addressed in accordance with NCDOVs approved program. Particular attention ❑ should be given to design and installation of appropriate per, meter sed I ment tra aping devices as well as stable Stormwater (30 days) conveyances and outlets. Sedimentation and erosion ccr€troi must be addressed in accordance with approved program. ❑ Particular attention should be given to design and installation of appropriate perimeter sedim l as nt trapping devices as well Based on Local stable Stormwater conveyances and outlets. Program { ❑ Compliance with 15A NCAC 211 .0126 - NPDES Stormwater Program which regulates three Types of activities: Industrial, 30-60 days Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System & Construction activities that disturb 21 acre. (90 days) Compliance with 15A NCAC 2H 1000 -State Stormwater Permitting Programs regulate site development and post- ❑ [ construction stormwater runoff control. Areas subject to these permit programs include all 20 coastal counties, and various , 45 -'days othercounties and watersheds throughout the state. (90 days) DEQ INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT Form Page 1 of 3 January 20:7/lbh May 19, 2017 Page A. 6 Ward Mill Dam FERC Project # 9842 r11 State or North Carolina Department of Environmentai Quality INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT COMMENTS APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF A HYDRO LICENSE Reviewing Regional Office: WSRO Prosect Number: 17-0424 DueDate:O_5J08/20;.7 County: Watauga DEQ INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT Form Page 2 of 3 January 2017/ibh - May 19, 2017 Page A. 7 Normal Process PERMITS SPECIAL APPLICATION PROCEDURES or REQUIREMENTS 1' Ill lme 1 ('statutorytime limit) Or -site inspection usual. Surety bond filed with 0€Q Bond amount ❑ Mining Permit varies with type mine and number or acres of affected land. Affected 30 days area greater than one acre must be permitted. The g p appropriate bond (60 days) must be received before the Dermi t can be Issued. I If penmit required, application 60 days before begin construction. Applicant must hire N.C. qualified engineer to: prepare plans, inspect construction„ and certify construction is according to DEQ approved ❑ Dam Safety Permit plans. Mayalso require a permit under mosquito control program. And j 30 days a 404 permit from Corps of Engineers. An inspection ofshe is necessary (60 days) to verify Hazard Classification. A minimum fee of $200.00 mast accompanythe app€:cation- An additional processing fee based on a percentage or thetotal project cost will be required upon completion. ❑ oil Refining Facilities - N/A 90-120 days (NIA) file surety bond of $5,000 with DEQ running to State of NC conditional ❑ Permit to drill exploratory oil or gas well that any well opened by drill operator shall, upon abandonment, be ID days Plugged according to DEQ rules and regulations- NIA ❑ ueophysical Exploration Permit Application flied with DEQ at least 10 days prior to issue of permit 10 days Application by letter. No standard application form. N/A Application fee based on structure size is charged. Must include ❑ State Lakes Construction Permit descriptions & drawings of Structure & proof of ownership of riparian I 15-20 days Property i NIA compliance with the T15A 02H .0500 Certifications are required E]401 Water Quality Certification whenever construction or operation of facilities will result Ina 60 days discharge into navigable water as described In 33 CFR part 323. (130 days) Compliance with Catawba, Goose Creek, Jordan Lalce, Randleman, Far Pamlico or Neuse Riparian Buffer Rules is required. Bufferrequiremen[s ..- -..0 ' a - , at - - c->.-t.3r-resrn.rce_-pe'r7ttsi �a•ieiae.�. b -r-..r " ❑ vderiana•buffe'-pe 1 Nutrient Offset: Loading requirements for nitrogen and phosphorus in the Neuse and lar -Pamlico River basins, and in the Jordan and Falls Lake watersheds, as part of the nutrient -management strategies in these areas- DWR nutrient offset ❑ in'emeaten, ❑ CAMA Permit for MAJOR ch—el.11 $250-00-$475.00fee must ac.a mpanyapplicatlon 75 days J (150 days) ❑ GJ MA Permit for MINOR development $100.00 fee must accompany application 22 days (25 days) ❑ Abandonmentof any wells, if required must be in accordance With T itle 15A. Subchapter 2C.0100. ® Notification of the proper regional office is requested f "orphan" underground storagetanks (USTS) are discovered during any excavation operation. Pians and specifications for the construction, expansion, or alteration of a public watersystem must be approved bythe Division of Water Resources/Public Water Supply Section prior to the award of a contract orthe initiation of construction as © per 15A NCAC 18C -0300 et. seq., Plans and specifications should be submitted to 1634 Mail Service Center, Raleigh,. North 30 days Canctura27699.1634. At public wazersupplysystams must connuly with state and federal drinking water monitoring requ iremerits. For more information, contact the Public Water Supply Section, (919) 707 -91(s) - If existing waterlines will be relocated during the constroction, plans for the water line relocation must be submitted to the ❑ Division of Water ResogrceslPubric Water Supply Section at 1634 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1634. 30 days For more information, contact the Public Water Supply Section, (919) 707-9100. Pians and specifications for the construction:, expansion, or alteration of the _ water system must be approved through ❑ the delegated plan approval authority. Please contact them at for further information. DEQ INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT Form Page 2 of 3 January 2017/ibh - May 19, 2017 Page A. 7 Ward Mill Dam FERC Project # 9842 /"1 State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT COMMENTS APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF A HYDRO LICENSE Reviewing Regional Office: WSRO Project Number: 17-0424 Due Date: 05/08/2017 County: Watauga Other Comments (attach additional pages as necessary, being certain to comment authority) Division Initials INC i comment Cornrnents Date Review iDAQ UDE ® 5/2/17 DWR-WQROS (Aquifer & Surfa,-e) GSS & ® & 4/18/17 DWR-PWS EAH 4/18/17 0EMLR(LQ &5W) MF,G 4/19/17 DWM - UST SBW Li See Above. No UST or Non -UST incidents identified at this location. No spills I or releases have been reported at this location. 5/4/17 Other Comments REGJONAL OFFICES Questions regarding these permits should be addressed to the Regional Office marked below. ❑ Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28 7 78-8 2 11 Phone: 829-296-4500 Fax:828-299-7043 ❑ Raleigh Regional Office 3800 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 Phone: 919-791-4200 Fax: 919-571-4718 DEQ INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT Form January 2017/lbh ❑ Fayetteville Regional Office 225 Green Street, Suite 714, Fayetteville, NC 2 83 01-50 4 3 Phone: 910-433-3300 Fax: 910-486-0707 ❑ Washington Regional Office 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, NC 27839 Phone: 252-946-6481 Fax: 252-975-3716 ❑ Winston-Salem Regional Office 450 Hanes Mill Read, Suite 300, Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Phone: 336-776-9800 Fax: 336-776.9797 ❑ Mooresville Regional office 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, INC 28115 Phone: 704-663-1699 Fax: 704-663-6040 ❑ Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: 910-796-721S Fax: 910-350-2004 Page 3 of 3 May 19, 2017 Page A. 8 Ward Mill Dam APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF A HYDRO LICENSE FERC Project # 9842 NGR'TH CM C Iiw!NA STATE. Ci,FWUNGHOUSE IiEPARTI� OF ADMINISTRATION 1NTERGQVE€"MNTAL REV1E116' �\ COUNTY. Ell 1: EUERCY -P=A"_'ED STATr kVUMB2R, E.-117C^i-+= AC-ENCY RESPONSE,. 0`10R,202-, aPZVItV Ci.05En: FSR. RODNE"s BUT,-. E , DJC - =r. T TIER= hCF DKo -xV wEpu_CE CZN' S"� . REVTE--W DISTRYBUTION DEPT _ OF ACF7_­r7L .;RZ -- - DEPT �WS DCLRT T- CST ENC=. - ?T -._U__-,- '-i P_, -"S C ?RoD;R N RIGY CG_zjNCCS_ PROJECT INFORMATION TYP'F; ?+z=ion-al :`miroT_1ineThal Pclicl it "3R ix'OT,M213t �..{. RSVi EW' DES:._ Sia="__ndeel o. .srd Nell Dam, _'RC Prc-"ec L. #59F42, r1 The attacizied.. 3.D ojecz_ F,as Heen stli"iwdtted 7o the t.T. C. state C-lear_nghouse ror go'Lc.rx'LTi..._...a. w:'L'i e+s,. ,.iEa;32 rE,TJew 8r,, submit YCV._ __.sperosE V the above av-d"ca -..- Ca.:el -_1 Service Center', Raleli g , '4r 2'76444 30-. 1i: aaditio-.,al _eviev, time Is swede_, pleas© con _c_ ..,.1.s office at May 19, 2017 Page A. 9 Ward Mill Dam FERC Project # 9842 APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF A HYDRO LICENSE Roy' COOPER sUsia. ULMILTO NCNHDE-3372 April 21, 2017 Andrew Givens Agent for Applicant Ray F Ward 2308 Wheeler Rd Raleigh, NC 27612 RE: Surrender of license for the Ward Mill Dam, FERC Project #9842 Dear Andrew Givens: The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) appreciates the opportunity to provide information about natural heritage resources for the project referenced above. A query of the NCNHP database indicates that there are records for rare species, important natural communities, natural areas, or conservation/managed areas within the proposed project boundary. These results are presented In the attached 'Documented Occurrences'tables and map. The attached 'Potential Occurrences' table summarizes rare species and natural communities that have been documented within a ane -mile radius of the property boundary. The proximity of these records suggests that these natural heritage elements may potentially be present in the project area if suitable habitat exists and Is included for reference. Tables of natural areas and conservatienlmanaged area within a one -mite radius of the praject area, if any, are also included in this report. Please note that natural heritage element data are maintained for the purposes of conservation planning, project review, and scientific research, and are not intended for use as the primary criteria for regulatory decisions. Information provided by the NCNHP database may not be published without prior written notification to the NCNHP, and the NCNHP must be credited as an information source in these publications. Maps of NCNHP data may not be redistributed without permission. Also please note that the NC Natural Heritage Program may follow this letter with additional correspondence if a Dedicated Nature Preserve (DNP), Registered Heritage Area (RHA), Clean Water Management Trust fund (CWMTF) easement, or an occurrence of a Federalty-listed species is documented near the project area. If you have questions regarding the information provided in this letter or need additional assistance, please contact Rodney A. Sutler at r� rev.but§ar; r;c tiri , or 919.707.8603. sincerely, NC Natural Heritage Program May 19, 2017 Page A. 10 Ward Mill Dam FERC Project # 9842 APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF A HYDRO LICENSE Q May 19, 2017 Page A. 11 H � T 2 a a _6 m c Mi to a _ n; m Y U z Q � U �Cc; � ro y V3 c 2 U to - d z U W ffi tl 6J d m N co 0 Cl) U ¢ E -w w fFm a © _ o " U Z W to a p Q c Q — CL Um C± W c arc oz v m �— a rn� .s dgIm L c b N 6i E w LL 2= > � . u a U w m m C 9L m m V � E R d. vule ¢ ewcaD� E H �, E a_ CLLu e n a' - f,1-0 w Q L m Z -z Q May 19, 2017 Page A. 11 Ward Mill Dam FERC Project # 9842 a - C� M Q� U �^ m a W � C, C. -- ;c a �¢ o a C'i 0 � a. a m. m y wm`w G _ d ate-. se •' tIl rIL a LL G in ui APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF A HYDRO LICENSE Q� V U �^ m a W � N C 6 ;c a �¢ o a � U 0 � O a a � cs c3 p_65 ci a � a LL G 0 Cc a: V - E- m c 'lY -'d E C,w W W zu 0 c w O � Q E w 17 C of R a 97 A ff O .0 Z t/} �'S O 6 w Jn� Q 0 N N N v a IL `w w a c €x U c Z N CD N i O„ w =a m -'m a Cc m .- _u y R o '� E Z w m a u Q w Q a M � 4ft V y, c a O.3 m m R! 7 �iJ�:h==3`J. 4 m LL au APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF A HYDRO LICENSE s a E a May 19, 2017 Page A. 12 Q� V U �^ m a - c m ¢ 2 w 0 U m C 6 ;c 07= �¢ o a a a n a 0 XL O a a � cs c3 p_65 ci s a E a May 19, 2017 Page A. 12 = V U �^ m a - c m ¢ 2 w m C 6 07= �¢ o a a a n a 0 a a � a � a LL G 0 Cc m _ c 'lY V m N -- 6 C tV C m W m c w Q E w 17 C of � Z- O 4m L 1p a�w. Q m p (L5 (] 3 Z t/} �'S E E Z s a E a May 19, 2017 Page A. 12 Ward Mill Dam FERC Project #9&2 / % \ IL Q e Q LL b / ƒ k ¢ ƒ / / § 2 % / / R / / / 2 U 2 � APPLICATION FORsRRENO£k O w @Yoko LICENSE m7 I% 2017 Page w 13 Ward Mill Dam FERC Project # 9842 COUNTY: WATAUGA APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF A HYDRO LICENSE NORTH CAROLINA. STATE CLEARINGHOUSE DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW X11;ENERGY RELATED FACILITIES/ACTIVITIES STATE NZ1VMBR; 17-E-0000-0424 DATE RECEiVHD: 08/12/2017 AGENCY RESPONSE; 05/08/2017 REVIEW? CLOSED: 05/12/2017 MS RENEE GLEDHILL-EARLEY CLEARINGHOUSE COORDINATOR DEPT OF NATURAL & CULTURAL RESOURCE _:•''.s' STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE - MSC 4G17 - ARCHIVES BUILDING RALEIGH NC P=EW DISTRIBUTION C DEPT OF AGRICULTURE DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY [. L�qt,� DEPT OF NATURAL & CULTURAL RESOURCE DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DNCR -- NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM DPS - DIV OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT HIGH COUNTRY COG PROJECT INFOMdATION APPLICANT: Ray F. Ward TYPE: National Environmental Policy Act Environmental Review DESC: Surrender of license for the Ward Mill Dam, FERC Project #9842. The attached project has been submitted to the N. C. State Clearinghouse for intergovernmental review. Please review and submit your response by the above indicated date to 1301 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1301. If additional review time is needed, please contact this office at (919)807-2425. AS A RESULT OF THIS REVIEW THE FOLLOWING IS SUBMI'T'TED: NO COMMENT F] COMMENTS ATTACHED SIGNED BY: LL DATE: e '17CI Nk 0 4 2611 Office DOA ✓"1 APR 12017 May 19, 2017 Page A. 14 Ward Mill Dam APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF A HYDRO LICENSE FERC Project # 9842 NORTH CAROLINA STATE CLEARINGHOUSE DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION INTERGOVERNMENT°AL REVIEW COUNTY: WATAUGA H11; ENERGY RELATED STATE NUMBER: 17-E-0000-0424 FACILITIES/ACTIVITIES DATE RECEIVED: 04/12/2017 AGENCY RESPOWSE: 05/08/2017 REVIEW CLOSED: 05/12/2017 MS CARRIE ATKINSON CLEARINGHOUSE COORDINATOR DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION STATEWIDE PLANNING - ITSC #1554 RALEIGH NC REVIRW DISTRIBUTION DEPT OF AGRICULTURE DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DEPT OF NATURAL & CULTURAL RESOURCE DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DNCR - NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM DPS - DIV OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT HIGH COUNTRY COG PROJECT INFORMATION APPLICANT: Ray F. Ward TYPE: National Environmental Policy Act Environmertal Review DESC: Surrender of license for the Ward ?ill Dam, FERC Project 09842. The attached project has been submitted to the N. C. State Clearinghouse for intergovernmental review. Please review and submit your response by the above indicated date to 1301 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NO 27699-1301. If additional review time is needed, please contact this office at (919)807-2425. AS A RESULT OF THIS REVIEW TUR FOLLOWING IS SUBMITTED: b70 COMMENT F-1 COMMENTS .ATTACHED STONED BY. DATE: PELF® Y ED Secretary's ,4NI 0 4 107 mice OOA May 19, 2017 Page A. 15 Ward Mill Dam FERC Project # 9842 COUNTY: WATAUGA APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF A HYDRO LICENSE NORTH CAROLINA STATE CLEARINGHOUSE DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW HllsENERGY RELATED FACILITIES/ACTIVITIES MS DEIRDRE HAMAN CLEARINGHOUSE COORDINA`T'OR BPS - DIV OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT FLOODPLAIN MANAGEYIENT PROGRAM 4218 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC RZVIEW DISTRIBUTION DEPT OF AGRICULTURE DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DEPT OF NATURAL & CULTURAL RESOURCE DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DNCR - NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM DPS - DIV OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT HIGH COUNTRY COG PROJECT INFOR2,TATION APPLICANT: Ray F. Pard TYPE; National Environmental Policy Act Environmental Review STATE NIMER: 17-E-0000-0424 DRTE RECEIVW: 04/12/2017 AGENCY RESPONSE: 05/08/2017 REVIEW CLOSED: 05/12/2017 Sect ar 'D tRrys APR 212017 �01k n DESC: Surrender of license for the Ward M4 11 Dam, FERC Project #9842. g�C[? f I i The attached project has been submitted to the N. C. State Clearinghouse =or intergovernmental review_ Please review and submit your response by the above indicated date to 1301 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1301. If additional review time is needed, please contact this office at (919)807-2425. AS A RESULT OF THIS REVIEW THE FOLLOWING IS SUBMITTED: MNO COMMENT [—] COMMENTS ATTACHED SIGNED BY: Vi DATE: Ij" At Lc � May 19, 2017 Page A. 16