HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180756 Ver 1_Certified Receipt_20180723■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressetl to: Mr. Larry Pressley, City Manager City of Statesville PO Box 1111 Statesville. NC 28687 A. Signature X ❑ Agent ❑ Atldressee 8. Receivetl by ( Pnnfed Name) C. Date of Delivery �. Is tlelivery atltlress diHerent /mm item 1? ❑ Yes If YES, enter tlelivery adtlress below: ❑ No 3. Service 7ype ❑ Certi(ed Mail ❑ Registered ❑ Insuretl Mail ❑ Fxpress Mail ❑ Return ReceiptforMerchandise ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery7 (Fxtra Fce) ❑ Yes 2. Article Number (iFansler Irom service label� 7 � 0 6 215 � 0 � 0 5 7 3 6 � 9 717 ....�___oo�� �_�_.__.....,.. ..___.._.....__^___,_' _— UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE I II II I PlermdiNo. G-7I�Paid � • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • Division of Water Resources Wetlands Branch Kristi Lynn Carpenter 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 Postege I $ Cetlifletl Fee n � Relum Receipt Fee � (Entlorsement Fequired) 7 Resiricled Dallvery Fea � (Entlorsemen� RequlreC) �l � To�el Pos�ege & Fees .� L � sanr ro Mr. � ._.._______'._.._.__ � SVBBC Apf. Na.: � orPOBaxNa. Gry Slate. ZIP.a Postmark Here � o l�s��5� Larty Pressley. City Manager — City of Statesville PO Boz 1111 Statesville, NC 28687 ..... Certitied Mafl Provides: ■ Amallingreceipt ■ A unpue Itlentlfier for your mailpiece ■ A recortl ot tlelivery kept by the Postal Servica lor iwo yeais 'mportant Remindera: ■ Cert'rfietl Mail may ONIV be combineC wilh FirsFCless Meil� or Prioriry Mei6 ■ Certifietl Meil is not avelleble for eny class of intemetlonal mall. ■ NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PFOVIDED with Cert'rfied Meil. Fo valuables, please consitler Insured ot Registeretl Mail. ■ For an atltlitional fee, a Retum Aecelpt may be requestetl to provitle proof o tlelivery. To oblain Retum Receipt servica, pleasa complete antl attach e Relun Recelpt (PS Form 3811) to tha artide and atltl epplicable postaga ro cover thi fee. Endoree mailpiece'Ratum Recelpt RequeStBtl'. To receive a lee waiver to� a tluplicate reWm receipt, a USPS� posimark on your Cartifietl Mail receipt i� reqwretl. ■ For en additional lee, tlelivery mey be restdcted to ihe edtlressee a atltlressee's authorizetl agen[. Advise ihe clerk or merk lhe mallpiece with tN entlorsement 'RBSMCIed Dalivery'. � If a postmerk on the Certified Meil receipt is desired, please present the arti cla at the post oflice br postmarking. II e postmark on the Certifietl Ma receipt is not needetl, tletach antl aHiz label with postage antl mail. MPOHTANT: Save thls receipt and present H when makin0 an inquiry. 'S Fomi 3800, August 2006 (Revarse) PSN ]53D02-000-904]