HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-5790 Monkey Junction NHC July 2018.pdfNURf H CAi20UNA ROY COOPER Envlronmertmf Quaffry r,o��� v n cV MICI IAEL S. RL•'GAN s�-< <<,�„y I.INDA CULPEPPER rn a�rlrn [A,rtr�r July 19,2018 Mason Herndon, Environmental Program Supervisor NC DOT Division 3 5501 Barbados Blvd. Castle Hayne, NC 28429 Subject: NCDOT U-5790 in New Hanovcr Couuty Mott Creek and UTs to Mott Creek iu the Cape Fear Basin Stream Index No. 18-82, Stream Classifications—C;Sw On-Si[e Detennination for Applicability Por Applicability [o [he Mi[igation Rules ( I SA NCAC 2H .0506[h]) Dear Mr. Herndon: On June 20, 201 S, a[ your reques[ and in your attendance, Joanne Steenhuis, NC Division of Wa[er Resource (NCDWR) staff, conducted an on-si[e detennina[ion [o review drainage fea[ures located at the NC 132 intersection and s•urrounding streets for applicability to lhe mitigation rules ( I SA NCAC 2H .0506[h]). The drainage features are approximated on lhe attached map signed and dated July 19, 2018. Stream lodex S[ream Name River Basiu Stream Classification(s) Number Mott Creek Cape Fear C;Sw I8-82 UTs to Mott Creek (S8, Sf3, SC, SF & SG) Cape Fear C;Sw 18-82 Please note that other sites identified in the jurisdicfion verification request package (SC) but not reviewed on site by NCDWR will be considemd acwrate as presen[ed. 'I'his le[ter only addresses die applicability to [he mifigation rules and does not approve any activity within the Waters of the United Sta[es, or Waters of [he Sta[e. Any impac[s to wedands and/or s[reams must comply wi[h Ihe 404/401 regulations, water supply regulalions (15A NCAC 26 .0216), and any other required federal, state and local regula[ions. 'Che owner (or fulure owners) or pennittee should nolify NCUW R(and olher relevan[ agencies) of N�is determinatiou in any future correspondences concerning [his property and/or project. This on-site de[ermination shall expire five (5) years fiom the date of Ihis letler. �D E �..,_ . ,,._ .,..�r Nmth Carohna Uepartment ol Envh'onmental Quality I Urvision ol Weter Resources ti12 Noith SalisUury Street I 16P Meil Service Center � Raleigh. Noith Carolina 27699-161] 9].9. 707.9000 I.andowners or affected parties tliat dispute a determination made by NCDWR or Delegated Local Authority that a surPace water exisls and that it is subject to tlie mitigalion niles may request a determination by dte Director. A requesl for a de[ermina[ion by Ihe Director shall be referred to the llirector in writing c/o Amy Chapman, NCDWR Wetlands/40l Unit, 1617 Mxil Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. Individuals ihat dispute a determination by NCD W R or Delegated Local Authority that "exempts" a surface water from die miliga[ion rules may ask for an adjudica[ory hearing. You may ob[ain [he petition form from Ihe office of Adminis[rative hearings. You mus[ file [he peli[ion wilh [he oRice of AdminisVa[ive Hearings within sixty (60) days of receip[ of this notice and the date the affected party (including downstream and adjacent landowners) is notified of Ihis decisioa A petition is considered filed when it is received in the office of Administrative Hearings during normal oCtice hours. �fhe Office of Administrative Hearings accepts tilings Monday through I'riday between Ihe hours of 8:OOam and S:OOpm, excep[ for official stale holidays. The original and one ( l) copy of Ihe pe[ition must be filed with die Office of Administrative Hearings. T'he petition may be faxed-provided Ihe original and one copy of the document is received by tlie Office of Adminislra[ive Hearings wi[hin five (5) business days following the faxed Iransmission. rhe mailing address for the Office of Adminis[rative liearings is: Office of AdministraCive Hearings 6714 Mail Service Cen[er Raleigh, NC 27699-6714 Telephone: (919) 43I-3000, Facsimile: (919) 431-3100 A copy of [he petition must also be served on DEQ as follows: Mr. Bill F. Lane, General Counsel Depar[ment ofEnvironmental Quality 160I Mail Service Center This de[ennination is final and buiding wiless you ask for a hearing within 60 days. If you have any additio��al questions or reyuire addi[ional infom�ation please call Joamie S[eenhuis at (910) 796- 7306 orjoamie.steenhuis@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, ���J �` ��__, > / oanne Steenhuis, Environmental Senior Specialis[ f�Transportation Pennil[ing Branch � Division of Water Resources, NCDWR A[tachments: Polential Jurisdictional Features Map (l) Electronic copy only distribution: Brad Shaver, US Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington Field Office File Copy ,. _,_ . .� D_ Q�s North Carolina Dapxrtmenl of Envuonmental Quahry I Division of Watei Resomces 512 Noith SalisUury Streel I 16P Matl Scrvicc Centei I Raleigh, North Cnrolma 2 7699 161 7 919707 900U ,,,�> �.;��_+..►[ '�c,� ' +o. �l i�ac �t� .y - °tra ysgr . . , .�I.R' '"� �,^� . r .a.;c = � � ,o+�.g � t-x: �a:� , ..�,.., i : �. , .. y� � 45 w� a e- 'v 3!�d� �' . ?Z , x ^+.• y_ . � vt � ., �" F .� � .�• .4 . /� � . ��, t t e , �fg�� ���� ��`%� : {� tx; - �-S%� ��,�.e . � u `� �n �� 1' / � " • .�k es�Y'n3I� -i� ^n�" � . �j, .%}.�'�- �•. '.�Y i.� � ./�7...9 , „ p� , , � �.. � ! • �� . � ,P .h. , c,�' 'p`g+4.''�. °��� � �'n!i _ '� ""�* ♦ r: r"� .7' �., xr -�. d . . 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