HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180982 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20180719ROY COOPER c�a MICHAEL S. REGAN seciera.r LINDA CULPEPPER mmto, arecra Site Total Site Totals NORTH CARO�INA Enrlronnaenrvl QuaN+Y Jul� 19,?018 Johnston County NCDW'R Project No. 30180982 Brid�,e 316 on SR 21d3 1'IP Na D--1?6? APPROVAL of alll WATER QUALIIY CERTIFICATION and NF.USE BUFFER AUTHORIZ.4TION, H�ith .4DDITION.4L CONDITIONS Mr. Ronnie Keeter, P.E.. Uivision Engineer NCDOT, Division � PO Bu�316> N-'ilson, NC 378?8 Dear Mr. Keeter: You hav� our appruval, in accurdance with the conditiuns listed below, for the folluwin, impacts for the purpose of replacing Bridee'_' 16 in lohnston Cuunt}: Site To[al S[ream Im acts in [hc Nruse River Basin Bank 5[abilization [o Perennial Stream Total Siream Impac[ 107 To[el Stream Impact for Projech 107 linear feet. 107 Wetland Im acts in [he Neuse Ri��er Basin Permanent Fill Escavation Mechanized Clearing Nand Clearing ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) 0.10 0.11 U.07 0.05 Tutal Wetland Impac[ for Project: 0.33 acres. Total Wetland Impact 0.33 Zone 1 Impact Zone 1 Buffer MiliKa[ion Required F Zone 2 Impact Zone 2 I3uffer Mi[iga�ion (sq fq usin 3:1 ratio) (s ft) Re uired (usin I.g;� ratii 3933 N/A 2067 N/A * n�a = Total for Site is less than I�' � acre and I$0 linear fee[ of impac[, no mitigation required Total Buffer Impact for Project: 5999 syuare (ce[. :::�:� � Q�r North Carolina Departinent of Environmzmal Qi�m�ry Divismn of Water Resource� 512 North Salisbury Street � 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Camhna 27699-1617 919]07.9000 The prqject shall be construcied in accordance wi�h yuur applica[ion received July 16. �018. �fter rtviewing �our applicatiun. we have decided that diese impacis �re covered by Genernl Water Qunlih� Certificatiun Number -1 I�'_. This cenification coiTesponds �o die Nationti�ide Permit 3 is�ued b� the Corps of Engineers. ihis approval is also valid for the Neuse Ripnrian Buffer Rules (I �A NCAC 38.033 �). In uddition, you should acquire anv odier Federal. state or local perniiis before you procced with your projeet including (bu[ not limited [o) Sedimrnt and Erosion Control, Non-Dischar�e and W'ater Supply� Watershed regula�ions. 1'his apprnval will espire with [he accompan��ing �lUd permit. I�his approval is valid solelv ior the purpose and dcsi�,n described in your application �unless modified beloti�). Should your pniject change, you must notify the NCDWR and submit a new application. IF tha propeny is sold. the naw owner must be �iven a copy of �his Certitication and npproval leu�r, and is thereby respunsible for complping with all the wnditions. If [otal wetland fills �br Ihis project Inow or in the fu[ure) esceed one acre, or of total impacts to streams Ino�+ or in the future) esceed I>0 linear �eet. compensaturv miti�ation may be required as describzd in I SA NCAC ?li .0�06 (h) (G) and (71. ndditiunal buffer impacts may require compznsatory mitieation as described in I�A NCAC ?B.02+3. For this approval to remain valid. y�ou must a�here to the conditions listed in the General Certitication nnd am additional conditions listed below. Conditions of Ccrtification: L The post-construc[ion removal uf an}� temporar} brid,e s[ructures mus[ relurn thc project �ite to i�s pmconsiruction contours and elevatiuns. The impac�ed areas shall be reve�zetared with appropria[e nativc species. � I�A NCAC U'_'H .05061h)1-') '. As a condition of this �01 W'ater Qualih Crnification, the brid,e demolitioo aod construction must be accomplished in strict compliance �+ith �he most recent version nf NCDOT's I�est Mana,ement Practiczs for Consiruc�ion a�d Mainrenance Activities. [I �A NGAC 0'_H .Oi071d)(3) and I�A NCAC 0'_H .0�0G(b)(�)� 3. Bridee deck drains shall nut discharee directlp inm the stream. Stormwatar shall be directed across thz bridge and pre-[reatrd thrnugh site-�ppropriate means �,rassed swales, pre-formrd scour holes. vegetated buffers, etc.) before entering th� stream. To meet Ihe rcquiremenis of NCDOT's NPDES permit NCS00003?0, please refer lo Ihe nwsl recent version ot the �ti'orlh C'urnlinu De/�m�nnent uf Trunspurlu[iun S�ui�nriruler Bes� Akurogemem Praclice.s Tunlhu.c manual t'or approved measures. [I SA NCAC 0?H .0507(d)(�) and I iA NCAC 0?H .0�06(b)(�)j d. Brid,e piles and bents shall be constructed usin, driven piles Ihammer or vibra�on I �r drillzd shafl construction methods. Mure speciticall}�. jetting or othrr methods of pile drivin�, arc prohibited without prior written approval frum the NCDWR firsL [ I�A NCAC 0311.Oi0G�b)(?)� ?. No drill slurr} or water that has been in contact with uncured concrete shall be allowed to enter surface waters. ihis water shall be capwred. treated. and disposed of properly. j 15n NCAC 0?fI .0>O6(b)(3)] 6. A turbiditc etvtain will be installed in the stream itdrivine or drillin, activities occur �vithin [he strcam channel, on the stream bank, or wi�hin ? leet of Ihe top of bank, or durin� the removal of bents from an old brid:e. This cundition can be waived with priur appruval from die NCUW R. � 15A NCAC 02H .0?06(b)( �)] 7. All stornnvater runoFf shall be direc[ed as sheetFlow throuah stream buffers at nun-erosive veloci[ies, unless othenvise approved by this certitica�ion. � I iA NCAC ?B.0?33� �:.:�. � Q�� North Carolina Departmen[ o� Emvunniyntai Quau�v Dreision of Water Resourc25 �i12 Nnrth Salisbury SVeet � 1617 Matl Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 2 7 699-161 7 919707.9000 8. All riparian butlers impacted bq thz placement ol temporary lill or clearing actioilies shall be restored to tlie preconstructiun conwurs and reve<,etated. Maintained birffers shall be permanenU}� reve,etated �+iih non-woody speeies by Ihe end of the growing seasun follo�ving compl��iun of construction. Por the purpose ot this cundition. maiotained buffer areas are defined as areas within [he u'ansportation corridor tha� will be subject to re�ular NCDOT maimznance activities including moN ing. �he area �aith non-maintained buffers shall be permanently reve�,e[ated with na[ive woody species before the nest growing season following completion ol construction. [ 15A NCAC 2 Q.02 ±3 � 9. Pursuant lu I?A NCAC ?f3.0233(61, sedimem and erosion control devices shall not be placed in Zone I of any Neusz Buffer widiom prior approval b� the NCDWR. At this time, the NCDW R has approved no sediment and zrosion control devices in Zone I. outside ul lhe approved projec[ impacts. anyµ�here on this project. Moreuver. sediment and erosion control devices shall be alluwed in Zone 2 oPthe buffers provided that Zone I is no[ compromised and that dischar,e is released as ditiLse ilow. 10. II'concrete is used during cunstruction. a dr} work area shall be m�intained to prevent direct contact between curin� concrete and stream water. Water that inadvertently contacts wicured concrete shall not be dischar�_ed to surface watzrs due tu die po�en[ial (or elevated pH and possible aquatic life and fish kills. � I iA NCAC 03BA200J I I. Durin� the construction of the project, no staging of equipment of any kind is permitted in waters of the U.S., or protected riparian buffers. [ISA NCAC 0?H.0506(b)(2)] 13. i�he dimension, pattem and profile of the stream above and below the crossin, shall not be modified. Dis[urbed Floodplains and sveams shall be restored to natural geomorphic conditiuns. [IiA NCAC 01H.05p6(b)(2)] 13. The u,e of rip-rap abuve [he Normal High W'ater Mark shall be minimized. Any rip-rap placed for stream s�abiliza�iun shall be placed in stream channels in such a manner that it docs not impade aquatic life passage [I�A NCAC 0311.0�06(b)(2�� I�. l�he Pemiittee shall ensure tha[ the tinal dcsi�n drawings adhzre to the permit �nd to the permit drawim_s submitted for approval. � I SA NCAC O�H .0�07 (c) and I�A NCAC 02H .0506 (bl('_) and (c)13)� I5. AII work in or adjacem to stream N�aters shall be conducted in a dry work area. Approved BMP measures from the most curcent version of NCDOT Construction and Maintenance Activities manual such as sandba,s, rock berms, cofferdams and other diversion svuctures shall be used to prevent e.�cavation in flowine water. �I>A NCAC 0'_H.050616)(3) and (c)(3)� 16. Heavy zquipment shall be operated Irom the banks rather than in [he s[ream channel in order to minimize sedimentation and reduce Ihz introductiun of other pollutants inro the stream. [ I SA NCAC 03H.0?06(61(3)j 17. All mechanizzd eyuipment operated near surface waters must bz regularly inspected and maintained to prevent contamination of s'tream waters from fuels. lubricants, hydraulic fliiids, or o[her toxic materials. [IiA NCAC 02 FI.0506( 61131 ] 18. No rock, sand or o[her materials shall be dredged from the s[ream channel except where authorized by this certification. [I�A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3)j 19. Dischar,in, hydrose�d mixtures and washing out hydroseeders and uiher equipmznt in or adjacent ro surf'ace waters is prohibited. [ I iA NCAC 0?Ii.O>06� b)( 3)� D_E Q�,� w.,.��.� North Carohna Department of Environmenr�i Q�i�iiry-, Division of Water Resources 512 Nurth Salisbury Strzet 16ll Mail Service Cen[er Raleigh. North Caroiina 27699-161; 919707 9000 � �i '_0. The permitree and i�s authorized a�ents shall conduct its activities in a manner consistrnt w�iih State H�ater quality standards ( including any rcquirem�nt; resulting from compliance witli �3031d) of the Clean Water Act� and any oiher apprupriate requirements uf Slatc and Federal law. If�the NCDWR determines thal such slanddrds or laws are not bein, met (includin, the failure io sustain a desienated or achieoed use) or that State ur federal la�. is bein_ violared, or that fiirther conditions are necessary to assure compliance, the NCDWR may rzevaluate and inodi(y this cenificaiion. [ I iA NCAC 0?6.0300j �I. All fill slopes located in jurisdictional wedands shall be placed at slopes no Ilatter lhan 3:L unless othenvise authorized by this certilication. � ISA NCAC l)'H.OSOGfbI(�)� 3?. A copy of this N�'ater Qualit<� Certiflcatiun shall be maintained on the constructiun s'ite a� all times. In addition. Ihe Water Qualit� Certification and all subseyuent modifications, if an�, shall be maintained wi[h the Division Em_ineer and the on-site project manaeer. � I�A NCAC 0?H .0�07(c) and I�A NCAC 03H .0>06 (b1('_) and (c)(2)� 33. The outside 6uffer. wetland or water boundary locaied within the construction corridor approved by diis authorization. including all non-commercial borro�a� and waste si[es associated �vith the project, shall be clearly marked by highl�� visible fencing prior to anp land disturbing activities. Impacts to areas �cidiin the fencing are prohibited unless' othen�ise authorized by this certification. � ISA NCAC Q?H.OS01 and .OSO_'� 2d. The issuance of this cenitica[ion does not esempt the Permittee frum complying H�ith am� and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances that may be imposed by other govermnent a,encies (i.e. local, state, and federaU having jurisdiction, includin_ but no� limitecl to applicable bufler rules, stonnwarer mana=ement rules, soil erosion and sedimentation control reyuiremen[s, etc. '�. The Permittez shall report any violations of this certitication to the Division ot W'ater Resources H�ithin 3-{ hours of discover}. (15,q NCAC 0?B.Q�06(blf'-)� 26. Upon completion of the project (includin�_ an.� impacis at associated borrow or was'te sites). thz NCDOT Division E:neinea shall completc and return die enclosed "Certification of Cumpl�tiun Form" to notify� [hz NCDW'R .vhen all �vork included in the d01 Cenifica�ion has been completed [ I�A NCAC 03H.Oi0"_'(�] '_7. Nativc riparian vegctation � ie., trees and shrubs native lu your �eographic region) must bz reestablished in the riparian areas within the cunstruc[ion limit, of the project bp the end ofthe,rowing season Followin_ completion ofconsVuction. �15A NCAC 0?B.0?33(10)� ur � I�A NCAC 0?B.0506(b)('_)J ?8. There shall be nu e�cavation hom, or N�aste disposal into, jurisdictional weNands or waiers associated H�ith Ihis pemiit withuu[ appropriate modification. Should waste or borro�s sites. or acczss roads to was�e or borrow sites, be located in wetlands or streams, compensatory mi[i,ation will be required since �hal is a direct impact from road construction activities. [ ISA NCAC 0?H.050G�6)(3) end Icl( �)J ?9. Erosion and sedimen� cutitrol practices must be in full compliance wi[h all specitications _overning the pivper design, instaliation and opera[ion and maimenance oF such Rest Management Practices in order to protect surface wa[ers standards j I�A NCAC 03H.0506fb)G) and �c)(3)]: a. The crosion and sediment control ineasures for ihe projec� inust be desi�ned, installed, operatcd, and maintainzd in accordance �sith �he mos� recent version of the :Ynrdi C.'nrulinu .Sedinie�N and Era+�ion Cnnb�nl Planiirng �md Design :1 fumrcd. b. The design, installa�ion, operation. and maintenance of the sediment and erosion control measures must be such that diey aqual. or esceed. the requiremen�s specified in the most recent version of the ;Vorrh ('arnlrna Sedirneni und Eru.rirm Cnn�ro[ ;tlonu�d. The devices shall bz main[ained on all cons[ruction sites, borrow sites. and tiaste pile (spoil) prqjects, including contractor-owned or leased borrow pi[s associated with tlic project. �... � Q�r North Carohna Department of Encuunmen�.ai Q�alip Drvision of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 1617 Mad Sarvice Center Raleigh. North Carohna 27699461 % 919.707.9000 � c For borrow pit sites, the erosion and sediment control measures must be desi��nzd. iostalled. operated. and maimained in accordance with the most recent versiun of the Nurrb C'�irulinu .SurJirrr ,1fi��in,e M1lunuu(. d. The reclamation measures and implementaiion mus� comply with the reclamltion in accordance with the reyuirements of die Sedimentation Pullu[iun Control Acl. 30. Sediment and erosion conirol measures shall not be placed in �i�eNands or surtzce wat�rs, ur within � fcet oFthe top oFbank, withoul prior approval Yrom DWR. [I �A NCAC (I�HDi06(b)U) and Ic)(31� 31. When applicable. all construction activities shall be performed and main[ained in full compliance wi[h G.S. Chapter I 13A Article 4(Sedimcnt and Pollu�ion Control Act of 1973). Regardless of applicahility of die Sediment and Pollution Control Act. all projects shall incorporate appropriate Best Management Pr�ctices for the control of sedimznt and erosion su Iha[ no violation, of s[ate water quality standards, statutes. or rules occur. [ I�A NCAC 0'_H 0�06;b1(3) and (c)(31 and IiA NCAC03B.0200� 3?. Desi;n, instal lation, operation, and maintenance of all sediinent and zrosion control measures shall be equal to or esceed the requirements specified in the most r�cunt version of the .Narrh CuroGnn Sedrnrent nnd Ernsion Cnntrnl Alanun(, or Yix linear transportation projects. the ,tiZ'D07 Sediment �nvd b)•otiiun Coi�nof .M1lanuol. All devices shall be mainteined on all cons[ruction sites. borrow sites, and waste pile (spoil) sites, includina contractor- owned or Icaszd borrow� pits associated with the pr�ject Sufticient materialsrequired forstabilization and�orrepairof erosion conn�ol measuresand stonnwater ro�itineand treaiment shall be on site at all times. For borrow pit sires. Ihe erosion and sediment control measures shall bc designed, installed, operated. and main[ained in accordance �vith the most recznt versiun ofthc Nord� ('cn��,liiru,Sm�Jiice Alraine 9lunsul. Recl2matiun measures and implemcntation shall compl} with ihe reclama�ion in accordnnce with the requirements ot the Sedimentatiun Pollution Conirol Act and the Mining Acrof 197L [I�A NCAC 0'_H.OiD61b)(3) nnd �c)f3): GC dl3i] Ifyou wish ro contest any s�atemeni in [he attached Certifica�ion you mus[ file a petition for an adminisirative hearin,. Yuu may ob[ain the petitiun form from the office of Administrati�c hcurin,s. You must file die petition with the office of Administrative Hearins within sist� (60) day�s of receipt of diis notice. A petition is cunsidered tiled when it is received in the office of Adininistrative Hearin_s during nonnal ot7ice hours-. Thr Office of Administrative Hearings accepts tilines Monday� throu,h Fridaq berireen the hours oF8:00am and �:OOpm. excep� for otllcial stare holidays. The urisinal and one ( I) copy of the petition must be Illed ��ith Ihe Otfice ol Adminisvaiive Hearim�s. The pe�itium m�y be faxed-provided th� ori;inal and ona copy of die document is received by the ONice of Administrative Flearinas within live (�) business days Fullowin, ihe tased transmission. The mailin�; address' for diz Oftice of Administrative Hcarings is: Ofticc of Administrative Hearin,s 6714 Mail Service Cenrer Ralei�h. NC 27699-67I-1 Telephone: 1.919) d31-3000. Pacsimilz: (919) �1; I-3100 A copy of the peti[ion must also ba served on DEQ as follows: Mr. Bill F. Lane, General Coimsel Department of Emironmental Quali[y 1601 Mail Service Center :::::. � Q�,� North Carohna Depaivnent o� EnvuonmNncai Quai�� Drvision or Wat2r Resources �12 North Salisbury Street 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh. North Carohna 27699d6P 919707.9000 � � This letter completes the review of[he Division ot Water Resources under Section -l01 ofthe Clean Watrr Act. If you have any questions, please contact Rob Ridin�s at 919-707-8786. Sincerely, �Z'� - � F-I(��� Lind Cidpepper. Interim Direcror Division of Water Resources Electronic copy onlq distribution: Eric Alsmeyer, US Army Corps of En�inezrs, Raleigh Field Oftice Chad Colins, Division a Environmenlal Ofticer File Copy� :::..,. � Q�r North Carohna Department oi Envuanmental Quahtr Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Strzet � 1617 Mail Service Cen[er Raleigh. North Carohna 27699-1617 919.7079000 ROY COOPER GWMROf MICHAEL S. REGAN SPCJHOIY LINDA CULPEPPER mnrtm tkrerrn NORTN CAROLINA fnvlronmantc! Qualtry NCDWR Project No.: _ .ApplicanC — --- - Project Name: County: Da[c of Issuance of a01 Water Qualit}� Certifica[ion: Certifica[e of Comple[ion Upon completiun of all work approved Hithin the -101 Watzr Qualit}� Certitication or applicable Buller Rules, and any subsequent moditications. the applicant is required to retum �his certificate to Ihc 101 Transporta�ion Pennittin_ UniL North Carolina Uivision of W'ater Resources. 1617 Mail Service Cemer. Raleigh, NC ?7699-1617. I�his form may be returned Yo NCDWR b�� the applicant, the applicant's awhorized agent, or the projrct eneineer. II is not nccessarc �o send ceniticatzs from all of these. ; I pplicmet'�� Cerlificaliott I. , hereb� state thaL ro the best of m� abili�ies, duc carc and dili�ence was used in Ihe obs'ervation of die construction such that �he construction was observed to be huilt within substantial compliance and inrent of the -101 N'atcr Qu�lity� Cenification and [3uffcr Rulrs, ihe uppru��ed plan, and specitications. and othar supporting inaterials. Si��nature: — -- - - Datc: -- .-Igenf's Certrficalrnn I. _, hereh.� state thai. to the best of my abilities, due care and dili��ence was us�d in the observation of the construction such �ha� the cons�ruction �cas obscrved to be buil� �cithin sub,mn�ial complianez and inrent ofthe a01 Water Qualit�- Czrtifcation and Buffer Rules. the approveJ plans and specitications, and o�her suppor�in, inaterials. Si�,nature: Dale: Engineer's Certi/iru�ini� Partial Final I. . as a duly re�istered Professional En�ineer in the State u(North Carolina. having bzen authori�ed to observe (periodically. weekly. full time) the construction of the pr�ject for the Perniittee herebe� s[ate Ihat, lo ihe best of m� abilities, due care and dili�,ence w�as used in the observation of the cons[ruction such that the construction �vas observed to be built u�ithin substantial compliance and intent of th� d01 W'ater Qualitq Cerlificatiun and Buffer Rides. the approved plans and speciflcations. and udier suppunin_ materials. Signamre Date _ _ Registra�ion No. �..._.. � Q�,� NOrth Carohna Departinen[ ol En��ioni�ienr_�i Q�,,ili�o DroiSion of Water ResourCes 312 North Salis6ury Stieet 1617 Matl Servir,e C2ntcr Raleigh. North Ca�ohna 27699-161' 919707.9000