HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-07-02 Duke Energy Mayo Basin Investigation Pumping Work Plan16V synTerra ASH BASIN PUMPING TEST WORK PLAN AT MAYO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT 10660 BOSTON ROAD ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 27574 PREPARED FOR DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC DUKE EIDE RGYo PROGRESS estop er H. Bruce, NC LG 2246 Sr. Geologist Ier A. Wylie, N LG 1425 Pro'p,d Manager Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan July 2, 2018 Mayo Steam Electric Plant SynTerra TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................1-1 2.0 SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL...................................................................................2-1 2.1 Site Geology and Hydrogeology............................................................................ 2-1 2.1.1 Site Geology......................................................................................................... 2-1 2.1.2 Site Hydrogeology.............................................................................................. 2-2 3.0 WELL INSTALLATION.............................................................................................. 3-1 3.1 Installation of Pumping and Observation Wells .................................................. 3-1 3.1.1 Ash Pumping Well Installation......................................................................... 3-1 3.1.2 Ash Observation Well Installation................................................................... 3-2 3.2 Well Development.................................................................................................... 3-2 4.0 AQUIFER PUMP TEST DATA NEEDS....................................................................4-1 5.0 AQUIFER PUMPING TEST.......................................................................................5-1 5.1 Static Water Level Collection.................................................................................. 5-1 5.2 Pumping System Installation.................................................................................. 5-1 5.3 Step -Drawdown Test................................................................................................5-1 5.4 Step Test Recovery....................................................................................................5-2 5.5 Constant -Rate Pumping Test.................................................................................. 5-2 6.0 WATER -QUALITY MEASUREMENTS AND SAMPLING ................................. 6-1 7.0 ANALYSIS OF WATER -LEVEL DATA...................................................................7-1 7.1 Baseline Analysis....................................................................................................... 7-1 7.2 Step Test Analysis..................................................................................................... 7-1 7.3 Constant Discharge Rate Test Analysis................................................................. 7-1 8.0 REFERENCES................................................................................................................ 8-1 Page i P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\ Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan\Mayo Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan FINAL.docx Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan July 2, 2018 Mayo Steam Electric Plant SynTerra LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1 Site Location Map Figure 1-2 Mayo Plant Vicinity Map Figure 3-1 Proposed Locations for Ash Basin Pumping Test Figure 5-1 Typical Flow Meter Configuration Figure 5-2 Typical Step Test Drawdown Curve LIST OF TABLES Table 3-1 Proposed Well Construction Details Table 5-1 Proposed Wells to be Monitored During Ash Basin Pumping Test LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Boring Logs for ABMW-2 and ABMW-3 Well Clusters Page ii P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026\ 105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan\Mayo Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan FINAL.docx Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan July 2, 2018 Mayo Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 1.0 INTRODUCTION Duke Energy Progress, LLC (Duke Energy) owns and operates the coal-fired Mayo Steam Electric Plant (Mayo, Plant, or Site), located in a rural area approximately 10 miles north of the City of Roxboro in Pearson County, North Carolina (Figure 1-1). Duke Energy owns the site property, which is roughly bisected by US Highway 501 (Boston Road). The majority of the Plant property is located east of Highway 501, encompasses 460 acres, and includes the power plant, ash basin, and the majority of operational features (Figure 1-2). The Mayo Plant began operations in 1983 with a single 727 -megawatt capacity generating coal-fired unit. Coal combustion residuals (CCR) have historically been managed in the Plant's on-site ash basin (surface impoundment). CCR were initially deposited in the ash basin by hydraulic sluicing operations. CCR was managed at the Plant's on-site ash basin and transported via wet sluicing until 2013 when the Mayo Plant converted to a dry ash system in which 90 percent of CCR was dry. Final system upgrades were completed in October 2016; all CCR collection is dry. Beginning in November 2014, CCR from the Plant has been managed in the newly constructed Landfill permitted by the North Carolina Department of Environment Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Waste Management (NCDEQ-DWM) Permit 7305. Discharge from the ash basin to Mayo Lake is permitted by the NCDEQ Division of Water Resources (NCDEQ-DWR) under National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit NC0038377. Detailed descriptions of the Site operational history, the Site conceptual model, physical setting and features, geology/hydrogeology, and results of the findings of the CSA and other CAMA-related works are documented in full in the following documents: • Comprehensive Site Assessment Report — Mayo Steam Electric Plant (SynTerra, September 2, 2015) • Corrective Action Plan Part 1— Mayo Steam Electric Plant (SynTerra, December 1, 2015) • Corrective Action Plan Part 2— Mayo Steam Electric Plant (SynTerra, February 2, 2016) • Comprehensive Site Assessment Supplement 1— Mayo Steam Electric Plant (SynTerra, July 7, 2016) • Comprehensive Site Assessment Update —Mayo Steam Electric Plant (SynTerra, October 31, 2017) Page 1-1 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ 105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan\Mayo Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan FINAL.docx Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan July 2, 2018 Mayo Steam Electric Plant SynTerra Ash basin pumping test are planned to collect site-specific data to refine the groundwater flow and transport model to be used for closure planning and potential groundwater corrective action evaluation. The pumping tests would focus on evaluation of field scale horizontal and vertical variability of the hydrologic characteristics for the saturated media. Each test would provide estimates of media properties including transmissivity (T), hydraulic conductivity (K), and storativity (S). The following major tasks are anticipated for well installation and ash basin pumping test at the Mayo Steam Electric Plant: 1. Well Installation and Development 2. Static Water Level (Baseline Data) Collection 3. Pumping System Installation 4. Step -Drawdown Tests 5. Step Drawdown Test Recovery 6. Constant Rate Pumping Tests 7. Water Quality Sampling 8. Data Analysis As a portion of this scope of work, both pumping wells and observation wells will be installed at the Site. One ash pumping well will be installed at a selected location. A total of six new observation wells will also be installed. Additionally, two existing wells will be utilized as observation points during the ash pumping test. One pumping test is estimated to take eight (8) days (72 hours for static conditions, 24 hours for step test/recovery, 72 hours for constant rate discharge test, 24 hours recovery). During this time, water levels would be monitored in selected wells using pressure transducers and manual water level readings. Groundwater samples will also be collected daily during the pumping test for laboratory analysis. Page 1-2 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ 105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan\Mayo Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan FINAL.docx Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan July 2, 2018 Mayo Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 2.0 SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL 2.1 Site Geology and Hydrogeology This section provides a brief summary of the Site geology and hydrogeology. However, it should be noted that the scope of the aquifer pumping tests will be limited to the ash. Detailed descriptions of the Site geology and hydrogeology can be found in the documents listed in Section 1. 2.1.1 Site Geology The vicinity of the Mayo Plant is generally characterized by mature, well- rounded hills and rolling rides cut by small streams and drainages. However, in areas with thinner regolith, like in the immediate vicinity of the Mayo Plant, the relief is more rugged with incised streams that occur as the rate of subsurface weathering has failed to keep pace with the rate of erosion. The Plant is located near the contact between two regional zones of metamorphosed rocks: the Carolina Slate Belt (often referred to as Carolina terrane) on the east and the Charlotte Belt (or Charlotte terrane to the west. The majority of the Mayo Plant, including the largest portion of the ash basin and Mayo Lake are situated in the Caroline terrane. The subsurface at Mayo Plant is composed of regolith (including residual soils, fill and reworked soils, alluvium, and saprolite), transition zone, and bedrock. Subsurface conditions vary with topography, parent rock, and site infrastructure. Saprolite is mostly thin (ranging from non-existent to around 25 feet deep) and almost entirely unsaturated. This generalization is not consistent for the southern, upland parts of the Site where a thick, saturated saprolite zone is present nor for certain locations beneath the ash basin. The thin to non-existent saprolite zone across the central and northern portion of the Site is due to extensive excavation and reworking of surficial materials during Plant construction. A transition zone of partially weathered rock underlies the regolith and is generally continuous throughout the Mayo Plant area. However, the transition zone at Mayo Plant is mostly comprised of partially weathered rock that is gradational between saprolite and competent bedrock. The change from partially weather rock to the third unit, competent bedrock is subjective and at Mayo Plant is defined by subtle changes in weathering, secondary staining and mineralization, core recovery, and the degree of fracturing in the rock. Page 2-1 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026\ 105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan\Mayo Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan FINAL.docx Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan July 2, 2018 Mayo Steam Electric Plant SynTerra Bedrock in the area includes volcanic and sedimentary rocks that have been metamorphosed, intruded by coarse-grained granitic rocks, and subjected to regional structural deformation. The shallow bedrock has been fractured; however, only mildly productive fractures (providing water to wells) were observed within the top 50 feet of competent rock. 2.1.2 Site Hydrogeology In general, three hydrogeologic units or zones of groundwater flow can be described for the Mayo Plant. The zone closest to the surface is the shallow or surficial flow zone encompassing saturated conditions, where present, in the residual soil, saprolite, or alluvium beneath the Site. A transition zone is encountered below the surficial zone and the bedrock as is characterized primarily by partially weathered rock of variable thickness. The transition zone is not consistently saturated across the Site. The bedrock flow zone occurs below the transition zone and is characterized by the storage and transmission of groundwater in water -bearing fractures. The Mayo Plant ash basin occupies the former stream valley of Crutchfield Branch. The basin acts as a bowl -like feature towards which groundwater flows from the northwest, west, south, and east. Groundwater flows north-northeast from the ash basin into the small valley formed by Crutchfield Branch. Groundwater flows from the highest topographic portion of the Site (near the Plant entrance road) to the north and northeast. The ash basin was formed when the Crutchfield Branch stream valley was damned. The flow of ponded water within the ash basin is controlled laterally by groundwater flow that enters the basin from the east, south, and west and is controlled downgradient (north- northeast) by the ash basin damn and the NPDES outfall/discharge. The head created by the ash pore water creates a slight mounding effect that influences the groundwater flow direction in the immediate vicinity of the ash basin. East of the ash basin, a groundwater divide separates the Crutchfield Branch flow regime from the Mayo Lake flow regime. The vertical gradients are near equilibrium across the Site indicating that there is no distinct horizontal confining layer beneath the Mayo Plant. The topographically highest portion of the Site is along the Plant entrance road just off Highway 501. In general, the topography slopes away from the entrance road and the power plant area towards Mayo Lake. The power plant area is situated at an approximate elevation of 520 feet mean sea level (msl) and Mayo Lake is at an elevation of about 435 feet msl, a vertical difference (relief) of 85 Page 2-2 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026\ 105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan\Mayo Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan FINAL.docx Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan July 2, 2018 Mayo Steam Electric Plant SynTerra feet. One small stream traverses the southern end of this portion of the Site flowing from west to east, originating south of the coal pile, and eventually flowing into Mayo Lake. Whereas the Piedmont region of North Carolina is typically characterized by gently rolling hills and ridges, the topography around the Mayo Plant is steeper with incised streams and deeply cut ridges and inter - ridge valleys. This steeper topography is attributed to the shallow regolith in the Plant area that leads to a faster rate of erosion relative to the rate of weathering. These geomorphic processes were in place prior to the damming of Crutchfield Branch (to create the ash basin) and Mayo Creek (to create Mayo Lake). Based on review of the USGS topographic map of the Mayo Plant area prior to Plant construction, it is apparent that the ash basin now encapsulates the headwaters of Crutchfield Branch. Topography surrounding the ash basin is gentler than near Mayo Lake with relief in the range of 60 feet. Surface runoff drains to the ash basin from the higher areas to the east, south, and west. The ash basin dam is approximately 2,300 feet long, 400 feet wide at the base, and has a maximum height of approximately 110 feet. The dam is oriented northwest — southeast and was completed in October 1982. Recent surveying and bathymetric studies indicate that the basin has a storage capacity of 1,500 acre- feet. Two engineered toe drains are located on the downstream side of the dam. Steep hills are present in the area downslope from the ash basin. Crutchfield Branch and a small tributary that drains the west toe drain flow north-northeast, under May Lake Road and off -Site. Deeply cut ridges and valleys occur in the extreme northern portion of the Site along the North CarolinaNirginia border and to the east of the ash basin. A small, intermittent stream flows south to north from the east side of the 1981 C&D landfill, under Mayo Lake Road, and eventually merges with Crutchfield Branch off -Site prior to crossing the North CarolinaNirginia state line. Mayo Lake is the dominant feature on the eastern portion of the Site. Mayo Lake was formed when Mayo Creek was dammed, and now encapsulates the majority of the reach of Mayo Creek as well as a number of smaller streams that flowed into Mayo Creek prior to the lake formation. The 2,800 -acre lake is maintained by the earthen dam located at the northern end of the lake. Page 2-3 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026\ 105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan\Mayo Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan FINAL.docx Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan July 2, 2018 Mayo Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 3.0 WELL INSTALLATION SynTerra will conduct field oversight of drilling operations and well installations at the proposed test locations. SynTerra's oversight will include documentation of field observations and activities associated with well drilling, well installation and well development activities conducted by a licensed North Carolina driller and support crew contracted by Duke Energy. Proposed pumping well and observation well locations and a conceptual well layout and cross-sectional view are provided on Figure 3-1. A summary of proposed well construction details for the pumping wells and observation wells is included in Table 3- 1. Proposed well depths and screened intervals are based on boring logs from the adjacent well clusters ABMW-2 and ABMW-3. Boring logs form these locations have been included as Appendix A. 3.1 Installation of Pumping and Observation Wells Prior to the start of any drilling activities at the Site, subsurface utility location will be conducted in the area of all proposed borings. 3.1.1 Ash Pumping Well Installation The ash pumping well will be installed using sonic drilling techniques utilizing a nominal 13 -inch sonic core barrel. The ash pumping well will be drilled to approximately 80 feet below ground surface (see Table 3-1). A six-inch schedule 40 PVC well, with a 10 -foot wire -wrapped 0.10 slot PVC screen will then be installed in the boring. The well will be hung approximately one foot off the bottom of the boring (to allow filter material below the well screen). No. 1 well sand or equivalent filter pack materials will be used. The filter pack material will be tremie washed in if there is standing water in the bore hole (not anticipated with sonic drilling). The filter pack will be extended from the base of the boring to a minimum of five feet above screen interval. Coated bentonite pellets will be used for the seal and extend a minimum of five feet above the sand pack. Pellets will be allowed to hydrate for in accordance with manufactures specifications before grouting. After hydration of the seal, the remaining annulus will be pressured grouted using a 1-2 percent bentonite 90 percent neat cement mixture (grout mixing should be 5.2-5.75 gallons of water per 94 pound bag of Portland Type cement). Where a well is installed within 15 feet of an existing monitoring well location, a low pH grout, such as Page 3-1 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026\ 105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan\Mayo Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan FINAL.docx Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan July 2, 2018 Mayo Steam Electric Plant SynTerra AQUAGUARD, should be used. The use of this type of grout is intended to reduce the potential for grout impacts on existing or nearby monitoring wells. 3.1.2 Ash Observation Well Installation A total of 6 ash observation wells will be installed at the site. These wells will be located at 15 feet and 30 feet away from the pumping well. Distance from the pumping well for each observation well is provided on Table 3-1. Ash observation wells will be installed using sonic drilling techniques utilizing a nominal six-inch (or equivalent) core barrel advanced to the target depth (see Table 3-1). A two inch schedule 40 PVC well, with a five-foot Vee -Pack PVC screen will then be installed in the boring. The well will be hung approximately one foot off the bottom of the boring (to allow filter material below the well screen). No. 1 (or equivalent) filter pack will be extended from the base of the boring to a minimum of five feet above Vee -Pack screen interval. Coated bentonite pellets will be used for the seal. The well seal will be extended a minimum of five feet above the sand pack. Pellets will be allowed to hydrate in accordance with manufactures specifications before grouting. After hydration of the seal, the remaining annulus will be pressured grouted (for grout specifications see section 3.1.1). 3.2 Well Development The newly installed wells will be developed until discharge is clear and stable. Well development should include surging and high volume water removal (air lifting or other methods capable of quickly removing water). Completion of development will be determined when turbidity remains below 10 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTUs) or 5 borehole volumes have been extracted (subject to change based on field observations). The main objective of the well development is to improve near -well permeability and stability. The removal of the fine particles from the near -well area will help create a more permeable zone and minimize the effect of well smear or caking. Improper well development can cause significant impact to the results of both the step test and the constant rate discharge test. This could result in the need to stop the test (step test or constant rate test) and redevelop the wells (primarily pumping wells). Well development for the pumping wells will be considered complete when no fines are observed in the well discharge (less than 10 NTUs) after surging the well. Page 3-2 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026\ 105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan\Mayo Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan FINAL.docx Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan July 2, 2018 Mayo Steam Electric Plant SynTerra Once the wells have been fully developed they will be allowed to equilibrate for five days prior to the collection of baseline water level data. Page 3-3 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026\ 105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan\Mayo Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan FINAL.docx Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan July 2, 2018 Mayo Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 4.0 AQUIFER PUMP TEST DATA NEEDS Aquifer pumping test results will be used to define aquifer characteristics within the ash basin. Information gathered during aquifer pumping tests will be used to refine the groundwater flow and transport model. Based on the pumping rates obtained during well installation, it is anticipated that three-day (72 hours) tests will allow for evaluation of aquifer properties. Evaluation of data in the field will ultimately be used to determine the durations. Each test will be conducted in general accordance with ASTM D 4050-96 (2002). The following pretest data is needed: • Geologic characteristics of the subsurface that influence groundwater flow. The subsurface in the area of the pumping test is composed of ash, saprolite, transition zone, and bedrock. The aquifer testing will be limited to the ash. Groundwater flow in the ash (primary test aquifer) is porous media flow. It is assumed that groundwater flow direction and gradients are primarily controlled by topography. • The type of water -bearing zone and its lateral and vertical extent. The primary water -bearing zone for the aquifer test is the ash. For the purpose of this test, it is assumed to be infinite in lateral and vertical extent. • The depth, thickness, and lateral extent of any confining beds. Observations will be made during drilling operations to identify any confining beds. It is currently unknown whether the lower ash wells will indicate water table conditions, partially confined conditions, or confined conditions. • Location of groundwater recharge. Groundwater recharge is assumed to be primarily from the ash basin area. • Horizontal and vertical flow components (e.g., direction, gradient). Water levels will be measured in the ash monitoring wells to determine the horizontal and vertical hydraulic gradient in the area of the aquifer test. Additionally, the multi-level well screens will provide information on potential stratification within the ash. Location, construction, and zone of completion of existing wells in the area (see Table 3-1). Page 4-1 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026\ 105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan\Mayo Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan FINAL.docx Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan July 2, 2018 Mayo Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 5.0 AQUIFER PUMPING TEST 5.1 Static Water Level Collection Static water level (baseline data) collection may commence once the pumping wells and observation wells have been installed, developed, and allowed to equilibrate (for approximately five days). Baseline water -level readings will be used to determine long- term data trends or potential interferences from other pumping/discharge source(s). Water levels will be monitored in selected wells using pressure transducers. A summary of the wells to be monitored for each test is included as Table 5-1. Transducers will be installed in all proposed observation well at the site. Prior to the installation of transducers, an initial round of water levels will be manually collected from the wells listed in Table 5-1. Transducers will then be installed and programmed to collect water level data every 10 minutes for a minimum of 72 hours before the start of any active pumping (step test). At the end of the 72 -hour period, baseline measurements would be stopped and downloaded for review. 5.2 Pumping System Installation Once baseline conditions have been established, a submersible pump would be installed in the pumping well by the Duke well installation contractor. The Duke well installation contractor will provide and install a flow meter capable of continuously logging discharge rates and total flow in-line with the pump discharge line. The flow meter will need to be installed in such a way as to allow it to be full of water at all times. This can be done by the installation of a six-inch drop in the discharge line prior to the flow meter and a subsequent 6 inch rise in the discharge line past the flow meter. A minimum of one foot of straight piping will also need to be installed after the drop and before the rise to ensure laminar flow through the transducer. Two ball valves should be installed in the discharge line. One should be located prior to the drop and one should be located post rise. A photograph showing the general proposed configuration for the flow meter is presented on Figure 5-1. A small diameter sampling port should also be installed somewhere near the flow meter to allow for taking field water quality measurements and samples. The remaining discharge line should be extended away from the test area (300-500 feet) to minimize potential influence of the discharged groundwater. 5.3 Step -Drawdown Test After the pumping system has been installed, the well will be allowed to fully recover (assumed to be 12 hours). Once the pumping well has fully recovered, SynTerra in Page 5-1 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026\ 105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan\Mayo Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan FINAL.docx Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan July 2, 2018 Mayo Steam Electric Plant SynTerra conjunction with the drilling contractor will conduct a step -drawdown test. A typical step test drawdown curve is presented in Figure 5-2. A step -drawdown test (or step test) is a single -well pumping test designed to investigate the performance of a pumping well under controlled variable discharge conditions. During the step -drawdown test, an initial rate of one gallon per minute (gpm) would be used. The discharge rate would be increased approximately five gpm per step period (subject to change based on field observations). Each step would be approximately 2 hours (subject to change based on field observations). This duration should allow wellbore storage effects to dissipate. This process would continue until the well can no longer sustain the selected flow rate (curve does not flatten out) or a maximum of 20 gpm flow rate is reached. After completion of the step test, the pumping well would be allowed to return to static conditions (recovery tests). Data from the step test will be used to determine an appropriately conservative initial pumping rate (Qmax) for the constant rate pumping tests. A Qmax should be calculated that will result in a drawdown after 72 hours that is approximately 25 percent of the water column (see Section 5.2). At the end of the test the flow will be adjusted to the selected Qm. using one of the ball valves prior to shutting down the pump. As the pump is shut down the remaining ball valve will be closed to prevent the discharge line from draining into the well (which would affect recover data). 5.4 Step Test Recovery Once the step test is complete, the pump will be shut off and the flow meter will be isolated (using ball valves upstream and downstream of the flow meter). The well will be allowed to fully recover prior to the start of the constant discharge test. It is anticipated that recovery will take less than 12 hours. Water levels will continue to be monitored at the same frequency during recovery. Once recovery is complete, the transducers water -level readings will be stopped and the data downloaded and analyzed. 5.5 Constant -Rate Pumping Test Once the step -drawdown test has been completed and water levels in the pumping well and affected observation wells have returned to static conditions and transducers have been stopped and reprogramed, a constant -rate pumping test will be conducted. Prior to the start of any active pumping a round of water levels will be collected in the monitored wells for each test location (see Table 5-1) Page 5-2 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026\ 105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan\Mayo Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan FINAL.docx Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan July 2, 2018 Mayo Steam Electric Plant SynTerra A constant -rate pumping test involves a control well that is pumped at a constant rate while water -level response (drawdown) is measured in one or more surrounding observation wells and in the pumping well. The goals of a constant -rate pumping test are to estimate hydraulic properties of a saturated porous media such as T, K, and S and to identify potential boundary conditions that may exist. Discharge rate would be measured approximately every 15 minutes during the initial portion of the test (first four hours). If discharge rate is stable, flow readings will be collected at 8 -hour intervals for the remainder of the test. Water level transducers will be set to record measurements every minute for the duration of the 72 -hour test and recovery period. Discharge water will be routed to the active ash basin in the approximate locations depicted on Figure 3-1. Once pumping has started, the test will run uninterrupted for up to 72 hours. During that period, water -levels will be continuously monitored with data logging pressure transducers and flow measurements continuously recorded (24 hours per day) with an electronic flow meter that averages measurements at five minute intervals. Manual water -level readings would be collected every two hours at each selected well during active pumping to provide automated data backup (see Table 5-1). Manual water -level readings will also be collected twice daily at monitoring wells ABMW-3S, ABMW-4, ABMW-4S, and SMP -1. Manual flow measurements may be conducted based on field observations, as described earlier in this section. Ground water quality field readings and laboratory samples will be collected from the discharge at selected intervals during active pumping (see Section 4.0). Page 5-3 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026\ 105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan\Mayo Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan FINAL.docx Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan July 2, 2018 Mayo Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 6.0 WATER -QUALITY MEASUREMENTS AND SAMPLING In order to help identify the potential geochemical changes that may accrue in the ash pore water during the active pumping, water -quality data will be collected during each pumping test. Water -quality data will include the collection of both field reading and laboratory samples. Particular emphasis will be placed on collection of conductivity and pH data. Changes in water chemistry (conductivity and pH) may indicate contact with a recharge boundary. Groundwater samples will be collected from the pumping well discharge and analyzed for IMP constituent list. Water -quality measurements will be collected from the discharge during the entire constant rate discharge test. Readings of pH, specific conductance, temperature, dissolved oxygen, oxidation reduction potential, Eh, and turbidity will be collected once every hour during the test. To facilitate this, a YSI Pro Plus water -quality meter will be plumbed into the discharge line. Flow through the meter will be regulated with both upstream and downstream valves. Water -quality samples for laboratory analysis will be collected prior to the step - drawdown test and once per day during the constant rate pumping test from each of the pumping wells. Each sample will be collected from a sampling port plumbed into the discharge line. Water will be collected in laboratory -prepared sample bottles and immediately placed on ice under strict chain -of -custody. Page 6-1 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026\ 105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan\Mayo Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan FINAL.docx Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan July 2, 2018 Mayo Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 7.0 ANALYSIS OF WATER -LEVEL DATA Analysis of water -level fluctuations in monitoring wells will be initially conducted using Aqtesolv® Version 4.5. Baseline data, step test data, constant rate discharge data (pumping test), drawdown data, and analytical results will be summarized and included as part of a technical memorandum on the results of aquifer testing. 7.1 Baseline Analysis Baseline data will be evaluated to determine whether any long-term trends or interference from nearby production wells are observable. If long-term data trends are observed, the baseline data will be used to adjust the pumping test drawdown data to compensate for the observed trend. 7.2 Step Test Analysis Step test analysis will be conducted in the field. The Theis (1935) step -drawdown procedure will be used to analyze data. Additional analytical methods (Dougherty - Badu, 1984; Hantush-Jacob, 1955; Theis, 1935; and Hantush, 1961) may be used depending on results of the step test drawdown data. Step test results will be used to calculate a flow rate that will result in a drawdown of approximately 25 percent of the saturated thickness after 72 hours (and excel spread sheet will be provided for making these calculations). 7.3 Constant Discharge Rate Test Analysis Final analysis methods of drawdown data are dependent on actual results of the tests. Initially, it is assumed that the proposed ash pumping wells are unconfined. Additionally, drawdown may be observed only in the pumping well. This will result in analysis of the data as a single -well pumping test. If data indicates drawdown in one or more observation well, the test will be analyzed as a multiple -well pump test. Suggested analytical methodologies for data analysis of both single -well and multiple -well pump tests are outlined in the Technical Guidance Manual for Hydrogeologic Investigations and Groundwater Monitoring, Chapter 4, Slug and Pumping Test, Table 4.2 (single -well pump test) and Table 4.7 (multiple -well pump test) (Clemson, February 1995) at: httj2://www.clemson.edu/cesftdro/murdoch/PDF`/` 20Files/Pumping%20tests, %20EPA%20guidance.12df Page 7-1 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ 105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan\Mayo Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan FINAL.docx Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan July 2, 2018 Mayo Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 8.0 REFERENCES Daniel, C. C., & Dahlen, P. R. (2002). Preliminary hydrogeologic assessment and study plan for a regional ground -water resource investigation of the Blue Ridge and Piedmont provinces of North Carolina. Raleigh, North Carolina: U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Water - Resources Investigations Report 02-4105. Dougherty, D.E and D.K. Babu, 1984. Flow to a partially penetrating well in a double porosity reservoir, Water Resources Research, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 1116-1122. Hantush, M.S. and C.E. Jacob, 1955. Non -steady radial flow in an infinite leaky aquifer, Am. Geophys. Union Trans., vol. 36, pp. 95-100. Hantush, M.S., 1961b. Aquifer tests on partially penetrating wells, Jour. of the Hyd. Div., Proc. of the Am. Soc. of Civil Eng., vol. 87, no. HY5, pp. 171-194. LeGrand, H. (2004). A master conceptual model for hydrogeological site characterization in the Piedmont and Mountain Region of North Carolina: A guidance manual. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, Raleigh, NC, 55. Theis, C.V., 1935. The relation between the lowering of the piezometric surface and the rate and duration of discharge of a well using groundwater storage, Am. Geophys. Union Trans., vol. 16, pp. 519-524. Page 8-1 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026\ 105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan\Mayo Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan FINAL.docx Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan July 2, 2018 Mayo Steam Electric Plant FIGURES SynTerra P:\ Duke Energy Progress.1026\ 105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan\Mayo Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan FINAL.docx HALIFAX COUNTY - - PERSON COUNTYY Y- % • `S N RRo ; //.. ��♦ i 001, • J:.-.. .-...- :_, ♦ ♦ R.O. W. 70�, .cx:• - I ,R ♦ � 1 /P ♦ I3 ' O Q- I O l4 �'' 0 -.l N A �. -. ;Y., --�-�,---------- ',� f , •'qtr, 4.' e - MULUNSLN IE PERSON 410 VnTem ;DUKE ENERGY IGRAPHIC SCALE 600 300 0 600 1,200 1148 RIVER STREET, SUITE 220 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 PHONE 864-421-9999 DRAWN BY: A. ROBINSON DATE: 02/27/2018 CHECKED BY: K. DONOVAN PROJECT MANAGER: J. WYLIE CAROLINA -VIRGINIA STATE (APPROXIMATE) LEGEND ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY LANDFILL BOUNDARY DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS MAYO PLANT - " - SITE BOUNDARY STREAM NOTES: PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROVIDED BY DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY OBTAINED FROM GOOGLE EARTH PRO ON JULY 13, 2017. AERIAL WAS COLLECTED ON JUNE 13, 2016. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM RIPS 3200 (NAD83/2011). FIGURE 1-2 MAYO PLANT VICINITY MAP MAYO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT, ACTUAL LOCATIONS FOR PUMPING WELLS AND OBSERVATION WELLS WILL BE FIELD VERIFIED 1 rr+rnin O PROPOSED OBSERVATION WELL (UPPER ASH PORE WATER) O PROPOSED OBSERVATION WELL (MEDIUM ASH PORE WATER) 0 PROPOSED OBSERVATION WELL (LOWER ASH PORE WATER) 0 PROPOSED PUMPING WELL (ASH PORE WATER) ABMW-26R WELL IN BEDROCK ABMW-2 WELL IN ASH PORE WATER ABMW 4D WELL IN TRANSITION ZONE ABMW-3S WELL IN ALLUVIUM/SAPRO LITE ' ,• ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY (APPROXIMATE) 10 BGS DISCHARGE LINE (APPROXIMATE) BGS BELOW GROUND SURFACE CONCEPTUAL PROPOSED PUMPING TEST WELL SCHEMATIC AP -6 PROPOSED UPPER ASH WELLS A�i!H PUMPING WELL GROUND GROUND SURFACE ' ,• SURFACE 10 BGS i 10 BGS 20 BGS 20 BGS 30 BGS a • y ` . 30 BGS PROPOSED M ASH ASH WELLS . 40 BGS 50 BGS 50 BGS S 60 oMpoc, ! 60 BGS 70 70 BGS 80 BGS 5 FEET SAPROLITE 80 BGS 90 BGS BEDROCK 90 BGS 100 BGS 100 BGS e le l§O FORMER CRUTCHFIELD BRANCH AP -6 (PERENNIAL) BASED ON 1968 (ASH PUMPING TEST) USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP • PUMPING WELL SCREENED 70-80 FEET BGS ` 6 -INCH WIRE WRAPPED PVC SCREEN. 6 -INCH WELL PVC CASING k,r F Y OBSERVATION WELLS CLUSTER - SET 15 FEET FROM PUMPING WELL 2 -INCH WELL • UPPER ASH (SCREENED 10-20 FEET BGS) .t • MEDIUM ASH (SCREENED 40-50 FEET BGS) - z • LOWER ASH (SCREENED 70-80 FEET BGS) SET 30 FEET FROM PUMPING WELL / J 2 -INCH WELL • UPPER ASH (SCREENED 10-20 FEET BGS) \ • MEDIUM ASH (SCREENED 40-50 FEET BGS) • LOWER ASH (SCREENED 70-80 FEET BGS) / / I , i / I BMW -MR - ABMW-2BRL ABMW-2 i s FORMER INTERMITTENT STREAM BA ON 1968 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP ,Y o j � vvvv vv y; , ABMW-3S ABMW-3 F. wKs F T A - °�BMW4D ,� V \ V I i E � DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS r ••� . r Terra MAYO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT 10660 BOSTON RD ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 100 IN FEET 148 RIVER STREET, SUITE 220 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 PHONE 864-421-9999 www.synterracorp.com DRAWN BY: CHRIS BRUCE DATE: 02/19/18 PROJECT MANAGER: JERRY WYLIE LAYOUT: FIG 1 (PROP WELL) nFro�ionaa rnF Pnn c�nuP c„P.m, c.,,a.P«�ma�,n PROPOSED LOCATIONS FOR ASH BASIN PUMPING TESTS MAYO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA - f _ BALL VALVE FLOW METER CONFIGURATION �mom Rise -post flow meter`" LAMINAR FLOW SECTIONS • (12 -INCHES PER AND POST METER) THISSH41. OWSSHOWS THE GENERAL CONFIGURATION OF THE DISCHARGE LINE AND FLOW METER. FLOW METER TYPE MAY VARY BUT SHOULD FOLLOW THIS GENERAL CONFIGURATION. �r L,. i 7 .. ylv■nTAFa&VIS 0 in SOURCE: 25 20 10 R] STEP DRAWDOWN TEST i a t * 1 ■ a r i 1 + i 1 + a 1 ■ ■ 1 4 � ! r � 1 ■ 6411.■i!##�F#•4■#*!#l�yt�tt■*#■t•a7i•##ttli•i4■•fii ii■#a■•r■lM if■!*!*#i •F!•i F#■* ###■r##•#!p•■ill ■ ! r i 1 k 1 i F "STEP" PORTION OF CURVE ■•ittf■int#*tt■*�tifttt #tt�#■� CUR VE a :ir.r4t.... t... t. i.. iti­..t..•i t t t. air#- t t t t f t.ii. t t. r f t. i•afi■Frr rr. rrt t#rd r i+ "FLAT" PORTION OF CURVE tf■•ttats.■ ..........................#rttftta■c•t:tis • ■ a r 1 � � Y i 1 i 4 1 ■ � 1 4 � ! r k + 1 4 i a F ! ■ riraiitaiiarir raisiarsai*a.iiirriitiaararrrsiaratriir.,arras+arae■iairraarirararrraar a 1 ■ a 1 r i ! r ■ r r � 1 � ! F � 1 4 � 1 f 4 r � r MLU (Multi -Layer Unsteady state) http://www.microfem.ni/products/mlu.html 1F Time [h ] fis RECOVERY PORTION OF CURVE h • i t. a i■ s ti t t} ........... f■isas.f.. .+....s.a • i r i + f 4 farsr�iiia�irrararrararararai■irar•�• 4 4 i r i 25 Pumping Period 1, Layer: 1 Pumping Period 2, Layer: 1 Pumping Period 3, Layer: 1 Pumping Period 4, Layer: 1 Pumping Period 5, Layer: 1 Pumping Period 6, Layer: 1 Pumping Period 7, Layer: 1 ♦ Pumping Period 1 0 Pumping Period 1 Pumping Period 1 ♦ Pumping Period 1 E Pumping Period 1 Pumping Period 1 ♦ Recovery Period Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan July 2, 2018 Mayo Steam Electric Plant TABLES SynTerra P:\ Duke Energy Progress.1026\ 105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan\Mayo Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan FINAL.docx TABLE 3-1 PROPOSED WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS MAYO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, ROXBORO, NC Identification Well Purpose Distance from Pumping Well (feet) Monitoring Zone Borehole Diameter (inches) Well Diameter (inches) Casing Depth (feet BGS) Total Well Depth' (feet BGS) Screen Length (feet) Ash Basin AP -6 Ash Well Pumping NA Lower Ash 13.25 6 NA 80 10 AP -6 Upper Ash Observation 15 Upper Ash 6.25 2 NA 20 10 AP -6 Medium Ash Observation 15 Medium Ash 6.25 2 NA 50 10 AP -6 Lower Ash Observation 15 Lower Ash 6.25 2 NA 80 10 AP -6 Upper Ash Observation 30 Upper Ash 6.25 2 NA 40 10 AP -6 Medium Ash Observation 30 Medium Ash 6.25 2 NA 66 10 AP -6 Lower Ash Observation 30 Lower Ash 6.25 2 NA 40 10 ABMW-2 (Existing) Observation TBD Ash NA 2 NA 39.2 5 ABMW-3 (Existing) Observation TBD Ash NA 2 NA 40.5 5 Prepared by: CHB Checked by: JAW Notes: Proposed depths and well construction details are approximate and subject to change based on field observations Bold - Indicates Proposed Wells "'Total Well Depth" is the depth to the bottom of the screened interval, as measured durinq well installation. BGS - Below ground surface NA - Not applicable TBD - to be determined P:\Duke Energy Progress. 1026\105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan\Tables\Table 3-1 Proposed Well Construction Details—Mayo Page 1 of 1 TABLE 5-1 PROPOSED WELLS TO BE MONITORED DURING ASH BASIN PUMPING TEST MAYO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, ROXBORO, NC Well ID PROPOSED WELL CLUSTER Step Test (Ash) Pumping Test Z (Ash) AP -6 Ash Pumping Well X AP -6 Upper Ash (15 feet) X AP -6 Medium Ash (15 feet) X AP -6 Lower Ash (15 feet) X AP -6 Upper Ash (30 feet) X X AP -6 Medium Ash (30 feet) X AP -6 Lower Ash (30 feet) X ABMW-2 X ABMW-3 X Prepared by: CHB Checked by: JAW Notes• Refer to Scope of Work for frequency of manual water level measurements P:\Duke Energy Progress. 1026\105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test\Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan\Tables\Table 5-1 Proposed Wells to be MonitoredTable 5-1 Proposed Wells to be Monitored Page 1 of 1 Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan July 2, 2018 Mayo Steam Electric Plant APPENDIX A BORING LOGS FOR ABMW-2 AND ABMW-3 WELL CLUSTERS SynTerra P:\ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\ Ash Basin Pumping Test\ Ash Basin Pumping Test \Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan \Mayo Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan FINAL.docx PROJECT: Mayo Station PROJECT NO: 1026.105 WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-02 STARTED: 5/30/15 COMPLETED: 5/31/15 NORTHING: 1012778.26 EASTING: 2030477.81 G.S. ELEV: 490.68 ft M.P. ELEV: 492.90 ft DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 41.2 ft BGS LOGGED BY: J. Wylie CHECKED BY: E. Black DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 61N NOTES: a w" o U 0_0 0 < U U) DESCRIPTION a- Q � 0� w �- � p z m � U o f a s WELL CONSTRUCTION 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 No recovery. BOTTOM ASH, dark gray, moist, mostly fine to coarse sand. No recovery. Grout 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser —Bentonite seal ''° —Sand Pack 2" pre -packed well screen ' BOTTOM ASH, dark gray, moist, mostly fine to coarse sand, some gravel/coal fragments. BOTTOM ASH, same as above at 8 ft. FLY ASH, black, saturated, mostly fine sand, little silt, dense. BOTTOM ASH, same as above. No recovery. BOTTOM ASH, same as above. FLY ASH, same as above 12.3 ft. BOTTOM ASH, same as above. FLY ASH, same as above 12.3 ft. BOTTOM ASH, same as above. FLY ASH, same as above 12.3 ft. No recovery. BOTTOM ASH, same as above. FLY ASH, same as above 12.3 ft. No recovery. ML SILT, tan, moise, mostly silt with some fine to medium sand. Mottled tan/gray, dry, very dense, weathered gneiss. (SAPROLITE) SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC. L�148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Roxboro, NC �T� Greenville, ling 29601 erPhone:864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Mayo Station WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-02 PROJECT NO: 1026.105 STARTED: 5/30/15 COMPLETED: 5/31/15 NORTHING: 1012778.26 EASTING: 2030477.81 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 490.68 ft M.P. ELEV: 492.90 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 41.2 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Wylie CHECKED BY: E. Black a Uui 0-0 Q o co O Z 0 a WELL wo DESCRIPTION Q Lu `� 0 a n CONSTRUCTION m 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC. SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Roxboro, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerm Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Mayo Station WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-02BR PROJECT NO: 1026.105 STARTED: 5/28/15 COMPLETED: 6/3/15 NORTHING: 1012781.97 EASTING: 2030476.42 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 490.65 ft M.P. ELEV: 493.85 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 61N DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 120.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Wylie CHECKED BY: E. Black a w" o U Q-0 0 < U U) DESCRIPTION a Q U) 0� w �- � p z m � U o f a s WELL CONSTRUCTION No recovery. BOTTOM ASH, dark gray, moist, mostly fine to coarse sand. 5 ' No recovery. BOTTOM ASH, dark gray, moist, mostly fine to coarse sand, some gravel/coal fragments. 10 BOTTOM ASH, same as above at 8 ft. FLY ASH, black, saturated, mostly fine sand, little silt, dense. 15 BOTTOM ASH, same as above. No recovery. BOTTOM ASH, same as above. FLY ASH, same as above 12.3 ft. 20 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC BOTTOM ASH, same as above. riser FLY ASH, same as above 12.3 ft. BOTTOM ASH, same as above. FLY ASH, same as above 12.3 ft. 25 No recovery. 30 BOTTOM ASH, same as above. FLY ASH, same as above 12.3 ft. No recovery. 35 ML SILT, tan, moise, mostly silt with some fine to medium sand. Mottled tan/gray, dry, very dense, weathered GNEISS. (SAPROLITE) SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC. L�148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Roxboro, NC Greenville, ling 29601 �T� erPhone:864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 4 PROJECT: Mayo Station WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-02BR PROJECT NO: 1026.105 STARTED: 5/28/15 COMPLETED: 6/3/15 NORTHING: 1012781.97 EASTING: 2030476.42 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 490.65 ft M.P. ELEV: 493.85 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 120.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Wylie CHECKED BY: E. Black o wo Uui 0-0 Q DESCRIPTION Q o w `� co O Z m 0 0 a a n WELL CONSTRUCTION NN Grout 6" PVC surface casing 45 Mottled, dark brown, tan, gray, and black, very dense, dry, saprolitic (schist). 50 Same as above. 55 Same as above. 60 Same as above, strong relict structure, more gneissic structure/texture. 65 _ RK Same as above, becoming harder with depth, mostly rock fragments above 66 W, schistose texture, saprolite/partially weathered rock contact at 67 ft. 70 No recovery. 5 75 No recovery from 75-77 ft. RK Partially weathered rock/bedrock transition from 77-80 ft. Hard, fresh to slightly weathered GRANITIC GNEISS, iron and manganese staining on joint surfaces, dry. SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC. 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Roxboro, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerm Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 4 PROJECT: Mayo Station WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-02BR PROJECT NO: 1026.105 STARTED: 5/28/15 COMPLETED: 6/3/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 1012781.97 EASTING: 2030476.42 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 490.65 ft M.P. ELEV: 493.85 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 120.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Wylie CHECKED BY: E. Black o wo Uui 0_0 < 0 Q � DESCRIPTION Q U o w `� co O Z m 0 U o a a n WELL CONSTRUCTION Black with thin white bands on folliations, fresh, PHYLLITE fracture breaks along planes of foliation, top of bedrock designated at –80 ft. 85 - Hard, slightly weathered to fresh, medium grained, GRANITIC GNEISS. �— Bentonite seal 90 _ - Hard, fresh, medium grained, GRANITIC GNEISS, few closely spaced tight breaks along foliation planes with no staining or mineralization. High angle fracture at 90.8-91 ft. with mineralized joint surface. Vertical 95 ,,_ -" _ - fracture/intersecting horizontal fracture at 94.4-95 ft., brownish -red surface staining on joint plane. 95-96' no recovery, 97-100 ft. hard, fresh to slightly weathered, medium grained GRANITIC GNEISS fractures at 97.3, 99 (healed), 99.3-99.6 ft. Joint surfaces, stained -" reddish -brown. - J9 Sand Pack 100 2" pre -packed well screen - -` Hard, GRANITIC GNEISS, weathered with abundant - - fractures and reddish brown mineralization, mostly healed fracture in bottom 6-8". Abrupt rock change/contact. Black, fresh, fine grained 105 HORNBLENDE GNEISS with 90% mafic minerals with reddish orange staining on felsic crystallization. Quartzite vein. Hard, GRANITIC GNEISS, moderately weathered with horizontal and vertical fractures some healed). 110 No recovery. Moderate to severely weathered, dark gray 115 GRANITOID GNEISS, grades into more felsic light gray GRANITOID GNEISS with some horizontal and vertical fractures and red -orange mineralization/staining at joints. Light gray, moderately weathered GRANITOID GNEISS with moderate to high angle bedding planes. Horizontal fractures at 117.5, 118.2, 118.5, and 119 ft. I I I I Sharp co tact into dark gray. fine grained PHYLLITF SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC. 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Roxboro, NC Carolina 29601 erPhone:864 421 PAGE 3 OF 4 s)mTraGreenville, 9 PROJECT: Mayo Station WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-02BR PROJECT NO: 1026.105 STARTED: 5/28/15 COMPLETED: 6/3/15 NORTHING: 1012781.97 EASTING: 2030476.42 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 490.65 ft M.P. ELEV: 493.85 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 120.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Wylie CHECKED BY: E. Black a Uui 0-0 Q o co O Z 0 a WELL wo DESCRIPTION Q w `� 0 a n CONSTRUCTION m with high angle rough joint Trom119-120 ft. Boring terminated at 120 ft. Bentonite added to boring from 106-120 ft. to facilitate well construction. 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC. SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Roxboro, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerm Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 4 OF 4 PROJECT: Mayo Station PROJECT NO: 1026.105 WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-03 STARTED: 5/18/15 COMPLETED: 5/19/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN NOTES: NORTHING: 1012714.21 EASTING: 2030856.72 G.S. ELEV: 497.34 ft M.P. ELEV: 500.17 ft DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 40.5 ft BGS LOGGED BY: J. Wylie CHECKED BY: E. Black a wo Uui 0_0 DESCRIPTION a- Q () o w `� co O m 0 a o n WELL CONSTRUCTION 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 No recovery. Grout 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser �— Bentonite seal —Sand Pack 2" pre -packed well screen ' BOTTOM ASH, black, dry, loose, mostly fine to medium sand, poorly graded with some small gravel. No recovery. FLY ASH, dark gray, wet, silt. BOTTOM ASH, medium grained, loose, dry, mostly fine to coarse sand with some small gravel. No recovery. Hole collapse material. FLY ASH, dark gray, dry, mostl silt, few .x �ne�nd. Same as 8.6'. FLY ASH, darkgray,moist, mostly silt, fe BOTTOM ASH, medium gray, mostly fine sand, moist, e silt. TTOM ASH, light to medium gray with tan and tV�wn,dry, mostly fine to coarse sand with gravel ces. I x z ' xt ' Y ASH, ra , wet, mostly silt, few fine sand. BOTTOM ASH, light to medium gray, moist, mosjto to coarse sand, few silt. FLY ASH, dark gray, saturated, mostly silt, few fi coarse sand. BOTTOM ASH, light green/gray, medium to coarse sand, moist, loose. FLY ASH, medium to dark gray, mostly silt, moist, some fine sand. BOTTOM ASH same as 21.3 ft. FLY ASH, same as 23.3 ft. BOTTOM ASH same as 21.3 ft. FLY ASH, same as 23.3 ft. BOTTOM ASH, gray, loose, fine to coarse sand, mois with small lens of silt and gravel 25.6-25.8 ft.). Interbedded FLY and BOTTOM ASH. FLY ASH, dark gray, wet/saturated, silt. Interlayered and interbedded FLY ASH and BOTTOM ASH layers, recovery only a few inches thick. SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC. 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Roxboro, NC s)mTraGreenville, 9Carolina 29601 erPhone:864 421 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Mayo Station WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-03 PROJECT NO: 1026.105 STARTED: 5/18/15 COMPLETED: 5/19/15 NORTHING: 1012714.21 EASTING: 2030856.72 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 497.34 ft M.P. ELEV: 500.17 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 40.5 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: J. Wylie CHECKED BY: E. Black a U a 0 U a O o co 0 z 0 Q WELL w < J DESCRIPTION Q w �- m 0 a CONSTRUCTION 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC. SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Roxboro, NC Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mTerm Phone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 0 ao g a 0 Cn z z 0 PROJECT: Mayo Station WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-03S PROJECT NO: 1026.105 STARTED: 5/20/15 COMPLETED: 5/20/15 NORTHING: 1012718.52 EASTING: 2030858.24 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 497.33 ft M.P. ELEV: 500.30 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 61N DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 68.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: E. Black CHECKED BY: J. Wylie a w V o U Q-0 0 < (D U) DESCRIPTION o- Q U) 0� w �- � p z m � U o f a s WELL CONSTRUCTION No recovery. BOTTOM ASH, black, dry, loose, mostly fine to medium sand, poorly graded with some small gravel. 5 ' No recovery. FLY ASH, dark gray, wet, silt. BOTTOM ASH, medium grained, loose, dry, mostly fine 10 ' r to coarse sand with some small gravel. No recovery. Hole colla se material. FLY ASH, dark gray, dry, mostlysilt, few fine sand. Same as 8.6 ft. FLY ASH, dark gray, moist, most) silt, few clay. 15 .x BOTTOM ASH, medium gray, mostly fine sand, moist, e silt. x z ' TTOM ASH, light to medium gray with tan and xt ' tV�wn,dry, mostly fine to coarse sand with gravel 20 ces. Y ASH, ra , wet, mostly silt, few fine sand. BOTTOM ASH, light to medium gray, moist, mostly fi to coarse sand, few silt. FLY ASH, dark gray, saturated, mostly silt, few fine to coarse sand. Grout BOTTOM ASH, light green/gray, medium to coarse sand, moist, loose. FLY ASH, medium to dark gray, mostly silt, moist, 25 some fine sand. BOTTOM ASH same as 21.3 ft. FLY ASH, same as 23.3 ft.jr BOTTOM ASH same as 21.3 ft. FLY ASH, same as 23.3 ft. BOTTOM ASH, gray, loose, fine to coarse sand, mois with small lens of silt and gravel 25.6-25.8 ft.). 30 Interbedded FLY and BOTTOM ASH. 2" Sch. 40 threaded PVC riser FLY ASH, dark gray, wet/saturated, silt. 35 Interlayered and interbedded FLY ASH and BOTTOM ASH layers, recovery only a few inches thick. SynTerra CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC. 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Roxboro, NC South ling 29601 rPhone:Greenvllle, synTera 864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Mayo Station WELL / BORING NO: ABMW-03S PROJECT NO: 1026.105 STARTED: 5/20/15 COMPLETED: 5/20/15 DRILLING COMPANY: Cascade Drilling NORTHING: 1012718.52 EASTING: 2030858.24 DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Sonic G.S. ELEV: 497.33 ft M.P. ELEV: 500.30 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 6 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 68.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: E. Black CHECKED BY: J. Wylie w p U _ Q J C� U) p DESCRIPTION LU < Wv OJ D mO a n WELL CONSTRUCTION SC SAND, tan to gray, medium to coarse sand with fine sand and silt, few small gravel, moist. ML SILT, medium to dark gray, mostly silt, some fine sand, saturated. 45 SP SP ML SAND, silty, greenish brown (2.5 YR 5/2), little clay, moist, some roots/or anic matter. SAND, silty, light yellowish brown )2.5 YR, 6/4), some cla , moist, low plasticity. CLAY, silty, yellowish red (5 YR 5/6), moist, medium lastici Bentonite seal Yellowish red (5 YR 5/6) clay with little silt. From 47.4-48 ft. (SAPROLITE) ML SILT, loose, strong brown, (7.5 YR 5/6), moist, some sand. 50 ML SILT, yellowish brown, (10 YR, 5/8), medium dense, moist, trace fine sand. 55 —Sand Pack 2" pre-packed well screen ML SILT, reddish brown, (5 YR, 5/4), most, trace fine sand, mottled. (SAPROLITE) ML SILT, yellowish brown, (10 YR, 5/8), moist, trace fine sand, thinly bedded. (SAPROLITE) 60 SM SAND, brown, (7.5 YR, 5/4), loose, moist, little clay. (SAPROLITE) ML SILT, dense, brown, (7.5 YR, 5/4) moist, fine sand, iron and manganese staining, infrequent relic texture. (SAPROLITE) 65 ML Same as 60.5-65 ft. except dry, more relict structure, SAPROLITE/PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK, contact at 68 ft. Borning terminated at 68 ft. Bentonite added to boring from 61 to 68 ft. to facilitate well construction. 70 75 CLIENT: Duke Energy Progress, LLC. SynTerra L� 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Roxboro, NC lle, South ling 29601 GreenvsynTerra l864-421-9999 Phone: PAGE 2 OF 2