HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180964 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20180718ROY COOPER co�e+„u. MICHAELS.RECAN sK.rra.y IJNDA CULPEPPER lnferbn iWMn NORTH CARO�INA fnHronmenta! Qual(ty July I8,?018 Wake CounCy NCD W R Project No. 20180964 SR 1379 State Projeet No. UBP.S.CPE APPROVAL of 101 W.4TER QUALITY CERTIFICATION and NEUSE BUFFER AUTHORIZ.4TION, with ADDITIONAL CONDITIONti Mr. Joey� Hopkins, P.E., Division Engineer NCDOT, Division 5 361? North Duke Sireet Durham, NC 27707 Dear Mr. liopkins: You have our approval, in accordance with the conditiuns- listed below. for the tollowing impacts lor the purpose of replacing a pipe on SR I;79 in W'ake Co�mty: Site Riprap in Intermittent Strcam i I o Temporary De�r atcring [o Intermit[ent Stream � ,T, Im acts in the Neuse Rirer Basin Permanent Fill in Riprap in Perenni.�l S[ream Perennial (lincar fry S[ream linear R ia a� U n Total I 69 I IS I 14 To[al S[ream ImpaM for Projec[: 176 linear feet. Site u Q Totals Ncuse Ri arian Buffe Zone I Impact Zone I Buffer Miti�ation Reyuired s ft) (usin 3:1 ratio) '833 N A 54� 1635 3378 1635 * nia = Impact Allowable, no mitigation reyuired Total Buffer Impact (or Project: 3a76 square feet. 1' J$ Temporary Total DeNalering [o Stream Perenni�l Strcam Impact Qinear fq (linear fi 33 9? 0 56 0 ?8 33 176 Zone 2 Impact (sq R) 98 0 98 w� � Q�� North Carolina Departinent o� En��runm2n[ai Quahty Dwision or Wa[er Rasources 312 NURh SalisUury S[reet � 1617 Mail Service Center . Raleigh. Nor[h Carolina 27699�1617 919 70�.9000 _� Zone 2 Buffer Mitigation '.equired (using 1.5:1 ratii N A 0 0 The project shall be consvuc�ed in accordance with your applica�iun received Jul�� I I.'_018. After reviewin, your application, we have decided that these impacts are covered by General Wa[er Quality Certi�ica�ion Numbers 413? and d I�-1. These cenilications correspond to the Natiomvide Penni[s 3 and 13 issued by the Corps of En,ineers. This approval is also valid for the Neus� Riparian Buffer Rules ( I�A NCAC �D.O'_33). In addition, you should acquire an}� oth�r federal, state or local permits before you proceed with your project induding (bu[ not limited to) Szdiment anJ F.rosion Convol, Non-Dischar�_e and W'ater Supply Wa�ershed regulations. This approval will espire with ihe accumpan} in�, �30�1 parmit. This approval is valid solely for [he purpose and desi�n described in your applica[ion (unless modified below). Shoidd your project chan,e. you must notif� the NCDWR and submit a ne�� application. Ifthe property is sold, the new owner must be �iven a copy of this Certilicaiiun and approval letter. and is ihereby msponsible tor compl}�in, with all the condi[ions. If rotal we�land fills lor this project (now or in ihe future) exceed one acre, or of [otal impacts to streams �no�� or in the fuuirel esceed I�0 linear teeL compensatory� miti�ation may be required as described in I�A NCAC 3N .Osp6 �h� �6) and (7). Additional bid'fer impacts may require compensatory mitieation as described in ISA NCAC 2B.0'3;. For this approval tu remain valid, you must adhere to the conditions listed in the (irneral Certilications and nnv additional conditions listed below. Conditions of Certificafion: L Compensatory mitiga�ion ti�r impacts tu �a� syuare feet of protected riparian buffers in Zonr I shall be required. We understand thai you have chosen to perfurm compensatory initi<,ation fur impacts �o protected butlers through use ofthe Nurih Carolina Division ot Mitioation Services �DMS) (formerl� NCELP). Mitigation Yi�r un�voidable impacts to Neuse Riparian f3uffers shall be provided in the Ncusz River Basin and done in accordance with I�A NCAC ?6.039�.'I�he DMS has indicated in a letter da[ed Jul}� >. ]0 B that �hcy will assume responsibilin� tor ,satisfy ing the compensaron miti�ation requirements tor the nbove-referenced project, in acmrdance with DMS's Mi�igation E3anking Instrument signed June Id. ?OI6. 3. Unless otherwise approved in this certiticn�ion, placement of culverts and other structures in open waters and streams, shall be placed b�low ihe elevntion of ihe streambed by one foo� for all culverts with a diameter �reater than a8 inches, and ?0 percem of the eulvert diametu for culverts having a diameter less than 18 inches, to allow loN� Flow passaQe of �+ater and aquatic lite. Desien and placement of cidvens and o�her struc�ures includine tempurary erosion control measures shall not t�e conducted in a manner that may resul[ in dis-equilibrium of wetlands or s�reambeds or banks. adlacen[ to ur upstream and down stream of the above stnictures. The applican[ is reyuired tu provide cvidence iha� the eyuilibrium is being maintained if rzyuested in �sriting by [he NCDNR. If this condi[ion is unable tu be met Jue to bedrock ur othzr limiting fe�tures encountered durin� cons[ructiun, please contact [he NCDWR tur guidanc� on how [o proceed and to detennine w�hether or not a permit moditica[iun will be required. [ISA NCAC 0'_'H.0�06(b)1'-1] 3. II'multiple pipes or barrels are required. [hep shall be designed ro mimic natural stream cross scction as' closely as possible includin� pipes or barrels at Flood plain elevatiort and;'or sills tihere appropriate. W'idenin, the stream channel should be avoided. Stream channel widening ai the inlet or outlet end of structures ty�pically decreases wa�er vzlucity causing sedimem deposition Ihat requires increased maintenance and disrupts ayuatic life passage. �15A NCAC 03H.0>06(b)(2)� 4. Riprap shall not be placed in the sireambed in a manner that precludes aquatic life passage. [3ioengineerine boulders or svuctures should be properly desiened. sized and installed. � I>A NCAC 02H.Oi06(b)(3�) �. For all sveams being impacted due lo si[e dew�aterim_ activities, the site shall be ,raded tu its precons[ruction contours and reve,etated Hith appropriate native species. �ISA NCAC 0'_H.0506�b)13)� North Carohna Depacment o'r Bmuonmenr�� q���ine Drvision of WaterResources 312 North SahSUury Stree[ 16ll Mad Senice Center Raieigh, North Caroiina 2 7 699-161" 919 �07 9000 � � 6. The strexm channel shall be excavated nu deeper than the natural bed material of the stream, to ihe maximum e�ien� practicable. Efforts must be made to minimize impacts to ihe stre:am banks, as �e�ell as to vege[ation responsible fur maintaining �he stream bank swbilig�. An� applicable riparian bufFer imp�ct for �ccess to stream channel shall 6r teinporary and be re�egetaied �tiith nativc ripari�in species. � I�A NCAC 0]H.0>OG�b)�_)� 7. All stormwater nmol'f shall be directed as sheet�loH� throu,h stream huFfers at nun-erosive velocities, unless otlierwise approved by this czrtitication. [15q NCAC'_L3.023.� 8. All riparixn buflers impacted b� the placzmzm oftemporan� fill or clearin, ac�ivities shall be restored to the preconstruction contours and mve,etated. Maintained buftiers shall be permanenih� reve�,etated �vith non-woody species by the end of the erowing season followin, cumpletiun ul construction. For the purpose of thi> condi[ion, maintained bufler areas are defined as areas wi[hin the transportation corridor thai will be subjea to regular NCDOT maintenance activities induding mowin�t. The area wi[h non-main[ained buffers shall be pennanenUc reveeetared with native �coody species beli�re the ne.�l growing season followin� mmpletion of construction. [ I SA NCAC ?6.0?;;� 9. Pursuant to I iA NCAC 26.0333�G), sediment and erosion control devices shall not be placed in Lone I ul any Neuse Butler withuut prior approval by the NCDWR. A[ ihis �ime, thc NCDW R has approved no szdiment and erosion conVol devices in Lone I. outsidc af the approved project impacts, anywhere on ihis project. Moroovzr, sediment and erosion control devices shall be allowed in Zone'_' of�he but7ers provided that Zone I is not compromised and ihat discharge is released as dill�ust flow. 10. If concrete is useJ during cunstructiun, a dry wurk area shall he maintained to pmvent direct contac[ bctween curin, concrete and stream w��er. Water that in2dvenently contac�s imcurzd cuncrete shall not be discharved to surface ��aters due to �he potrntial for elevated pH and possible aqua�ic life and fish kills. � I>A NCAC 02B.0?OOJ I I. During the construction uf the project, no s�a��ine of equipment of am- kind is permitted in waters of die U.S., or protcctzd riparian bufters. � I SA NGAC 0'_H.p5p61b1('_)� 12. �fhe dimension, pa[tern and protile of the stream above and below the crossin, shall not be moditied. Disturbed floodplains and streams shall be resrored to natural ;eomorphic conditions. [ I�A NG4C 0'_H.0506(b)(?)] 13. Thc use o( rip-rap above the Normal High Water Mark shall be minimized. Am rip-rap placcd tbr stream stabilization shall be placed in streain channels in such a manner tha[ it does not impede aquatic life passa�_e. [19A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(?)) I�1. l�he Permittee shall ensure �hat thz hnal design drawings adhere [o �he pemiii and to �he pennit drawings suhmined for approvaL [ I�A NCAC b2H .0�07 Ic) and I�A NCAC 0'_H .0�06 (b)(?) and (c)(3)J I i. All ti�ork in or adjacent to stream waters shall be conducted in a dry worA area. Approved 6MP measures tFom Ihc most current version of NCDOT Cons[ruction and Maintenance Activities manual such as sandbags, rock berms, cofferdams and o[her diversion structures shall be used [o prevent excavation in ilowin, water. � I�A NCAC 0_'H.Oi06(bl(3) and (c)(3)� 16. I�-laav} zquipment shall be operated I�om the banks rather than in lhz stream channel in order ro minimize sediinentation and reduce the introduction uf other pollutants into lhe stream. � I SA NCAC 03H.05p6fb)f31� 17. AII mechanized equipment operated near surface waters must be regidarly inspected and maintained to prevent contnmination of stream waters from fuels. Iubricants, hydraulic Fluids, or other to�ic materials. [I>A NCAC 021i.0�06(b�(3)� 18. Nu rock, sand or other materials shall be dredged trom the stream channel except where authorized b} this certification. � I iA NCAC 0211.0506(b)1 +)] Nerth Carolina Dzpartmeiit uf Environmen:ai Qua�ip Drvision of Water Resources 512 Narth Salisbury S[reet 1617 Mail Szrvica Center Raleigh. North Carolma 2 7 69916 1- 919-707_9000 19. Dischargin� hydroseed mi�tures and washin, out hydruseeders and o�her eyuipment in or ad,j�cent to surface waters is prohibited. � I>A NCAC 031��1.0>0616)(3)] 30. The permitlee and its authorized agems sh�ll conduct its activi�ies in a manner consistent with State water qualih� standards ( including am� requirzmems rcsultin, t�om cumpliance widi �;0_(d) o( the Clean W�ter Acq and am� other appropriate requirements of St�te and Federal la�+�. If[he NCDN'R de�ermines that �uch standnrds or laws are not bein, met (includin, the failure to sustain a desi!,na[ed or achieved use) or iha� State or Federal lati is being violated, or ihat further conditions are necessary to assure compliance, the NCDWR maq reevalua[e and modify [his certitication. � I�A NCAC 0'_B.0_'00] ? I. A cop� of [his N-'ater Qualih� Certitication shall be maintained on Ihe construction si�e at all times. In addition. [he Wa[er Qualit� Certification and all subsequem moditica�ions. ifan��. shall be maintained wi[h the Division Engineer and the on-site project mana!�er. [ISA NCAC 0?H .Oi07(c) end IiA NCAC 02H Oi06 (b)(�) nnd (c1R)� 33. The out,ide buffer, weUand or wahr boundary located within thc construction corridor approved by this authorization, includin, all non-commercial borrow� and waste si[es associated ti�iih the prqjzct, shall be clearl}� marked b�- hi�hly visible fencin�, prior to an}�� land disturbin_ activities. Impac[� tu areas � ithin the fencine are prohibited unless otherwise aulhorizad bc this certification. �I�A NCAC 02H.0501 and .0�03] 23. Thc issuance of this cer�ilication does no[ e�empt the Permi[tee from cumplcine with any and all staurtes, rules. regulations. or nrdinances that ma� be imposed b�� other �zovernment a�_encies (i.e. local, state, and federal) having jurisdiction. including but not limited to applicable bufl�er rules, smrmwater manaeement rules. soil erosion and sedimentation contrul requirements, etc. ?d. The Permittee shall report any violations ofdiis certitication to the Division oi' Water Resources Hithin 34 hours of discovery. [ISA NCAC U3H.Oi06(b)(2)� ?i. Upon cumpletiun uf the prqject 1 including any impacts at associated borrow� or waste sites), the NCDOT Division Eneincer shall complete and return the endosed "Certification of Completion �orm" to no�if�� thc NCUWR when all work included in the d01 CeniYica[ion has been coinpleted. � 15A NCAC 0?H.0>02(t�J 26. Native riparian veeetation (i.e.. trees and shrubs nalive �o your �eographic region) must be reestablished in the riparian areu witl�in tlic construction limits oF Ihe projecl by the end ol the �trowing season lollow'ing completion of construction. [I�A NCAC 0'_B.0?33(10)� 8[I iA NCAC 02B.Oi0G(b)(_')� 27. There shall be no escavation from, or waste disposal into, jurisdictional wetlands or waters associated with this permit without appropriate moditication. Should �sasie or borro�s sites, or access roads to waste or burrow sites, bz loca[ed in wetlands or sireams, compensatorv miti,a�ion will be required since tha[ is a direct impact from road construction activities. �I �A NCAC 0'_H.Ui06(b)(_) and (c)(3 )� 28. F.rosion and sediment conVol practices mus[ be in full compliance with all specifica[ions eoverning [he proper desi�n, installa[ion and operation and maintenance of such Best Mana_ement Practices in order to protect wrtace waters standards � ISn NCAC 03F�L0�06(b�(3) and (c)( �)�: a. The erosion and sediment control measures for the project must be desi;ned, installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the mos[ recent versii�n of the Noi�dv C'nrolinu Sedime�v �md Ero.viun ('nntru! P(�rnnnr,K un<! Design dla�ival. b. The dcsisn, installation, operation, and mainte�ance ofthe sediment and erosion con�rol measures must be such that they equaL or exceed, die requirements specified in the most recent version of the ;�'urdi Curulino .�e�(imenr nnc( Erosio�v ('nnuuf hlanu�d. The devices shall be maintained on all construc[ion sites, borrow si�es, and waste pile (spoil) prc�jecls, includin, contractor-owned or leased borro��� pits associated with lhe projec�. .:.:_, � Q�r North Carolina Deuartmen[ of Bwrconin?n� ii i�aaln.� Divis�on of Water Resources �12 North Salisburv Street 1617 Mail Serv�ce Center Rale�gh. NoRh Camlina 27699�161 i 919.707.9000 c For borrow pit sires, thc crosion and sediment comr�l measures must be designed, installed, operated, and maimained in accordance wi[h ihe mos[ recent version of the Po'ur�h ('oi���lL��� Sru�%acr .1liirrng blanucil. d. -fhe reclama[ion measures and implementation must cumply wiih the rcclamation in accordance with Ihe requirements ofthe Sedimentation Pollu[ion CunVol Ac[. 28. Sediinent and erosion control me�sures shall not be placed in wetlands or surface waters, or within 5 feet of �he iop of bank. without prior approval from DWR. (15A NCAC 03H.Oi06(b)(3) and (cp � IJ 39. When applicable. all constructiun acti�ities shall be performed and maintained in Full compliance with G.S. Chapter I I;A Artick a(Sedimem and Pollu[iun Control Act of 1973). Regardless uf applicability ot the Sedimznt and Pollution Control Act, all projeets shall incorpurate appropriare Best Manaoement Practiees for [he eontrol of sediment and erosion so Ihat no violations oY state water quality standards, statutes, or rules occur. [I �A NCAC 0?H 0�06;6)(3) and (c)(3) and I�A NCAC 02B.0200� 30. Desi�n, installa[ion, operatiun. and main�enance of alI sediment and erosion control measures shall be equal to or e.eceed the requirements- specititd in the most recent version of the Nor(h Cu��olinu Sedirnenl nnd Erosrnn Conlrol Munn�el, or lur linear transportation projecu, the NCDOT Sediment and E��usron Cu�vlrul .M1dunt�ul. All devices shall be maintained on all construction sitrs, burrow sites, and was[e pile (spoil ) sites. includine rontractor- owned or leased burrow pits associated with the project. Sufficient ma�erials required for stabilization and/or repairof erosion control mcasures and stunnw�ater routim, and treatmen[ shal I be on s'ite at al I times. For borrow pit siles, the erosion and sedimen[ control measures shall be designed, installed, operared. and maintained in accordance with tlie mos� recent versiun oY [he Nurth C�u�ulr�v�i SrvJiice Alinin,� A�lmn�ul. Reclam�tion measures and implementatian shall cumpl� with the reclamation in accordance with the requirements of the Scdimzntation Pollution Convol Act and the Mining Act of 197 L[I iA NCAC 0?H.0506(b)(3) and fc)(3); GC 413�] II you wish to contest am staremem in die attached Certitication you must tile a petition lor an administrative hearing. You m�y obtain the petition form from [he oRlce of Administrative hearings. You must file lhe peti[ion with the office of Administrative Hearings within si�ty (601 days of receipt of this notice. A petition is considered tiled �a�hen ii in received in ihe oflitt of Administrative Flearin,s durine normal oftice hours. The Ot7ice of Administrative Hearin,s accepts tilings Monday throu,h Friday between the hours uf 8:OOam and i:00pm, cxcept for oflicial stare holidays. The original and one ( 11 copy of the petition must be filed with Ihe Office of AdminisRa[ive I-learin�s. i�he petition may be faxed-provided the original and one copy of the docwnent is received by the Oftice of Administrative Hearin�s widiin frve (>) business da��s following the faxed trHnsmission. The mailing address for the Office of ndminish'�i[ive Hearin,s is: Office of Administrative Hearin�n 6714 Mail Service Center Raleieh. NC �7699-671-i Telephone: (919) 4; I-3004 Facsimile: (919) d31-3100 A copy� of the petition must also bz served on DEQ as follows: Mr. Bill F. Lane, General Counsel Department of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center :.::r. � Q�� North Carofna Department �r Eivrtonmen[al Q�,iahy Drvision of Water Resourc=s 512 North Sahsbury S[reet 16ll Mail Service Cen[er Raleigh. North Carolina 27699-161- 919J07 9000 �—� This letter completes [he review of Ihe Division of Wa[er Resources under Sec[ion d01 of Ihe Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please contact Rob Ridings at 919-707-8786. Sincerely, � ��f� Linda Culpepper, In[erim Director Division of Water Resources Electronic copy only distribution: James Lastinger, US Army Corps of Engineers, Raleigh Field Otlice Heather Montague, Division 5 Environmental Specialist Beth Harmon, Division of Mitiga[ion Services (only if DMS Mi[igation proposed) File Copy North Carolina Departinen[ of Environmental Quaiiry , Drvision of Wa[er Resources 512 North Salisbury Street i 1617 Mail Service Center. Raleigh. North Carolina 276991617 � 919]07.9000 ROY COOPER c��« MICHAEL S. RECAN StCrHary LINDA CULPEPPER Intertm prectar NORTH CAROLINA Enrlronnunm! Quatlty NCDWR Project No.: Applicant: Projrct Name: County: Date of Issuance of a01 Water Quality Certification: Certifica[e of Completion Upon completion of all N�ork approved wi[hin the J01 Watcr Qualit}� Certitication or applicable t3ufler Rules, and any subsequen[ modifications. Ihe applicant is required to return this certificate to Ihe d01 T'ransportation Pennitting Unit. North Carolina Divis'ion of Wa[er Resources. 1617 Mail Strvice Center. Ralzish, NC, 37699-1617. This form may be reWrned to NCDWR by [he applicant, the applicanCs authorized a,ent. or the project engineer. It is not necessarv [o send certificates from all of tliese. .4pplicr�rt�'s Certificalioi� I, , hereby stale that. to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of Ihe construction such that the construction was observed to be built �vithin substantial compliance and intent uf [he d01 Water Qualiq Cenification and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supportin<, materials. Sianature: Date: 4gex�'s Cerlifrcudon I, , hereby state that. to the best of my abilities. due care and diligence was used in tlie observation of [he construction such tha[ [he construction was observed to be buil[ within substantial compliance and intent of the d01 Water Quality Certitication and Buffer Rules, [he approved plans and specifications, and uther supporting materials. Sienature: Date: Engiiteer's CerliJicafinn Partial Final I, , as a duly re�istered Professional F.ngineer in Ihe State ofNorth Carolina, havin_ been authorized to observe (periodically, weekly, full time) the construction of the project for thc Pemiittee hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was' used in the observa�ion ofthe consiruction such that the construction was o6served ro be built within substantial compliance and intem of the 401 Wa[er Qualily Certification and Bufler Rules, thc approced plans and specifications, and o[her supporting materials. Signature Date Registration No. ::..�. � Q�,� NORh Carohna DepartmNn[ �f 6rvironmen(al Qualn_y Division of WaSer Resuurees �12 North Salisbury� SVee[ 1617 Mail Service Cen[er Raleigh. North Carolina 27699-1617 919.70 i .9000