HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180927 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20180717ROY COOPER GwKnd MICHAEL S. REGMI s�Hary LINDA CULPEPPER rnrerim arertar NORTH CARDiINA Envlronmenfa! Quolfty Julv 17.2018 Wilson Counry NCDWR Project No. 30180937 [3ridee 37 un SR I 19i State Project No. 17BP.4.R.88 .4PPROV.4L of a01 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION and NF,UtiE ftLiFFER AUTHORIZ.4TION, Ni[h .4DDITIONAL CONDITIONS Mr. Ronnie Keeter, RF., Uivis-ion En�zinezr NCDOT. Division � PO Bo.� 316� Wilson,NC 27828 Dear Mr. Kzeter You have our approval. in accordance with the conditions listzd below, for the follo�vine impacis for the purpose of replacin� Bridge 37 in W ilson Countv: Site � Zone I Impact Totals I I100 Ncusc Ri arian Buffer Zone I Buffer Mi[igatiun Required (usina3:t ra[io) _, N/A Zonr 2 I mpact 957 Zonc 2 Buffer Mi[igation '.eauired (usin¢ I.$:I rati� * n'n = Total fnr Site is less than I 3 acre and I i0 linear Feet of impac[, no mitiga[ion required To[al Buffer Impact for Project: 2057 squnre feet. N/A The project shall be cons[ructed in accordance with your application received July 5, 3017. After reviewing your application. we have decided that thzse impacts are covered by� General Wa[er Quality Certitication Number d 13?. This certitication corresponds �o the Natiomvide Permit > issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is also valid for tha Neuse Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC'_'6.0'_33). In addition, you should acquire am other federal, state or local permits before you proceed with your project including (but not limired to) Sediment and F.rosion Control. Non-Discharee aod W'ater Supply Watershed re,ulations. This approval will expim with the accompanyin, �0� pemiit. This approval is valid solel} for the purpose and d�sign described in your application (unless modified below). ShuulJ �our project change. }rou must notify Ihe NCDW R and submit a new applica[ion. If the property is sold, [he new uwner must bt given a copy of this Certiflcation and approval le[ter, and is thereby responsible fur complyin� :�; � Q�r North Carohna Departmen[ of Bivironmental Quality Division of Water Resources 912 North Salisbury St2et � 1617 Matl Service Center i Raleigh, North Carolina 2 7 699-16 17 919]07.9000 �� ith all the conditions. If total wrtland tllls fur �his prqjec� fno�c or in the futwtl Nacerd one acre. or of total impac�s tu str�ams lnuN� or in ihe funire) e�ceed I ip linear I¢et, compensa�ory miti;ation maq bc required as describeJ in I>A NCAC 2H .0�061h1 (6) and 17). Addiiiunal buffer impacts mac require compensatory miti�,ation as described in I�A NCAC ?B.0'_33.. For this approval to remain valid..�ou musi adhere to die cnnditions listed in the Ganeral Certification and ain additional conditions listed bzlow. Conditions of Certificalion: I. As a condition o� this d01 W'arer Qualit�� Certiticaliun, the brid�,e demolition and construction must be accumpli�hzd in strict compliance ���ith the mus[ recent oersion of NCDOI"s [3es[ Management Practices for Construction and Main�enanee Activities. � ISA NCAC 0?li .0�07(d)�2) and I>A NCAC 0'_I I.OiOGIb)(�)� _'. Bridge deck drains shall not discharge directly into Uie stream. Sturm�ti�ater shall be directed across the brid,e and pre-Ireared throuRh si�e-appropriate means (_rassed swales, pre-formed scour holes, vegetated bulfers, etc.) betbre entering the strcam. To meet �he requirements of NCDOT's' NPDF.S permit NCS00003i0 please refer to the mos[ recen� version of Ihe :Vunh C'urn/irt�i Dcpurlmenl ul l'r�uz�purlu/iun Sionmrwer 6e,sr :ihuv�ieemeni Pi�aclice.s Tunlhu.r manual for approved measures. � I>A NCAC 0?F�i .Oi07(d)1'_) and I�A NCAC O�f I.0>06(b)l�)] 3. No drill slurry or water that has been in contact with uncured concrete shall be allo���ed [o enter surface walers. This water shall be cap�ured, treated, and di�posed of properl�. � I SA NCAC O�H .05061b1( �) d. All storm��ater runolf shall be direcud as shzetflow �hroueh sn'eam buffers a� non-erosive velocities, unless othencise approved by this certitication. [I?A NCAC'_B.0'_3+� 5. All riparian bufTcrs impacted by the placement of temporary fill ur clearin�, activities shall be restored �o �hr preconstruction contours and rece,etatrd. MuintaineJ buffers shall be permancmh� reve,etated with non-tioody- species by ihe end of ihe growin� season iolluwin� cumpktion of construction. for d�e purpose of tliis condition. maintained bulfer areas are detinzd as areas within the h'ansportation corridur that will bz ,ubjett tu m�ular NCDOT maintenance ac�ivities includin_� mo�vin�_. Thc area ��idi non-inaintained buftirs shall be p�rmanently reveeetated �+�i�h nati�e �i�oudy species before the nest grow�ine szason fi>Ilow�ine completion ul'construction. � I�A NCAC ?B.0?;;� 6. Pursuant to I�A NCAC ?6.0233�6) szdiment and erusiun tontrol dzvices ,hall not be placed in Zone I uf any Neuse Buffer without priur approval b�� the NCDW R. At this tiine, the NCDWR has approoed no sediment and erosiun control devices in Lone I. outside of the approved project iinpac�s. amwhere un this project. Moreoe�er, sediment and erosion control devices shall be alln���ed in Lone "_' of the buflcrs provided that Zone I is not compromised and that dischar�_e is released as ditiLse flow. 7. Ifconcrete is used durin, constructiun, a dry work area ,hall be maintained to prevem direct contact between curing concrete and s[ream ��arer. W'ater that inadvertendy contacts uncured conere�e shal I not be dischar,ed to surface waters due ro the potential f'or elevated pH and possible ayuatic life and lish kills. � I�A NCAC U_'6.0200� 8. During the construction of Ihe project, no s�a,ing of equipmeM of any kind is permi[red in waters of [he U.S.. or protected riparian buffers. [ISA NCAC 03H.0506(b)('_)� 9. The dimen>ion. pattern and profile of thz stream above and below the crussing shall nut br modilied. Diswrbed floodplains and streams shall be res[ored [o natural �,eumorphic conditions. [ I iA NCAC 02H.0506(b)(?)j IQ The use of rip-rap above the Normal Hi�h W'ater Mark shall be minimized. Am rip-rap placed for s[ream stabilization shall be placed in s[ream channels in such a manner that it dozs not impede ayim[ic life passa�e. [ ISA NCAC O�H.0�06(b)(3)j North Carolina Department nf Envuonmantai Quah[v Drvision of Watar Resources -�12 Nurtn Sali;bury Svzet 1617 Man Serv�ce Center Raleigh, North Carol�na 2 7 699-161 7 919707.9000 I I. I-he Permittee shall znsure thxt the final desi�,n dra�rings adhare to thr pemiit and tu Uie permit dra���in_s submit�ed fur approvaL [I�A NCAC 0"_'li .Di07 (c) and I iA NCAC' 0_'H .Oi06 (bl(3) and fc)1'-)� I'_. All work in or adl�«��t tu stream waters shall be cunducted in a dn� wurk area. Approved L3MP measums from the most current version u� NCDOT ConsRuction and Mainrenance Attivilies manual such as sandba�s, rock bernu. cofferdams and other diversion struct�ures shall be iucd to preven� e��cavaiion in tluwin� water� [I�A NCAC 02H.0506(b)� �) and (c)13)] 13. Heavy equipment shall be opeiated from thc banks iather than in the siream channcl in order to minimize sedimentatiun and reduce the imroduction ot otliar pollutants imo the stream. �I �A NCAC 03H.0506(b)( �)� 1-1. All mechanized eyuipmen[ operated near surface �vaters must be regularly insprcted and maintained io prevent con�amination uf stream ti�aters from luels. lubricants. h}�draulic (luids, or ulher to�ic materials. [ISA NCAC 0? H.0506�6)� 3 )� I�. No rock. sand or other materials shall be dred_ed from die stream channel escept where authorized by Ihis certilication. � I iA NCAC 03H.Oi06�b)(3)j 16. Dischar,in, h� druseed mi�tures and washing out hy�droseeders and other eyuipment in or adjacent to surt�ace watzrs is prohibited. (15A NCAC 03H.0506(b)(3)] 17. The permittee and its authorized auents shall conduct its activities in a manner consistent «ith State w�ater qualit�� standards (includin�_ any requirrmems resultin�a from cumpliance with �303(d) ol the Clean Warer Act) and any other appropriate rcyuireinen[s ol State and frderal la�v. It ihe NCDW'R Jetermines that such standards or law, are not being met 1 including the failure to sustain a dzsi;na�ed or achie�ed iuel ur tha� State or lederal la�c is being violated, or ihat funher cunditiuns are necessan� tu assure compliance. the NCDW'R ma�� rzevaluatc and modih� this certification. [ I�A NCAC O�B.0300I 18. A cop} ol'ihis W�ater Qualit� Ceriillcation shall be maintained un Ihe cunstruction site at all times. In addition. thc W'a�er Qualiq Certitication and all subseyuent moditications. iFam. shall he maintained with the Division E:ngineer �nd the on-site project mana�,ec [I �A NCAC 0?FI .Oi07(c) and I>A NCAC 02H .0�06 (b)(?) and �c)(?)j I9. The outside buflir, wedand or water boundary located within the cointruc�ion corridor appruved by this au�horization, includimt all non-commercial bortow and Naste �ites associn�ed �� ith the project, shall be clearh marl.ed by hi�hly �isible fencin�; prior io am� land disturbin� activities. hnpacts to areas �vi[hin Nm irncing are prohibi[ed unless otherwise authorized by [his cenification. � ISA NCAC O�H.0�01 and .0503] 30. The issu2nce of this cenification doas not esemp� rhe Perminee hom comph�in�, �vith any and all statu[es, rules. re�ulations, or ordinances that mav he impo'sed b� other guvtrnment agencies (i.c. local, �tate, and federal) having jurisdictiun, indudin_ but not limited to applicablr bu�ter ndes, storm�+ater mana��ement rules, soil erosion and sedimentation control requiremen[s, etc. ? I.�I-he Permi[tee shall report am� violations of �his certi�ication tu the Division ol Water Resources within 2�1 hours of discovery. [I SA NCAC 0?B.Oib61b)('_)� ?2. lipon complction ut the project 1 induding any impacts at associated burro�v or a�aste sitzs). ihe NCDOT Division En�ineer shall compleie and rewrn Ihe enclosed "Certificztion of Complelion Form" to notify the NCDN'R when all work included in the -401 Certitica[ion has baen completed [l�A NCAC 03H.0502(Qj 33. Native riparian ve �etation (ie., trees and shrubs native to y our �eographic re,ion ) must be reestablish�d in the riparian areas within �he construction limits ofthe project b}� tht end of Ihe �rowing season tollow�ing completion ofconstruction. [I�A NCAC 0?B.0'_33�10)j d[I?A NCAC 0'_B.0�06(b)�3)] .......�� Q�,� North Carohna Departmen�. �� Envu�omnenta. Q�iaur4 Diwsion of Wa[er Resources 512 North Sahsbury Street 16ll Mail Servma Center Raleigh. North Carolina 27699d61% 919 7079000 _� 'J. There shall be no z�cavatiun from. or was[e disposal into, jurisdictional we�lands or walers assuciated Hith this permi� �a�i�hout appropriate moditicatiun. Should was�c or burro�c ;itzs, or access roads to waste or borro�v �ites, be located in wetlands ur streams, compensatory mitigrtion will hc reyuired since that is a direct impact from road construction activities. �I iA NCAC 0?H.0�06fb)1�) �md 1c113)� 25. Erosion and sediment cumrol prac�ices must be in full compliance with all specifications governin�� the properdesi�n. installatiun and operation and inaiNenance of such Btst Mana,emen[ Practices in order to pmtec[ surface waters standards � I>A NCAC 0_'H.0506161( �) and Ic)(3)�: a. The erosion and sedimen[ cuntrol measures ti�r the project mus[ be designed, installed, operated, and maintained in accurdance wi[h the most recent version of the �Vordt Curolina .C¢cfinre�x ond Ero,ciu�r Con�ru! Pl�urninx auid D�siKn dfun�ml. b. The design, installation. operation. and maintenance of the sediment and erosion control measures must be such that they equal. or esceed, the reyuirements specitied in the mu,� recent version of die ti'nrd� ('urulinu .Se�lim<un nird Eru.i�iun Cunu�ol ;tlun:rul. �fhe devices shall hc maintained on all construc�ion sites. borrow sites. and waste pile (spoiU prnjects, indudin, contractor-owned or leased borrow pi[s associatcd wi�h the project. c. For borrow pit sit�s, the erosiun and sediment control measures must be designed, installed, operated, and mainiained in accordance with the most recent version of the :Voi�rh Carulinn .Srrr%iire ,1lrnin�� Alunuul. d. i�he reclamation measures and implementation must compl� widi the reclama�ion in accordance �i�i[h [he reyuiremen�s of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act. 36. Sedimant and erosiun control measures shall not be placed in �retlands or surface waters, or within 5 feet ot the top oPbank. �ti�ithout prior approval f'rom DWR. [I?A NCAC 0�11.0�06(b)�31 and (c)(3)� ?7. N�'hen applicable, all construction activities shall be performed and maintained in full compliance with G.S. Chapter I 13A Article 4(Sediinent and Pollution Control ,4ct of 197>). Regardless of applicnbilih� of [he Sediment and Pollution Control Act, all projects shall incorpor�te appropriure Bu,t Mana�emenl Practicas ti�r [he control uf sedimen� and erosion so that no violations of stete watur yualiry standards, statutes, or rules occur. [ 15A NCAC 0°H Oi06,b)l �) and I,c)f� 1 and I�A NCAC 02B.0300J '_'8. Design, installtuion, operation, and maintenance of all sedimeN and erosion con[rol measures shall be equal to or esceed the requirements specitied in the most recent version of the Nnrth Curolinu Sedinrent �md Erosron Cnnu•o! ,M1lmruul. or tor linear Iransportation projecis. the .�`C'DUT.Sedinrrn� �ur<lFi�usiun Co��tru1 Jl�uiu�d. All devices shall be maintained on all cons�ruction sites. borrow sites, and wastc pil� (spoil) si[es, includin�_ contractor- owned or leaszd borrow pits associa�ed wi�h the project. Sufhcient materials required for s[abiliza[ion androrrepairof erosionwntrol measuresand stornnv�ter routin,� and treatment shall be un si[e at all times. For horro�+� pi� sites. the erosiun and ,ediment cuntrol measures shall be desi`_ned, installed, opernted. and main[ained in accordance with tlie nwsi recen[ versiun ufthe .Norrh C2u�olli�u SurJifcr dlini��g 1lmiuuL Reclamation measures and implementation shull compl� �aith the reclamaiion in accurdance wilh the requirements o(�he Stdimenlation Pollution Conirol Act and the Minin�t Act o( 197 L[ I iA NCAC 0?H.Og06(b)l31 and lcl(�); GC 413ij �:.r. � Q�,.s North Carolina Department of Enironmertai Quau[v D�vision of Wa[er Resources 512 Nortn Salisbury Street 1617 Mae Service Center � Raleigh. Nortn Carolina 27699�161 i 919 707 9000 If you wieh ro conizst an} statemem in the attached Certitication you must file a petition for an administrative hearin�. You may obtain the petition [onn from the office of Administreti��e hearings. You must fila the pe�ition with thz office of Administrative Hearin,s within sisty (60) da�s of receipt of this notice. A petition is considered filed when it is recei�ed in the office of Adminis[rative Flearings during nonnal oftice hours'. The OBice of Administrativz Hearings accepts tilin��s Mondac through Friday� belween the hours' of B:OOam and �:OOpm, except (or ufficial stale holidays. The ori�inal and one ( I) copy of the petition mus� be filed wilh the OlTice of Administrative Hearim_s. The petition may be faxed-provided the original and one copc of the documen[ is received b}� Ihe Otlice of Administrative Hearings within five (5) business da}'s followin, the fated transmission. The mailin_ address fur the Oftice of AJministrative Hearings is: Oftice of Administrative Hearin,s 671d Mail Service Cen[er Ral�igh. NC ?7699-67I4 Telephone: (919)a31-3000. Facsimile: (919)d31-3100 A cppy of [he petitiun mus� also be served on DEQ as follows: Mr. Bill F. Lane, General Counsel Department of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center This letter completes the revieH� of the Division of Water Resources under Section �101 oFihe Clean Water Act. If you have any quesdons, please con[act Rob Ridings at 919-707-8786. incerely. � 1 l \ �i Linda ulpepper, Interim irector . Division of W'ater Rzsources E-lec[ronic copq only dis[ribution: Eric Alsmeyer, US Anny Corps ot� En�ineers, Raleigh Field Office Chad Coggins, Division d Environmen[al Of'ficer Filc Copy � �:;..:. D E �,�,� North Carolina Department of Envrtonmzntai pr,aiiq� Diwsion of Wa[er Resources 512 North Salishury Street 1617 Mad Senice Centzr Raleigh. North Carolina 27699161i 919J07.9000 ROY COOPER c.w�a MICHAEL S. REGAN Sttrtrnry LINDA CULPEPPER lnferim Dlrericr NORTH CAROIINA EnrUonnuMol Qucflry NCDW'R Prqjecf No.: -- Applicanh Pro,ject Name: Counh: Date of Issu:ance of �111 Watcr Quality Certifica[ion: Certificate of Comple[ion l lpon completiun of all work approved within the d01 Water Quality Certification or applicable Bulier Rule�, and am subsequent modiYications, the applicant is required to return this certiticam to the -101 Transportation Pennining Unit. North Carolina Division of W'ater Resources. 1617 Mail Scrvice Ccntcr, Ralei�,h. NC.'_7699-1617. This form may be returned to NCDWR by the 2pplicant, the applicant's authorized agent, or the project engineer. I[ is no[ necessarv to send certitica[es fi�om all of Ihese. .-ipplicen�'+ CertificnNon I, , hereby s[are [haL to the best of my� abilities, due car� and diligence �+as used in the observation ol the construction such lhat the consn uction was observed ro be built within substantial compliance and intent of the �101 W'ater Quali[y Cenification and f3uffer Rules. the approved plans and sprcitications, aiid other supportin, materials. $ignature: Da[t: Agenl'r Cerfificulin�i I, , hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, duc care and dili �ence was used in lhz observation of the construction such that the cons-truction was observed tn bE buil� within substantial compliance and intent of the d01 Waler Qualit'y Certitication and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifica�ions, and other supportin, materials. Si�nature: Date: Eugiueer's Cerlificalinn Partial Final L , as a duly� regis[ered Professional Engineer in the State of Nonh Carolina, havine been authorized to observe (periodically, weekly, full time) the construction of the projeci for the Perniittee hzreby state that. to thc best of my abilities. due care �nd dili�ence was uscd in the observation of the eonstruction such that the construction was observed to be built within substatllial compliance and intrnt o� the 401 W'ater Qualih� Certilication and Butl�er Rules. [he approvzd pians and specifications, and other supporting inaterials. Signature Date Re,istration No. :�: � Q�r North Carnlina Department of Environmanrai Qialih Division ot WaY.er R2sources 512 North Salis6ury Street' 1617 Mall Servica Cen[er Raleigh, North Carohna 27699d6P 919 707 9000 L �