HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG080969_NOI Review Staff Notes_20180717N.C. Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources General Permit NOI Review — NCG080969 Southeast Bulk, LLC Haywood County • ARO response to request for comments — Isaiah conducted a site visit and found issues with containment, trench drains, tanks not in containment, etc. Recommended not issuing the permit. Emails to Isaiah to discuss the possibility of issuing the permit with an augmented COC to assure that items are done. • Discussions with other staff, etc. found that the company had recently received NOV's from DWR and DEMLR at their location in Asheville (NCG080797). • Questions about coverage for the Waynesville facility — this site. This location had a previous permit (NCG080151) with Morgan Energy. Facility did not respond or pay fees so permit was rescinded in 2012. No current coverage. Was material taken from Asheville site to this location? • 7/3/2018 - Talked with DWR (Zan Price and Brett Laverly) about their NOV for Asheville facility — Feb 2018. NOV for release of Home heating oil. Facility also dealing with DWM with issues — corrective action for UST, contaminated soils from past releases, etc. Still working on cleanup. Facility indicated they would not be distributing fuel from the Asheville site any longer. DWR will pursue enforcement for release to River. Noted that facility wasn't aware of drain in containment area. Had been covered with debris. DWR sent copies of their NOV and other information for the Asheville facility. • 7/3/2018 - Talked with Shawna about Asheville facility — we issued an NOV in June 2018. Appears that eh facility was not following their stormwater permit for a while. Permitee hired consultant and now has SWP3 for the Asheville facility. Still unsure where they took the material removed from the tanks at Asheville. She thinks it may have been taken to Waynesville — could be another location that may need a permit also. Talked with Shawna about the possibility of issuing a permit with conditions to correct things Isaiah found. She will review letter if we do this. Gave me contact for company she has worked with — Skip Hutton. • 7/3/2018 — Talked with Skip Hutton about issues that our site inspection found. He noted that larger container in the containment area are empty and that containment has been found sufficient by consultant? Appears some tanks won't be used, are locked, etc. Also noted that containment walls had been sealed previously and asked for pictures if we had them of problem areas. Skip indicated he would be at the site next week (July 10 -12) and could meet staff on site to discuss. Also discussed Asheville facility — Bulk fuel activities shut down. Some tanks capped and sealed after being emptied. Lube oil tanks with smaller amount of product will remain in operation so they will need to maintain permit at Asheville facility. Sent an email to Mr. Hutton noting the issues that were found in the first site visit. • Emails/calls to Shawna — she will meet with Mr. Hutton on site. • 7/11/2018 — talked with Shawna. She had been onsite and feels that things have been addressed and the permit can be issued. Containment should be sufficient. They had consultant do calculations and they are only using 6 or 7 tanks in the area, not all of them so the capacity will be limited. Black pipe noted in first inspection isn't their pipe. Shawna make recommendation for monitoring their outfall back upstream to avoid the submerged pipe, possible at the last chamber in the o/w separator. Can work with them on future site visits. Trench drains — covers had been welded shut but they opened and cleaned and took sediment offsite. All flow is to the o/w separator now and there should be no bypass. Drums noted in first inspection have been removed. Areas noted with potential leaks where pipes go through containment wall — these are old lube pipes that are no longer used and there will be no storage in the well house so no industrial activity. Containment walls sealed in March. Mr. Hutton will send an email outlining response to our previous email on the secondary containment capacity — Shawna forwarded on 7/17/2018. Cover letter addresses response to all items raised in first site visit.