HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160212 Ver 4_Approval Letter_20180713ROY COOPER c��. MICHAEL S. REGAN seoerary LINDA CULPEPPER mre.em a.�ror Si[e 3 4 Total NORTN CARO�INA EnrYonmenm! Quoltty July 13.?018 Wake County D W R Project No. 20160? 13 ver �1 McCrimmon Pkwy % NC iq Bypass TIP No. U-�838 APPROV.4L of �01 WATER QUALITY CERTIFIG4TION and NF,USE BUPFER AUTHORIZATION w�ifh ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Mr. Blake Mills, Direcror of Public Works Town of Morrisville 414 Aviation Parkwaq Morrisville. NC 37?60 Dear Mr. Mills: You have our approval, in accordance wi[h the conditions listed below, for [he following Revised impacts For the purpose ofestending McCrimmon Parkway �Phase II) in Wake County: Permanent Fill in Intermi[[en[ Stream V � I� a39 Revised S�reAm Impacts ftank Stabiliza[ion to Intermittent S[ream Qinear ft) IS 7 i$ 19 26 �ZS in the Neuse River Basin Temporary Impact to In[ermitten[ Siream Re�'ised Total Slream Impact for Project 609 linear feet. 4..:::, � �,,Q�,� � m1 ia 45 NORh Carol�na Departmentof Envvonmen[al Q�ahty Drvision of Water Resources 512 North Sahsbury S[ree[ � 1617 Mae Seroice Cen[er � Raleigh, North Carohna 27699�1617 919.707.9000 TotalStream Impac[ (linear f[) 182 I7 68 609 Revised Wetland Im acts in the Neuse River Basin Site Permanent Im . act (ac) Tem urarv Im ac[ (ac) Total Wetland Im act ac) 1 0.108 0.01 I 0.1 19 ' 0.033 0 0.022 3 0. I I 8 0.008 0. I 26 a o.i�o 0 o.i�o s o.or_ o o.o�� b o.i n o.00s o.ias 7 0.090 0.007 0.097 8 0.?71 0.052 03�3 Total 0.96R 0.086 l.OSa Si[e � 3 Totals lotal Kevisetl WeUanU Impact lor PruJecL• LU�� acres. Revised Neuse Ri arian Buf(er Im acts Zone 1 Impact Zone 1 Buf(er Mitigation Zonr 2 Impact fcn ftl Reauired lusine 3:1 ratiul fsa fi) ]6709 �8587 80127 N/A i5149 135276 1�18_' 1;319 30�J0 Zone 2 Buffer Mitigation ;equired (using I.g;l ra[ic I 97T 19979 39752 • n�a Tutal 1'or tiite is less than I 3 acrc and 1511 lincar lee� of impact, no mi[igation mquired Total Revised Buffer Impact fur Projec[: 79027 syuAre feet. The projcct shall be constructed in accordance with your application received Ma}� I. ?017 and ree�ision received Jul�� 3. ?018. Atier reviewing your applica�ion, we have decided diat these impacts are covered by General Warer Qualih Cenitication Number-113�. This certilication corresponds to the Nationwide Pzrmit I�3 issued b}� the Corps of Em:ineers. This approval is also valid ti>r the Neuse Riparian l3uffer Rules ( I>A NCAC ?R.0_'33) In addition, you should acquire any other federal, state or local permits before you proceed with your project including (but not limited to1 Sediment and Fsosion Control. NomDischarge and W'ater Supph� W'atershed regulatiuns. Thi� approval will espire wi�h the accompanying 40d pennit. This certification replaces thr one issued on May ?3, 2017. This approval is valid solely for the purposc and design described in }our appliwtion (unlcss mnditied belowl. Should your project change, }'ou must notily [hc NCDW R and submit a new application. If thc property� is sold, the new uw�ner must be given a copy of this Ceniticatiun and approval letter, and is thereby responcible for complying with all the conditions. If to[al wedand tills fix this project (now or in [he tu�ure) esceed one acre, or of [otal impacts to streams (now or in die future) exceed I?0 linear feet, compensator�� mitiga[ion may be required as described in 15A NCAC ?H A506 (h) (61 and (71. Additional buffer impacts may require compensatorq� mitigation as described in I�A NCAC 36.0233. Fur diis approval to remain valid, you must xdhere to the conditions listed in the general certification and any addi�ional conditions lisred below. :w: � Q�,� North Caroiina Department oF En�ironmentai Q!�ant�� oivision of Waeer Resources �12 Nodh Salisbury Street � 1617 Ma�i Service Center Raleigh. North Carohna 27699-1617 919.707.9000 Condi[ions of Certification: L Compensa[ory miti_atiun fix impacts to -l?092 square teet of pro�ceted riparian bW ters in Zone I and 36501 syuare %et of protected riparian bidfers in Zone 3 shall be required. We imderstand that you havr chosen tu perForm compensatory mitit+ation tbr impacts to protected buffers throu�,h use ofdebitin, credits Gom lhe Town's Morrisville Community Park Stream and 6utTer Restoration Project, �DWR Project �20030520.) Mi�iga[ion for unavoidable impacts lo Neuse Riparian Buffers shall 6e provided in die Neuse River Basin and done in accordance with I�A NCAC ?B.0?95. The To�an of Morrisville has indicated in its application dated May I. '_'017 that they have available credits for sa[isfi�in�, the compensatory� initigation requirements for the above-referenced pro.jecL The pennittec has shown [he debit of these credit, in their Mi[igation credit ledxr received �vith this updated application. ?. Unless otherwise approved in this certitication, placemen[ of culverts and other struc�ures in open waters and streams, shall be placed below the elevacion of the streambed by one foot for all culverts wi�h a diameter greater than <L8 inches, and _'0 percent of Ihe culvert diameter for culverts havin�� a diameizr less than �18 inches, to allow low flow passa,e of water and ayuatic life. Dzsign and placemen[ of culverts and other structures includin_ tzmpurary erosion control ineasures shall not be conducted in a manner tha� may result in dis-equilihrium of wrtlands or streambeds or banks, a�jaceot to or upstream and down stream o(thr above structures. The applicant is required ro provide evidence that lhe equilibrium is being maintained if rcqu�stcd in writin, by [he NCDW'R. If this condition is unable ro be met due [o bedrock or other limitin, fcatures encountered durin, construction, please contact the NCDWR for euidance on how to proceed and to iletermine whether or not a pemiit inoditication will be required. [I�A NCAC 02H.0�06�6)(?)] 3. If multiple pipes or barrels are required, thz� shall bz designed ro mimic natural stream cross section as closely ati possible including pipes or barrels at Flood plain elevation and�or silis where appropriatc. Widenine the stream channel should bc avoidcd. Sh�cam chamicl w�idening at tlie inlet or ou�let end of structures typically� decreases water velocity causin� �ediment depo,ition that requires inereased inaintenance and disrupts aquatic life passage;. [I �A NCAC 03H.0�06(b)(2)] -t. Riprxp shall not be placed in the active thalwe, channel or placed in the s[reambed in a manner that precludes aquatic lile passa�e. Bioen,ineering boulders or structures s'hould be properly desi;ned. sized and installed. j I i,4 NCAC 02H.0�06(b)(3)] �. For any streams bein, impacted due to site dew�atering activities. ihe si[e shall be graded to its preconstruction contours and revegetated H�ith appropriate native species. [ I SA NCAC 02HA506(b)l'-)� b. All stormwarer runoff shall be directed as sheetflow through stream buffers at non-erosive velocities, unless othrrwise approved by �his cenification. j I SA NCAC ?B.0_'33J 7. All riparian butTers iinpacted by the placement ofteinporary� till or clearin, activities shall be restored to the preconstruc[ion wn[ours and revzgeta[ed. Main�ained buffcrs shall be pernianently revegetated with non-woody species by the end of the �,rowin_ season following compleiion of constniciion. For the purpose ofthis condition. maintained bufi�er areas are defined as areas wi[hin the transportaliun corridor [ha� will be subject tu re�ular �I�ransportation corridor maintenance aclivitits includin, mo�tiing. The area wi[h nommaintained buffers shall be pennanendy reveke[ated with native woody species before the next erowin�, season folloµing completion of conntruction. � I>A NCAC 2B.0'_;3J 8. Pursuam to I 5A NCAC ?B.0333(6), sediment and erosion control devices shall not be placed in Zone I of an}' Nzuse E3uffer without priur appro�al by the NCDWR. At this [imz. die NCDWR has approved no sediment and erosion control devices in Zone I, outside of the approved proj�ct impacts, anywhere on this project. Moreover. sedimznt and erosion control devices shall be allowed in Znne 2 otthe buffers provided that 7one I is not compromised and that discharve is released as diffuse Flow. North Carolina �epartmen[ of Erviroumental Quaiip� Drvisioi� of Wa[er R2sources 912 North Salisbury Street � 1617 Mad Serv�ce Center Raleigh. North Carolma 27699�1617 919.7079000 9. II concrete is used during construction, a dr� work area shall be maintained to prevent direct contact benveen curing concrete and stream water. Water that inadvertenNy contacts uncured concrere shall not be dischar�ed to surfacz waters due to the polential tiir elevated pl-I and possible aquatic life and fish kills. � I�A NCAC 02[3.0200J 10. Durin�, the construction of the project, no stagin, of eyuipment of any kind is permitted in waters of the U.S., or protec�ed riparian buffers. � I>A NCAC 03H.0�06(b)(?)] I I. The dimension, pattern and profilc ot die stream above and bcluw the crossin�� shall not be modihed. Disturbed Floodplains and strcams shall be restored �o natural geomorphic conditiuns. [ I SA NCAC 0'_H.0506(b)(2)] 13. The use of rip-rap above Uie Nurmal Hi�h Water Mark shall be minimized. Any rip-rap placed for stream stabilization shall be placed in stream channels in such a manner that it does not impede aquatic life passage. j I jA NCAC 0?t1.05p6(b)(�)� 13. The Permil[ee shall ensure �hat lhe tinal design drawings adherc to the pennit and �o Ihe permit drawin,s submitted for approvaL [ I�A NCAC 02H .0>07 (c) and I SA NCAC 03H .0506 (bl('_) and (c)12)j 14. AII work in or adjacent to stream wa[ers shall be conducted in a dn� work area. Approved BMP measures Prom the most curtent version of NCDOT ConsVuction and Maintenance Ac[ivities manual such as sandba,s, rock berms, cotiirdams and other diversion structures shall be used to prevent escavation in Iluwine watzc [ I�A NCAC 02H.Oi06(b)�3) �nd (c)(3)� I�. Heavy eyuipment shall be uperated f�om Ihe banks rather dian in thz stream channel in order [o minimize sedimentation and reduce the iniroduction of o�her pollutants into the stream. (15A NCAC 0'_'H.0?06(b)(3)� I6. All inechanized equipment operated near surtace waters must be re,ularly inspected and maintained to prevent contamination of strzam waters fi�om fuels, lubricants, hydraulic Iluids, or other toxic inaterials. [I?A NCAC 03H.0�0G(b)(3�� 17. No rock, sand or other materials shall be dred,rd fruin the stream channel e�cept wherc authorized by this certification. j I�A NCAC OJi.0506(b)131� 18. Dischar�ing hydroseed mistures and washing ou[ hydroseeders and uthcr equipment in or adjacent to surface warers is prohibited. �IjA NCAC 03H.0>06(b)(3)� 19. The permittee and its authorized agents shall conduct its activi�ies in a manner consistent with State water quality s[andards (includin, anp requiremen[s resultin, trom compliance wi[h ��03(d) of the Clean Water Act) and any other appropriate requiremen[s o(State and Federal IaH�. I f the NCDW R detzrniines that such standards ur la�o�s are na being mei (including thz failure to sustain a designa[ed or achieved use) or tha[ State or federal law is bein, violated, or tha[ further conditions are necessan to assure compliance. [he NCDWR may reevaluate and modit} this certitication. � I SA NCAC 02B.0?OOj �0. All till slopes located in jurisdictional wedands shall be placed at slopes no flatter dian 3:1, unless otherwise authorized by [his certitication. [I �A NCAC 02H.0�06(b)(3)J 31. A copy of this Water Quality Certitica[ion shall be maintained un �he construction site at all timcs. In addition, the Water Quality Certification and all subsequent moditications, if any, shall be maintained �he on-site project manager. [15A NCAC 0?H .0�07(c) and ISA NCAC 0?H .0506 �b)(3) and (c)(S)] 33. The outside bu1'fer, wetland or water boundar< located within the construction corridor approved by this authorizatiun shall be clearly marked by highh� visible fencin� prior to any land disturbin, ac[ivi[ies. Impac[s to areas wi[hin [he lencing are prohibited unless othzrwise authorized by this certitication. [ I iA NCAC 03H.05p� and .0>0�] D_E Q" :::��.� ��� North Carolina DeOartinen[ of Environmentai Quaiit� Dwis�on of Wate� Resources >12 North Salisbury Stree[ 1617 Mad Servme Center � Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-i61? 919707.9000 23. The issuance of this ccrtitication does not esempt the Perinittee ttom complyine �a�ith any and all statutes, rules. regulations, or ordinances iha[ may be imposed by other governmem agencies �ix. local, state. and federal) havin, jurisdiction, including but not limi[cd to applicable buffer rules, stormwater management rules, soil erosiun and sedimentation control reyuirements, etc. 34. The Pennittee shall reporl an� violations ofthis certifica[ion [o the Division of Water Resources H�i[hin 24 hours of discovery. � I SA NCAC 0?B.Oi06(b)(3)� ?i. Upun coinpletion of die project (includin� any impacts at associated borrow or wast� siles), Ihe permittee shall comple[e and re[um [he enclused "Certitication of Completion Form" [o notifi� the NCDWR when all H�ork included in the 401 Ceniticatiun has been compkted. � I iA NCAC 03t1.0?02� f)� ?6. Native riparian ve,etation (i.e. trees and shrubs na�ive to your �eo�=raphic region) must be rees[abGshed in the riparian areas within �he cunstruction limits of Ihe prolect b}� the end of the growin� season lollowing completion of cons[ruction. [ I �A NCAC _'[�.0�33(10)� 27. There shall be no escava[ion f�om, or waste disposal into, .jurisdictional wedands or waters associated with this permit without appropria[e moditication. Should waste or borrow sites, or access roads to �raste or borrow sites, be located in wetlands or streams, compznsarory miti�_ation will be required since that is a direct impact from road construction activities.[IiA NCAC 03H.0�06(b)(3) and (c)(3)� 28. Erosion and sedimenl control prac[ices must be in tull compliance wilh all specifications;overnine the properdesign, ins-tallation and opera[ion and maintenance of such Bzst Management Practices in order to protect surface waters standards [ 15A NCAC 0'_H.0>06(b)l3) and Ic)1 +1�: a. �I'he erosion and scdiment control measures for the prol«� mus� be designed. installed. operated, and maintairied in accordance with die most recem version of [he .ti'ordr C'orolinu Sedime��t mid Er��.cinn Conlrol PlunninQ and Decign Alnnr�nl. b. The design, ins[allation, operation, and maintenance of the sediment and erosion control measures must be such that they equal. or exceed, the requireme�its specitied in the most recent oersion of [he A�urdr C�rroli�eu Se�linve�vt a��d Erurirnr ('umrnl �1/unu�d. The devices shall be maintained on all construction si[es, borrow sites, and waste pile (spuil) projec�s, includin�z contrac[orvow�ned or leased borrow pits associated with [he projec[. c. For borrow pit sites, ihe erosiun and sedimen� control measures inusi be designed, installed. operated. and maintained in accordance wi[h [he most recent version of the .Nord� C<rro/inu S:vJirce ;l4rnuiK dlnnuul. d. The reclamation measures and implementation must comply wi[h [he reclamation in accordance with the requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Cuntrol Act. 29. Sediment and erosion cuntrol measures shall no� be placed in N'ztlands or waters unless' otherwise approved by this Certilication. [ISA NCAC 021i.0�06(b)�3) and (c)(3)] 30. When applicable, all construction ac[ivities shall be performed and maintained in full compliance wi[h G.S. Chapter I 13� Article 1(Sediment and Pollution Control Act of 1973). Regardless of applicability of the Sediment and Pollutiun Comrol Ac[, all projects shall incorpora[z appropria[e E3est Management Practices for the control uf sediment and erosion so that no violations of state watzr yuality standards, s[a[utes. or rules occur. [ I iA NCAC 02H 0506;b)G) and Ic)(31 and I�A NCAC 02B.0200] :�:. � Q�r NORh Carolina Department of Enoironinental Qudiip Drvision of Wa[er Resourws 512 North Salisbury S[reet 1617 Mal Service Center Raleigh. North Carolina 27699d61' 919 707.9000 � � 31. Desien. installation, operatinn. and maintenance of all szdiment and erosiun control measures shall be eyual to or e�ceed [he requirements specified in the mos� recent version uf the Vur�h Cm�olinn Srcli�arnr u�ad Ei��esiu�� Cunlrnl ,i7m�aol, or for linuar transportaiion projects, Ihe N('DOT Sed6ne�r� und F.ru.t�iun ('unu�u! 9lo�ruul. Alldevicesshallbemaimainedonallconstruction,ires.burruwsites,andwastepile(spoil)sites, includin,contractor- owned ur leased borro�+ pits associated ��ith the projeci. Sulticiem materials required fur stabilization and�'or repairof erosion control measures and stormwa�er routinz and treatment shall be on site at al I times. For borto�+ pit sites. the erosion and sediment comrol measures shall be desi,ned, installed, uperated, and inaintained in accordance with Ihe most recent veaion of the :\'oi�th Curu(inu Sw�Jiic�• Ali�ii��g Alu��a�d. Redamation measures and implementa�ion shall comply with the reclamation in accordancn with the requirements o(the Sedimentaiion Pollution Control Act and the Minin� Act of 197 L� I�A NCAC 03H.0>06(b)(3) and (c�� �): GC dl +i� Ifyou wish [o contest an� statement in tht auached Certification }�ou must tile a pe�ition for an administrative hearink. You may- ob[ain thc petition �onn f�rom the office of Administratioe hearim_s. You must Ille the petition with the oftice uf Administrative Hearings within sish� (60) days of receipt of this notice. A peti�ion is considered filed wh�n it is received in the office oFAdministrative Hearings during normal office hours. The Oftice ol Administraiive Hearin,s accepts filin,s Monday t�hrou,h Friday between the hours of S:OOam and i:00pm, escept fur ol7icial state holidays. l'he ori�inal and one ( I) copy of the petilion must be �ileJ with the Oflice of� Administrative Hearim,s. 1'he petition mag be faaed-provided Ihe original and one copy ofihe documem is received by ihe Oflice of Administrative Hearines �vithin live 1�) businrss days following the f2xed u'ansmissiun. The m�ilin_ address tbr thc Oflicr ul�Administrative Hearin,s is: Oflice uf Adminisiratie�e Haarim,s 671a Mail Service Center Ralei �,h, N C? 7G99-671 d Telephune: 1`)19) J31-_OOU. Facsimile: (919) 4� I-� 100 A copy of the petition must also bc served un DEQ as follows: Mr. Bill P. Lane. General Counsel Department ofEnvironm�ntal Quality 1601 Mail Service Center This lerier completes the review of the Division of Water Resources under Section -t01 ofthe Clean Wa[er Act. Il�you have any ques�ions, please contaci Rob Ridines a[ 919-707-8786. Sincere� ��������� Linda Culpepper. Interim i�or Dio�isiun of Water Rzsources Electronic copy only distribu[ion: Eric Alsmeyer, US Army Corps of F:n�ineers, Ralei;h Field Oftice Jason Hartshom. Kimle�-liorn Kalie Mtrritt. NCDWR File Cop� :;:.�:�� Q�,� North Carolina Departmen[of Environinentai Qus�iq �ivision oi Water Resources' 512 North Salisbury Street 16ll Matl Servme Cen[er � Raleigh. North Carolina 27699d61 i 919.707 9000 ROY COOPER c��� MICHAEL S. RECAN SKftfOl) LINDA CULPEPPER M1ertm prertor NORTH CAROLINA EnrWnmento! Qualtty NCDWR Pro,jrcl No.: Applicant: _ Project Name: Counh: Date o( Issuancc of �101 Water QuAlih� Certification: Certifica[e of Completion Upon completion uf all work approved within the d01 Water Quality Certification ur applicable Buffier Rules, and am subsequent mudilications, the applicant is required to return ihis certiticate to the �101 -Transportation Perniittin� UniL North Carolina Division of W'ater Resourczs. 1617 Mail Service Ccnter, Ralei;h. NG ?7fi99-1617. This fonn may be re[urned lo NCDWR by lhe applicant. die applicant's authorized agenL or Ihe project engineer. It is not necessarv� to send ceitificates from all ut these. .�I pplira�i!'s Ccrlifrc�ilion I, . herehy state that. to the best of m} abiliiies, due care and dili;ence was used in the observation of the construction such that the cons�niction was observed to he built within substantial compliance and intent of thc -101 Water Qualit�� Certificatiun and 6affer Rules, the approved plans and specifica[ions, and oiher supportin, materials. Si�,nanire: Date: Agenl's Cerlifrcu�ion L , herebq s�ate thai.. to the best of m� abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation ofthe construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and inten[ of the �101 Water Qualitt� Certification and t3uftir Rules, ihe approved plans and specitica[ions, and other supportin_ ma�crials. Sienature: na�z: Eegineer'.e Cerlifrca�inn Panial Pinal �, , as a duly registered Professional En�ineer in the S[ate uf Nonh Carolina, havin, been authorixd [o observe Ipzriodicalk, weekl��, full time) [hc cunstruction of Hie project for the Permittee hereby state tha[, ro the best of my abilities, dire care and diligence was used in the observation of [he construction such tha[ [he construction was observed to be built �vithin substantial compliunce and intent of the �l01 Wa[er Quality Certitication and Buffer Rules, the approvzd plans and specificatiuns, and o�her supportine ma[erials. Signawre Da[e _ Registration No. North Carolina Depar[menl of Envrtonmentai i��iiht� Drvision of Wa[er Resources 512 Nurth Sahs�urv Street 1617 Mad Szrvice Center Raieigh. North Carolina 2 7 699-16 1i 919] 0 i .9000