HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180964 Ver 1_PA 18-01-0019 No Archaeological Survey Required_20180711Project Tracking No.: 18-01-0019 oafl`�� NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY RE UIRED FORM :� �Q� Q aa� This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES f�or this project. It is not ��'I�, .� '�?��:�� ��:, � :� �: o� v�� valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the a '� .''••..:.:...: '. . �..� � Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group. �, Q PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: WBS No: F.A. No: Pipe, S R 1379 17BP.S.C.PE N/A Federal Permit Required? County: Document Wake MCC Funding: � State ❑ Federal � Yes ❑ No Permit Type: usace Project Description: NCDOT proposes to replace an existing 66 inch reinforced concrete pipe located under SR 1379 (Penny Road), near Yates Mill Pond. Plans are not available, though the assumption is a replace-in-kind of an existing pipe or culvert. Some minor realignment and drainage easements may be required. The Division suggested that an area of 100 ft x 100 ft would adequately cover the proposed work and equates to the Area of Potential Effects. The majorty of the APE is disturbed by the existing roadway, channelized drainage and pipe installation. Since a USACE permit is anticipated, this archaeological review for a federal undertaking falls under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. SUMMARY OF CULTURAL RESOURCES REVIEW Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: The pipe to be replaced is located along SR 1379 in Wake County south of Yates Mill Pond of Panther. Much of the project likely falls within the existing ROW. USGS mapping (Lake Wheeler) and aerial photography was studied (see Figures 1 and 2). Google street view tools were used. According to USGS mapping and GIS resources (data layer created by NCDOT archaeologist Paul J. Mohler), no cemetery is present at the APE. The Office of State Archaeology was visited in February of 2017 to review archaeological mapping and to reference any known archaeological surveys and sites. This helps establish an archaeological context far comparison. There are no archaeological sites mapped in close proximity to the APE. On the other side of Yates Mill Road to the north is National Register of Historic Places-listed Yates Mill (Wa0050), a historic site with an assigned archaeological site number of 31Wa1035. Archaeological reviews have been conducted for a road realignment on Lake Wheeler Road and a bridge replacement. Yates Mill will not be affected by this pipe replacement. For this undertaking, a pipe replacement, the project footprint is extremely limited and assumed to be within disturbed soils. Expectations are very low that an intact, significant archaeological site would be affected during the installation of a new pipe. No archaeological survey is recommended for this undertaking as currently proposed. For archaeological review, the pipe replacement should be considered compliant with Section 106. "No ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEYREQUIRED "form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 1 of 4 Project Tracking No.: 18-01-0019 Brief Explanation of why the available information provides a reliable basis for reasonably predicting that there are no unidentified historic properties in the APE: The scale and nature of the project is limited to a pipe installation. It is unlikely that archaeological remains are present, and if so, that they would be intact and significant. For archaeological review, this state funded, federally permitted undertaking should be considered compliant with Section 106. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: � Map(s) ❑ Previous Survey Info � Photos ❑Correspondence ❑ Photocopy of County Survey Notes Other: FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST "No ARCHAEOLOCYSURVEYREQUIRED"form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 2 of 4 Project Truckrng No.: 18-01-0019 Figure 1. Vicinity of PA 18-01-0019, the proposed replacement of a pipe serving SR 1379 (Penny Road) iu Wake County. The project is very limited in spatial boundaries; the project area is circled on this USGS mapping excerpt (Lake Wheeler). "No ARCFlAEOLOGYSURVEYREQCJIRED "fonn Jor t1�e,9niended Minor Transpo�7ntion Po�ojects ns Qain(iJied in thc 2015 Po�ogrnnan�atic A��eement. 3 of 4 Project Truckrng No.: 18-01-0019 Figure 2. Aerial map of PA 18-01-0018 showing the setting of the pipe replacement along SR 1379, Penny Road. The approximate APE is shown in yellow. Yates Mill historic site is towards the top of the figure, northward about 1000 feet away. "No ARCFlAEOLOGYSURVEYREQCJIRED "fonn Jor t1�e,9niended A4inor Transpo�7ntion Po�ojects ns Qain(iJied in thc 2015 Po�ogrnnan�atic A��eement. 4of4