HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180927 Ver 1_Structure 970037 Wilson No NRHP Archaeological Sites Present Form_20180705Project Tracictng No.:
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"¢ o�°_ '�' This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not �;�•�..,.� ";.�'��
�� �� valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the �.�4�
Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group.
Project No.
F.A. No:
Structure 970037
Federal Permit Required?
County: Wilson
Document: State MCC
Funding: � State ❑ Federal
� Yes ❑ No Permit Type.• USACE
Project Description: NCDOT's Division 4 proposes to replace Bridge No. 37 on SR 1195 (Revell Road)
over an Unnamed Tributary of Little Buffalo Creek in Wilson County. Bridge No. 37 was built in 1950
and is considered to be structurally deficient and functionally obsolete; therefore, it has been scheduled to
be replaced. The Study Area far the project will be centered on the bridge and measure about 100 feet
wide (i.e. 50 feet from centerline) and about 200 feet from either end of the bridge. Overall, the Study
Area will encompass about 41,857 square feet (0.96 acre), inclusive of the existing roadway and structure
to be replaced.
The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Archaeology Group reviewed the subject
project and determined:
� There are no National Register listed or eligible ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES present within the
project's area of potential effects. (Attach any notes or documents as needed)
� No subsurface archaeological investigations were required for this project.
❑ Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources.
❑ Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources considered
eligible for the National Register.
� All identified archaeological sites located within the APE have been considered and all
compliance for archaeological resources with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation
Act and GS 121-12(a) has been completed for this project.
Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions:
This project was accepted on Wednesday, August 23, 2017. A map review and site file search was
conducted at the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) on Friday, August 18, 2017. An archaeological
survey at this particular location has never been conducted, and no archaeological sites have been
recorded within one (1) mile of the proposed project. Digital copies of HPO's maps (Kenly West
Quadrangle) as well as the HPOWEB GIS Service (http://gis.ncdcr.gov/hpoweb/) were last reviewed on
Monday, September 11, 2017. There are no known historic architectural resources located within or
adjacent to the Study Area for which intact archaeological deposits would be anticipated within the
footprint of the proposed project. In addition, topographic maps, historic maps (NCMaps website),
USDA soil survey maps, and aerial photographs were utilized and inspected to gauge environmental
form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement.
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Project Tracking No.:
factors that may have contributed to historic or prehistoric settlement within the project limits, and to
assess the level of modern, slope, agricultural, hydrological, and other erosive-type disturbances within
and surrounding the Study Area.
As stated in the Survey Required Form, "Although State funds will be utilized far this project, a Federal
permit will be required. Permanent and/or temporary utility and/or drainage easements will not be
necessary. Additional ROW will also not be required. The overall dimensions of the Study Area will
capture any areas to be impacted beyond what is already owned and maintained by the NCDOT or what
may be defined as the Permit Area. At this time, we are in compliance with NC GS 121-12a since there
are no known eligible (i.e. National Register-listed) archaeological resources located within the project's
Study Area that would require our attention. Based on the description of the proposed project and the size
of the Study Area, the Pernut Area may extend beyond the NCDOT's existing 60-foot ROW along SR
1195 (Revell Road). From an environmental perspective, the Study Area falls within a rural setting in the
Coastal Plain physiographic province in the east-central part of North Carolina, and is composed of two
(2) soil types: Bibb loam (Bb) and Norfolk loamy sand, 2-6% slopes (NoB). Although poarly drained
soils (i.e. Bb) are present, the southern portion of the Study Area consists of well-drained soils (i.e. NoB)
overlooking the drainage being crossed. Therefare, the preservation of intact archaeological resources
may be anticipated. In addition, the presence of a cemetery has been noted on the east side of SR 1195
(Revell Road). Documentation of said cemetery should be conducted in order to deternune whether any
interments are located within the NCDOT's existing ROW and whether those interments may be
impacted by the proposed project. Additionally, the Ofiice of State Archaeology (OSA) has reviewed
several projects within the vicinity of Bridge No. 37 for environmental compliance, including cell towers
(CT 07-1786 and CT 01-0213), a transportation project (ER 04-2453 [TIP# I-3605]), utility
improvements (ER 97-9036), and storm debris removal (ER 97-7697). No archaeological surveys were
recommended for any of these projects, based primarily on the limited nature and scope of the project
areas. Within five (5) miles of the Study Area, NCDOT's Archaeology Group has reviewed five (5)
transportation-related projects (see PAs 11-08-0094, 12-OS-0036, 15-10-0025, 16-01-0164 [TIP# B-
4562], and 16-01-0165 [TIP# B-5667]) for environmental compliance under the Programmatic
Ageement (PA) with the State Historic Preservation Office (NC-HPO), only one of which was
recommended for survey (PA 12-OS-0036 [Bridge No. 28 on NC 581 over Contenmea Creek]), based on
the presence of known archaeological sites situated on ridgetoes overlooking the terraces alongside
Contentnea Creek (i.e. favorable topographical situations). However, no archaeological sites were
documented as a result of that survey. Nevertheless, based on the information provided, an
archaeological survey is recommended for the proposed project. A visual inspection of the entire Study
Area should be conducted, followed then by systematic archaeological excavations within areas of
moderate to high archaeological probability, if deemed necessary. None of the property within the Study
Area that requires further investigation is owned by the State of North Carolina so a State Archaeological
Resources Protection Act (ARPA) permit should not be necessary. Should the description of this project
change or design plans be made available prior to construction, additional consultation regarding
archaeology will be required."
Field investigations for the replacement of Bridge No. 37 occurred on Wednesday, November 1, 2017,
and were comprised of a pedestrian survey to locate and assess potentially significant archaeological
resources that could be damaged or destroyed by the proposed project as described above. The entire
extent of the project's Study Area was visually inspected in order to determine the need for excavations.
Based on current soil conditions and vegetation within the Study Area, the excavation of shovel tests was
deemed unnecessary. As originally thought, the Northeast and Northwest quadrants consisted entirely of
poorly drained, hydric soils with standing water present; however, the Southeast and Southwest quadrants
also consisted of hydric soils, standing water, and vegetation typically associated with consistently wet
conditions (e.g. reedy cane). Utilities on either side of the road as well as push piles suggest a certain
level of disturbance immediately adjacent to the ditchlines. In addition, current LiDAR data reveals the
width of the drainage at Bridge No. 37 to be wider than originally anticipated. It should be noted that the
form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement.
Project Tracking No.:
Study Area extends only 20 feet beyond the existing ROW along SR 1195 (Revell Road). Within such a
limited area, much has been disturbed by either natural or human-induced processes (e.g. flood activities,
utilities and evident push piles).
The presence of one (1) cemetery was documented as a result of this investigation. Known as the Peter L.
Bunn Cemetery, this site has now been recorded and documented as Site 31WL376** with the Office of
State Archaeology (OSA).
Site 31WL376** - Peter L. Bunn Cemetery
Site Size: abt. 190 square meters (�0.05 acre)
Topo�raphv: Upland Flat
Elevation: 178 feet amsl
Environmental Settin�: Somewhat maintained, slightly overgrown lawn-like setting on side of the road
Soil Tvne: Norfolk loamy sand, 2-6% slopes (NoB)
Nearest Water: Unnamed tributary of Little Buffalo Creek, about 180 feet to the northeast
Surface Visibilitv: None
Field Procedure: Pedestrian Inspection
Cultural Affiliation: Early to Late 20"' century
Site Function: Cemetery
Site Description: The Peter L. Bunn Cemetery is indicative of the traditional, or vernacular, "Southern
Folk" or "Southern Upland" cemetery and is located on the east side of SR 1195 (Revell Road) on a
slightly elevated landform on what was once the edge of an agricultural field, drained by an unnamed
tributary of Little Buffalo Creek. The cemetery contains 14 marked graves along 2 distinct rows running
North-South. All of the interments are oriented towards the East, a standard Christian practice. Almost
all of the markers observed in the field are professionally carved granite, ranging from flush or lawn-level
markers to slant side markers to standard upright headstones. One (1) ledger marker is present, covering
the entire grave for Plummer Creech whereas the grave for David Glenn Bunn is said to be marked by a
bronze military marker (this marker was not observed in the field, although it could have been obscured
by the overgrown vegetation). Several associated footstones are present, either labelled with the
interred's initials or simply "Mother" or "Father." There is no enclosure around the cemetery; its limits
are solely based on the drop-off in elevation and cut from the surrounding property and ditch line along
the side of the road. The earliest interment dates to 1929 and belongs to Peter L. Bunn, for whom the
cemetery is named. The most recent burial dates to 1999 and belongs to David Glenn Bunn, a grandson
of Peter L. Bunn. The majority of the marked burials in the cemetery are associated with the extended
Bunn Family (including the Phillingames/Phillimgins, Bells, and Flowers). The Barnes Family is also
represented, but a direct connection to the overall Bunn Family could not be determined. This cemetery
is well marked and can clearly be seen along the edge of the road. It should be noted that this cemetery is
depicted on the Kenly West, USGS quad map. Some of the markers appear broken (i.e. Peter L. Bunn) or
unstable (Mary Kate Bunn), but the overall appearance does not suggest neglect of any kind. The
headstone for Bettie Marlowe Bunn, however, does appear to be missing; a photo of the marker in the
field is linked to her record on the www.findagrave.com website and the manner in which the vegetation
is matted suggests the marker was recently removed. Open space in some areas within the cemetery does
suggest the potential for unmarked graves to be present.
Historic Research: The tract upon which the Peter L. Bunn Cemetery is located is currently owned by P.
Gerald Starling, who was conveyed two tracts in 1989 by his parents Percy L. and Doris Bunn Starling
(Book 1376, Page 630). Doris Bunn Starling is Peter L. Bunn's granddaughter, a daughter of James
Robert Bunn (d.1978) and Rosa May Bell (d.1944). The two tracts conveyed in 1989 were bequeathed to
Doris when her father James passed away in 1978 (Plat Map 15, Pages 185-186). It is believed that in
1965, James R. Bunn had acquired from his son-in-law Percy Starling 2 acres along Straight Up Branch,
straddling Revell Road (Book 916, Page 76). This acreage was part of a transaction in 1947 by Percy and
form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement.
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Project Tracking No.:
Doris Starling for which James R. Bunn had covered the cost ($4,500) of the indenture/mortgage (Book
340, Page 326). As described, this property was previously conveyed to W. A. Peacock and George L.
Morgan by deed by Julian Price, Trustee in May 1927 (Book 172, Page 61) because C. M. and Sallie
Watson had defaulted on their loan agreed to in 1921 (Book 126, Page 505). Interestingly enough, there
is no record of Peter L. Bunn ever owning the land on which he was laid to rest. Census records for 1910
show that Peter rented a farm as their place of residence, albeit across the county line in Beulah Twp.,
Johnston County. Starting in the early 1940s, the surrounding parcels over time were acquired by his son
James Robert Bunn, and have remained in the family since then.
Demographics for the Peter L. Bunn Cemetery do not show any interesting or unique characteristics.
Statistical analysis shows that over 90% (13 out of 14) of the burials with known death dates occurred
between 1928 and 1966. That number can be refined to show that over half (9 out of 14) of all the
marked burials occurred within the 1930s and 1940s, with a distinct spike in the early 1940s. In terms of
"Age at Death," over 85% of the burials (12 out of 14) were of individuals over the age of 50. Only two
(2) children are buried within the cemetery, Mary Kate Bunn (d.1930) and Kenneth E. Barnes (d.1934).
On what few death certificates could be located, various forms of cardiac failure and carcinoma as well as
pneumonia were noted causes of death. During this time period, many of these were common for the
Although most of the grave markers do not exhibit any unique characteristics, three (3) of the headstones
include encased photos or ceramic memorial portraits of the deceased, (i.e. Peter L. Bunn [d.1928], his
wife Bettie [d.1938], and their granddaughter Mary Kate [d.1930]). Ceramic tombstone portraits were
first patented in 1854 by two Frenchmen who discovered a way to bond photos to ceramic, porcelain, and
enamel substances. Photo-ceramic portraits were brought to America at the turn of the 20t" century by
Italians and other working-class immigrants from southern and Eastern European countries. American
entrepreneurs soon followed their lead. In 1893, the first memorial portraits were produced by the
Chicago firm of J. A. Dedouch. During the first decade of the 20�'' century, the Sears Roebuck Company
began selling "Imperishable Limoges porcelain portraits;" these oval images became staples on the
tombstones of Italian, Jewish, and other early 20r'' century immigrants, until they became unfashionable
midcentury among their descendants who wanted gravestones that resembled the Protestant mainstream's.
As (Jeane 1989:116-8) points out, "with the use of commercially produced gravestones came the use of
portraits as a means of decoration. While not abundant, the practice was widespread enough to be
considered common rather than unusual." However, one can argue that such a decorative trait may not be
as widespread if known examples are not readily apparent. Today, ceramic photos, often in color, are
experiencing a revival.
One other item of interest is the "footstone" for Annie Laura Phillingame (d.1959). Instead of the
standard granite footstone simply inscribed with the person's initials lies a broken rim fragment of
porcelaneous material embedded in the surface, directly in line with the standard footstone marking the
base of her husband's grave. Such a vernacular piece, purposely placed as a footstone, may represent an
item of spiritual or personal significance.
Recommendation: Based on the brief history and analysis presented above, the Peter L. Bunn Cemetery
does not meet the criteria for eligibility established by the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP)
nor does it qualify under Criteria Considerations for cemeteries and burial places. A very small portion of
the Peter L. Bunn Cemetery is located within the Study Area for the proposed undertaking, but should not
be directly impacted by the replacement of Bridge No. 37 on SR 1195 (Revell Road). At this time, no
further archaeological work is recommended prior to construction. Avoidance of the cemetery is
preferred, but if design plans suggest that the Peter L. Bunn Cemetery is to be impacted, then any
impacted interments should be removed and relocated according to applicable State laws and regulations
(i.e. NC GS 65 and/or NC GS 70, Article 3).
form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement.
Project Track:rr�g No.:
1 / -O0-0011
Additional fieldwork within the Study Area is unlikely to provide any significant or substantial amounts
of archaeological data. Therefore, it is recotnmended that additional archaeological wark should not be
required. A finding of "No NRHP-Eligible or -Listed Archaeological Sites Present" within the Study
Area is considered appropriate in association with the proposed project. However, should the description
of this project or design plans change prior to construction, then additional consultation regarding
archaeology may be required. If archaeological materials are uncovered during project activities, then
such resources will be dealt with according to the procedures set forth for "unanticipated discoveries," to
include notification of NCDOT's Archaeology Group.
See attached: � Map(s)
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❑ Previous Survey Info
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form %or� Mi�ior� Transyortation Projects aa� Qiralified rn the 1007 Pro�rammsaXic Agreement.
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Project Track:rr�g No.:
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Figure 3: Histoi7c Aerial I�nagery (1957) (NCDOT Historical Aerial Imagery Index [online resource:
http://ncdot.inaps.arcgis.corn/hoine/webmap/viewer.html`?webinap=91 e02b76dce4470ebd7ec240ad202a0
4], last accessed 7 Nov 2017).
form %or� Mi�ior� Transyortation Projects aa� Qiralified rn the 1007 Pro�rammsaXic Agreement.
� �f s
Project Track:rr�g No.:
1 / -O0-0011
Photo 1: Bridge No. 37, looking North.
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Photo 2: Fii-st Row of Burials at thc Petcr L. Buni� Cemetery, looking North.
form %or� Mi�ior� Transyortation Projects aa� Qiralified rn the 1007 Pro�rammsaXic Agreement.
� �f s
Project Trackrng No.:
1 / -O0-0011
Photo 3: Example of an Encased Photo, Mary Kate Bunn (d.1930), looking East.
Pl�oto 4: Porcclaneous Matei-ial used as a Footstoi�e for Annie Laui-a Pl�illinbame (d.1959), looking West.
form %or� Mi�ior� Transyortation Projects aa� Qiralified rn the 1007 Pro�rammsaXic Agreement.
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PA 17-08-0011
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