HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0066516_LV-2018-0106_20180705 FUQU4'(-VAR I N4 north carotin° June 29, 2018 John Hennessy, Supervisor NPDES Compliance and Expedited Permitting Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center - Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 RECEIVE®/DENp/®WR Re: Notice of Violation and Assessment of Civil Penalty JUL In 2018 Case No. LV-2018-0106 Water Resources Permitting Section Dear Mr. Hennessy: The Town of Fuquay-Varina received a Notice of Violation and Assessment of Civil Penalties from the Division of Water Quality of North Carolina Department of Environment Natural Resources. The Town of Fuquay-Varina is requesting remission of the civil penalties. Please find attached a Justification for Remission Request. We are at your convenience to discuss this matter further. Please feel free to contact me at jmeyers@fuquay-varina.org or at 919-567-3911 with any questions or comments. Sincerely, 7 /Ja . Meyers .E. Public Utilities Director Cc: Brianna Young, DWR Vanessa Manuel, Raleigh Regional Office Attachment: Justification for Remission Request Waiver of Right to an Administrative Hearing Town of Fuquay-Varina - 401 Old Honeycutt Road, Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 - (919) 552-1400 = fuquay-varina.org • • STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COUNTY OF WAKE IN THE MATTER OF ASSESSMENT ) WAIVER OF RIGHT TO AN OF CIVIL PENALTIES AGAINST ) ADMLNISTRATIVE HEARING AND ) STIPULATION OF FACTS Town of Fuquay-Varina ) Terrible Creek WWTP ) ) PERMIT NO.NC0066516 ) CASE NO. LV-2018-0106 Having been assessed civil penalties totaling$1,289.27 for violation(s)as set forth in the assessment document of the Division of Water Resources dated May 24,2018,the undersigned,desiring to seek remission of the civil penalty,does hereby waive the right to an administrative hearing in the above-stated matter and does stipulate that the facts are as alleged in the assessment document. The undersigned further understands that all evidence presented in support of remission of this civil penalty must be submitted to the Director of the Division of Water Resources within thirty(30) days of receipt of the notice of assessment. No new evidence in support of a remission request will be allowed after (30)days from the receipt of the notice of assessment. This the 2f*- day of ,20 1.! / / SIGNATURE ADDRESS Tow'? vP Fvrcir- VatMo,__ plot ©(d Ron evft Road • �v vay Verri4oci N.C. 2752/ TELEPHONE 919-5((7--3919 JUSTIFICATION FOR REMISSION REQUEST DWQ Case Number: LV-2018-0106 County: Wake Assessed Party: Town of Fuquay-Varina Terrible Creek WWTP Permit No.: NC0066516 (TC) Amount Assessed: $1,289.27 Please use this form when requesting remission of this civil penalty. You must also complete the "Request For Remission, Waiver of Right to an Administrative Hearing, and Stipulation of Facts" form to request remission of this civil penalty. You should attach any documents that you believe support your request and are necessary for the Director to consider in evaluating your request for remission. Please be aware that a request for remission is limited to consideration of the five factors listed below as they may relate to the reasonableness of the amount of the civil penalty assessed. Requesting remission is not the proper procedure for contesting whether the violation(s) occurred or the accuracy of any of the factual statements contained in the civil penalty assessment document. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 143B-282.1(c), remission of a civil penalty may be granted only when one or more of the following five factors applies. Please check each factor that you believe applies to your case and provide a detailed explanation, including copies of supporting documents, as to why the factor applies (attach additional pages as needed). (a) one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors in N.C.G.S. 143B-282.1(b) were wrongfully applied to the detriment of the petitioner (the assessment factors are listed in the civil penalty assessment document); X (b) the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation (i.e., explain the steps that you took to correct the violation and prevent future occurrences); X (c) the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident (i.e., explain why the violation was unavoidable or something you could not prevent or prepare for); (d) the violator had not been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations; (e) payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions (i.e., explain how payment of the civil penalty will prevent you from performing the activities necessary to achieve compliance). EXPLANATION: January 2018 - Exceeded TSS - Conc weekly average during Week of January 13th. Permit limit is 45 mg/1,value obtained was 74 mg/1. January 2018 - Exceeded NH3-N- Conc monthly average during January 2018. Permit limit is 4.0 mg/1 (winter),value obtained was 5.73 mg/l. Cause: The solids concentration in the Terrible Creek WWTP was noted higher than normal in November 2017, reference attached email from Chris Grimes to Jay Meyers dated November 17, 2017, and was attributable to 2 factors: 1. Construction of the new 3 mgd plant caused clogging of water feed,which reduced water pressure and stopped operation of rotary press for dewatering sludge while the low pressure was investigated. 2. In anticipation of the new plant starting in June 2018,the Utility Department tested a regional pump station that had been re-directed away from Terrible Creek. The reason for the testing was to determine what work may needed to take place prior to diverting back to Terrible Creek. The result of the testing was a significant amount of solids being flushed out of the in-active portion of the forcemain in to the plant. The Town uses McGill Environmental Systems for disposal of thickened biosolids, at a approximate typical monthly cost of$7000. In December 2017, in addition to McGill Environmental Systems' disposal of thickened solids from the plant's rotary press, the Town contracted with McGill Environmental Systems to provide dewatering equipment at an additional cost of$87,000 over a 4 month period (invoices from November 2017 to May 2018 are provided for reference). During the first part of January 2018, the area experienced bitter cold weather with the daily temperatures remaining below freezing,which resulted in a sludge standpipe for Plant#3 of the Terrible Creek WWTP becoming frozen. This prevented continuing to remove biosolids through the rotary press and through McGill Environmental Systems' dewatering equipment. The violation comes from high solid levels and decrease of treatment caused by insufficient air to plant#3. The air had to be reduced to prevent further solids loss to effluent. Mixers were already off previously so the only option was to reduce air.We lost treatment before we could unthaw, start pressing solids and wasting again. Once we were able to press solids again,we focused all efforts on wasting plant#3 and increasing air.We increased the frequency that McGill was dewatering and ran our sludge press as fast as possible to give us room to waste. This would not normally have been a monthly violation upset incident, but with unusually high solids and aged inefficient blowers we were not able to achieve NH3 levels that would average out for monthly compliance. Corrective actions taken: The Town continued to reduce biosolid concentrations through the use of McGill Environmental Services over the next three months. The Town also put into operation its new$34 million 3mgd plant in the beginning of June 2018 and abandoned the aged lmgd plant. It is the Town's belief that we have responded with a willingness to expend funds to identify and correct these problems and continue to make those changes necessary to operate as efficiently as we can to protect the environment and stay within our permit limits. The Town is requesting the civil penalties be reduced to allow us to continue to expend funds to improve our operations. 6/26/2018 Mail-Imeyers@fuquay-varina org Re: Higher than normal solids at TC Jay T. Meyers, PE Fri 11/17/2017 9:45 AM Sent Items To.Chris Grimes <cgrimes@fuquay-vanna org>; Cc Adam Stephenson <astephenson@fuquay-varina.org>; I understand and am supportive of plan,just need a cost estimate on what you intend to spend. Jay T. Meyers, PE I Public Utilities Director Town of Fuquay-Varina 401 Old Honeycutt Road Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 jmeyers@fuquay-varina.org 919-567-3911 www.fuquay-varina.org From: Chris Grimes Sent: Friday, November 17, 2017 9:18:36 AM To:Jay T. Meyers, PE Cc:Adam Stephenson Subject: Higher than normal solids at TC Jay-TC WWTP is experiencing higher than normal solids concentration in the mixed liquor basins and Adam is requesting we have MGills bring in a dewatering box to assist in getting back to our normal levels. I contribute this to 2 things. #1 we experienced low water pressure which kept us from running the sludge press This was caused by sand/gravel clogging up the water meter and RPZ. This has been remidyed and was contributed to crowders tying the new water line into the existing. #2 redirecting eastern regional and running pumps to purge blockage in FM This has been helpful and pump rates appear to have improved. However,the solids we purged have been sent to TC and are now showing up in the plants I support Adams request but we may need to address this cost later in the fiscal year Chris Grimes I Water and Sewer Operations Town of Fuquay-Varina 401 Old Honeycutt Road Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 https.//outlook.office365.com/owa/?realm=fuquay-varina org&exsvurl=1&II-cc=1033&modurl=0&path=/mail/search 1/2 �G;LL Invoice C , 25 Printed 12/7/2017 ...GILL iiindgrowingv _ , ....... z.„, D1ATLE ni.Mg41 ://17 ® McGill Environmental Systems 11/30/2017 1 The Compost ������ Phone: 919-362-1161 Iff celNumber : Fax: 919-362-1141 131901 �4M0UNT QUE �AMOUNT�PAID Fuquay-Varina, Town (Terrible) RECEIVED 6,519.54 $ Attn:AP Dept.PO#2017-0000056 DEC 2 2017 Terms Net 30 401 Old Honeycutt Rd Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526AGCO,�UNTE, 'NO: TOWN OF FUQUAY-VARINA 413278 FINAN(`F fFPAGTMFNT Mail Payments To: PO Box 890458 Charlotte, NC 28289-0458 [Z,j1DATE rF;vTICKEkT ;z; ,,L Truck- ; I BOL ,, DESCRIPTIONI QUA-NJTITY .*' . AMOUNITai 11/01/17 10-00389736 MC-DLH 112278 Municipal- Biosolid 12.76 421.08 11/01/17 10-00389736 MC-DLH 112278 Transportation 1.00 225.00 11/06/17 10-00389863 MC-DLH 112587 Municipal-Biosolid 10.38 342.54 11/06/17 10-00389863 MC-DLH 112587 Transportation 1.00 225.00 11/14/17 10-00390040 MC-MDM 112579- Municipal- Biosolid 13.85 457.05 11/14/17 10-00390040 MC-MDM 112579 Transportation 1.00 225.00 11/16/17 20-00389251 MC-FBS MO 110692 Municipal- Biosolid 11.82 390.06 11/16/17 20-00389251 MC-FBS MO 110692 Transportation 1.00 225.00 11/20/17 10-00390191 MC-AD 112666 Municipal- Biosolid 13.55 447.15 11/20/17 10-00390191 MC-AD 112666 Transportation 1.00 225.00 11/22/17 10-00390227 MC-DLH 112785 Municipal- Biosolid 8.43 278.19 11/22/17 10-00390227 MC-DLH 112785 Transportation 1.00 225.00 11/29/17 10-00390403 MC-MDM 113063 Drop Box/TrIr/Load 1.00 225.00 11/30/17 10-00390494 MC-DLH 112795 40YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 11/30/17 10-00390494 MC-DLH 112795 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 11/30/17 10-00390494 MC-DLH 112795 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 6.00 450.00 11/30/17 10-00390494 MC-DLH 112795 Municipal- Biosolid 15.59 514.47 11/30/17 10-00390494 MC-DLH 112795 Polymer 10.00 220.00 11/30/17 10-00390494 MC-DLH 112795 Transportation 1.00 225.00 11/30/17 10-00390595 Fuel Surcharge 1.00 99.00 11/30/17 20-00389615 30YD BOX Dewatering Equipment 1.00 400.00 Invoice Total $6,519.54 McGill Environmental PO# 2018-39CVCji\j/ 061-7140-600-62-01 www.mcgillcompost.com r = .m-s-G;�L_ Invoice 441 ---G II LL ,, .m , I. 2 5 . Printed 1/8/2018 x, ,/ C - r � DATEI:;. =" ..°PAGE;v 12/31/2017 1 McGill Environmental Systems compost people ® Phone: 919-362-1161 Invaic�,e:N-.zu:mber -4 t 132067 Fax: 919-362-1141 r„ _ AMOUNT DUE --trai3OUNT PAIDa $ '17,771.21 $ Fuquay-Varina, Town (Terrible) Attn: AP Dept.PO#2017-0000056 Terms Net 30 401 Old Honeycutt Rd Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 ACCOUNTNO 413278 Mail Payments To: PO Box 890458 Charlotte, NC 28289-0458 -DaE ,,,p,=`, ,:T,ICKET? T,-rucks - It BOL$ or ; 0DESCRIPTIO,, 45 V M,90,011-Y. : ;= AMOUNT .•• 2/01/17 10-00390536 MC-DLH 112799 Municipal - Biosolid 10.64 351.12 2/01/17 10-00390536 MC-DLH 112799 Transportation 1.00 225.00 2/01/17 20-00389535 MC-DLH 112798 40YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 2/01/17 20-00389535 MC-DLH 112798 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 2/01/17 20-00389535 MC-DLH 112798 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 6.00 450.00 2/01/17 20-00389535 MC-DLH 112798 Municipal- Biosolid 16.13 532.29 2/01/17 20-00389535 MC-DLH 112798 Polymer 10.00 220.00 2/01/17 20-00389535 MC-DLH 112798 Transportation 1.00 225.00 2/04/17 10-00390535 MC-DLH 113095 Municipal- Biosolid 7.67 253.11 2/04/17 10-00390535 MC-DLH 113095 Transportation 1.00 225.00 2/07/17 20-00389682 MC-MDM 113083 Municipal- Biosolid 5.86 193.38 2/07/17 20-00389682 MC-MDM 113083 Transportation 1.00 225.00 2/07/17 20-00389713 MC-MDM 113084 Drop Box/TrIr/Load 1.00 225.00 2/08/17 10-00390702 MC-DLH 113101 40YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 2/08/17 10-00390702 MC-DLH 113101 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 12/08/17 10-00390702 MC-DLH 113101 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 6.00 450.00 12/08/17 10-00390702 MC-DLH 113101 Municipal - Biosolid 13.91 459.03 2/08/17 10-00390702 MC-DLH 113101 Polymer 10.00 220.00 2/08/17 10-00390702 MC-DLH 113101 Transportation 1.00 225.00 12/11/17 10-00390729 MC-AD 113024 Municipal - Biosolid 16.42 541.86 12/11/17 10-00390729 MC-AD 113024 Transportation 1.00 225.00 12/11/17 10-00390818 MC-AD 113023 40YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 12/11/17 10-00390818 MC-AD 113023 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 12/11/17 10-00390818 MC-AD 113023 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 6.00 450.00 12/11/17 10-00390818 MC-AD 113023 Municipal- Biosolid 11.83 390.39 12/11/17 10-00390818 MC-AD 113023 Polymer 10.00 220.00 12/11/17 10-00390818 MC-AD 113023 Transportation 1.00 225.00 12/13/17 20-00389799 MC-MDM 113236 Drop Box/Trlr/Load 1.00 225.00 12/14/17 10-00390819 MC-MDM 113239 40YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 12/14/17 10-00390819 MC-MDM 113239 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 12/14/17 10-00390819 MC-MDM 113239 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 6.00 450.00 12/14/17 10-00390819 MC-MDM 113239 Municipal - Biosolid 10.58 349.14 12/14/17 10-00390819 MC-MDM 113239 Polymer 10.00 220.00 12/14/17 10-00390819 MC-MDM 113239 Transportation 1.00 225.00 12/15/17 10-00390820 MC-MDM 113244 Municipal- Biosolid 14.39 474.87 12/15/17 10-00390820 MC-MDM 113244 Transportation 1.00 225.00 12/15/17 20-00389865 MC-MDM 113242 Municipal- Biosolid 10.92 360.36 www.mcgillcompost.com MCGILL , ENE 9 Invoice C2 as +; JAI 1 U 2018 Printed 1/8/2018 LL / -z t PA a l 12/31/2017 1 The compost people ® McGill EnvironmentalTS) Phone: 919-362-1161 e OF FsUQUAYVAS Kewordi Fax: 919-362-1141 132069 �, AIVIOUPLT,DUE, A fA IdtiffyPArbI $ 2,238.90 $ Fuquay Varina-Brighton Forest Deborah Freeze PO#2017-0000056 Terms Net 30 401 Old Honeycut Rd. Fuquay Varina, NC 27526 fACCOUNTN074 414402 Mail Payments To: PO Box 890458 Charlotte, NC 28289-0458 ;. r,.`y'r.M rxv�., �,-t.:; DATES -rTICKET4,sf {r _ Trucker='. BOL DESCRIPTyION � QIIANTIT� ' sAMOUNT ..�,..'.3' _sf ,� ;4:.r ?srt. .e-,d-.�.:.z"°.. 12/04/17 20-00389540 MC-DMJ MO 108332 Drop Box/TrIr/Load 1.00 225.00 12/09/17 20-00389687 MC-KMC MO 111032 50YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 250.00 12/09/17 20-00389687 MC-KMC MO 111032 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 12/09/17 20-00389687 MC-KMC MO 111032 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ _ 6.00 450.00 12/09/17 20-00389687 MC-KMC MO 111032 Polymer 10.00 180.00 12/09/17 20-00389687 MC-KMC MO 111032 Sludge- Biosolids 16.69 584.15 12/09/17 20-00389687 MC-KMC MO 111032 Transportation 1.00 225.00 12/31/17 20-00390138 Fuel Surcharge 1.00 24.75 Invoice Total $2,238.90 McGill Environmental , PO# 2018-39 10- 061-7140-600-62-01 ) www.mcgillcompost.com M�ci�.�`''. CIV Invoice -M ce cFEB 0 9 1018 Printed 2/6/2018 e 17Tnd Crowi momngg, TOWN OF FUCUAY-VAF ` = DAT .�PAreE The compost people® McGill EnvironmentalSysfeIW�SNCEDEPARTMEIlT 1/31/2018 1 Phone:919-362-1161 �f '`'Invoice`Imber Fax:919-362-1141 132207 AMOUNT D ' MUM T,PAID Fuquay-Varina,Town (Terrible) McGill Environmental $37,309.81 $ 3Z 3ocill Attn:AP Dept.PO#2017-0000056 PO# 2018-39 =Po Terms Net 3o 401 Old Honeycutt Rd /� Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 061-7140-600-62-01 / foie u. r=Ho: 413278 Mail Payments To: PO Box 890458 Charlotte, NC 28289-0 58 .- DAT ,' = iICKE7 rT ckw' ,'"' ,DESCRIPTION QI1A TITY"` AtN U T 01/01/18 20-00390342 MC-MDM %MEa2 Municipal-Biosolid, Originally 12-15-17 -10.92 R '60.36 01/01/18 20-00390343 MC-MDM ililSgip3 rans0ortatio- Keyed incorrectly 1.00225.00 01/01/18 20-00390349 MC-MDM 113242 40YD DewaterTrailer 12-15-17 Correction 1 00 400.00 01/01/18 20-00390349 MC-MDM %ME Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 01/01/18 20-00390349 MC-MDM ilig,g0 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 6.00 450.00 01/01/18 20-00390349 MC-MDM i16242 Municipal-Biosolid 10.92 360.36 01/01/18 20-00390349 MC-MDM %WE Polymer 10.00 220.00 01/01/18 20-00390349 MC-MDM ilil2MN4 Transportation 1.00 225.00 01/02/18 10-00391219 MC-DLH 113592 Drop Box/TrIr/Load 1.00 225.00 01/03/18 20-00390123 MC-MDM 113533 40YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 01/03/18 20-00390123 MC-MDM 113533 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 01/03/18 20-00390123 MC-MDM 113533 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 6.00 450.00 01/03/18 20-00390123 MC-MDM 113533 Municipal-Biosolid 11.05 364.65 01/03/18 20-00390123 MC-MDM 113533 Polymer 10.00 220.00 01/03/18 20-00390123 MC-MDM 113533 Transportation 1.00 225.00 01/05/18 10-00391337 MC-DLH 113597 40YD DewaterTrailer 1 00 400.00 01/05/18 10-00391337 MC-DLH 113597 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 01/05/18 10-00391337 MC-DLH 113597 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 01/05/18 10-00391337 MC-DLH 113597 Municipal-Biosolid 12.11 399.63 01/05/18 10-00391337 MC-DLH 113597 Polymer 10.00 220.00 01/05/18 10-00391337 MC-DLH 113597 Transportation 1.00 225.00 01/08/18 10-00391348 MC-MDM 113540 40YD DewaterTrailer 1.00 400.00 01/08/18 10-00391348 MC-MDM 113540 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 01/08/18 10-00391348 MC-MDM 113540 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 6.00 450.00 01/08/18 10-00391348 MC-MDM 113540 Municipal-Biosolid 12.37 408.21 01/08/18 10-00391348 MC-MDM 113540 Polymer 10.00 220.00 01/08/18 10-00391348 MC-MDM 113540 Transportation 100 225.00 01/10/18 10-00392030 MC-MDM 113731 Municipal-Biosolid 14.24 469.92 01/10/18 10-00392030 MC-MDM 113731 Transportation 1.00 225.00 01/10/18 20-00390345 MC-MDM 113545 40YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 01/10/18 20-00390345 MC-MDM 113545 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 01/10/18 20-00390345 MC-MDM 113545 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 6.00 450.00 01/10/18 20-00390345 MC-MDM 113545 Municipal-Biosolid 15.91 525.03 01/10/18 20-00390345 MC-MDM 113545 Polymer 10.00 220.00 01/10/18 20-00390345 MC-MDM 113545 Transportation 1.00 225.00 01/11/18 20-00390346 MC-FBS MO 111509 40YD DewaterTrailer 1 00 400.00 01/11/18 20-00390346 MC-FBS MO 111509 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 • PAID FED 14 2018 www.mcgillcompost.com Q Y4 J,(cL TOWN OF FUQUAY VARRINA _/ f . GM SGILL � ECEIV Invoice C (_2 5 FEB 0 9 2018 Printed 2/6/2018 _,IG 1 L L 771t1f ITiITE,, PAGE, TOWN OF FUQUA+ VARINN, 1/31/2018 2 The compost people ® McGill Environmental Rom OEp ARNENT ;Invoice umber Phone:919-362-1161 Fax:919-362-1141 132207 -AMOUNT DU_'f„;':'IWArOUPTATI5f $37,309 81 $ Fuquay-Varina,Town(Terrible) Attn:AP Dept.PO#2017-0000056 Terms Net 30 401 Old Honeycutt Rd Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 QCCO!MOM 413278 Mail Payments To: PO Box 890458 Charlotte, NC 28289-0458 i4'7"; OATEr ;1 ViiiWeliTa Truck '" : 4-- 02 - co ESCRIPTION ' k %.UAMTI* "AMOUNT 01/11/18 20-00390346 MC-FBS MO 111509 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5 00 375.00 01/11/18 20-00390346 MC-FBS MO 111509 Municipal-Biosolid 22 26 734.58 01/11/18 20-00390346 MC-FBS MO 111509 Polymer 10.00 220.00 01/11/18 20-00390346 MC-FBS MO 111509 Transportation 1.00 225.00 01/12/18 10-00391505 MC-MDM 113736 Municipal-Biosolid 14.12 465.96 01/12/18 10-00391505 MC-MDM 113736 Transportation 1.00 225.00 01/12/18 20-00390347 MC-MDM 113735 40YD DewaterTrailer 1.00 400.00 01/12/18 20-00390347 MC-MDM 113735 Dewatering Equipment 1 00 300.00 01/12/18 20-00390347 MC-MDM 113735 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 01/12/18 20-00390347 MC-MDM 113735 Municipal-Biosolid 13.47 444.51 01/12/18 20-00390347 MC-MDM 113735 Polymer 10.00 220.00 01/12/18 20-00390347 MC-MDM 113735 Transportation 1.00 225.00 01/15/18 10-00391532 MC-AD 113554 Municipal-Biosolid 18.88 623.04 01/15/18 10-00391532 MC-AD 113554 Transportation 1.00 225.00 01/15/18 20-00390348 MC-FBS MO 109585 40YD DewaterTrailer 1.00 400.00 01/15/18 20-00390348 MC-FBS MO 109585 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 01/15/18 20-00390348 MC-FBS MO 109585 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 01/15/18 20-00390348 MC-FBS MO 109585 Municipal-Biosolid 17.84 588.72 01/15/18 20-00390348 MC-FBS MO 109585 Polymer 10.00 220.00 01/15/18 20-00390348 MC-FBS MO 109585 Transportation 1.00 225.00 01/17/18 10-00391585 MC-DLH 113796 Municipal-Biosolid 17.33 571.89 01/17/18 10-00391585 MC-DLH 113796 Transportation 100 225.00 01/17/18 20-00390403 MC-DLH 113795 40YD DewaterTrailer 1.00 400.00 01/17/18 20-00390403 MC-DLH 113795 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 01/17/18 20-00390403 MC-DLH 113795 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 01/17/18 20-00390403 MC-DLH 113795 Municipal-Biosolid 12.99 428.67 01/17/18 20-00390403 MC-DLH 113795 Polymer 10.00 220.00 01/17/18 20-00390403 MC-DLH 113795 Transportation 1.00 225.00 01/22/18 10-00391679 MC-AD 113563 Municipal-Biosolid 16.79 554.07 01/22/18 10-00391679 MC-AD 113563 Transportation 1.00 225.00 01/23/18 10-00391704 MC-AD 113564 40YD DewaterTrailer 1.00 400.00 01/23/18 10-00391704 MC-AD 113564 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 01/23/18 10-00391704 MC-AD 113564 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 01/23/18 10-00391704 MC-AD 113564 Municipal-Biosolid 11.24 370.92 01/23/18 10-00391704 MC-AD 113564 Polymer 10.00 220.00 01/23/18 10-00391704 MC-AD 113564 Transportation 100 225.00 01/25/18 10-00391779 MC-DLH 113809 Municipal-Biosolid 13.06 430.98 www.mcgilicompost.com nms..7...:., Invoice C • ,` Pnnted 2/6/2018 ri 1?Ttidjiaivuig-� "".. DATE 3+ yA; PAG t'l 1/31/2018 3The compost people ® McGill Environmental Systems Phone:919-362-1161 rVihoicet_lui6e , :4 Fax:919-362-1141 132207 7` iAMOIJNTDUErY±>F/,IMOUNT:P/11D'`5 $37,309.81 $ Fuquay-Varina,Town(Terrible) Attn:AP Dept.PO#2017-0000056 • Terms Net 30 401 Old Honeycutt Rd Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 f_ COt ;�-,'ACJ Nf 3N .Ot�? 413278 Mail Payments To: PO Box 890458 Charlotte, NC 28289-0458 < 3 "^e' a E t a _ Truck r BOL ` w<e �,..�, �� �� �;� ''r'z�r� DESC,RIP�TiION ks as�sfi, ,;,'?QUAN�ttiY r 4 AMQUNW 01/25/18 10-00391779 MC-DLH 113809 Transportation 1.00 225.00 01/25/18 20-00390516 MC-FBS MO 109684 40YD DewaterTrailer 1.00 400.00, 01/25/18 20-00390516 MC-FBS MO 109684 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 01/25/18 20-00390516 MC-FBS MO 109684 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 01/25/18 20-00390516 MC-FBS MO 109684 Municipal-Biosolid 20.66 681.78 01/25/18 20-00390516 MC-FBS MO 109684 Polymer 10.00 220.00 01/25/18 20-00390516 MC-FBS MO 109684 Transportation 1.00 225.00 01/26/18 20-00390541 MC-DLH 113811 40YD DewaterTrailer 1 00 400.00 01/26/18 20-00390541 MC-DLH 113811 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 01/26/18 20-00390541 MC-DLH 113811 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 4.00 300.00 01/26/18 20-00390541 MC-DLH 113811 Municipal-Biosolid 13.68 451.44 01/26/18 20-00390541 MC-DLH 113811 Polymer 10.00 220.00 01/26/18 20-00390541 MC-DLH 113811 Transportation 1.00 225.00 01/29/18 10-00391845 MC-DLH 113818 Drop Box/TrIr/Load 1.00 225.00 01/29/18 10-00391846 MC-DLH 113819 40YD DewaterTrailer 1.00 400.00 01/29/18 10-00391846 MC-DLH 113819 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 • 01/29/18 10-00391846 MC-DLH 113819 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 01/29/18 10-00391846 MC-DLH 113819 Municipal-Biosolid 15.24 502.92 01/29/18 10-00391846 MC-DLH 113819 Polymer 10 00 220.00 01/29/18 10-00391846 MC-DLH 113819 Transportation 100 225.00 01/29/18 20-00390580 MC-DLH 113817 Municipal-Biosolid 15.29 504.57 01/29/18 20-00390580 MC-DLH 113817 Transportation 1.00 225.00 01/30/18 20-00390608 MC-FBS MO 109693 40YD DewaterTrailer 1.00 400.00 01/30/18 20-00390608 MC-FBS MO 109693 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 01/30/18 20-00390608 MC-FBS MO 109693 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 01/30/18 20-00390608 MC-FBS MO 109693 Municipal-Biosolid 21.86 721.38 01/30/18 20-00390608 MC-FBS MO 109693 Polymer 10.00 220.00 01/30/18 20-00390608 MC-FBS MO 109693 Transportation 1.00 225.00 01/31/18 20-00390644 MC-FBS MO 109696 Municipal-Biosolid 18.28 603.24 01/31/18 20-00390644 MC-FBS MO 109696 Transportation 1.00 225.00 01/31/18 20-00390653 MC-FBS MO 109697 40YD DewaterTrailer 1.00 400.00 01/31/18 20-00390653 MC-FBS MO 109697 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 01/31/18 20-00390653 MC-FBS MO 109697 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 01/31/18 20-00390653 MC-FBS MO 109697 Municipal-Biosolid 20.90 689.70 01/31/18 20-00390653 MC-FBS MO 109697 Polymer 10.00 220.00 01/31/18 20-00390653 MC-FBS MO 109697 Transportation 1.00 225.00 01/31/18 20-00390696 30YD BOX Dewatering Equipment 1.00 400.00 www.mcgillcompost.com a" n......,_, Invoice C j Printed 2/6/2018 / .i....GILL ZOATEc a P E}iji- 'd iuing4 % 1/31/2018 4 t The compost people r;4 McGill Environmental Systems °' ;, - �Iq o ce.N mhei, i".414),"‘ Phone:919-362-1161 Fax:919-362-1141 132207 , :"AMornitt DUE �1lN011NT;PAW $37,309.81 $ Fuquay-Varina,Town(Terrible) Attn:AP Dept PO#2017-0000056 Terms Net 30 401 Old Honeycutt Rd Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 ;A'GCOUN'r;lsf0•,'r, 413278 Mail Payments To: PO Box 890458 Charlotte, NC 28289-0458 `A-0 F'-Gs^>s - w ,MY;; :6'.? .,.. .7.,-",,, ,,.,....:,..,4,. �- ar ; • _�.IT fir'" 'Ta-» 4- .9,al-a, rs s a•= 7 • s3kS?, Tg=,�, IC T—R.,,�:r� ,1 lri-Oca; ; i -,,. BO eorx ,.-..k .DESCRLPTION h 3, t, s ter,_ �?�._aas� ._ �ri/ , ,;..:� >��.:,, � ���..�.;;;r';.�cm_...�.��,,,�. ��=-�?_'�"'T`Q.l!/kNTfTz�'���a _,� OUNTia�:T 01/31/18 20-00390759 Fuel Surcharge 1.00 324.00 Invoice Total $37,309.81 • www.mcgillcompost.com , MCGILL Invoice 2 YEM',i AS 5 + Printed 3/6/2018 �nct rowu y4 _ .__L =-. ;: DATES PAGE 2/28/2018 1 The compost people ® McGill Environmental Systems Phone: 919-362-1161 = Iivoice Nmber ;,* ' Fax: 919-362-1141 132407 -AAMcombu AMOUNTTI?AID", $ 24,224.27 $ Fuquay-Varina, Town (Terrible) Attn:AP Dept.PO#2017-0000056 Terms Net 30 401 Old Honeycutt Rd Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 -I►CCOU'NTaNO." 413278 Mail Payments To: PO Box 890458 Charlotte, NC 28289-0458 {,+�;.`":. t a.,. gt''-" ac�",-_ �a DATE,, TICKET.„ ?Truck , „41 , , B4OL w „+ ,,!, , DESCRIPTION " °P r " QUANTI,TY. .: ,AMOUNT;; ; 02/02/18 10-00392004 MC-AD 113589 Municipal - Biosolid 12.68 418.44 02/02/18 10-00392004 MC-AD 113589 Transportation 1.00 225.00 02/02/18 20-00390716 MC-AD 113588 40YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 02/02/18 20-00390716 MC-AD 113588 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 02/02/18 20-00390716 MC-AD 113588 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 02/02/18 20-00390716 MC-AD 113588 Municipal - Biosolid 12.47 411.51 02/02/18 20-00390716 MC-AD 113588 Polymer 10.00 220.00 02/02/18 20-00390716 MC-AD 113588 Transportation 1.00 225.00 02/05/18 10-00392031 MC-AD 114011 40YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 02/05/18 10-00392031 MC-AD 114011 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 02/05/18 10-00392031 MC-AD 114011 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 02/05/18 10-00392031 MC-AD 114011 Municipal- Biosolid 12.03 396.99 02/05/18 10-00392031 MC-AD 114011 Polymer 10.00 220.00 02/05/18 10-00392031 MC-AD 114011 Transportation 1.00 225.00 02/05/18 20-00390743 MC-FBS MO 109763 Municipal- Biosolid 9.15 301.95 02/05/18 20-00390743 MC-FBS MO 109763 Transportation 1.00 225.00 02/06/18 20-00390783 MC-FBS MO 109766 40YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 02/06/18 20-00390783 MC-FBS MO 109766 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 02/06/18 20-00390783 MC-FBS MO 109766 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 02/06/18 20-00390783 MC-FBS MO 109766 Municipal- Biosolid 18.91 624.03 02/06/18 20-00390783 MC-FBS MO 109766 Polymer 10.00 220.00 02/06/18 20-00390783 MC-FBS MO 109766 Transportation 1.00 225.00 02/07/18 20-00390824 MC-FBS MO 109769 Municipal-Biosolid 15.93 525.69 02/07/18 20-00390824 MC-FBS MO 109769 Transportation 1.00 225.00 02/07/18 20-00390825 MC-FBS MO 109770 40YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 02/07/18 20-00390825 MC-FBS MO 109770 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 02/07/18 20-00390825 MC-FBS MO 109770 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 02/07/18 20-00390825 MC-FBS MO 109770 Municipal - Biosolid 18.40 607.20 02/07/18 20-00390825 MC-FBS MO 109770 Polymer 10.00 220.00 02/07/18 20-00390825 MC-FBS MO 109770 Transportation 1.00 225.00 02/08/18 20-00390857 MC-AD . 114016 40YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 02/08/18 20-00390857 MC-AD 114016 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 02/08/18 20-00390857 MC-AD 114016 , Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 02/08/18 20-00390857 MC-AD 114016 Municipal- Biosolid 14.47 477.51 02/08/18 20-00390857 MC-AD 114016 Polymer 10.00 220.00 02/08/18 20-00390857 MC-AD 114016 Transportation 1.00 225.00 02/09/18 10-00392219 MC-AD 114019 Municipal-Biosolid 17.07 563.31 www.mcgillcompost.com McGill ECIvinv®ice C2 .�us ,� MAR 0 8 2018 Printed 3/6/2018 ,, / roving M _GILL -- TOWN OF FUQUAY-VP i3INA PATE PAGE NppNCE DEPARTM�N 1 2/28/2018 2 ® McGill Environmental S�sltbms The compost people ® 7 - 1"nva'c`eT,Number - l Phone: 919-362-1161 132407 Fax: 919-362-1141 'iliMOU,NTIftill e,,CI MOO NI PAID=' Fuquay-Varina, Town (Terrible) McGill Environmental $ 24,224.27 $ Attn:AP Dept.PO#2017-0000056 ,�� Terms Net 30 401 Old Honeycutt Rd PO# 2018-39 f t Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 061-7140-600-62-01 au T No 413278 Mail Payments To: PO Box 890458 Charlotte, NC 28289-0458 '�., DATE_ _ -_:1 ' (CK7 , ' sTk ` r5'� BO�L�u� m .r DESCRLPAOMn - K 91p4p. Ya . : AMOUN 02/09/18 10-00392219 MC-AD 114019 Transportation 1.00 225.00 02/09/18 20-00390895 MC-AD 114018 40YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 02/09/18 20-00390895 MC-AD 114018 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 02/09/18 20-00390895 MC-AD 114018 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 02/09/18 20-00390895 MC-AD 114018 Municipal - Biosolid 13.43 443.19 02/09/18 20-00390895 MC-AD 114018 Polymer 10.00 220.00 02/09/18 20-00390895 MC-AD 114018 Transportation 1.00 225.00 02/12/18 10-00392249 MC-AD 114024 Municipal- Biosolid 14.13 466.29 02/12/18 10-00392249 MC-AD 114024 Transportation 1.00 225.00 02/13/18 10-00392269 MC-DLH 114109 40YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 02/13/18 10-00392269 MC-DLH 114109 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 02/13/18 10-00392269 MC-DLH 114109 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 02/13/18 10-00392269 MC-DLH 114109 Municipal- Biosolid 11.66 384.78 02/13/18 10-00392269 MC-DLH 114109 Polymer 10.00 . 220.00 02/13/18 10-00392269 MC-DLH 114109 Transportation 1.00 225.00 02/14/18 20-00390989 MC-FBS MO 109785 Municipal- Biosolid 21.65 714.45 02/14/18 20-00390989 MC-FBS MO 109785 Transportation 1.00 225.00 02/23/18 10-00392590 MC-DLH 114306 Municipal- Biosolid 15.56 513.48 02/23/18 10-00392590 MC-DLH 114306 Transportation 1.00 225.00 02/26/18 20-00391257 MC-FBS MO 110384 Municipal - Biosolid 16.51 544.83 02/26/18 20-00391257 MC-FBS MO 110384 Transportation 1.00 225.00 02/27/18 10-00392731 MC-DLH 114316 Municipal- Biosolid 15.21 501.93 02/27/18 10-00392731 MC-DLH 114316 Transportation 1.00 225.00 02/27/18 20-00391290 MC-FBS MO 110385 Drop Box/TrIr/Load 1.00 225.00 02/28/18 10-00392769 MC-DLH 114318 40YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 02/28/18 10-00392769 MC-DLH 114318 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 02/28/18 10-00392769 MC-DLH 114318 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 02/28/18 10-00392769 MC-DLH 114318 Municipal- Biosolid 13.05 430.65 02/28/18 10-00392769 MC-DLH 114318 Polymer 10.00 220.00 02/28/18 10-00392769 MC-DLH 114318 Transportation 1.00 225.00 02/28/18 20-00391334 MC-FBS MO 110391 Municipal- Biosolid 18.38 606.54 02/28/18 20-00391334 MC-FBS - MO 110391 Transportation 1.00 225.00 02/28/18 20-00391384 Fuel Surcharge 1.00 256.50 02/28/18 20-00391386 30YD BOX Dewatering Equipment 1.00 400.00 Invoice Total $24,224.27 www.mcgillcompost.com MCGILL„` Invoice :, EA 5 1 5 Printed 4/9/2018 �jIndgriatt ., Lr >_;DATE i PAGEl / 3/31/2018 1 //compost people ® McGill Environmental Systems Phone: 919-362-1161 ��:��wolce Rlumbera>4 -, Fax: 919-362-1141 132667 -'_7AMOURftW AAlIOUNT PA1D $ 37,734.80 $ / quay-Varina, Town (Terrible) -- - { ttn:AP Dept.PO#2017-0000056 Terms Net 30 401 Old Honeycutt Rd Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 7AtAGUNT Na 413278 Mail Payments To: PO Box 890458 Charlotte, NC 28289-0458 ,,,'DATE f- ;s4TICKET& Truck .,-*BQW „� DECP7ON,x .t . sQ-9A NTTAMOmUNT , 03/01/18 10-00392815 MC-AD 114408 40YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 03/01/18 10-00392815 MC-AD 114408 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 03/01/18 10-00392815 MC-AD 114408 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 03/01/18 10-00392815 MC-AD 114408 Municipal- Biosolid 13.49 445.17 03/01/18 10-00392815 MC-AD 114408 Polymer 10.00 220.00 03/01/18 10-00392815 MC-AD 114408 Transportation 1.00 225.00 03/01/18 20-00391369 MC-FBS MO 110394 Municipal - Biosolid 19.34 638.22 03/01/18 20-00391369 MC-FBS MO 110394 Transportation 1.00 225.00 03/02/18 10-00392848 MC-DLH 114322 40YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 03/02/18 10-00392848 MC-DLH 114322 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 03/02/18 10-00392848 MC-DLH 114322 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 03/02/18 10-00392848 MC-DLH 114322 Municipal - Biosolid 14.84 489.72 03/02/18 10-00392848 MC-DLH 114322 Polymer 10.00 220.00 03/02/18 10-00392848 MC-DLH 114322 Transportation 1.00 225.00 03/02/18 10-00392849 MC-AD 114412 Municipal - Biosolid 16.43 542.19 03/02/18 10-00392849 MC-AD 114412 Transportation 1.00 225.00 03/03/18 10-00393359 MC-MDM 114468 40YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 03/03/18 10-00393359 MC-MDM 114468 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 03/03/18 10-00393359 MC-MDM 114468 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 03/03/18 10-00393359 MC-MDM 114468 Municipal - Biosolid 14.18 467.94 03/03/18 10-00393359 MC-MDM 114468 Polymer 10.00 220.00 03/03/18 10-00393359 MC-MDM 114468 Transportation 1.00 225.00 03/03/18 20-00391429 MC-KMC MO 110474 Drop Box/Trlr/Load 1.00 225.00 03/05/18 10-00393360 MC-CB 114524 No Load Hauled 1.00 0.00 03/05/18 20-00391470 MC-FBS MO 111665 Municipal- Biosolid 18.57 612.81 03/05/18 20-00391470 MC-FBS MO 111665 Transportation 1.00 225.00 03/05/18 20-00391535 MC-DMJ MO 110282 50YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 03/05/18 20-00391535 MC-DMJ MO 110282 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 03/05/18 20-00391535 MC-DMJ MO 110282 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 03/05/18 20-00391535 MC-DMJ MO 110282 Municipal- Biosolid 18.21 600.93 03/05/18 20-00391535 MC-DMJ MO 110282 Polymer 10.00 220.00 03/05/18 20-00391535 MC-DMJ MO 110282 Transportation 1.00 225.00 03/07/18 20-00391533 MC-FBS MO 111671 Municipal- Biosolid 15.44 509.52 03/07/18 20-00391533 MC-FBS MO 111671 Transportation 1.00 225.00 03/07/18 20-00391534 MC-FBS MO 111670 50YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 03/07/18 20-00391534 MC-FBS MO 111670 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 03/07/18 20-00391534 MC-FBS MO 111670 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 www.mcgillcompost.com r, Mc; ' u( 2 5 , Invoice Printed 4/9/2018 � ?'l111--rowing s4.:-./G II � ;s :DATE,'.. WPA(9E r hmpost McGill Environmental Systems 3/31/2018 2 eohle ®pYrFax: 919-362-1141 132667 s 'AMOUNT,DUE/:1 AMOURIT PAID; $ 37,734.80 $ i quay-Varina, Town (Terrible) Attn:AP Dept.PO#2017-0000056 Terms Net 30 401 Old Honeycutt Rd Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 ACGOUNON O:?1 413278 Mail Payments To: PO Box 890458 Charlotte, NC 28289-0458 •_ ._ ..'=7- P'"4,----:r,,,,,,---,.7,-;-4- , N4= ,_�;. A�TE, 1ICKET ',,"-• _ „Tuc ''rnyb."" OL . : rag RPTAO ;; "QUANTITAMOUT ,, 03/07/18 20-00391534 MC-FBS MO 111670 Municipal - Biosolid 18.66 615.78 03/07/18 20-00391534 MC-FBS MO 111670 Polymer 10.00 220.00 03/07/18 20-00391534 MC-FBS MO 111670 Transportation 1.00 225.00 03/08/18 10-00393070 MC-MDM 114480 50YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 03/08/18 10-00393070 MC-MDM 114480 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 03/08/18 10-00393070 MC-MDM 114480 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 03/08/18 10-00393070 MC-MDM 114480 Municipal - Biosolid 19.17 632.61 03/08/18 10-00393070 MC-MDM 114480 Polymer 10.00 220.00 03/08/18 10-00393070 MC-MDM 114480 Transportation 1.00 225.00 03/09/18 10-00393190 MC-DLH 114683 50YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 03/09/18 10-00393190 MC-DLH 114683 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 03/09/18 10-00393190 MC-DLH 114683 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 03/09/18 10-00393190 MC-DLH 114683 Municipal - Biosolid 19.96 658.68 03/09/18 10-00393190 MC-DLH 114683 Polymer 10.00 220.00 03/09/18 10-00393190 MC-DLH 114683 Transportation 1.00 225.00 03/09/18 20-00391600 MC-AD 114423 Municipal- Biosolid 18.45 608.85 03/09/18 20-00391600 MC-AD 114423 Transportation 1.00 225.00 03/12/18 10-00393227 MC-DLH 114689 Municipal- Biosolid 16.88 557.04 03/12/18 10-00393227 MC-DLH 114689 Transportation 1.00 225.00 03/12/18 20-00391646 MC-DMJ MO 110271 50YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 03/12/18 20-00391646 MC-DMJ MO 110271 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 03/12/18 20-00391646 MC-DMJ MO 110271 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 03/12/18 20-00391646 MC-DMJ MO 110271 Municipal - Biosolid 18.25 602.25 03/12/18 20-00391646 MC-DMJ MO 110271 Polymer 10.00 220.00 03/12/18 20-00391646 MC-DMJ MO 110271 Transportation 1.00 225.00 03/13/18 10-00393268 MC-DLH 114691 Municipal- Biosolid 18.21 600.93 03/13/18 10-00393268 MC-DLH 114691 Transportation 1.00 225.00 03/13/18 20-00391676 MC-DMJ MO 110272 50YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 03/13/18 20-00391676 MC-DMJ MO 110272 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 03/13/18 20-00391676 MC-DMJ MO 110272 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 03/13/18 20-00391676 MC-DMJ MO 110272 Municipal- Biosolid 11.17 368.61 03/13/18 20-00391676 MC-DMJ MO 110272 Polymer 10.00 220.00 03/13/18 20-00391676 MC-DMJ MO 110272 Transportation 1.00 225.00 03/14/18 20-00391711 MC-FBS MO 111684 50YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 03/14/18 20-00391711 MC-FBS MO 111684 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 03/14/18 20-00391711 MC-FBS MO 111684 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 03/14/18 20-00391711 MC-FBS MO 111684 Municipal -Biosolid 22.67 748.11 www.mcgillcompost.com * RECEIVED . x MCGILL Invoice ce a APR 112018 � 2 , Printed 4/9/2018 row_ Hr-vARINA F/sin t-1-11.°f �INANCEDEPARTN9EN' M° 4DATE; =� : PAGE '. 3/31/2018 3 ® McGill Environmental Systems �Invoice Nmber / om compost people ® - - ` s Y 919-362-1161 132667 r Fax: 919-362-1141 ;AMOUNT^'DUET TA►MOU,NTPAID, quay-Varina, Town (Terrible) McGill Environmental $ 37,734.80 $ A ttn:AP Dept.PO#2017-0000056iiiip0# 2018-39 114+�� Terms Net 30 401 Old Honeycutt Rd fr Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 061-7140-600-62-01 AGCOUNTNO ___ _ 413278 Mail Payments To: PO Box 890458 Charlotte, NC 28289-0458 L-:DATE _. .,iii CKET ' Truck -. i`roBOI,,�.:u rzfp DESe.13I1,TION �QUAN,ITY t 1 - AMOUNT 03/14/18 20-00391711 MC-FBS MO 111684 Polymer 10.00 220.00 03/14/18 20-00391711 MC-FBS MO 111684 Transportation 1.00 225.00 03/15/18 10-00393430 MC-DLH 114695 Municipal - Biosolid 17.62 581.46 03/15/18 10-00393430 MC-DLH 114695 Transportation 1.00 225.00 03/15/18 20-00391759 MC-FBS MO 111687 50YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 03/15/18 20-00391759 MC-FBS MO 111687 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 03/15/18 20-00391759 •MC-FBS MO 111687 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 03/15/18 20-00391759 MC-FBS MO 111687 Municipal - Biosolid 18.80 620.40 03/15/18 20-00391759 MC-FBS MO 111687 Polymer 10.00 220.00 03/15/18 20-00391759 MC-FBS MO 111687 Transportation 1.00 225.00 03/16/18 20-00391792 MC-FBS MO 111829 50YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 03/16/18 20-00391792 MC-FBS MO 111829 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 03/16/18 20-00391792 MC-FBS MO 111829 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 03/16/18 20-00391792 MC-FBS MO 111829 Municipal- Biosolid 20.40 673.20 03/16/18 20-00391792 MC-FBS MO 111829 Polymer 10.00 220.00 03/16/18 20-00391792 MC-FBS MO 111829 Transportation 1.00 225.00 03/21/18 10-00393662 MC-MDM 114729 Municipal- Biosolid 16.93 558.69 03/21/18 10-00393662 MC-MDM 114729 Transportation 1.00 225.00 03/21/18 20-00391975 MC-FBS MO 111839' 50YD Dewater Trailer 1.00 400.00 03/21/18 20-00391975 MC-FBS MO 111839 Dewatering Equipment 1.00 300.00 03/21/18 20-00391975 MC-FBS MO 111839 Labor Per Day/Hr/Wk/ 5.00 375.00 03/21/18 20-00391975 MC-FBS MO 111839 Municipal- Biosolid 15.63 515.79 03/21/18 20-00391975 MC-FBS MO 111839 Polymer 10.00 220.00 03/21/18 20-00391975 MC-FBS MO 111839 Transportation 1.00 225.00 03/23/18 10-00393758 MC-MDM 114737 Municipal- Biosolid 19.40 640.20 03/23/18 10-00393758 MC-MDM 114737 Transportation 1.00 225.00 .- 03/26/18 03/26/18 10-00393791 MC-AD 114677 Municipal- Biosolid 14.35 473.55 03/26/18 10-00393791 MC-AD 114677 Transportation 1.00 225.00 03/30/18 10-00394078 MC-MDM 114943 Municipal- Biosolid 16.69 550.77 03/30/18 10-00394078 MC-MDM 114943 Transportation 1.00 225.00 03/30/18 20-00392422 Fuel Surcharge 1.00 336.38 03/31/18 20-00392424 30YD BOX Dewatering Equipment 1.00 400.00 Invoice Total $37,734.80 www.mcgillcompost.com • Invoice C 2, Ii ) Printed 5/2/2018 mi ....ci IL L Lirld:gr7101192.1 TT-:PDATEVV474--,:7,715A-G-8-,z, 4/30/2018 1 The compost people ® McGill Environmental Systems ;7r� , jnvoice° N mlie<<_��,;; Phone: 919-362-1161 Fax: 919-362-1141 132933 \� IAMOUN.T1„DUES A`MOUNPPAID r Fuquay-Varina, Town (Terrible) C $ 7,710.25 $ Attn: AP Dept.PO#2017-0000056 Terms Net 30 401 Old Honeycutt Rd MAY 04 2.018 Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 -,ACCOUN13 NO`, TOWN OF FUQum-vRiliNi, 413278 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Mail Payments o: PO Box 890458 Charlotte, NC 28289-0458 EtDATE „'- ";TItieii� 7. -',' r ;. .,I'-'1;,'4 . ', " . .... „„, .. - . yµt ;Truck _ BOL , ,, =DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ` - i ,,rift 04/02/18 10-00394083 MC-MDM 114948 Municipal - Biosolid N13.41 442.53 04/02/18 10-00394083 MC-MDM 114948 Transportation 1.00 225.00 04/04/18 10-00394248 MC-AD 114833 Municipal- Biosolid 17.03 561.99 04/04/18 10-00394248 MC-AD 114833 Transportation 1.00 225.00 04/06/18 10-00394320 MC-MDM MO 112356 Municipal- Biosolid '12.55 414.15 04/06/18 10-00394320 MC-MDM MO 112356 Transportation 1.00 225.00 04/13/18 20-00392618 MC-MDM 115224 Municipal - Biosolid " 17.37 573.21 04/13/18 20-00392618 MC-MDM 115224 Transportation 1.00 225.00 04/16/18 10-00394611 MC-MDM 115227 Municipal- Biosolid '-16.18 533.94 04/16/18 10-00394611 MC-MDM 115227 Transportation 1.00 225.00 04/18/18 10-00394720 MC-MDM MO 115232 Municipal- Biosolid '- 10.25 338.25 04/18/18 10-00394720 MC-MDM MO 115232 Transportation 1.00 225.00 04/20/18 10-00394829 MC-MDM 115238 Municipal - Biosolid 16.00 528.00 04/20/18 10-00394829 MC-MDM 115238 Transportation 1.00 225.00 04/23/18 10-00394852 MC-DLH 115317 Municipal- Biosolid N 17.64 582.12 04/23/18 10-00394852 MC-DLH 115317 Transportation 1.00 225.00 04/25/18 10-00394928 MC-DLH 115322 Municipal- Biosolid '- 17.41 574.53 04/25/18 10-00394928 MC-DLH 115322 Transportation 1.00 225.00 04/27/18 10-00394932 MC-MDM 115505 Municipal- Biosolid N11.41 376.53 04/27/18 10-00394932 MC-MDM 115505 Transportation 1.00 225.00 04/30/18 10-00395032 Fuel Surcharge 1.0Q 135.00 04/30/18 20-00393115 30YD BOX Dewatering Equipment 1.00 400.00 Invoice Total $7,710.25 I McGill Environmental PO# 2018-39 scr 061-7140-600-62-01 MAY 1 0 ir., TOWN OF FUQUA"-VARINA 91v, 5 www.mcgillcompost.com