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Wedgefield Phase IV Subdivision - 1119P4 Runoff coefficient calcs
1119 Wedgefield Ph IVStorm Water ControlSCS curve numberHydraulic Soil Group :AArea SCS CNBuilding (sf) 189,000 98 Pavement (sf) 80,309 98 Open space (sf) 488,862 49 Offsite -open space (sf) 713,067 49 Offsite -impervious (sf) 609,850 98Total (sf)2081088 70Total (ac)47.78Rational CoefficientPredevelopmentPostdevelopmentArea C Area C Impervious (sf) 6,226 0.95 Building (sf) 189,000 0.95(45 lots @ 4200 ea) Open space (sf) 2,074,862 0.30 Pavement (sf) 80,309 0.95 Open space (sf) 488,862 0.30 Offsite -open space (sf) 713,067 0.30 Offsite -impervious (sf) 609,850 0.95Total (ac)2081088 0.30Total (ac)2081088 0.57Total (ac)47.78Total (ac)47.781119P4 Runoff coefficient calcs.xlsPrinted 7/2/2018