HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031023 Ver 1_More Info Request_20040120l- Lid. L. e004 4-UCM i i ?lucirr1% W1RV '--, r r / /4o; * 1V A -7 -5 i f wo. ? Iytichnel r, Dooley, Govemor William c3. Roos Jr., Seoramy G ?. North Carolina Departmeot of Envirortmont and Nehrrol Resources ? Alan W. Klitna>4 P. I Director Division of Water Quality Q -C ! Cohen H, Su8in9, Deputy Director _ Divisicm of Waler Quality January 20, 2004 CERTIFIED MAIL 7003 1010 0000 0032 3024 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED garsin Marietta Materials Post Office Box 30013 Raleigh, NC 27622-0013 Subject; Additional Information Request & on Hold Notification Martin Marietta Materials Rocky Point Quarry 1635 MM Road, Rocky Point, NC 28457 DWQ #03-1023 Fender County Dear Sirs: . On August 15, 2003, the Wetlands/401 Unlit of the Division of Water Quality received your application for wetland impacts associated with the expansion of the Rocky Point Quarry located near Hwy 210 and I-40 in Pender County. On August 22, 2003, the Wetlands/401 Unit issued a hold letter, This letter stated that the application would not be considered to be complete until a copy of the Public Notice from the U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers was received and that at, that time additional information may be required. As such, after review of the completed application package, received December 1, 2003, we believe that your project should be place on bold. We will require you to address the following items in order to allow appropriate review of your project to continue pursuant to 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (b) (1) -(6) and I SA. NCAC 2H .0506 (c) (1) -(6). 4, Your application indicates that Martin Marietta Materials (in the future) intends to pursue development of the mine site to the south (tract E). It is the understanding of DWQ staff that areas to the south have notably fewer jurisdictional wetlands than the proposed expansion areas (Crl and G2), Please document (provide County zoning letters, landowner information, DLR correspondence, drilling reports etc.) as to why impacts to the proposed wetlands may not be avoided by proceeding with the mine expansion to the south, rather than the east. 2, Please indicate whether the excavation and dewatering of the mine pit may affect adjacent wetlands. This discussion should clearly explain whether such activities will result in hydraulic gradient alteration, thereby draining/reducing adjacent wetland areas, (A written account addressing this issue/information, monitoring data, and modeling used for this account needs to be submitted to D.WQ for use as a part of this application review), - N. C. Division of Wawr Quality 127 Cardip41 Drive Extension Wilmingwp Regional Otttco W114*9 an, NC 28405 (g10) 3953900 Cto?ua? Service &"A (910) )50-2004 Fax 1 800 623-7748 FEB-2-2004 MON 14:56 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWO-WETLANDS P. 2 FEB. 2.2004 4:02PM NCOLNK WINO ' Martin Marietta Materials DWQ #03-1023 Page 2 of 4 3. Please clearly indicate the amount of buffer to be established around the mine edge and the respective wetland edges (show the buffers on a plan), Are there wetlands that are not proposed to be impacted located within this buffer? If so, will these wetlands be drained from the gradient change and pumping of the mine? Specifically, explain whether the wetlands on tracts Carl, G2, H1 and H2 and beyond Martin Marietta Materials property line will be impacted by mining and mine dewateri,ng? 4. Provide a wetland delineation for tracts known as H1 and H2. 5, A pumping plan must be provided and an implementation schedule that clearly explains how wetlands within GI and Gr2 will be maintained through the mine dewatering efforts. A monitoring plan must be included as a part of this plan. 6. It was explained that Martin Marietta Materials is intending to pump water to a neighboring tract to create an impoundment. Please provide plans, an account of this activity, the pathways for conveying the water to the site, frequency of pumping, volume of pumping, and the location of this proposed activity. 7. Please provide a wetland monitoring plan for the tract, Specifically, data is to be collected to insure wetlands that are proposed to be avoided are adequately monitored. This plan should address the tracts Crl, 42, H1, H2, the jurisdictional areas within tract B, any areas that are to be "re-hydrated", and a "control" wetland site (that must be located 5000 feet or further from the mine edge). 8. A rain gauge station must be developed for the proposed mine site and a "control" wetland site, You must pro'Vide an account explaining how the rain gauge will be properly maintained, daily infbrmation recorded, and, the results maintained, Please provide a map depicting where the rain gauges will be safely and properly positioned, 9. As a pact of the monitoring plan, a map must depict the landscape position of all wetlands, ditches, proposed well placement, borrow areas, stormwater controls, and the- mine footprint. The plan must include an account of the frequency of wetland physical monitoring (efforts to periodically reaffirm the presence of the jurisdictional wetland line and soils) well data collection, well inspections and maintenance, data analysis, and reporting, (Note: Monitoring must continue for a period of 5 years post mine pit closure). 10, This monitoring plan must specifically include a clear account (methodology) of how monitoring data will be analyzed to determine whether wetland hydrology persists or if the wetland has been concentrically reduced within the given wetland polygons. 11. If monitoring results indicate impacts to the avoided wetlands or wetland that are being "hydrated" please explain how these impacts may be abated, (Martin Marietta must include contingencies in the pumping plan necessary to abate unauthorized: impacts to wetlands.) FEB-2-2004 MON 14:56 TEL:9197336e93 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 3 FEB. 2.2004 4:02PM NCDENR WIRO N0.8y0 11.4 ' Mart (n Marietta Materials DWC #03.1023 Page 3 of 4 12. In order to address cumulative and secondary impacts, and to accowlt for wetland 'standard concerns associated with tracts F 1, F2, and the mined portion of G2 please address the following; a. When (dates) did the USAGE make Jurisdictional determinations for Tracts F 1, F2 and the mined portion of 02; b, Provide aerial photographs that predate and postdate the US,4,CE Jurisdictional determination of F1, F2 and mined portions of 02; c. Provide an account of the wetlands that were impacted by the mine face. That is, explain and provide a total acreage of wetland impacts that were impacted by the mine (excluding the influence of forestry and road side ditches) from October 1, 1996 to present for tracts 1~ 1, F2 and the mined portion of tract 02. Clearly explain how this determination was made (e.g. DRAINMOD, aerial photos, soil surveys etc.); d. Respectively, address how you plan to replace the impacts to wetlands (e,g, on-site restoration, WRP, etc.). 13. Please discuss the onsite wetland restoration opportunities available for mitigation consideration. 14, Please provide a Jurisdictional Determination Map signed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for all tracts of land with proposed wetland impacts and for any adjacent tracts that have been determined by the COE to be non jurisdictional. Please provide the Wilmington Regional Office (WiRO) and Wetlands/401 Unit at (2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604,2260 (attention, Danny Sinith)) copies of the above listed iteras,' In addition, please provide an additional copy to the WiRO, with an appropriate cover letter that indicates that this response represents your proposed pumping and monitoring plans necessary to address NPDES Permit conditions. -If you have any questions or would require any additional information please contact Danny Smith at (919) 733-9716 or Noolle Lutheran at (910) 395-3000, This project will remain on hold as incomplete in accordance with I SA NCAC 2H.0305(c). The processing time for this application will begin when this information is received. If we do not hear from you by writing within thirty days (30) we will assume you no longer want to pursue the project and will consider it withdrawn. Sincerely, zz- .? ? 4-G& oelle Lutheran Environmental Specialist M ds cc: Wilmington Regional Office-Noelle Lutheran Corps of Engineers - Lillette Crranade Central Files File Copy Wetlands/401 Unit - Danny Smith n ..- i A n . ?? TCI . o, Q'T?1rAg7 NAME : DWO-WETLANDS P. 4