HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031023 Ver 1_More Info Received_20040206R*3 `wry Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. February 6, 2004 Ms. Lillette Granade, Regulatory Specialist Wilmington Regulatory Field Office US Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District PO Box 1890 - Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 RE: Additional Information Response - Sec. 404 Individual Permit Application US Army Corps of Engineers Action ID: 200301159 Martin Marietta Materials - Rocky Point Quarry Pender County, North Carolina Dear Ms. Granade, Martin Marietta Materials (MMM) and Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (KHA, and MMM's authorized agent) are in receipt of your January 26, 2004 letter regarding the comments received from the public notice for the Department's authorization to impact wetlands for the expansion of the existing mining operations at the MMM Rocky Point Quarry. On behalf of MMM, we are advising you of their intentions regarding the comments you received and forwarded to us for review. The comments that were forwarded were limited to two entities: the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the law offices of Wessell & Raney, LLP (representing property owners Sloan and Wells). Both entities commented via letters which were attached to your letter. In addition, we received comments from you regarding the US Army Corps of Engineers' (Corps) position on the proposed mitigation. Based on our review of the comments, all comments relate to reconsideration of the proposed mitigation plan. USFWS offered some specific considerations for the plan, which appear to be consistent with Corps comments. In the permit application, MMM offered mitigation for impacts to 7.52 acres of low quality wetlands at a 1:1 ratio via payment to the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP), now known as the Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP). NCWRP, via letter from Ron Ferrell, indicated NCWRP would ¦ P.O. Box 33068 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636.3068 ¦ TEL 919 677 2000 FAX 919 677 2050 / Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Ms. Lillette Granade, US Army Corps of Engineers February 6, 2004 be willing to accept the mitigation for this project. Mitigation via the NCWRP is the preferred method of mitigation for meeting State of North Carolina requirements. In order to meet that requirement, the mitigation was proposed as shown in the permit application. Also, please note that the total jurisdictional wetland area proposed to be impacted was amended from 7.52 acres to 6.92 (refer to my letter dated September 10, 2003) based on.amended survey of wetland areas "A" and "C", and our field review on August 26, 2003. We request that this change be noted in the permit application and file, and that future discussions regarding impact and mitigation acreage refer to the amended 6.92 acres. Upon review of the comments received from the USFWS and discussions with the Corps during a January 9, 2004 meeting, MMM has assessed the options of providing on-site mitigation. The following is MMM's intentions regarding providing mitigation acceptable to all agencies. MMM owns only a portion of the pit, as the majority of the pit is leased from other, entities. Within portions of the mine that MMM owns, they intend to create wetlands along the fringes of the spoil piles and pit walls and to place that portion of the mine into a conservation easement for long term protection of these created wetlands once mining activities cease and that portion of the mine is reclaimed. The intent is that low lying fringe areas within the reclaimed mine will be permanently inundated/saturated. The exact acreage of wetlands to be created and the time frame for completion of the mitigation can not be specifically identified at this time. This information is dependent on completion of mining activities and final mine reclamation. Some of these areas already exist and will be documented. In addition, MMM is willing to participate in discussions if the Corps and the property owners of the other mine areas are interested in including other reclaimed areas in the mine in a conservation easement to protect created wetlands. Since MMM intends to create wetlands habitat along the fringe areas of the reclaimed pit where practicable as part of its mine reclamation plan and in accord with agreements with the property owners, MMM would be willing to work with the Corps and the property owners through the reclamation of these areas, however, MMM can not control whether the other owners will provide conservation easements in these locations. North Carolina rules indicate that a minimum 1:1 restoration is required. MMM would like a determination from the Corps as to whether wetlands created on-site 2 w ? ? Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Ms. Lillette Granade, USA rmy Corps of Engineers February 6, 2004 through the mine reclamation would be considered as mitigation. The USFWS implies that it may be acceptable for mitigation. MMM proposes to provide mitigation through the NCWRP should on-site wetlands, placed under a conservation easement, be deemed insufficient to meet mitigation requirements. However, it is our belief that the mitigation provided through the mine reclamation serves an environmental benefit and more than adequately compensates for the impacts being proposed to very low quality, altered jurisdictional areas. It is our belief that wetlands provided through the reclamation provide for a long-term net benefit in wetland functions and values. Should you have any questions about MMM's intentions regarding the mitigation plans, do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 677-2121. We are available to discuss any other comments or questions you may have regarding the permit application in order to assist in providing a timely review of the permit application. Thank you in advance for your assistance with this matter. Sincerely, KNLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Chad Evenhouse, PWS Project Manager Copy to: Mr. Horace Willson, Martin Marietta Materials Ms. Noelle Lutheran, NCDENR - DWQ, Wilmington Office Mr. W.A. Raney, Jr. - Wessell & Raney, LLP H: \PM011185010NRockyPo int_Corps_I P_Response_Feb6. doc b- Drainage Map/Ditch Influence - Tract F1, F2, G2 Martin Marietta Materials ?X 2-16-2004 Rocky Point Quarry Expansion Rockv Point North Carolina