HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031023 Ver 1_Monitoring and Operations Plan_20021115Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. November 12, 2002 I NOV 15_? s WETUNOS GROUP WATER A n Or TION Hand Delivered Mr. Rick Shiver Wilmington Regional Office North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Re: Martin Marietta Materials Rocky Point Quarry, Pender County NCG020166 Monitoring and Operations Plan - Implementation/Installation Memorandum Dear Mr. Shiver: As discussed, on behalf of Martin Marietta Materials, Kinley-Horn and Associates, Inc. has prepared a Technical Memorandum summarizing the implementation/installation phase of the proposed Monitoring and Operations Plan for the Rocky Point Quarry in Pender County. The technical memorandum contains additional details and support documentation not included in our recently submitted status letter. Data continues to be collected and the new discharge continues to be constructed. Once the new discharge is completed, Martin Marietta Materials will be providing you with another Technical Memorandum that will summarize the monitoring data, the pumping data and any proposed amended pumping plans. Martin Marietta Materials would like to meet with you to discuss the results at that time and obtain concurrence on the implementation of the proposed amended pumping plan. Well data is anticipated to be downloaded at the end of November which should be consistent with timing of the completion of the new discharge installation. A meeting in early December is anticipated. We trust that the additional details provided in the attached have met your request. Martin Marietta Materials and Kimley-Horn look forward to continuing this cooperative working effort and data collection. I will contact you to confirm a date for the referenced meeting in early December. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. With Best Regards, K - ORN ANDSSOCIATES, INC. James M. isenhardt Copy to: Horace Willson, Martin Marietta Materials Danny Smith, NCDENR-DWQ, Raleigh Harlan Britt/Chad EvenhouseBruce Cutright, KHA ¦ P.O. Box 33068 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636.3068 TEL 919 677 2000 FAX 919 677 2050 1 Kimley-Horn IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN C and Associates, Inc. M e m o r a n d u m Date: November 6, 2002 Project: MARTIN MARIETTA AGGREGATES, Rocky Point, NC. Subject: Shallow Water Table and Deeper Ground Water Monitoring Gauge Installation Update; Quarterly Report This memorandum provides status report for the implementation and installation of water table ' and deeper ground water monitoring gauges at the Martin Marietta Aggregates Rocky Point Quarry in Pender County, North Carolina. F r L C 1 As stated in the Alfine Dewatering, Surface and Ground GVater 11fonitoring Plan (May 9, 2002) and in supplemental information (submitted July 10, 2002), goals of the monitoring program are: 1. Monitor shallow and intermediate ground water levels outside of the mine area to provide background information on water table elevations prior to potential/proposed mine expansion. 2. Monitor the extent of the cone of depression created by mine dewatering. 3. Monitor water levels outside of the proposed perimeter recharge ditch(es) to monitor and manage recharge to the shallow ground water system and to monitor the efficiency of impact minimization for areas outside of the mine area. 4. Monitor shallow ground water levels near areas suspected to be wetlands. 5. Manage pumping, discharge points and recharge ditches to minimize impacts from mine dewatering. 6. Monitor hydrological affects of pumping. To initiate the monitoring program and collect pre-mine expansion water table data, water level monitoring gauges with continuous recording data loggers were installed on the site. The type of monitoring gauges varied. They are as follows: r f 1 18 i h d i d id if h ll d e presence o nc eep, es gne to ent y t 1. Surface Piezometers, genera y 2 to es a restrictive soil horizon (i.e. a spodic horizon) near the soil surface, which may provide a ' perched condition for wetland hydrology. 2. Shallow Water Table gauges, approximately 4 feet deep, designed to monitor shallow ground water levels in suspected wetland areas to document hydrodynamics for these systems. ' 3. Overburden wells, installed to a depth of approximately 15 feet from ground surface, but above the limestone. These wells are designed to monitor the local ground water ' table surrounding the mine area, monitor the expansion of the cone of depression from the pit dewatering and to provide information on the efficiency of the perimeter recharge ditch. ' 4. Limestone (Deeper Ground Water) wells, installed into the limerock unit (generally between 25 and 35 feet deep) being mined to provide vertical flow information, when ' used in conjunction with the overburden wells, monitor the extent of expansion of the cone of depression from the dewatering activities, and provide information on the hydraulic head relationship between the overburden and limestone units. Monitoring locations are shown in the attached Figure 6: "Ground Water Monitroing Gauge ' Locations". The figure is similar to the amended Figure 5: "Proposed Shallow Water Table and Groundwater Monitoring Locations", submitted in July which showed proposed locations. ' Figure 6 displays the actual GPS survey locations of the monitoring gauges and stream level gauges, and uses a new nomenclature to identify the locations by the identification number of ' each monitoring gauge. To establish and instrument the monitoring site the following was performed. • Horizontal control of the monitoring gauges was obtained by survey with sub-meter Ki l H d A i t I KHA) GPS i t b m ey orn an ssoc a es, nc. ( . accuracy equ pmen y • Vertical control (+/- 0.01inch) was established by Martin Marietta in-house survey team ' by tying to the existing topographic survey and North Carolina Geodetic Survey monuments through traditional survey methods. • Deep aquifer wells and overburden wells were installed by licensed contractors (Carolina Drilling, and A&D Drilling; Appendix A). ' • Shallow water table gauges and piezometers were installed by KHA staff following US Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station guidelines for the installation ' of gauges and piezometers in wetlands (WRP Technical Note HY-1A-3.1, 1993; Appendix E). ' • A tipping bucket rain gauge with continuous recording data logger was installed on-site. Martin Marietta Aggregates: Rocky Point Quarry Expansion Mine Dewatering, Shallow Water Table and Deeper Ground Water Monitonng Plan u C F C r • Stream water level gauges were installed (Strawberry Branch, and Unnamed Tributary to Strawberry Branch). The following is included to document the field efforts to implement the monitoring program. • Figure 6 (attached) shows the surveyed locations of the ground water monitoring gauges, stream level gauges, and rain gauge. • Table 1 contains soil profile data for the monitoring locations. • Table 2 contains elevation data for the groundwater and shallow water table monitoring gauges. • Table 3 contains elevation data for stream level monitoring gauges. • Appendix A contains the well certification data forms provided by the well contractors (installed July-August 2002). • Appendix B contains site photographs taken by KHA staff during installation. • Appendix C contains technical information on the Infinities, Inc. pressure transducer water level recorders used for the shallow water table, piezometer, and stream gauges (installed by KHA staff August-September 2002). • Appendix D contains technical information on the NovaLynx Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge (model 260-2501) (installed by KHA staff October 2002). • Appendix E contains a copy of the WRP Technical Note for the installation of wells and piezometers in wetlands. Water level data is programmed to be collected on an hourly basis for the monitoring gauges and stream level gauges shown in the attached figure. Rainfall data is recorded by each rainfall event (total rainfall and duration of event). Rainfall data prior to installation of the rain gauge will be collected on a daily basis by Martin Marietta staff at the Rocky Point Quarry location. The monitoring locations will be visually inspected on a monthly basis, and logger data will be downloaded on a monthly basis. The water table and rainfall data will be compiled and presented in a status report every three months. As stated in previous communications, the shallow monitoring locations were identified through a field evaluation meeting with the US Army Corps of Engineers (COE) staff (Mickey Sugg) held on April 30, 2002. During that meeting, it was determined that before the COE could make a jurisdictional determination, additional information regarding the influence of the drainage ditches on suspected wetland and the extent of hydric and non-hydric soils would be determined. However, to initiate the monitoring plan, monitoring locations on Parcels GI, G2, H1, and H2 Martin Marietta Aggregates: Rocky Point Quarry Expansion Mine Dewatenng, Shallow Water Table and Deeper Ground Water Monitoring Plan C ' were selected based on the COE field visit for suspected wetland areas. Wetland delineation and modeling efforts are on-going. An on-site COE meeting to determine jurisdictional wetland ' boundaries is scheduled for mid-November. Supplemental wetland information and amended mapping will be provided after the jurisdictional determination by the COE is made. Summary ' Installation/implementation of the groundwater monitoring plan agreed to with the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) has been completed. ' No deviations from the plan were necessary. Data is being collected and will be tabulated, analyzed, and summarized for NCDENR review. Baseline data will be collected until the new sump/discharge to the Unnamed Tributary is completed. Once construction is complete, data will ' be reviewed, the pumping plan will be developed, and any amendments to the monitoring plan will be discussed. A memorandum/report will be prepared at that time to submit to NCDENR for ' review prior to initiation of the next phase of the project. f L C ' Martin Marietta Aggregates: Rocky Point Quarry Expansion Mine Dewatenng, Shallow Water Table and Deeper Ground Water Monitoring Plan u H 1 i L f C Table 1: Surface and Ground Water Monitoring Gauge Program Rocky Point Quarry, Pender County, NC Location 1 (Overburden Gauge Installation, 2' split spoon samples every 5') Depth Hue/Color/Chroma Texture 3 - 5' 10 YR 7/1 Fine sand 8-91 10 YR 5/2 and 10 YR 7/1 mixed/streaked Fine sand 9 - 10' gleyed Sandy clay ("gumbo") 13 - 15' no sample, spoon plugged with clay 15 - 20' no sample, spoon plugged with clay Sandy clay Comments: There may have been a sand and clay layer between 10 and 13 feet. Saturation/water table was identified at -13 feet depth. Rock was located at 19'. Location 2 (Overburden gauge installation, observation from auger) Depth Hue/ColoNChroma Texture 0 - 2' 10 YR 2/1 to 10 YR 3/2 (hand auger) Loam/Loamy sand 2 - 10' Fine sand/sand 10 - 12' Clay 12 - 15' Sandy Clay Comments: The profile was taken from observation of gauge installation and feeling for textural changes in the soil. Split spoon samples were not available, and emphasis was on identification of depth of the clay layer. Near surface soil horizons are similar to other profiles observed in the area such as a dark loam /sand surface horizon underlain with sand subsoil. Location 3 (Overburden gauge installation, 2' split spoon samples every 5') Depth Hue/Color/Chroma Texture 0 - 2' 10 YR 2/1 (hand auger) Loam w/ some organic content 3 - 5' 10 YR 4/2 - 10 YR 5/1 Sand/Loamy sand 8 - 10' 10 YR 3/1 Sand/Coarse sand 13 - 15' gleyed Clay ("gumbo") Comments: The first spoon sample fell out of the sampler since the sand was so dry. Clay layer begins at 13.5'. Location 4 (Overburden Gauge Installation, 2' split spoon samples every 5') Depth Hue/Color/Chroma Texture 0-11 10 YR 2/1 Loam w/ some organic content 3 - 5' 10 YR 2/1 - 10 YR 3/1 Loam to Sandy loam 8 - 10' 10 YR 5/1 to 10 YR 7/1 Sand 13 - 15' 10Y R 5/1 to 10 YR 7/1 Sand/Coarse sand Comments: Sand to very coarse sand sampled at this location, often falling out of the spoon sampler. There is some organic content at the surface, however this would need to be analyzed in the laboratory to determine organic content. No clay layer identified within 15' from the surface. Location 5 (Manual installation/hand auger of shallow water table monitoring gauge) Depth Hue/Color/Chroma Texture 0 - 20" 10 YR 2/1 Loamy sand w/ some organic content 20 - 50" 10 YR 2/2 Loamy fine sand 50 - 72" 10 YR 4/2 Fine sand Comments: None ' Martin Marietta Aggregates: Rocky Pant Ouany Expansion Mine Dewatering, Shallow Water cable and Deeper Ground Water Monitoring Plan H Ll t I Table 1 (continued) Location 6 (Manual installation/hand auger of shallow water table monitoring gauge) Depth Hue/Color/Chroma Texture 0 - 18" 10 YR 2/1 Sandy loam 18 - 24" 10 YR 5/1 Fine sand 24 - 56" 10 YR 5/4 Coarse sand 56 - 84" 10 YR 7/1 fine sand Comments: None Location 7 (Manual installation/hand auger of shallow water table monitoring gauge) Depth Hue/Color/Chroma Texture 0-3" Undecomposed root mat and litter 3 - 22" 10 YR 2/1 Sandy loam 22 - 38" 10 YR 4/2 Sand 38 - 71" 10 YR 5/1 Sand Comments: None Location 8 (Manual installation/hand auger of shallow water table monitoring gauge) Depth Hue/ColorlChroma Texture 0 - 20" 10 YR 2/1 Organic 20 - 42" 10 YR 2/1 - 10 YR 3/2 Loam/Loamy sand Comments: Loamy sand would not stay in auger bucket. Water table located at 6" from the surface during installation Location 9 (Manual installation/hand auger of shallow water table monitoring gauge) Depth Hue/Color/Chroma Texture 0 - 8" 10 YR 2/1 Loam 8 - 20" 10 YR 3/1 Sand loam 20+" 10 YR 4/2 Loam sand Comments: Soil profile taken in G2, south of the actual monitoring location. ' Martin Marietta Aggregates Rocky Pant Quarry Expansion Mine Dewatering, Shallow Water Table and Deeper Ground Water Monitoring Plan 1 Table 2: Rocky Point Quarry Groundwater and Shallow Water Table Monitoring Gauge Location Elevation Data Monitoring Location 1 2 Monitoring Gauge Type Piez SH OB D Piez SH OB D Monitoring Gauge ID NW15 NW18 NW22 NW23 NW4 NW11 NW21 NW26 Elevation Top of Casing (ft) 'all elevations MSL 24.90 25.53 25.46 24.62 19.42 19.98 19.57 19.31 Elev. Ground Surface 207 20.63 20.91 20.41 14.63 14.57 16.56 14.73 Depth to Bottom of Casing (from top of casing) (ft) 5.81 9.08 19.54 28.75 6.13 9.00 20.13 30.77 Elevation Bottom of Casing (location of probe) (ft) 19.09 16.45 5.92 -4.13 13.29 10.98 -0.56 -11.46 Monitoring Location 3 4 5 Monitoring Gauge Type Piez SH OB D OB D Piez SH Monitoring Gauge ID NW3 NW17 NW20 NW25 NW19 NW24 NW2 NW10 Elevation Top of Casing (ft) 'all elevations MSL 17.06 17.15 17.60 17.07 23.76 21.87 21.74 21.72 Elev. Ground Surface 12.43 12.38 12.59 12.65 18.82 18.10 17.19 17.01 Depth to Bottom of Casing (from top of casing) (ft) 6.04 8.96 29.50 36.00 20.71 36.58 6.17 9.10 Elevation Bottom of Casing (location of probe) (ft) 11.02 8.19 -11.90 -18.93 3.05 -14.71 15.57 12.62 Monitoring Location 6 7 8 9 Monitoring Gauge Type Piez SH Piez SH Piez SH Piez SH Monitoring Gauge ID NW1 NW6 NW12 NW9 NW14 NW5 NW13 NW16 Elevation Top of Casing (ft) *all elevations MSL 21.72 22.57 24.48 24.26 8.84 10.00 24.52 24.48 Elev. Ground Surface 17.26 17.73 20.23 20.07 4.23 4.30 19.79 19.69 Depth to Bottom of Casing (from top of casing) (ft) 6.08 9.19 6.02 8.83 6.08 9.02 6.13 9.04 Elevation Bottom of Casing (location of probe) (ft) 15.64 13.38 18.46 15.43 2.76 0.98 18.39 15.44 Piez - Piezometer monitoring gauge SH - Shallow water table monitoring gauge OB - Overburden ground water monitoring gauge D - Deep/Limestone ground water monitoring gauge 11 11 Table 3: Rocky Point Quarry Stream Level Monitoring Gauge Location Elevation Data Monitoring Location 3 (Unnamed Tributary to Strawberry Branch 8 (Strawberry Branch) Monitoring Gauge Type STIR STIR Monitoring Gauge ID NW8 NW7 Elevation Top of Casing (ft) 'all elevations MSL 17.53 14.69 Elev. Ground Surface 12.69 5.27 Depth to Bottom of Casing (from top of casing) (ft) NA NA Elevation Bottom of Casing (location of probe) (ft) 12.69 5.27 STR - Stream level monitoring gauge Martin Marietta Aggregates: Rocky Point Duany Expansion Mme Dewatering, Shallow Water Table and Deeper Ground Water Monitoring Plan Appendix A Well Certification Data Forms P WELL CONS'rRUCTIOiN RECORD Nm(h Carolina Ikpcuunent e t 1. m imnmcot and N dnr d 11cL`s?7ccs DIVlst(Lp of Water Qwdity - Groundwater ScOoon \YI'.tl fl\'lit.\I It llNnll1U(\LII(prltl. L.l C•AScn"'L,?.,(L?_ ,? Ile CYNrIYIC.\'rl()N t M t•"/'l krel 1 urt.\I IoN cO.+u• L C,:Cgfoy ?i.\rI;IYY,I.I,I I).Y?tNl: t' IIONII:It.\II-rtl. I dapnlic:drlcl lif apnlicablc) - ?? ??- J 1 1. WLLI. USI'. (Check Applicable lion): Residential O NIunicipalipublic O Indusuiul O Agricultlnal O Monitoring K kccovcrv O heat Pump Watcr Inicetion O Odwr O IrOther, List Use 1 WELL. 1()C A1'ION: Nea(,l Towi Fcy,CK, ??P!yr•, l f;omm u1C„'k?•,.-• 1Lc?_.._t"'?Q )\ c.!"?? .stEtt.>_lltCe5.5._ rl ................... ... I -w, \- I a. Conml 1. Suluiic Lm N.- Lip Cdal ?. O\\'\LIt:??t-}]r?-l?k.. tC,!1?.LVY:?iC. iC't}? ?kL vddre,y _t?7_ll`.f -_LL?L?GL.LS.cc.. ? ? r4 ,:snee(,x Ftom.E M.1 A , I1? n ht s lol.u.Dlaru..__1S/ .............. n. DQI'S WELL RI PI 1C;I I kls'rIN( N r r.la 1 F S 0 NO PC 7.ti1\FICA'AFER Lr:VILBelow 'Fop )IC,sing (Uw •• O'Am&,e I,ip t,((, iota({) S. T('ll' Oi= CASINO IS __ ? . F-l', Ahme Land Sorf, •9",q, 0 coshra Irrmhwted utter 46- Irnd sarfeer -1.1- ....... ....'dune' nn0 15 \ SCAC 2C.0119, ). Yll 111) (gpm)?__ till I II('ll) (L I ha'f? I?. \\ r\ rl_I{ 7091 7 tdcpol) ?l ;4,^ rt __.,,_, II DISINII'L°CTAm int _ 12. C'ASINCi. YVAI lhickne.> ? ?•?„? 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Wil"k Applicable Box): Rc.iJcubal 0 Municipal/Public ? InJtkstrial D Agricultural O Molluonnc;4 Kecovl•r)• O Neat Pump \\:Rcr Injection fJ Othor 0 IYOlher, Lint Use. __,,,-• WFI L 1.0t%\ I ION ??: 1? \ 1r?\l ro.\ n. i C'C.k:t?..:.lG`_lx'CL _ Clmnly_?_)4.\ar? C,,;__ tSr ti , Nm me s Gam i p > 1. i t a Vn. /q [ I r -I. I'M I L im, 1 5. 1,0 I'A G. DO).S WELL KEPI.M.'E F.XIS-111,16 WELL! Y,Es I7 NO 0 7. S'I'ATIC WATFIt L.liV'PL- Uelow Top al taxing „F I nCnr ran„,r r r [<:rsutp) -y r i ti. 1'. Move Land Sfffhee' T•O"I uP UCr01: CASING mrnr ho",, land en Mat ruyuln•\ n cxrf uire in auorduo<r w bh 1 c,1 :\[.\(' :1' .0115. 10 , W,\ MR 7.0II S (JePth)__5_f-:?,: 4t,c r,' ».._._...- II UISINF1,C'110N. 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I2r?cky 1?0. t C?I^rr rr?.lt ). ,via .lac . S C?vc?htaCtt l (Ue l It. RTNLARKS: I DO IIFRIr1f) ' il010'I-IIA 'IIIISW@II WASCONSt RI.I(Inil) IN \CCORDANCL W1111 l\INC,% C WFLI. GUNS 11LI (.-I1VN I'ANpAI D! '1) li I \ i t>P5' I)I 11115 It Li URII HAti fit I:N I'Rp41ULl) T(:)'Ilit W1 LI. (74YNF.'R Z 37-1 SICiNATURl 01- PERSON COASTRI LING rtn 5ALL3. DA'M Submit (he original to the I/i\Ixion of \V:rter Qualily. (:ruundwaler Section, 1636 ,Nail Senicr Cv,avr- Raleigh, NC :7691-16.16 I'honv ,Wi.(419) 7,11.,1121.\\ ithin,l0 dais, GW-I REV. 071'001 Martin Marietta Aggregates: Rocky Point Quarry Expansion Mine Dswatering, Shallow Water Table and Deeper Ground Water Monitoring Plan WEI.I., CONSTRUCTION RECORD North t Irelma - I) Twrliovto ul Lne irlnnnent and Natural Res a ccx Drvy,iral?u?'r•?(`? %Vatcr Quality • Groundwater Scatioonn ,4 x1I::,:. [ONIIt V-Iltn(tSDI\ IDtkl.t N VNIV llw//lm?l ???y w'M<O'N1,RAC'I'ON COVIl svA SAME v! 11 t: m Lt,l. t uUl ml.C lluti PFII.Vi I'Ia 11(,tnnllea1lk t A-WIC16ATED CVr) rt(N:11 t I a (If"oirl icable) n fl I A\'pl.l. USE ((:IwcL.\pplicablc I1,)xt: Residential O b1unicip*Pubiic0 Industrial O Agricultural O \louuonnN v Recovery O Heat I'ump Wmer hipcduu O Oilier O if Uther, Lost Use_ _'. 1S 1 1_I- IOC A I KtN- NcaiemToau_? k- 7L?s,.Ei _ uunly r .-?I,L7-J.?? •C 4.., t'/Iwl, t Vic, / CC3. 1Ge. . I'sI N-10. Nwnhera• C ommomry, S1lMlv.1i-. 114 Nx., / p Cntul 10 N11.14' 1r .1 ? r11s: ti t ?S,J ?c • II r5trratyy?rt }/• Ic A6.7 l l ? ? I ale r„a? 1 V n I Ih'r Alto 1. UA I'h. IJkll L1iU_, 7„_3? S, r/`XI'.\I. 1)Ia'1 FI: -._._.._._..__. _ b. DCIGS WELL REPLACE EXISTING! WELL? YGS O NO ?, tiIA'HC N'A'I'LSk LEVEL Bclow'rop ol'Casiny' __.._______._ (r',c"?' .1',Umrc Top xi CmfxS) X. Y( V (O C'ASIN(i IS __......,?_?....._._ 11', :\buvc Land Surface' 'I pxcY.rtt IY r IxlnAlad All- t.1-Isxd llirr- T,quomU ,'arf,ll.r I., xe.xrdunce xlr r 14A SCA(: IC .UI IN. 9. Y1 J, l port'. N1Lr1'FIODOPTEST __?__ s 10. WA ['[:.It LONP.5Idcpih}: YSc ,r -(ar C,,,,•_ I1. 171SINFliCTIQN:I')gx_ y_ Anunull S 12. CASING; t1 Wall Ihickocit Ikpill I71anuter or %VvighuFt. Slater al n p From G.,1-__,'I'o__• -'1 _ 1-t _X,, ,".._ . ..(L. o C> _..P'L- I'ram-__- Li, CiROU I': Depilt ptwrial tilomuxl Pnrllt._...C2._..._ r°-?___ Fl, 4111 From __... To . Ft..... ...... DJ'o, 1.1. "it llLEN: Iham,y r Slot Su \hlteri;d ) 1 r ml._.l 11.?:?._.. 1 t,,..,''r „•„••„•III .KQ A III 1'y .._ IS. SAND/URAIA,PACK: hpth From- . ro__l... Sze 1`( aaucu,,}}t .L `Jr YC?'tuCIDC.Qe, 'ropographiGf.and setting Midge Mope Malley VI-lat tchmk orlpmpnele hox) Latitudcllo tgiySNlggorwJ ll lmcutiu?l 3 7'2 ?`6°w' l.:uiluclc/lolgitude saune;OGP5tFT`npnyraphir: neap ( -k lwx) l?l.P:LlI 171tR? I.tNC 1 fir Proof 'ro Formation Description x.o[ylst/Srp elay I?xs». _........ _..13..-..f.S_: I„OCATION SKBTCFI how direction and distance in aliics from at Icast wo Slaw Roach or Counly Raids. Inciudc the road urnbcN and cormnun road narnes. tI ,r,. K7 Cyr.. Gn tU..r v(-. !c Ccb..rrle Wc.l? 1 " RVIMARKS- I DO tIFitl R1(.FRflll'f F14r TIIIS1Vl:LL WAS('ONSTkLC.ltbly At:CO1tD4vLL IVIII115A NCAC CIVFLL COhvlRlt.7IUVS1IND Dti,aNUlFI r: )Pl'(i Ii'ms RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDtDTOTFIEWEL OWNER A I? ?. s SIGMA'Ii.ltl'11P'L•RSUNC'ONSIRLCTINCI'lHLWELL DrATI: Submit the original to the Dirisiun of Water Quality, Groundwater Seclioo, I63(o, Mail Service Comer- Raleigh, NC 37699-14.11;I'bxncNu•1'll9t 731.33]1, within 3Rd:gs. GW-1 RFV.01211101 Martin Marietta Aggregates: Rocky Point Quarry Expansion Mine Dewatenng, Shallow Water Table and Deeper Ground Water Monitoring Plan J I WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North ('aroIina - Department of Fnvironmenl and Nalura[ RC a bees - Divimot),of water Quality - Groundwater Section ?J Z'? L t\FI1.('ON I itAC'I ORO"I' III I U.I ? &r? crx,rmcA'Pm M_ ( svf.LL CON 'I UM IOU COMPA.-0 NAME l'.r ryc7 '•. .?.. rL1?Ir 1.7f.. ......__.:.._.._..___.. PIIomr. r( Fm:P2?'_.:???,7 N IA I K ss'ra.t• r'(INN I HUC I'ION I'Eltsll'fn ED wQ PERM110 . ___._. Iif amAwahle} (iftprAieabI0 _- -- WI'A 1, t:'SFi (('heck;\I V icabkz IWx): I(csidcntial0 municipal/Public 0 Industrial 0 Agricultural 0 AFnuitorinu % Kecovery U Ikleal Pump Water Infection 0 Olhcr U IfOdtur, List Uee-.,.__r„•,V__-_ 2. N I L t LUC 11 ION: A Near t 1huu-_.??55 _---- IN :`: nn:, ? I, r: Crm:nun h. S,.Nh I. t:Nn. ZIP C?.t.•I 7. OWNIR:'(vv.rb v - y? 4"'? ?t.,}rrN?..l•rrl'a.c A I Ile„ Sul, 5. 1'01 AL Uh-PI 11: b. DOES WE'LL 1UPLACG EMS] IN<I WELL? YES 0 NO 7 S'rA'I'IC WA H- R LEA FL I'Mow Top of Camng: (tae..,"il Albve ):4,.1 eefngl h TOP OF CASING IS f=1'. Abovc and Su I. face -I.,P nr rurluti rcrmfnareA uUpr nclnw Iona. rurluce -Ilurcr vn In :rcruruan<e w116 I ?,s NC \r' :0.111 IM. 9. YIFLGfttptn):,,1??,?_-.A1U1' IODOIr'LISI'._.„,...... In 1YAI'r:l: /.ONP.S W,:juIU' l l. DISINFEC'NON: Typc._y ?, ? Anunmt - SI 12, CASING: 11;d1lhckncsc u, Ikpth r Di;mxlcr of WcighClh. Material ter LFVIn w:ij r,l I:I rr (^..NG) ' 1 t- 01MI.;-I Llapth Aintrnal Mclhod d. Nf R I I N, t L pdt ( [ atrt„ t r Sort ]v %Im ri d I tom ..5...... ro. n--in. in 15. SrANI)IGRMA, PACK: t? Dcpth r St c Iucn'I TupOgraphie/Land soling URidge Mope UVallcv Wat (0.1, appmpoale bw ) Ladtrttdellnng'I I- I'tvVlln?ntiol?r 3? cy ?..?Y1 i7,.?.?,...,.].?__4E (a a cc. : i Nxwonas) Limudellongitudc mall (0-k b.1 I)hf,rF1 I)RILLIN(f,l OCi F'rul pro I ant Won D suriptiou 1. ? ?n. 3-,•.Z ow dlrcction and distance in milus from at least u State Roads or County Roads. Include the road rnbetx mul common toad mmmcs. , (tJ . 4(,A- l[ r w? i>c k? rya, -,-it t u vwr ?? a N L 16. RENIr%RK,S: I UU IILRI:dY ({ I(1111' fll, C THIS )? FI R WAS U)h'arRU41 I -J) IN ACCOItDrANC'@ WrCH 15A NC Al 2C, WELL ('DNS II(I CI ION VI AND, )SANb "II A I 'A l 1 o Illy 10 CORD Ii/,S BEEN PROVII)M TO71V1 WELL OWNER %-G _ .......... SI(KAI'I Itti OfPlf.1(SONCONSIItX11A67HI;WF•,LL DATA; S" but it the "liglmd hr dLL• 1)1001 o Uf WmVr Qmdi IV, Grouitthral er Seel ion, I6.16 AluiI Strvicc ('' ulcr- Rulelgll, NC :7644-IL!6 I'll IV No. 1919) 73)-21_]1• ,Rhin 30,13.,s. (;W-1 R.L \(. (P. ?001 Martin Marietta Aggregates: Rocky Point Quarry Expansion Mine Dewatering, Shallow Water Table and Deeper Ground Water Monitoring Plan -Deep WW T# North Caro3na • Dapartment of anwronmant and N aural Rea0umas • DN1401 of Wager Quality • GeoVr 4water Section 1e34 Mad Service Center- Ralagh,N.C. 27099.IMPhonh (gt9) 793.3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLSR R[OISTRATION STATE WELL CONaTRUCTION PCRMtTM: 1. WELL USE iCnadc applable toq ReS danvrl r-1 Municipal 0 Induttdpl [] I1p icoltural ? Mantlonng Recovery ? Hatt Pump Water Inaction El Other O It Other, Lia1 Use: 2. WELL LOCATION: S?h?oalhc skeett't ??[f ?th??e location below) ?j Nearing TOWlt:._ GddJ V A1[e? Cow nrr Ruder (Road. Corrrnuney, or 9uDBrdwn Will tot No -1 DEPTH 3 OWNER-.]MAW Maileffa. Maferlrals, 244. From To ADDRESS a171Q "CLEF 136010 Q - 8 (Streeter RC,lte NO.1 a76D,7 l?nlai Aaerifh Cnrc?rA+i O t5 ' 0157 City ofllb? stare to Con 4, DATE DRILLED ?QrZ 2C 5. TOTAL DEPTH 6. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES O NOO T. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES' NOF?& R. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: FT. (Use's I Ab:H TOO Of Caarp( 9, TOP OF CASINO !S FT. Aaow Land SUftace' Canine TemiInadod War bolo- 4M arlew Is Illegal unlw • wdarms Is Issued In aawreenw with 13A NGO QC .011111 10. YIELD (gpm): METHOD OF TEST 11. WATER ZONES (doptn): DRILLING LOG Fwff4kn Description Chi v 6 E 1 12. CHLORINATION Type .- Amount It addh am, space is needed use back of form 13. CASING: Wall Tnlclneu LOCATON SKIETCH Daoth 0'W"' W Wsy,M'Ff Maws, (Show dbeccon and dr:tance hem at NKt two Stall From -.0 To 1_ Ft. 2_ . ARK Roads, at oU+ar map .aferenee points) Fro^ TO Ft. From To Ft. 14. GROUT, Material ` Method Depth I' From _n To ,__t?_.._ FL From To Ft. 15. SCREEN: Depth Dlam*to* Slot Size Materiel From 17 TO _V_ Ft -,9-_ lr. In. - P,&_ Prom - To Ft in. ^ it. From __.._To Ft in. -In . . 1H. SANClGRAVELPACK: 17 Depth? _ Site ?Materlw Ftom To Adlc_ Ft. From __. To Ft. 17. REMARKS: I DO InEREBY CERTIFY T14AT MIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WRH 15A NCAC 20. WELL CCNSTRUCTION STANOAROS, AND THAT A PY OF THIS RE 0 HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. SIQNATUREOFCONTPACTmR CRAGENT DATE 9utrrtt oAO Mai to wegn Of Watts Quality and COPY go V-04 cww. .. .._.......?...?-. QW4 REV, Argo Martin Marietta Aggregates: Rocky Point Quarry Expansion Mine Dewafedng, Shallow Water Table and Deeper Ground Water Monitoring Plan ' • vee p w4l/ err North Carobnt • DeWmarit of ErnRron„ent and Natural Resourc•t -Division al Water Oualty • Groundwater Section ION Maw Senk:s Center • Rsfeigh,N.C. 2769e•16061+hnM (919) 733-3811 ?L???ele U ' WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER REGISTRATION 0: STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PER141TO: 1. WELL USE(CheckApplldblaeoa;:Readeflftal? Municipal? Irldustrisl? Agricultural0 MonfforingCR Recovery ? Heat Pump Water Injection [j Othet E] it Othar, List Use: 2. WELL LOCATION: how sketch of the focation Wow) Nearest Town X V ]1f.u-•• Courny: _ C lRoad• Cormnnly, or okox"14w am to No.) DEPTH 3. OWNER M=hN ryla El From To ADDRESS 22110 h r114;.,? ? 15- Q_ (Suu• r Avjw No,) a5 _t_rN eta / to Li1CiYU'iu ?760,,7 en nn Sate Dpcoea A. DATE DRILLED 5. TOTAL DEPTH 6. CUTT1NGSCOLLECTED YESIN NOM 7. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELU4 YES F-1 N029 ._._._.__., S. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: FT. (Uso',' d Ahoy Tip of Cadre), 9. TOP OF CASING IS FL Above Land Surtace• • Cowns T•nnlnee" •v« mew ww •un•e• 4 Metal un4ef • w ilmo is 4eu•d Irresarge•ewAh IGANCAC:IC 011E 10. YIELD (gpm): N1ETH00 OF TEST 11. WATER ZONES (depth)' DRILLING LOG _ Farmaaan Des`eflimn $ AAAtj..l. Gi Qs]!ta,lrt.. e 12. CHLORINATION' Type _-_____. Amwnl It aw.brial tome is nesdod uu back of torm 19. CASING: Wei Th:cMtx LOCATION SKETCH Depth c? Diameter or %V.'WjhLFL qf*W (Show difecfon and CL11MCe fron+ at test two State From C) To Ft. _3_ Roedn, or otrwr mop rM«•nea pok") From To Ft. F,om TO Ft 14. GROUT: Depth hlateripi Method From _Q. To _1.-Ft. u"AMAIdUe. From -To -Ft. 15. SCREEN: ?c Depth Diameter Slat Sae Material F,on1 _;[,_To_ 25- FI _9'L- In. ?f in, ,., ._ From _ ?. To _ FU In. In From To - Ft in. _ in. to SANDIORAVEL PACK: Depth Size MaterialQ From 15'_ To Qf Ft. From TO Ft 17. REMARKS: 100 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL. WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THI8 A11CPAP HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. a 3 GNATUAE OF CCNTRACTOR AOE-NT DA-6 D vww err WaIY Ouetry arid ooov 10 wall owner. '- GWd REV. area Martin Marietta Aggregates: Rocky Point Quarry Expansion Mine Dewatering, Shallow Water Table and Deeper Ground Water Monitoring Plan '_ 1 North CatolVna- Ceperiver" or Erniroru. 0. and Natiral Alwouro w • Ondsan of Water Crust ay • Groundwater Seabon 1&76 Afoot Stroato Centel Ralsigh,N.C. 2711IN-I 3&Phons (919) 739.0221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR, DRILLER REGISTRATION 11: _.dZj$1 • STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT: 1. WELL USE (Cheap Applim" GOAT. Ra lli(10 111 ? Muhklpal ? Industrial ? AQraulturat ? MoniWdnp-&'' Recovery CJ Keat Pump Water Injbction ? Olner ? it Other, List Use: 2. WELL LOCATION Show Sketch f the!ooaficn below) NowastTowh: CI4Y riv7- Cnunry: aAIeJPf (Read. CoT^Wty, of Sjbdbldun 04 Lot Vd 1 DEPTH 3. OWNER 1'?'?nr . YWIA354- t't')sierA!A' 'Are, p,mo To Al- nLehW, (6uwIrr goose Noe _?3 at5e_ C ty v-14" 510(v ZIP Coot 4. DATE DRILLED Oa S. TOTAL DEPTH 1S. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YESZ NC'(? 7.. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 0 NOX 0. STATIC WATER LEVEL EWOW Top of CASIAC: FT. (Usa '+' It Aden Tap or (aang) 9. TOP OF CASING IS FT, Above Land Surfaces CA91" Tanetneurd War below land surface is dlaaat urkm a'ndance Is Issued .. In aatord?ew+eh t SA NCAC tC .0111 10. YIELD(ppni); h1ETHOD OF TEST 11. WATER ZONES (depth): 12. CHLORINATION, Type Amount 13. CASING: WM TNdmdta /? Depth Dkervoor or woklwrt. M anal From__a__To ___Ft. 2' From To Ft. From To F1. 14. ,itROfiT!?yyyruis Depth Material' MSthod From ?. To 93 Ft. &'rv3 chila From To -_Ft. 15. SCREEN: DRILLING LQQ Fw,MNp/Daaadp4at time t_ _SaAK s it addidoesl apace id -.ended use back of to" LOCATION SKETCH (Show direalon and diatattad from at bast tae State Roads. or other map reratmoe polnro) O"th Ol7meter SlotSlta matoodal From ' _ to_M _ Ft Q In. QQL. In. From - To- Ft. _._. In. in, From _ To - Ft. - In. -In. 18. SANOtGRAVEL PACK: Depth Site Material From To --W- Ft. From TO FL 17. REMARKS: 100 HEREGY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 16A NCAC 2C, WELL CCINSTRLCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A OF TFIS R O HAS BEEN PAMOEO TO THE WELL OWNER. 9- 9- ca. .. ...... SiONATVRS OF CONTRACT R A4ENT DATE S bml 0041nat to Dkialon d Wua, Oun'y arts adpy to Wow manes. OW-1 M. fivot Martin Marietta Aggregates: Rocky Point Quarry Expansion Mme Dewalering, Shallow Water Table and Deeper Ground Water Monitoring Plan L Fil '116P we'll, 4 L/ North Carolina . Daprulrnent of £rwkonment and Not6nd Raaoum" . Dvnsion of WAtor Quality - Gmundwttar Section 1694 Mail SaMoa Gamer • FlAeO.N.C. 27693.16*Phone (919) 759.3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER RBOtSTRATION Y: STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMITI: 1. WELL USE (Chath Applicable auk RssidsnEai O MunICIPsI ? Industrial © Agrlcuiturat ? Monitoring Recovery 0 )toot Pump Water InWAon ? Otrwr I] it other. ust'JN: 2. WELL LOCATION, w akelcn?,1 the location beaiw} N"matTo": a,cxV Pozd16 County- (Pond.iry, or 366& f6igrt and LA No.) DEPrK 3. OWNER 1.?k_ lh7arig ?r ??'? ftm -d ADDRESS a2lD Ujid fli" B=Q b 17 l ai, .t ??era NOUIa No) 17 _ 22 Cifna!/yeL o2Ud A3 Cryor ern tStA:» ZIP COaa 22, 3 ?? - 34 4. DATE DRILLED 3. TOTAL DEPTH 6. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES NO? 7. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ? NOO B. STATIC WATER LEVEL Ealow Top of Casing: FT. JUN' f Aism Tog or Carngl g. TOP OF CASING IS FT. Above and SW rifts, • Ceahle Telmin AW alley Wow pnd SWAM W IS 111"al urlra a raiiaroa to pawed - or aaa01dwve Mh /aA NCAC 2C Ail $ 10. YIELD (gpm): --METHOD OF TEST 11. WATER ZONES (depth): 12. CHLORINATIOrt Type Anlot nl 13. CASING: DRILLING LOG Foimatlan Daa?iptlan If adainonal apace is netted tat beak of farm wta TNtitnau LOCATION SKETCH Depth ?f 01"' a w'alchurl. Malarial (Sow alraeeon and dBtanea from w isast two Slats From O To 2._ Fl. :._ 7UL Ronda, or other rr4p relarenoa poIrus) From To Ft. From TC Ft. 14. GROUT: Death malmal Method From _0 To 21 Fr. Ett?'L _ From TO Ft. 15. SCREEN: Depth O'amelor $tot Size -Material From -2?. To U_ F1,..3_ in. Q al in. PT ..? From _ To _ Ft In, In. From To FL in, _ in. 10. SANOiGRAVE:. PACK: Depth Size Malarial From To Ft. ?_ r7rllt? From To Ft. 17. REMARKS: 100 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTE0 IN ACCORDANCE WITH 151 NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDAROS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECCA/p?/g BEEN PROVIDED TO TH6 WELL OWNER. S GNATURE OF GONTRACTOR Oik OENT^ DA16 Uarml ahaalal to omsion of water Dually and copy o wail owrwr. _.._.._ .. _..--.__ ..,.._..-...Y. GWI REV. sm Martin Marietta Aggregates: Rocky Point Quarry Expansion Mine Dewatering, Shallow Water Table and Deeper Ground Water Monitoring Plan II 1 Appendix B Site Photographs J 71 ' Martin Marietta Aggregates: Rocky Point Quarry Expansion Mine De watering, Shallow Water Table and Deeper Ground Water Monitoring Plan 11 Photo 1: Typical soil profile (Murville soil series) taken at Location 5 during installation of the shallow water table monitoring gauge and piezometer. i? i ?? t?^ti ir_ JI -ti?? r r y? ?a1 7 1? 'F-IwAbq *J 74 - . Photo 2: Dense clay layer (Location l) that was generally identified at 12 to l6 feet among the monitoring locations. Title: Ground Water Monitoring Gauge Installation Project: Martin Marietta Aggregates r - Kimley-Horn Rocky Point Quarry Expansion ,? ? I d A i Pender County, North Carolina . an nc. ssoc ates , Date: Scale: Project No.: October 31, 2002 NA 011185010 Merlin Marietta Aggregalm Rocky Point Quarty Expansion Une Dewalering, shaam Wafer rabic and Deeper Ground WaferManitoring Plan Title: Ground Water Monitoring Gauge Installation Project: Martin Marietta Aggregates Kimley-Horn Rocky Point Quarry Expansion Pender County, North Carolina and Associates, Inc. Date: scale: Project No.: October 31, 2002 NA O1 l 185010 Martin Marietta Aggregate& Rocky Point Quarry Expansion Mine Dewalering. Shallow Water Table and Deeper Ground Water Monilomg Plan Photo 3: Overburden gauge installation, Location 4. Photo 4: Overburden gauge screen installed at Location 4. ? .?? rt a I ,/ 74 r'i Photo 5: Deep aquifer/limestone well installation, Location 1. via ,r ?'AfM N . ? ` • P r ? _ L a1 Ag; 2 Photo 6: Completed overburden ground water well prior to installation of data logger, Location 1. Title: Ground Water Monitoring Well Installation Project: Martin Marietta Aggregates r Kimley-Horn Rocky Point Quarry Expansion _ d A i I t kk Pender County, North Carolina an nc. ssoc a es, kk.- Date: Scale: Project No.: October 31, 2002 NA 01l 185010 Martin Marietta Aggregates' Rocky Pont Quarry Expansion Mine Dewatering, Shallow Water rabla and Deeper Ground Water Monitoring Plan Photo 7: Infinities, Inc. pressure water level data loggers installed, Location 3. Metal casings were fitted to enclose the units once the loggers were installed. The concrete pad for the deeper ground water well (left) was also completed after this photograph was taken. Title: Ground Water Monitoring Gauge Installation Project: Martin Marietta Aggregates PP' - " Kimley-Horn Rocky Point Quarry Expansion Pender County, North Carolina and Associates, Inc, Date: Scale: Project No. October 31, 2002 NA 011185010 Mahn Marietta Aggregates Rocky Pont Quarry E*onwn Wne Dawatenng, S1181leW Water Table and Deeper Ground Water Wndonng Plan Photo 8: Shallow water table monitoring gauge installation, Location 9. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Title: Ground Water Monitoring Gauge Installation Project: Martin Marietta Aggregates Kimley-Horn Rocky Point Quarry Expansion Pender County, North Carolina ?.. ?_ and Associates, Inc. Date: Scale: Project No.: October 31, 2002 NA 01 1185010 Martin Marieda Aggregates Rocky Point Quarry Expansion Mina Dewalenng, Shallow Wafer Table and Deeper Ground Water Monitoring Plan Photo 9: Pressure water level data logger, shallow water table gauge, Location 9. Photo 10: Downloading data from the shallow water table gauge, Location 8. Appendix C I Ground Water Monitoring Gauge Data Logger Specifications ' Martin Marietta Aggregates: Rocky Point Quarry Expansion Mine Dewatering, Shallow Water Table and Deeper Ground Water Monitoring Plan 1 INFINITIES USA, INC. DATA LOGGERS 1648 Taylor Road, #139, Daytona Beach, Florida 32128 Call Toll Free 1-888-808-5488 or call 386-679-7863 info(c.infinitiesusa.com Specifications for Pressure Water Level Data Loggers Number of measurements in memory: 3,906 User programmable interval: 1-reading/second to 1-reading/6 months User interface to Logger: PC or opt. HP 48GX or 48G+ Calculator w/ software Data Logger power: Four AA alkaline batteries Data Logger battery life, typical: 4 years Data Logger range: 0 to 11.5 ft, 0 to 34.5 ft, 0 to 69 feet, 0 to 115 ft, 0 to 230 ft Ranging environment: inside 2" diameter or larger pipe Temperature compensation: 0 °F to 120 °F ' Humidity: to 100% Accuracy: +/- 0.1 % of pressure sensor range Resolution: 0.01 inches Data Download rate: 150 measurements per second Download medium: serial cable Hewlett-Packard 48GX storage: multiple Data Loggers, 40,000 measurements L Martin Marietta Aggregates: Rocky Point Quarry Expansion Mine Dawatering, Shallow Water Table and Deeper Ground Water Monitoring Plan t 1 Appendix D Rain Gauge Specifications Martin Marietta Aggregates: Rocky Pant Quarry Expansion Mine Dewatedng, Shallow Water Table and Deeper Ground Water Monitoring Plan J .pro V4 i?' `'? 260-2501 Rain Gauge The Model 260-2501 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge was designed for the National Weather Service to provide a reliable, low-cost tipping bucket rain sensor. Its simplicity of design assures trouble-free operation, yet provides accurate rainfall measurements. The tipping bucket mechanism activates a sealed reed switch that produces a contact closure for each 0.01 ", 0.25 mm, or 1 mm of rainfall. The gauge has an 8" orifice and is manufactured of powder coated and anodized aluminum. The funnel screen prevents debris from entering the gauge. Shipped complete with mounting brackets and 25' of signal cable. Specifications Sensor type: Tipping bucket Output: 0.1 second switch closure Switch: Sealed reed switch Sensitivity: 1 tip per 0.01", 1 tip per 1 mm, or 1 tip per 0.25 mm Accuracy: t2% up to 2"/hr Contact rating: 3 watts, 0.25 amps, 175 Vdc Size: 8" dia x 13.75" high Mounting: 3 legs, %" diameter bolt holes on 9'/Z' diameter bolt circle Weight/shipping: 3.5 Ibs/5 Ibs Ordering Information 260-2501 8" Rain Gauge, 0.01"/tip, includes 25' cable 260-2501 M 8" Rain Gauge, 1 mm/tip, includes 25' cable 260-2501M.25 8" Rain Gauge, 0.25 mm/tip, includes 25' cable 330-0220 Additional Signal Cable, per foot 260-2595 Rain Gauge Calibrator 260-2596 Digital Event Counter 260-950 Rain Gauge Mounting Plate 260-952 Rain Gauge Wind Screen, 24" legs 260-953 Rain Gauge Wind Screen, 36" legs 260-954 Leg Extender Kit, converts 260-952 to 260-953 260-955 Wind Screen Mounting Kit, flange adapters and #12 x 1-1/4" wood screws Precipitation Rain Gauge Accessories The Model 260-952 Rain Gauge Wind Screen minimizes the formation of strong updrafts that can distort the trajectories of precipitation particles falling toward a gauge. The screen also generates turbulent air motions over the gauge orifice to break up streamlines and thus improve the catch. Use of a wind screen is recommended with all precipitation gauges located in windy areas. The screen consists of 32 free-swinging galvanized metal leaves, evenly spaced around a 48" diameter. Each leaf is fabricated from 22-gauge sheet metal, 16" long, 3" wide at the top and 2" wide at the bottom. One of the quadrants swings out to permit easy access to the gauge. Two lengths of legs (2' and 3') are available due to variations in gauge height. Amounting kit is available for mounting to a wooden platform. The Model 260-950 Rain Gauge Mounting Plate is an easy and convenient way to mount your rain gauge. The mounting plate is sized to fit the 260-2500 and 260-2501 rain gauges. Welded to the bottom of the plate is a hub that will accept a standard 1" (1.34" o.d.). pipe. Hardware is supplied for mounting the rain gauge to the plate. The plate should be leveled prior to installing the gauge. Specifications 260-952 Material: 22-gauge sheet metal, galvanized Size: 48" Dia x 24" H (1219 x 610 mm) Weight/shipping: 45 Ibs/48 Ibs 260-950 Material: Size: Weight/shipping: NovaLynx Corporation PO Box 240 Grass Valley CA 95945 www.novalynx.com 147 Phone: (530) 823-7185 Fax: (530) 823-8997 USA Toll Free: 1-800-321-3577 260.2501 Rain Gauge with 260-950 Mounting Plate 260-952 Wind Screen with 260-2500E Electric Rain Gauge Appendix E Installing Monitoring Wells/Piezometers in Wetlands WRP Technical Note HY-IA-3.1 r August 1993 ' Martin Marietta Aggregates: Rocky Point Quarry Expansion Mine Dewatering, Shallow Water Table and Deeper Ground Water Monitoring Plan 1 WRP Technical Note HY-IA-3.1 August 1993 Installing Monitoring Wells/ Piezometers in Wetlands PURPOSE: Wetland regulatory personnel frequently need quantitative information about shallow hydrologic regimes of wetlands and adjacent uplands. Monitoring wells and piezometers are some of the easiest instruments to use to determine depth of shallow water tables. Most of the literature on piezometers and monitoring wells, however, deals with installation to greater depths than needed for wetland regulatory purposes. This technical note describes methods of construction and installation of monitoring wells and piezometers placed at depths within and immediately below the soil profile using hand-held equipment.* DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SHALLOW MONITORING WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS: Monitoring wells and piezometers are open pipes set in the ground. They passively allow water levels to rise and fall inside them. The difference between a monitoring well and a piezometer is where along the pipe water is allowed to enter (length of perforated area). Shallow monitoring wells allow penetration of water through perforations along most of the length of the pipe below ground. Therefore, the water level in a monitoring well reflects the composite water pressure integrated over the long, perforated portion of the pipe. This kind of well sometimes is called an "open-sided well," "observation well," or a "perforated pipe." Piezometers allow penetration of water only at the bottom of the pipe, either directly into the bottom or along a short length of perforation near the bottom. Consequently, the water level in a piezometer reflects the water pressure only at the bottom of the pipe. Piezometers are sometimes called "cased wells." ' The difference between monitoring wells and piezometers is significant because monitoring wells generally extend through more than one water bearing layer and therefore cannot be used to detect perched water tables, whereas piezometers can. Water pressures in the soil vary in response to several factors, including depth, differential permeability of strata, and watef flow. These different factors can be isolated and interpreted independently with groups of piezometers. These factors cannot be differentiated with a monitoring well because different water pressures are intercepted at many depths within the same instrument and cannot be sorted out. SELECTING INSTRUMENTATION: Before installing instruments, it is vital to define study objectives to avoid gathering unnecessary or meaningless data. ' To investigate when a free water surface is within the top foot or two of the soil, 2-ft deep monitoring wells are sufficient. Deeper instruments are not necessary and may yield misleading information if improperly chosen and situated. * The methods described herein do not apply to water-sampling studies. Researchers needing to sample water from wells should refer to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Document EM 1110-7-1(FR): Monitor Well Installation at Hazardous and Toxic Waste Sites and ASTM D5092-90: Design and Installation of Ground Water Monitoring Wells in Aquifers. f WRP TN HY-IA-3.1 August 1993 When trying to characterize water flows into and out of a wetland or differences in water pressure of soil horizons, clusters or "nests" of piezometers are needed. Most mitigation and evaluation studies require nests of piezometers with instruments located at depths ranging from a couple to many feet. Each piezometer in a nest should be installed at the same surface elevation and within a couple meters of the others. This arrangement allows answering questions about ground-water discharge and recharge, direction and rate of water flow, and water flow in different strata. Zones of possible perching or water flow must be identified after study objectives are determined. This requires soil profile descriptions to the depth of interest - often 6 to 10 ft. The profile descrip- tions should include horizon depths and information from which significant differences in permeability can be inferred: texture, induration, and bulk density. If only shallow monitoring wells are used, they should be placed above the first slowly permeable horizon that could potentially perch water. Piezometers, on the other hand, should be installed both above and below horizons of low permeability to verify perching. Sand strata should also be moni- tored. Instruments should not be located at uniform depths around a study area unless the soils are uniformly stratified. Typical well configurations include a shallow monitoring well through the A and E soil horizons and piezometers in the B horizon and C horizons. Deeper piezometers are often included, particularly if there are significant changes in grain size distribution in the lower soil profile. Soil studies usually include piezometers to 80 inches, the arbitrary lower depth of soil characterization in most parts of the country. Soil profile characteristics are available from the USDA Soil Conservation Service. CONSTRUCTION OF PIEZOMETERS AND SHALLOW MONITORING WELLS: Monitoring wells and piezometers consist of four parts. Starting from the bottom and working up, these are (1) the well point, (2) the screen, (3) the riser, and (4) the well cap (Fig. 1). Other items that may be used in installation include (5) sealant to prevent water flowing along the sides of the pipe, (6) sand to ensure hydrologic contact and to filter out fines that move toward the well, (7) filter sock of geotex- tile to further filter out fine materials, and (8) concrete protection pads. • The well point keeps soil from entering the well from the bottom. This may happen by sloughing during periods of high hydraulic head, particularly in sands and highly dispersive soils. Well points are bought separately if the wells are constructed of PVC pipe. Orie should drill holes or saw a slit in the bottom of a commercially manufactured well point to prevent the closed well point from holding water and giving false readings during drought. • The screen allows water entry into the sides of the pipe. In shallow monitoring wells the screen extends from the bottom of the pipe to within 6 in. of the ground surface. In piezometers, the screen is the perforated end of the pipe, usually 6-12 in. in length. Commercially manufactured PVC well screen consists of finely slotted pipe. Screen with 0.010- in. width slots is adequate for most situations. In dispersive soils with high silt contents one should use 0.006-in. slots and a sand pack of 40-60 mesh silica sand. The slot size of the well screen should be determined relative to the grain size analysis. In granu- lar non-cohesive strata that will fall in easily around the screen, filter packs are not necessary. The slot size should retain at least 90-99% of the filter pack (ASTM D-5092-90). 2 WRP TN HY-IA-3.1 August 1993 e CLOSED CM CLOSED GIP e RISER SCREEN RISER WELL POINT LAJ SHALLOW WATER WELL SCREEN WELL POINT PIEZOMETERS Figure 1. Parts of piezometers and shallow monitoring wells 3 F 1 1 WRP TN HY-IA-3.1 August 1993 • The riser is unslotted pipe that extends from the top of the screen through the ground surface and into the air to allow monitoring access. Riser of PVC is sold separately from the screen in 2 to 15 ft lengths. Sections of PVC riser may be screwed together to extend the riser to the length desired. The diameter of pipe used in piezometers and shallow monitoring wells depends on the purpose of the well and monitoring devices used. Pipes with an inside diameter (ID) of 1 in. or less are pre- ferred. Small water samplers and automatic monitoring devices are available to be used in the small diameter pipes. If not, larger diameter pipe will be necessary, the size depending on method of sampling or monitoring. In shallow monitoring wells the riser should extend from 6 in. below the ground surface to the top of the pipe above ground. In piezometers the riser extends from the monitoring depth to the top of the pipe. Height above the ground surface depends on local needs such as visibility and access. Shallow pipes should not be extended more than a couple feet above the ground surface because of the great leverage that can be applied to the above-ground riser. • The well cap is placed on top of the pipe to protect the well from contamination and rainfall. Well caps should fit tightly enough that animals cannot remove them and should be made of material that will not deteriorate with exposure to the elements. Threaded PVC caps meet these requirements in commercially bought wells. Well caps can be easily constructed from PVC pipe of larger inside diameter than the outside diameter of the piezometer. The larger ID pipe is cut to 6-in. lengths; one end of the 6-in. cylin- der is then closed by gluing on an appropriately sized PVC cap (Fig. 2). Inverted plastic bottles or tin cans should not be used because of the ease with which they can be removed by animals or wind and because many such objects rust, degrade in sunlight, or break when frozen. Well caps should allow air pressure inside the pipe to equalize with that outside. Some PVC well caps are manufactured to allow air passage through a joint. Others should be modified so they cannot be threaded on tightly; this modification can be accomplished by closing the lower part of the threads with a bead of epoxy. If a vent hole is drilled in the side of the riser it should be too small for wasps to enter. After reading, well caps should not be secured so tightly that the shallow pipe must be pried and jostled to remove the cap. If surface water may overflow the tops of the pipes, caps should be secured so they will not be lost. • Sealant is placed above the sand filter. This prevents water flow along the sides of the pipe from the ground surface and through channels leading to the pipe. If the well screen is below the water table at time of installation, the annular space above the sand is filled with bentonite to the top of the water table; grout is used to fill the annular space above the water table and to the soil sur- face. If the well screen is above the water table, at least 6 in. of bentonite is placed above the sand filter and grout is filled in above it. Bentonite is available in either powder or pellet form from well drilling companies. Pellets are easier to use in the field. Fine pellets can be dropped directly down the annular space above the sand filter. If this zone is already saturated with water, the pellets will absorb water in place, swell tight, and seal off the sand filter from the annular space above. If the bentonite pellets are 4 IF7 L WRP TN HY-IA-3.1 August 1993 2" PVC CriP ?I 2" PVC PIPE GLUE TOGETHER W/PVC GLUE 6- L Figure 2. Homemade cap made of oversize PVC piping dropped into a dry annular space it is necessary to drop water down, too, so the pellets can swell shut. The purpose of the bentonite collar is to prevent grout from flowing into the sand filter. After the bentonite has been installed, grout is mixed and dropped down the remaining annular space up to the soil surface. The recipe for grout is 100 pounds of #2 Portland cement, 5 pounds of bentonite powder, and 7 gallons of water. The grout provides the primary protection from side flow down the riser because (1) it penetrates the surrounding soil matrix better than bentonite and (2) it does not crack during dry seasons. • Sand is placed around the entry ports of the screen. Clean silica sand is commercially available from water-well supply houses in uniformly graded sizes. Sand that passes a 20 mesh screen and is retained by a 40 mesh screen (20-40 sand) can be successfully used with 0.010-in. well screen; finer sized 40-60 grade sand is appropriate for use with 0.006-in. screen. If available, the finer sand and screen should be used to pack instruments in dispersive soils with silt and fine silt loam textures. ASTM-5092-90 recommends that primary filter pack of known gradation be selected to have a 30% finer (d-30) grain size that is about 4 to 10 times greater than the 30% finer (d-30) grain size of the hydrologic unit being filtered. Use a number between four and six as the multiplier if the stratum is fine. This recommendation may not be achieved in clayey soils, in which case filter socks should be used. • Filter socks are tubes of finely meshed fabric that can be slipped over the screened end of a well to filter out silt and clay particles that may be carried toward the pipe in flowing water. These 5 L I i r WRP TN HY-IA-3.1 August 1993 should be used in conjunction with sand packs in highly dispersive soils. Filter socks are avail- able from engineering and water-well supply houses. Results of multi-year studies indicate that geotechnical fabric may clog up with microbial growth. In long term projects, filter socks must be monitored. • Protective concrete pads are often poured around the pipe at the ground surface. They serve two purposes: (1) if large enough, concrete pads can prevent run-off water from channeling down the sides of the pipe, and (2) in many states they are required on all water wells to protect sources of drinking water from contamination. Accurate ground-water monitoring requires that instruments be isolated from incursion of surface run-off down the sides of the pipe. A large sloped concrete pad (3 or more feet in diameter) will usually prevent run-off from collecting around the pipe and preferentially running down it. How- ever, water channels can develop underneath hastily installed concrete pads. Poorly constructed concrete pads will crack as the soil underneath settles or heaves with shrink/swell and freeze/thaw cycles. Installation of a tamped and wetted bentonite sleeve around the pipe and proper mounding of soil around the base of the riser at the ground surface will prevent side-flow more effectively than an improperly constructed concrete seal. Some states require that all monitoring wells be isolated from surface flow with a concrete pad. This regulation is intended to protect drinking water sources from pollutants in surface run-off. State regulations should be observed at all sites despite the inconvenience of transporting materials to remote locations. A copy of the state's water well regulations must be obtained and proper forms for each pipe must be filed. For shallow instruments that are many meters above aquifers or aquifer recharge zones it is recommended to consult with the appropriate state agency for an exemption. Most of the time common sense will prevail and such pads may be omitted from the design of very shallow wells. INSTALLATION OF SHALLOW MONITORING WELLS AND PIEZOMEfERS: • Shallow Monitoring Wells. Installation method is for 2-ft deep monitoring wells. Uses: Shallow monitoring wells may be used to determine when the shallow free-water surface is within depths required by jurisdictional wetland definitions. These depths-have historically varied from 0.5 to 1.5 ft and are shallower than the shallowest slowly permeable zone in most soils. Therefore, 2-ft deep monitoring wells are sufficient to detect water tables in most soils if the only information needed is whether a jurisdictional wetland is present. To know how much the water table fluctuates during the year at least one deeper pieaometer should be installed next to the shallow monitoring well. Deeper wells with 3 or 4 foot screens require that horizons have similar permeabel ities. Construction: Shallow monitoring wells used for wetland jurisdictional determinations should have 1.0-1.5 ft of well screen. Enough riser should be added above the screen to allow 0.5 ft of riser below ground and 0.5 to 1.0 ft of riser above ground. The above-ground portion of the riser should be kept to a minimum to protect the surface seal from disruption during accidental jostling. A vented well point should be added to the bottom of the screen and a well cap to the top of the riser. The total length of the instrument will be approximately 3 ft: 1.5 ft of screen, 0.5 ft of riser below ground, 0.5 ft of riser above ground, and 0.5 ft of well point and cap. The well should be 6 1 1 WRP TN HY-IA-3.1 August 1993 constructed of 1-in. ID PVC pipe with threaded joints unless water sampling or automatic moni- toring devices require wider pipe. Installation: A shallow monitoring well should be installed by (1) auguring a 2.5-ft deep hole in the ground with a 3-in. bucket auger, (2) placing 6 in. of silica sand in the bottom of the hole, (3) inserting the well into the hole with the vented well-point into but not through the sand, (4) pouring and tamping more of the same sand in the annular space around the screen -- this should be at least 6 in. below the ground surface, (5) pouring and wetting 2 in. of bentonite above the sand and (6) pouring grout to the ground surface. A final mound of grout prevents surface water from puddling around the pipe unless a concrete pad is required. Installation is illustrated in Figure 3. CAP BENTONITEAND /f1 SOIL MIXTURE 8" RISER GROUT SEAL BENTONITE SEAL 12-18" SCREEN SAND PACK WELL POINT r AUGER HOLE • Standard Piezometers. Installation method is for standard piezometers. Uses: Standard piezometers are the preferred instrumen- tation for monitoring water tables. This method should be used whenever results may be published or liti- gated. Even in most juris- dictional studies involving shallow monitoring wells, a few standard piezometers should be installed around the project site to learn how deep the water table drops during the dry season. Construction: Standard pie- zometers consist of 0.5-1.0 ft of screen, enough riser to extend above the ground, well cap, and vented well point. The total length of the piezometer will depend Figure 3. Shallow monitoring well on the depth of the zone being monitored. Pipe diam- eter should be one inch unless sampling or monitoring instruments require wider pipe. Installation: Installation of a standard piezometer entails (1) auguring a 3-in. diameter auger hole to a depth of 6 in. greater than the below-ground length of the piezometer; (2) dropping and tamping 6 in. of sand into the bottom of the augured hole; (3) inserting the well-point and pipe into the sand; (4) tamping sand around the length of the screen and 6 in. higher along the riser, (5a) if the sand filter is below the water table, pouring bentonite pellets into the annular space 1 from the sand filter up to the water table, or (5b) if the sand filter is above the water table, pour- ing bentonite pellets at least 6 in. above the sand filter and wetting with water; and (6) pouring 7 11 WRP TN HY-IA-3.1 August 1993 fl CAP BENTONITE AND SOIL MIXTURE GROUP SEAL 6" BENTONlTE SEAL SAND PACK 6" SIX INCHES ABOVEAND BELOW SCREEN 6" SAND PACK e" WELL POINT 3" AUGER HOLE grout down the remaining annular space to the ground surface (Fig. 4). The diameter of the auger hole should accommodate the pipe and an annular space of at least 1 in.; this will allow sufficient room to tamp in sand and pour bentonite without risking cavi- ties in the sealant. The part of the hole that will be occupied by sand should be scarified if the soil is moist and smeared by the auger. In deep sandy soils the bentonite and grout sleeves are not necessary because water flows through the entire soil matrix almost as quickly as down the sides of the pipe. The annular space around the riser is simply backfilled with sand that was removed during auguring. If the natural sand is fine enough to enter the slots of the piezometer, a sleeve of 20-40 grade sand should still be installed around the screen. If a less permeable layer is intercepted -- for instance, a spodic horizon -- that layer should be sealed with bentonite. 1 1 • Equipment Needed. . Equipment Figure 4. Standard piezometer needs will vary with depth and diam- eter of piezometers to be installed. The following is a list of equipment necessary for installation of shallow monitoring wells and stan- dard piezometers to depth of 10 ft or shallower. PVC well screen, riser, well points, and caps bucket auger 2 in. wider than the OD of the pipe auger extensions pipe wrenches for auger extensions tamping tool (0.5-in. thick lath 2 ft longer than the deepest well works well for wells up to 4 ft deep; 0.5-in. diameter metal pipe is necessary for deeper wells) bentonite pellets #2 Portland cement and bentonite powder (10015 ratio) bucket for mixing grout water for grout and bentonite silica sand steel tape long enough to measure deepest hole permanent marking pen to label pipes concrete mix, water, wood forms, etc., for construction of concrete pads, if required 8 ' WRP TN HY-IA-3.1 August 1993 ' • Checking for Plugged Pipes. After the pipe has been installed it is necessary to assure that it is not plugged. For pipes installed above the water table fill the pipe with water and monitor rate of outflow; for pipes installed below the water table pump the pipes dry and monitor rate of inflow. If the screens are plugged one should re-install the pipes. This test should be performed every few months throughout the study. ' READING WATER LEVELS: Numerous methods have been devised for reading water levels in shallow piezometers and wells. The simplest method is to mark a steel tape with a water-soluble marker and insert the tape to the bottom of the well. The only equipment needed with this method is the tape, marker, and a rag to wipe the tape dry after reading. Other methods involve use of various devices at the end of a flexible tape. All suffer from the lesser accuracy obtained with a flexible tape rather than a rigid one. Most also suffer from inconvenience ' or complexity. Some of the variations are: (1) floating bobs on the end of a flexible tape (these must be calibrated to correct for length of the float and for displacement of water); (2) electric circuits that are completed when a junction makes contact with water; and (3) devices that click or splash when a ' flexible tape is dropped down the well (there is always uncertainty about the exact depth at which the noise was heard). Water levels may also be monitored continuously with down-well transducers and remote recording devices. These cost around a thousand dollars per well but may be necessary for some study objec- tives. Automatic recording devices may pose special limitations on pipe diameter or construction, so the recording instrumentation should be investigated before pipe is bought. Because automatic devices may be re-used in many studies, cost estimates should be prorated over their expected life rather than assigned only to one study. If study objectives require frequent readings at remote sites an automatic recording device may be the only option available. ' One method of reading water levels that should be avoided is insertion of a dowel stick down the pipe. Dowels displace enough water to give significantly false readings, particularly if the pipe has a narrow diameter and the dowel is inserted the entire length of the pipe. A steel tape also displaces water, but not enough to cause significant error. When reading water levels height of the riser above the ground surface should be noted. Monitoring ' wells and piezometers may move as much as 3 in. in a season in clayey soils that undergo wet/dry or freeze/thaw cycles. Frequency of reading will depend on study purposes. When determining consecutive days with water tables at a particular depth for wetland delineation purposes, daily readings may be necessary once the "growing season" starts. Daily and even hourly readings may be necessary to monitor tidally influ- enced wetlands. Longer term studies are usually adequately served with biweekly readings during ' most of the year and weekly readings during periods of water-table rise or draw-down. Long breaks between readings may cause ephemeral fluctuations due to intense storms or floods to be missed. If the study is important enough to be published or litigated, readings should be frequent and regular. SOURCES OF ERROR: The following are significant sources of error with piezometers and moni- toring wells: (1) side-flow down the riser, (2) plugged screens, (3) movement of pipes due to shrink/ ' swell and freeze/thaw cycles, (4) water displacement during reading, (5) infrequent readings, (6) incorrect instrumentation, (7) pipes of too large a diameter, (8) faulty caps, and (9) vandalism. n L 9 n 1 WRP TN HY-IA-3.1 August 1993 • Side Flow. Erroneously high water heads can be recorded in piezometers and shallow monitoring wells if water is conducted to the screen faster than it normally would be through the soil. The most common source of this water is surface run-off channelled down the sides of the riser. It is critical that wells and piezometers fit snugly into the ground and that a collar of soil be mounded and tamped around the base of the pipe at the ground surface. This is the primary reason that the standard piezometer installation described here is preferred over simply driving the pipe into the ground; bentonite and grout seals are more secure than natural soil contacts along driven pipe. With piezometers, an additional source of error is subsurface water conducted to the pipe via cracks, root channels, or animal burrows. These problems will not be significant in all soils. When present, the only protection is an adequate sleeve of bentonite and grout around the riser. In montmorillonitic soils with high shrink-swell potential, one may never be able to eliminate cracks. In this case it may be necessary to auger soil samples from depth and determine water contents gravimetrically throughout the year. Such gravimetric determinations should certainly be made whenever false readings in piezometers are suspected. • Plugged Screens. The slots or holes in screens may plug up, particularly in dispersive soils that are saturated for long periods of time. Algal growth can also plug up screens of instruments installed at biologically active depths. Plugged screens can give artificially dry readings during wet periods and artificially wet readings during dry periods. They will impede water flow so that fluctuating water tables can be missed even with frequent readings. Plugging of screens is most easily prevented by using an appropriately sized sand filter. One can check for such plugging by pumping wells dry on a regular basis and noting if they fill back up again. If shallow monitoring wells plug up, they should be re-installed. Deeper piezometers may be unplugged by pumping the wells dry several times and discarding the muddy water pumped out. If they continue to plug, they should be re-installed with 40-60 grade sand and 0.006=in. screen or with a filter sock. • Movement of Pipes. Shallow pipes move much more than one would expect. Concrete collars can be lifted several inches above the ground in soils with clayey texture. This movement is caused by soil expansion during wetting or freezing. There is little one can do to prevent this, but one should monitor such movement by noting the height of the pipe out of the ground when reading water table depths. Pipes that move a lot and experience inundation as well probably no longer fit snugly in the ground and therefore experience side-flow down the riser. Gravimetric water contents should be checked whenever one suspects false readings due to side flow. If these problems persist, piezometers should be re-installed. • Water Displacement. As mentioned previously, water levels in wells should not be read by inserting a dowel stick down the pipe. The dowel will displace its volume in water and thereby give an artificially high reading. A marked steel tape should be used instead. • Infrequent Readings. A common source of error in many long-term studies is missed or post- poned readings. Before the study is started one should arrange for sufficient help to make readings on schedule and frequently enough to answer study questions. It is all too easy for 10 1 WRP TN HY-IA-3.1 August 1993 professionals with many other responsibilities to delay a trip to the field because of intruding obligations. Yet, gaps in a data set will call an entire study into question. If budgets allow, automatic recorders may solve the problem. ' • Incorrect Instrumentation. Piezometers are preferable to shallow monitoring wells for most ques- tions more complicated than simple presence or absence of water tables in the rooting zone. Water levels in monitoring wells are composites of the hydrologic head at all depths intercepted ' by the well screen. Consequently, perched water tables will usually be misinterpreted if monitor- ing wells penetrate the drier substratum beneath. ' Readings from improperly placed piezometers can also be misinterpreted. Piezometers should not be placed at uniform and arbitrary depths without reference to soil horizon differences. Piezom- eters placed at arbitrary depths are likely to straddle horizon boundaries or entirely miss highly permeable horizons with significant subsurface flow. ' • Large-Diameter Wells. Piezometers and wells should be as narrow as practical. The wider the pipe, the greater the volume of water that has to move in and out of it in response to changes in hydraulic head. Consequently, a large-volume monitoring well will respond more sluggishly than a small-volume well. This is more critical in soils with low permeability and for studies that require monitoring several times a week or shortly after major precipitation events. ' Most wells can be successfully constructed from 1 or 1.25 in. pipe. Use of 4 or 6 in. pipe should be avoided unless study conditions require the larger pipe. An excessively large annular space should also be avoided, for the same reasons. • Faulty Caps. Commercially manufactured caps often fit too tightly on PVC riser, necessitating excessive force to remove them. The resultant jostling can disrupt the seal between the pipe and ' the sealant, allowing water flow along the side of the pipe. To avoid this, threaded caps - if used at all -- should be screwed on the pipe loosely. Avoid caps made of materials that deteriorate and break in sunlight or frost, can be nudged off by animals, or blown off in the wind. Most such problems can be alleviated by use of home-made caps constructed as described in Figure 2. 0 Vandalism. Often vandalism cannot be avoided. Three approaches to the problem are (1) to hide the wells, (2) to shield them, and (3) to post them and request they not be disturbed. Simple ' signs stating "Ground-water pipes: please do not disturb" have been used successfully. In some communities it may be better to hide the pipes. Padlocks may keep out the curious. A second and larger pipe surrounding the above-ground portion of the monitoring well may offer protection ' against gunshot. Still, pipes probably cannot be protected from the malicious. Extra equipment should be bought at the beginning of a project so that vandalized wells can be replaced. ' INTERPRETING RESULTS: As mentioned previously, data from shallow monitoring wells are ambiguous unless the well is very shallow (2 ft or less), or the soil is highly permeable or unstrati- fied. A 4-ft deep well that traverses a profile of A-E-Bt-C is likely to miss the slightly perched water table that rests on top of the Bt and in the E. The most permeable horizon contributes the most water ' to a water well. If the bottom of the well intercepts an unsaturated horizon of higher permeability, then water can actually be wicked away from the well. I Piezometric data can also be confusing unless one is familiar with principles of water flow. If water is static in unstratified soil, water levels in all piezometers should be the same (Fig. 5). However, if 11 ' WRP TN HY-IA-3.1 August 1993 ' Figure 5. Instruments in unstratified materials with static water-table differentially permeable strata are present or if water is moving up or down the soil profile, then ' piezometers will record different water levels at different depths. A perched water table can be inferred from higher piezometric levels in the A or E horizon than the ' C (Fig. 6). For soils of uniform permeability, downward water movement (aquifer recharge) can be inferred from higher piezometric levels high in the soil and lower piezometric levels low in the soil (Fig. 7). Upward water movement (aquifer discharge) can be inferred from lower levels high in the soil and higher levels low in the soil (Fig. 8). Water moves from a zone of high pressure to a zone of low pressure, even against gravity, if the pressures are great enough. Proper interpretation of data requires some knowledge of soil horizonation and likely water sources. ADDITIONAL SOURCES OF INFORMATION: Aller, L., T. W. Bennett, G. Hackett, R. J. Petty, J. H. Lehr, H. Sedoris, and D. M. Nielsen. ' 1990. Handbook of Suggested Practices for the Design and Installation of Ground-water Monitor- ing Wells. National Water Well Association, Dublin, OH. ' American Society for Testing and Materials. 1990. Standard Practice for Design and Installation of Ground Water Monitoring Wells in Aquifers. Designation: D-5092-90, Philadelphia, PA. Driscoll, F. 1986. Ground Water and Wells. Johnson Division, St. Paul, MN. ' Gamble, E. E., and T. E. Calhoun. 1979. Methods of Installing Piezometers for Soil Moisture Investigations. U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service, unpublished technical note. 12 13 WRP TN HY-IA-3.1 August 1993 Figure 6. Monitoring instruments in stratified materials with nerched water-rahle Figure 7. Recharge system with water flowing downward WRP TN HY-IA-3.1 August 1993 Figure 8. Discharge system with water flowing upward US Environmental Protection Agency. 1975. Manual of Water Well Construction Practices, Office of Water Supply, EPA-570/9-75-001. POINT OF CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Steven W. Sprecher, USAE Water- ways Experiment Station, 3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199, Phone: (601) 634- 3957, author. 14 7 i u