HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180875 Ver 1_SWP_20180622��jghw�Y -� North Carolina Department of Transportation ��'• �� - $I��n-�I,,,., Highvmy Stormwater Program "�6 ' - - STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN `"'�-� � ryenlan 2oa; Reieasea NavemEer 2a15) FOR NCOOT PBO.fECiS� 4VBSElement: TIPNa: 17�F.15.R.�ii Coun (ies): Mzcon Pa e 1 - �- GeneraPPrqect. � '� .��_ ' _�.'e___-'—eiG..�. • -.r _,.- . W65 Element: TIP Number: 178P.i4.F.t'11 Pro'ectTv e: Britl e Re IacemEnt Date: 5iZ'20'I& NCDOT Contact: Josh De on, Division 14 Britl = Proaam Mar�.zaer Contractor I Oesi ner. Tne ! ouis Ber er Grou , Inc. Address: p53 W ebster Road Address: � 0�1 Wade Avenue, Suite 400 Sylva, NC Ralei�h, NC 27so5 28779 Phone: 828-488-0902 Phone: 919-866-4400 Email: 'bde on ncdot. ov Email: Ci ITown: Macon Coun Coun (ies�: Macon RiverBasinls: LittleTennessee CAMACoun ? No Wetlands within Project Limits? Pro'ec[ Descri tion Pro ect Len th lin. miles or fcet : 370A� Surroundin Land Use: FasturelFores,etl Area Pro osed Pro'ect Existln Site Pro ect Built-U on Area ac. 0.3 ac. 0.2 zc. Typical Cross Section Description: 2o' clear roadway with 3' grass shoulders 18' clear roadway with 2' grass =_houlders Annual Avg �aily Traffic (vehlhr/dayj: Desi n/Future: Na Year n/a Existin : 310 Year. 2000 General Prqect Narrative: Subregional Tier bntlge replacement with a stagetl on-site tletour. (Description of Minimization of Water The North Camlina Department af Transportation (NCDOn proposes to replace bridge 220, in Macon County, with an aluminum box culvert Qualiry impacts) The bridge is located on MaUock Creek Road (SR 1351J over Mallock Creek. The existing bridge is a single span, timber bridge (timber floor/timberjoist), approximately 16' 6" L x 19' W span, 4' high clea2nce. The proposed stmcture will he a 45' 6" L x 16' 2" W x 5' 1" H aluminum box culvert buried 1' with B' wide x 1' high nothched sill. The proposed structure will be approximately 46' in length. The project limits e�ctentl from station 12+42 to station 12+88. . . _-_ _ _ . _ _ ., . . _. _ _ �-. _ - - Wat'er6od Infonnatloir - Surtace Water Bod (1�: Matlock Creek NCDWR Stream Index No.: 2-29-5 NCDWR Surtace Wate� Classification for Water 8otly Prima Classifcation: Class C Su lemental Classification: Other Stream qassiPication: None Im airments: None A uatic T&E S ecies? No Comments: NRTR Stream ID: 8uffer Rules in Effect: Pro ect Includes Brid e S annin Water eod ? Deck Drains Dischar e Over Buffer? Dissi ator Pads Provided in 8uffer? Deck Dreins Dischar e Over Water Bod 7 (If yes, provide justificatlon in the General Project Narrative) Qf yes, describe in the General Pmject N2rrative; if no, justify in the Qf yes, pmvide justiFcation In Ihe General Project Narrative) General Project Narretive)