HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180875 Ver 1_Archaeological Clearance_2018062214-02-0017 �Q• NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED FORM � R:� ` This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project It is not � �'� �� i� �i`` I t � Q� valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with tlie �,` � `'��;;�; � Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group. �51. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: Bridge 220 County: Macan WBSNo: 17BP.14.R.111 Document: MCS F.A, No: n/a I'unding: � State ❑ Federal Federal Permit Regutred7 � Yes ❑ No Permit Type: NWP14-TVA-401 Project Descriptton: Tlrts proJecl proposes to repince BrJrlge No. 220, ivAJch cnrrTes SR1351(Mnllock Creek RA) over Mal(ock Creek in Macoii Cao�ty, North Cnro!lart. TGe rrndertakluglnvolves Nie in pince repinceuient of the strnctnre nloug the rxtsttng nlignnient, lhereby udntm$tng potenlrnl sr�rfnce nnrl sr�bs��rfnce dJsti�rbnnces nf this locntiou. A di�uinutive on�site detour is nnNctprsted drrring couslrr�ctlon rsctivlfies. The nrchneologlcnl Aren of Poleiifin/ Ii, ffecfs (APE) is ce�i�ered t�po�i Brldge 120 nnr! ��ieasrrres 600ft in leugOt (300f1 frou� encG bridge e�ub potnl) anrl ISOJt 1n ivJdth (75Jtfram encli stde of the SR1351 ceiit¢wUne). SUMMARY OF CULTLiRAL RESOURCES REVIEW Bvief descrlpNon of review activities, resu!!s of revlew, nnd conclnstons: The project area is located In the extreme northeastern portlon of Macon, Immediately south of the Cowee Mountalns and Nantahala Game Land near the small Leatherman community. Matlock Creek, Included within the Little Tennessee Rlver Dralnage Basln, Is a second order stream flowing In a northeast-southwest orfentation through the APE. It Jofns Rickman Creek a short dlstance from the proJect locatlon before emptying inta Cowee Creek a few miles south. The general proJect area is typifled by a relatively narrow v-shaped stream valley surrounded by sloping and often steep Inter-mountaln terrain. The APE primarily contains frequently flooded ground surfaces; disturbances from past earth-moving, grading, and trenching activitles are evident as well. A map revlew and site flle search conducted at the Offlce of State Archaeology (OSA) on Thursday, February 20, 2014 evidenced no documented archaeological sites within the proJect APE or proximal to the study area. Historic structure locations often harbor archaeological deposits and features related to the former occupation of a property. An Inspection of National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), State Study Listed (SL), Locally Designated (LD), Determined Eliglble (DE), and Surveyed Slte (SS) properties employing resources avaflable on the NCSHPO website demonstrated that none of the above designated resource types are sftuated in the area. Historic maps of Macon County and the APE were appraised for former structure locatlons, land use patterns, or ather confirmation of historic occupatlon at this locale and archaeological/historical reference materials were inspected as well. This cultural-historical revlew established a somewhat enduring and sustalned historic occupation of the vfcinity, but also an absence of previously documented resources and a low potentlal for recording meaningful, new archaeological si[es within the APE. Further, topographic, geologic, and NRCS soil survey maps (ReA), and hlstorical/archaeological reference materials were reviewed for the evaluation of pedeological, geomorphological, hydrologiwl and other environmental elements that may have resulted in past occupatlon of the project study area. Construdlon design data was examined for determination of the potential impacts to the ground surtaces, and aerlal photographs (NCDOT Spatial Data Viewer) and the Google Street Vfew map appllcation (when amenable) were examined/utillzed for additional assessment of Impacts present that may compromise the integrity of the APE. "No ARCNAEOLOCYSURVCYRGQU/RGD"fore� for Minor7Ymiapar(nf7on R�oJede na QimltJleAL� fhe IOO7WagmnnnnOc Agreemenf. 1 of 2 Brtef Expla��ation of why the avallable informallon provides a reliab[e basJs for reasonably predlcting that there are no untde�rt�e�l htstoric propertfes in the APE: The proJect APE contains no documenied cultural resources. The Mfddle Creek channel embraces most of the APE within the northeastern and southwestern quadrants, thereby elfminating site documentatlon potential at these locatfons. The northwestern and southeastern quadrants are spatlally restricted by sloping and/or cut hlllsides and therefore lack ground surfaces appropriate for subsurface shovel testing. Since the proposed bridge replacement is diminutive In scope and does not anticipate the alteration of any undisturbed ground areas, meaningful NRHP eligible archaeological sltes aie unlfkely to be affected by the project. No further archaeological fnput or work wlll be necessary for this state-funded NCDOT Divlslon 14 project. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: � Map(s) � Previous Survey Info � Photos ❑Correspondence ❑ Photocopy of County Survey Notes Other: FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST O ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEYREOUIRED f�����,�.: �-��� "No ARC!/AEOLOGYSURV6YRCQU/RED"formforMlnor 7inn �r(nl(an R�oJecla nr QunlfJ7edb� Ihe 2007 Rrogrmmm�l(c Agree�uenl. 2af2 176P.14.R.111 - Macon 220 _�s� �.n�� �:a�c;a > ,t �SDV - `�" �,. . - = t\e � . .. _ . . = . z.ti v.�,,.-:e . — ^ . 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' :, • Hydrologic Sofl Group: e 7ypical proflle � • 0 to 14lnches: Fine sandy loam • 14to267nches:Finesandyloam • 26to80inches:Verygravellysand NkA—Ntkwasi fine sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded Map Unit Setttng • Elevation: 2,000 to 2,650 feet • Mean annual preclpi[ation: 45 to 701nches • Mean annual alr temperature: 46 to 57 degrees F • Frast Jree period: 116 to 170 days Map Unit Composition • Nikwasl,JrequentlyJlooded,andslmllorsoils:70percent Nlkwasl, undrotned, and similorsolls: 10 percent Descriptian of Nikwasi, Frequently Floaded Settlng • Landfmm: Depressions on flood plains • Down-slope shape: Concave, linear • Across-slope shape: Concave • Paren[material:Loamyaliuviumoversandyandgravellyalluvium Properties and qualitles • Slope: 0 to 3 percent • Depth ta restrictive fea[ure: 20 to 401nches to strongly contrasting textural stratification • Drainage class: Very poorly drained • Capacity of the most l/mlting layer [o transmit woter (Ksat�: High (1.98 to 5.95 in/hr) • Depth to woter to61e: About 0 to 12 Inches • FrequencyofJlooding: Frequent • Frequencyofponding:Occaslonal • Avalla6le water capacity: Low (about 4.4 Inches) Interpretive graups • Farmlandclassificatlon:Notprimefarmland • Landcapability(nonlydgatedJ:4w Hydrologk Soil Group: A/D Typical profile • Oto26fnches:Flnesandyloam • 26 to 80lnches: Extremely gravelly coarse sand �.,. 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Q �Gf -oZ- �o/� ..�___ �.._._._ R� CI�ST �OR CUL�TURAL RESOUR�FS RE'VIGW FORM - - ------------ --- i MEMORANUUM TO: Drew Joyner, Humfln Environment Section 1598 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27C99-1598 f�a � 4 201� Send Elecu•onic Submittals to: PAtracker(t�ncdot.gov �Nt���� ATTENTIOIJ: Matt Wilkerson, Archaeology Supervisor Nl:iry Pope Furr, Historic Architecture & Landscapes Supervi • FROM: JosH oerrorv ^ : DIVISION i4—l3RIDCE PROGRAM1I MANAGER U � DATE: 7;�6izoia � AUG �$ 2013 PItOJCCT INFORMATIOIV Profect No N/A Counry: Macon WBSNa**: 17BP.14.2.] 11 Doctunent MCC Fed Aid No: N/A 1%unding: �CJ State U Federal USGS Qund Alarka Project By November 2013 Nnnte: _ ____ _ Sclredrde: P�•o ecV Descri�n: Rep(acemene oPBridge No. SSUl"l0 over n4atlock Creek on SR 1351 (MaUock Creek Rd). ctu�not begin until a ch:irge number is provided that can be billed to by staff in the Human Envirom:iau Section. D�5[GN INFORMATION Project LenatG: 300' each ��a�i of structure: Detor�r N/A with 75' e�eh side oF Roufe: structure ExlstingXOW: Unkno��7� Propnserl TBD �t06C�: ExislingX• 18' Out tc ,�ut bridgc P'ropnscdX- TBD secNou: width seclion: Sti•ucture to fie Timber Bridc%e Strach�re 1962 Replaced: Bt�iJd 1)nie: 16'_2„ X 5' I.. Alumintun �30� Cuh�ert