HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180871 Ver 1_Cultural Clearance_20180622ProJeclTrackingNo.: 13-08-0058 NO NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES �a ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES q%o��: ���`��� PRESENT OR AFFECTED FORM : ;'�� �� a� This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this proJect. It is not `'l�Y?', e ��� valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the �9jtfl Historic Arohitecture and Landscapes Group. PROJ�CT INFORMATION Project No: BIUDGC 137 Counly.• Transylvania WBSNo: 17BP.14.R.122 Document: MCS F.A. No: n/a Funding: � State ❑ Federal Federal Permlt Reguired? � Yes ❑ No Permrt Type: Nationwide 3-TVA Project Description: This project is an intensive archaeological survey and evaluation for replacement of Bridge No. 137 on SR1107 (East Fork Road) over Bradley Creek (WBS No. 17BP.14.R.122; PA No. 13- 08-0058) in Transylvania County, North Carolina, As specified by the NCDOT, the survey corridor and Area of Potential Effects (APE) for archaeology extends 300 feet (91.44 m) northeast and 300 feet (91.44 m) southwest along SR 1107 from ihe ends of Bridge No. 137. The con•idor is approximately 150 feet (45.73 m) wide extending 75 feet (22.86 m) on either side of SR1107 from its present center. SUMMARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDINGS The North Carolinn Depnrtment of Trnnsporfn!!on (NCDOT) Archneo[ogy Group reviewed the subJect project an�l �leJermined.• � There Are no National Register Iisted ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES within the projecYs area of potential effects. ❑ No subsurface archaeological investigations are required for this project. U Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources considered eligible for the National Register. ❑ All identified archaeological sites located within the APE have been considered and all compliance for archaeological resources with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121-12(a) has been completed for this project. ❑ There are no National Register Eligible or Listed ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES present or affected by this project. (Attach any notes or documents as needec� "NO NAT/ONAl, /UiG/57G771iLICltlI.& OR LlS7%iD ANCHAfiOLOGICAL 5/7'L•'S PIIG'S/iNf OR AF jarmforMlriorTmir porlmlunYr^le�laasQrtal�edD�O�e70D7ProgranunallcAgrrenienl. lofll ProJecl7Yncklug No.: 13-08-0058 SUMMARY OF COLTURAL RESOURCES REVIEW Briefdescriplron ofrevrew ac[ivr/res, resulfs of��view, and conclusions: TRC has conducted an intensive archaeological survey and evaluation for the replacement of Bridge No. 137 on SR 1107 (East Fork Road) over Bradley Creek in Transylvania County, North Carolina (Figures 1 and 2). As specified by the NCDOT, the survey area and Area of Potential Effects (APE) for archaeology extends 300 feet (91.44 m) northeast and 300 feet (91.44 m) southwest along SR 1] 07 from the center of Bridge No. ]37. The corridor is approximately 150 feet (45.73 m) wide, extending 75 feet (22.86 m) on either side of SR1107 fi•om its present center. A map review and site files search was conducted by Belinda Cox of TRC at the Western Office of the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) on September 26, 20t3, which corroborated a previous NCDOT review. This review identified no archaeological sites within or adjacent to the APE. Six sites have been previously recorded within a 1 mile radius (31TV153, 31TV170, 31TV171, 31TV172, 31TV563, and 31TV564). The nearest site to the APE is 31TV563, which is approximately 430 m to the east-southeast in a similar topographic situation as ihe current survey area. That site was recorded during a survey conducted by Ruth Wetmore and consists of a Middle Archaic site containing Morrow Mountain and Guilford pp/ks and other lithic materials. Some 400 m further to the southeast, Site 31 TV564 is a lithic site of unknown temporal affiliation also recorded by Wetmore. No informatfon is available on the remaining sites other than location and recorder information. Topographic maps, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) soil survey maps, and historic maps were examined for inFoimation on natural or cultural variables that might have affected site locations. Nineteenth century maps that depict the Transylvania County area show Iittle detail in the project vicinity. The Price and Strother map (1808) only shows rivers and creeks in the general project location; Twin Forks is depicted on that map and may correspond to the current Middle and East Fork locations. The MacRae (1833) map shows East Fork, but no other detail in the area. The Kerr (1882) map contains more detail and depicts East Fork and a road in the vicinity, but due to the schematic nature of the map in this location it is difficult to say if portions of the road might correspond to SR1107. The 1906 Pisgah USGS quadrangle shows a road in the location of SR1107 and the Bradley Creek crossing at or near its current location (although Bradley Creek is not labeled); it does not depict any structures within the project area (USGS 1906). East Fork Road (SR 1107) also appears on the 1906 soil survey map of Transylvania County as an established route to Rosman to the west with a number of structures along the sh�onCari�ro�the�urrom�m�xrarea-(iioa,•rraittl-hfac3�d;aert9e . 1936 County Road survey maps of Transylvania County show Eas[ Fork Road as an unimproved county highway crossing Bradley Creek at the approximate project area location, although no structures are shown in the vicinity (NCSHC 1930, 1940). The 1935 and 1946 USGS Table Rock quadrangles similarly show no structures within the APE, and East Fork Road and the creek crossing in its present day location (USGS 1935, 1946). On-line soils data indicate that two soil types are present in the APE. The areas adjacent to the creek to both the east and west are mapped as Rosman fine sandy loam soils (frequently flooded) and the areas further to the east are mapped as Saunook loam (15-30% slope and stony). Both aforementioned soil types are welf drained despite being subject to frequent flooding. The adjacent upland soils to the north are mapped as part of the Ashe-Edneyville complex with 15-45°/a slopes (NRCS 2013). The archaeological field survey included a systematic walkover of the APE to search for above-ground Features and the excavation of eight shovel tests in areas lackiug standing water, wetland soils, severe slope or signs of severe disturbunce (see Figure 2). The shovel tests measured 30 cm in diameter and were excavated to subsoil or at least 75 cm below surface (cmbs); all soils that were not obvious fill were dry- screened through'/a-inch mesh. "NO NA7%ONAL �'CRTGRGL/G/BLti OR /.fSTtiDARCHA60/.00ICAL SIT/iSPRES�M'OftAFI%tiCiYiD JannforMliror9Ynr No�mtiwiProJe�trnsQvnl//IeA/n0�ed007ProgmrnuiollcAgreemem. 4oP11 ProJecl7YackLigNo.: 13-08-0058 No shovel tests were excavated in the northeast quadrent or the far eastern corner of the southeast quadrant due to steep slopes (Figure 3). There was some soil variation within the eight shovel tests excavated; the shovel tests located west of Bradley Creek (ST 1-3 in an open field in the northwest quadrant and ST 4-6 across two livestock fields in the southwest quadrant) generally contained deep sandy soils underneath which were hydric clays and/or the water table at approximately a meter below surface (Figures 4 and 5). The shovel tests (ST 7-8) excavated east of Bradley Creek were located within an open field in the southeast quadrant of the project area and were slightly more shallow and contained a loam to sandy loam plowzone atop darker clay loam or clay; the water table and hydric soils were not encountered in that area (Figure 6). No above ground surface features were noted within ihe APE and no artifacts were found in the eight shovel tests. Based on the results of the background research and field survey, there is no evidence that NRHP-eligible archaeological resources are situated within the Bridge 137 APE. Consequently, no additianal archaeological investigations are recommended for this project as currently defined. Sincerely, �,� /l�y,G�( Tasha Benyshek Senior ArchaeologisdAssistant Program Manger Asheville TRC Environmental Corporation REFERENCES CITED Hearn, Edward W., and G.M. MacNider 1906 Soi! Sarvey ofTi•ansylvanra Coenry, North Caro(ina. U.S. Govemment Printing Office, Washingron, D.C. 1882 Map ofNor(h Ca•olina. On file, North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh. MacRae, John 1833 A New Map of the State of North Carolina. Jotm MacRae, Fayetteville, and H.S. Tamier, Philadelphia. Price, Jon and 7ohn Strother 1808 The First Actual Survey of the State of Norfh Carolina. Plate IX in Norfh Carolina in Maps, edited by W. P. Cumming, 1966. State Depar�ment of Archives and History, Raleigh. National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) 2013 Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture Web Soil Survey. Available online at hrip://websoilsurvey.nres.usda.gov/ accessed September, 2013. North Carolina State Highway and Public Works Commission (NCSHPWC) 1930 Map of Transylvania County. On file, North Carolina Stete Archives, Raleigh. Available online at httn://dc lib une.edu/cdmheflcollection/ncmaos/id/2053. t936 Map of Transylvania County. On file, North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh. Available online at httn://dc.Iib.unc.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ncmaps/id/2168. 19G7 Map of Transylvania County. On file, NoHh Carolina State Archives, Raleigh. Available online at htto://dc lib unc.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ncmaps/id/2022. Price, Jon and John Strother 1808 The First Ac[ual Survey of the State ofNorth Carolina. Plate IX in Nm•!h Caro(ina in Maps, edited by W. P. Cwnming, 1966. State Deparlment of Archives and History, Raleigh. "NONAT'/ONAL fUs'G/ST/s72GL/O/BL80ft L/S�GDAItCHAHOLOC/CA/. SfiGSYR55IiNTOR AI%+/iCf/s'D Jonn farMf�rorTmiupoiml/on Pro/eclsaaQurtOJledlnlhe7007ProgmrMnwtleAgree�ueul. Sofll Po•oJeclTiwekingNo.: 13-08-0058 u.s. aeological survey (us(3s> 190G Pisgah, N.C., topographic map (1:25,000). 1935 Table Rock, S.C: N.C., 7.5-minuta topographic map (l:?A,000). 1946 Teble Rock, S.C: N.C., 7,5-minute topographie map (1.24,000). "NO NA7/ONAL RfiO/STGR h7JQlBl.& OR LIS7GD ARCHAGOLOQICAL S/T53 PR6SHNf OR AFITiCTGD Jom�JorMlnorTmi �rfalfaiPro/ecuasQ�ml�edD�0e1007ProgmnmmncAgrewnenl. 6of11 O � i o` z ��!' /�� �� � l i i j., � ��Ai��U % �� /� � o � .,z �r�°�� �� � „ .�' ° �,.� � � Ar :� �p � o ' � - I' �� '' n �.'JR"t�'y'•. �,. � �'>`v G i � � �� -�.K �/ ',� r o w �+' d � �.,.: �� � ' ".,� Y"i �� h..r: � t-sn_:,. I,o ., �! T .. _.:� `� �l�.L �. .' • �' ���a' � , . � 17�I � � � G GI � .o ��: '..," . ' �'I � ��:ti� :�.'�\.� �o 0 x �,� ;.i�� v �' �.�' . � : $ i � a �:� ��� � •,� o �, a�''� � � " I�,�+� , f. � �� �'' � �'+'{�� � � ��,, Q "�; :.I N � _ _ ��ty:�.":'� i f,`� �I..,�-� '�.� � �4 rrqecr T nckmg No.: 13-08-0058 :�. , , � `` l „ ` ��'. ��_�. ,.',�" rigure 3. View of the northeastern portiou of the Bridge No. 137 APE, view west. •'NO NA7YONAl, REG/S77fR fiUG/H/.!i OR L1,177:l1 AIiCNA/;'O/AGICA(. S/%7iSP17h'SIiNYOli AI�Y'tiL'7%�%) /,,,�/ �nr�,��, n�,ul,o,���uo,� r� /e��.. �, Q�,�eledlnTu 200]Piugrnnrnmllc Agrewnm�l. 9of11 A�oJecl T �nchirig No.: 13-08-0058 S''sgaru �I. Vie�v oi' Lhe uor;l5wesloru portion of fhc [3ridge No. 137 APE, view east. Figure 5. View of the southwestern portion of the Bridge No. 137 APE, view east. '•Nn NA'/'/nN I/. /t/:O/S%'/il7lil.!(]IQLIi OR /_Ati'f1:0 Ali('f/.1/�O/.!)(i!C'A/.5'/%'l:Sl'/t/:S/:N7'(1R ill�%�1:("('!:/) �,,,�� ,�rom,,,,� r�,,,�,y�.r„rm�� r. �<�<��, �„� ��„d/��-d o� m�• ann� r.�s•������,���a�nx.e��,,,.,�i. IOofll �' A�ojecr f �nckiug No.: 13-08-0058 Figw•e 6. View of the southeastern portion of the Dridge No. 137 APE, view east. ••NO NA%1ONAl. 2tt(;LS9'liRl:'L/GlUl.li l)lt LlS"Cl'U A2('HdG'OL()G!C'N. SITEti Pl2/�:S'IiNTOft AI�hT(:l7i(> /�.,��f��nn,��,�r,�„�„�,���m,in,�,r.i�•o�.��,�Q„�df<d���m�auo�i�,�ox,�,,,�»�m;�ns.� „����r. I�nfll ProJecl7YnckingNo.: 13-08-0058 Briefdeacription ofrevleiv activltles, results ofrevlew, and conclusions: An archaeological survey and evaluation for replacement oFBridge No. 137 on SR] 107 over Bradley Creek in Transylvania County was conducted on September 30, 2013, by Michael Nelson and Brenda Magouirk-Nelson of TRC Environmental Corporation (TRC). No archaeological sites were located within the project APE, and no fuMher archaeological investigations are necessary for this project. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: � Map(s) ❑ Previous Survey Info � Photos �Correspondence Other: Cultural Review Signed: i°�r�ur� �/�v� ll�/3'/Zo� NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST Date "NO NA'f'/ONA/, RGGlST/sR ELlC/9LG OR l.lSfRD ARCHAGOL 061CAL SlT6S PRGS8N7' OR APFL•'CfGU /.���f.n�nnorrn��upo.muo��r �e�i:a:¢��w�pedi,�rno�oo�rrosm����,pn�as�ee���e,n. 2oe11