HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0003468_Other Agency Documents_20180618 fort, DUKE Dan River Combined Cycle N., ENERGY® Duke Energy Carolinas 864 South Edgewood Road Eden, NC 27288 June 18,2018 Mr.Jeffrey 0.Poupart North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality RECEIVED/DENR/DWR 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 JUN 2 2 2018 Subject: Duke Energy Carolinas,LLC Water Resources Dan River Combined Cycle Station Permitting Section NPDES Permit NC0003468 Rockingham County Dear Mr.Poupart: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Duke Energy) will soon commence removal of interstitial water from the ash basins at the Dan River Combined Cycle Station(Dan River). In order to meet the NPDES permit requirements associated with discharge of interstitial water from these basins, the existing wastewater treatment process will be supplemented to include temporary, mobile treatment units. These units will serve to provide additional treatment of the interstitial water remaining in the basins. The purpose of this letter is to provide courtesy notification of the planned temporary changes and a simplified schematic of this additional treatment process for your information and files. Duke Energy plans to begin release of this water on 7/2/2018. This letter serves as both our submittal of plans describing the treatment technologies but also our required notification at least one week prior to commencement of the discharge. As you are aware, and described in Dan River's current NPDES Permit NC0003468, the existing wastewater treatment system for waste flows from Dan River's former coal generating facility consist of sedimentation and neutralization process provided by the two site ash ponds. That wastewater treatment system will be temporarily supplemented to include the following treatment: • Reaction/feed frac tank for chemical addition and equalization(oxidation&pH adjustment) • Ultrafiltration membrane container • Effluent storage tank The treated effluent from the expanded wastewater treatment system will be routed to Dan River through outfall 002. The small flow that has been reported on DMR's since 11/12/2016 (approximately 0.00025 MGD) will be commingled with this flow and released through outfall 002. Any low volume wastes (such as reject streams or backwash processes) resulting from this additional treatment will be recycled to the ash pond. Potential industrial stormwater from the area containing this equipment will be routed to the City of Eden consistent with Industrial User Permit#1013. Sludge will be collected and properly disposed of in onsite landfill. The vendor selected to provide the temporary units will be providing additional operational support staff for the treatment equipment. In accordance with NCGS 143-215(a6), and because all activity is authorized under the facility's existing NPDES permit, no authorization to construct is required to be issued before the temporary systems can be utilized, and no NPDES permit modification will be necessary. Duke Energy remains committed to safely closing ash basins at all of our North Carolina sites. We look forward to continuing to work with your agency in a collaborative manner to facilitate this work. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact Joyce Dishmon, EHS CCP Permitting and Compliance, at Joyce.Dishmon@duke- energy.com or 336-623-0238. I certify under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations 7 Sinerely, • Michael Lanning GM II—Regulated Stations Dan River Combined Cycle Power Generating Carolinas East Attachment Cc: Julie Gryzb—NC DWR 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Sherri Knight—WSRO,450 West Hanes Mill Road,Winston-Salem,NC 27105 Richard Baker w/attachment-via email Shannon Langley w/attachment—via email Dana Newcomb,ORC Joyce Dishmon/Filenet w/attachment Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC NPDES Permit NC0003468 Dan River Combined Cycle Station Interstitial Water Treatment Flow Chart Mobile Primary Interstitial Water Primary Reaction/Feed BasinFrac Tank Low vo'ume wastes dt�a�W ater SeCondar `nter5 Ultrafiltration v o_ ag rD Basin Mobile Effluent ° Bag Filter < Storage e, rD (1) Q Outfall 002 to Dan River