HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140762 Ver 4_R-2915 Modification Ashe-Watauga June 15 2018_20180618STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER GOVF.RNOR June 15,2018 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801-5006 ATTN: Mr. Steve Kichefski, NCDOT Regulatory Coordinator JAMES H. TROGDON, III SECRF.TARY Subject: Request for Modification to the Section 404 Individual Permit and Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the proposed US 221 Widening from US 421 to US 221 Business/NC 88 in Jefferson in Watauga and Ashe Counties. Federal Aid Project No. STP-0221(13), Division 11, TIP No. R-2915, WBS 34518.1.1. Reference: USACE Individual Permit Action ID SAW-2012-00882, January 7, 2015. USACE Individual Peniut Modification Action ID SAW-2012-00882, August 31, 2016. NCDWR Project No. 20140762, Certification No. 4001, September 8, 2014. NCDWR Project No. 20140764 v2, Certification No. 4001, August 23, 2016. NCDWR Project No. 20140762_v3, Certification No. 4001, Apri128, 2017. Dear Sir: The purpose of this letter is to request a modification to the United Stated Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Section 404 Individual Permit and North Carolina Division of Water Resources Section 401 Certification for the above referenced project. The original 2014 permit application and subsequent 2016 and 2017 modifications (referenced above) presented final impacts far R-2915A, R-2915B, R-2915C, and R-2915D. This inodification presents changes to one permit site in the B Section needed as a result of a wing wall modification at the outlet of the new culvert at Site 1 B to prevent the wing wall from extending into Gap Creelc. The angle of one wing wall has been changed to better tie it into the existing stream bank, resulting in 20 linear feet of additional bank stabilization along Gap Creek to prevent the culvert wing froin being undernlined during high water events. All changes in llnpacts due to tl�e additional bank stabilization at Site 1B in the B Section are in red itcrlics. Please see the enclosed revised permit drawings for Section B. Summary of R-2915 Jurisdictional Impacts: The preliminary projected impacts for the overall (Sections A-E) project will be approximately 3.11 acres of permailent wetla��d in�pacts, 0.15 acre of teinporary wetland impacts, 8,776 linenr f'eet of pernianent st��eam inzpacts (6,983 linear feet of fill and 1,193 lineao� feet of bank st�bilizrltion), and 0.34 acre of temporary stream impacts (see Tables 1 and 2 for a breakdown of impacts by Section). MarlingAddress: Telephoi�e: O19)707-6000 Locatia��: NC DF.PARTMP.NT O� TRANSPORTATION Fa�-: (919) 2I2-57R5 1020 BiRCH RIDGI' DRTVI: NATURAL ENVIRONMENC SECTION Cu.stnnle7' ServlCe: 1-877-368-4968 RALEIGH NC 27610 1598 Mn�� Se2v�ce CEN��eR Websire: www.ncdot.gov R��E�cH NC 27C99-(598 Table 1— Summar of Wetland Im acts for R-2915 Design Wetland Wetland Impacts Section Stage wetland Impact Type Impact Area Requiring (ac) Mitigation (ac) Perm. Wetland Fill 0.48 Excavation in Wetlands 0.01 R-2915A Final 0.57* Mecl�anized Clearing in Wetlands 0.08 Hand Clearing in Wetlands 0.05� Perm. Wetland Fill 0.32 R-2915B Final Excavation in Wetlands 0.04 0.43* Mechanized Clearing in Wetlands 0.06 Temporary Fill in Wetlands 0.15 Perm. Wetland Fill 0.22 R-2915C Final Excavation in Wetlands -- 0.27* Mechanized Clearing in Wetlands 0.05 Perm. Wetland Fill 1.01 R-2915D Final Excavation in Wetlands 0.01 1.32 Mechanized Clearin in Wetlands 0.30 Perm. Wetland Fill 0.43 R-2915E Preliminary Excavation in Wetlands -- 0.52 Mechanized Clearing in Wetlands 0.09 Total 3.11 j�Additionally, 0.01 acre oftemporary till in wetlands will occur in the hand clearing areas tor erosion control measures * Values are based ou rounding, dne to calcnlating totals with acrital numbers to the thottsandths Table 2— Summar of Stream Im acts for R-2915 Design Impact Temporary Stream I�npacts Section Stage Stream Impact Type Length (1� Impacts (ac) Requiring Miti ation (l� Permanent Fill 1,119 -- R-2915A Final Bank Stabilization 402 __ l,l 19 Tem orary -- 0.05 Permanent Fill 493 -- R-2915B Final Bank Stabilization 431 __ 493* Temporary -- 0.15 Pernianent Fill 2,339 -- R-2915C Final Bank Stabilization 234 -- 2,339 Temporary -- 0.09 Pernlanent Fill 2,627 -- R-2915D Final Bank Stabilization 126 -- 2'62� Temporary -- 0.05 Permanent Fill 405 R-2915E Preliminary 405 Tem orary -- <0.01 Total 8,176 0.34 6,983 * See'1'able 4 R-2915 b2dividual Perrnit Modifzcntion Application Page 2 of 5 Tables 3 and 4 summarize the impacts to jurisdictional water resources for the fmal design of R-2915B. Site numbers correspond with the pernlit (1lydraulic) drawings included in this application. The stream and wetland numbers correspond to the NRTR. A brief description of the impact sites that have changed since the 2014 pennit application the will follow the tables. Table 3- R-2915B Wetland Im acts* Pei7nanent Temporary Impacts Site Wetland Wetland Fill in Excavation Mechanized Fill in Requiring Number Size (ac) Wetlands (ac) �ac) Clearing (ac) Wetlands (ac) Mitigation (ac) 4 W 11 0.26 <0.01 -- <0.01 0. I 5 <0.01 5 W 11 0.26 <0.01 -- -- -- <0.01 6 W 11 0.26 <0.01 -- -- -- <0.01 7 W 11 0.26 0.05 0.03 -- -- 0.08 8 W 12 0.05 <0.01 -- <0.01 -- <0.01 11 W 14 0.02 <0.01 -- <0.01 -- <0.01 12 W 15 ** 0.12 0.12 -- <0.01 -- 0.12 14 W 16 0.04 -- 0.01 <0.01 -- 0.02 15 W 126** 0.19 0.14 -- 0.05 -- 0.19 TotalImpacts: 0.32 0.04 0.06 0.15 0.43x*x * All wetlands impacted are riparian ** Total take of wetland *** Values are based on rounding, due to calculating totals with actual numbers to the thousandths Table 4- R-2915B Stream Im acts Stream Name & Temporary Mitigation Site Intermittent (I) or Sri•eam Impact Type lmpact Length Impacts Requirement'- Perennial (P)' Number (lineat- feet) �acres) (linear feet) Perm. Fill 170 -- USACE & DWR UT to Gap Creek lA �P� S32 Bank Stabilization 44 -- DWR Tem Fill -- <0.01 -- Pern�. Fill 15 -- USACE & DWR 1B Gap Crcek (P) S1 Bank Stabilization i5 -- DWR (only 35') Temp Fill -- <0.01 -- UT to Gap Creek Perm. Fill 34 -- USACE 2 �P� S35 Bank Stabilization -- -- -- Temp Fill -- -- -- Perm. Fill 71 -- USACE 3 UT to G�a� Creek S35 Bank Stabilization -- -- -- Temp Fill -- -- -- 4 N/A (wetland -- -- -- -- -- only) 5 N/A (wetland -- -- -- -- -- only) 6 N/A (wedand only) � N/A (wetland on1Y) g N/A (wetland -- -- -- -- -- onl ) R-2915 b2dividual Perrnit Modifzcation Application Page 3 of 5 Table 4 continued — R-2915B Stream Im acts Stream Name & Temporary Mitigation Site Intermittent (I) or Stream lm�act Type Impact Length Impacts Requirement'- Perennial (P)' Number (linear feet) �acres) (linear feet) UT to Gap Creck Perni. Fill 124 -- USACE 9 �P� S36 Bank Stabilization 23 -- -- Tcmp. Fill -- -- -- Perm. Fill -- -- -- 10 Gap Creek (P) S1 Bank StaUilization 154 -- DWR Temp. Fill -- 0.02 -- 11 N/A (wetland only) 12 N/A (wetland only) Perm. Fill 52 -- USACE UT to Gap Creek 13 �P� S40 Bank Stabilization -- -- -- Temp. Fill -- <0.01 -- 14 N/A (wetland onlY) 15 N/A (wetland onlY) Perm. Fill 27 -- USACE UT to Gap Crcek 16 �P� S42 Bank Stabilization 9 -- -- Tem . Fill -- -- -- Perm. Fill -- -- -- 17 Gap Creek (P) S1 Bank Stabilization 54 -- DWR Temp. Fill -- -- -- Perm. Fill -- -- -- 18 Gap Creek (P) S1 Bank Stabilization 53 -- DWR Tcmp. Fill -- -- -- Perm. Fill -- -- -- South Fork New 19 River (P) S43 Bank Stabilization --- -- -- Temp. Fill -- 0.12 -- Perm. Fill -- -- -- South Fork New �� River (P) S43 Bank Stabilization 19 -- -- Tcmp. Fill -- -- -- Perm. Fill -- -- -- South Fork New 21 River (P) S43 Bank Stabilization 20 -- -- Temp. Fill -- -- -- Total Temporary Impacts: -- 0.153 -- Total Permanent Impacts (Perm. Fill + Bank Stabilization): 924 -- -- Permanent Impacts Requiring DWR Mitigation: 525 -- -- Permanent Impacts Requiring USACE Mitigation: 493 -- -- Total Impacts Requiring Mitigation: 493 -- �- 1— All streams are Class C; Tr+ waters except S43 (South Fork New River), which is WS-V; HQW 2— Mitigation for bank stabilization impacts req'd by DWR — not req'd by USACE, add'1 20' at Site 1B not subject 3— Values are based on rounding, due to some of the individual impacts being <0.01 acre -� — F'inal mitigation require�nent will be up to the USACE and DWIt R-2915 b2dividual Perrnit Modifzcation Application Page 4 of 5 Permit Site 1B: As a result of the culvert replacement and extension, there will be 15 lf of permanent impact to Gap Creek (S 1). Additionally there will SS If of Gank s7rrGi/izntior7 and <0.01 acre (6 1� of temporary impacts to Gap Creek at the outlet of the culvert carrying S32. MITIGATION At this time, DMS is providing compensatory mitigation for Sections A, B, C, and D impacts. Table 5 summarizes the total mitigation needs as 2.59 acres of wetlands impacts and 6,578 linear feet of stream impacts. No urlditic�nrr[ rnitiKati�jt is reyuire�l �lue to the a�l�led strerrn� buiTk s7abilizaiio�� �rt Site IB in the B Section ��s it does taot corrstitute a loss of'water. Compensatory mitigation for Section E will be provided accordingly during the subsequent permit modification. This modification will occur when final design on the remaining Section has been completed. Table 5 — Summarv of Section R-2915A R-2915B R-2915C R-2915D Miti ation Re uested from DMS Design Stage Wetland Impacts Requiring Miti ation (ac) Final 0.57 Final 0.43 Final 0.27 Final 132 Total 2.59 REGULATORY APPROVALS Stream Impacts Requiring 1,119 493 2,339 2,627 6,578 Section 404: Application is hereby made for a modification to the USACE Individual 404 Permit as required for the above-described activities. Section 401: We are hereby reyuesting a modification to the 401 Water Quality Certification from the N.C. Division of Water Resources. A copy of this application and distribution list will also be posted on ttie NCDOT website at: http://connect.ncdot.gov/resources/Environmental. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Erin Cheely at ekcheely@ncdot.gov or (919) 707-6108. Sincerely, �� � / ' -- ��-_ � l� � Philip S. Harris III, P.E., C.P.M. Environmental Analysis Unit Head R-2915 Individua! Pei�mit Modification Application ..� Page 5 of 5 I'u 1 • bVi, � \�'., I :: . t, tc i� . I . from Plnn Lucaliun towxrJs Fxis�ing Ctrenmbank. � � B.M.#7:CHISELED SQUARE IN CONCRETE FLOOR OF TELEPHONE EXCHANGE. N. 927977, E. 1262292, STA. 160+18.41 -L- 24' RT. EL. 2900.68 \FLOOD PLAIN BENCH (ROADWAY -�- -DETAIL AND PAY ITEMI � i o i � I ¢ 1 r ,. � III� � �' v� � �e �� -� I �. STING� � ST TURE � � �S I _ �� �f`� 69 i�`�' j� �o.. a�nxir 2UP I t titreai i �W /q � � 11�n1. with C I a. 11 ItI� I:ap �p ' � � r �� d r,�, � ; �, � � � , �3 �'��� � 4 F �3.�\�„��� 'Pj,�' �. � q�,� � k, W,� r� � ��� � �� I I �i.�r� ��� St[ �.n,bunl: � � - � . f'� G��i <�: 9i � Y � I Y w w � U a. � 4 c� � � I �\ � �i. �% � qc i r �9� i \ S� p� S�,9� 4C���... F l sp cF��l � a ��F���,� � � . � � { ��� I � �� ' �( \ 9�0 I i... ...�"I� ' 1-'�l � I %STA. 161+48.90-L- I � � I 1 TEMP � SHORING ' (SEE NOTES) t �� ! I �� �_ I y i9<�n- 1 �9l. 0 � � II � C'G '�o, �, �L �T � F� �� \� i 9� � � <�Z � � �y �� 9 < \ � � °2�, � �`� 149°-00'-00„ �TANGENT TO i -�„ �CURVE I s �` � � L� P� , i \ \ \ \ � ! � \ �- � PROPOSED �\ r- DOUBLE $.'O.� X $,'O,. RCB\C , "�- � �p PROPOSED I F` �J'' GUARDRAIL f �G � `� (TYPJ �L �G (ROADWAY F �� DETAIL P� �� i ND PAY � �,rT I i I ITEM) � S 9c� I FLOOD PLAIN � � BENCH (ROADWAY �. � DETAIL AND PAY� ,�, ITEM) � o � �- I o � I � I � CLASS I RIP RAP _ � . (ROADWAY DETAIL - AND PAY ITEM)- I LOCATION SKETCH 5'-0" 5'-0" 20'-0� 15'-0" _,_ 30'-0" _, 10'-0'_, 10'-0'_,_ 31'-7" NOTES ASSIJMED LIVE LOAD = HL-93 OR ALTERNATE LOADING. DESIGN FILL = 11.29 (MINJ, 11.68 (MAXJ FOR OTHER �ESIGN DATA AND NOTES,SEE STANDARD NOTES SHEET. AFTER SERVING AS A TEMPORARY STRIJCTURE THE EXISTING DOUBLE BARREL 8 FT.X 8 FT. REINFORCED CONCRETE BOX CULVERT LOCATED AT THE SAME LOCATION AS THE PROPOSED CULVERT SHALL BE REMOVED. 3"6 WEEP HOLES INDICATED ARE TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS. CONCRETE IN THE CULVERT TO BE POURED IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER: STAGE I 1.WING FOOTINGS FOR WING 1 AND WING 2,FLOOR SLAB AND EDGE BEAM INCLUDING 4" VERTICAL WALLS TO THE CONSTRUCTION JOINT FOR STAGE I. 2.REMAINING PORTIONS OF WALLS FULL HEIGHT,WING 1 AND WING 2 FULL HEIGHT FOLLOWED BY CONCRETE SILLS AND ROOF SLAB WITH EDGE BEAM TO THE STAGE I CONSTRUCTION JOINT. STAGE II 1.REMOVE EXISTING CULVERT. 2.WING 3 FOOTING AND FLOOR SLAB INCLUDING 4"OF ALL VERTICAL WALLS.EDGE BEAM AND CURTAIN WALL TO STAGE II CONSTRUCTION JOINTS. 3.REMAINING PORTIONS OF WALLS FULL HEIGHT AND WING 3 FULL HEIGHT,CONCRETE SILLS. STAGE III 1.WING 4 FOOTING AND REMAINING FLOOR SLAB WITH EDGE BEAM INCLUDING 4"OF EXTERIOR VERTICAL WALL AND REMAINING CURTAIN WALL. 2.REMAINING PORTIONS OF WALLS FULL HEIGHT,WING 4 FULL HEIGHT AND CONCRETE SILLS. 3.ROOF SLAB FOR STAGES II & III.HEADWALL AND EDGE BEAM. THE RESIDENT ENGINEER SHALL CHECK THE LENGTH OF THE CULVERT BEFORE STAKING IT OUT TO MAKE CERTAIN THAT IT WILL PROPERLY TAKE CARE OF THE FILL. STEEL IN THE BOTTOM SLAB OF STAGE I ONLY MAY BE SPLICED AT THE PERMITTED CONSTRUCTION JOINT AT THE CONTRACTOR'S OPTION.EXTRA WEIGHT OF STEEL DUE TO THE SPLICES WILL BE PAID FOR BY THE CONTRACTOR. TRANSVERSE CONSTRUCTION JOINTS SHALL BE USED IN THE BARREL,SPACED TO LIMIT THE POURS TO A MAXIMUM OF 70 FEET.LOCATION OF JOINTS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE INDEPENDENT ASSURANCE SAMPLES OF REINFORCING STEEL AS FOLLOWS:FOR PROJECTS REQUIRING UP TO 400 TONS OF REINFORCING STEEL.ONE 30 INCH SAMPLE OF EACH SIZE BAR USED,AND FOR PROJECTS REOUIRING OVER 400 TONS OF REINFORCING STEEL.TWO 30 INCH SAMPLES OF EACH SIZE BAR USED.THE BARS FROM WHICH THE SAMPLES ARE TAKEN MUST THEN BE SPLICED WITH REPLACEMENT BARS OF THE SIZE AND LENGTH OF THE SAMPLE.PLUS A MINIMUM LAP SPLICE OF THIRTY BAR DIAMETERS. PAYMENT FOR THE SAMPLES OF REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO VARIOUS PAY ITEMS. ROADWAY DATA GRADE POINT ELEV. Cil STA 161+48.90-L-= 2905.10 BEO ELEV. Cd STA. 161+qg,90-L-= 2885.70 ROADWAY SLOPES = 2:1 HYDRAULIC DATA DESIGN DISCHARGE = 550 CFS FREOUENCY OF DESIGN FLOOD = 50 YR. DESIGN HIGH WATER ELEV. = 2893.00 DRAINAGE AREA = 1.2 SO MI. BASE DISCHARGE (0100) = 650 CFS BASE HIGH WATER ELEV. = 2893.43 OVERTOPPING FLOOD DATA OVERTOPPING DISCHARGE _ > 900 CFS FREOUENCY OF OVERTOPPING FLOOD => 500 YR, OVERTOPPING FLOOD ELEV. = 2904.40 28'-5" 10'-0" 40'-0" 15'-0" Fa Ae PROJECT Noae STP-0221(40) FOR CULVERT DIVERSION DETAILS AND PAY ITEM,SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS. A 3 FOOT STRIP OF FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE FILL FACE OF THE WING COVERING THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE EXPANSION JOINT, AT THE CONTRACTOR'S OPTION HE MAY SUBMIT,TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL,DESIGN AND DETAIL DRAWINGS FOR A PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE BOX CLI�VERT IN LIEU OF THE CAST-IN-PLACE CULVERT SHOWN ON THE PLANS.THE DESIGN SHALL PROVIDE THE SAME SIZE AND NUMBER OF BARRELS AS USED ON THE CAST-IN-PLACE DESIGN.FOR OPTIONAL PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE BOX CULVERT,SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS.THE CONTRACTOR ATTENTION NEEDS TO BE DRAWN TO THE FACT THAT THE OUTLET END OF THE CULVERT WILL HAVE TO 8E SKEWED TO KEEP FROM INTERFEARING WITH THE STREAM FLOW. FOR SUBMITTAL OF WORKING DRAWINGS,SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. FOR FALSEWORK AND FORMWORK,SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. FOR CRANE SAFETY,SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. FOR GROUT FOR STRUCTURES,SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. THE REINFORCED CONCRETE BOX CULVERT SHALL BE PLACED ON THE STANDARO 1.0 FOOT BLANKET OF FOUNDATION CONDITIONING MATERIAL.SEE SECTION 414 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. THE RE�UIRED BEARING CAPACITY AT THE BASE OF THE CULVERT IS 1 TSF. THE REOUIRED BEARING CAPACITY SHALL BE VERIFIED. FOR CONSTRUCTION SE�UENCE.SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS. FOR EROSION CONTROL MEASURES.SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS. FOR TRAFFIC PHASING.SEE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS. AT THE CONTRACTOR'S OPTION.HE MAY SPLICE THE VERTICAL REINFORCING STEEL IN THE INTERIOR FACE OF EXTERIOR WALL AND BOTH FACES OF INTERIOR WALLS ABOVE LOWER WALL CONSTRUCTION JOINT.THE SPLICE LENGTH SHALL BE AS PROVIDED IN THE SPLICE LENGTH CHART SHOWN ON THE PLANS.EXTRA WEIGHT OF STEEL DUE TO THE SPLICES SHALL BE PAID FOR BY THE CONTRACTOR. TEMPORARY SHORING WILL BE REOUIRED IN THE AREA INDICATED IN THE LOCATION SKETCH. FOR LIMITS OF TEMPORARY SHORING FOR MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC.SEE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS.FOR PAY ITEM FOR TEMPORARY SHORING FOR MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC.SEE ROADWAY PLANS. Cl1LVERT EXCAVATION LUMP SUM REMOVAL OF EXISTING STRUCTURE_LUMP SUM FOUNDATION CONDITIONING MATERIAL STAGE I 207 TONS STAGE II & III 158 TONS TOTAL 25'-0" , 10'-0" , 19'-10" I,,,_+ --------- _, I\ � -L-� 0 0 � ` m �M• O \� � __- tJ� N � � � -_-._ � \ OJ ' __.--._ _�� �� x� `/ \\ .o�„ � �� ,, -------------- ------------ p O O O ti �� ---- * �. O �, � �. � � o �� ti �� ti ti N ry � � 0 � � �� � ry N �' � � �• �• . �� � � DRAWN BY : H. T. BARBOUR DATE : 4"11'14 P R 0 F I L E A L 0 N G � C U L V E R T CHECKED BY : S. B. WILLIAMS DATE : 5-�4 DESIGN ENGINEER OF RECORD: B.A.DUKE DATE : 4-�5 365 TONS TOTAL STRUCTURE QUANTITIES STAGE I STAGE I CLASS A CONCRETE REINFORCING STEEL BARREL c� 1.823 C.Y./FT, 242.6 C.Y, BARREL 32681 LBS. 2� � WINGS. ETC. 2662 LBS. WINGS. ETC. C.Y. TOTAL 270•3 C.v. TOTAL 35343 LBS. STAGE II & III STAGE II & III CLASS A CONCRETE REINFORCING STEEL BARREL (a �•8Z3 C.Y./FT. 185.5 C.Y. BARREL 26626 LBS. 19.7 C.Y, WINGS, ETC. 941 LBS. WINGS. ETC. TOTAL z�5•z C.Y, TOTAL 27567 L85. TOTAL CLASS A CONCRETE 475.5 C.Y. TOTAL REINFORCING STEEL 62910 LBS. `, �.oQ�H 1 C AHp<i,y% , �;'�isso,�.4 ��' :Q � Q SEAL _ �4855 i - �' F P.:' : '�CMEF;.: ,,,��45 R.CP;��,`. r ].:ui;,i.,: ....� I �ew�as I�. {,nli��„ �"., � �/zz/mis ,`�.o��N �CARp<iy''. ?,-� �FS$/Q�'•,4 �' `QQSEALSi : 9�. �20125� .i�; ?�'P,y4(��, �,�`��a J.�.Sia�.v Lr� � �',.u'�!c.vi! G. `�'u�1�1 ;v. .>,.�t� �.,>. a. � 7/zz/zo15 PROJECT ►vo. R-2915B ASHE couNTY STATION: 161+48090 -L- SHEFT 1 OF 13 CLILVERT No.542 STAiE OF NORTH CAFOLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION F4LEIGH DOUBLE CONCRETE�BOX CULVERT STR. °6 REVISIONS SHEET N0. DATE: N0. BY: DnTE: CQfj'1 WETLAND PERMIT IMPACT SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS Hand Existing Existing Permanent Temp. Excavation Mechanized Clearing Permanent Temp. Channel Channel Natural Site Station Structure Fillln Fillln in Clearing in SW SW Impacts Impacts Stream No. (From/To) Size / Type Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands in Wetlands Wetlands impacts impacts Permanent Temp. Design (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ft) (tt) (ft) 1A 159+80 / 160+40 -L- RT BANK STABILIZATION (TRIB.) 0.01 < 0.01 44 21 160+40 / 161+80 -L- CULVERT (TRIB.) 0.05 170 � B 162+15 / 162+30 -L- LT CULVERT (GAP CREEK) < 0.01 < 0.01 15 6 162+15 / 162+65 -L- LT BANK STABILIZATION (GAP CREEK) < 0.01 55 2 165+73 -L- BDO / 30" RCP < 0.01 5 166+00 -L- LT TAIL DITCH < 0.01 29 3 15+32 / 15+00 -DR1 REV- 24" PIPE < 0.01 71 4 172+58 / 172+85 -L- LT 12" RCP < 0.01 0.15 < 0.01 5 174+00 -L- LT 30" CSP < 0.01 6 178+50 -L- LT 24" CSP < 0.01 7 180+00 / 182+00 -L- LT ROAD FILL 0.05 0.03 8 186+21 / 186+43 -L- LT ROAD FILL < 0.01 < 0.01 9 187+63 / 189+15 -L- 36" RCP 0.01 124 189+35 / 189+45 -L- LT BANK STABILIZATION < 0.01 23 10 197+20 / 198+90 -L- BANK STABILIZATION 0.02 154 198+80 / 198+90 -L- WORKPAD / CULVERT REMOVAL 0.02 57 11 207+00 / 207+05 -L- RT ROAD FILL < 0.01 < 0.01 12 208+72 / 209+51 -L- RT ROAD FILL 0.12 < 0.01 13 209+23 -L- LT 24" Pipe < 0.01 < 0.01 52 8 14 210+01 / 210+36 -L- LT ROAD FILL 0.01 < 0.01 15 215+54 / 217+43 -L- RT ROAD FILL 0.14 0.05 16 217+48 -L- LT 60" RCP < 0.01 27 217+45 -L- LT BANK STABILIZATION < 0.01 9 SUBTOTALS*: 0.32 0.15 0.04 0.06 0.12 0.03 778 92 *Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: Site 10: Total Permanent Pier Impacts = 25.1 SF = 0.0006 AC Site 15: Fill Imapcts = 0.14 ac, Mechanized Clearing Impacts=0.013, Total Take Impacts=0.036 \TN Revised 3/'12/13 WETLAND PERMIT IMPACT SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS Hand Existing Existing Permanent Temp. Excavation Mechanized Clearing Permanent Temp. Channel Channel Natural Site Station Structure Fillln Fillln in Clearing in SW SW Impacts Impacts Stream No. (From/To) Size / Type Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands in Wetlands Wetlands impacts impacts Permanent Temp. Design (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ft) (ft) (ft) 17 217+22 / 217+75 -L- RT BANK STABILIZATION < 0.01 54 18 222+55 / 222+83 -L- RT BANK STABILIZATION < 0.01 53 19 241+75 / 243+25 -L- WORK PAD 0.12 115 20 242+41 / 242+54 -L- RT BANK STABILIZATION < 0.01 19 21 243+31 / 243+46 -L- LT BANK STABILIZATION < 0.01 20 SUBTOTALS*: 0.02 0.12 146 115 SUBTOTALS FROM PAGE 1*: 0.32 0.15 0.04 0.06 0.12 0.03 778 92 TOTALS'`: 0.32 0.15 0.04 0.06 0.14 0.15 924 207 *Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: Site 19: Total Permanent Pier Impacts = 150.8 SF = 0.003 AC TN Revised 3/12/13