HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180307 Ver 2_ResponseToChristyn_20180207Reference No. 11123681 North Carolina #!vision OT 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit Attn: Ms. Christyn Fertenbaugh 512 N. Salisbury Street, Rm. 925S Raleigh, NC 27604 Dear Ms. Fertenbaugh'. Be: Stevens Creek Trunk Sewer Phase 1 — Variance Application: Request for Additional Information EroLect Nam Stevens Creek Trunk Sewer Coordinates: a - - roximately 1135-146 -80.65" GHD Job Number 11123681 Charlotte Water Pro ect Number . 2017000405 i In response to your email dated Friday, January 19, 2018, we have compiled a list of responses and documents requested to complete the review process. On behalf of Charlotte Water, GHD requests your approval for the construction of a sanitary sewer along Stevens Creek and Stevens Creek Tributary, and within the Goose Creek Basin, utilizing PVC, AWWA 0900, Pressure Class 165 psi, DR25 as an equal to ductile iron pipe. There have been no changes in request from the submittal on December 8, 2017 and that includes the use of ductile iron pipe for all stream crossings and for pipe cover depths of greater than 20 --feet as shown on plans. Included with the enclosed variance application, you will find plans, details, and specifications for the proposed project. GHD appreciates your assistance with this project. Please contact me at (704) 342-4913 or Jason. Mars,hall@ghd.com if you have any questions or require additional information. Sincerely, GHD, Jaso Marshall, PE Project Coordinator Encl. Plans Specifications cc: Nicole Bartlett, Charlotte Water Tony Martin, Charlotte Water Chuck Bliss, Charlotte Water Michael Bisignani, GHD 1609001 GHD 222 South Church Street Suite 400 Charlotte North Carolina 28202 USA T7()4 342 4910 F 704 342 4911 w wvvw.ghdxarn Lindsay Matthy, GHD Response to General Comments: DEQ Comment: As the entirety of this project is shown to be constructed within the 200 -foot buffer as required by 15A NCAC 0213, and multiple areas constructed within the 50 -foot buffer, please provide clarification as to what design alternatives were considered to potentially avoid these impacts. Please also provide more information about how the project construction/materials as depicted on the provided plans shall meet the requirements of 15A ICAC 02T.0105(n); and specifically, how they shall provide equal or better protection of the environment in this area. GHD Response: Alternatives outside of the 200 ft buffer zone were evaluated but deemed unfeasible to locate a gravity trunk sewer The trunk sewer project matches the project limits for the Stevens Creek Stream Restoration project being completed by Mecklenburg County Stormwater and Stantec. GHD and Charlotte Water have been working with the stream restoration team to design and construct the proposed alignment with the Stevens Creek and its Tributary stream restoration in order to minimize overall project disturbance. Both of these projects will be bid together and constructed along the same timeline. This will ultimately reduce clearing and minimize disturbance to the overall area. Additionally the alignment was chosen with input from NODE Q's Mooresville office and the project team has held several field meetings and walks with Alan Johnson of NCDEQ for input on the location and disturbance to limit the overall disruption to all stakeholders. Meetings and field visits have also been completed with USACE and US Fish and Wildlife. For requirements of 15A CAC 02T 0 1 05(n), (1) equal or better treatment of the waste-, - P,VC pipe material provides an equal level of service for the conveyance of wastewater. (2) equal or better protection of the waters of the state; and — PVC pipe material produced under A WWA and ASTIR standards is considered an equal to ductile iron pipe produced under similar standards for water and sewer service. Gaskets materials are the same or similar in design and function to provide equal protection for a leak free system. All pipe, no matter the material must pass a zero leakage test to ensure a watertight system. PVC also has the advantage of being inert to corrosion caused by hydrogen sulfide gas. Charlotte Water has experienced corrosion issues with DIP and prefers to utilize PVC for its inert properties, Utilizing PVC eliminates the need for corrosion protection required for DIP sewers providing equal or better protection against leaks and pollution caused by corrosion. (3) no increased potential for nuisance conditions from noise, odor or vermin. — Pipe material does not affect environmental conditions. 2. DEQ Comment: It appears that the alignment of the buffers as shown on the plans (30-, 50-, and 200 -feet) is based on a proposed stream alignment, not the existing alignment. Please provide more information regarding the proposed realignment of the stream, as this affects the buffer zones through which this project is proposed to be constructed, GHD Response: In prior discussions with Alan Johnson from NC DEQ and Mecklenburg County Stormwater, it was determined that utilizing the 50 and 30 foot buffers reflecting the proposed stream restoration alignment was most appropriate, As both projects will be constructed at the same time, the 30 and 50 foot buffers for the proposed stream alignment are most reflective of conditions at the time of post construction. Additionally, in most cases, the proposed stream EMC Variance Response Letter - 02 7.2018 X1%,1,,7 , IFIN, alignment buffers pushes the proposed sewer alignment further from the existing stream top Of bank. a. DEQ Comment: it also appears that the 100 -year flood elevation lines are based on the existing creek alignment rather than the proposed alignment. Please provide more information, as this affects the installation of different manhole -types, per 15A NCAC 02T.0305(e), GHD Response: We are awaiting final base flood models revision reflective of the 100 -year flood elevation for the proposed stream restoration. We are aware of the requirements for either minimum two feet rim elevations above the 100 -year flood line, or watertight lids and vents, We have requested the revised floodplain mapping currently in process for a Conditional Letter of Map Revision and wit] make changes to update manhole types, elevations, and vents as necessary to comply with 15A N CA C 02 T, 0305(e). 3. DEQ Comment: As this project requests the usage of PVC in most locations whereas both the 02T and 026 rules require ductile iron within such a buffer, please provide clarification as to why ductile iron cannot be utilized for this project. GHD Response: We are requesting that PVC be considered as an equal to ductile iron pipe as PVC is preferred to DIP due to its inert corrosion resistant properties. Ductile iron pipe requires special coatings for sewer service and is susceptible to corrosion once liner has deteriorated, 4. DEQ Comment: The provided VAR 10-2013 form indicates that sewer lines located in wetland areas shall have anti -seep collars installed, however, it was not clear where wetland areas are impacted nor where anti -seep collars may be installed. Please clarify, GHD Response: Plans will be updated accordingly to show the anti -seep collars. Where the sewer alignment passes through wetland areas, we have callouts specifying to reduce clearing to 40 feet width in the permanent easement. 'Wetiands are located on sheets 6, 7, and 12 and anti -seep collars have been added to the drawings. Plans/Sp ecif icatio n s: t. DEQ Comment: All plans and specifications submitted for the variance must be signed/sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice in North Carolina, Please revise. GHD Response: Plans and Specifications have been signed and sealed included in this submittal. 2. Brief sections of specifications were provided. Please clarify if these are parts of Charlotte Water's standard specifications, which are referenced by the provided plan sheets. All specifications to be referenced by this variance that are not part of Charlotte Water's standard specifications must be signed/sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice in North Carolina. GHD Response: Technical specifications were provided specific to Stevens Creek Sanitary Trunk Sewer project that incorporate Charlotte Water's standards for materials and construction. Full project specifications have been Signed and Sealed for review. 3. DEQ Comment: Have the quality testing methods for gravity lines outlined in the provided specifications been approved by the Public Water Supply Section — Plan Review Group as being equivalent to water main standards as found in 15A NCAC 18C, per 15A NCAC 02T.0305(g)(5)2 if so, please provide a copy of the letter or email approving the testing methods. If this has not yet been verified, please contact the Plan Review Team Leader Shashi Bhatta at Shashi. Bhatta@ncdenr.gov, EMC VadanCe Response Letter - 02 7.2018 P ,GHD Response: GHD is working with Sashi Bhatta for a resolution and will provide a formal response at a later date. 4. DEQ Comment: It appears that multiple manholes depicted as being located within the current I00 -year flood elevation are listed as having vented covers (e.g. H-17, 19, 20, 24, 25), All manholes located within the 100 -year flood elevation must have a watertight seal, per 15A NCAC 02T.0305(e). Please revise such that all manholes located within the 100 -year flood elevation are depicted as having watertight covers and frames, and ensure that the manhole schedule located on plan sheet 2 correctly reflects which type of manhole cover shall be installed, GHD Response: See previous response and general comments 2.a. Manholes with vented cover located inside the 1007year floodplain have rim elevations well above (at least 2 feet) 100 -year floodplain elevations. All manholes are pending further revisions pending flood study analysis. Please note General Comment #2, as it appears that in many locations, the location of the 100 -year flood elevation may change significantly if the stream is realigned as shown on the plans. See previous response and general comments 2.a. 5. DEQ Comment: On plan sheets 9 and 11, a temporary stream crossing is depicted. Please clarify if these tributary streams shall permanently cross the sanitary sewer after construction is completed, and if so, please revise such that these sections of sewer are constructed of DIP as the provided VAR 10-2013 form for variance requests to the 15A NCAC 02B rules indicates that ductile iron shall be used for all stream crossings. GHD Response: These intermittent tributaries crossings have been revised to include DIP at the crossings. Please see plans included in this submittal. 6. DEQ Comment: On plan sheet 14, the distance between MH -28 and MH -29 appears to be greater than 425 linear feet (measured at approximately 465 linear feet). Per 15A NCAC 02T.0305(i)(2), please provide documentation from Charlotte Water indicating that they have the capability to provide routine cleaning and maintenance on the sewer at the specified manhole separation, GHD Response, - Charlotte Water has the capabilities to clean sewers beyond 500' and we have verified with their Operations and Maintenance staff. Please see email communication between Charlotte Water, Project Manager, Tony Martin and operations staff Lee William, See enclosures. EMC; Variance Response Letter -02.7.2098