HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0021709_Annual Report_20180604 Town of jeffezzon Water IZe o-U rcdets- 1233 Highway 16 South P.O. Box 67 Jefferson, NC 28640 336.246.2165 "Pr New Rives'B " Cathy Howell,Town Manager Tim Church, Director June 4, 2018 NC Division of Environmental Quality PERCS Unit 1617 Mail Service Center RECEIVED!®ENS®�� Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 JUN'® � 201 ATTN: Ms. Vivien Zhong Water Resources SUBJECT: Revision of Town of Jefferson Pretreatment Report Permitting Dear Ms. Zhong: A review of the most recent pretreatment semiannual activity for the Town of Jefferson revealed that a Notice of Non-Compliance sent to our only Significant Industrial User, American Emergency Vehicles for an excessive BOD value should have actually been issued as a Notice of Violation /Significant Non-Compliance. To correct this situation, I have issued the NOV/SNC to American Emergency Vehicles and placed a public notice in our local newspaper, Ashe Post & Times. In addition I have revised the narrative portion of our Pretreatment Annual Report to reflect this NOV/SNC, corrected the PPS form and the significant non-compliance report. I have included 2 copies of each of these corrected documents in this correspondence and assume that you will furnish one set of those to the Winston-Salem Regional Office. Subsequent samples collected in April and May 2018 at American Emergency Vehicles by the Town as well as the SIU have produced results well within the IUP limits for BOD. I feel this SNC likely resulted from an anomaly with our laboratory, however I have also cautioned AEV to monitor its disposal of paint thinners and other VOCs due to the fact that they are used in close proximity to the categorical sampling point. The SIU has also been encouraged to collect samples early within the compliance period in order to allow additional compliance sampling. I apologize for any inconvenience this oversight may have caused. Respectfully, .ivvv C.44-A.41/4.44., Tim Church, Water Resources Director Town of Jefferson jeffwns@centurylink.net Narrative for the Town of Jefferson Water Resources Pretreatment Program Annual Report 2017 The Town of Jefferson Pretreatment Program serves American Emergency Vehicles as its only Significant Industrial User. This facility is regulated as a 40 CFR 433.17 Categorical metal finishing facility as the result of a process that uses a fluoridated etching solution to prepare raw aluminum ambulance bodies for primer coating and painting. American Emergency Vehicles has a long history of cooperation and compliance with the Town of Jefferson Pretreatment Program. In 2017 AEV completed both of its required semiannual sampling events. The Town of Jefferson also completed two semiannual events. All sampling conducted for the first semiannual period of 2017 produced compliant results. A sample collected by the Town of Jefferson on November 7, 2017 yielded a BOD of 720 mg/I. The permitted BOD limit for AEV is 400 mg/I. As a result, the SIU was found to be in Significant Non-Compliance for BOD for the second semiannual period of 2017. A Notice of Violation (SNC) was sent to Mr. Gary Graybeal, Compliance Manager. As part of the NOV, Mr. Graybeal was requested to take two specific measures to address this matter. Sample collection early in the compliance period is suggested to prepare for any anomalies by allowing time for additional compliance sampling. Also, efforts should be made to identify and eliminate sources that could contaminate the Categorical wastestream A Public Notice of this SNC was also placed in the Ashe Post & Times, the major newspaper circulated in Ashe County. The newspaper also featured a story in the same edition that outlined the details of this event. The HWA calculations for Jefferson have been completed by Michael Whittenburg of McGill Associates, PA. The Town of Jefferson WWTP received NPDES permit renewal effective February 1, 2018 and will be required to use the hardness calculator for new stream standards, with a revised HWA due on August 1, 2018. An updated STMP based on the renewed permit has been submitted to PERCS and accepted. American Emergency Vehicles was issued a permit renewal effective August 1, 2017 and expiring on July 1, 2021. A statement of permit adequacy from PERCS and a letter of transmittal to the SIU is on file. Chapter 9, PAR Guidance Pretreatment Performance Summary (PPS) 1. Pretreatment Town Name; T Own of`.J f cern 57t. 2/709 fo Tcolumn 2. "Primary" NPDES Number NC00 f�=office USC only or Non Discharge Permit#if applicable=> WENDB coda 3. PAR begin Date, please enter 01/01/yy or 07/01/yy 3.=> I/I D 17 PSSD 4. PAR end Date, please enter 06/30/yy or 12/31/yy 4.=> 12/31/17 B7 PS® 5. Total number of SIUs,includes CIUs 5._> I SNS 6. Number of CIUs 6.=> l chis 7. Enter the Higher Number,either (7a) or (7b) here=> I NOIN 7a. Number of Sills not sampled by POTW 7a.=> () 7b. Number of SIUs not inspected by POTW 7b.=> 8. Number of SIUs with no IUP, or with an expired IUP 8.=> NOCM 9. Total Number of SIUs in SNC due to either IU Reporting violations or IUP Limit violations. To avoid double counting some SIUs Enter (9a+9b) -9c here=> I PSNC Enter the Number of SIUs in SNC for: 9a. IU Reporting violations 9a.=>J) MSNC 9b. IUP Limit violations 9b.=> 1 SNPS 9c. Both IU Reporting&i.imit violations 9c. 10. Number of SIUs in SNC due to IU Reporting violations that were not sampled or inspected by POTW 10.=> 0 sNIN 11. Number of SIUs in SNC due to violation of 11.=> () SSNC Compliance Schedule due dates 12. Number NOVs,NNCs,AOs,or similar assesed to SIUs 12.=> I FENF 13. Number Civil or Criminal Penalties assessed to SIUs 13.=>21._ JUDI 14. Number of SIUs included in public notice 14.=> I svPu 15. Number of SIUs from which penalties collected 15.=> IUPN 16. Total Amount of Civil Penalties Collected ' 16.=> $ b 17. Total Number of Sills on a compliance schedule 17.=> () sots [Foot Notes: AO Administrative order NOV Notice of Violation CIU Categorical Industrial User PAR Pretreatment Annual Report CO Consent Order POTW Public Operated Treatment Works IUP Industrial User Prareatmeat Permit SW Significant Industrial User NNC Notice of Non-Compliance SNC Significant Non-Compliance,formerly RNC Chapter name: PAR Guidance File name: PAR PPS.alr Comprehensive Guide, Chapter 9, Section B, Page 5 Revision date:August 1,1994 Blank PPS Form,Copy and use in your PAR • Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) PAR covers this calendar year=> 2oi Significant Non-Compliance Report (SNCR) Control Authority=Program=Town Name => Se ersor WWTP= Wastewater Treatment Plant, use separate form for each WWTP. WWTP Name => Topers, VY W [ P SIU = Significant Industrial User NPDES# => mon 217Oa SNC = Significant Non-Compliance A SNCR Form must be submitted with every PAR, please write "None " if you had No SIUs in SNC during calendar year SNC? (Yes/No) IUP Pipe Industry Name Parameter for each 6-month period. # # or"Reporting" Jan.-June July-Dec. oo� 01 Aypprjcan Eme,ey Velities Bob No Yes Attach a copy of the Division's "SIUs in SNC Historical Report" for your POTW's SIUs behind this page . Is the database correct ? Notify the Division of any errors ! Database indicates SNC history for previous years. EVERY SNC MUST be explained in the Narrative, How was, is, or will it be resolved? REPEAT SNCs are serious matters that MUST be explained in the Narrative. Form name: PAR,SNCR,2001 • Date Revised 1/4/2001 TOWEll, of jeffersom Wator IZe o rce ( 1233 Highway 16 South P.O. Box 67 �p�Jpefyf/e�r�soyn,, NC 28640 336.246.2165 6PP l� Naw obi e - 9) Cathy Howell,Town Manager �/Y Tim Church, Director May 14, 2018 American Emergency Vehicles 165 American Way Jefferson, NC 28640 ATTN: Mr. Gary Graybeal, Compliance Manager , SUBJECT: Notice of Violation Significant Non Compliance: BOD July-December, 2017 Gary, The notice of non-compliance issued to AEV in February, 2018 for BOD violations during the second semiannual period of 2017 has been reviewed by North Carolina Division of Environmental Quality. Their findings indicate the levels of BOD in a sample collected at AEV on November 7, 2017 result in Significant Non Compliance for the second semiannual period of 2017 for American Emergency Vehicles. The Town of Jefferson has issued a Public Notice of this violation in the local newspaper. AEV is requested to submit any BOD data collected in its discharge during the first semiannual period of 2018 to the Town of Jefferson immediately. This information will be compiled with sample data collected in May by the Town of Jefferson to determine present compliance status. The Town also encourages efforts to locate and eliminate sources of BOD that could be entering the categorical sample site listed in Industrial Pretreatment Permit#004. As you are aware, sampling early in the semiannual period and encouraging commercial laboratories to report analytical results to you as soon as available provides an opportunity to collect additional re-samples that can provide satisfactory compliance judgment in the event of analytical data that may be influenced by anomalies. Thank you for your assistance to the Town of Jefferson as we continue to protect the waters of the New River Basin. If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (336) 246-2165. Sincerely, 7-:"ivy..61.tAAci---- Tim Church, Water Resources Director Town of Jefferson jeffwns@centurylink.net This Public Notice and the related news article appeared in the May 16, 2018 editions of the TOWN OF JEFFERSON, , 'WATER RESOURCES Ashe Post & Thnes. , PUBLIC NOTICE--, The wastewaterdischarge of American',Emergency ,Vehicles": ;.; to the Town of Jefferson Sank The newspaper will provide a Publisher's tary' Sewer Collectibm"Systerit ',has'been determined to be,in' Affidavit to the Town. Significant Non-comPliance fbr BOD that exceeded-the limits set forth,'within Industrial,User :Permit# 004 held by AEV.The', , iolationacctirrodi collected by theTownof Jeffe(1,, son'during ithe seeend serniani- 'nual,moniforing period of 2q17. vigiation,Caused no,hami ' f6 the-TewirN coffectio,n sysiem! and caused-no excessive leVels cifliOD,ta be fóundinthoffluv e env of the, ToWn of,jeff,erson- ' Wastewalorl TreatthentFiaflt Efforts are-underway r to,deter-1 'mine the source Or this vIoIa tion. ; ,Tim Church Water Resources Dire4tOr ' Town of Jefferson ;- ' May 9.-20113.:' AEV--fOland to,b beinsignificant rioti-Cornpliance, ---,ofjefferson wastewater dischargepolicy BY LEE SANDEILLIN Water monitoring period of 2,017.1 they have issues with that paparemeter. I ' , ke.sonilidaies.ao ' .130D is the amount of diss oh•edniygen 'It's not that common(to have sampling n'deded by aerabic biological Organisms to • 'anomalieS),but sometimes se have , - - ''JEFFERSON--,-,American Emergency break down orgmiEmatrial present in a, - be'high-and requite , Vehicles was found tobe,in significant given water sample. r " ' additional sampling to get theft.numbers non-compliance,of town of Jefferson _ Church said that hebelieves AEV s high back intocomplianceand usually that waste ater dischar6,0110,acLordmg to 1.106 numbers to be an,",'„anomaly,"tAit,, solves theproblern." F .Jefferson Water Itesaineei,Direetof Tim thaf additional testing will be,ebUduct4 'Church'also stated that there was no Qhurch. 'From time to time,an industrvWill damage to the town's,collection system , AEV had highlevels of biOchendeal -iample'andcome'up with,aomehigh num- and that there\were no excessive leyela oxygen demanding pollutants mitts water berS'andAE'Vhas some high numbers, DOD to be found in the,effluent of the -I , sample from Jefferson's seedndsernian-'. -Church said: 1 have no reason to believe town'slvastewater treatment plant'', Narrative for the Town of Jefferson Water Resources Pretreatment Program Annual Report 2017 The Town of Jefferson Pretreatment Program serves American Emergency Vehicles as its only Significant Industrial User. This facility is regulated as a 40 CFR 433.17 Categorical metal finishing facility as the result of a process that uses a fluoridated etching solution to prepare raw aluminum ambulance bodies for primer coating and painting. American Emergency Vehicles has a long history of cooperation and compliance with the Town of Jefferson Pretreatment Program. In 2017 AEV completed both of its required semiannual sampling events. The Town of Jefferson also completed two semiannual events. All sampling conducted for the first semiannual period of 2017 produced compliant results. A sample collected by the Town of Jefferson on November 7, 2017 yielded a BOD of 720 mg/I. The permitted BOD limit for AEV is 400 mg/I. As a result, the SIU was found to be in Significant Non-Compliance for BOD for the second semiannual period of 2017. A Notice of Violation (SNC) was sent to Mr. Gary Graybeal, Compliance Manager. As part of the NOV, Mr. Graybeal was requested to take two specific measures to address this matter. Sample collection early in the compliance period is suggested to prepare for any anomalies by allowing time for additional compliance sampling. Also, efforts should be made to identify and eliminate sources that could contaminate the Categorical wastestream A Public Notice of this SNC was also placed in the Ashe Post & Times, the major newspaper circulated in Ashe County. The newspaper also featured a story in the same edition that outlined the details of this event. The HWA calculations for Jefferson have been completed by Michael Whittenburg of McGill Associates, PA. The Town of Jefferson WWTP received NPDES permit renewal effective February 1, 2018 and will be required to use the hardness calculator for new stream standards, with a revised HWA due on August 1, 2018. An updated STMP based on the renewed permit has been submitted to PERCS and accepted. American Emergency Vehicles was issued a permit renewal effective August 1, 2017 and expiring on July 1, 2021. A statement of permit adequacy from PERCS and a letter of N transmittal to the SIU is on file. . Chapter 9, PAR Guidance Pretreatment Performance Summary (PPS) 1. Pretreatment Town Name: 7Jfl of ffets This Column 2. "Primary" NPDES Number NCOO i?; 9 for office use only or Non Discharge Permit#if applicable=> WEPA codes 3. PAR begin Date,please enter 01/01/yy or 07/01/yy 3.=> J/( /17 PSSD 4. PAR end Date, please enter 06/30/yy or 12131/yy 4.=> 12/31/17 PSED 5. Total number of SIUs, includes CIUs 5._> 1 slur 6. Number of CIUs 6.=> Crus 7. Enter the Higher Number, either (7a) or(7b) here => NOIN 7a. Number of SIUs not sampled by POTW 7a.=> () 7b. Number of STDs not inspected by POTW 7b.=> d 8. Number of SIUs with no TUP, or with an expired IUP 8.=> 0 NOCM 9. Total Number of STDs in SNC due to either IU Reporting violations or IUP Limit violations. To avoid double counting some SIUs Enter (9a+9b) - 9c here=> ! PSNC Enter the Number of SIUs in SNC for : 9a. IU Reporting violations 9a. 0 MSNC 9b. IUP Limit violations 9b.=> SLAPS 9c. Both 11J Reporting &I.imit violations 9c. > 0 10. Number of SIUs in SNC due to IU Reporting violations that were not sampled or inspected by POTW 10.=> Q SNIN 11. Number of SIUs in SNC due to violation of 11.=> Q SSNC Compliance Schedule due dates 12. Number NOVs,NNCs,AOs, or similar assesed to SIUs 12.=> I FENF 13. Number Civil or Criminal Penalties assessed to SIUs 13.=> 0 JUDI 14. Number of Sills included in public notice 14.=> 1 SVPU 15. Number of SIUs from which penalties collected 15.=> 0 NPN 16. Total Amount of Civil Penalties Collected 16.=> $ C) 17. Total Number of SIUs on a compliance schedule 17.=> n sots Foot Notes: AO Administrative Order NOV Notice of Violation CIU Categorical Industrial User PAR Pretreatment Annual Report CO Consent Order POTW Public Operated Treatment Works IUP Industrial User Pretreatment Permit SIU Significant Industrial User NNC Notice of Non-Compliance SNC Significant Non-Compliance,formerly RNC Chapter name: PAR Guidance • File name: PAR_PPS.sls Comprehensive Guide, Chapter 9, Section B, Page 5 Revision date:August 1,1994 Blank PPS Form,Copy and use in your PAR • Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) PAR covers this calendar year=> 2,0I Significant Non-Compliance Report (SNCR) Control Authority=Program=Town Name => ex-son WWTP= Wastewater Treatment Plant, use separate form for each WWTP. WWTP Name => je..'e ccr W L P SIU = Significant Industrial User NPDES # => 1dc002170Q SNC = Significant Non-Compliance A SNCR Form must be submitted with every PAR, please write "None " if you had No SIUs in SNC during calendar year SNC ? (Yes/No) IUP Pipe Industry Name Parameter for each 6-month period. # # or"Reporting" Jan. -June July -Dec. 001 01 Ayperican Emer5eney Vehtries 1305 1\16 Yes Attach a copy of the Division's "SIUs in SNC Historical Report" for your POTW's SIUs behind this page . Is the database correct ? Notify the Division of any errors ! Database indicates SNC history for previous years. EVERY SNC MUST be explained in the Narrative, How was, is, or will it be resolved? REPEAT SNCs are serious matters that MUST be explained in the Narrative. Form name. PAR.SNCR,2001 • Date Revised 1/4/2001 T chnr.ft o "effercsom ill arae r 1 ell rcj' 1233 Highway 16 South° P.O. Box 67 Jefferson,AyNC 28640 336.246.2165 "Protect"the,New�$e' g Over B 9D Cathy Howell,Town Manager Tim Church, Director May 14, 2018 American Emergency Vehicles 165 American Way Jefferson,NC 28640 ATTN: Mr. Gary Graybeal, Compliance Manager SUBJECT: Notice of Violation Significant Non Compliance: BOD July-December, 2017 Gary, The notice of non-compliance issued to AEV in February, 2018 for BOD violations during the second semiannual period of 2017 has been reviewed by North Carolina Division of Environmental Quality. Their findings indicate the levels of BOD in a sample collected at AEV on November 7, 2017 result in Significant Non Compliance for the second semiannual period of 2017 for American Emergency Vehicles. The Town of Jefferson has issued a Public Notice of this violation in the local newspaper. AEV is requested to submit any BOD data collected in its discharge during the first semiannual period of 2018 to the Town of Jefferson immediately. This information will be compiled with sample data collected in May by the Town of Jefferson to determine present compliance status. The Town also encourages efforts to locate and eliminate sources of BOD that could be entering the categorical sample site listed in Industrial Pretreatment Permit#004. As you are aware, sampling early in the semiannual period and encouraging commercial laboratories to report analytical results to you as soon as available provides an opportunity to collect additional re-samples that can provide satisfactory compliance judgment in the event of analytical data that may be influenced by anomalies. Thank you for your assistance to the Town of Jefferson as we continue to protect the waters of the New River Basin. If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (336) 246-2165. Sincerely, neubt Tim Church, Water Resources Director Town of Jefferson jeffwns@centurylink.net • • ft This Public Notice and the related news article appeared in the May 16, 2018 editions of the TOWN OF JeFFENSON, ,WATER RESOURCES, r Ashe Post & Times. PUBLIONOTIOE The wastewater discharge ,of American Emergency,Vehicles to the Town ofJeffersonSani7,_ The newspaper will provide a Publisher's tary Sewer Collection System' has _determined,to tie Affidavit to the Town. ,Significant 'Non-con-whencefor BOD that 'exceeded the limita' set forth'Wittlin''Iridustriak User, 4 Permit#004 held by'AEV:The' violation "OccOrred, in isamples' collected by_the Town pf Jeffer-, son during.the second semian:- nual monitoring period of 2017. Thevielation ,caused 'no 'hart* '' to the.towri'a collection system ' and caused no excessive levels' of BOD to be found intheefflu ent,of the Town of 'Jefferson,- Wastewater -Treatrnent Plant4 ' Efforts are underway to deter; :mine the,Saurce of-this,,v161a4 tion% Tira Cnurchr Water_Resources,DireCtor ' ToWn-of Jefferson' ,May62018,- • AEV found to be in significant noa-compliance oliwg:Aewater i scia.arge iolicy „ • BY LEE SAii1DERLIN ,nual water monitoring period of 2o17., they have issues with that paparemeter. -"I _ 63,,figthePosto*Osnm BOD is the amount of dissolved oxygen Its not that common(to have sampling needed byaerobiebiOlogical organisms to- anomalies),but sometimes we'haVe JEFFERS034'-'-:Ather,ican Einergency, break;doW,Udrganiematerial present in a ''numbers that will high and reqUire Vehicles Wns found to be in significant' :griven Water samplt additional sampling to get their lumber's -non-compliance oftown of jefterSOn; Church said that he belieye.sAV'S high back into compliance and usually that , • ;wastewater discharge policy,according to BODnumbers to be an"anomaly,”but solves the problem.," Jefferson Water Resources Director'Tim :that additional testing will conducted. Church also stated that there was no , church; .; , 'From time e to time,arimdus, ;4amage'tothe town's collection system „ ABY'hadhighlevelsofbioclierniCalj,)' SamPle`apd'comeup with some high num- and that there were no excessive levels oxygen demanding Pollutantsin its water bets and AEV has Same high numbers, BOD to be found in'the'efilaeht of the samples from Jefferson's second seniian- . Church said."I have no reason to believe town's Wastewater treatment plant ',1 . ,„