HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070158 Ver 1_Triage Comments_20070201=.. Dw~~ ~b:p~ O1~ ~~ Dato 1 ~~~ ~ "? •, who Reviewed: ~ ~- Y'.J " 1 ' Ply Detail Incomplete - ~ • ^ Please provide a location map for the project. • Please show all stream impacts including all fill slopes, dissipaters, and bank stabilization on the siteplan. ^. Pleaao show ail wetland impacts including fill slopes on khe site plan• ^ Please indicate all buffer impacts on the sr plea. ~ ~ os I ,'~ was OVCr1 th0 81te Ina. ~~ ~ ~ `t~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~~ ^ Please mdieate prop ~t-layeGA~ Ys P `~W ^ Please indicate tho location of the protected buffers as arverlays oa the site plan. Qrt ~Q ^ Please locate all isolated. or non-isolated wotiands, ~atrea~ns and other wators of the State ea overlays on the site plan. ~•~~~ ^ Please provide cross section details showing tho provisions for aquatic life passage .C /t~~/ • ~ t w lyl~t___. ^ Please locate any planned•sovvor Iiaes on the site plan. ~ • ~.i. 4~S ^ Pleaso provide the location of any proposed stormwatea• management practical as required by QC ~ j ~ av~ , ^ Please provido dotail for tho stormwaxor management practicxss as regttued by (3C . ^ Ploase epocify tho percart of prroject imperviousness area based on the estimated built-out conditions: ~~/Y'~SS . ^ Please indicate all stormwat ~o~tfalIe on the site plaxI• ~~ ~ . . ~ .~~ ^ Please indicato the diffuse flow provision measures do the sito plan. ^ Please indicate whether •or not the proposed iinpaats already bear- conducted. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. j~ • Avoidance, and/or Minimization Not Provided • ~ Wit- • ~ "~- • The Iaboled as ~_ on the plena does not appear to be necessary. Please eliminate the . or provide additional .~~~ h information ea to why it is nnceasary for this project. , ~ ~~ ; • . ^ This Office believes that the labeled on the plans as can be moved. or reconfigured to avoid the impacts to the • .Please nsvise the plans to avoid thq impacts. • . . ^. This'Office believes that the •labeled on the plane es~ can be moved or rec©nfiigurod to.;minimize the ix~acts 'the • . Please revise the pleas to rnanimi~ the impacts. ^ The atormwater discharges ai the location on the plans labeled ~ will. notprovide diflhseflow-through the buffer because . Please iev}se the plane and provide calculations to ~ahow that dii~iase'flow will be achieved through the ea~tirebuffrx. If it is not possible to achiove•diflbaeflow through.the entire buffea~'th~ it may bo necessary to provide atormwata manag~~t practices that rdnave nutrients before the atormwater can be discharged through the. buffer. . Ottier . ~ .. ~ . ^~. The application fno was insuffieiont•becauso over 1S0 feet of stream and/or over 1 acre of wetlaad'impacts were requested. Please provide $ . ~ This additional fee musf bo rxoivod beforo your application can be rovtewod. ^ Please complete Section(s) on the application. - ~ ' ^ Please provide s signed copy of the application.' ~ • ^ Pleaseprovide , copies of the application, . copies of•the sitepliias and other supportirig~information: . _ ^ ,Please=submit olecironic CAD files showixtg ~ ;.via email to ian.mcmfllan(r~ncmail.net and CD: Mitigation • ^ of compensatory mitigation is required for this project. ~ Please provido'a compensatory mitigation plan.. The plan must conform~to tharoquireanents in 15 A NCAC 2H :OSOO~and must be appropriate to thetype-of impacts proposed. • • ^ Please indicate whisk 404 Permit the USACE would use to authorize this project. .